Filial tradition in China withering
By Zhang Yuchen (China Daily)
Updated: 2010-10-25
Elderly entering old age without support of kids
GUANGZHOU - A recent study of the elderly in parts of Guangdong province, in southern China, has shown that the tradition of children supporting their aged parents is slowly fading away.
The survey of nearly 1,300 people aged 60 or above, living in urban areas, found that, more and more, the elderly are living by themselves and are instead providing financial support to their adult children.
Two elderly women applaud a performance by young volunteers who come regularly to the Songtang Hospice, in Beijing, to offer care and entertainment for the older patients, on Oct 16. [Wang Jing / China Daily]
The study was done by the Guangdong Academy of Social Sciences' elderly affairs research center, from July to September of this year, and found that more than 10 percent of the people have to give monetary support to their adult children on a monthly basis. A third of them give money to their children from time to time.
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Some 16 percent of the elderly said they found this hard to bear because giving away a part of their pension had a serious impact on the quality of life in retirement.
Chinese tradition over the centuries, as has been the case in many other countries, has been for people to have as many children as possible so that they can rely on them for support when they get too old to care for themselves.
They often live with their children and help with the housework or take care of grandchildren, when the parents are busy with their work.
The study found more than 40 percent of the elderly comply with tradition and take care of grandchildren, while around 20 percent help with the housework.
But changing social conditions are now forcing more of the urban elderly to fend for themselves and 62 percent of them live apart from their grown-up children.
And, only 48 percent of these "empty nesters" can expect a weekly visit from their children, while around 28 percent can expect a visit once a month. For 24 percent, it's only once every year.
Perhaps surprisingly, even when they live with their children, most of the elderly are confronted with loneliness. The study found that more than 75 percent of the elderly long for greater spiritual support from their children.
One 72-year-old man surnamed Chen, in Guangzhou's Baiyun district, said he felt a lack of communication with his son even though he can see his son's family frequently, since they live in the same community.
"I never have supper with my son' s family because I don't want to disturb the only part of the day when they have time to spend together," Chen said, "And because my son seldom expresses much, we talk less."
Once, he said, he was sick in bed for two months and his son didn't even notice.
According to some doctors, this empty-nester syndrome is becoming a social problem - one that can not be ignored.
"With an increasingly aging society, the number of elderly empty-nesters increases annually," said Zhang Yanchi, a doctor at Guangzhou's Baiyun Psychiatric Hospital.
Li Dandan, of the Guangzhou Volunteers' Union, has suggested that it would be better if the elderly just spoke directly with their children about their feelings and their situation. An alternative is to communicate more with other elderly people in the community.
Guangdong had 10.47 million people aged 60 or above by the end of 2009, Nanfang Daily reported in February.
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Showing posts with label elderly care. Show all posts
Showing posts with label elderly care. Show all posts
Tuesday, 26 October 2010
Wednesday, 29 September 2010
Beat the maze: how to meet aged-care costs
September 22, 2010
Arranging aged care for an elderly parent who isn't coping at home can be an emotionally draining experience - and that's before the added stress of navigating the unfamiliar and complex territory of Australia's welfare system to make sure you're doing the right thing by them financially.
Adult children find themselves in the reverse role of carer and decision maker at this time, facing choices such as whether or not to sell the family house to meet the costs of residential care - something that isn't as straightforward a decision as it seems.
The numbers can be daunting - aged-care accommodation bonds averaged $213,000 nationally in 2009 but are commonly between $350,000 and $450,000 for facilities in the big cities.
At the top end, they nudge $1 million for a resort-style room in a prestige Sydney location.
But, again, nothing is as it seems and there are reasons some people may prefer to pay a high bond.
"These are very significant financial decisions," says Brendan Burwood, the managing director of ipac financial care, a new division of the financial-planning firm. "In fact, it's possibly the second-biggest financial decision mum will ever make."
And they're decisions many people end up making in a hurry.
"Things happen so quickly," says the co-founder of Strategy Steps, Louise Biti, who works with financial planners on aged-care strategies.
"'Mum's had a fall and we have to get her into the right place.' People focus on that without realising there's a wide range of [financial] opportunities and implications."
All this means adult children should have that potentially awkward but altogether necessary conversation with their ageing parents - and with family advisers.
To understand the funding of aged care - and possible financial strategies - you need to understand the different types of care.
The executive manager of aged-care solutions for Colonial First State, Rachel Lane, describes the complexity.
"There are three different types of aged-care facility and it's possible for these three different types of care to exist under one roof," she says. "Within two of these types of care there are three different types of residents."
