Friday 23 January 2009

Falling Pound Raises Fears of Stagnation

Falling Pound Raises Fears of Stagnation

Published: January 21, 2009
LONDON — An island nation that bulked up on debt and lived beyond its means. A plunging currency. And a financial system edging toward nationalization.

A Tumbling Currency
CNBC Video: Trichet Hints at Further Euro Rate Cut
When Governments Take Over Industries in Trouble (January 22, 2009)
Times Topics: Credit Crisis -- The Essentials

With the pound at a multidecade low and British banks requiring ever-larger injections of taxpayer cash, it is no wonder that observers have started to refer to London as “Reykjavik-on-Thames.”
While that judgment seems exaggerated, there are uncomfortable parallels between Iceland’s recent financial downfall and Britain’s trajectory. Equally important, news that widening bank losses in Britain have necessitated another round of government life support provides a stark example to the United States.
Washington’s attempts to stabilize financial institutions have failed so far, as well. And now the Obama administration, along with the rest of the world, could watch Britain to see what a bank nationalization might look like, and what it might suggest for American banks.
Ordinary Britons have a more basic worry. After relishing the boom that transformed the drab United Kingdom into Cool Britannia, they fear that the disheartening economic stagnation of the 1970s might return.
The pound, a symbol of British independence from the Continent that is revered nearly as much as the queen, is now down nearly 29 percent against the dollar from a year ago.
There has been a steady drumbeat of gloomy economic news for months, but the mood in Britain has darkened starkly in recent days.
On Monday, Royal Bank of Scotland warned that its 2008 losses could hit £28 billion, or $38 billion, even as Prime Minister Gordon Brown announced a second bailout package for the troubled banking sector worth tens of billions of pounds. Ultimately, the British rescue effort could cost at least £350 billion, with some estimates ranging far higher.
But in contrast to last autumn, when Mr. Brown’s first bailout plan was highly praised, this package has been greeted with anxiety. While few question the need for a quick response, the sheer scale of the borrowing being discussed, as well as the existing debt levels among corporations and consumers alike, alarms many analysts and economists.
“I fully back what the government is doing, but there is a risk of being Iceland on the Thames,” said Will Hutton, an economic expert who is executive vice chairman of the Work Foundation, a nonprofit research firm. “And the more sterling falls, the greater our liabilities in terms of what we owe.”
The pound fell to $1.3618 on Wednesday, its lowest level against the dollar since September 1985, before recovering to $1.3922.
Even more than their American counterparts, borrowers in Britain turned to local banks to fuel a real estate boom that was as much a national pastime as a rational decision about what to buy. Household debt as a percentage of disposable income hit 177 percent in 2007, compared with 141 percent in the United States.
Now, with both housing prices dropping and institutions like the Royal Bank of Scotland buckling, the British economic outlook looks even bleaker than the landscape in the United States and the euro zone, the countries that use the euro.
The British economy is expected to shrink by 2.9 percent this year, compared with a 2.6 percent drop in the euro zone and a 2.1 percent contraction in the United States, according to Gilles Moëc, senior economist with the Bank of America in London.
To make matters worse, Mr. Moëc said, Britain is facing a wave of deficit spending, as tax receipts fall and the costs of unemployment benefits and other services rise. He predicts the budget deficit will equal 9.4 percent of gross domestic product in 2009, compared with 4.9 percent in the euro zone and 8.4 percent in the United States.
“It’s scary,” he said. “It reminds me of what you could find in southern Europe 15 years ago, during the worst years in Italy or Greece.”
British stocks have followed the pound lower in recent days as well. The benchmark FTSE index has fallen 2.1 percent this week, led by a plunge in the shares of many leading banks.
The government already controls a majority share in Royal Bank of Scotland, but the prospect of a full nationalization of the bank has alarmed investors, and shares of RBS have plunged 64 percent in the last three days. The prospect of nationalization haunts other troubled banks as well — Barclays is down 33 percent and Lloyds Banking Group is off 54 percent.
As in Iceland, banks, real estate and other financial services boomed in London in recent years, even as other swaths of the economy withered. In recent years, this sector has been responsible for about half of total job growth in Britain even though it accounts for only about 30 percent of the economy, according to Peter Dixon, economist for Britain at Commerzbank in London.
Consumers were also lulled into taking on more and more debt by the unusually steady economic expansion Britain enjoyed until last year, Mr. Dixon said. Growth averaged 2.7 percent annually over the last decade. “The last 10 years were phenomenally stable, with volatility at its lowest point since the 19th century,” he said.
But that prosperity camouflaged a steadily weakening manufacturing base, unlike in Germany, where the industrial sector is a relative counterweight to the outsize problems of financial firms.
For all the debt weighing down British banks, though, Iceland’s situation was far worse before the government was forced to nationalize the banking sector last fall as the krona collapsed.
British bank assets total about 4.5 times the country’s gross domestic product, but in Iceland they were 10 times as large as the G.D.P., Mr. Hutton said.
That does not mean there is not a price to pay for Britons even now. The pound has plunged before and each time is remembered as a humiliating experience that scarred the nation.
In 1976, the government was forced to approach the International Monetary Fund for help after the pound dropped below $2 for the first time. In 1992, the pound dropped out of the European exchange rate mechanism as interest rates hit 15 percent and Britain was in a recession.
A weak pound also weighs on the psyche of the British, most of whom are reducing spending while watching a flood of euro- and dollar-rich tourists hunt for bargains in their shops.
Jeremy Stretch, senior currency strategist at Rabobank in London, said Britons might learn that a weak pound can be helpful.
A weaker pound would make British exporters more competitive, for example, thus reducing Britain’s dependence on the City, as London’s financial district is known, for future growth.
Mr. Stretch also said that Britain’s current economic problems were different from the 1970s and 1990s because it was far from alone this time around.
“The salvation of the pound is that its problem is not a pound-specific problem,” he said. “At the moment, we’re looking the ugliest. But if you sell the pound, what will you buy?”
Julia Werdigier reported from London and Nelson D. Schwartz from Paris.

U.K. Pound Serves as Omen for Dollar

JANUARY 22, 2009
U.K. Pound Serves as Omen for Dollar

As the British pound continues to sink, its travails are a cautionary tale for the U.S. dollar.
The U.S. and the U.K. face very similar predicaments, from a deepening recession to a damaged financial system. Both are orchestrating massive bank bailouts and attempting to assist struggling homeowners. Both are ramping up government spending even as they rely on financing from overseas investors. And both countries have central banks that have slashed interest rates and opened the door to unconventional ways of stimulating the economy.
Yet their currencies have headed in opposite directions. On Wednesday, the British pound tumbled to a 23-year low against the dollar, briefly buying just $1.362, down from over $2 only six months ago. The pound also hit a new all-time low versus the Japanese yen. It got a minor boost in late afternoon trading, following a report that finance ministers from major industrialized nations will discuss the currency's weakness when they meet next month.

