Saturday 23 June 2012

This is the opportunity facing you today. You could be at the forefront of the largest gains when the tide turns.

Sure, there may be volatility in the market for some months ahead. Years even. But this should NOT stop you from taking control of your financial destiny.
Your money might survive being mothballed in a bank account, gathering a feeble 1% or 2% per year. But unless you can get a pay rise or a windfall sometime soon, nobody is going to help you grow your wealth in the many alternatives available.
At some point, the markets will rise again, and – in our view – those who are already invested in rock-solid shares should make serious gains.
I'm old enough to remember all sorts of stock market crashes and periods of underperformance -- the causes and durations of which are long since lost in the mists of time.
What I do know is that markets eventually recover, and carry on heading upwards – carrying our stocks, and investment wealth, with them.
This is the opportunity facing you today.

You could be at the forefront of the largest gains
when the tide turns

The majority of private investors are too scared by what happened in the last few years to invest right now.
But looking backwards and doing nothing is not the way to take control of your financial destiny.
Think of it this way. You'd be crazy to drive your car whilst spending all of your time looking in the rear-view mirror.
And yet many people invest like this. They assume that because 2011 was a tough year for the world's stock markets, 2012 will be just as bad.
But the financial world doesn't work that way, especially the stock market. The past is... well... history.
The tide turns when everyone least expects it. The more obvious the market's direction seems, the greater the odds that you're wrong.
As Floyd Norris of The New York Times has pointed out that, for the past half-century, the market has moved in 15-year cycles where returns swing from spectacular to near-zero.

In 1964, the average real return over the preceding 15 years was a stellar 15.6% a year.
Then it flipped. By 1979, the previous 15 years produced a negative real return.
Then it flipped again.
By the late 1990s, 15-year average returns were near record highs. And again – as of the end of last year, stocks returned a measly 3% a year over the last 15 years.
The trend is clear: After booms come busts, and after busts come booms.
Sound crazy? It sounded crazy in the early 1980s, too.
So did the notion 10 years ago that we were about to face a decade of stagnation.
That's always how these things work. After booms come busts, and after busts come booms. Happens over and over.
Of course, history isn't guaranteed to repeat itself. And what drives stocks to a decade of low or high returns isn't the calendar: it's valuations. Stocks do well after they're cheap, and poorly after they're expensive. So the real question shouldn't be how long stocks have been stagnant, but whether they're cheap.
And right now we believe they are.

How rock-bottom airline shares made bold investors 400% gains

How rock-bottom airline shares
made bold investors 400% gains

After the September 11 terrorist attacks, shares in airlines were understandably out of favour.Boeing's shares hit rock bottom about a year after 9/11. But it was sentiment and fear driving the share price so low, not the fundamentals of the company. A bit of clear analysis would have told you that was a buy opportunity.
If you'd bought Boeing shares in 2002, you would have watched them soar to FOUR TIMES their value within 5 years.
The rule is, buy when share prices are depressed. Warren Buffett puts it this way...
"When hamburgers go down in price, we sing the Hallelujah Chorus in the Buffett household. When hamburgers go up, we weep. For most people, it's the same way with everything in life they will be buying except stocks. When stocks go down and you can get more for your money, people don't like them."
When the mood is pessimistic, and sentiment – not facts – drives prices down, then that's the time to buy.

"Be greedy when others are fearful."

The Buffett Buy Signal
You'd Be Foolish to Ignore

Warren Buffett is one of the world's most famous and successful investors. He lives by this maxim: "Be greedy when others are fearful."
Another investing legend, John Templeton, said:"The time of maximum pessimism is the best time to buy."
We could go back even further. Baron Rothschild, an 18th century British nobleman and member of the Rothschild banking family, said: "The time to buy is when there's blood in the streets."
Look around you... eurozone in crisis... top execs stuffing their bank accounts with undeserved bonuses... ordinary people angry with falling living standards and pay freezes... riots on the streets of Athens... looting and violence across London last summer.
You don't need me to tell you that 2011 was a shocker...
In the European debt storm, the markets took a battering. The FTSE 100 slumped by 10% in August to a low of 4,944 points... In November alone, £864 million poured from equity funds, the biggest outflow since 1992.
Today, for many investors, the aftermath of the storm looks grisly.
The eurozone is still in turmoil. At 3.6%, UK inflation remains painfully high12. UK Government debt stands at over £1 trillion... a whopping 66% of the total economy13... while we consumers owe around £1.5 trillion.14
No wonder many private investors won't go near the stock market...
The herd is running scared.
Earlier this year, Warren Buffett seemed to think that once again it was time to be greedy. And there was one UK blue chip in which he made a significant bet. It's the supermarket chain Tesco. Buffett first bought into this company in 2006. In January 2012, he invested another £500m10 after the company issued a profit warning, which saw the shares dive by 20%.
Tesco Chart
Tesco has taken a hit – but the likes of Warren Buffett are moving in on what could be a bargain
This is without doubt one of those periods of pessimism that gets investors like Buffett excited. And it's the mood of the crowd that's driving many share prices down to lows we think they don't deserve.
This could mean you have an opportunity to snap up some serious bargains – companies with solid fundamentals, tasty prospects for growth and ridiculously cheap share prices.

