Wednesday 15 August 2012

The "Good Investment". Clarify your Investment Goals.

By pinpointing what you think represents value, you can now create your definition of a good investment.   You should be able to summarize it in one sentence.

Consider these examples:

Warren Buffett:  a good business that can be purchased for less than the discounted value of its future earnings.

George Soros:  an investment that can be purchased (or sold) prior to a reflexive shift in market psychology/fundamentals that will change its perceived value substantially.

Benjamin Graham:  a company that can be purchased for substantially less than its intrinsic value.

A few more examples:

The Corporate Raider:  companies whose parts are worth more than the whole.

The Technical Analyst:  an investment where technical indicators have identified a change in the price trend.

The Real Estate Fixer-Upper:  run-down properties that can be sold for much more than the investment required to purchase and renovate them.

The Arbitrageur:  an asset that can be bough low in one market and sold simultaneously in another at a higher price.

The Crisis Investor:  assets that can be bought at fire-sale prices after some panic has hammered a market down.

Coming to your definition of a good investment is easy - if you're clear about the kinds of investments that interest you and have clarified your beliefs about prices and values.

Choose Your Mentor

The fastest way to master anything is to study with a Master of the Art.

If someone has already perfected the method of investing that appeals to you, why reinvent the wheel? Seek him out.  If necessary, offer to work for him for nothing (as Buffett offered to Graham).

If that's not possible you can still adopt your mentor by long distance.  Read and study everything you can about him and his methods.  When you're thinking about making an investment always ask yourself:  "What would he do?"

Spending money is simple - anyone can do it. Making money is not.

Living below your means

Frugality is a natural aspect of Buffett's character.  As his wealth increased, he indulged in minor extravagances.  He bought an executive jet he named The Indefensible.  

But wealth didn't change his natural frugality.  It is easy to see how the consequence of living below your means is important when you're starting out.  It's the only way you can accumulate capital to invest.  What's less obvious is how this mental habit remains crucial to your investment success even after your net worth has soared into the billions.  

Very simply, without this attitude to money you won't keep what you have earned.  Spending money is simple - anyone can do it.  Making money is not.  That;s why living below your means is the attitude that underlies the foundation of the Master Investor's success:  Preservation of Capital.

Is it working? Always measure and monitor your investments.

You can't tell if something is working unless you measure it.

Set a return on investment for your projects to make a contribution, with a deadline.  Monitor the progress towards that at regular (monthly) intervals.

"It worked last time?"

How many of your decisions are based on "It worked last time?"  

Take another look, and you might see that some of those successful outcomes are random, or - even worse - lucky.

Don't panic more than you have to. Look at the return over years rather than days.

Don't panic more than you have to.  Decide measurable standards for what events are a concern, a worry and a big problem, and what you'll do when they happen.

If the value of your pension drops in a stock-market dip, for example, the best advice is often to do nothing, wait for a recovery and look at the return over years rather than days.

Always look at facts and the statistical basis first.

We like to hear good news, so sometimes we trust unreliable sources.  Don't make decisions based on what fits your preconceptions; look at facts and the statistical basis first.

Seek out and stay with the high probability events.

Make sure the majority of your portfolio is geared to offering long-term returns.

When you are investing, by all means look at the daily price shifts for entertainment and mild speculation, but make sure the majority of your portfolio is geared to offering long-term returns.  Over ten or twenty years of conservative investment is far more attractive than a meteoric stock.

Sometimes bad things happen to good people

When you review projects that went wrong, make it a search for the truth - not a search for someone to blame.

The greatest threat to your future financial security

The greatest threat to your future financial security is the loss, over time, in the purchasing power of power currencies.  A dollar today buys less than 5% of what a dollar bought 100 years ago.

Study the fascinating history and theory of money and use this knowledge as a basis in formulating and guiding your investment philosophy.

The world's investment markets are interconnected.

To be a successful investor it wasn't enough to understand a company's market and competitors on its home turf:  you need an appreciation of how foreign companies and economies might affect that company's destiny.

John Templeton 

Why I am interested in stocks?

Stock prices fluctuated wildly while the underlying value of the business was far more stable.  

To be a successful investor you need to have the time to stop and contemplate what's going on.  


Note carefully what Graham is saying here. 

It is not just possible, but probable, that most of the stocks you own will gain at least 50% from their lowest price and lose at least 33% ("equivalent one-third") from their highest price -regardless of which stocks you own or whether the market as a whole goes up or down.

If you can't live with that - or you think your portfolio is somehow magically exempt from it - then you are not yet entitled to call yourself an investor.

Cash is a drag on your portfolio BUT it has a hidden embedded option value.

Cash is a drag on your portfolio, says the conventional wisdom.  Its returns are low and often negative after inflation and taxes.

But cash has a hidden embedded option value.  When markets crash, cash is king.  All of a sudden assets that were being traded at 5 and 10 times the money spent to build them can be had for a fraction of their replacement cost.

Highly leveraged competitors go bankrupt, leaving the field free for the cash-rich company.

Banks won't lend money except to people who don't need it  - such as the companies with AAA credit ratings and people with piles of money in the bank.

In times like these the marketplace is dominated by forced sellers who must turn assets into cash regardless of price.  This is when the investor who has protected his portfolio by being cash-rich is rewarded in spades:  people will literally be beating a path to his door to all but give away what they have in return for just a little bit of that scarce commodity called cash.

Additional note:
Buffett always has cash in Berkshire Hathaway.  In 2008 Global Financial Crisis, many companies approached Buffett as he has plenty of cash which they sought to have badly.

