Wednesday 7 December 2011

Characteristics of Growth Companies and their Value Drivers

Characteristics of growth companies

            Growth companies are diverse in size, growth prospects and can be spread out over very different businesses but they share some common characteristics that make an impact on how we value them. In this section, we will look at some of these shared features:
  1. Dynamic financials: Much of the information that we use to value companies comes from their financial statements (income statements, balance sheets and statements of cash flows). One feature shared by growth companies is that the numbers in these statements are in a state of flux. Not only can the numbers for the latest year be very different from numbers in the prior year, but can change dramatically even over shorter time periods. For many smaller, high growth firms, for instance, the revenues and earnings from the most recent four quarters can be dramatically different from the revenues and earnings in the most recent fiscal year (which may have ended only a few months ago).
  2. Private and Public Equity: It is accepted as conventional wisdom that the natural path for a young company that succeeds at the earliest stages is to go public and tap capital markets for new funds. There are three reasons why this transition is neither as orderly nor as predictable in practice. The first is that the private to public transition will vary across different economies, depending upon both institutional considerations and the development of capital markets. Historically, growth companies in the United States have entered public markets earlier in the life cycle than growth companies in Europe, partly because this is the preferred exit path for many venture capitalists in the US. The second is that even within any given market, access to capital markets for new companies can vary across time, as markets ebb and flow. In the United States, for instance, initial public offerings increase in buoyant markets and drop in depressed markets; during the market collapse in the last quarter of 2008, initial public offerings came to a standstill. The third is that the pathway to going public varies across sectors, with companies in some sectors like technology and biotechnology getting access to public markets much earlier in the life cycle than firms in other sectors such as manufacturing or retailing. The net effect is that the growth companies that we cover in chapter will draw on a mix of private equity (venture capital) and public equity for their equity capital. Put another way, some growth companies will be private businesses and some will be publicly traded; many of the latter group will still have venture capitalists and founders as large holders of equity.
  3. Size disconnect: The contrast we drew in chapter 1 between accounting and financial balance sheets, with the former focused primarily on existing investments and the latter incorporating growth assets into the mix is stark in growth companies. The market values of these companies, if they are publicly traded, are often much higher than the accounting (or book) values, since the former incorporate the value of growth assets and the latter often do not. In addition, the market values can seem discordant with the operating numbers for the firm – revenues and earnings. Many growth firms that have market values in the hundreds of millions or even in the billions can have small revenues and negative earnings. Again, the reason lies in the fact that the operating numbers reflect the existing investments of the firm and these investments may represent a very small portion of the overall value of the firm.
  4. Use of debt: While the usage of debt can vary across sectors, the growth firms in any business will tend to carry less debt, relative to their value (intrinsic or market), than more stable firms in the same business, simply because they do not have the cash flows from existing assets to support more debt. In some sectors, such as technology, even more mature growth firms with large positive earnings and cash flows are reluctant to borrow money. In other sectors, such as telecommunications, where debt is a preferred financing mode, growth companies will generally have lower debt ratios than mature companies.
  5. Market history is short and shifting: We are dependent upon market price inputs for several key components of valuation and especially so for estimating risk parameters (such as betas). Even if growth companies are publicly traded, they tend to have short and shifting histories. For example, an analyst looking at Google in early 2009 would have been able to draw on about 4 years of market history (a short period) but even those 4 years of data may not be particularly useful or relevant because the company changed dramatically over that period – from revenues in millions to revenues in billions, operating losses to operating profits and from a small market capitalization to a large one. 
While the degree to which these factors affect growth firms can vary across firms, they are prevalent in almost every growth firm.

Growth companies- Value Drivers

Scalable growth

The question of how quickly revenue growth rates will decline at a given company can generally be addressed by looking at the company's specifics – the size of the overall market for its products and services, the strength of the competition and quality of both its products and management.  Companies in larger markets with less aggressive competition (or protection from competition) and better management can maintain high revenue growth rates for longer periods.
            There are a few tools that we can use to assess whether the assumptions we are making about revenue growth rates in the future, for an individual company, are reasonable:
1.     Absolute revenue changes: One simple test is to compute the absolute change in revenues each period, rather than to trust the percentage growth rate. Even experienced analysts often under estimate the compounding effect of growth and how much revenues can balloon out over time with high growth rates. Computing the absolute change in revenues, given a growth rate in revenues, can be a sobering antidote to irrational exuberance when it comes to growth.
2.     Past history: Looking at past revenue growth rates for the firm in question should give us a sense of how growth rates have changed as the company size changed in the past. To those who are mathematically inclined, there are clues in the relationship that can be used for forecasting future growth.
3.     Sector data: The final tool is to look at revenue growth rates of more mature firms in the business, to get a sense of what a reasonable growth rate will be as the firm becomes larger.
In summary, expected revenue growth rates will tend to drop over time for all growth companies but the pace of the drop off will vary across companies.

Sustainable margins

To get from revenues to operating income, we need operating margins over time. The easiest and most convenient scenario is the one where the current margins of the firm being valued are sustainable and can be used as the expected margins over time. In fact, if this is the case, we can dispense with forecasting revenue growth and instead focus on operating income growth, since the two will be the equivalent. In most growth firms, though, it is more likely that the current margin is likely to change over time.
            Let us start with the most likely case first, which is that the current margin is either negative or too low, relative to the sustainable long-term margin. There are three reasons why this can happen. One is that the firm has up-front fixed costs that have to be incurred in the initial phases of growth, with the payoff in terms of revenue and growth in later periods. This is often the case with infrastructure companies such as energy, telecommunications and cable firms. The second is the mingling of expenses incurred to generate growth with operating expenses; we noted earlier that selling expenses at growth firms are often directed towards future growth rather than current sales but are included with other operating expenses. As the firm matures, this problem will get smaller, leading to higher margins and profits. The third is that there might be a lag between expenses being incurred and revenues being generated; if the expenses incurred this year are directed towards much higher revenues in 3 years, earnings and margins will be low today.
            The other possibility, where the current margin is too high and will decrease over time, is less likely but can occur, especially with growth companies that have a niche product in a small market. In fact, the market may be too small to attract the attention of larger, better-capitalized competitors, thus allowing the firms to operate under the radar for the moment, charging high prices to a captive market. As the firm grows, this will change and margins will decrease. In other cases, the high margins may come from owning a patent or other legal protection against competitors, and as this protection lapses, margins will decrease. 
            In both of the latter two scenarios – low margins converging to a higher value or high margins dropping back to more sustainable levels – we have to make judgment calls on what the target margin should be and how the current margin will change over time towards this target. The answer to the first question can be usually be found by looking at both the average operating margin for the industry in which the firm operates and the margins commanded by larger, more stable firms in that industry. The answer to the second will depend upon the reason for the divergence between the current and the target margin. With infrastructure companies, for instance, it will reflect how long it will take for the investment to be operational and capacity to be fully utilized.