Stock Performance Chart for Tesco PLC

The time to BUY is actually when shares have been beaten down by the market.

Why the panicking crowd has got it wrong
– again – and how you can profit

Let's face it, even the most optimistic analyst would say that the volatile conditions of 2011 are likely to continue over the next year or two.
Whatever our politicians might hope for, the eurozone's problems of high national debts and a tepid economic recovery aren't going to go away any time soon.
So, what's an investor to do?
Sadly, history already tells us what many investors are doing: cutting and running, deciding that the stock market isn't for them, and taking their losses on the chin.
Research shows that time and time again, private investors pile into equities at too high a price...when shares have already shot up way too far... And they get out at a price that's too low... often just before they start to recover again.
If that's not wealth-destroying, then I don't know what is.
For example, UK investment author Tim Hale has pointed out that in 1984-2002 – a bull market when the equity markets turned $100 of spending power into $500 – private investors turned that same $100 into just $908.
Private Investors Vs. The Stock Market
A 2007 study of UK investors over the period 1992-2003 found that the returns of private investors were around two percentage points a year lower than the funds that they were invested in...9
These feeble returns are all thanks to the fuzzy thinking of a crowd that follows their emotions, rather than using clear-headed analysis.
They wrongly believe that you buy shares when they're going up and you get out of the market when they're hitting rock bottom.
Here's why this is wrong – in fact, the time to BUY is actually when shares have been beaten down by the market.
That is, of course – if you know what to look for...

Why You Should Buy When Share Prices Are Low

A Lesson From History:

'The Buffett Buy Signal' –
Why You Should Buy When Share Prices Are Low

Warren Buffett has made millions from going against the crowd and buying when share prices are low, not when they're heading up.
Here are some examples...


During a high point in the markets, Buffett complained about how he was having trouble finding "first-class investment ideas". He held onto that view until 1974. From June 1968 to October 1974, the S&P 500 fell 37%. For the decade starting in June 1968, the S&P lost 2.6%.


Buffett changed his tune as the market fell. In late 1974, he made his famous comment that he felt like "an oversexed man in a harem" – meaning simply that he was awash in investment opportunities. The S&P 500 rose 11% per year over the next five years and 10% per year over the next decade.
During that bear market, Buffett bought shares in the Washington Post Company because he believed they were a bargain. Since then the price has soared by more than 100 times – and that's before you factor in dividends.


When the market slumped between 1977 and 1979, most investors got cold feet. Buffett toldForbes that stocks were still the way to go. The S&P 500 returned 9% over the next five years and 13% over the next 10.
Of course, that's Warren Buffett. He's a legendary and fabulously wealthy investor. How can the ordinary investor today tell the genuinely cheap shares from those that deserve their low price?

Investor's Checklist: A Guided Tour of the Market

The list below covers just about every corner of the market.  It should help you wade through the different economics of each industry and understand how companies in each industry can create economic moats - which strategies work and how you can identify companies pursuing those strategies.

Over the long haul, a big part of successful investing is building a mental database of companies and industries on which you can draw as the need arises.  The list below should give you a jumpstart in compiling that mental database, and that will make you a better investor.

It is easier for companies to make money in some industries than in others. Some industries lend themselves to the creation of economic moats more so than others, and these are the industries where you'll want to spend most of your time. The economics of some industries are superior to others. Hence, you should spend more time learning about attractive industries than unattractive ones. Every industry has its own unique dynamics and set of jargon - and some industries (such has financial services) even have financial statements that look very different.

Ref:  The Five Rules for Successful Stock Investing by Pat Dorsey

Investor's Checklist: Health Care

Developing drugs is time-consuming, costly, and there are no guarantees of success.  Look for companies with long patent lives and full pipelines to spread the development risk.

Drug companies whose products target large patient populations or significant unmet needs have a better chance of paying off.

Make sure you have a big margin of safety for pharmaceutical companies with mega blockbuster drugs that make up a large percentage of sales.  Any unexpected development can send cash flow, and the stock price, reeling.

Unless you have a deep understanding of the technology, don't invest in biotech startups.  Payoffs could be large, but the cash flows are so far out and uncertain that it's easier to lose your shirt than win big.

Don't overlook the medical device industry, which is full of firms with wide economic moats.