By contrast, the dollar managed to strengthen against a host of currencies as the financial crisis intensified last fall. It has also surged ahead in recent days, particularly versus the pound and the euro.
Unlike the pound, the dollar is being buttressed by its unique status as the world's reserve currency and the vehicle for transactions in U.S. financial markets, including Treasury bonds. That means investors often seek out the dollar as fears rise, sometimes in spite of their concerns about the U.S. economy.
"The dollar is still benefiting by default" as investors run from riskier bets, says Lisa Scott-Smith of Millennium Global Investments, a London currency manager. "The pound isn't a natural reserve currency in the way that the dollar would be."
The euro also has flagged in recent weeks, as concerns have risen over the creditworthiness of some of the more indebted countries that use the currency. But it has suffered less than the pound, a sign that investors may be gravitating toward the largest, most highly traded currencies as nearly all economies stumble.
Meanwhile, there's little light ahead for the beleaguered pound, say some currency experts. The economic news is "horrendous," says Neil Mellor, a London-based currency strategist at the Bank of New York Mellon. "There is very good reason for panic at the moment."
In one worrisome sign, investors not only dumped the pound earlier this week, but also shed U.K. stocks and government bonds, sending their yields up. Such a combination, if sustained, would raise the fear that investors are exiting from a host of U.K. assets, creating a vicious cycle that is difficult to arrest.
That's also the scenario that some worry might await the dollar and U.S. bond yields, should appetite from overseas investors wane.
These days, policy makers are inclined to let their currencies weaken "until such a time as other asset markets flag that enough is enough," says Alan Ruskin, chief international strategist at RBS Greenwich Capital. Given that the moves in British government bond yields aren't yet extreme by recent standards, "I don't think we've quite reached that point in the U.K."
In a note on Wednesday, Goldman Sachs analysts pointed out that recent moves in the pound and U.K. bond yields were more typical for emerging markets with weak fundamentals. However, they added, the analogy isn't justified over the long term. Indeed, the firm recommended that investors buy the pound as well as U.K. bonds.
While the dollar continues to benefit from its unique position in financial markets for now, it is far from clear that the resilience will last. "Right now the market is beating up on the pound, but at some point it will look for something else to pick on," says Paul Mackel, a currency strategist at HSBC in London.
The fact that the Federal Reserve stands ready to use a host of unconventional measures to flood the economy with liquidity in an effort to stimulate growth "could hurt the dollar quite badly" later this year, he says.

Write to Joanna Slater at

What does "bank nationalization" mean?

Turmoil at Bank of America and others may spur government takeovers.

JANUARY 22, 2009
What if Uncle Sam Takes Over Your Bank?


Could your bank turn into the Bank of the U.S.A.?

The latest wave of banking problems has investors worried that the government will nationalize deeply wounded institutions, such as Bank of America Corp. and Citigroup Inc.
Such a dramatic step could make it easier for some bank customers to get a loan. And customers with deposits will still be protected by federal insurance, just as they are today. Still, consumers could see more branch closings, more standardization across bank products and a deterioration in customer service. Common and preferred shareholders, meanwhile, will likely get wiped out in a bank nationalization.
With all of the problems that banks are now facing, here is a primer on bank collapses and the impact of possible bank nationalization.

What does "bank nationalization" mean?

A nationalized bank is owned and run by the government. The shocks of the credit crisis last fall spurred lawmakers to seminationalize the banking sector; nearly 314 institutions have already signed over some of their shares and other securities to the Treasury in return for $350 billion in government TARP funds. The government could now go a step further by taking complete ownership of certain troubled banks.

Why nationalize banks?

It makes sense only if banks are in danger of failing. In Western countries, nationalization is largely used as an emergency method to prop up banks during tough times. It is typically used to lend to small and medium-sized businesses and restructure burdensome loans to consumers.
Has nationalization ever worked before?

It has a mixed record. Sweden took over its banks, restored them to health and privatized them again. France nationalized its banking sector, privatized it again by selling it into private hands and now may be in the process of another wave of nationalization. In the U.S., the government took over hundreds of institutions during the savings-and-loan crisis a couple of decades ago. It aggressively sold off bad assets, and the experiment is now regarded as a success.

What will happen to my account if my bank is nationalized?

There should be very little change to consumers' bank accounts and insurance-protection levels if their bank is nationalized. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., which insures deposits for up to $250,000, will continue to cover all FDIC-insured institutions, regardless of who the owner is.
And even though an increasing number of banks are failing, the FDIC -- which is backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government -- can't run out of money because of its ability to borrow from the Treasury.
Under New Management

What a government takeover of banks could mean for consumers:
  • FDIC insurance would still cover any accounts currently covered.
  • Banks would likely make more loans and halt foreclosures, but also offer fewer new products.
  • Banks would likely reduce the number of branches and cut back customer service.
Will I be able to get a loan?
Nationalized banks are more likely to loosen the lending spigots. Banks would start making loans that they wouldn't otherwise make today, such as to borrowers with less-than-stellar credit.
There would be more pressure to make loans to achieve social objectives.
Homeowners at nationalized banks should also benefit since the government is likely to halt any foreclosure proceedings, says Greg McBride, senior financial analyst at "Uncle Sam is not going to want to put anybody out of their house," he says.
Government-owned banks could offer basic credit cards with low rates that would appeal to less-creditworthy customers who regularly use cards to borrow. But such cards are less likely to come with costly rewards programs, such as those that earn frequent-flier miles, says Dave Kaytes, managing director at Novantas.

How will private-banking and brokerage-account customers be affected?
That depends on whether the government takes a short- or long-term view. If it intends to be a long-term owner, then it will probably sell off the brokerage, investment-banking and other auxiliary operations as nonessential to the core banking business. If, however, the government sees its step as a short-term fix to shore up the system temporarily, then it may hang on to such operations.

What other products and services might be affected?
If the government takes over a bank, management will be under even more pressure to cut costs. Expect more branch closings and poorer customer service. "Think of the bank as the DMV of the future, run by government employees who have little upward mobility," says Mr. Kaytes.
"I think we can expect that over time, the nationalized banks will be less open to innovation and new product development, more conservative in their approaches, and more constrained in their actions and subject to tighter scrutiny," says Jim Eckenrode, banking and payments research executive at TowerGroup.

What are the disadvantages of bank nationalization?
In the U.S., the biggest problem for the government would be the sheer impracticality and expense of taking over all 8,000 banks -- or even the 314 institutions that described themselves as "banks" in order to receive government aid.
The U.S. government would have, at most, the ability to take over only a handful of the most important institutions. As a result, nationalization would not solve the pressing problem of potential bank failures, particularly among small banks. Consumers who have deposits in such banks would still be dependent on the FDIC to return their money during a failure, and such a process could be lengthy and involve a lot of red tape.

Write to Jane J. Kim at and Heidi Moore at

Roubini warns US banking system effectively insolvent

Roubini warns US banking system effectively insolvent

Losses in the US financial system may reach $3.6 trillion (£2.6 trillion) before the credit crisis is over, suggesting the country's banks are "effectively insolvent", according to the man who predicted the current economic meltdown.

