Friday 28 September 2012

Why You Should Invest in Growth, Not Value

by Alexander GreenInvestment U Chief Investment Strategist
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Patrick Henry famously declared that he knew no way of judging the future but by the past.

So if you're putting together a long-term investment portfolio, it might be wise to look at the historical returns for various types of assets. Not just for the past few years, or for several decades, but for the past couple centuries...

When you do this, you'll notice something interesting:
·        Owning a portfolio of businesses (stocks) has generally been much more rewarding than making loans to corporations or Uncle Sam (bonds) or sticking your money in the bank (cash).
·        Look closer at the clear winner (equities) and you'll also find that value stocks have outperformed growth stocks over the long haul and that small-cap value has beaten large-cap value by a substantial margin.

It therefore follows that an investor seeking maximum capital appreciation might focus on identifying undervalued small-cap stocks.

But there's only one problem with this: It won't work for most investors, even if the future is very much like the past. Here's why...

Beware the Infamous Value Trap

Value stocks require something that growth stocks don't:

When a stock - either large or small - is in the cellar, it's there for a reason. Typical ones are that the company is:
·        Losing market share...
·        Seeing its margins fall...
·        Is losing money...
·        Or is experiencing flattish sales and declining profits.
As a value investor, you don't know when this state of affairs will end, but you might be tempted to invest in a company if it's relatively cheap in relation to sales, earnings, or book value (i.e. net worth) in the hope that management will set things right.

The problem is this can take quite a long time.
Or it may never happen at all. As the stock gets cheaper and cheaper, you may believe it's becoming an even better bargain. This is the classic "value trap." And if you keep buying a stock on the way down, it may very well have your name on it when it hits rock bottom.

Dead Money With Decent Dividends 

Even if a value stock is destined to generate a good return over, say, a three- to five-year horizon, most investors won't be around to enjoy it.

How do I know this? Because as a former money manager, I've dealt with thousands of "typical investors." And regardless of what they say in their initial interview about their willingness to stay the course and think long term, it all goes out the window for 90% of them when the road gets bumpy. Or if things don't kick into gear right away.

A client who sits on a stock - or even a stock fund - for six months and doesn't see a spark will remind you with every conversation that he or she is sitting on "dead money."

No argument there - they are (at least temporarily). But value stocks often pay decent dividends that help compensate for this. Early in my career, however, I got tired of holding hands and counseling patience and switched from a value to a growth methodology.

It was a good move. If you want action, you should have it...

There's No Shortage of Excitement With Growth Stocks 

Buy the best growth stocks you can find. Given that they tend to be twice as volatile as the market (and twice as expensive), there is generally no shortage of day-to-day excitement.

But if you use a trailing stop, you can generate results that are much better than historical long-term returns (which always assume a buy-and-hold approach) and with less risk because your positions are fully protected.

So unless you have the patience of Job - and most investors don't - you're better off owning growth stocks than value stocks and, of course, using a trailing stop.

Good Investing,


Guan Chong

Guan Chong Period (Yrs) 6
Dec-05 Dec-11 Change CAGR
millions millions
Equity 80.27 262.11 226.54% 21.80%
LT Assets 63.63 249.83 292.63% 25.60%
Current Assets 131.11 644.42 391.51% 30.39%
LT Liabilities 8.7 22.28 156.09% 16.97%
Current Liabilities 104.74 603.48 476.17% 33.89%
Sales 412.7 1382.8 235.06% 22.33%
Earnings 16.8 123 632.14% 39.35%
Interest expense 3.95 6.6 67.09% 8.93%
D/E 0.96 1.67
ROA 8.63% 13.75%
ROE  20.93% 46.93%
Market cap 154.8 319.74 106.55% 12.85%
P/E 9.21 2.60
Earnings Yield 10.85% 38.47%
P/BV 1.93 1.22
DPO ratio (historical) 31.50%
Dividend Yield range High Low
7.20% 3.20%