Cash is king for firms that rely on development (pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, and medical devices).  Make sure firms have enough cash or cash from operations to get through the next development cycle.

Keep an eye on the government.  Any drastic changes in Medicare/Medicaid spending or regulatory requirements can have a deep impact on pricing throughout the sector.

Managed care organizations that spread risk - whether through a high mix of fee-based business, product diversification, strong underwriting, or minimal government accounts - will provide more sustainable returns.  

Ref:  The Five Rules for Successful Stock Investing by Pat Dorsey

Read also:
Investor's Checklist: A Guided Tour of the Market...

Investor's Checklist: Consumer Services

Most consumer services concepts fail in the long run, so any investment in a company in the speculative or aggressive growth stage of the business life cycle needs to be monitored more closely than the average stock investment.

Beware of stocks that have already priced in lofty growth expectations.  You can make money if you get in early enough, but you can also lose your shirt on the stock's rapid downslide.

The sector is rife with low switching costs.  Companies that establish store loyalty or store dependence are very attractive.  Tiffany's is a good example; it faces limited competition in the retail jewelery market.

Make sure to compare inventory and payables turns to determine which retailers are superior operators.  Companies that know what their customers want and how to exploit their negotiating power are more likely to make solid bets in the sector.

Keep an eye on those off-balance sheet obligations.   Many retailers have little or no debt on the books, but their overall financial health might not be that good.

Look for a buying opportunity when a solid company releases poor monthly or quarterly sales numbers.  Many investors overreact to one month's worth of bad same-store sales results, and the reason might just be bad weather or an overly difficult comparison to the prior-year period.  Focus on the fundamentals of the business and not the emotion of the stock.

Companies also tend to move in tandem when news comes out about the economy.  Look for a chance to pick up shares of a great retailer when the entire sector falls - keep that watch list handy.  

Ref:  The Five Rules for Successful Stock Investing by Pat Dorsey

Read also:
Investor's Checklist: A Guided Tour of the Market...

Investor's Checklist: Business Services

Understand the business model.  Knowing if a company leverages technology, people, or hard assets will provide insight as to the kind of financial results the company may produce.

Look for scale and operating leverage.  These characteristics can provide significant barriers to entry and lead to impressive financial performance.

Look for recurring revenue.  Long-term customer contracts can guarantee certain levels of revenue for years into the future.  This can provide a degree of stability in financial results.

Focus on cash flow.  Investors ultimately earn returns based on a company's cash-generating ability.  Avoid investments that aren't expected to generate adequate cash flow.

Size the market opportunity.  Industries with big, untapped market opportunities provide an attractive environment for high growth.  In addition, companies chasing markets perceived to be big enough to accommodate growth for all industry participants are less likely to compete on price alone.

Examine growth expectations.  Understand what kind of growth rates are incorporated into the share price.  If the rates of growth are unrealistic, avoid the stock.  

Ref:  The Five Rules for Successful Stock Investing by Pat Dorsey

Read also:
Investor's Checklist: A Guided Tour of the Market...

Friday 22 June 2012

Investor's Checklist: Banks

The business model of banks can be summed up as the management of three types of risk:  credit, liquidity, and interest rate.

Investors should focus on conservatively run institutions.  They should seek out firms that hold large equity bases relative to competitors and provision conservatively for future loan losses

Different components of banks' income statements can show volatile swings depending on a number of factors such as the interest rate and credit environment.  However, well-run banks should generally show steady net income growth through varying environments.  Investors are well served to seek out firms with a good track record.

Well-run banks focus heavily on matching the duration of assets with the duration of liabilities.  For instance, banks should fund long-term loans with liabilities such as long-term debt or deposits, not short-term funding. Avoid lenders that don't.

Banks have numerous competitive advantages.  They can borrow money at rates lower than even the federal government.  There are large economies of scale in this business derived from having an established distribution network.  the capital-intensive nature of banking deters new competitors.  Customer-switching costs are high, and there are limited barriers to exit money-losing endeavors.

Investors should seek out banks with a strong equity base, consistently solid ROEs and ROAs, and an ability to grow revenues at a steady pace.

Comparing similar banks on a price-to-book measure can be a good way to make sure you're not overpaying for a bank stock.

Ref:  The Five Rules to Successful Stock Investing by Pat Dorsey

Read also:
Investor's Checklist: A Guided Tour of the Market...

Investor's Checklist: Asset Management and Insurance

Look for diversity in asset management companies.  Firms that manage a number of asset classes - such as stocks, bonds, and hedge funds - are more stable during market gyrations.  One-hit wonders are much more volatile and are subject to wild swings.

Keep an eye on asset growth.  Make sure an asset manager is successful in consistently bringing in inflows greater than outflows.

Look for money managers with attractive niche markets, such as tax-managed funds or international investing.