The Complete Investment System

A complete investment system has detailed rules covering these 12 elements:

  1. What to buy
  2. When to buy it
  3. What price to pay
  4. How to buy it
  5. How much to buy as a percentage of your portfolio
  6. Monitoring the progress of your investments
  7. When to sell
  8. Portfolio structure and the use of leverage
  9. Search strategy
  10. Protection against systemic shocks such as market crashes
  11. Handling mistakes
  12. What to do when the system doesn't work

The first test of your system is obviously whether or not it makes you money.  If your system is profitable, you'll be getting a return on your capital.

Buffett and Soros measure their performance against three benchmarks:

  1. Have they preserved their capital?
  2. Did they make a profit for the year?
  3. Did they outperform the stock market as a whole?
The benchmarks you choose will depend on your financial goals.  When you have established your benchmark, you can then measure whether your system is working or not.

Tesco sales growth closer to rivals' levels - Kantar

Tue Aug 14, 2012 8:07am EDT

LONDON, Aug 14 (Reuters) - The rate of sales growth at Tesco
, Britain's biggest retailer, rose closer to the rates
of its rivals in the 12 weeks to Aug. 5, industry data showed on
    Market researcher Kantar WorldPanel said Tesco's sales
growth accelerated to 3.4 percent in the 12-week period from a
rate of 0.7 percent in similar data from the prior month.
    Sales grew by 6.2 percent at Wal-Mart's Asda,
Britain's No. 2 supermarket chain; by 4.6 percent at J Sainsbury
, the No. 3 player; and by 1.8 percent at Wm Morrison
, the No. 4.
    Kantar said the overall grocery market grew 3.9 percent.
    Tesco's market share was 30.9 percent in the 12 weeks, up
from 30.7 percent reported in the prior month's data and 31.0
percent in the same period last year. 
    "Shoppers might not yet notice it at the tills, but they are
starting to benefit from lower grocery inflation, with prices
now rising at 3.2 percent - the slowest rate for 18 months and a
sign that things are starting to look up," said Kantar retail
analyst Fraser KcKevitt.
    Following is a summary of market share and sales. 
                  12 wks to     12 wks to     pct change
                  Aug 5 2012    Aug 7 2011    
 Total till roll  31,175,890    30,392,490    2.6
 Total grocers    23,797,410    22,909,250    3.9
 Total multiples  23,283,470    22,378,000    4.0
    Market share (percent) and change in sales (percent)
                  12 wks to     12 wks to     pct change
                  Aug 5 2012    Aug 7 2011    in sales
 Tesco            30.9          31.0          3.4
 Asda             17.4          17.0          6.2
 Sainsbury        16.5          16.4          4.6
 Morrison         11.7          11.9          1.8
 Co-operative     6.7           7.1           -1.3
 Waitrose         4.5           4.4           7.4
 Aldi             2.9           2.4           26.0
 Lidl             2.8           2.6           11.8
 Iceland          2.0           1.9           7.0

Tesco sales growth closer to rivals' levels - Kantar

How will you protect your portfolio against systemic shocks such as market panics?

The Master Investor has structured his portfolio and investment strategy so that he will survive even the most extreme market conditions.

If the market collapses overnight, will you live to invest another day?  You have to structure your system so that the answer to this question is "Yes!"

The first thing to do is to acknowledge that anything can and will happen in the markets.  Generate several worst-case scenarios in your mind.  Then ask yourself:  if any of these things happened, how would you be affected - and what would you do?

The Master Investor's primary protection is their judicious use of leverage.  Every time the market crashes we hear stories of people who lose their shirt because they were over-leveraged.  The Master Investor simply doesn't get himself into this position.  

Tuesday 14 August 2012

See Them Here: What the Wealthy Are Driving

Your mental focus is: on YOUR INVESTMENT PROCESS

The Master Investor treats investing like a business: he doesn't focus on any single investment but on the overall outcome of the continual application of the same investment system over and over and over again.  He establishes procedures and systems so that he can compound his returns on a long-term basis.  And that's where his mental focus is:  on his investment process.  

Once you're clear what kind of investments you'll be buying, what your specific criteria are, and how you'll minimize risk, you need to establish the rules and procedures you'll follow to gain the Master Investor's long-term focus.

Bottom line:  Focus on your investment process  to compound your returns on a long-term basis

Warren Buffett's favourite pastime

One evening, Buffett and his wife Susan had dinner with friends.  Their hosts had just come back from Egypt.

After dinner, as their friends were setting up the slide projector to show him and Susan their pictures of the Pyramids, Buffett announced:

"I have a better idea.  Why don't you show the slides to Susie and I'll go into your bedroom and read an annual report."

Warren Buffett doesn't just enjoy reading annual reports.  It's his favourite pastime.  

"He just had a hobby that made him money.  That was relaxation to him."

A master investor lives and breathes investing 24 hours a day.

"Whatever you have, spend less." If compound interest isn't working for you, it's working against you.

By keeping what he has, and adding to it by living below his means, the Master Investor lets his money compound indefinitely.  And compound interest plus time is the foundation of every great fortune.  

Wealth is really a state of mind.  In the words of Charlie Munger:  "I had a considerable passion to get rich.  Not because I wanted Ferraris  -- I wanted the independence.  I desperately wanted it."  If you share this attitude, once you have gained that hard-fought independence the last thing you're going to do is jeopardize it by blowing all your money.

The alternative to living below your means is the debt-laden pattern of the middle class:  If compound interest isn't working for you, it's working against you, bleeding your money away just as a spurting artery drains your life-energy.

