Thursday 20 January 2011

Market Behaviour: Bear Stalls

When you hear commentators say the bears are in control and the market is stalled, it's time for some serious bargain shopping.  

When this mood strikes the market, most investors run for hills and sell stock at whatever price they can get.  That;s why, as an intelligent investor, you can find some great buys.

Be careful, though.  Don't just buy a stock because you think it's cheap.  Make sure:

  1.  you've tested the financial fundamentals and key ratios (sales growth rates, profit margins, market prices of assets, capital expenditure requirements, EPS, P/E, P/B, current ratio,  and operating ratios - inventory turnover, accounts receivable turnover, and accounts payable turnover.); and 
  2. that you've determined it's time to exit the stock based on YOUR time schedule - not the time schedule of the crowd.  

Just because a stock is beaten down doesn't make it a good buy.

Assess the plans the management team (QVM) has for the company, as well as the numbers.

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