Sticky assets add stability.  Look for firms with a high percentage of stable assets, such as institutional money managers or fund firms who specialize in retirement savings.

Bigger is often better.  Firms with more assets, longer track records, and multiple asset classes have much more to offer finicky customers.

Be wary of any insurance firm that grows faster than the industry average (unless the growth can be explained by acquisitions).

One of the best ways to protect against investment risk in the life insurance world is to consider companies with diversified revenue bases.  Some products, such as variable annuities, have exhibited a good degree of cyclicality.

Look for life insurers with high credit ratings (AA) and a consistent ability to realise ROEs above their cost of capital.

Seek out property/casualty insurers who consistently achieve ROEs above 15 percent.  This is a good indication of underwriting discipline and cost control.

Avoid insurers who take repeated reserving charges.  This often indicates pricing below cost or deteriorating cost inflation.

Look for management teams committed to building shareholder value.  These teams often have significant personal wealth invested in the businesses they run.

Ref:  The Five Rules for Successful Stock Investing by Pat Dorsey

Read also:
Investor's Checklist: A Guided Tour of the Market...

Investor's Checklist: Technology Software

The software industry has economics few industries can match.  Successful companies should have excellent growth prospects, expanding profit margins, and pristine financial health.

Companies with wide moats are more likely to produce above-average returns.  But superior technology is one of the least sustainable competitive advantages in the software industry.

Look for software companies that have maintained good economics throughout multiple business cycles.  We prefer companies that have been around at least several years.

License revenue is one of the best indicators of current demand because it represents how much new software was sold at a given time.  Watch for any license revenue trends.

Rising days sales outstanding (DSOs) may indicate a company has extended easier credit terms to customers to close deals.  This steals revenues from future quarters and may lead to revenue shortfalls.

If deferred revenue growth slows or the deferred revenue balance begins to decline, it may signal that the company's business has started to slow down.

The pace of change makes it tough to predict what software companies will look like in the future.  For this reason, it's best to look for a big discount to intrinsic value before buying.

Ref:  The Five Rules for Successful Stock Investing by Pat Dorsey

Read also:
Investor's Checklist: A Guided Tour of the Market...

Investor's Checklist: Technology Hardware

Information technology is an increasingly important source of productivity in advanced economies.  In 2002, IT accounted for nearly 50 percent of total U.S. investment in capital equipment, up from 20 percent three decades ago.

Technology innovation means that hardware firms can offer more computing power at an increasingly cheap price; thus, IT can be applied to more and more task.

Because of rapid innovation, technology hardware companies tend to generate rapid revenue and earnings growth.

At the same time, competitive rivalry is often strong in tech hardware.  Moreover, demand for technology hardware is very cyclical.

Technology, by itself, does not constitute a sustainable competitive advantage.  hardware companies that develop economic moats are more likely to succeed over the long term than companies that rely on a lead in technology.

Examples of moats among technology hardware firms include low-cost producer (Dell), intangible assets (Linear and Maxim), switching costs (Nortel and Lucent), and network effect (Cisco).

A company with a sustainable competitive advantage should be able to effectively fend off its rivals and maintain significant market share and/or sustain above-average margins over an extended period of time.

Ref:  The Five Rules for Successful Stock Investing by Pat Dorsey

Read also:
Investor's Checklist: A Guided Tour of the Market...

Investor's Checklist: Media

Look for media companies that consistently generate strong free cash flow.  We like to see free cash flow margins around 10 percent.

Seek out companies that have high market share in their primary markets - monopolies are often great for profits.  Licenses, especially in broadcasting, also serve to reduce competition and keep profit margins high.

Seek out companies with a history of well-executed acquisitions that have been followed by higher margins.

A strong balance sheet enables media companies to make selective acquisitions without increasing the risk for shareholders or diluting the shareholders' ownership stake.

Look for candid management teams, a history of sensible acquisitions, and either conservative reinvestment of shareholders' capital or the return of capital to shareholders through dividends and stock repurchases.

Don't chase hits.  Buying a stock because there's a lot of buzz about a hit movie or TV show rarely pays off.

Ref:  The Five Rules for Successful Stock Investing by Pat Dorsey

Read also:
Investor's Checklist: A Guided Tour of the Market...

Investor's Checklist: Telecom

Shifting regulations and new technologies have made the telecom industry far more competitive.  Though some areas are more stable than others, look for a wide margin of safety to any estimate of value before investing.

Telecom is a capital-intensive business.  Having the resources to maintain and improve the network is critical to success.

Telecom is high fixed-cost business.  Keeping an eye on margins is very important.

Watching debt is also important.  Firms can easily overextend themselves as they build networks.

The price of wireless airtime is plummeting.  Carriers continue to compete primarily on price.

