Sunday 24 January 2010

Invest for the Long Term - Twenty years or longer is the right time frame.

If you can read and do fifth-grade arithmetic, you have the basic skills to be a successful investor in stocks.  The next thing you need is a plan.

The stock market is one place where being young gives you a big advantage over the old folks.  You've got the most valuable asset of all - time.

The old expression "Time is money" ought to be revised to "Time makes money."  It is a winning combination.  Let time and money do the work, while you sit back and await the results. 

If you have decided to invest in stocks above all else, avoiding bonds, you have eliminated a major source of confusion, plus you've made the intelligent choice.  This assumes, you are a long-term investor who is determined to stick with stocks no matter what. 

People who need to pull their money out in one year, two year, or five years shouldn't invest in stocks in the first place.  There's simply no telling what stock prices will do from one year to the next.  When the stock market has one of its "corrections" and stocks lose money, the people who have to get their money out may be going home with a lot less than they put in.

Twenty years or longer is the right time frame. That's long enough for stocks to rebound from the nastiest corrections on record, and it's long enought for the profits to pile up.  11% a year in total return is what stocks have produced in the past.  Nobody can predict the future, but after 20 years at 11%, an investment of $10,000 is magically transformed into $80,623.

To get that 11%, you have to pledge your loyalty to stocks for better or for the worse - this is a marriage we're talking about, a marriage between your money and your investments.  You can be a genius at analysing which companies to buy, but unless you have the patience and the courage to hold on to the shares, you're an odds-on favorite to become a mediocre investor.  It is not always brainpower that separates good investors from bad; often, it's discipline.

Stick with your stocks no matter what, ignore all the "smart advice" that tells you to do otherwise, and "act like a dumb mule."  That was the advice given 50 years ago by a former stockbroker, Fred Schwed, in his classic book Where are the Customers' Yachts? and it still applies today.

People are always looking around for the secret formula for winning on Wall Street, when all along, it's staring them in the face:  Buy shares in solid companies with earning power and don't let go of them without a good reason.  The stock price going down is not a good reason.

It's easy enough to stand in front of a mirror and swear that you[re a long-term investor who will have no trouble staying true to your stocks.  The real test comes when stocks take a dive.  Nobody can predict exactly when a bear market will arrive (although there's no shortage of Wall Street types who claim to be skilled fortune tellers in this regard).  But when one does arrive, and the prices of 9 out of 10 stocks drop in unison, many investors naturally get scared.

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