Quality Growth

A constant theme in valuation is the insistence that growth is not free and that firms will have to reinvest to grow. To estimate reinvestment for a growth firm, we will follow one of three paths, depending largely upon the characteristics of the firm in question:
1.     For growth firms earlier in the life cycle, we will adopt the same roadmap we used for young growth companies, where we estimated reinvestment based upon the change in revenues and the sales to capital ratio.
Reinvestmentt = Change in revenuest/ (Sales/Capital)
The sales to capital ratio can be estimated using the company's data (and it will be more stable than the net capital expenditure or working capital numbers) and the sector averages. Thus, assuming a sales to capital ratio of 2.5, in conjunction with a revenue increase of $ 250 million will result in reinvestment of $ 100 million.  We can build in lags between the reinvestment and revenue change into the computation, by using revenues in a future period to estimate reinvestment in the current one.
2.     With a growth firm that has a more established track record of earnings and reinvestment, we can use the relationship between fundamentals and growth rates that we laid out in chapter 2:
Expected growth rate in operating income = Return on Capital * Reinvestment Rate + Efficiency growth (as a result of changing return on capital)
In the unusual case where margins and returns and capital have settled into sustainable levels, the second term will drop out of the equation.
3.     Growth firms that have already invested in capacity for future years are in the unusual position of being able to grow with little or no reinvestment for the near term. For these firms, we can forecast capacity usage to determine how long the investment holiday will last and when the firm will have to reinvest again. During the investment holiday, reinvestment can be minimal or even zero, accompanied by healthy growth in revenues and operating income.
With all three classes of firms, though, the leeway that we have in estimating reinvestment needs during the high growth phase should disappear, once the firm has reached its mature phase. The reinvestment in the mature phase should hew strictly to fundamentals:
Reinvestment rate in mature phase = 
In fact, even in cases where reinvestment is estimated independently of the operating income during the growth period, and without recourse to the return on capital, we should keep track of the imputed return on capital (based on our forecasts of operating income and capital invested) to ensure that it stays within reasonable bounds.

The Little Book of Valuation
Aswath Damodaran

EPF: Lump-sum or partial withdrawals at 55?

EPF: Lump-sum or partial withdrawals at 55?
Written by Celine Tan of
Wednesday, 31 August 2011 00:12
KUALA LUMPUR: Upon reaching 55, most people prefer to withdraw all their savings in the Employees Provident Fund (EPF) but more and more people are opting for flexible withdrawals (partial or monthly payments).

According to the EPF, last year, 235,931 employees made withdrawals at age 55 and 70% of the withdrawals were full withdrawals. The number of flexible withdrawals increased by 41.67% to 82,690, compared with 2009.

Choosing between withdrawing a lump sum and making a partial withdrawal depends on many factors. Financial planners say you can ask five questions when crunching the numbers for your retirement plan, not at 55.

1) What is your behaviour towards money?

Your EPF savings can be the single largest disbursement of money you will see in your lifetime. “It is something that most individuals look forward to throughout their working life. It gives them a sense of fulfilment when they receive it since they believe that it is then possible to achieve their life goals,” says K Gunasegaran, founder and licensed financial planner of Wealth Street Sdn Bhd.

If you are quick to spend money without a plan, think twice before withdrawing the whole. “Those who are not used to having large sums of money tend to get emotionally charged. It can lead to splurges on big-ticket items such as luxury cars. While the money is rightfully yours and it is not entirely wrong to benefit from your retirement savings, be aware of the consequences. If you know that you are an emotional spender, it is best to drop the idea of a lump-sum withdrawal because you have to make smart choices with the money,” says Gunasegaran.

2) Can you generate higher returns at a higher risk?
The primary concern of retirees is whether their retirement savings can sustain them throughout their golden years and generate sufficient returns to outpace inflation.

Headline inflation, as measured by the Consumer Price Index (CPI), increased to 3.3% on an annual basis in May, according to Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM). From 2005 to 2010, the average inflation rate in the country was 2.77%, reaching a historical high of 8.5% in July 2008 and a record low of –2.4% in July 2009.

For the past 59 years, from 1952 to 2010, the EPF has declared annual dividend rates of between 2.5% and 8.5%. In the past 10 years, the highest dividend payout from the EPF was 6% in 2000 and the lowest dividend payout was 4.25% in 2002. “If you are conservative and expect the EPF to continue providing decent annual dividends, opt for flexible withdrawals,” says Wong Keng Leong, practice manager and licensed financial adviser representative at Standard Financial Planner Sdn Bhd.

Headline inflation, however, is not necessarily a reflection of the rise in a household’s real cost of living. This means that the returns on your retirement savings should far exceed the reported CPI figures.

“Also, the EPF promises a minimum dividend of 2.5% per annum. If you think that you or your financial adviser or fund manager can surpass the average returns made by the EPF, consider a lump-sump withdrawal to boost your retirement nest egg,” says Gunasegaran.

When doing so, observe the associated costs such as sales charges or management fees levied by the financial professionals and financial institutions. If you decide to retain your retirement savings with the EPF, there will be a small charge that differs from year to year.

3) Would you still be paying debts at age 55?

If you will still be servicing high-interest debts at age 55, consider using your EPF savings to pare down or settle the loans. This is especially so if the interest levied is higher than the returns generated by your savings.

“High-interest debt includes credit cards [interest rate ranges from 13.5% to 17.5% a year] and personal loans [interest rate ranges from 8% to 12%]. Holding any of these debts negates any investment gains unless you are able to get superior returns on your investment over the years. Withdrawing your retirement savings, be it in a lump sum or partially, to settle your high-interest debt is a smart option but ensure that there is still some money left for your retirement, says Wong.

There is no fixed rule on how much debt you should settle. “How much you should pay off depends on the quantum of your savings. Also, it is good to check whether your debt can be restructured to reduce the interest you have to pay. If so, evaluate the financial benefit of settling this debt with a lump sum withdrawal of your EPF savings,” says Gunasegaran.

4) Do you want to control your retirement funds?