Ref:  The Five Rules for Successful Stock Investing by Pat Dorsey

Read also:
Investor's Checklist: A Guided Tour of the Market...

Investor's Checklist: Consumer Goods

Find companies that enjoy the cost advantages of manufacturing on a larger scale than most other competitors.  One related issue is whether the firm holds dominant market share in its categories.

Look for the firms that consistently launch successful new products - all the better if the firm is first to market with these innovations.

Check to see if the company is supporting its brand with consistent advertising.  If the firm constantly promotes its products with sale prices, it's depleting brand equity and just milking the brand for shorter-term gain.

Examine how well the firm is handling operating costs.  Occasional restructuring can help squeeze out efficiency gains and lower costs, but if the firm is regularly incurring restructuring costs and relying solely on this cost-cutting tactic to boost its business, tread carefully.

Because these mature firms generate so much free cash flow, it's important to make sure management is using it wisely.  How much of the cash is turned over to shareholders in the form of dividends or share repurchase agreements?

Keep in mind that investors may bid up a consumer goods stock during economic downturns, making the shares pricey relative to its fair value.  Look for buying opportunities when shares trade with a 20 percent to 30 percent margin of safety.  

Ref:  The Five Rules for Successful Stock Investing by Pat Dorsey

Read also:
Investor's Checklist: A Guided Tour of the Market...

Investor's Checklist: Industrial Materials

This is a very traditional Old Economy sector, with many hard assets and high fixed costs.

Industrial materials are divided into commodity producers (steel, chemicals) and producers of noncommodity value-added goods and services (machinery, some specialty chemicals).

Buyers of commodities choose their produce on price - otherwise, commodities are the same product, regardless of who makes them.

The sales and profits of companies in this sector are very sensitive to the business cycle.

Very few industrial materials companies have any competitive advantages; the exceptions are those in concentrated industries (e.g., defense), those with a specialized niche product (e.g., Alcoa, some chemicals makers), and, above all, those that can produce their goods at the lowest cost (e.g., Nucor).

Only the most efficient producers will survive the downturn:  The best bet is to be the low-cost producer and owe little debt.

Asset turnover (total asset turnover [TATO] and fixed asset turnover [FATO] measure a manufacturing firm's efficiency.

Watch out for industrial firms with too much debt, large underfunded pension plans, and big acquisitions that distract management.

Ref:  The Five Rules for Successful Stock Investing by Pat Dorsey

Read also:
Investor's Checklist: A Guided Tour of the Market...

Investor's Checklist: Energy

The profitability of the energy sector is highly dependent on commodity prices.  Commodity prices are cyclical, as are the sector's profits.  It's better to buy when prices are at a cyclical low than when they're high and hitting the headlines.

Even though the sector is largely cyclical, many energy companies keep their bottom lines black during the troughs.  Look for this characteristic in your energy investments.

OPEC is a highly beneficial force in the energy sector because it keeps commodity prices above its costs.  It is worth keeping tabs on the cartel's strength.

Because of OPEC, we view exploration and production as a much more attractive area than refining and marketing.

Working in a commodity market, economies of scale are just about the only way to achieve a competitive advantage.  As such, bigger is generally better because firms with greater heft tend to be more profitable.

Keep an eye on reserves and reserve growth because these are the hard assets the company will mine for future revenue.

Companies with strong balance sheets will weather cyclical lows better than those burdened with debt.  Look for companies that don't need to take on additional debt to invest in new projects while also paying dividends or repurchasing shares.

Ref:  The Five Rules for Successful Stock Investing by Pat Dorsey

Read also:
Investor's Checklist: A Guided Tour of the Market...

Thursday 21 June 2012

Investor's Checklist: Utilities

Utilities are no longer the safe havens they once were.  Treat them with an appropriate amount of caution.

The competitive structure utilities must operate under is largely set at the state level.  Some states have gone far along the deregulation path; others have utilities that are fully regulated.  Keeping track of changing regulations in different states can be maddening, but it is necessary to understand the sector.

Regulated utilities tend to have wide economic moats because they operate as monopolies, but it is important to keep in mind regulation does not allow these firms to parlay this advantage into excess returns.  In addition, regulation can (and often does) change.

Another risk all utilities face - deregulated or not - is environmental risk.  Most power plants generate pollution of some kind.  Should environmental regulation tighten, costs could go up.

Utilities have a great deal of leverage, both operational and financial.  This is not so important for regulated firms, but it exponentially raises risk for companies facing increasing competition.

If you buy a utility for its dividend, make sure the firm has the financial wherewithal to keep paying it.

Utilities that operate in stable regulatory environments with relatively strong balance sheets while staying focused on their core businesses are the best bets in the sector.  

Ref:  The Five Rules for Successful Stock Investing by Pat Dorsey

Warren Buffett quotes

Is It Better To Be Book Smart Or Street Smart?