Additional notes:

Most people want to be rich so they can fly first class, live it up in the Ritz, feast on champagne and caviar, and go shopping at Tiffany's without giving a second though to their credit card bill.

The problem is that people who have this attitude to money don't wait until they're rich before they start indulging their fantasies, even if only on a small scale.  As a result they never accumulate any capital, or even worse go into debt so they can live beyond their means ... and remain poor or middle class.

Buffett can also be hard on himself. Sometimes, too hard.

In 1996, Buffett once again became a shareholder of Disney when it merged with Cap Cities/ABC, of which Berkshire was a major shareholder.  Buffett recalled how he had first become interested in Disney 30 years earlier.  Then,

"....its market valuation was less than $90 million, even though the company had earned around $21 million pre-tax in 1965 and was sitting with more cash than debt.  At Disneyland, the $17 million Pirates of the Caribbean ride would soon open.  Imagine my excitement - a company selling at only five times rides!"

"Duly impressed, Buffett Partnership Ltd. bought a significant amount of Disney stock at a split-adjusted price of 31 cents per share.  That decision may appear brilliant, given that the stock now sells for $66.  But your Chairman was up to the task of nullifying it:  In 1967 I sold out at 48 cents per share."

With 20/20 hindsight, it's easy to see that selling at 48 cents per share was a major blunder.  But in criticising himself for doing so, Buffett overlooks the fact that in 1967 he was still largely following Graham's investment model.  In that model the rule is to sell a stock once it reaches intrinsic value.

Nevertheless, he has clearly taken to heart Philip Fisher's observation that studying "mistakes can be more rewarding than reviewing past successes."

Buffett shows it is better to be overly critical than forgiving of your own mistakes.  As Buffett's partner Charlie Munger puts it:

"It is really useful to be reminded of your errors.  I think we're pretty good at that.  We do kind of mentally rub our own noses in our own mistakes.  And that is a very good mental habit."

Buffett's $2 Billion Mistake

Uniquely, Buffett also considers what could have been when he analyzes his mistakes.

In 1988 he wanted to buy 30 million (split-adjusted) shares in Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae), which would have cost around $350 million.

"After we bought about 7 million shares, the price began to climb.  In frustration, I stopped buying ...  In an even sillier move, I surrendered to my distaste for holding small positions and sold the 7 million shares we owned."

In October 1993, he told Forbes that "he left $2 billion on the table by selling Fannie Mae too early.  He bought too little and sold too early.  "It was easy to analyze.  It was within my circle of competence.  And for one reason or another, I quit.  I wish I could give you a good answer."

This was a mistake that, he wrote, "thankfully, I did not repeat when Coca-Cola stock rose similarly during our purchase program which began later the same year.

Learn from Your Mistakes

Always treats mistakes as learning experiences.

We're programmed to learn from our mistakes.  But what we learn depends on our reaction.  

A child goes to school, and what does he learn about mistakes there?  In too many schools, he is punished for making mistakes.  So he learns that making mistakes is WRONG; and that if you make mistakes you're a FAILURE.

Having graduated with this carefully ingrained attitude, what's his reaction when, as is inevitable in the real world, he makes a mistake?  Denial and evasion.  Blame his investment advisor for recommending the stock, or the market for going down.  Or justify his action:  "I followed the rules - it wasn't my fault!" just like the kid who screams "You made me do it."  The last thing he's going to do with that kind of education is to be dispassionate about his mistake and learn from it.  So, just as inevitably, he'll do it again.

When a master investor makes a mistake, his reaction is very different.  First, of course, he accepts his mistake and takes immediate action to neutralize its effect.  He can do this because he takes complete responsibility for his actions - and their consequences.

Buffett has no emotional hang-up about admitting his mistakes.  He makes it his policy to be frank and open about them.  According to Buffett, "The CEO who misleads others in public may eventually mislead himself in private."  To Buffett, admitting your mistakes is essential if you are to be honest with yourself.

There is no shame in being wrong, only in falling to correct our mistakes.  Having cleared the decks by getting rid of the offending investment, a master investor is free to analyze what went wrong.  And he always analyzes every mistake.  
-  First, he doesn't want to repeat it, so he has to know what went wrong and why.
-  Second, he knows that by making fewer errors he will strengthen his system and improve his performance.
-  Third, he knows that reality is the best teacher, and mistakes are its most rewarding lessons.

If you wanted to teach someone how to ride a bike, would you give him a book to read?  Or would you give him a few pointers, sit him on a bike, give him a gentle shove and let him keep falling off until he figures it out for himself?

"Can you really explain to a fish what it's like to walk on land?"  Buffett asks, "One day on land is worth a thousand years of talking about it."

"Understanding" versus "Knowledge"

You can put knowledge in a book and sell it.  But not understanding.

To understand is to combine knowledge with experience.  Not someone else's experience: your own.  Experience only comes from doing, not from reading about what someone else did (though that can add to your knowledge).

The meanings of these two statements are clearly different.

Mr. A has a good knowledge of investing.
Mr. A understands investing.

Knowledge usually means a collection of facts - a "persons's range of information," or the "sum of what is known."  But "understanding" implies Mastery - the ability to apply information and get the desired results.

Warren Buffett's favourite book.

It should be no surprise to learn that Warren Buffett's favourite book on his favourite pastime is reading annual reports.

Preservation of Capital is the first aim.

Since preservation of capital is Warren Buffett's first aim, his primary focus is, in fact, on avoiding mistakes and correcting any he makes and only secondarily on seeking profits.  