The rules and strategies differ depending where mum or dad falls on that matrix (so, naturally, we can provide only some broad outlines here).
Most elderly people requiring support receive "community" care - services in their own home via the Home and Community Care (HACC) packages and, to a lesser extent, from the Community Aged Care Package (CACP) and Extended Aged Care at Home (EACH) program.
Those seeking "residential" aged care in a facility will encounter three categories: low care, high care and extra services. Low-care accommodation comes with "personal care" services, such as help with bathing and eating.
High care adds nursing services into the mix for those with greater needs. That's not to be confused with extra services, which refers to a higher standard of accommodation, food and other hotel-type services.
"People think it's simply a matter of putting your name down at an aged-care facility but it's not at all like that," says the family services manager of Expect A Star, Lisa Phelan.
Expect A Star assists companies to help its staff who have elderly parents deal with the government-subsidised aged-care system.
In fact, a facility won't want your name until you come armed with an ACAT form - the report from an Aged Care Assessment Team that is the key to unlocking the aged-care system.
The government assessment of your parent's needs will determine which type of care or facility is appropriate.
Without an ACAT form, your parent won't attract a government subsidy - in 2009, an average of $48,550 for a high-care resident and $17,750 for a low-care resident.
The founder and director of home-based care provider Just Better Care, Trish Noakes, warns there can be a six- to nine-month queue for an ACAT assessment in places such as metropolitan Sydney.
"It can be faster if someone's waiting to be discharged from hospital and they may need to go into residential care but a person at home could have high needs and not be managing and that doesn't fast-track them," Noakes says.
Ask your GP to help.
Once the assessment is made, your parent may have another queue to join to actually receive the home-based services, while residential care facilities are running at high occupancy. So start investigating your options early.
An ACAT assessment is free and valid for 12 months.
Now you have an ACAT form that says mum or dad is eligible for a particular type of residential care, you can start thinking about the costs. (Please note the figures used are for the past year. The annual adjustment of government-regulated rates was due at the time of writing.)
Biti says the upfront entry cost - if any - depends on three things: the type of care, how much you have in "assessable" assets (and we'll look at whether the house counts) and the facility's commercial considerations.
A facility can charge an upfront bond for low-care or extra-services accommodation but not for standard high care, where an annual accommodation charge applies.
Let's look at standard high care first. Currently, the maximum permitted accommodation charge is $9811.20 a year. This is payable every year your parent is a resident (paid monthly).
The actual amount is based on your parent's assets. If they have less than $37,500 in assets they don't have to pay an accommodation charge.
Between there and assets of $93,410.40 they'll pay a pro rata amount. If their assets are more than $93,410.40, they'll pay the maximum.
The amount is fixed when your parent enters the facility and won't rise. Subsequent increases won't apply to them, only to new residents.
In high-care extra services and low care, the upfront accommodation bond is regulated to some extent but isn't a set amount.
"Each facility will have a different rate or range of rates," Biti says. "They might charge different bonds for different rooms - some rooms might be nicer or newer than others.
"They're also starting to charge based on the capacity of the person to pay. What we're finding sometimes is that while they might usually want a bond of around $350,000, if they think someone's got the capacity to pay a higher amount, they might charge them more."
That's not necessarily a bad thing, she says. "People may want to pay a higher bond because they get better social security benefits as a result." (We'll explain this shortly.)
Again, the facility has to leave you with at least $37,500 in assets after the bond. So, if you have less than $37,500 you won't have to lodge one. If you have $50,000 in assets, the bond can't be any more than $12,500.
And if you have $1,037,500 in assets, theoretically they could ask you to pay a $1 million bond, though this is rare, Biti says.
Before you have a heart attack, remember the bond is government-guaranteed and refundable, less a retention amount taken out monthly for the first five years only.
The retention amount is currently $307.50 a month, or $18,450 in total before it cuts out at five years. Again, this is fixed on the date of entry.
Does that mean someone with $50,000 in assets will be turned away? Not necessarily. If you have less than $93,410.40, you're classified as a "supported resident" and government-accredited facilities have to fill a quota of such residents. That may or may not make your parent of interest to them.
If you have more than $93,410.40 (so mum doesn't fall into a quota) but less than you need to pay the full bond (in our example, $350,000 plus the $37,500 that needs to stay in her pocket) you might have trouble, though.
"If you've got $150,000 worth of assets, a facility that wants a bond of $350,000 is likely to not even look at you," Biti says. "You can't pay the bond they want and you can't help meet the quota.