Contributors have little control over how their savings are managed and invested by the EPF, which has sole discretion on how to invest the money that they receive and the dividend (over the minimum amount guaranteed) to declare.

“If you want to take full charge of your retirement savings [either on your own or with professional help], you can do so at 55. When you take a lump-sum payment, you are able to invest in investments that may not be available to you if you were to retain your savings in the EPF [withdrawals can be made to EPF-approved local equity funds],” says Wong, who observes that most of his retired clients withdrew all their EPF monies at 55 as they were comfortable with managing their own money.

A key benefit of withdrawing your retirement savings in a lump sum is that it allows you to expose your loved ones to managing money with a long-term perspective. “At the point of death, most of us will not want to leave a large sum of money to loved ones who cannot manage it. In all likelihood, the money will be spent sooner than planned. Withdrawing your retirement savings in a lump sum at the point of retirement allows you to slowly educate your young-adult children on how to manage a big sum of money. Let them know where you keep your savings and what you are doing with it. This is an alternative to receiving a lump sum from the EPF when you are no longer around,” says Gunasegaran.

5) Do you have a plan to access your money?

If you are 55, under the EPF’s monthly payment withdrawal scheme, the board will transfer the total amount into a special account and put monthly payments into your bank account.

If you opt for a lump-sum withdrawal, how will you draw down your money to fund your lifestyle? There are two options to evaluate. Wong suggests that you should plan a draw-down strategy that includes either a quarterly or half-yearly redemption. “Note that some instruments allow you to make periodical withdrawals but may impose charges.”

On the other hand, Gunasegaran thinks that it is more advisable for retirees to put their retirement savings into annuity-like insurance plans, under which they will receive annual payments after a certain number of years.

Taking a loan in your golden years

Taking a loan in your golden years
Written by Celine Tan of
Monday, 31 October 2011 07:48

Banks might be reluctant to lend to retirees but there are ways to increase your chances of getting a loan

For retirees, the best practice is to live on cash. Says Ng Chee Yong, a licensed financial planner at the financial care centre of wealth solutions provider CWA, “Whenever possible, pay with cash. A loan is taken to finance items that you cannot afford, a situation that retirees without a steady income should avoid.”

Nevertheless, unforeseen events or emergencies may compel you to borrow. For instance, an offspring may face financial difficulties and most parents would find it difficult to deny assistance. Or you might want to start a business or invest in properties. “After retiring at 55, many retirees start small businesses.

It is not surprising to find them applying for business or personal loans,” says Thoo Mee Ling, head of secured lending at OCBC Bank (M) Bhd. “Apart from that, those who are active in the property market will continue to buy and sell. They need to turn to banks for home loans.”

Louis Loh, business development manager at VKA Wealth Planners Sdn Bhd, says most of his retired clients take loans to buy new cars or refinance their homes.

“Some retirees may prefer to get a loan when purchasing big-ticket items although they can afford them. They think that they will be audited by the Inland Revenue Board if the items are paid in cash.”

Generally, financial institutions deny loans to those who are not earning an income. However, you can obtain a loan in certain situations, especially if you have planned for it. Here are six tips to maximise your chances of getting a loan in your golden years.

1 Take the loan before you turn 60

Each financial institution implements and adheres to a set of lending guidelines. “The guidelines are essential for the bank to manage its risk and returns. These guidelines include risk criteria set out by regulatory bodies such as Bank Negara Malaysia. Age [of borrowers] is a variable that a bank controls through its lending guidelines,” says Thoo. “If you think that you might want to get a loan during retirement, it is best to take the loan before you turn 60. The most ideal time is between 50 and 55,” says Loh.

2 Cut margin of finance and/or loan tenure

“Nowadays, some financial institutions prefer to give out lower margins of finance because they want to decrease their non-performing loans. Generally, banks will give loans to retirees who ask for a 50% margin of finance,” says Loh.

“If you are 56 and want to get a 15-year loan, the financial institutions may be concerned. But, if you want to get an eight- or 10-year loan, they are more comfortable with it. In addition, this lowers your borrowing cost,” says Ng.

Loh observes that it is far easier for retirees to obtain car loans, which have short tenures of two to five years, rather than home loans. “Note that most financial institutions are reluctant to give out loans to retirees over 60 even if they have repayment capacity or are willing to cut the loan tenure.”

3 Document your sources of income

One of the most important aspects of getting your loan approved is your repayment capacity. “Your income [finances] must be able to prove that you can,” says Loh.

“Make your income ‘official’. For instance, if you sell cakes or babysit, legalise your business by setting up a sole proprietorship. This will need few months of planning,” suggests Ng.

If you are going to use rental income to support your loan application, provide proper documentation. “Get your tenancy agreement stamped and keep all records of payments. Get the tenant to bank the rent into your account,” says Ng. Besides receiving a continuous stream of income from these assets, Loh adds that your chances of obtaining a loan will improve if your existing properties are fully paid up.

But, bear in mind that financial institutions only consider income that is consistent and secured. “Lenders generally do not favour lending to insurance agents, unit trust agents, direct-selling marketers, remisiers or brokers. This is because their incomes are based on renewal of sales and the lenders assume that such income will not last for a long time, unless they have a group of people to continue running their business,” observes Loh.

Therefore, it is essential to build up a sizeable passive income stream prior to your retirement. Passive income can be generated from rental, dividends from shares, bonds and unit trusts, or commissions. “[Passive income] complements our pension fund and supports our repayment capacity,” says Thoo.

4 Get a guarantor or joint borrower

Generally, financial institutions prefer to give loans to retirees who have a guarantor or joint borrower. “By guaranteeing the loan, the guarantor or joint borrower, usually a family member, is legally liable for the repayments as well,” says Thoo.

Loh observes that financial institutions prefer a joint borrower to a guarantor. “This is because a joint borrower is seen as having more commitment than a guarantor. However, where the joint borrower has a high debt-asset ratio, the financial institution may consider him as a guarantor instead.”

If you ask an income-earning family member to support your loan application, document the agreement. “You need to put everything in black and white. Inform those involved and communicate your plans,” says Ng.

If you are taking a mortgage loan, determine if the joint borrower will co-own your property. If not, this arrangement is tricky and can affect your estate. Also, note that the joint borrower or guarantor will have to continue servicing the loan should you pass away. “If the loan is not insured, your child will be burdened if you pass away while servicing the loan. The debt will not stop when you die, but will pass on to your legal beneficiaries,” says Loh.