This doesn't mean he spends most of his day focusing on what mistakes to avoid.  By having carefully defined his circle of competence, he has already taken most possible mistakes out of the equation.  As Buffett says:

"Charlie and I have not learned how to solve difficult business problems.  What we have learned is to avoid them ....  Overall, we've done better by avoiding dragons than by slaying them."

Monday 13 August 2012

A Penny Saved is a Dollar Earned

A penny saved can grow into a dollar through the power of compound interest.

"Go for the jugular"

When the opportunity presents itself, buy enough to make a real difference to your wealth.  Don't buy piddling amounts.  "Go for the jugular."

There are times when the stock markets are selling at a steep discount.  At such times, Buffett says he feels like an oversexed guy in a whorehouse, and his main complaint is that he doesn't have ENOUGH money to buy ALL the bargains he can see.  At other times, when he sees a stock he really likes (like Coke), he'll simply buy as much as he can.

 "Too much of a good thing can be wonderful."  -  Mae West

It is unwise to spread one's funds over too many different securities.

It is unwise to spread one's funds over too many different securities.  Time and energy are required to keep abreast of the forces that may change the value of a security.  While one can know all there is to know about a few issues, one cannot possibly know all one needs to know about a great many issues.  

Diversification - or concentration - of an investment portfolio directly correlates with the amount of time and energy put into making the selections.  The more diversification, the less time for each decision.  

"Diversification is a protection against ignorance.  It makes very little sense for those who know what they're doing."  -   Warren Buffett

Diversification and fear of risk

Fear of risk is a legitimate fear - it is the fear of losing money.

Master investors don't fear risk, because they passionately and actively avoid it.  Fear results from uncertainty about the outcome, and a master investor only makes an investment when he has strong reasons to believe he'll achieve the result he wants.

Those who follow the conventional advice to diversify simply don't understand the nature of risk, and they don't believe it is possible to avoid risk AND make money at the same time.  

While diversification is certainly a method for minimizing risk, it has one unfortunate side-effect: it also minimizes profit.

Saturday 11 August 2012

Quality first, Price second

Philip Fisher: Quality first, Price second

Fisher formulated a clear and sensible investing strategy (which I'll get to in a second), wrote one of the best investment books of all time, Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits, and made a good deal of money for himself and his clients.

His son wrote that Phil's best advice was 
-to "always think long term," 
-to "buy what you understand," and 
-to own "not too many stocks." 

Charles Munger, who is Buffett's partner, praised Fisher at the 1993 annual meeting of their company, Berkshire Hathaway Inc. (BRK/A): "Phil Fisher believed in concentrating in about 10 good investments and was happy with a limited number.  That is very much in our playbook. And he believed in knowing a lot about the things he did invest in. And that's in our playbook, too. And the reason why it's in our playbook is that to some extent, we learned it from him."

In addition to the warning against over-diversification — or what Peter Lynch, the great Fidelity Magellan fund manager, calls "de-worse-ification" — the book makes three important points:

(1)  First, don't worry too much about price.  (Quality first, Price second)
-  "Even in these earlier times [he's talking here about 1913], finding the really outstanding companies and staying with them through all the fluctuations of a gyrating market proved far more profitable to far more people than did the more colorful practice of trying to buy them cheap and sell them dear."
-  In fretting about whether a stock is cheap or expensive, many investors miss out on owning great companies. My own rule is: quality first, price second.
(2)  Second, Fisher says that investors must ask, "Does the company have a management of unquestionable integrity?" 

(3)  Finally, Fisher offered the best advice ever on selling stocks. "It is only occasionally," he wrote, "that there is any reason for selling at all."

Yes, but what are those occasions? They come down to this: Sell if a company hasdeteriorated in some important way. And I don't mean price! 

Fisher's view, instead, is to look to the business — the company itself, not the stock. 

"When companies deteriorate, they usually do so for one of two reasons: 
- Either there has been a deterioration of management, or 
- the company no longer has the prospect of increasing the markets for its product in the way it formerly did."

A stock-price decline can be a key signal: "Pay attention! Something may be wrong!" But the decline alone would not prompt me to sell. Nor would a rise in price. 

Time to sell? If you did, you missed another doubling.

"How long should you hold a stock? As long as the good things that attracted you to the company are still there."

Should You Support Your Adult Child?

March 21, 2010

Your child is an adult now. You have supported him until he has graduated from university. How far should you continue to support him? Parents are not doing their adult child a favor by supporting him continuously with no limits in sight. Your adult child may end up being dependent on you and may put off taking full responsibility for his own life or future.

Personally, I think that it is fine to support my adult child and he is welcome to stay at home within certain conditions or parameters. One of the ground rules I would insist upon is that my adult child helps with the household chores and if he is working, he should contribute towards the household expenses as well. One day, I would expect him to move out and build a family of his own. However, I would not kick him out of the house when family support is still needed.
Money concerns

One of the main concerns when an adult child lives with the parents is on money matters. I would not want to jeopardize my own financial future to support my adult child continuously. Your adult child has to understand that you are not going to sponsor his leisure pursuits or other hobbies while staying with you. You are not his banker unless he is committed to repaying the money. I would love to help my adult child once in awhile (if I can afford it) but it will be my decision whether to do so or not.
Educate him quickly!

Your adult child needs to be taught to live within his means, start to build a nest egg as soon as possible and not to fall victim to money traps like credit cards. An important priority is finding a source of income (not the parents) like getting a good paying job or jobs (it does not hurt to work hard especially when you are still young). It is imperative that your child loves his work and finds it fulfilling. Teach him how to budget and to pay his bills on time. If he has trouble paying his bills, do not rush in immediately to bail him out. He has to figure out how to solve his money problems with your advice and guidance.