Stock Performance Chart for Guan Chong Berhad


ANALABS Period (Yrs) 4
Apr-07 Apr-11 Change CAGR
millions millions
Equity 95.61 148.86 55.70% 11.70%
LT Assets 63.4 115.2 81.70% 16.10%
Current Assets 44.29 64.95 46.65% 10.04%
LT Liabilities 6.81 10.57 55.21% 11.62%
Current Liabilities 5.22 20.72 296.93% 41.15%
Sales 35.4 138.32 290.73% 40.60%
Earnings 8.36 17.67 111.36% 20.58%
Interest expense 0.04 0.27 575.00% 61.19%
D/E 0.00 0.00
ROA 7.76% 9.81%
ROE  8.74% 11.87%

Market cap 54.62 93.04 70.34% 14.24%
P/E 6.53 5.27
Earnings Yield 15.31% 18.99%
P/BV 0.57 0.63
DPO ratio (historical) 16.63%
Dividend Yield range High Low
3.90% 2.50%
Capital changes  -

Year Sales Earnings Net Pr Marg Interest Exp
2006 34.14 2.7 7.9% 0.05
2007 35.4 8.36 23.6% 0.04
2008 42.63 9.33 21.9% 0.14
2009 54.65 9.19 16.8% 0.23
2010 112.96 15.39 13.6% 0.21
2011 138.32 17.67 12.8% 0.27

Stock Performance Chart for Analabs Resources Bhd


GSB Period (Yrs) 3
Mar-09 Mar-12 Change CAGR
millions millions
Equity 37.093 41.66 12.31% 3.95%
LT Assets 35.169 37.011 5.24% 1.72%
Current Assets 21.837 27.033 23.79% 7.37%
LT Liabilities 12.305 8.48 -31.08% -11.67%
Current Liabilities 7.607 26.646 250.28% 51.87%
Sales 29.373 27.239 -7.27% -2.48%
Earnings 0.3123 3.813 1120.94% 130.27%
Interest expense 1.035 0.62 -40.10% -15.70%
D/E 0.37 0.19
ROA 0.55% 5.95%
ROE  0.84% 9.15%
No of shares
Market cap 14 28 100.00% 25.99%
P/E 44.83 7.34
Earnings Yield 2.23% 13.62%
P/BV 0.38 0.67
DPO ratio (historical) 0.00%
Dividend Yield range High Low
0.00% 0.00%
Capital changes  -
Stock Performance Chart for GSB Group Berhad

Favelle Favco

Favelle Favco Period (Yrs) 4
Dec-07 Dec-11 Change CAGR
millions millions
Equity 132.74 237.95 79.26% 15.71%
LT Assets 72.8 117.22 61.02% 12.65%
Current Assets 466.07 561.42 20.46% 4.76%
LT Liabilities 20.19 9.2 -54.43% -17.84%
Current Liabilities 385.94 427.93 10.88% 2.62%
Sales 456.62 485.1 6.24% 1.52%
Earnings 18.94 47.6 151.32% 25.91%
Interest expense 7.92 7.17 -9.47% -2.46%
D/E 1.12 0.22
ROA 3.51% 7.01%
ROE  14.27% 20.00%
Market cap 170.36 250.84 47.24% 10.16%
P/E 8.99 5.27
Earnings Yield 11.12% 18.98%
P/BV 1.28 1.05
DPO ratio (historical) 20.31%
Dividend Yield range High Low
5.20% 2.70%
Capital changes  -
2006 1 to 2 Share Split

Stock Performance Chart for Favelle Favco Berhad

IMF tells how Malaysia escaped worst effects of global crisis

By Rupa Damodaran

Published: 2012/09/27

KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia's low foreign bank presence and the "very" low level of foreign assets in its banks' balance sheets may have helped the country avert the worst effects of the global financial crisis, says the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

Malaysia has low reliance on foreign liabilities compared with its peers, the fund said in is latest Global Financial Stability Report.

The report highlighted Australia, Canada, India and Malaysia as having a relatively low degree of exposure to international banking and avoided the worst effects of the worldwide crisis.

"India and Malaysia appear insulated from foreign banks by almost all indicators when compared with all peer groups except developing Asia and the economies (besides India) that make up the BRIC group (Brazil, Russia and China)."

Besides examining whether the regulatory reforms designed to make the financial system safer are moving in the correct direction, the report looked at banking system "openness" and regulatory frameworks.

It described Australia, Canada, India and Malaysia as less globally integrated, all of which fared relatively well in the financial crisis.
Australia and Canada have limited foreign bank presence and low foreign claims when compared with the euro area and advanced Asia, the IMF said.

