Sunday 26 January 2014

Evaluating Quality first, then Price. Fair price is one associated with adequate return at acceptable risk.

1.   The most important task in buying a stock is to determine that the company is a good company in which to own stock for the long term.  (QUALITY)

2.  However, no matter how good the company, if the price of its stock is too high, it is not going to be a good investment.

3.  A stock price must pass two tests to be considered reasonable:
(i)  The hypothetical total return from the investment must be adequate - enough to contribute to a portfolio average of around 15% - sufficient to double its value every 5 years.  (REWARD).
(ii)  The potential gain should be at least 3x the potential loss.  (RISK)

4.  To complete these tasks, you have to have learned how to do the following:
(i)  Estimate future sales and earnings growth.
(ii)  Estimate future earnings.
(iii)  Analyze past PEs (Check the current PE with the average past PEs)
(iv)  Estimate future PEs.
(v)  Forecast the potential high and low prices.
(vi)  Calculate the potential return.
(vii)  Calculate the potential risk.
(viii)  Calculate a fair price.

5.  If you take each of these steps in 4(i) to 4(viii), cautiously and shun excesses, your actual results is likely to be as good or better than the forecast at least four out of the five times.

6.  And you will have a track record to rival any professional.

That's all folks!

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