In short, the goal is getting your adult child to be independent and take control of his own life. You would not want him still dependent on you especially during your retirement period, right?,7271.0.html

Warren Buffett's approach is reasonable, give them enough to be 
comfortable but not so much as to end up as useless human trash.


Let The Man Be The Man He Is

Friday 10 August 2012

Avoiding Stocks Is a Big Mistake: Vanguard Founder

By Lee Brodie | CNBC – Mon, Aug 6, 2012

If you don't have money in the stock market (^GSPC) and you hope to retire someday, the founder of The Vanguard Group says you're making a big mistake.
John 'Jack' Bogle tells us if you're investing for the long-term don't get spooked by events of late. "Knight Capital is meaningless for anyone in the market for the long haul," he says. "In fact, you're probably in a mutual fund and you can pat yourself on the back for being smart."
In other words, for most individual investors the risk from Knight Capital is non-existent because most individuals hold a basket of stocks and the diversity of the basket hedges out the single stock risk.

And he takes issue with commentary from Bill Gross who believes "the cult of equity is dying."

"Like a once bright green aspen turning to subtle shades of yellow then red in the Colorado fall, investors' impressions of 'stocks for the long run' or any run have mellowed as well," Gross says.

The analogy of stock investing to autumn may be poetic, but it's not accurate and never will be, according to Bogle. "Equities offer higher risk and will therefore always generate higher reward," he argues. Therefore, "The cult of equity is never going to be over."
Bogle goes on to remind us that in 1979 BusinessWeek made the same argument.

The article came out right before the beginning of one of the greatest bull markets of the 20thcentury, Bogle insists. "It's always a question of balance but anyone who is out of stocks right now is making a big mistake.

Study: Vacations Do Not Actually Make You Happier

Thursday 9 August 2012

Buy and Hold: Still Alive and Well

By Morgan Housel
August 7, 2012
Meet Bill. He invested $10,000 in an S&P 500 (INDEX: ^GSPC  ) index fund 10 years ago and checked his account balance for the first time yesterday morning. He's elated to see his investment is now worth $19,590 after all dividends were reinvested.
Bill knows a thing or two about market history. He knows that, historically, he earned a good return -- 7% a year, or close to average. He remembers that during that decade we endured two wars, a housing bubble, a collapse of the financial system, the worst recession since the Great Depression, 10% unemployment, a near shutdown of the government, a downgrade of U.S. debt, and Justin Bieber. Through it all, he managed to nearly double his money without lifting a finger.
"Buy and hold works wonders," he thinks to himself.
But then he starts reading market news. Almost without exception, he finds that commentators have declared buy and hold dead, using the last decade as proof.
Buy and Hold Is Dead (Again) is the title of one popular book. "Holding an index or mutual fund for decades will not work for today's investor as spikes in volatility and risk can quickly wipe out any gains," one article warns.
"The only way to make money in the equity market is to be nimble, and that means adopting a strategy that is not buy and hold," he reads. "Buy & hold is a relic of a bygone era when the economy was stable and consistent growth was the norm," another analyst laments.
"What are these people talking about?" Bill wonders. He spent the decade visiting his kids, taking trips to the beach, reading good books, and enjoying life -- and managed to double his money all the while. These professionals, it seems, spent the decade poring over financial news, trading obsessively, stressing themselves relentlessly, and they're bitter about the market.
Bill knows why they're bitter. They didn't double their money. They likely lost money. Most traders do -- a fact he's well aware of. The only people who think buy and hold is dead, he realizes, are those frustrated with their inability to follow it.  
Bill is fictitious, but the numbers and analyst quotes here are real.
Going back to the late 19th century, the average subsequent 10-year market return from any given month is about 9% a year (including dividends). If you rank the periods, the time from August 2002 to August 2012 sits near the middle of the pack. What we've experienced over the last decade has been pretty normal, in other words. This goes against the thousands of colorful buy-and-hold eulogies written in the last few years, but it has the added benefit of being accurate.
And even it understates reality. The S&P 500 is weighted toward the market cap of its components, a quirk that skewed it toward some of the most overvalued companies in the last decade. An equal-weight index -- one that holds every company in equal amounts and provides a better view of how companies actually performed -- returned more than 140% during the decade.
Why have so many declared buy and hold dead? I think it's all about two points.
First, if Bill started investing just two years earlier, his returns through today would be dismal. 2000 was the peak of the dot-com bubble; 2002 was the depth of its aftershock recession. Bill started investing when stocks were cheap, setting him up for good returns today. The majority of today's investors, who likely began investing during the insane late '90s, have fared far worse.
But that doesn't prove buy and hold is dead. It just proves that the deluded interpretation of it -- that you can buy stocks any time at any price and still do well -- is wrong. But it was always wrong. It just became easy to forget during the '90s bubble. For as long as people have been investing it's been true that if you pay too much for an asset, you won't do well in the long run. If you buy the S&P 500 at 30 or 40 times earnings, as people did in the late '90s, you're going to fail. If you do like Bill and wait until it's closer to its historic average of 15-20 times earnings (or even better, lower), you'll do all right. Nothing about the last decade has changed that. The '90s, not the 2000s, were the fluke.
Second, most people know that buy and hold means holding for a long time, like 10 or even 20 years ("Our favorite holding period is forever," says Warren Buffett.) But, in an odd mental twist, they use volatility measured in months or even weeks to reason that it doesn't work.
The market suffered all kinds of schizophrenic turns over the last decade. Since 2002, there have been 401 days of the Dow Jones (INDEX: ^DJI  ) rising or falling more than 1.5%, and 83 days of it going up or down more than 3%. These can be emotionally devastating for investors following daily market news, watching their wealth surge and crash before their eyes.
But Bill didn't even know about them. He was too busy enjoying his sanity at the beach. He knew he was investing for the long haul, and that he bought at a decent price. Why should he care what stocks do on a daily, monthly, or even yearly basis? While others tumbled through manias and panics, Bill's blissful ignorance was one of his greatest advantages -- as it is for most buy-and-hold investors.
Naysayers of buy-and-hold investing lose track of this to an almost comical degree. The "flash crash" of 2010 sent stocks plunging for 18 minutes before rebounding. Last week'ssnafu by market-maker Knight Capital caused a handful of companies to log some funny quotes for half an hour. These events should be utterly meaningless to long-term investors. Yet the number citing them as proof that buy and hold no longer works is astounding.
Jason Zweig of The Wall Street Journal quoted an investor last week dismayed with the Knight Capital fiasco. "You could buy and hold a company for 15 years and then have everything you've built up disappear in five minutes," he said. The same fear was echoed two years earlier during the Flash Crash.
Folks, accept some frank advice: If you measure your portfolio in five-minute intervals, you shouldn't be investing. If you think business value is "lost" by a few misquoted trades, you shouldn't be investing. Value is created when a business earns profit, allocates it wisely to its owners, and compounds year after year. An errant stock trade doesn't make a company less valuable any more than misplacing your birth certificate for 18 minutes makes you less alive.
"There's no such thing as a widows-and-orphans stock anymore," Zweig's investor complains.
Sure there is. Ask Bill.