However, when the international positions of their banks are used, international integration becomes more evident.

One policy they have in common is the de facto prohibition of mergers among the major domestic banks which may have been a factor limiting their banks' international activities.
Both economies also impose restrictions on shareholder ownership, which limits acquisition of domestic banks by either other domestic banks or foreign ones.

Both India and Malaysia have low foreign bank presence, and banks there have a very low level of foreign assets in their balance sheet.

Although India and Malaysia explicitly restrict entry by foreign banks, both economies have relaxed the policy somewhat.

In Malaysia, branches of foreign banks are prohibited, and approvals for establishing banking subsidiaries are rare with no new entry having been approved until recently.

The number of branches a subsidiary can set up had also been restricted, while the maximum foreign ownership stake in a domestic bank is 30 per cent.
The IMF also said the data suggested that prudential regulatory requirements placed on entry of foreign banks may be less important for financial stability than the funding structure of domestic banks.

All four economies reviewed here follow the pattern of other peer groups on average, especially Australia and Malaysia.

"The positive experience of these four economies could be attributable not only to their regulatory approaches but also to the funding structure of the banks," the fund said.

Read more: IMF tells how Malaysia escaped worst effects of global crisis

Southern Acids strikes cautiously optimistic note

By Ooi Tee Ching

Published: 2012/09/27

SUBANG JAYA: Southern Acids (M) Bhd is cautiously optimistic of its business prospects as its oil palm estates in Indonesia and oleochemical operations in Malaysia suffer from the impact of Indonesia's palm oil tax restructure.

Since August 2011, the Indonesian government has raised palm oil export taxes drastically to boost refining capacity and downstream activities there.

"With cheaper feedstock available to Indonesia's oleochemical producers, the playing field is no longer level," said chairman Tan Sri Low Boon Eng.

"Our oleochemical manufacturing business here suffered substantial margin erosion," he said after the company's shareholders' meeting here yesterday.
Southern Acids operates a 100,000-tonne-a-year oleochemical plant in Kapar, Klang. Its products are mainly exported to Europe, East Asia and South Asia.

Last month, the Palm Oil Refiners Association of Malaysia (Poram) highlighted that the Malaysian government, in allowing five million tonnes of duty-free crude palm oil exports and remaining indifferent towards the plight of palm oil refiners here, had risked the loss of further investment and talent in its oleochemical, specialty fats and biodiesel sectors.

Poram said the government's indecision for the past 12 months had eroded investors' confidence to further value add Malaysia's palm oil downstream sector. This also meant opportunity loss in retaining and attracting highly-skilled knowledge workers.

Low concurred with Poram that the government needs to take a more discerning approach. "The government must do something about the current situation. It has been more than a year already," he said.

Southern Acids, via PT Mustika Agro Sari and PT Wanasari Nusantara, has 7,870ha of oil palm plantations in Indonesia.

Low noted the Indonesia's palm oil tax restructure, in encouraging downstream investment there, had pulled down palm oil prices. "So, our oil palm plantation and milling business had to contend with lower selling prices," he said.

Despite operating in challenging circumstances caused by the restructure of Indonesian palm oil taxes, Low said the group is cautiously optimistic of remaining profitable in the current year ending March 2013.

"We'll continue to focus on our Indonesian operations. So far, we've planted up around 4,700ha. We'll continue to embark on new planting and replanting in Riau," he said.

Read more: Southern Acids strikes cautiously optimistic note


From Year 1996 to Year 2007

Carlsberg Period (Yrs) 11
Dec-96 Dec-07 Change CAGR
millions millions
Equity 329.65 471.38 42.99% 3.30%
LT Assets 169.87 171.92 1.21% 0.11%
C. Assets 320 418.61 30.82% 2.47%
LT Liabilities 12.03 19.65 63.34% 4.56%
C. Liabilities 148.19 99.5 -32.86% -3.56%
Sales 672.24 897.53 33.51% 2.66%
Earnings 91.69 78.49 -14.40% -1.40%
Interest exp. 0 0 #DIV/0! #DIV/0!
Market cap 1271.6 1259.680 -0.94% -0.09%
D/E ratio 0 0.000 #DIV/0!
ROE 27.81% 16.65% -40.13%
P/E 13.87 16.05
P/BV 3.86 2.67
DPO ratio 98.62%
6.50% 5.50%