5 Pledge collaterals

Collateral such as fixed deposits, unit trusts and shares can be pledged when applying for a loan. “As a rule of thumb, fixed deposits are favoured because they are liquid assets. Most banks, if not all, will offer a 100% loan if it is collateralised by a fixed deposit. Unit trusts and shares can be offered as well, although the margin of finance varies, depending on the bank’s risk appetite,” says Thoo.

If you pledge your fixed deposit, you cannot use the funds in the account throughout the tenure of the loan, says Loh. “Usually, banks will ask for a RM20,000 fixed deposit or a sum equivalent to 10% of the property’s value. This is the minimum amount needed to auction off the property if the borrower defaults.”

Financial institutions typically do not ask for property as collateral for a personal loan. “They are not in the business of liquidating such assets,” says Ng. The bank will incur a cost in holding a property auction and the price of the property will usually be lower than the market rate, explains Loh.

6 Stick to the same bank

Where possible, build a relationship with your banker. “If you have a good relationship with your banker, it might be easier for you to get a loan. For instance, if you always get your loans from the same bank, it might be more lenient and go the extra mile for you,” observes Ng.

Freehold vs leasehold - the diffences

Freehold vs leasehold - the diffences
Written by Celine Tan of
Friday, 14 October 2011 17:04

Buying a property? Is it freehold or leasehold? Does it matter?

The main difference between the two tenures is ownership of the land. When it is the former, you will own the land while in the latter situation, ownership is accorded by the government for terms of 30, 60 or 99 years.

Whichever the tenure, you are free to develop the land as desired.

“Of course, it will be subject to planning control and public rights. Whatever you build should not pose a danger to your neighbours,” says PL Lee, managing director of First Pacific Valuers Property Consultants Sdn Bhd.

Clement Ong, principal of Megaharta Real Estate Sdn Bhd, says nine out of 16 property developments launched in the Klang Valley in August were freehold.

“Freehold properties mostly come from developers who are also plantations owners, such as Sime Darby, IOI Properties and Kuala Lumpur Kepong. The state governments had alienated freehold land to the developers for plantation purposes. The land was then converted into residential and non-residential property developments. Other developers who have obtained new alienation from the state governments are likely to receive leasehold land,” he explains.

“When alienating land as freehold or leasehold, state governments consider factors such as the [property] demand in the area and the growth rate of the state,” says A Subramaniam, executive director of PA International Property Consultants Sdn Bhd. New leasehold land in Bukit Jalil, Seri Kembangan and Selayang used to be designated as forest reserves, he says.

While some people do not care about the tenure of the property, others find it important, especially when it comes to renewing leasehold titles. Leasehold properties in certain parts of the Klang Valley, such as PJ Old Town (Selangor), Sungai Besi (Kuala Lumpur), Setapak (Kuala Lumpur) and Jalan Chan Sow Lin (Kuala Lumpur), have 50 or fewer years on their leases.

The owners are concerned that the land tenure may affect the future sale of their properties. Last December, Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin announced that all state governments may approve applications for renewal or extension of leasehold land for a period not exceeding 99 years, unless the land is required for public purposes.

Ong adds that not all titles require the state’s consent. “Not all transfers of leasehold properties need the state authority’s consent, such as those in Batu Caves. Conversely, there are freehold properties that need the consent. Thus, it is important for potential buyers to look at the title of the property.”

Examples of freehold properties with restrictions are the semi-detached houses in Kelana Jaya, says Lee. “These were previously leasehold properties but were changed to freehold. However, the restrictions still apply.”

Transacting property with restrictions

For leasehold and freehold properties with restrictions, any transaction requires the consent of the state government. Thus, the transaction period for secondary leasehold properties is generally longer than that of their restriction-free counterparts.

“Generally, the sale of freehold properties will take three plus one (3+1) months to complete, as stated in the usual sale and purchase agreement,” says Lee.

“However, for leasehold properties, the 3+1 months will only start after consent of the state authorities has been obtained. Getting consent can take about six months to a year. This means that buyers should not plan to move into their leasehold properties in four months’ time. The paperwork to transfer ownership can take as long as a year. It may take longer for leasehold properties in Selangor and Kuala Lumpur because the state offices are overloaded [with consent requests]. A leasehold property bought on the primary market [from a developer] usually doesn’t take such a long time.”

Lee adds that the speed in obtaining consent from the state authority is also determined by the information provided by the seller. “Sometimes, sellers will delay providing such information in anticipation of higher property prices, which they will demand from the buyers. This is a risk that buyers face,” he says.

Property consultants note that it takes more time and effort to transfer a leasehold property from a bumiputera owner to a non-bumiputera buyer. This is probably because the authorities try to maintain a balance between races living in a particular location. “If the state authority rejects the application for transfer, the seller can appeal. Common reasons that are given by the seller [for selling] are health issues and old age,” says Lee.

Purpose of the purchase

Generally, freehold properties are preferred as their values are usually more stable and tend to appreciate in the long term.

“The values of freehold and 99-year leasehold properties go up at a similar rate in the first 20 to 30 years. Sometimes, leasehold properties gain more value than freehold properties during the initial years. But, beyond 30 years, the values of leasehold properties face friction (stagnate, only to depreciate) until the expiry of the lease. On the other hand, values of freehold properties are more stable,” explains Lee.

There is also the possibility of redevelopment of old freehold properties. “Apartments and condominiums will eventually deteriorate. Developers prefer to buy such properties [for development] if the land is designated as freehold. In such cases, owners will receive fair compensation,” says Lee, who thinks that Desa Kudalari, an old freehold condominium in the Kuala Lumpur city centre, is a likely target for redevelopment.

He also finds that financial institutions will not finance those who want to acquire leasehold properties with less than 50 years remaining on the lease.

“Think twice if you face a property with a lease that has 60 years to go. The financial institution may give you a loan now but if you decide to sell the property in 10 years, the next buyer could face difficulty in obtaining a loan. It will not be easy for you to sell.”

However, you are not home free if you hold freehold property as the government may revoke your ownership.

“The government can still take back freehold land under the Land Acquisition Act 1960, to be developed for public purposes [such as an MRT project] or economic development. The term ‘economic development’ is a grey area and the government has the discretion to take over any private property [at any time],” says Ong.

If such an acquisition occurs, property owners will be paid the market value of the property.

The National Land Code 1965 also allows for ownership to be made void if you fail to pay annual quit rents or comply with all the express and implied conditions surrounding the land. “If this occurs, the government has the right to seal the property and auction it off. However, this is rarely done,” says Lee.