"There's this big gap of people who don't have huge amounts of assets who are not going to get into some of these facilities."
Those people might have to widen their search or rely on in-home care until increasing need qualifies them for a bond-free, high-care place.
As well as entry costs, you need to consider the ongoing costs of care.
Every resident of an aged-care facility pays a basic, daily-care fee. A resident who moved into care in the past year would be paying $35.89 or $38.65 a day (there are two categories here).
In addition, residents whose assessable income is above certain thresholds have to pay an "income-tested fee".
This could be as low as $1 a day up to a maximum of $62.11 and is calculated by Centrelink.
And, of course, you'll pay extra fees for extra services.
At this point you'll have lots of questions about the family home, including whether it counts when mum or dad's assets are tallied.
Assets other than the home are divided between two spouses but Lane says the home won't count while a spouse, or someone such as a dependent child or longstanding carer who's on a benefit, still lives there.
That's one reason why you might need advice on the different financial outcomes depending on whether your parents enter care together or separately. "Staggering them going in might give you a better financial outcome - but if you do that you might not get them into the same room or adjoining rooms that might be available ... sometimes it's more important to get that right," Biti says.
And then there's the complication that not having a bond to offer may place your parent behind someone else with a bond when a facility looks through its waiting list.
If it's just mum or dad living on their own then the house will be assessable for bond purposes.
That raises the question of whether or not to sell the house to meet the bond. When you have a $500,000 bond to pay, the answer may seem obvious. But that's before considering the impact of the $700,000 left over once you sell a Sydney house for, say, $1.2 million.
"It's that surplus you have to be very careful about," Burwood says.
"People might whack it in the bank but that money is then assessable as an asset and it earns income.
"It may end up reducing mum's pension and increasing her income-tested fee. You've got to think through some alternatives."
One option would be to negotiate a higher bond, in return for discounted fees or no retention amount, perhaps. Because the bond is exempt from the Centrelink assets test, it won't negatively affect the pension or income-tested fee. This strategy could even increase the pension.
But it is possible to go too far, Lane says. "Beyond a certain point, you can't get more pension and the facility can run out of fees and charges to discount."
Burwood says other strategies might be to gift some money up to allowable limits, buy an annuity that's treated favourably for the income test, or buy a funeral bond of up to $11,000.
You could rent out the house instead to generate income to meet care costs but be aware that you need to structure things in a certain way otherwise the rent will be assessable income immediately and the house will become assessable after two years.
Burwood says the strategy here is to negotiate with the aged-care facility to pay only part of the accommodation bond and then make periodic payments on the rest. You'll pay a regulated rate of interest (currently 8.8 per cent) to do this.
"Even with a very small amount of unpaid bond, you've still got a liability to the facility and under the rules, the home and its rental income remain exempt," he says.
These and other strategies involve complex interactions and calculations, so getting advice is a good idea.
There's no single correct strategy, the advisers say, because it's not a purely financial decision. "For some people it will make sense to suggest one strategy, for other people, for emotional reasons, it will make sense to suggest another," Burwood says.
The importance of export financial advice
The Whiley siblings knew nothing about the aged-care system when, after two falls in quick succession, it became obvious their mother's days of independent living were over.
Their mother was recovering in respite care when she was finally assessed as being eligible for a place in a low-care facility.
The family quickly checked out facilities and sought advice while she was still in rehabilitation. "We had to work backwards — finding places that had vacancies and then looking at those," Gregor Whiley says of their Sydney-based search.
Whiley says he highly recommends getting financial advice. "It's not like my mother had a vast fortune — she had her unit, her Centrelink pension and her super," he says. "But the alternative is taking on the responsibility yourself for working through all the possible issues.
"It's just too hard and you're starting from absolute zero. The clock is ticking, you need to get your parent settled somewhere and you can't afford the time to go through 57 pages of Centrelink stuff.
"In low care, you're going to end up paying [a bond of] $300,000, absolute minimum, so what's the point of cavilling over $2000 to get a range of options, things explained, fears allayed and everything laid out?"
Colonial First State's executive manager, aged care solutions, Rachel Lane, says it's a good idea to get the "respite care" box ticked on the ACAT form, as this gives you breathing room and can ease your parent's transition to permanent care.
Whiley says the family managed to "move a metric tonne of stuff" out of his mother's unit, clean it and sell it to raise the bond just as the respite days were running out.
"The other thing that's critical to have sorted out is power of attorney [so you can act on your parent's behalf]," he says. Do this now, while your parent is still legally able to sign the documents.