From Year 2007 to Year 2011

Carlsberg Period (Yrs) 4
Dec-07 Dec-11 Change CAGR
millions millions
Equity 471.38 627.13 33.04% 7.40%
LT Assets 171.92 591.32 243.95% 36.18%
C. Assets 418.61 365.84 -12.61% -3.31%
LT Liabilities 19.65 76 286.77% 40.24%
C. Liabilities 99.5 250.11 151.37% 25.91%
Sales 897.53 1489.36 65.94% 13.50%
Earnings 78.49 166.16 111.70% 20.62%
Interest exp. 0 4.39 #DIV/0! #DIV/0!
Market cap 1259.680 3283.730 160.68% 27.07%
D/E ratio 0.000 0.040 #DIV/0!
ROE 16.65% 26.50% 59.12%
P/E 16.05 19.76
P/BV 2.67 5.24
DPO ratio 90.00%
5.60% 4.00%

Income Statement
Year  Revenue Earnings Net Margin Interest Exp
2011 1489.36 166.16 11.2% 4.3
2010 1368.16 133.24 9.7% 4.59
2009 1045.48 76.14 7.3% 0.88
2008 960.21 76.15 7.9% 0
2007 897.53 78.49 8.7% 0
2006 929.74 85.9 9.2% 0
2005 867.23 88.68 10.2% 0

Stock Performance Chart for Carlsberg Brewery Malaysia Berhad

Southern Acids up 8.93% on hope of bonus issue, corporate actions

Hot Stocks Southern Acids up 8.93% on hope of bonus issue, corporate actions
Business & Markets 2012

Written by Cindy Yeap of
Thursday, 27 September 2012 14:35

KUALA LUMPUR: Tightly-held oleochemical processor Southern Acids Malaysia Bhd rose 8.93% in the morning session, a day after its chairman told shareholders the board will consider having a bonus issue to help improve trading liquidity.

Southern Acids’ chairman Tan Sri Low Boon Eng told shareholders present at the company’s annual general meeting (AGM) that the board will consider their suggestion of a bonus issue in response to questions over the company’s thin share volume, reported yesterday.

At midday today (Thursday), Southern Acids added 20 sen or 8.93% to RM2.44 with 26,700 shares done. Its latest unaudited net assets stood at RM3.16 per share.

The counter is rarely traded as close to 85% of its shares are in the hands of its top 30 shareholders. Prior to today’s trades, Southern Acids last closed at RM2.24 on September 19.

At yesterday’s AGM, shareholders had also asked if the group would go into property development with Paramount Corp Bhd.

They also asked if Southern Acids would build more hospitals or dispose of the Sri Kota Specialist Medical Centre (SKMC) in Klang and use proceeds to raise dividend payouts.

Low told shareholders no firm decision had been made on these matters but said Southern Acids has no intention of disposing its investment in Paramount as it sees “synergies” in the investment. Southern Acids owns 4.57% of property developer Paramount as at April 13, according to Paramount’s latest annual report.
However, Southern Acids’ largest shareholders -- Southern Palm Industries Sdn Bhd and Southern Realty (Malaya) Sdn Bhd –which own some 40% of the group, are deemed interested in about 16% of Paramount.

In response to persistent questioning by minority shareholders, Low yesterday also said Southern Acids is still evaluating its options, including going into property development to unlock value of the 644.49 acres of PLANTATION [] land called the “Thangamallay Estate” in Klang. The land borders Kota Kemuning in Shah Alam and is carried at RM141.94 million in its books.

As it is, oleochemical is Southern Acids’ largest revenue contributor accounting for 67% or RM376.3 million in the last financial year but the plantations and milling business brings in the biggest profits.

In the year ended March 31, 2012, plantations contributed RM25.2 million or 61% of the group’s pre-tax profits while oleochemical contributed RM10.6 million. Healthcare, meanwhile, brought in RM3.3 million for the group and warehousing another RM3 million.