If you are interested in rental income, the tenure of the property might not be of significance. “These investors are more concerned with location, and the demand and supply of rental units,” says Ong.

Lee adds that the quality and brand of developers is another factor that carries more weight among property investors than the land tenure.

Hospital and Surgical Insurance Claims: The main condition is that the claims must be genuine.

For a painless hospital, surgical stint
Written by Lim Siew May of
Monday, 19 September 2011 16:29

KUALA LUMPUR: You’ve probably heard horror stories from friends and kin about hospital and surgical (H&S) claims being denied or claim amounts not being entirely reimbursed by their insurers. Industry players stress that insurers do not attempt to minimise payments to claimants.

The main condition is that the claims must be genuine.

“Insurance companies want to be in the business for the long term, and establishing a good reputation is important for us,” says Tan Chue Chau, appointed actuary at Manulife Insurance.

Sharon Chong, managing director of Moneywise Wealth Planning & Consultancy, stresses that insurance companies do not deny claims that are supported by required documents such as medical reports and hospital bills.

Martin Yong, head of life division at State Insurance Brokers, an insurance brokerage firm, says, “It is very straightforward to make an H&S claim. If you’ve declare everything to the best of your knowledge, you will usually be reimbursed. If the insurance company thinks you’re a risky applicant based on your declaration, they would have imposed a loading or not accepted you [as an insured] in the first place.”

Here are the top five reasons why an H&S claim may be denied.

1) The claim is not covered
This problem arises because the claimants are not aware of the exclusion clauses in their policies. “Very often, they’d mistakenly think that a disease is covered, or that they are covered in particular situations,” Yong points out. Insurance agents, when highlighting the benefits of a particular policy to a consumer, should devote some time to explain the exclusions as well.

Congenital conditions, medical or physical abnormalities at the time of birth, are usually excluded, to the surprise of many claimants, says Yong. Most H&S policies do not cover congenital conditions but some insurers do provide them, with conditions on the age of the insured.

“For instance, some insurers state that they do not cover congenital diseases diagnosed before the age of 17. If the claimant is diagnosed after 17, the benefit is payable,” says Chong.

Diagnostic tests are usually not covered as well, though some insurers may pay for certain specified ones. “Insurance exists because most of us are likely to need help to pay for surgery, [and it usually does] not [cover] diagnostic tests,” says Chong.

Another common policy exclusion that is often overlooked is the overseas residence clause. This is pertinent to people who are studying or working abroad for an extended period of time.

“For instance, if you’ve stayed overseas for 90 consecutive days, you will not be compensated if you’re hospitalised anywhere in the world on the 91st day,” explains Chong.

The reasonable and customary charges provision comes into play when a claim is made for treatment received outside the country. In this provision, medical charges should not exceed the general level of charges made by providers of similar standing in Malaysia, Yong explains.

“For instance, say you did a heart surgery is the US, which cost you RM600,000. In Malaysia, the same procedure might only cost you RM100,000. The insurance company will pay you RM100,000, as it is the amount you would have incurred had the surgery been performed in Malaysia,” he says.

2) You have exceeded the coverage limit

Many policyholders are not aware of caps imposed on their medical plans. In addition to a lifetime limit, insurance companies tend to impose an annual limit or an inner limit on H&S policies. For instance, a policy can stipulate a lifetime limit of RM300,000 but limit the amount of claims to RM50,000 a year.

If your actual hospitalisation bill is RM70,000, you would need to pay the difference and you cannot make any claims for the rest of the policy year.
H&S plans that were introduced more than a decade ago may even specify an inner limit.

“For each benefit of your H&S plan, there might be a limit imposed for claims. For example, if your inner limit for surgery is RM20,000, that’s the maximum that you will receive, even if the actual surgical cost is RM50,000,” says Chong.

Fierce competition among insurers has removed the inner limit clause today.

“Now, most medical plans go by the ‘as charged’ basis, which means that the insurer will reimburse the policyholder the amount charged by the hospital. Clearly, this is much better for the policyholder,” says Yong.

It is also common for policyholders to overlook their eligible benefits, such as staying in a more expensive room than the one specified in your plan.

Says Chong, most insurers have a clause stating that if you go beyond your entitlement, you must pay a 20% co-insurance fee (a fixed percentage, usually up to 20%, of the medical bills).

“Some insurers will require those who stay within their entitlement to pay a 10% co-insurance fee and there is a limit on how much they need to pay,” she adds. Others levy an administration fee, says Yong.

Also, check whether your H&S policy stipulates a “deductible”, which is an amount that you have to pay. “Say you’ve opted for a deductible of RM3,000, and your total hospital bill is RM4,000. The insurer will only pay you RM1,000 [RM4,000 – RM3,000],” Tan explains.

3) Failure to disclose pre-existing illnesses

Failure to mention an existing illness is another common reason for the rejection of a claim.

“For instance, you were diagnosed with a disease and went for an operation a few years ago. If you don’t declare it and subsequently make a claim, you will not be paid if the insurer finds out about it,” Yong explains.

4) Coverage has yet to commence

Most insurers impose a waiting period, during which claims for some specified illnesses will not be paid. “For instance, most insurance companies stipulate a 120-day waiting period for illnesses such as hypertension, tumours, cancers and cysts from the day the policy is issued,” says Tan, adding that this waiting period does not extend to accidents.

When upgrading your H&S policy, do not cancel your old plan until the waiting period for the new one has ended, advises Lim Teong Lay, author of Insurance Planning Guide for Malaysians.

5) Failing to pay your premiums on time
Needless to say, you won’t be covered if you’ve not been remitting your premiums on time. Tan says a policy lapse a month after the premium due date.

Medical plans that ride on a basic life insurance policy or investment-linked policy usually have a surrender value or an investment value that will pay for H&S coverage if the policyholder fails to pay the premiums. Once this underlying value is exhausted, all benefits will be void and claims will not be paid out, says Yong.

Number of wealthy Malaysians to double by 2015

Number of wealthy Malaysians to double by 2015
Written by Joanne Nayagam
Thursday, 15 September 2011 11:45

KUALA LUMPUR: In its first Asia Wealth Report released this year, private banking group Bank Julius Baer expects the number of high net worth individuals (HNWIs) in Malaysia to grow from 32,000 currently to 68,000 in 2015. Their net worth is expected to increase from US$140 billion (RM433 billion) to US$330 billion.