June 20, 2012

If you ask most people this question, you're likely to get answers that go down party lines. Those without advanced education will likely say that they've done just fine without spending a lot of time in the classroom, while people with a lot of formal academic knowledge would say that success is largely the result of education. This is more than a trivial debate. Recent statistics from the Federal Reverse show that the American middle class has seen its net income drop 40% from 2007-2010. What was an average net worth of $126,400 shrunk to $77,300 in 2010. Even worse, the Pew Charitable Trusts' Economic Mobility Project found that 42% of people whose father was in the bottom fifth of the earning curve remained in the same earning bracket for life. Only 30% of Britons and 25% of Danes and Swedes were destined to the same fate. This has led some people to believe that America isn't the land of opportunity it once was. Americans in the now-popular 99% are not only upset that the divide between rich and poor continues to widen, they want to know how they can assure a better life for themselves and their families. Is a
better paying job impossible without a formal education, or is there hope for the non-college educated?

Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple, is widely regarded as one of the best business men of his day. He didn't have a college degree and neither did Steve Wozniak, the other founder of Apple. Other successful businessmen without college degrees include Dell Computer founder Michael Dell, Microsoft founder Bill Gates and Virgin Brands founder Richard Branson. People all over the world have found success without a college degree, but is that the rule or the exception? Unemployment data shows that more than 8% of the population looking for a job can't find one. However, for those with a bachelor's degree, the unemployment rate is only 3.9%. The unemployment rate is 13% for people without a high school diploma. A college degree doesn't guarantee success, but BLS unemployment statistics show book smarts more than double your chances of finding a job.

Who Works Harder?
One side believes that book smarts allows you to get a higher-earning job and work less, while poorer Americans remain poor because they are forced to work more hours for less money. A paper by Orazio Attanasio, Erik Hurst and Luigi Pistaferri found that higher-educated people work more hours than poorer income groups. Although income inequality is growing, leisure inequality is growing, too. While higher earners are earning more, they're losing more leisure time in order to do it. Lower-educated men had 35.2 hours of weekly leisure time (socializing, gaming, watching TV, etc.) compared to 35 hours when the study was last conducted. Higher-earning men had 33.2 hours compared to 34.4 hours previously. Less educated women saw their leisure time grow to 35.2 hours from 35 hours. Higher-educated women went down to 30.3 hours compared to the previously reported 32.2 hours. The study mentions that some of the increase in hours at the lower income levels comes from increased unemployment, but only half of the increase could be attributed to that.

The Bottom Line
Some consumer finance experts believe that becoming more financially prosperous is as much a function of cost control as it is advanced degrees and higher-paying jobs. Statistics seem to indicate that more education dramatically increases a person's chances of achieving financial prosperity, but one basic rule remains largely uncontested: a college degree may help to open doors to a better paying job, but hard work and responsible choices is the best path to career and financial success.

by Tim Parker

Risk-Return Tradeoff

Definition of 'Risk-Return Tradeoff'

The principle that potential return rises with an increase in risk. 

  • Low levels of uncertainty (low risk) are associated with low potential returns, whereas high levels of uncertainty (high risk) are associated with high potential returns. 
  • According to the risk-return tradeoff, invested money can render higher profits only if it is subject to the possibility of being lost. 

Investopedia explains 'Risk-Return Tradeoff'

Because of the risk-return tradeoff, you must be aware of your personal risk tolerance when choosing investments for your portfolio. 

  • Taking on some risk is the price of achieving returns; therefore, if you want to make money, you can't cut out all risk. 
  • The goal instead is to find an appropriate balance - one that generates some profit, but still allows you to sleep at night.

Read more:

Reinvestment Risk

Definition of 'Reinvestment Risk'

The risk that future coupons from a bond will not be reinvested at the prevailing interest rate when the bond was initially purchased.

  • Reinvestment risk is more likely when interest rates are declining.
  • Reinvestment risk affects the yield-to-maturity of a bond, which is calculated on the premise that all future coupon payments will be reinvested at the interest rate in effect when the bond was first purchased. 
  • Zero coupon bonds are the only fixed-income instruments to have no reinvestment risk, since they have no interim coupon payments.  

Investopedia explains 'Reinvestment Risk'

Two factors that have a bearing on the degree of reinvestment risk are:

  • Maturity of the bond - The longer the maturity of the bond, the higher the likelihood that interest rates will be lower than they were at the time of the bond purchase.
  • Interest rate on the bond - The higher the interest rate, the bigger the coupon payments that have to be reinvested, and consequently the reinvestment risk.