Wednesday 8 August 2012

Indonesia Q2 GDP up 6.4pc


JAKARTA: Indonesia's economic growth surprisingly picked up in the second quarter of this year, fuelled by easy credit and strong domestic demand, signalling Southeast Asia remains resilient to the global slowdown.

Most economists expect the central bank to keep interest rates on hold at a record low into next year to drive growth, although some have cautioned that tighter policy might be needed beyond that to dampen domestic demand that is causing a trade deficit.

Indonesia's statistics bureau said gross domestic product growth (GDP) last quarter was 6.4 per cent from a year earlier against 6.3 per cent in the first quarter, helped by domestic consumption and investment. GDP grew by 2.8 per cent on a quarterly basis, although the figures are not seasonally adjusted.

"The strong Q2 growth provides a cushion against the risk of further growth setbacks in the rest of the year," said Aninda Mitra, an economist at ANZ Bank in Singapore.

"But we still think policymakers will need to tighten policies to ensure that the strong growth does not destabilise the external financing gap, which could be rupiah negative and ultimately not good for inflation either."

Economists had forecast that annual growth in Southeast Asia's largest economy would ease to 6.1 per cent, citing shrinking exports.

Financial markets showed little reaction to the data, which showed that buoyant domestic demand, especially in transport, hotels and government consumption, kept growth on an even keel.
Thailand and Malaysia are also expected to post a pick up in growth in the second quarter versus the first quarter, economists have said.

After China, Indonesia's growth is also the highest among the world's leading emerging economies.

As demand from China and Europe fell in recent months, Indonesia has had consecutive trade deficits between April and June, weighing on the rupiah.

A burgeoning appetite for imports, from wheat for fast food to iPads and luxury cars, in a country that mostly exports raw commodities such as coal and crude palm oil, created a US$1.3 billion trade deficit in June - a deficit economists see continuing to the end of 2012 to keep pressure on the rupiah.

Expectations for slower growth meant economists had started to call for rate cuts this year. But most now see rates on hold into 2013 as Bank Indonesia will want to support annual growth towards President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono's target of seven per cent by 2014. Reuters

Pavilion REIT's earnings forecast raised


KUALA LUMPUR: Maybank Kim Eng Research has raised the financial year 2012-2014 earnings forecast of Pavilion Real Estate Investment Trust (Pavilion REIT)by eight to 8.4 per cent.

It also factored in a higher rental growth and turnover rent as well as higher occupancy rate.

Maybank Kim Eng in a research note today said Pavilion REIT's first half net profit of RM95.6 million was above the research house and consensus expectations at 55 to 56 per cent.

"This was due mainly to higher-than-expected retail turnover rent and rental hikes," it said.

Going forward, it said piling works of the Pavilion KL Mall extension will commence in the third quarter, whilst construction of the sub-urban mall in Subang Jaya is ahead of schedule.

"As for the Fahrenheit 88 mall, the management is monitoring the leases due for renewal in the third quarter, rental reversions and tenancy profile.

"When acquired, we expect these properties to raise Pavilion REIT's asset size by more than 41 per cent from RM3.6 billion currently," it added.

Maybank Kim Eng has maintained a "hold" call on Pavilion REIT but revised upward the target price to RM1.40 from RM1.26 previously. -- BERNAMA

Tuesday 7 August 2012

F&N's Q3 profit falls sharply to RM54.6mil


Fraser & Neave Holdings Bhd's (F&N) pre-tax profit for the third quarter ended June 6, 2012, fell sharply to RM54.63 million from RM92 million in the same period last year.

However, revenue for the period rose to RM896.70 million from RM882.48 million, driven by strong volume growth in all divisions, it said in filing to Bursa Malaysia today.