“We see that Asia is growing in a very dynamic way, accounting for almost 40% of global GDP alone if you basically look at China and India as of today,” said Dr Thomas Meier, Julius Baer CEO for Asia, in an interview with The Edge Financial Daily.

Because wealth is generated in growing economies, said Meier, it is natural for the group to understand how this wealth is translated to different individuals.

The report, prepared in cooperation with CLSA, was based on client surveys and interviews covering topics such as environment, philanthropy, investing, lifestyle and education and shows how Asia’s HNWIs view the world.

The key findings of the report include Julius Baer’s forecast that China and India alone will contribute over 40% of the global GDP growth for 2011 and 2012.

It also estimated a doubling of the number HNWIs across Asia from 1.16 million to 2.82 million as their wealth triples from US$5.06 trillion to US$15.81 trillion by 2015.

China alone is forecast to have 1.4 million HNWIs with a stock of wealth of US$8.76 trillion by 2015.

Growth in Malaysia will be broad-based and job creating.

Indonesia stood out with the highest growth rate in terms of number of HNWIs over the five-year period, rising from 33,000 to 99,000 with a stock of wealth of US$487 billion.

Four key factors will drive the rise in HNWIs in Malaysia.

The first is the country’s strong and stable long-term fundamental GDP growth derived from trade and agriculture, and increasingly the finance and banking sector, said David Lim, Julius Baer CEO for Singapore.

“The wealth report agrees that growth in Malaysia will be broad-based. It will be job creating. There will a lot more engagement of Malaysia with Asean and a reduction in the reliance of Malaysia on the Western markets,” he said.

The second factor is Asia’s strong currencies, which Julius Baer believes will continue to strengthen.

Asian currencies will not only benefit from their countries’ strong reserves but also rising inflow of foreign direct investments.

Furthermore, a stronger currency will also provide more “fire power” for asset acquisition abroad. “There will be that money flow back to Malaysia,” said Lim.

The other two factors are asset price appreciation from real estate and equities.

Equally important for HNWIs is understanding what needs to be done to sustain their lifestyle from a consumption and investment perspective.

One of the key components to determine a financial plan is the cost of goods and because HNWIs do not draw from the same basket of 20 items as many others, the report will help them plan for the long haul. For this, the Swiss private bank launched the Julius Baer Lifestyle Index, which captures the consumption costs in Asia Pacific and the inherent inflation.

The 20 items in the basket used for the index include high-value items from wedding expenses to wine and cars to legal costs, cigars and education.

“It is the cost of living the life of the rich,” said Meier.

The index covers price changes from April 2010 to April 2011, and is an aggregate of price changes sampled from Shanghai, Mumbai, Singapore and Hong Kong.

For the one-year to April 2011, the index was up 11.7% outpacing conventional consumer price index measures, which stood at 5.1% over the same period.

The rising number of HNWIs will also benefit luxury brands expanding in Asia. “Luxury goods and established brands will benefit from this wealth,” said Meier.

The key is brand reputation and management to get a brand into an iconic position said Lim.

Julius Baer was a sponsor in the Forbes CEO Global Conference which was held here over the past few days. The bank is present in Asia with offices in Singapore, Hong Kong and Indonesia.

This article appeared in The Edge Financial Daily, September 15, 2011.

Recession-proof fashion retailers do better than others during a bear market

Recession-proof fashion retailers do better than others during a bear market
Written by Lim Siew May of
Tuesday, 06 December 2011 09:43

KUALA LUMPUR: In Malaysia, only three home-grown fashion brands — Padini Holdings Bhd, Bonia Corp Bhd and Voir Holdings Bhd — are listed on Bursa Malaysia, but they have been surprisingly resilient. Each remained profitable during the 2008 financial crisis.

Padini Holdings Bhd, which is widely covered by analysts, was the first retailer to list, doing so in 1998. It retails fashionwear and accessories through its brands — Seed, Vincci, P&Co, PDI, Padini Authentics Miki and Padini.

In early November, it boasted the highest market capitalisation [among the three] of RM657.91 million, and profits have been growing consistently y-o-y from 2001 to 2010. It has consistently paid out dividends of at least 30% of its net income, and for FY2011, it is expected to distribute RM26.3 million (34.7%) out of its net profit of RM75.7 million.

The market capitalisation of Bonia Corp Bhd, which retails branded leatherwear, footwear as well as men’s apparel and accessories, is about half of Padini’s at RM328.56 million. It made a net profit of RM33.55 million for FY2010. The company owns the Bonia, Sembonia and Carlo Rino brands and the licence for international labels including Santa Barbara Polo and Valentino Rudy.

Voir Holdings Bhd has the smallest market capitalisation of RM60.60 million. The company owns brands such as VOIR, Applemints and SODA as well as licensed international brand Diadora. Besides selling women’s apparel, shoes and accessories, the company also designs and sells clothes for men and children. It made a net profit of RM7.7 million for FY2010.

Compared with luxury fashion houses listed in Hong Kong, local fashion stocks are much cheaper. The three companies are trading at price-earning ratios (PERs) of between 8.42 times and 8.75 times. In comparison, Italian luxury brand Prada SpA, which listed in Hong Kong in June, is trading at 28 times.


The possibility of a double-dip recession for the global economy is certainly alarming but the stock market will offer great bargains. Certain resilient industries do better than others during a bear market.

There are two opposing schools of thought on the prospects of non-utilitarian stocks such as fashion during a recession. On one hand, branded wear can be seen as luxury, not a basic need, which is eliminated from a tightened budget.

The opposing view is that people tend to seek an escape from hard times and are more likely to indulge in shopping. The latter helps to explain the resilience of Padini, Voir and Bonia during the last financial crisis.

An analyst, who requests anonymity, is sanguine about the local fashion stocks. “Malaysians love sales. Fashion companies can spur customer spending via sales and promotions, even though they do incur marketing costs. I believe that our middle-class fashion range will fare better than high-end fashion stocks in Hong Kong, given their affordability.”

A consumer-sector analyst, however, is cautious: “Fashion is not a staple. I believe the sector will be affected by the current conditions in the global economy. People will hold back during uncertain times.”
Here are ways to evaluate a solid fashion stock, regardless of whether we will see a global.

Branding counts

Branding is said to be the most important component of a fashion retailer. “Everyone has heard of Padini. It is available at almost every retail outlets across the Klang Valley, and people usually prefer to stick to an established brand,” says the first analyst.

“Padini offers a wide range of products for various market segments, and they are affordably priced. When a fresh graduate needs to buy working clothes, he buys from Padini instead of foreign fashion brands such as Zara, which costs 50% more.”