Budget 2013

Najib unveils RM251b Budget

FMT Staff
 | September 28, 2012
KUALA LUMPUR: Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak unveiled the Budget 2013 in the Dewan Rakyat this afternoon.
The Budget 2013 theme was “prospering the nation, enhancing the well-being of the rakyat and a promise fulfilled”.
At the onset of his more than two-hour-long speech, Najib said the budget was a manifestation of Barisan Nasional’s campaign slogan, “Janji ditepati”.
The premier announced numerous measures to stimulate the economy and other sweeteners such as tax incentives and monetary rewards aimed at securing votes.
Salient points:
  • The allocation for next year’s budget is RM251.6 billion with the fiscal deficit at 4% compared with 2012′s deficit of 4.5%.
  • Government will reintroduce foreign company acquisition incentives and tax incentives for local service providers.
  • The government is suggesting group insurance coverage scheme for hawkers and small business holders who are registered with the Companies Commission of Malaysia. This scheme will provide maximum coverage up to RM5,000 and the government will fund it at RM16 million annually.
  • Tax incentive for the Global Incentive for Trading (GIFT) programme to make Malaysia an international commodity trading hub.
  • Taking into account expected revenue and expenditure, government’s deficit to decline further to 4% for 2013 from 4.5% in 2012.
  • Tax incentives for private entrepreneurs in the oil and gas industry including 100% income tax waiver for 10 years, exemption of withholding tax and stamp duty.
  • To support agriculture, government will provide subsidies and incentives worth RM2.4 billion for padi, padi seeds and fertiliser prices. Paddy farmers below 10 hectares will fall under the Paddy Takaful Coverage Scheme with compensation of up to RM13,000.
  • RM500 million will be allocated for the River of Life project to rejuvenate the Klang River.
  • RM230 million in incentives for fishermen, RM2.4 billion in subsidies and incentives for paddy sectors
  • Securities Commission will provide the framework for the issuance of AgroSukuk for companies involved in agriculture. For AgroSukuk, the government has allocated a double tax deduction for a four-year period from 2012-2015.
  • Halal Industry Fund will provide RM200 million to fund working capital for SMEs that produce halal products.
  • The government will allocate RM600 million for crime reduction.
  • Putrajaya to give RM276 million to beef up the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Agency (MACC).
  • RM350 million Tekun loans for entrepreneurs (including RM50 million for the Indian community).
  • RM38.7 billion allocated for education. Additional RM500 million for training of teachers in core subjects English, Bahasa Malaysia, Science and Maths.
  • RM1 billion for primary schools (RM100 million for Tamil and Chinese schools).
  • PERMATA to get RM20.5 million under PM’s Department.
  • RM1.2 billion allocation for pre-school development.
  • The government will form the “Graduate Employability Task Force” to assist unemployed graduates.
  • Tun Razak Exchange expected to attract 250 international financial services companies and offer 40,000 job opportunities.
  • RM50 million for poor Indian students to undergo technical training.
  • RM200 milion for Socso in oder for its 1.4 million contributors aged 40-55 to undergo free medical screening in government hospitals.
  • For retired civil servants who served a minimum of 25 years, minimum pension raised from RM720 to RM820.
  • Retired army personnel who served a minimum of 21 years to receive RM1,000 one-off payment.
  • RM1 billion fund to be set up to help Bumiputera SMEs to increase their equity share in the economy.
  • Legal aid centre to get RM20 million.
  • Annual increase of 150 officers for MACC annually until the 5,000 target is met.
  • RM20 million for 1Malaysia Clinics, to build an additional 17 more clinics with facilities to check cholesterol and glucose levels. Another RM100 million for maintenance work on current clinics.
  • Another round of cash handouts of RM250 under BRIM 2.0 for household incomes less than RM3,000. It will also be extended to single individuals aged 21 and above earning less than RM2,000. The total cost will be RM3 billion.
  • Subsidy for sugar will be reduced by 20 sen effective tomorrow.
  • The government will allocate RM440 million to the Skills Development Fund Corporation (PTPK) to provide loans for trainees to undergo skills training.
  • To further boost the production and utilisation of green technology-based products, the fund for GTFS will be increased by RM2 billion and the application period extended for another three years ending Dec 31, 2015.
  • RM20 million for 1Malaysia Clinics, to build an additional 17 more clinics with facilities to check cholesterol and glucose levels. Another RM100 million for maintenance work on current clinics.
