Thursday 5 August 2010

More than meets the eye to fund charges

As high costs come under scrutiny we break down the typical fees.

Man looking at small print through magnifying glass- 10 financial traps to look out for
More than meets the eye to fund charges
The Telegraph's revelation that we pay an extortionate amount in fund fees – about £7.3 billion every year – piles on the misery for British savers grappling with jittery stock markets and low returns.
When shares are soaring, little attention is paid to the amount in fees that investment companies rake in. But when fund values are falling, the costs paid by investors account for a greater proportion of their total returns – and it gets noticed.
"Now we have consistently low inflation, charges represent a far higher proportion of any investment return than in years gone by," says Clive Waller at CWC Research, the financial analyst. "Charges matter."
Understandably, companies need to levy charges to cover their costs and return a profit. Even something as simple as sending out a policy statement costs money, particularly when they have tens of thousands of investors on their books.
Then there is the cost to the company of paying commission to salesmen and independent advisers. These are generally funded by customers, regardless of whether they buy direct from the fund management group or through an independent financial adviser.
Tom Stevenson, investment director at Fidelity, says: "Our portfolio managers are supported by hundreds of analysts, meeting companies, talking to their suppliers and customers and scouring balance sheets for the information that can give our clients an investment edge. This is a costly but, we believe, essential activity and it is reasonable that this should be reflected in the annual management charges of our funds."
But investors should check to see what they are being charged. If, as many experts predict, we are in for several years of subdued investment performance, it is important to look at more than just the annual management charge.
There is a raft of additional charges on both unit trusts and open-ended investment companies (Oeics). These include audit fees, dealing costs and servicing charges.
What is the annual management charge (AMC)?
This is the figure that is published on the fact sheet and is the fee that most savers – incorrectly – understand to be the amount they pay each year for the fund manager to run the fund.
Taking the typical AMC of 1.5 per cent, about two thirds of this is used to pay for research, wages and costs associated with physically managing the money within the fund. The remaining 0.5 per cent is paid out as "trail commission" to independent financial advisers or the fund provider each year for so-called "servicing costs".
Trail commission is a controversial charge. Critics argue that many advisers get this annual fee for doing next to nothing and question whether many deserve the remuneration, given that they do little to encourage their clients to switch out of perennial poor performing funds.
But the AMC doesn't tell the whole story on fund fees and charges – there is also the TER.
I've never heard of the TER. What does it stand for?
For a better idea of the cost of your fund, you should look out for the total expense ratio (TER). Unfortunately, investment fund companies are not obliged to reveal TERs and many will publish only the annual management fee, leaving investors with the mistaken impression that this is all they have to pay. It is not.
The TER takes into account dealing costs, stamp duty and auditors' fees as well as the annual management charge. You can often find TERs of more than 150 basis points above the annual management charge. Take Threadneedle Managed Income, for instance. Its AMC is just 0.25 per cent, which you may be mistaken in thinking is a bargain. However, the fund's TER is 1.77 cent.
So does the TER include all the costs that I pay?
I'm afraid not. The TER does not include the trading costs – the costs for buying and selling shares within the fund. The more active a manager is in trading the underlying portfolio, the higher these costs.
That said, investors have to expect some extra cost here: after all, you would be seething if your manager just sat on his backside all year. On average, trading costs can add another 1 per cent to your annual fees but some argue that managers buy and sell shares simply to rake in this extra revenue.
A higher TER will obviously cause a drag on performance. For example, a £7,200 fund investment growing by 7 per cent each year will reach £14,163 after 10 years, before charges. A fund levying an annual TER of 1.55 per cent would be worth £12,240 after 10 years, but a fund with a TER of 2.25 per cent would be worth be £788 less, at £11,452, according to Lipper, the fund analysts.
Can I compare the true costs of investing in different funds?
No. Trading costs range from about 0.09 per cent a year to one per cent. "The AMC is a quite useless figure; the TER is misleading because it is not total – it does not include dealing charges or, if it's a fund of funds, the charges on the underlying funds," says Mr Waller. "If the buyer knows exactly what the true cost is, he can compare fund manager performance against charges and make an informed decision."
How do fund charges vary?
Charges vary according to the type of fund and what it invests in. The fees levied on specialist funds, such as those investing in smaller companies, will almost certainly be a lot higher than those for funds that simply track indices, so-called tracker funds.
For example, the average UK equity fund has a TER of 1.6 per cent compared with the average corporate bond fund's TER of 1.15 per cent. Actively managed funds cost more to run than trackers because the latter are effectively managed by computer programs while the former incur the costs of researching individual stocks.
Mr Stevenson says: "Simplistic comparisons between the charges levied on actively managed funds and index-tracking or passive funds miss the point. The two investment approaches incur different levels of cost, so the question is not whether stock-picking funds should be more expensive than trackers (they are) but whether their higher charges are transparent and a fair reflection of the extra resources and effort involved."
So are cheaper funds better?
Not necessarily. It is fair to say that the lion's share of funds underperform time after time and many do not offer value for money.
The fund groups that charge the most argue that investors are better off paying extra for decent performance. However, a significant number of funds fail to deliver consistent above-average performance year in, year out, and if you are paying a high TER for dismal performance it is time for a rethink.
It is clearly worth paying a higher TER for consistent outperformance and a high TER does sometimes pay. Take Jupiter Merlin Balanced Portfolio. This popular selling fund has a TER of 2.3 per cent, which is higher than the average – yet it outperforms its peers regularly and is justifiably recommended by many investment advisers.