Read more:

The Risks of Bond Investing: Understanding Dangers in Fixed-Income Investing

There's no such thing as a sure thing, even in the bond world

From , former Guide

Bonds are among the safest investments in the world. But that hardly means that they’re risk free. Here’s a look at some of the dangers inherent in fixed-income investing.
  • Inflation Risk: Because of their relative safety, bonds tend not to offer extraordinarily high returns. That makes them particularly vulnerable when inflation rises.
    Imagine, for example, that you buy a Treasury bond that pays interest of 3.32%. That’s about as safe an investment as you can find. As long as you hold the bond until maturity and the U.S. government doesn’t collapse, nothing can go wrong….unless inflation climbs. If the rate of inflation rises to, say, 4 percent, your investment is not “keeping up with inflation.” In fact, you’d be “losing” money because the value of the cash you invested in the bond is declining. You’ll get your principal back when the bond matures, but it will be worth less.
    Note: there are exceptions to this rule. For example, the Treasury Department also sells an investment vehicle called Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities.
  • Interest rate risk: Bond prices have an inverse relationship to interest rates. When one rises, the other falls.
    If you have to sell a bond before it matures, the price you can fetch will be based on the interest rate environment at the time of the sale. In other words, if rates have risen since you “locked in” your return, the price of the security will fall.
    All bonds fluctuate with interest rates. Calculating the vulnerability of any individual bond to a rate shift involves an enormously complex concept called duration. But average investors need to know only two things about interest rate risk.
    First, if you hold a security until maturity, interest rate risk is not a factor. You’ll get back the entire principal upon maturity.
    Second, zero-coupon investments, which make all their interest payments when the bond matures, are the most vulnerable to interest rate swings.
  • Default Risk: A bond is nothing more than a promise to repay the debt holder. And promises are made to be broken. Corporations go bankrupt. Cities and states default on muni bonds. Things happen...and default is the worst thing that can happen to a bondholder.
    There are two things to remember about default risk.
    First, you don’t need to weigh the risk yourself. Credit ratings agencies such as Moody’s do that. In fact, bond credit ratings are nothing more than a default scale. Junk bonds, which have the highest default risk, are at the bottom of the scale. Aaa rated corporate debt, where default is seen as extremely unlikely, is at the top.
    Second, if you’re buying U.S. government debt, your default risk is nonexistent. The debt issues sold by the Treasury Department are guaranteed by the full faith and credit of the federal government. It’s inconceivable that the folks who actually print the money will default on their debt.
  • Downgrade Risk: Sometimes you buy a bond with a high rating, only to find that Wall Street later sours on the issue. That’s downgrade risk.
    If the credit rating agencies such as Standard & Poor’s and Moody’s lower their ratings on a bond, the price of those bonds will fall. That can hurt an investor who has to sell a bond before maturity. And downgrade risk is complicated by the next item on the list, liquidity risk.
  • Liquidity risk: The market for bonds is considerable thinner than for stock. The simple truth is that when a bond is sold on the secondary market, there’s not always a buyer. Liquidity risk describes the danger that when you need to sell a bond, you won’t be able to.
    Liquidity risk is nonexistent for government debt. And shares in a bond fund can always be sold.
    But if you hold any other type of debt, you may find it difficult to sell.
  • Reinvestment Risk: Many corporate bonds are callable. What that means is that the bond issuer reserves the right to “call” the bond before maturity and pay off the debt. That can lead to reinvestment risk.
    Issuers tend to call bonds when interest rates fall. That can be a disaster for an investor who thought he had locked in an interest rate and a level of safety.
    For example, suppose you had a nice, safe Aaa-rated corporate bond that paid you 4% a year. Then rates fall to $2%. Your bond gets called. You’ll get back your principal, but you won’t be able to find a new, comparable bond in which to invest that principal. If rates have fallen to 2%, you’re not going to get 4% with a nice, safe new Aaa-rated bond.
  • Rip-off Risk: Finally, in the bond market there’s always the risk of getting ripped off. Unlike the stock market, where prices and transactions are transparent, most of the bond market remains a dark hole.
    There are exceptions. And average investors should stick to doing business in those areas. For example, the bond fund world is pretty transparent. It only takes a tiny bit of research to determine if there is a load (sales commission) on a fund. And it only takes another few seconds to determine if that load is something you’re willing to pay.
    Buying government debt is a low-risk activity as long as you deal with the government itself or some other reputable institution. Even buying new issues of corporate or muni debt isn’t all that bad.
    But the secondary market for individual bonds is no place for smaller investors. Things are better than they once were. The TRACE (Trade Reporting and Compliance Engine) system has done wonders to provide individual bond investors with the information they need to make informed investing decisions.
    But you’d be hard-pressed to find any scrupulous financial advisor who would recommend that your average investor venture in to the secondary market on his own.