F&N, which no longer distributes Coca-Cola products effective this financial year, said the soft drinks revenue increased 22 per cent on account of higher sales across all product categories partly from strong promotional drives and earlier Hari Raya selling-in window this year.

On prospects, the company said its operating performance would be much lower than last year, due to the absence of the coca-cola business.
It said although consumer confidence sentiment remained strong, the business would however continue to be challenged by macro and global financial uncertainties, affecting commodities' prices and currencies.

"While the company's operating results will be much lower than that of last year due to the absence of the coca-cola business and the challenges faced by the dairy business in Malaysia and Thailand, F&N's overall results will be bolstered by the non-operating items, deferred tax asset recognition and pital gain crystallation," the company added. Bernama

UMW expects higher 2012 earnings

Business Times

UMW expects higher 2012 earnings


UMW Holdings Bhd, Malaysia’s biggest carmaker and assembler by market value, expects full-year profit to increase as auto sales climb and its oil and gas business rebounds from two years of losses.

The company’s oil and gas business will be profitable this year as its drilling rigs and the trading of oilfield products and services contribute to revenue, Chief Executive Officer Syed Hisham Syed Wazir said. In 2011, UMW’s profit declined 4.7 percent to RM502.1 million (US$162 million), with the unit posting a RM229.6 million loss.

“The worst is over for the division,” Syed Hisham, 58, said in an interview yesterday, declining to give a more specific target for earnings this year. “The scenario is very buoyant and opportunities are increasing.”

The profit gain may help extend its 41 percent rally this year, the second-biggest gain among Southeast Asian automakers and assemblers and the most on Malaysia’s benchmark FTSE Bursa Malaysia KLCI Index. The improving outlook also drew foreign investors, who held 24 percent of the company in the second quarter from 16 percent in the previous three months, according to data compiled by UMW.

Shares of the assembler of Toyota Motor Corp. cars have lagged behind the Malaysian index for the past three years. UMW fell 0.3 percent in 2011, compared with the benchmark measure’s 0.8 percent advance. The gains in the previous two years were also about half of the stock gauge.

Of the 16 analysts who track the stock, 10 rate it a "buy" while five have a "hold", with one recommending investors to "sell".

Reasonable Valuation

“UMW has been a laggard,” said Choo Swee Kee, chief investment officer at TA Investment Management Bhd, who manages about RM700 million including UMW shares. “Even with this rise, the valuation is still reasonable compared to other index stocks,” he said, adding that the rally “is sustainable.”

UMW shares trade at 13.2 times estimated earnings, compared with the KLCI Index’s multiple of 15.1, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.

The oil and gas unit is expected to turn in a profit as it expands into the upstream business, Syed Hisham said, referring to exploration and production. The company is also seeking to ride on increased exploration activities by a state-run energy group, he said.

The Selangor-based group, which derived 72 percent of sales last year from manufacturing and assembling cars for Toyota, also increased market share in the Southeast Asian nation’s auto market in the first half of the year. UMW’s share in the country’s passenger-car market rose to 48 percent at the end of June from 45 percent last year, Syed Hisham said, citing Malaysian Automotive Association’s data.-- Bloomberg

Mah Sing a 'buy': AmResearch

AmResearch started property developer Mah Sing Group Bhd with a "buy" rating and fair value of RM3.60 per share, citing its strong balance sheet and bright earnings outlook. 

“Mah Sing is set to capitalise on the imminent return of pent-up residential demand; the impact of the responsible lending guidelines has normalised,” AmResearch said in a note on Tuesday.

The research house said 90 percent of Mah Sing’s development projects are at the early stages of their life cycles which would boost annual pre-sales from RM2.8 billion this year to RM3.3 billion in 2013 and RM4.0 billion in 2014. 

“Despite its status as the sixth largest property stock by market capitalisation, Mah Sing is very undervalued from both the earnings and assets standpoint,” the research house added.

As of 9.50am, Mah Sing’s shares rose 0.41 percent against the Malaysian benchmark stock index’s 0.08 percent rise. -- Reuters

Read more: Mah Sing a 'buy': AmResearch

Mah Sing earnings forecast to hit RM209m


KUALA LUMPUR: AmResearch estimates that Mah Sing Group Bhd's earnings to rise from RM169 million in financial year 2011 to RM209 million in financial year 2012.

The forecast also includes RM260 million earnings in financial year 2013 and RM320 million in financial year 2014.

The research house said the estimation comes along with a three-year earnings compound 24 per cent annual growth rate, anchored by in-demand landed residential developments namely, M Residence 1&2 and Southville City.

"The group's earnings are very much secured with current RM2.5 billion unbilled sales," said the research house.

AmResearch said the annual pre-sales are expected to rise to RM3.5 billion in financial year 2013 and to RM4 billion in financial year 2014.
"The net gearing is expected to rise to 0.5 with one or two more land acquisitions by year end, but this is still within a comfortable level and should be pared down by its solid cashflows," it said in a research note.

AmResearch said Mah Sing has a 40 per cent dividend payout policy now and it expects the group to pay 11 sen to 15 sen dividend per share for financial year 2012 until 2014, translating to decent yields of four to six per cent.