By James Quinn, Wall Street CorrespondentLast Updated: 6:26PM GMT 20 Jan 2009

Roubini warns US banking system effectively insolvent

Professor Nouriel Roubini said half of the estimated losses would come from banks and broker-dealers, placing further pressures on an already heavily-laden system.
"It means the US banking system is effectively insolvent because it starts with a capital of $1,400bn. This is a systemic banking crisis," he said.
To date, global losses and write-downs as a result of the crisis, which was triggered by the collapse of the US sub-prime mortgage sector, total about $1 trillion.
The New York University professor's comments were in part responsible for pushing banking shares lower on Tuesday. Citigroup fell 11pc and Bank of America lost 15pc.
Banks were also impacted by news of heavy losses at institutional money manager State Street's commercial paper and investment arm, sending its' shares down as much as 50pc, its worst one-day slump in 24 years.
Speaking in Dubai, Professor Roubini said: "The problems of Citi, Bank of America and others suggest the system is bankrupt. In Europe, it's the same thing."
His warning comes just a day after the UK's second phase in its own banking bail-out, and after Bank of America, Merrill Lynch and Citi last week reported almost $26bn of fourth-quarter losses.
"We have got a crippled financial sector, not only in the US but across the globe," said Keith Wirtz, chief investment officer of Fifth Third Asset Management.

Pound falls to lowest level against the dollar since 1985

Pound falls to lowest level against the dollar since 1985
The pound fell to its lowest level against the dollar since 1985 last night amid growing fears that the Government will have to nationalise high-street banks.

By Robert Winnett
Last Updated: 8:08PM GMT 21 Jan 2009
Pound falls to lowest level against the dollar since 1985
One pound now buys less than $1.37 - compared to more than $2 last summer - after international currency speculators moved in to profit from concerns over the British economy.

One pound now buys less than $1.37 - compared to more than $2 last summer - after international currency speculators moved in to profit from concerns over the British economy.

Experts predict it is likely to fall to $1.30 or below in the next few days.

Sterling also fell sharply against the Euro and reached a record low against the Japanese yen.

The falls have come following sharp reductions in the share values of major high-street banks such as Barclays, Lloyds and Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS).

This has led to fears that several banks may have to be nationalised which could have devastating effects on the public finances. The assets of RBS and Lloyds Banking Group are in excess of the total value of the British economy and experts believe that billions of pounds of their debts may never be repaid.

Mervyn King, the Governor of the Bank of England, has also indicated that more money may effectively have to be printed in the next few months to kick-start the British economy. Analysts at Barclays predicted yesterday that interest rates will soon be cut to zero percent.

Jim Rogers, a former partner of George Soros, the speculator who made $1 billion from the collapse of sterling on black Wednesday in September 1992, yesterday stepped up his attack on the British economy.

He said that the City of London was now "finished" and that the UK had nothing to offer once North Sea oil reserves ran out. "It's simple, the UK has nothing to sell," he said.

Another currency speculator added that "the UK is imploding" last night.

Government ministers have repeatedly refused to comment on the reduction in the value of the pound. However, the French finance minister yesterday called on the Bank of England to intervene.

Christine Lagarde, the French finance minister, said: "The Bank of England does what it can, but its monetary policy, its rate management isn't very efficient in providing more support for the British currency. I believe it's in its interests to support it a little more."

However, one of the world's biggest investment banks said that the fall in the value of the pound had been "overplayed". Goldman Sachs said it was "bullish" on the pound and said it believed the "picture in the UK is not as poor as many people try to portray."

:: How the exchange rate affects shoppers:

An 8GB Ipod Nano priced $149, set a British shopper back £76.18 one year ago, but now costs them £108.22.

A pair of men’s Abercrombie & Fitch jeans priced $79.50, set a British shopper back £40.65 one year ago, but now costs them £57.74.

A double room at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York priced $259, set a British holidaymaker back £132.43 one year ago, but now costs them £188.12.

A one-day adult ski pass in Aspen priced $96, set a British holidaymaker back £49.08 one year ago, but now costs them £69.73.

A one-day admission ticket to Universal Studios Hollywood priced $67, set a British tourist back £34.26 one year ago, but now costs them £48.66.

Note: Calculated using exchange rates for 21/01/08: £1 = $1.9558; 21/01/09: £1 = $1.3768

UK banking system so close to collapse

For short and sharp, read long and slow when talking of the R-word

Mervyn King, Governor of the Bank of England, certainly wasn’t pulling his punches in Leeds last night. In a blunt speech Mr King uttered the “R-word”, warning that “it now seems likely that the UK economy is entering a recession”.

By Richard FletcherLast Updated: 8:40AM BST 22 Oct 2008

If that wasn’t bad enough, the Governor provided a rare insight into the worst-case scenarios that the BoE has grappled with in recent weeks. “Not since the beginning of the First World War has our banking system been so close to collapse,” he said.
The speech topped a day of gloomy economic news that included a dire industrial trends survey from the CBI which showed that even if the financial markets are returning to normal, the downturn in the real economy has a lot further to run. Meanwhile, Capital Economics predicted house prices could drop by 35pc, which, if correct, would be the biggest fall ever recorded.
It seems our only hope is that this is a short, sharp recession.
Unfortunately, I even have bad news on that front: the Governor ruled out a “quickie” recession last night, warning that it would be “long, slow haul” before the economy returns to normal.

Arcadia’s debt beats Debenhams’ £1bn
The Bank of England Governor may be gloomy but Sir Philip Green laid on a Champagne breakfast for 125 loyal lieutenants yesterday at the Arcadia headquarters just off Oxford Street. As his senior team tucked into eggs Benedict and bacon (or yoghurt and orange juice for the more health-conscious) Sir Philip unveiled Arcadia’s full-year results and presented a jeroboam of Champagne to the heads of the fashion group’s brands.
Given the carnage on the high street, the billionaire retailer can be rightly proud of the results announced by Arcadia yesterday: a 0.6pc fall in sales and 6.1pc fall in operating profit.
A sterling performance by Topshop finally laid to rest the suggestion that it was former brand director Jane Shepherdson who drove its phenomenal success. Meanwhile, Yasmin Yusuf’s success in reviving Miss Selfridge may leave beleaguered M&S shareholders asking why they didn’t hold on to their former creative director of womenswear.
A short stroll down Oxford Street at Debenhams’ headquarters, Rob Templeman, the department store chain’s chief executive, was taking the red pen to its dividend – which he slashed from 6.3p a share to 3p a share.
Both Debenhams and Arcadia are stealing market share from a battered M&S. Like Arcadia, Debenhams’ 0.9pc fall in like-for-like sales is a (relatively) good performance in the current market.
But no matter how impressive Templeman’s performance, the market has become obsessed by the level of debt in the Debenhams business. With almost identical sales, Sir Philip is servicing £695m of debt at Arcadia, while at Debenhams Templeman is having to juggle just shy of £1bn (a hangover from the leveraged buy-out of the retailer by a private equity group in late 2003).
Yesterday, Templeman laid out his plans to reduce the burden: cutting costs, reining back capital expenditure and asking shareholders to take what is left of the dividend in shares rather than cash.
Templeman has a record of delivering: but slashing the group’s debt will take years, not months. And all the time Sir Philip is busy plotting – eyeing up retail brands including those owned by troubled Icelandic investor Baugur. Not only do his two businesses – Arcadia and Bhs – have relatively conservative borrowings, we can safely assume that Sir Philip still has a large chunk of the £1.2bn dividend he paid himself in 2005.
Its may only be a short stroll down Oxford Street from Arcadia to Debenhams but the two retailers are worlds apart in an environment where cash is king.