  • Another round of cash handouts of RM250 under BRIM 2.0 for household incomes less than RM3,000. It will also be extended to single individuals aged 21 and above earning less than RM2,000. The total cost will be RM3 billion.
  • Subsidy for sugar will be reduced by 20 sen effective tomorrow.
  • RM1.9 billion to build 123,000 affordable housing units in strategic locations, to be implemented by PR1MA, SPNB, National Housing Department. PR1MA will spend RM500 million to build 80,000 houses nationwide priced between RM100,000 and RM400,000.
  • To enable more Malaysians own their first residential property, My First Home Scheme, which was launched under the previous budget, will be improved by increasing the income limit for individual loans from RM3,000 to RM5,000 per month or joint loans of husband and wife of up to RM10,000 per month. In addition, the requirement for a savings record equivalent to three months instalment and minimum employment of six months will be abolished.
  • RM1.9 billion to build 123,000 affordable housing units in strategic locations, to be implemented by PR1MA, SPNB, National Housing Department. PR1MA will spend RM500 million to build 80,000 houses nationwide priced between RM100,000 and RM400,000.
  • The government proposes the real property gains tax (RPGT) from the disposal of properties made within a period not exceeding two years from the date of purchase will be taxed at the rate of between 15% and 10% of disposal of property within a period of two to five years. For property disposed after five years from the date of acquisition, RPGT is not applicable. In addition, gains from the disposal of one residential property once in a lifetime and disposal of properties based on love and affection between husband and wife, parents and children, grandparents and grandchildren are exempted from RPGT.
  • The government will allocate RM386 million to ensure the prices of essential goods in Sabah and Sarawak as well as in Labuan are sold at lower prices through the opening of 57 KR1M; and to bear the cost of delivering products from Peninsular Malaysia to Sabah, Sarawak and Labuan including the interior areas. For example, in Ba’kalalan, Sarawak, the price of a 14 per kg cooking gas cylinder is sold at RM70. With the price uniformity programme, the cooking gas can be purchased at only RM26.60 per cylinder.
  • In addition, to reduce the burden of the rakyat who commute daily by ferry from Labuan to Sabah and Sarawak, the government will provide a 50% discount on ferry charges to all passengers. Furthermore, 50% discounts will also be provided on ferry charges for commercial vehicles that transport basic essential goods and construction materials to Labuan.
  • The government will continue the 1Malaysia Book Voucher programme for all students in institutions of higher learning (IPT) and at pre-university level. The value of the voucher will be increased from RM200 to RM250. The measure will involve an allocation of RM325 million and benefit 1.3 million students nationwide.
  • The government proposes that individual income tax rate be reduced by 1 percentage point for each grouped annual income tax exceeding RM2,500 to RM50,000. The measure will remove 170,000 taxpayers from paying tax as well as provide savings on their tax payment. As an example, an unmarried young professional with a monthly income of RM5,000 will enjoy income tax savings up to RM425 per person.
  • The government proposes school bus operators to be given, firstly, assistance of RM10,000 cash rebate and a 2% interest rate subsidy on full loans for the purchase of new buses to replace buses that have exceeded 25 years with new 12- to 18-seater buses. This loan scheme, managed by BSN, will be offered for a period of two years commencing Jan 1, 2013.
  • The government will once again provide the Schooling Assistance of RM100 to all primary and secondary students. This assistance is expected to benefit 5.4 million students involving an allocation of RM540 million and will commence in January 2013.
  • The government will establish 100 1Malaysia Internet Centres from 2013 to 2015 in suitable areas in the city such as PPR locations. The centres will be equipped with computer facilities and broadband services for daily usage and will enhance the socio-economic activities. For this, SKMM will provide an allocation of RM150 million.
  • Repayment of PTPTN full loan within a year upon this announcement effective from Oct 1, 2012 until Sept 30, 2013, a discount of 20% will be given on their loans. Meanwhile, for those with consistent repayment of PTPTN loan in accordance with their repayment schedule, a 10% discount per annum on their repayment will be given effective from Oct 1, 2012.
  • Government announces a bonus of one and a half months for civil servants.