The research house has put a "buy" rating, with RM3.60 fair value for the initiating coverage on Mah Sing based on a mid-cycle discount to its estimated RM4.80 per share net asset value. Bernama

Hartalega Q1 earnings dip 2.5% to RM53m

Hartalega Q1 earnings dip 2.5% to RM53m
KUALA LUMPUR: Glove maker Hartalega Holdings Bhd's earnings dipped 2.5% to RM53.36mil in the first quarter ended June 30, 2012 from RM54.77mil a year ago due to more competitive sales pricing.
It said on Tuesday, revenue rose 12.9% to RM247.68mil from RM219.37mil which was in line with the group's continuous expansion in production capacity and increase in demand. Earnings per share were 7.30 sen compared with 7.53 sen.
"However, the operating profit before other operating expense/income margin reduced to 28.3% from 30.3% due to more competitive sales pricing for the current quarter compared with the corresponding quarter of the preceding year," it said.
Hartalega said profit before tax margin reduced to 28.2% from 32.2% due to the stiffer pricing and recognition of net loss in foreign exchange and changes in fair value in forward exchange contracts of RM1.34mil compared with a net gain of RM3.53mil a year ago.

Padini's inks 10-year deal with Singapore's FJ Benjamin

Published: Tuesday August 7, 2012 MYT 1:59:00 PM

KUALA LUMPUR: Padini Holdings Bhd's line of women's shoes and accessories under its Vincci label would be distributed in Indonesia under a 10-year deal.

Its unit Vincci Ladies' Specialties Centre Sdn Bhd had on Tuesday signed a master franchise agreement with FJ Benjamin (Singapore) Pte Ltd and PT Gilang Agung Persada of Jakarta.
Under the agreement, FJ Benjamin, through its associate PT Gilang Agung Persada, open 25 stories within five years in Indonesia.
The franchise would see FJ Benjamin distributing trendy and affordable VNC women's shoes and accessories in Indonesia.
VNC products are sold under the Vincci label in Malaysia and are produced by the Padini Group.

Integrax poised to seal 25-year TNB coal contract

Business & Markets 2012
Written by Ho Ching-Ling and Jose Barrock of theedgemalaysia
Friday, 27 July 2012 10:15

KUALA LUMPUR: Port operator INTEGRAX BHD [] is said to be close to
sealing a 25-year port utilisation agreement with utility giant TENAGA
NASIONAL BHD [] (TNB) for the handling of coal for the latter’s coal-fired
Janamanjung power plant in Manjung, Perak.

It is believed that the deal would entail Integrax handling an additional
three million tonnes of coal per year for TNB’s new 1,000mw coal-fired
power plant which is expected to be ready for commercial operations by

Integrax currently handles six million tonnes of coal per year for TNB to
power up its 2,100mw Janamanjung power plant located on Lekir Island.
This new agreement would be a substantial boost for Integrax as it would
increase its coal throughput at its deep-water terminal, Lekir Bulk
Terminal (LBT) by 50% to nine million tonnes per year.

“The negotiations have been on-going for some time now, (so) it should be concluded soon, at the latest, maybe late this week,” a financial executive familiar with the negotiations said on Thursday.

It is also noteworthy that TNB emerged as a substantial shareholder of Integrax in 2011 after it bought out Integrax’s former CEO Harun Halim Rasip’s 22% stake in the company

The acquisition by TNB came after an iron ore project by Brazilian mining giant Vale International SA in Sitiawan sparked disagreements between Harun and his brother Amin Halim Rasip, who is currently the co-CEO of Integrax.

Vale wanted Integrax to expand its capacity to facilitate the handling of iron ore, something Harun was not agreeable to because the expansion would involve huge capital. After Harun’s exit from the company, things were a little frosty between the management of Integrax and TNB.

In May 2011, Integrax received a writ of summons and statement of claim filed by TNB over the outcome of an extraordinary general meeting. However, the impending signing of the 25-year coal handling agreement seems to indicate that things are well between TNB and the Integrax management.

The new contract is likely to be a boon for Integrax. For its financial year ended December 2011, Integrax posted a net profit of RM43.8 million on the back of RM87.9 million revenue.

Earnings per share for the year stood at 14.58 sen. In contrast to a year earlier, net profits slipped 12.7% while revenue dipped only marginally. Nevertheless, the company’s outlook seems bright.

In notes accompanying its financial results, Integrax said, “The Lumut–Manjung corridor is expected to benefit from TNB’s 1,000mw Manjung 4 Power Plant project and Vale’s iron and steel investment in Teluk Rubiah.

“Integrax is currently in discussions with these parties to determine Integrax’s level of participation in these projects,” the company said. It was previously reported that Integrax is still keen to pursue a second attempt to tie-up with Vale after the lapse of its conditional contract to provide transshipment services for the latter for 10 years.

The Perak government has since given Vale the green light to construct its own jetty to serve the iron ore project. Integrax manages Lumut Port, which is made up of LBT and Lumut Maritime Terminal, which the company co-owns with Perak state.

Integrax closed unchanged at RM1.37 on Thursday.

This article appeared in The Edge Financial Daily on July 27, 2012.

MIDF Research upgrades KPJ to Buy, raises target price to RM6.98

Business & Markets 2012
Written by
Monday, 30 July 2012 09:10

KUALA LUMPUR (July 30): MIDF Research has upgraded KPJ
HEALTHCARE BHD [] to a Buy at RM5.88 with a revised target price of
RM6.98 (from RM5.10).

In a note Monday, the research house said the new target price was
derived from 25x PE multiple of FY13F EPS, based on peers average PE

“The share price of KPJ has seen a strong positive movement over the
last few months, which we believe this has been part of the positive
spillover effect from the dual listing of IHH Healthcare Berhad recently.
“With this catalyst, we expect KPJ to no longer trade at a discount to its
peers, but should fetch the same valuation to its regional peers,” it said.