Evolution bags a banking bargain

Sir Philip is not the only entrepreneur who has been rummaging around the wreckage that is now Iceland.
Alex Snow, chief executive of Evolution, appears to have bagged a bargain by buying Singer & Friedlander Investment Management from the administrator to failed Icelandic bank Kaupthing.
Evolution has paid just a “few million pounds” for the business, which manages £1.5bn on behalf of 4,000 private clients.
In better times, the fund management arm would have sold for closer to £30m (valued on the basis of 3pc of funds under management).
If Evolution’s investment management business – Williams de Broë – can retain the Singer & Friedlander clients, the funds under management will grow by 50pc on the back of the deal.
Until the onset of the credit crunch, Snow had been under pressure from activist shareholders to return the pile of cash the group was sitting on – pressure he largely resisted. Having done so, he is now putting his £150m war chest to good use.

There are opportunities in this dire economic times.

What's really wrong with Sterling?

What's really wrong with Sterling?
The pound is suffering its worst ever fall in value. Why is it happening and what are the implications? Edmund Conway, Economics Editor, has the answers

Last Updated: 10:13PM GMT 22 Jan 2009

Taking a pounding: UK currency is in crisis
How bad is this fall in the pound? In a word: hideous.

Measured against a basket of other currencies – the best way in this globalised era to test a currency's strength – the pound has fallen in the past year by around a quarter.
This is more than any previous devaluation in the past century – greater even than in 1931, when, under Ramsay MacDonald, the UK was forced to abandon the gold standard and saw the pound plummet by more than 24 per cent against the dollar. Greater than after Black Wednesday and the abandonment of the Exchange Rate Mechanism; worse than in 1967, when Harold Wilson was forced to make an extraordinary televised statement to the nation claiming that the "pound in your pocket" would not be worth any less after his devaluation.
As anyone who has been overseas recently will know, it has fallen from over $2 against the dollar to under $1.40. This week it touched the lowest level since the Plaza Accord of 1985 – in which year the pound very nearly went to parity against the US currency. Against the euro, the pound has slid from €1.35 to just above €1 in the past year.
In practice this means that anyone travelling to the Continent will find it tough to get anything more than a euro for every pound they want exchanged, after the bureau de change has taken its cut and commission.
For Gordon Brown, who mocked the Conservatives in 1992, it is acutely embarrassing. Back then, he said: "A weak currency arises from a weak economy which in turn is the result of a weak Government." This time he is staying conspicuously quiet about the whole thing.

But why is sterling sliding?

In large part because it reflects Britain's economic prospects. The UK is facing a nasty recession – one that is likely to be as bad as any experienced by the Western world. House prices are falling at the fastest ratesince the 1930s, unemployment is on the rise and will soon climb beyond two million, consumer spending is sliding.
In such circumstances, investors are naturally likely to withdraw their money from the UK. On the one hand, they will sell sterling shares and investments since they are likely to fall in value as a result of the recession. On the other, those who invest their cash in the UK will pull it out of the country, since the Bank of England is cutting interest rates as a response to the slump. Any money in sterling in a UK bank account is earning very little interest, so overseas investors calculate they might as well take it elsewhere.

How worried ought we to be?

If the above was all that was happening, not unduly. In a world of floating exchange rates, the falling pound is not merely a symptom of the disease (the recession) but its cure. All else being equal, a weak pound should boost the exports of British companies, since it makes their products cheaper than those of their overseas rivals.
Machinery produced in the north of England is fast becoming cheaper than that produced in eastern Europe. And this goes not just for visible trade – actual physical goods – but for invisible trades such as legal or financial services.
So, although Britain's manufacturing sector has shrunk significantly since the 1980s and 1990s, the comparative value of UK products should nevertheless help boost the economy. The same goes for tourism, which has already picked up significantly as foreigners come to the UK to pick up bargains. London's days as Europe's most expensive city are well behind it.
The problem, however, is that all else is not equal at the moment: the appetite abroad for exports of any type has dried up in a way never before experienced. From Europe to the Americas to Asia, trade has almost entirely seized up as the recession has turned global. And let's not mention financial and legal services – the appetite for which has evaporated.
In the 1990s and the 2000s, successive governments decided to focus the UK's economy on financial services. A decision was taken to put almost all our economic eggs in one basket. Unfortunately, that basket has come crashing to the ground.

So is this now a full-blown sterling crisis?

Until recently, it wasn't a crisis. There are, broadly speaking, two types of devaluation – one benign, the other far less so. The good one is much as described above – a competitive devaluation in the pound which, over time, provides a cure. After the pound fell in 1992, it ushered in years of recovery and then prosperity for the economy.
The bad version is a full-scale crisis – a run on the pound. It is a vote of no-confidence in a country's economic policies, and occurs when investors start pulling their cash out of the UK not because of a temporary period of recession but because they are worried about the direction the economy is taking (over years and decades rather than months).
In the months up until this week it was possible to argue that this represented a competitive devaluation, and would be a boon for exporters. All of that changed on Monday. Following Gordon Brown and Alistair Darling's announcement of a second bail-out package for struggling banks, the pound suffered what can be described as a minor run. Investors took fright that the UK was drawing closer to insolvency, and as a response sold off their stocks of government debt.
It is difficult to overstate the significance of this. Britain's power and prosperity since the earliest days of the Union have been founded on its reputation for being a good risk.
Whereas other countries, such as Argentina and Russia, have occasionally defaulted on their debts, Britain's government has always been among the best borrowers in the world. For the first time in decades this is being questioned.
The rumour around the market this week was that Standard & Poor's, a ratings agency which tells traders what has and does not have the stamp of approval, was set to downgrade Britain's government sovereign debt. The agency has since denied this, but the UK fulfils many of the criteria for such a humiliating decision.

Does it really matter if Britain's creditworthiness comes under question?

Yes – immensely. Britain has a large current account deficit – of about £7.7 billion. This means we, as a nation, spend more money than we generate each year. This is no problem while we can borrow the difference, but that £7.7 billion chunk has to come from overseas investors. Should they stop lending to the UK, Britons would face a sudden, painful jolt and their living standards would fall even faster and more painfully than they are at the moment.
The Government would have to seek assistance from the International Monetary Fund which would, most likely, dole out a baleful dose of economic medicine – higher interest rates, lower government spending and immediate austerity.
Although, in the long run, Britain does need to borrow less and save more, such an adjustment should ideally take place over years, not weeks.

Isn't this all really the fault of the bankers as well as the Government?

Indeed it is. Now that the majority of the banking system is effectively nationalised (and the Government has promised to insure the nastiest debts of the remaining private banks) the taxpayer is effectively standing behind another massive liability. The banking system has about $4.4 trillion of foreign debts, and most analysts predict that around £200 billion of these could default.
What scared investors this week was the sudden realisation that the Government, rather than the banks, will have to pay the bill. The UK, unlike Iceland, does not have the luxury of being able to default on those foreign debts (remember the fracas when Britons faced losing their savings in Icelandic banks?)
Were the UK to do the same as Iceland, the size of Britain's liabilities are such that it would trigger an international panic and financial meltdown worse than when Lehman Brothers collapsed last year.

This all sounds unremittingly gloomy. Is there any solution?