Wednesday 26 September 2012

Uncle Chua's Buy and Hold Portfolio Performance Update

I have written about Uncle Chua's story and how he accumulated a great deal of wealth through his stock investment in Singapore.  The portfolio of stocks that he left in his will was mentioned in a book.

Here is Uncle Chua's portfolio & dividend income, reproduced here as accurately as was depicted in the book:
Uncle Chua's portfolio 2001

All the shares he dealt in were ALL blue chip stocks.

I thought it would be interesting to see how his portfolio of stocks might have performed up to today, assuming the portfolio was left unmanaged, essentially a buy and hold strategy.

It was difficult to determine the initial prices of some of the stocks in the year 2001 and I have used the earliest available stock prices, from the Yahoo Finance website, to represent these initial prices of the stocks in 2001.  Some initial prices were left blank as I could not get any information on these.

Well, let's have a look at his updated portfolio.

Click here:
Uncle Chua's Updated portfolio 2012

Uncle Chua's portfolio (Update)
Performance (not including dividends)
From 2001 to 2012
Period of 11 years  Thumbs Up Gain %
Thumbs Up CAGR

What conclusions can we derive from Uncle Chua's updated portfolio?

The portfolio has done quite well, returning a CAGR in share appreciation of  11.0%.  With dividends added, its performance has certainly outperformed the general market.  Do you agree?

The buy and hold strategy for this portfolio can be adopted by the defensive investors in their investing.

There are great lessons one can derive from Uncle Chua's legacy even today.

Conclusion:   Buy and hold is a safe and rewarding strategy for highly selected stocks.  


Uncle Chua's Portfolio & Dividend Income

The story of Uncle Chua

Appendix:   Rule Of Five 

The Rule of Five is BetterInvesting's method of letting you know you're not perfect and neither are your stock selections.

It states "For every five stocks you select using BetterInvesting methods, one will do much better than you expected, three will do about as well as you expected, and one will do much worse than you expected." 

The Rule of Five forms the basis for the first step of portfolio management, defense.

Here are the three possible outcomes for a stock's fundamentals on the SSG.

Defensive portfolio management's ONLY concern is finding stocks whose FUNDAMENTALS of SALES, PRE-TAX PROFITS, EPS, & PRE-TAX PROFIT MARGIN are not meeting your projections for future quality.

Click here  for a more indepth discussion of defensive portfolio management or click here   to see how the PERT Report is used to implement defensive portfolio management.

Economy Is Top Priority: Indonesian President

As protests against a U.S. made anti-Islam video continue across the world, the president of Indonesia, which has the world's largest Muslim population, seeks to reassure investors that all steps will be taken to ensure stability and promote economic growth in his country.
Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, who is in the U.S. to attend the United Nations General Assembly told CNBC's Maria Bartimoro that Indonesia respected freedom of speech and was committed to nurturing democratic traditions.
"We will continue to nurture our democracy because democracy should also bring benefit to the people and stability. And with stability we can build our economy," Yudhoyono said.
Weeks of protests against the controversial film posted on YouTube have resulted in more than 50 deaths so far, Reuters reported. In Indonesia as well there have been anti-U.S. demonstrations, which made the U.S. shut its embassy temporarily in the capital Jakarta on Friday.
"I have to assure you that we are responsible and will ensure that all embassies can accomplish their missions in Indonesia," Yudhoyono told CNBC.
He added that the recent violent protests were because of a clash of different views and the only way forward was to respect different religions and cultures. "We have to live together, in a better atmosphere," he said.
The president added that Indonesia would continue to make the country investor-friendly and could not afford to let social unrest come in the way of growth.
Indonesia has been one of the bright spots in the global economy that's struggling with a synchronized slowdown in the U.S., Europe and China, having grown a higher-than-expected 6.4 percent in the second quarter.
The Southeast Asian nation, the world's sixteenth-largest economy, could surpass Germany and the U.K. by 2030 and become the world's seventh-largest, according to consulting firm McKinsey last week.
While in New York, Yudhoyono is expected to meet up with foreign investors to convince them that doing business with Indonesia will be good for them. "We are building more infrastructure and offer lot of opportunities in agriculture and in industry across the country," he said.
Yudhoyono added there has to be a "dramatic increase" in investment to offset exports, which have been declining, and the best way to do that is to ensure there is stability in the country.
"We are doing our best to maintain growth with greater certainty and predictability. ...We are improving our investment climate," he said.
Yudhoyono expects the economy to keep its momentum into the next year growing at 6.5 percent, driven largely by domestic consumption.
-By CNBC's Jean Chua.