"A situation that's been stable for five years can change in five weeks," Whiley says.
Key points
Plan ahead — your parents’ circumstances can change quickly.Decisions will involve both financial and emotional considerations.
Consider the impact of a strategy on care costs, tax, the pension and cash flow.
Think carefully about any surplus from selling the family home.
Paying a higher bond could mean a higher pension and lower fees.
Saturday, 10 April 2010
Decisions over aged care for loved ones are both emotional and financial
Don't gamble on the future
Photo: Craig Sillitoe
Decisions over aged care for loved ones are both emotional and financial, writes Bina Brown.
Aged care facilities have come under fire lately with reports of mistreatment of residents and poor practices. This adds stress to the already challenging process of finding the best nursing home or hostel for loved ones who can no longer care for themselves at home.
While the system is under pressure, there are good facilities around.
To find the most suitable residence and secure a position, you need to be armed with the right information.
No one likes to think about living in an aged care facility but the reality is that one-third of all men and half of all women aged 65 or over can expect to go into permanent residential care later in their lives.
The federal government regulates the aged care industry by allocating the number of places, setting funding levels and controlling fees.
The underlying position is that every Australian is entitled to aged care, irrespective of their financial circumstances. In practice, most people have to pay for their preferred choice and extra services they may need or want.
There is a distinction between retirement villages and aged care facilities. The former is considered a lifestyle decision people make when they feel it is appropriate, considering their health and other personal and social factors.
A move into aged care accommodation is generally involuntary. Three-quarters of people enter aged care from hospital following an accident or illness.
Aged care facilities are categorised as low care (hostel), high care (nursing home) and high care with extra services.
They can vary enormously depending on who runs them, their age and the types of funding they receive from government and individual residents.
To get into an aged care facility, individuals must be assessed by an Aged Care Assessment Team, which will determine the level of care a prospective resident requires.
An assessment of the person's assets and income will determine whether they have to pay an income-tested fee on top of the basic daily care fee and the amount of an accommodation bond or charge.
The financial assessment is not compulsory but if the information is not provided, aged care fees will be charged at the highest rate.
People with assets valued at more than $37,500 who need low-care hostel accommodation are required to pay an accommodation bond, a daily care fee and potentially an extra income-tested fee.
The bond may be set by the facility and can be anywhere between $100,000 and $600,000 depending on its location, age or the types of services it offers; or it can be negotiated based on calculations of the level of assets held by the prospective resident.
The average bond is about $270,000 in Victoria and higher in NSW. The bond is like an interest-free loan to the hostel while the person is a resident there. The balance is refunded upon leaving.
Anyone entering a nursing home, which provides a higher level of care than a hostel, is required to pay an accommodation charge determined by the Department of Health and Ageing, rather than an accommodation bond.
The exception is where the high-care facility is recognised as offering extra services, such as daily newspaper delivery or a choice of meals, which are available for an additional cost to the resident.
In this case, the facility can charge an accommodation bond instead of an accommodation charge.
In addition to the accommodation charge, there is the daily care fee and, potentially, an income-tested fee.
The maximum total of these three fees could add up to about $123 a day or $45,000 a year, depending on an individual's financial circumstances and care needs.
A senior adviser at Partners' Retirement Planning and Investment Advisors, Patrick Barry, says that where an accommodation bond is to be paid by a resident in a low-care hostel or a nursing home offering extra services, the individual must be left with a minimum of $37,500 in assets.
From March 20, the basic daily care fee in low and high care was increased to $38.65 a day for everyone, whether they had $5 million in assets or 5¢ to their name.
Barry says the daily income-tested fees for low and high-care accommodation apply when someone's income exceeds $812.50 a fortnight. This fee may equal 41.67 per cent of any assessable income in excess of $812.50 up to a maximum of $62.11 a day.
The prospect of having to sell the family home or another cherished property is one of the biggest fears for many people having to consider aged care, says Val Nigol, a director of specialist advice firm Financial Freedom Solutions and the co-author of Aged Care Homes, the Complete Australian Guide.
However, the family home doesn't always have to be sold.
"If it is low-care accommodation and you need to finance the bond, then quite often people assume they have to sell the family home, because it is a few hundred thousand dollars, but there are alternatives," Nigol says.
The average bond is about $270,000 in Victoria and higher in NSW. The bond is like an interest-free loan to the hostel while the person is a resident there. The balance is refunded upon leaving.