£7billion a year skimmed off our savings

More than £7.3billion a year is being “skimmed off” the value of Britons’ savings by City bankers and fund managers, an investigation by The Daily Telegraph has found.

City of London
City bankers and fund managers are 'skimming off' more than £7.3billion a year from the value of Britons' savings Photo: Getty
A range of questionable hidden fees and levies are being deducted from investments, making it difficult for a typical saver to make money from the stock market. Britain’s eight million investors are losing an average of £800 a year each to the hidden levies.
An investor putting £50,000 into a fund providing typical returns over 25 years would lose out on £108,000 because of unnecessary charges, said David Norman, a former chief executive of Credit Suisse Asset Management.
Customers have no way of claiming back their lost savings because fund managers are not doing anything illegal or beyond the rules. However, they are now likely to face increased scrutiny from regulators, while the Government could come under pressure to announce an inquiry to clean up the industry, which millions rely on to save for their retirement.
The problems have been compounded by the lacklustre stockmarket, which has hit savers as City firms have rushed to protect their profit margins by increasing fees.
Research has shown that fees in this country are far higher than those in America, where investment funds have been the subject of several regulatory and other official investigations.
Several senior City figures have decided to blow the whistle on the practices, with one fund manager describing the system as a “legalised cartel”.
Alan Miller, a former senior fund manager at New Star, one of Britain’s biggest investment firms, and a co-founder of SCM Private, told The Daily Telegraph: “The time is right for exposure of various elements of the industry.
“It is riddled with blatant self-interest and conflicts of interest that would never be tolerated elsewhere. Investors have become victims as the charges they have to pay have risen and risen while the returns they get have been consistently below par and the actual cost of managing their money has continued to fall.”
Research compiled by the Financial Services Authority and leading data analysts suggests that investors face losing three per cent of their investment each year in charges and fees. However, Mr Miller and Mr Norman said annual charges as low as 0.5 per cent were achievable.
When a saver invests in an ISA, unit trust or other fund, they are informed that they will pay an “annual charge” – typically 1.2 per cent of the value of their savings. The majority of funds levy exactly the same charge.
But the firm also deducts a range of other vaguely defined fees – covering everything from research to office costs from the savers’ money.
In particular, funds charge savers fees and commission every time they buy or sell shares. In some funds, hidden fees can be more than three times higher than the publicly-released annual fees.
For example, according to the data company Lipper, the Halifax UK Growth fund, one of the country’s most popular investment schemes, has only returned 7.47 per cent to savers over the past five years.
Therefore, someone investing £10,000 would have received interest of £747. However, that the fund has actually risen by 15.79 per cent and the extra returns have been pocketed by the fund manager and City brokers.
Data from Morningstar, a research company, shows the average investment fund has an annual charge of 1.25 per cent. But lesser known administrative fees amount to 0.45 per cent. And trading costs total another 1.35 per cent, according to the FSA and Financial Express. This 1.8 per cent being deducted from the total £406 billion invested amounts to £7.3 billion being “skimmed off” each year.
Julie Patterson, director of authorised funds and tax at the Investment Management Association said: “The UK fund management industry is one of the most competitive in the world.
“Less than 50 per cent of the annual management charge (AMC) is retained by the manager, to cover fund costs, including investment management and administration. The majority of the AMC is used to pay advisers, brokers and platforms. Charges for UK authorised funds are fully disclosed and they vary.”