Mainly to hope that the economic medicine served up by the Bank of England and its fellow central banks does the trick. As long as house prices are falling and unemployment is rising, the liabilities of the Government will swell and the pound will remain weak. But when, eventually, the economic backdrop improves, so should the financial outlook, and, eventually, the pound.
However, there is little hope of returning to the heady days of a near-80p euro and a $2 pound. The pound was significantly stronger than it ought to have been over the previous decade. It is probably undervalued now, and if all goes well it should bounce back in the coming years.
However, everything now depends on trust: that trust will return to the beleaguered financial system; that investors will start to trust the Government again and that Britons trust that there will be life after the recession.

World crisis deepens as downturn bites in Asia

World crisis deepens as downturn bites in Asia

Grim economic news from China and Japan showed the global crisis hitting ever harder Thursday, burning Asia's champion exporters while data from the United States signalled more pain to come.
China's powerhouse economy slowed dramatically at the end of 2008, dragging growth of the world's third-largest economy to a seven-year low, official data showed, in a striking sign of the current downturn's strength and reach.
Japan meanwhile warned it was facing a two-year recession and announced new measures to repair battered credit markets after announcing a 35-percent plunge in exports in December.
"Exports tumbled so much that you cannot believe your eyes," said Naoki Murakami, chief economist at Monex Securities in Japan.
After breathtaking economic growth in recent decades, China had been widely tipped to ride out the world economic storm that has driven the world's biggest economies into recession.
But with the Asian giant now gravely suffering too, reporting just 6.8 percent growth in the last quarter of 2008, signs emerged on Thursday of a knock-on effect, with Australia warning of the impact on its own prospects.
"The Chinese boom that supercharged Australia's economy over the past five to seven years is receding rapidly," Australia's Finance Minister Lindsay Tanner told reporters.
South Korea said its economy was in the worst shape since the East Asian financial crisis a decade ago while Singapore announced a 13-billion-dollar (10-billion-euro) stimulus package and said it would tap its vast financial reserves for the first time.
US data released Thursday showed unemployment claims hit a 26-year high and housing construction fell to half-century lows, highlighting the depths of the recession facing the new administration of Barack Obama.
"The underlying trend in (jobless) claims is still upwards and we have no hope that the peak is anywhere near," said Ian Shepherdson, chief US economist at High Frequency Economics.
"The corporate sector is rolling over and we probably have not yet seen many job losses stemming from the sudden collapse in international trade."
On the industrial front, US software giant Microsoft said on Thursday it was cutting up to 5,000 jobs over the next 18 months due to "the further deterioration of global economic conditions."
Italy's national auto champion, Fiat, slashed its 2009 forecasts due to slumping demand and said it would not pay shareholders a 2008 dividend.
And in Helsinki Nokia, the world's leading mobile phone maker, reported a near 70 percent drop in its fourth-quarter net profit.
In Europe, meanwhile there were fresh signs of upheaval in the financial sector, where shares in troubled banks faced more pressure.
Belgian authorities moved to bail out lender KBC, providing up to 3.5 billion euros, and Germany was working on a new rescue package for its banks as last year's 480-billion-euro effort failed to get them lending again.
The financial crisis showed it had further to run as Portugal on Wednesday followed Spain and Greece in having its sovereign debt downgraded by the ratings agency Standard and Poor's.
Some fear such downgrades could increase strains in the 16-nation eurozone where investors are discriminating between weaker and stronger debtors, with powerhouse Germany paying less interest on its bonds than the rest of Europe.
US stocks swung lower Thursday after the jobless and construction figures and amid persistent worries on company earnings. The Dow Jones Industrial Average lost 2.20 percent in early trade.
In Europe, London's FTSE 100 index closed down 0.19 percent. Paris fell 1.24 percent, while Frankfurt lost 0.98 percent.
Asian stocks rose Thursday in a technical bounce despite the miserable economic data.

US: More Pain Ahead

APLayoffs spike, housing tumbles; outlook worsens

Thursday January 22, 4:42 pm ET
By Jeannine Aversa, AP Economics Writer

Worse-than-expected reports on jobless claims, housing further dim outlook, challenge Obama

WASHINGTON (AP) -- The number of newly laid-off Americans filing jobless claims and the pace of home construction both posted worse-than-expected results in government data released Thursday, lending urgency to the economic recovery plan President Barack Obama and Congress are scrambling to advance.
The latest batch of economic news cemented fears that the recession, already in its second year, will drag on through much of 2009.
The reports "paint a bleak economic landscape ahead," said Stuart Hoffman, chief economist at PNC Financial Services Group.
And the furious pace of layoffs continued Thursday, with Microsoft Corp. saying it will slash up to 5,000 jobs over the next 18 months. Chemical maker Huntsman Corp. will ax 1,175 jobs this year and will get rid of an additional 490 contractors. Those -- as well as other employers -- have seen customer demand wane and are cutting costs to survive the fallout.
"The corporate sector is rolling over, and we probably have not yet seen many job losses stemming from the sudden collapse in international trade," warned Ian Shepherdson, chief U.S. economist at High Frequency Economics. "The labor market remains a disaster area."
Wall Street ended a volatile trading day sharply lower following the worse-than-expected economic data, concerns about the nation's banks and disappointing results from Microsoft. The Dow Jones industrial average lost more than 105 points.
On Capitol Hill, House Democrats rolled up their sleeves to nail down pieces of Obama's $825 billion stimulus package -- a blend of tax cuts and increased government spending that includes boosting unemployment benefits-- with the goal of a floor vote next week.
And the Senate Finance Committee cleared Obama's nomination of Timothy Geithner to be Treasury secretary -- despite what the nominee called "careless" and "avoidable" tax mistakes. The full Senate still must clear Geithner, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, before he can take office.
Already Geithner is helping shape the Obama administration's new plan to bust through the debilitating credit and financial crises that are aggravating the recession. The package -- likely to be unveiled in a few weeks-- may include a program to mop up bad mortgages and other toxic assets so banks would be in a better position to lend money more freely.
On the layoffs front, first-time applications for unemployment benefits jumped last week by 62,000 to 589,000, the Labor Department reported. That was much more than the 540,000 tally economists expected. It left claims matching a 26-year high reached four weeks ago, although the work force has grown by about half since then.
Part of the rise was blamed on a backlog of claims that piled up in recent weeks as several states experienced computer crashes from a crush of filings, a government analyst said.
The number of unemployed people continuing to draw jobless benefits soared by 97,000 to 4.6 million. That figure, too, was above analysts' expectations, and was up considerably from a year ago, when 2.7 million people were receiving such aid. The pickup shows that those out of work are having trouble finding a new job.
Some economists believe the number of people continuing to draw unemployment benefits could rise to 5.5 million -- possibly more -- this year even if a new stimulus package is enacted.
On top of the 4.6 million covered by the regular unemployment insurance program, another 2 million Americans requested benefits under an emergency extension authorized by Congress last year. But the 2 million figure is not seasonally adjusted and is volatile.
Obama's stimulus package -- which is running into Republican resistance -- includes plans to extend and boost unemployment benefits, give states $87 billion to deal with Medicaid shortfalls and help unemployed people retain health care. Tax credits for workers, tax cuts for businesses and money for public works projects, such as road and bridge construction, also are being put forward.
Meanwhile, the miserable state of the U.S. housing market was in full view Thursday, and the outlook remains dim.
The Commerce Department reported that new-home construction plunged 15.5 percent in December to an annual rate of 550,000 units, an all-time low, capping the worst year for builders on records dating back to 1959. Last month's performance was weaker than economists expected, and shattered the previous record low set in November.
"The extent of the decline was breathtaking," said Joel Naroff, president of Naroff Economics Advisors. "Home builders were simply sitting around watching the grass grow, and conditions are not likely to change soon."
For all of last year, the number of housing units that builders broke ground on totaled just over 904,000, also a record low. That marked a huge 33.3 percent drop from the 1.355 million housing units started in 2007. The previous low was set in 1991.
The report also showed that applications for building permits -- considered a reliable sign of future activity -- sank to a rate of 549,000 in December, a 10.7 percent drop from the previous month.
Rising defaults, tighter lending standards and fear about the housing market's future have sidelined buyers, an absence felt acutely by homebuilders such as D.R. Horton Inc., Pulte Homes Inc. and Centex Corp.
The collapse of the once high-flying housing market has been devastating to the United States' economic health.
Its spreading fallout has contributed to big pullbacks by consumers and businesses alike, plunging the economy into a painful recession now in its second year.
The Obama administration wants to ramp up efforts to stem skyrocketing home foreclosures, which have dumped even more properties on an already crippled market.
The Federal Reserve has taken a number of extraordinary steps with the hope of providing some relief. It is buying certain types of mortgage securities and has slashed a key interest rate to a record low of between zero and 0.25 percent. To help brace the economy, the Fed is expected to hold rates at that level at its meeting next week and probably for the rest of this year.
In other housing-related news, rates on 30-year mortgages climbed above 5 percent this week, ending a five-week streak at record low levels. Average rates on 30-year fixed mortgages rose to 5.12 percent this week, from 4.96 percent last week, which was the lowest since Freddie Mac started its survey in April 1971, the mortgage giant reported.
Builders and economists are skeptical about the prospects of a housing turnaround. Unemployment last month hit a 16-year high of 7.2 percent and is expected to march upward this year -- a situation that can put stresses on existing home owners and make it less likely new buyers will stream into the market.
Against this backdrop, Patrick Newport, economist at IHS Global Insight, summed up the outlook: "More pain ahead."