Liquidity Risk

Understanding Liquidity Risk and Your Investments

By , Guide

As a new investor, you are going to come across the term "liquidity risk". It is important you understand what liquidity risk is and why it is important because it could pose a significant threat to your financial well-being unless you protect against it. Although I've explained how some investors strive to pay off their home mortgage debt early but find themselves bankrupt due to the liquidity crunch they created for their household, I wanted to stop to talk about the specifics of how liquidity risk can attack you in other, unexpected ways.

Liquidity Risk - The Short Version

In the simplest terms, liquidity risk refers to the risk that an investment won't have an active buyer or seller when you are ready to buy or sell it. This means you will be stuck holding the investment at a time when you need cash. In extreme cases, liquidity risk can cause you to take huge losses because you have to mark down your property at fire sale prices to attract buyers.
One of the reasons for the losses suffered by financial firms during the Great Recession was the fact that these companies owned illiquid securities. When they found themselves without enough cash to pay the day-to-day bills, they went to sell these assets but discovered that the market had dried up completely. As a result, they had to sell at any price they could get - sometimes as low as pennies on the dollar!
The most famous case is Lehman Brothers, which was financed with too much short-term money. The management foolishly used this short-term money to buy long-term investments that weren't liquid - or rather, assets thst became illiquid after the meltdown. When the short-term money was withdrawn, the firm couldn't come up with the cash because they couldn't sell the long-term, illiquid securities fast enough to meet obligations. The stockholders were nearly wiped out despite the fact that Lehman was profitable and had a multi-billion dollar net worth.
On the upside, there is opportunity with liquidity risk because other companies and investors that were flush with cash were able to buy distressed assets. Some of these "vulture" investors made a killing because they had balance sheets that could support holding non-liquid investments for long periods of time.
To compensate for liquidity risks, investors often demand a higher rate of return on money invested in illiquid assets. That is, a small business can't be easily sold in most cases so investors are likely to demand a higher rate of return for investing in shares of it than they would a highly liquid blue chip stock. Likewise, investors require a much smaller return for parking money in the bank.

Liquidity Risk - The Long Version

There are several different types of liquidity risk but I'm only going to teach you about the three major ones that are likely to afflict regular investors.
  • Liquidity Risk #1 - Bid/Offer Spread Widening - When an emergency hits the market or an individual investment, you may see the bid and ask spread blow apart so that the market maker has a difficult time matching up buyers and sellers. That is, your shares of Company XYZ stock may have a current market price of $20 but the bid may have fallen to $14 so you can't actually get the $20 you want! You often see very large ask / big spreads in thinly traded stocks and bonds, whereas huge, liquid blue chip stocks often have spreads as low as a penny or two.
  • Liquidity Risk #2 - Inability to Meet Cash Obligations When Payment Is Due - This is the investment equivalent of defaulting on a debt. If a company has $100 million in bonds that reach maturity, it is expected to pay off the entire $100 million balance by the maturity date. Most of the time, businesses refinance this debt. But what happens if the debt markets aren't working, like during the Great Recession when the credit crunch made it impossible to borrow money? In that case, if the company couldn't come up with the whole $100 million, it could be hurled directly into bankruptcy court even if it is highly profitable. You would find yourself locked into what could be years of court workouts due to the firm mismanaging its liquidity risk.
  • Liquidity Risk #3 - Inability to Meet Funding Needs at an Affordable Price - This is when it is impossible for a company or other investment to raise enough money to function properly and meet its needs at a price that is economical. Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., for example, is one of the biggest and most profitable companies on the planet. It has tens of billions of dollars in debt in order to optimize the company's capitalization structure. If the markets went haywire tomorrow and Wal-Mart could no longer borrow at 6% and investors instead demanded 30%, it would make no sense for the company to issue bonds. In effect, the market's liquidity would have dried up completely and the stockholders of Wal-Mart would have to worry about the company coming up with enough cash to wipe out all of its debt.

Protecting Yourself Again Liquidity Risk

There are several ways you can help protect yourself from liquidity risk. These include:
  • Never buy long-term investments that are illiquid unless you can afford to hold them through terrible recessions and job loss. If you might need cash in six months, don't buy 5-year certificate of deposits or an apartment building.
  • Remember that your total debt is less important as the amount of excess cash you have after making your debt payments each month. Fixed payments of $5,000 per month are overwhelming to someone with $6,000 per month in take-home pay. The same payments are a rounding error to someone making $300,000 per month. All else being equal, the bigger the cushion between the cash you earn each month and the cash you pay out, the less the chance you get caught in a liquidity risk crisis.
  • Avoid investing in companies that are facing potential liquidity risk. Is there any big debt refinancing plans that could risk the company's well-being? Does the company have a solid balance sheet with long-term funding sources, such as shareholder equity instead of short-term deposits? If you don't understand what this means, you should probably stick to low-cost, widely diversified index funds.