Anyone entering a nursing home, which provides a higher level of care than a hostel, is required to pay an accommodation charge determined by the Department of Health and Ageing, rather than an accommodation bond.
The exception is where the high-care facility is recognised as offering extra services, such as daily newspaper delivery or a choice of meals, which are available for an additional cost to the resident.
In this case, the facility can charge an accommodation bond instead of an accommodation charge.
In addition to the accommodation charge, there is the daily care fee and, potentially, an income-tested fee.
The maximum total of these three fees could add up to about $123 a day or $45,000 a year, depending on an individual's financial circumstances and care needs.
A senior adviser at Partners' Retirement Planning and Investment Advisors, Patrick Barry, says that where an accommodation bond is to be paid by a resident in a low-care hostel or a nursing home offering extra services, the individual must be left with a minimum of $37,500 in assets.
From March 20, the basic daily care fee in low and high care was increased to $38.65 a day for everyone, whether they had $5 million in assets or 5¢ to their name.
Barry says the daily income-tested fees for low and high-care accommodation apply when someone's income exceeds $812.50 a fortnight. This fee may equal 41.67 per cent of any assessable income in excess of $812.50 up to a maximum of $62.11 a day.
The prospect of having to sell the family home or another cherished property is one of the biggest fears for many people having to consider aged care, says Val Nigol, a director of specialist advice firm Financial Freedom Solutions and the co-author of Aged Care Homes, the Complete Australian Guide.
However, the family home doesn't always have to be sold.
"If it is low-care accommodation and you need to finance the bond, then quite often people assume they have to sell the family home, because it is a few hundred thousand dollars, but there are alternatives," Nigol says.
Passing the hat around the family is one option if the rest of the family want to retain the property for their own use in the future.
Borrowing against the property using a product such as a reverse mortgage is another; or there may be other investments such as shares that could be sold to finance the bond.
Nigol says the size of the accommodation bond and the way it is to be paid is generally negotiable with the facility. It may be possible to pay in instalments, for instance.
Of course, there are situations where it may make sense to sell a property. The beneficiaries may not want it and selling would eliminate questions over who would have to look after the property.
The marketing manager at Melbourne-based Lifetime Planning, Ken Mitchell, says people considering downsizing the family home need to be aware of the effects on the age pension. "If downsizing increases a couple's assessed assets by $500,000, the pension could reduce by $19,500," Mitchell says.
"The cost of moving could be as much as $50,000 and, for an elderly couple, the trauma of moving from the home of a lifetime could be significant."
Centrelink can provide information about how an individual's pension may be affected.
Unfortunately, people can't always plan ahead for their aged care needs but, where possible, they should view them from short-term and long-term perspectives.
"In the short term, it is important for people to be well organised with powers of attorney, wills and good records of their assets and liabilities," Mitchell says.
"In trying to look ahead more than one or two years, the situation is more difficult because of the seemingly constant changing rules. For example, assets held in trust were previously excluded from personal assets and accommodation bonds have only recently become government-guaranteed.
"Changes like these have caused very significant changes to financial planning, which could not be anticipated with any great degree of certainty."
Perhaps the biggest factor making it hard to plan is that most people entering aged care come via a hospital following an accident or illness. All of a sudden, a person can go from living in their own home, possibly independently, to needing full-time care.
Although people can just "knock on the door of a facility and ask for a bed", such an approach is highly unlikely to produce the best solution, Mitchell says.
Borrowing against the property using a product such as a reverse mortgage is another; or there may be other investments such as shares that could be sold to finance the bond.
Nigol says the size of the accommodation bond and the way it is to be paid is generally negotiable with the facility. It may be possible to pay in instalments, for instance.
Of course, there are situations where it may make sense to sell a property. The beneficiaries may not want it and selling would eliminate questions over who would have to look after the property.
The marketing manager at Melbourne-based Lifetime Planning, Ken Mitchell, says people considering downsizing the family home need to be aware of the effects on the age pension. "If downsizing increases a couple's assessed assets by $500,000, the pension could reduce by $19,500," Mitchell says.
"The cost of moving could be as much as $50,000 and, for an elderly couple, the trauma of moving from the home of a lifetime could be significant."
Centrelink can provide information about how an individual's pension may be affected.
Unfortunately, people can't always plan ahead for their aged care needs but, where possible, they should view them from short-term and long-term perspectives.
"In the short term, it is important for people to be well organised with powers of attorney, wills and good records of their assets and liabilities," Mitchell says.