Firing John Thain Should Be Ken Lewis's Last Act At Bank Of America (BAC)

Firing John Thain Should Be Ken Lewis's Last Act At Bank Of America (BAC)

Posted Jan 22, 2009 02:07pm EST by Henry Blodget in Newsmakers, Banking
Related: BAC, MER, ^DJI

From Clusterstock, Jan. 22, 2009:

Ken Lewis has now successfully focused some of the outrage about the destruction of Bank of America (BAC) on John Thain.
Thain was the one responsible for that $15 billion loss. Thain was the one who approved $15 billion of bailout-funded bonuses. Thain was the one who spent $1.2 million decorating his office. And now, a month after the bonus and loss outrages, Ken Lewis has finally fired John Thain.
As he should have. Someone has to take direct responsibility for that loss, the taxpayer-funded bonuses, and the humiliation of Ken Lewis. And John Thain's that man.
But don't let this distract you from who is ultimately responsible.
No one forced Ken Lewis to buy Merrill Lynch--the decision that, more than any other, destroyed Bank of America shareholders. No one forced Bank of America to approve the $15 billion in bailout-funded bonuses Merrill just paid to its workforce.
John Thain isn't responsible for those decisions. Ken Lewis is. If Bank of America's board doesn't finally acknowledge this and throw him out, the board should be thrown out, too.
For more news, go to Clusterstock.

Broken Financials: Are Bank Stocks Going to Zero?

Broken Financials: Are Bank Stocks Going to Zero?

Posted Jan 22, 2009 03:39pm EST by Aaron Task in Investing, Banking, Housing

After hitting a 14-year low Tuesday, the financial sector enjoyed a reprieve Wednesday on news of some big purchases by insiders, namely JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon and Bank of America's Ken Lewis.
But the sector was back in the dregs Thursday on news of John Thain's ouster from Bank of America (and ridiculous spending spree), change at the very top of Citigroup and a big loss at Fifth Third Bancorp.
But with the financial sector now less than 10% of the S&P 500's market-cap (down from 22% at its peak) and so much bad news "priced in," there have to be bargains in the banks, right?
Wrong! says John Roque, technical analyst at Natixis Bleichroeder.
While he can find at least one bank stock worth investigating, Roque believes investors would be wise to avoid banks, homebuilders and other housing-related stocks for the foreseeable future.
"Those sectors have been broken and are not going to come back for a long time," he said, predicting it will be a very long time before these stocks return to their peaks, if ever.
Disclosure: Roque has no positions in any of the stocks mentioned in the accompanying video.,BAC,JPM,FITB,NTRS,C,%5EDJI

Thursday 22 January 2009

Social risk

Social risk

Social risk is difficult to quantify. It reflects the potentially adverse impact changing public attitudes can have on a firm’s ability to sell its product.

It is really a form of business risk that impacts a specific firm or industry.
· No one likes ugly smoke-stacks, for instance. Local opposition to apparent pollution might lead to a boycott of company products.
· Past examples of social risk issues include nuclear power, the spotted owl, furs, cigarette advertisements, concern with cholesterol, and the gasoline consumption of SUVs.

According to the Social Investment Forum, there is more than $2 trillion invested in socially screened portfolios in the United States. This is a 47% increase since 1999.

While there are various social screening criteria, avoiding tobacco investments is the most common.

Other criteria appearing in more than half of the institutional screens are related to
· the environment,
· human rights,
· employment/equality,
· gambling,
· alcohol, and
· weapons.

Less common criteria involve
· labour relations,
· animal testing/rights,
· community investing,
· community relations,
· executive compensation,
· abortion/birth control, and
· international labour standards.

Social investing does not necessarily avoid things; sometimes it seeks things out, and not always with good outcomes.
· In 1990 the state of Connecticut Employee Pension Plan, under political pressure, invested $25 million in the stock of Colt Firearms in order to keep 925 local jobs from being lost. Colt filed for bankruptcy 2 years later. This government attempt to help one group of citizens wound up hurting another, as the entire investment was lost.

Also read: Understanding Risk
Partitioning Risk
Business risk
Financial risk
Purchasing power risk
Interest rate risk
Foreign exchange risk
Political risk
Social risk

Political risk

Political risk

Political risk reflects the possibility that a foreign government will interfere with a firm’s preferred manner of conducting business.

The level of interference can be modest, such as requiring that a certain number of first-line supervisors be local nationals rather than “foreigners.”

More severe instances of political risk include:
· restrictions on the repatriation of dividends,
· mandatory local investments, or
· even the host-country government assuming control of the foreign firm through nationalization.

For multinational corporations, political risk is a fact of life. Firms learn to estimate the level of this risk in different parts of the world, as well as how to reduce its impact and to postpone or avoid its effects.

Also read: Understanding Risk
Partitioning Risk
Business risk
Financial risk
Purchasing power risk
Interest rate risk
Foreign exchange risk
Political risk
Social risk

Foreign exchange risk

Foreign exchange risk

Foreign exchange risk reflects the possibility of loss due to adverse changes in the relative values of world currencies.

