Thursday 20 January 2011

Market Behaviour: Pendulum Swings (Volatility)

Your work isn't finished once you own a stock.  You must be psychologically ready to deal with the pendulum swings (volatility) of the market.  Any stock you buy will go up and will go down.  The trick is to not get caught up in these ups and downs, but to stick to the plan you had for the stock when you picked it.

Don't watch CNBC and the other news shows that follow the market as though it's a sports game.  that will just make it harder for you to stick to your plan.  You don't have to know exactly what the price of your stock is each day.  Watching your stocks that closely will just make you nervous and most likely lead you to make the wrong choices.

Your best bet is to not watch the financial news on TV.  Read the respected financial press, such as The Wall Street Journal and the Financial Times, to stay up on the critical news about the companies you follow and get ideas for new possible investments.

You'll find much more serious, in-depth stories in the financial press.  These stories will help you make the best choices in building your portfolio.

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