Savers lose out as advisers cash in

Savers lose out as advisers cash in

An “insidious relationship” between financial advisers, investment funds and stockbrokers is costing savers billions of pounds in lost income, it has been alleged.

The close links between different parts of the industry, based on lucrative commission payments, are said to be preventing thousands of people from getting the best deal.
Investors may be unaware that advisers can receive thousands of pounds from their stake and recurring fees in return for referring them to a savings or pension fund.
Others do not know that stockbrokers receive valuable commissions for trading the stocks and shares their funds hold – and can “churn” the fund to make more.
Rosina Lizar, 86, from Manchester, was advised to put her savings of almost £10,000 into a Scottish Mutual Commercial Property Plan in December 2002.
The fund had an initial charge of 17.5 per cent, more than three times the current industry standard of five per cent. This saw £1,750 promptly docked from her stake.
Mrs Lizar was told that the fund, which was being recommended by other advisers at the time, had good prospects of making her large returns. Eight years on, her stake is worth little more than £1,000.
The financial advisers received four per cent commission, worth almost £400, for persuading her to join the fund. They were then entitled to a “trail commission” worth 0.5 per cent of Mrs Lizar’s stake – £50 initially – every year from then on.
Mrs Lizar’s daughter Geraldine Lawton, 60, said: “She had no knowledge of investment and trusted her adviser completely.”
Her new financial adviser, who did not wish to be named, said: “This was disastrous. Someone at that age should have been directed towards simple, low-risk investments protecting her capital. She doesn’t have much.”
Advisers insist they are not swayed by commission. A spokesman for the adviser’s firm said it had “robust systems in place” to ensure customers were given appropriate advice.
“The case has been investigated and at the conclusion of that investigation, a complaint was wholly rejected,” the spokesman said.
The FSA is planning to phase out new commission payments from 2012. But existing trail commissions – estimated to be worth more than £2 billion a year – will continue.
Experts fear advisers will find ways to circumvent new rules. Many advisers are already replacing trail commission with annual “financial health checks”, for which they charge extra fees.
Clive Waller, managing director of CWC Research, said: “There is always a danger for buyers using commission-based advisers. What if the best advice is not to do something? The only safe thing to do is to have upfront fees.”
Alan Miller of SCM, one of the City’s most successful fund managers, said: “There are insidious relationships across these different parts of the industry. Advisers will never recommend the cheapest funds because they don’t pay commission.”
There have also been calls for greater scrutiny of the relationships between fund managers and the stockbrokers they employ to trade the shares held by the fund.
Brokers make money by charging commission on the trades. Investors would hope that the broker chosen by their fund manager would be the one offering the best improvement on the price being quoted by a stock exchange.
However City insiders said this is not always the case. One trader said: “I know some people who only use one broker. Some just use their best mates, some are receiving nice presents. People are human." It is claimed that ski trips and junkets to the Cricket World Cup in the Caribbean and Monaco Grand Prix are regularly offered to clients by brokerage firms.
Other alleged relationships are developed more subtly. Donations on a website to charities nominated by Guillaume Rambourg, a former star fund manager at Gartmore now being investigated by the FSA. Brokers have denied this was an attempt to curry favour.
Mr Miller said: “Customers are saddled with the costs of ‘research’ from brokers, which is bundled into commission and can double trading costs. Why should people pay for what their manager should know already?”
Those in charge of deciding how to invest institutional and company pensions also mingle with executives keen to get control of their money.
Representatives from huge fund groups – including Goldman Sachs and Schroders – paid £1,670 each to meet managers of some of the biggest local authority pensions at last year’s local government pension fund symposium.
Officials controlling the £6.5 billion West Midlands Pension Fund, the £8 billion Greater Manchester Pension Fund and the £2 billion Nottingham County Council all attended this year’s event at the De Vere Dunston Hall in Norfolk. The hotel offered delegates a jacuzzi, steam room and 18-hole golf course on which productive deals could be struck.
A spokesman for Lipper, the respected US financial researchers, said investors in America were better protected in relation to the fees and commissions.
She asked “whether someone else ought to be acting on behalf of investors – a fiduciary responsibility. Such a role is undertaken by a mutual fund’s board of directors in the US, a majority of whom must be independent of the company managing the fund.”