Suppose an investor buys securities in an Australian company for AUD25 at a time when the exchange rate is one Australian dollar per 75 cents U.S. One year later the share price is AUD30, and 70 cents will buy one Australian dollars.
· To an Australian, the shares appreciated by 20%, from AUD25 to AUD30.
· From the perspective of a U.S. investor, the adverse change in the exchange rate reduced the actual gain on the investment to 12%. The U.S. investor wants to begin and end with U.S. dollars.
· Foreign exchange risk reduced the true economic return from a U.S. investor’s perspective.

Also read: Understanding Risk
Partitioning Risk
Business risk
Financial risk
Purchasing power risk
Interest rate risk
Foreign exchange risk
Political risk
Social risk

Interest rate risk

Interest rate risk

Interest rate risk is the chance of a loss in portfolio value due to an adverse change in interest rates.

When interest rates change, the value of a fixed income security also changes.

Rising interest rates depress bond prices, and vice versa.

Default risk: Default risk is the same as credit risk. It reflects the fact that a borrower might be unable or unwilling to honour the terms of an agreement to pay principal and interest on a loan.

Also read: Understanding Risk
Partitioning Risk
Business risk
Financial risk
Purchasing power risk
Interest rate risk
Foreign exchange risk
Political risk
Social risk

Purchasing power risk

Purchasing power risk

Purchasing power risk reflects the possibility that the rate of return on an investment will be insufficient to offset the rise in the cost of living.

During the early 1980s, the prime interest rate rose to 23% and inflation hit double-digit rates. At the same time, passbook savings accounts yielded about 5%. In retrospect, bank depositors would have been better advised to purchase canned goods and stack them in the basement. The interest earned from the savings account would have been insufficient to match the increase in the cost of food.

The stock market is generally considered to be a hedge against inflation. (Some analysts disagree with this generalization. Over long periods it is true; over shorter periods in history, it has not always been true.)

A well-diversified stock portfolio has little purchasing power risk, while an investment in fixed rate securities has plenty of it.

Also read: Understanding Risk
Partitioning Risk
Business risk
Financial risk
Purchasing power risk
Interest rate risk
Foreign exchange risk
Political risk
Social risk

Financial risk

Financial risk

Financial risk is associated with the bottom of the income statement; it deals with earnings and how business risk and the financial structure of the firm impact them.

This type of risk is related to the firm’s use of financial leverage (debt).

Interest payments are fixed costs the firm must pay to stay out of bankruptcy, regardless of the firm’s profitability.

Some people, in fact, will say that a firm with no debt has no financial risk.

Also read: Understanding Risk
Partitioning Risk
Business risk
Financial risk
Purchasing power risk
Interest rate risk
Foreign exchange risk
Political risk
Social risk

Business risk

Business risk

Business risk is the variability in a firm’s sales or in its ability to sell its product.

It is associated with the top of the income statement.

Business risk surfaces for a number of reasons.

  1. For instance, consumer tastes may change.
  2. An automobile company might introduce a new compact car at a time when people are looking for larger luxury cars or minivans.
  3. A clothing manufacturer might be unable to react quickly to shifting fashion styles.
  4. Business risk also arises from macroeconomic changes, such as
  • a recession leading to reduced consumer spending, or
  • high interest rates making people reluctant to buy houses.

Also read: Understanding Risk
Partitioning Risk
Business risk
Financial risk
Purchasing power risk
Interest rate risk
Foreign exchange risk
Political risk
Social risk

Partitioning Risk

Partitioning Risk

Risk has many subsets.

Total risk is all-inclusive and refers to the overall variability of the returns of a financial asset.

The two components of total risk are
· Un-diversifiable risk (also called systematic risk or market risk) and
· diversifiable risk (also called unsystematic risk).

Undiversifiable risk is that which must be borne by virtue of being in the market. This risk arises from systematic factors that affect all securities. We quantify systematic risk by beta.

Subsets of Risks:

Business risk
Financial risk
Purchasing power risk
Interest rate risk
Foreign exchange risk
Political risk
Social risk

Risk and the Income Statement
Sales: Foreign exchange risk, Social risk, Business risk
Tax: Political risk
Dividends: Political risk
Contribution to Retained Earnings: Financial risk

Risk and the Balance Sheet
Total Assets
Financial assets: Interest rate risk, default risk, systematic and unsystematic risk, foreign exchange risk.
Real assets: Foreign exchange risk

Total Liabilities and Net Worth
Liabilities: Interest rate risk, foreign exchange risk
Net worth: Purchasing power risk

Asian economic woe grows as China slows and Japanese exports plunge

Asian economic woe grows as China slows and Japanese exports plunge

China's economy may have ground to a halt entirely between the third and fourth quarters of last year and Japanese exports plunged 35pc in December, underlining the scale of the slowdown in Asia.

By Malcolm Moore in Shanghai
Last Updated: 7:39AM GMT 22 Jan 2009

China's national statistics bureau said gross domestic product had grown at an annual rate of 6.8pc in the fourth quarter of 2008, compared to a gain of 9pc in the previous three months.
The annual rate of growth for the world's third-largest economy was the lowest since the second quarter of 1998. "The international financial crisis is deepening and spreading with a continuing negative impact on the domestic economy," said Ma Jiantang, head of the statistics bureau.
Although the annual rate of growth was 6.8pc, economists speculated that the actual growth between September and December last year could have been zero, or even negative.
"My rough assumption is that it was basically zero," said Stephen Green, an economist at Standard Chartered bank in Shanghai. However, he added, recent revisions to Chinese GDP figures made an accurate calculation impossible. Mr Green also predicted that GDP may not grow in the first quarter of this year, compared to the last quarter.
Japanese exporters endured a torrid December as demand for a range of goods fell sharply. Exports to the US fell 26pc, those to Europe dropped 41.8pc and those to China were down 35pc.
In China, much of the slowdown has been blamed on a lack of demand from the rest of the world for Chinese-made goods. Wen Jiabao, the prime minister, said earlier this week that the outlook for Chinese employment is "very grim" as factories shut down and foreign companies rein in their spending.
Mr Wen will visit the UK next week, and Gordon Brown has already called upon him to make sure that China plays its part in stabilising the global economy. "We need China to play a full role, in partnership with us, if we are to restore confidence, growth and jobs," said Mr Brown.
China, however, has insisted that it must get its own house in order first, and there are indications that the government has already instructed banks to unleash credit into the market. The value of loans issued in November and December soared by nearly 19pc.
"It is hard to overestimate the potential importance of this," said Mr Green. "Mature economies' banking systems are currently flooded with liquidity that is not being lent out. China's interbank market is similarly flooded, but the difference is that the banks are lending."
The banks are likely to be ordered to finance a large chunk of the Pounds400 billion fiscal stimulus package that the Chinese government announced in November. There is a further Pounds2 trillion of spending demands from local governments across China that they may also be called upon to help with, irrespective of the possibility of bad loans.
Other bright spots included a slight rebound in industrial production growth to 5.7pc in December from 5.2pc in November, and a strong set of retail sales figures, where growth was 19pc.
Goldman Sachs, which issued one of the most bearish predictions for Chinese economic growth in 2009, at 6pc, admitted that there are "rising upside risks" that they may be incorrect, given the money flooding into the market.
"Our checks with commercial banks suggest the value of loans extended in January is likely to be even larger than the amount in December," said Yu Song, an economist at Goldman, adding that falling inflation also raised the possibility of further interest rate cuts.
However, Goldman said that China could be hit by even weaker export demand and maintained its prediction for now. "It is way too early to even claim the worst is over," said Mr Green. "Exports and domestic consumption, as well as profit growth, are now slowing and they will continue to grind lower over the year. Property still looks fragile, as does private investor sentiment. Even if we reach 8pc growth for this year, it will not feel like it," he added.