Is the company actively growing its brand? This is reflected by mergers and acquisitions as well as decisions to spend 2% to 3% of its revenue on marketing initiatives and/or aggressive openings of more outlets. “Organic growth will not result in a premium valuation for fashion stocks,” says the analyst.

A HwangDBS Vickers Research report indicates that there is a correlation between a newly opened store and the company’s revenue stream. For instance, when Padini expanded its retail space by more than 50%, or 143,955 sq ft, in 2008.

Padini is setting its sights on rural areas like Sabah, where there is enhanced purchasing power. The group has started selling its affordably priced garments in the Brands Outlet in Suria Sabah in Kota Kinabalu, 1st Avenue Mall in Penang, as well as 1Borneo Shopping Mall and 1 Multi-Concept Store in Sabah.

“Residents don’t really have access to swanky and established malls. I believe Padini should perform relatively well there,” says the analyst. Brands Outlet, a Padini standalone store, has been instrumental in driving the company’s revenue growth, contributing a compounded annual growth rate of 85% since its debut in 2007, says the HwangDBS Vickers Research report.

Starting a standalone store is also a good move for the fashion company. “When you move beyond [renting space in a department store], you will have more space and better control over your operations. And if your brand is the anchor tenant, you can probably negotiate for favourable rental terms,” says the consumer-sector analyst.

Increasing same-store sales

Same-store sales are used in the retail industry to reflect the difference in revenue generated by the retail chain’s existing outlets over a certain period of time. This statistic differentiates between sales generated from new stores and those from existing stores.

“This metric shows the organic growth of a store. New outlets usually reach their peaks after three or four years, then you won’t see fantastic double-digit growth,” says the analyst.

Growth of same-store sales reflects the management’s acumen in predicting fashion trends while the reverse signifies inaccurate expectations or a saturated market.

Unfortunately, growth figures are not readily accessible to retail investors, although analyst’s reports or news reports may feature them. To compensate, evaluate the company’s financial performance.

“It all boils down to the company’s ability to give its customers what they want. Look at the big picture. You can assess its ability to meet customers’ demand through the sales figures in the financial statements. You can also go to the stores and observe the foot traffic,” suggests the analyst.

Expect months of lower sales. According to HwangDBS Vickers Research’s report, Padini sees lower sales during non-festive seasons, such as in 2Q2011. However, the report explains that this is a common characteristic of the retail industry.

Stocks and threats

Holding a high volume of inventory for a long time is not a good sign for a fashion retailer. Inventory takes up storage space and affects liquidity. High inventory may also compel a company to significantly mark down its out-of-season stocks, leading to compressed margins.

To cater for festive celebrations such as Christmas and Chinese New Year, there will be a surge in inventory, the analyst says. “The inventory volume depends heavily on the management’s view. If it takes a sanguine view of the economy, it will increase stocks accordingly.

“However, if a great deal of the inventory in December does not translate into sales by March or April, it can mean a weak quarterly financial performance for the company.”

Rising raw-material (such as cotton) costs and the minimum wage hike in China are some of the key threats facing fashion retailers around the world. Gross margin, which measures the percentage of each ringgit of revenue retained as gross profit, is used to evaluate the management’s ability to manage cost.

The higher it is, the more the company is able to retain each ringgit of revenue to meet other business costs and obligations. A reduced gross margin can be a result of plunging revenue and/or increased business costs — all of which impact earnings.

Sell bonds and buy equities? Maybe not

Sell bonds and buy equities? Maybe not
Written by Celine Tan of
Tuesday, 06 December 2011 09:40

KUALA LUMPUR: Which was the best asset class in the first three quarters of 2011?

Given the volatility on Bursa Malaysia’s Main Board, it may not be surprising that the local bond and money-market funds performed better than equity funds in the one-year period ended October 28 (see table), but still, the institutional investors were caught flat-footed.

“This [underperformance of equities] was not expected early in the year. But seeing how the Greek sovereign debt issue has remained unresolved and the situations that followed the US’ credit rating downgrade, the underperformance is not a surprise [now],” says Koh Huat Soon, chief investment officer of Pacific Mutual Fund Bhd.

Similarly, Azian Abu Bakar, executive director of Apex Investment Services Bhd, did not expect bond portfolios to outperform their equity counterparts until Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) hiked interest rates and the macroeconomic situations in developed economies kept “turning turtle”. BNM hiked the overnight policy rate by 25 basis points to 3% in May.

Throughout the year, the local bourse’s performance was mainly news-driven. “The poor performance of equity funds was due to major sell-offs in 3Q2011, as investors sought refuge and shifted to safer assets such as bonds and money-market instruments,” says Yeoh Mei Kei, research analyst at

Koh says the local bond market benefited from foreign investments while Azian attributes demand for sukuk issued during the year. For both, the interest-rate hike in May was also a factor.

The equity funds’ performance was attributed to the bearish sentiment on the local equity market throughout the year, says Azian. “Generally, the performance of the banking sector affected conventional equity portfolios. Islamic equity portfolios were impacted by the doldrums in the plantation sector and, to some extent, the construction sector.”

What to do?
Everyone has heard of the old adage — what goes up must come down. “We advise investors — be they conservative or aggressive — to rebalance their portfolios from winning positions [bond and money-market funds] to losing positions [equity funds],” says Yeoh.

“This prevents investors’ portfolios from [suffering a] ‘style drift’, which means a divergence from the original investment objective or investment style. Also, it forces investors to be disciplined and to manage their emotions when investing.”

Koh suggests switching to European equities. “The eurozone had bought more time to resolve their crisis. This region managed to avoid a messy default in the near term. Since many equity funds are holding cash, the potential for short-term gains is there.”

But this move requires a stomach for risk and constant surveillance of the situation in Europe. Key risks — such as the success of austerity measures in countries such as Greece and inadequate amounts of bail-out funds — remain.

This means that conservative investors should hold on to their performing bonds and money-market funds as equities are likely to remain very volatile, given the uncertainly in the global economy. Institutional investors are also likely to take their time before acquiring equities.

“Most asset managers have implemented trading or benchmarking tactics. This conservative approach is taken in lieu of the global uncertainty,” says Azian.