At the price of  3.86, its ttm-PE was 8.28 and its DY was 7.12.

Historical 5 Yr Data:
DPSGR 17.8%
PE range 7.7 to 12.7
DY range 7.8% to 4.3%

Its ttm-PE is at the lower end of its historical PE range.
Its DY is at the higher end of its historical DY range.

Stock Performance Chart for Boustead Holdings Berhad

Recent Stock Performance

1 Week0.0%13 Weeks2.4%
4 Weeks9.2%52 Weeks7.7%

Boustead has distributed regular dividends for many years.
Its dividends have increased over the years.
Given its present DY is at the higher end of its historical DY range, is Boustead undervalued?
At the present price, is this stock an investment providing a safety of principal with a potential of a moderate positive return?

Guinness Anchor Malaysia Q4 profit jumps 30%. Company’s full year pre-tax profit crosses RM200mil for the first time


At the price of 8.10, this counter is trading at a ttm-PE of 16.95 with a DY of 5.06%.

Historical 5 Yr Data
EPSGR 7.6%
DPSGR 6.2%
PE range 12.3 to 15.6
DY range 6.9% to 5.4%

Its present ttm-PE is at the high end of its historical PE range.
Its DY is at the lower end of its historical DY range.

Stock Performance Chart for Guinness Anchor Berhad

Recent Stock Performance:

1 Week4.4%13 Weeks5.4%
4 Weeks18.0%52 Weeks31.1%


Thursday August 5, 2010

Guinness Anchor Q4 profit jumps 30%

By Leong Hung Yee

Company’s full year pre-tax profit crosses RM200mil for the first time
PETALING JAYA: Guinness Anchor Bhd’s (GAB) net profit jumped 30.2% to RM35.7mil for the fourth quarter ended June 30, from RM27.4mil a year ago, boosted by higher sales during the 2010 FIFA World Cup.
Its revenue for the quarter was 11.7% higher at RM308.7mil from RM276.3mil a year ago.
It reported earnings per share of 11.81 sen versus 9.07 sen a year ago.
The brewery also proposed a final dividend of 35 sen per 50 sen stock unit for the quarter.
For the full year, GAB’s net profit was higher at RM152.7mil, or 50.54 sen per share, on revenue of RM1.36bil.
Managing director Charles Ireland said the better performance marked the brewery’s ninth consecutive year of growth.
“Our pre-tax profit hit a record of RM205mil.
“This was the first time we crossed the RM200mil mark,” he said in a briefing to announce its latest quarterly results.
Ireland said the group had also managed to increase its market share in the malt liquor market to close to 60% from a low 40% nine years ago.
To a question, he said market share was less important to the group now.
He said the group’s various promotional campaigns such as Year of Tiger, Arthur’s Day, St Patrick’s Day and the recent World Cup viewing parties had paid off.
“We have been delighted with the performance of Tiger Beer especially in the last six months,” he said.
He added that GAB would be introducing more brands locally over the next six months, but did not elaborate.
Going forward, Ireland expects its current financial year ending June 30, 2011 (FY11) to be “another good year” for GAB.
“The year has started very well for us,” he said.
Ireland said one of the challenges for the current year was to sustain its performance to yet another record year.
The GAB chief said the group had allocated RM50mil for capital expenditure for FY11 in order to produce the highest quality beer.
He added that GAB would invest some RM3mil in a bottle inspection system to make sure its bottles were not chipped, among other concerns.
“We are also investing in crates, drafts and bottles to meet the growing demand,” he said.
Ireland is also hoping that the Government would not increase excise duties in the upcoming Budget 2011.
“We are hopeful that the Government will not increase the tax as Malaysia has the second highest excise tax in the world after Norway on alcoholic products,” he said.
Ireland said a higher tax would not necessarily increase revenue collection for the government as it could instead prompt smuggling activities.