"In trying to look ahead more than one or two years, the situation is more difficult because of the seemingly constant changing rules. For example, assets held in trust were previously excluded from personal assets and accommodation bonds have only recently become government-guaranteed.
"Changes like these have caused very significant changes to financial planning, which could not be anticipated with any great degree of certainty."
Perhaps the biggest factor making it hard to plan is that most people entering aged care come via a hospital following an accident or illness. All of a sudden, a person can go from living in their own home, possibly independently, to needing full-time care.
Although people can just "knock on the door of a facility and ask for a bed", such an approach is highly unlikely to produce the best solution, Mitchell says.
He recommends the use of a placement agency, which would be aware of the facilities that can cater for the person's specific requirements and can match those to other factors such as location, finance and psychosocial needs.
"It can be difficult for families in stressful circumstances to balance all the aspects of the drama of moving to aged care and the assistance of a placement agency can be a godsend," Mitchell says.
The executive manager of placement agency Tender Living Care, Denise Tomaras, says part of the service is working out with the prospective resident or their family how close they want to be to loved ones and what sort of lifestyle they want.
Lifestyle decisions include whether they want to be able to go out for dinner and whether they want a single room or would be happy to share.
"We show people up to eight facilities," Tomaras says. "Some of them may have waiting lists but we may be able to influence these depending on a person's needs and whether the facility has an appropriate bed.
"When we see people they are generally in crisis. My advice is: don't wait for a crisis. Try to narrow your preferred facilities down to even two places and be armed with some knowledge of how the system works.
"It is great to see people planning because their choices become wider. But if they are in a crisis, we can kick in pretty quickly."
Proximity and a high level of care were at the top of a long list of must-haves for Dianne Douglas and her family when they started the process of looking for an aged care facility for her father Tony.
Tony had been a fit man in his 80s before a series of strokes left him in need of full-time care.
"We had six weeks to find a high-care facility that was close to my mother and siblings. While we wanted to find a place with nice facilities, we also became very aware of the importance of the staff that worked there and how the place was run," Dianne says.
The checklist included how many staff a particular facility had, what their qualifications were and whether the staff members were mostly permanent or agency workers. This was to get a sense of whether people were floating through or full-time carers for the residents.
So daunting was the task of comparing about a dozen possibilities that Dianne engaged Melbourne-based Tender Living Care to assist in finding a bed and working through the financial and bureaucratic maze that goes with helping someone into aged care.
"People don't realise how extraordinarily stressful the whole process of finding somewhere and then moving someone you love in is until they have to do it. It is something you don't think about until it happens," she says.
"It is a combination of knowing that someone's whole lifestyle has changed and they have lost complete control of how they want to live."
"It can be difficult for families in stressful circumstances to balance all the aspects of the drama of moving to aged care and the assistance of a placement agency can be a godsend," Mitchell says.
The executive manager of placement agency Tender Living Care, Denise Tomaras, says part of the service is working out with the prospective resident or their family how close they want to be to loved ones and what sort of lifestyle they want.
Lifestyle decisions include whether they want to be able to go out for dinner and whether they want a single room or would be happy to share.
"We show people up to eight facilities," Tomaras says. "Some of them may have waiting lists but we may be able to influence these depending on a person's needs and whether the facility has an appropriate bed.
"When we see people they are generally in crisis. My advice is: don't wait for a crisis. Try to narrow your preferred facilities down to even two places and be armed with some knowledge of how the system works.
"It is great to see people planning because their choices become wider. But if they are in a crisis, we can kick in pretty quickly."
Proximity and a high level of care were at the top of a long list of must-haves for Dianne Douglas and her family when they started the process of looking for an aged care facility for her father Tony.
Tony had been a fit man in his 80s before a series of strokes left him in need of full-time care.
"We had six weeks to find a high-care facility that was close to my mother and siblings. While we wanted to find a place with nice facilities, we also became very aware of the importance of the staff that worked there and how the place was run," Dianne says.
The checklist included how many staff a particular facility had, what their qualifications were and whether the staff members were mostly permanent or agency workers. This was to get a sense of whether people were floating through or full-time carers for the residents.
So daunting was the task of comparing about a dozen possibilities that Dianne engaged Melbourne-based Tender Living Care to assist in finding a bed and working through the financial and bureaucratic maze that goes with helping someone into aged care.
"People don't realise how extraordinarily stressful the whole process of finding somewhere and then moving someone you love in is until they have to do it. It is something you don't think about until it happens," she says.
"It is a combination of knowing that someone's whole lifestyle has changed and they have lost complete control of how they want to live."
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