Maybank assets under custody set to grow 20%

Wednesday December 7, 2011

KUALA LUMPUR: Malayan Banking Bhd (Maybank) expects its new eCustody service to grow assets under custody by 20% next year, from RM50bil at June 30 this year.
eCustody is an online module within Maybank’s enterprise cash management portal,
Deputy president and head of global wholesale banking Abdul Farid Alias said that Maybank’s local and international assets under custody stood at RM37bil at June 30, 2010.
“Transaction banking services are a growing revenue driver for the Maybank group. In the financial year ended June 30, 2011, transaction banking revenue grew 9% (and) custody services recorded growth of 10% for the past five years.
Revenue driver: Wong (left) and Farid at the launch of eCustody, which is expected to increase Maybank’s custody services revenue by at least 20%.
“Now, we are expecting revenue from custody services to grow by at least 20% in the coming year with eCustody,” Farid said at the launch of eCustody.
He said Maybank had been putting up building blocks and that the new service provided the final link for the group to provide a complete, single platform for electronic transaction banking.
Farid said the bank currently had 126 custody clients and expected to convert 60% of them to the eCustody platform by end-2012.
He said Maybank already had a sizeable presence in trade finance with a market share, in terms of volume, of 24% and 30% in cash management.
Managing director (transaction banking, global wholesale banking) John Wong explained that eCustody was already iPad-enabled and that the next phase would be introduced in March for BlackBerry and Android-based devices.
Wong assured that eCustody was a secure system, saying it required dual authentication whereby a client would be given a “token” that generates a password on top of his password.
He said eCustody would be one of the enablers for Maybank to take its electronic transaction banking platform regional. The system, Wong said, had gone live in Cambodia and was being planned for roll-out in Indonesia and Singapore next year.
He said Indonesia would be enabled with eCustody by June 2012, followed by Singapore and subsequently Greater China to cater to key Asean market.
Farid said owing to the bank’s extensive network in the region, it saw an opportunity to extend its electronic transaction banking services regionally. “This will incorporate not only custody services but also cash management and trade finance via a single platform.”

Small investment banks must shape up to survive

Wednesday December 7, 2011

Plain Speaking - By Yap Leng Kuen

THE rush by banking groups to expand into investment banking (IB) business has somewhat put the smaller IB outfits into a spot.
What is going to happen to them once all the big boys have gotten their IB act together? Will they be swallowed or is there still a place and role for them?
One important role the smaller IBs can play is that of independent financial advisor (IFA). Many banking groups that already lend to their customers seeking IB services may not be able to undertake the role of IFA.
That is where smaller but credible IB houses can play a significant role.
Following the proposed merger between RHB Capital and OSK Holdings Bhd, a lot of attention has been given to the fate of the next largest standalone IBs, which are K&N Kenanga Holdings Bhd and Hwang DBS Investment Bank.
K&N Kenanga was in the news, with reports speculating that it was looking to buy the IB business of the ECM Libra financial group.
While nothing conclusive has come out of it, that piece of market talk was enough to fuel further curiosity over K&N Kenanga's plans. Meanwhile, Hwang DBS is keeping very quiet over its plans amidst these recent developments.
While they may be focused on being niche players, these smaller IBs may have to be content with getting smaller deals or just end up as partners with the bigger IBs in major transactions.
A bigger bank-backed group will have the balance sheet to undertake larger transactions. One notable case is the Maybank/Kim Eng partnership that will enable Kim Eng to expand the regional IB business via more investments from Maybank and also to undertake bigger transactions based on the balance sheet and customer base that Maybank has regionally.
Kim Eng is already a successful regional player in six out of 10 Asean countries with international presence in Hong Kong, New York and London. It made a pre-tax profit of S$128.9mil for the year from June 2010 to July 2011. But it recognises the forces of globalisation and the need for further strength in times of crisis.
That does not mean the smaller IBs cannot survive the onslaught of liberalisation and tough times.
They will have to work harder to maintain their strong reputation, client network and marketing skills. While shaping up, they may make themselves beautiful enough to attract some good suitors.
In the case of Kim Eng, it had to be attractive enough to get a big buyer like Maybank that paid a whopping S$1.79bil or 1.9 times book value for the Singapore-based IB that has the top brokerage position in Thailand.
When the CIMB investment banking group bought GK Goh for S$239.14mil back in 2005, it paid 1.3 times book value.
As the offers go higher and supply gets scarce, there is a chance for the smaller but good IBs to fetch a favourable exit price.
Thus lie the challenges for these IBs amidst interesting times.

  • Associate editor Yap Leng Kuen thinks that ideally, there should be a place in the sun for everyone.


  • Mixed views on private retirement scheme in Malaysia

    Wednesday December 7, 2011


    PETALING JAYA: Fund managers are mixed on the feasibility of setting up a private retirement scheme (PRS), as they need to know how it is governed and how different it is from a typical unit trust.
    On Monday, the Securities Commission (SC) finalised the eligibility requirements for PRS providers. The recent enactment of the Capital Markets and Services Amendment Act 2011 provides the regulatory framework for a PRS industry, including empowering the SC to approve the providers.
    MCIS Zurich Insurance Bhd fixed income head Michael Chang said that as the PRS initiative was relatively new and complemented existing social security funds, there were a number of questions that would be raised by potential investors.
    “If it is not mandatory, how would these funds have decent investable sizes? How would one PRS be different from another? Size of an investment fund matters as you are able to reduce the investment costs for the benefit of investors,” Chang said.
    He added that PRS providers would have to offer more compelling retirement returns than the mandatory ones. Also, it has to be attractive enough, more so than an insurance fund.
    “An insurance fund does both: provides protection and savings. Retirement funds then have to ensure the returns generated at retirement are sufficiently available to the retiree for a comfortable living,” he said.
    Chang pointed out that most investors these days could already asset-allocate on their own via unit trust funds or private banking expertise.
    “So the selling point has to be more convincing. I mean we are relying on the asset allocation of PRS providers, hoping what they do gives you a reasonable return upon retirement.” he said.
    Fortress Capital Asset Management (M) Sdn Bhd chief executive officer Thomas Yong feels that the move was healthy and in line with international practices.
    “As people become more financially sophisticated, there is no reason to limit what they want to invest in. It is always good to have different providers.
    “Instead of letting someone dictate how much dividends you get per annum, now you can decide on your own,” said Yong.
    Yong feels that there will be many that would want to provide these services.
    According to the SC, a select number of suitably qualified and experienced providers with the required expertise in pension or retail fund management would be approved to offer PRS schemes with an appropriate range of dedicated retirement funds catering to different investment and risk profiles.
    Applicants will be assessed on their financial standing and organisational capabilities, including meeting relevant capital requirements, internal controls and risk management practices.