AmResearch downgrades Guinness Anchor to Hold
Written by AmResearch
Thursday, 05 August 2010 08:55

KUALA LUMPUR: AmResearch is downgrading GUINNESS ANCHOR BHD [] (GAB) to HOLD.

It said on Thursday, Aug 5 that despite the group’s still positive earnings prospects, its higher fair value of RM8.62/share (at parity to DCF-estimates) offered limited upside potential (<15%) and valuation is no longer attractive.

GAB’s earnings for the 12 months ended 30 June was up a decent 8% YoY to RM153mil, meeting AmResearch’s full-year forecast as well as consensus estimates.

Year-to-date, GAB maintained its leadership position with 57% market share, and circa 70% of industry profit pool.

“In view of GAB’s proven track record in maintaining its leadership position with 57% market share in the duopoly industry, we have removed the 10% discount to our DCF-based valuation model.

“Consequently, we arrive at our higher fair value of RM8.62/share (previously RM7.50/share) based at parity to our DCF-estimates,” it said.

What is the PEG Ratio and How is it Calculated?

 The PEG or “Price/Earnings to Growth” ratio is a measure used to value a stock based on the trade-off between the P/E ratio of the stock and the company’s forecasted growth. Made popular by Peter Lynch in his book “One Up on Wall Street”, the PEG ratio is closely tracked by many investors to help determine whether a stock is currently over or under priced when factoring for growth expectations of the company.
The formula for the PEG ratio can be written as:

PEG Ratio = (Price/Earnings) / Annual Earnings per Share Growth

Stock Research Pro
PEG Ratio
P/E Ratio
Earnings Growth
PEG Ratio

A PEG ratio equal to one is thought to represent a fairly valued stock. For example, a company with a P/E ratio of 20 with a growth rate of 20% would have a PEG of 1. Like the P/E ratio, stocks with lower PEG ratios are seen as offering better value and a PEG ratio of less than 1 can indicate that the stock is currently undervaluedValue investors in particular may look for this attribute when choosing stocks for investment.
The PEG ratio is typically most beneficial when considering small and mid-cap growth companies as these organizations are more likely to pour their earnings back into the company to stimulate continued growth. Large-cap companies often allocate these earnings to dividend payments.

Fraser & Neave Malaysia

At closing price of 14.40, its ttm-PE was 18.14 and its DY was 2.99%

Historical 5 Yr Data
EPS GR 15.9%
DPS GR 14.4%
PE range 13.9 to 18.0
DY range 5.3% to 3.9%

At present price, F&N is trading at:

  • a ttm-PE that is in the upper end of its historical PE range, and
  • a DY that is at the lower end of its historical DY range.
Stock Performance Chart for Fraser & Neave Holdings Berhad

Recent Stock Performance:
1 Week-4.1% 13 Weeks13.6% 
4 Weeks33.4% 52 Weeks52.2% 

Its PEG ratio = 18.14/15.9 = 1.14.
ROE (2009) = 17.36%

Graham Intrinsic Value video tutorial

Using the Stock Research Pro Software to Calculate Intrsinsic Value Using the Benjamin Graham Formula

Stock Research Pro is a desktop software application designed to guide and streamline the stock research, analysis, and valuation process. The software includes an automated calculator to arrive at a stock’s intrinsic value using the Benjamin Graham formula.
Click here to launch the Graham intrinsic value video tutorial.