Wednesday 21 January 2009

Risk Aversion

Risk Aversion

One of the key concepts in finance is the fact that a safe dollar is worth more than a risky dollar.

This important principle compares one safe dollar with one risk dollar. Any one who invests in the stock market is exchanging bird –in-the-hand safe dollars for a chance at a greater number of future dollars.

It is wrong to say that a risk-averse person will not take a risk. We are all risk averse, yet we take risks all the time.


Risk Aversion and Rational People

Suppose a person is given a choice between the following two alternatives:

Alternative A $100 for certain
Alternative B 50% chance of $100, 50% chance of $0

No rational person would select B. Its average payoff is $50, only half what A offers with certainty.

Now consider another set of choices:

Alternative C $100 for certain
Alternative D 50% chance of $0, 50% chance of $200

D has an average payoff of $100, the same as C.
C, however, is safer than D.
People do not like a risk, and a rational person will choose the certain $100 over the risky $100.

Let’s now consider a more complicated example.

On a television game show, a contestant wins the right to spin a lottery wheel once. The wheel shows numbers 1 through 100, and a pinter selcts one number when the wheel stops. Which payoff schedule should the contestant choose from the four choices listed below.

Choice 1
Resulting Number….Payoff
Choice 2
Resulting Number….Payoff
Choice 3
Resulting Number….Payoff
Choice 4
Resulting Number….Payoff

Each of the choices has the same average payoff, but the consequences of the two possible outcomes with each choice vary widely.

Choice 1 is the safest alternative in the minds of many people.

Choice 2 offers a reasonable shot at $200. People who select this option reasons, “If my number doesn’t come up, at least I haven’t lost anything.” From an economic point of view, this logic is faulty. The person did lose something: the certain minimum payoff of $90 associated with Choice 1; this loss is an opportunity cost.
In other words, by choosing 1, a contestant will get at least $90. But the contestant gives up at least $90 in exchange for a try at a bigger return with the other choices.

Choice 3 offers a much higher possible return than 2 but ensures a payoff of at least $50. Some people select this option partly because of the entertainment value of the game.

What about Choice 4, with its high likelihood of a $1,000 payout? If the lottery wheel stops on the number 100, however, the contestant suffers a huge loss. Some people (and some investment portfolios) cannot tolerate any chance of such a loss and consequently could not seriously consider an option such as Choice 4.

Each of these alternatives has analogies in the investment world.

Choice 1 is much like buying shares of a conservative electric utility stock.

Choice 2 is akin to purchasing a stock option.

Choice 3 might be a convertible bond, with its assurance of steady interest income, and a chance for large gains if the underlying stock rises sharply.

Choice 4 is similar to a program of writing naked, out-of-the-money call options. With such a program the likelihood is high that the options will expire worthless (to the call writer’s benefit), but there is also a small chance that the options will become extremely valuable, in which case the call writer is in deep trouble.


Risk and Time

Peter L. Bernstein, founder of the Journal of Portfolio Management and well respected on Wall Street, said, “Risk and time are dancing partners in an eternal dance.” It is easy to overlook this important point. Probability theory deals with HOW MUCH and HOW LIKELY but says nothing about WHEN. The market crashed in 1929 and in 1987. It is likely to do so again.

Bernstein also said, “Risk and time are opposite sides of the same coin.” How likely is the market to crash tomorrow? A betting person (which investment analysts and advisors typically will not admit to being) is more likely to put money on NO CRASH tomorrow.

On the other hand, how likely is a market crash sometime in the next 50 years? This time frame puts a different light on the situation; most people certainly would agree that the probability of a crash anytime in the next 50 years is greater than the probability of a crash tomorrow.

In finance, we typically measure risk by the variance or standard deviation of returns. Daily returns are different from weekly, monthly, or annual returns. For returns to be comparable, we must measure them over consistent time intervals. The dispersion of a forecast (such as a future stock price) increases indefinitely as the length of the forecast (or holding period) approaches infinity. Logically speaking, the standard deviation of daily stock returns is smaller than the standard deviation of annual returns.

It is important to note that while the returns over a long horizon may be more uncertain, history suggests that over long periods of time there is also less likelihood that the investment will lose money.

Consider the information in Table below:

These figures are the result of a 2,500 trial simulation of a $1,000 stock investment assuming an average annual return of 12%, but with a 20% annual standard deviation.

The longer the term of the investment, the greater is the mean return - but the greater the range between the minimum and maximum values.

Note also the longer the term of the investment, the less the likelihood of losing money and the greater the likelihood that the investment will at least keep up with an assumed average inflation rate of 3%.



It is wrong to say that a risk averse person will not take a risk.

People have different degrees of risk aversion; some people are more willing to take a chance than are others.

An opportunity cost is what is given up in exchange for a chance at something better.

"Risk and time are dancing partners in an eternal dance." - Peter Bernstein

Forecast variance increases indefinitely as the length of the forecast period approaches infinity.

Safe and Risky Investments

Safe and Risky Investments

Joe Conservative hates risk and is terrified of the prospects of losing money. He is strictly a bank CD man, being highly suspicious of the stock market. His girlfriend, Rita Riskaverse, doesn’t like risk either, but she studied investments in college and knows something about the relationship between risk and return.

Joe and Rita eventually get married but decide it makes sense for them to handle their investments individually. Joe puts $100,000 in a bank certificate of deposit earning 6% annually, while Rita spreads her $100,000 equally across five stocks, putting $20,000 in each one.

Twenty years later the two lovebirds decide to do some joint financial planning, which requires them to disclose the performance of their personal investment accounts.

Rita does some calculations on the performance of her five stocks. She tells Joe “I had one stock go bankrupt, two that earned less than your 6% from the bank, one that earned 8%, and one that earned 12%.”

Joe responds, “I told you the stock market was too risky. You should have listened to me.”

Suppressing a smirk, Rita shows Joe the data below.

Joes’s Bank CD:
$100,000 x (1.06)^20 = $320,714

Rita’s Stocks:
Stock A: worthless $0
Stock B: $20,000 x (1.03)^20 = $36,122
Stock C: $20,000 x (1.05)^20 = $53,066
Stock D: $20,000 x (1.08)^20 = $93,219
Stock E: $20,000 x (1.12)^20 = $192,926
Total = $375,373

Joe can’t believe it. Rita had one stock go under, two that were below-average performers, and two that did okay but certainly didn’t set the world on fire. It seems like luck to him that her portfolio is worth more than his – although he can’t put his finger on what was lucky. It just doesn’t seem fair.