Monday 17 September 2012

Protect yourself from 10 costly financial calamities

The IRS audits you

Before it happens. Keep tax returns and supporting documents for at least seven years, in some cases even longer. For guidance, go to and search for IRS Publication 552, “Record-Keeping for Individuals.” Keeping a calendar of tax-deductible expenses, such as mileage for business or charitable trips, can help later. For charitable contributions, keep dated receipts for cash gifts of $250 or more and for noncash items you donate, such as furniture and clothes. Donations worth more than $5,000 require a written appraisal.

When filling out your return, make notes of anything you’ll need to remember later. It’s a good idea to prepare digital copies of everything for storing on a computer and backing up outside your home.

If it happens. Don’t panic. Read the audit notice carefully. If it’s something simple, such as a request for additional information, try working directly with the IRS. If it’s more complex and you have a tax preparer, ask him or her for guidance. If the IRS requests a meeting, your situation might be more serious. If you have a tax preparer, let him or her arrange the time and place of the meeting.

Your car breaks down

Before it happens. Don’t wait until you’re sitting on the side of a road on a rainy night to figure out what to do. If your car is under warranty and the manufacturer provides roadside assistance, make sure the number is in your glove box and cell phone. The same goes for insurance companies’ roadside assistance. Another alternative is to subscribe to roadside assistance from AAA or another organization.

It’s a good idea to know how to change a flat tire if you’re physically able to do it. Roadside assistance might be unavailable where your car broke down or you may have to wait hours.

Assemble and keep a roadside emergency kit that includes a jumper cable or battery booster, flashlight, and cell phone if you don’t routinely carry one. For a complete list, search our website for “Emergency roadside kit: What to carry with you.”

If it happens. Try to get the car off the road and away from traffic, especially if you’ll be trying to change a tire or otherwise work on the vehicle. Then simply follow your preparations.

Types of investment

Before you decide how to invest, learn about the potential risks and rewards of the 4 main kinds of assets – shares, bonds, property and cash.

There are several different classes of asset, each with its own strengths and risks. By spreading your money across a range of assets, you can create a portfolio that balances risk, growth and income according to your priorities. Spreading your money out across assets in this way is called diversification. It can help you lower overall risk, since different kinds of assets perform well at different times.

    The main types of asset

    To help you find your ideal allocation, you should familiarise yourself with the main asset classes:
    • Shares are high-risk investments, but they offer the best long-term returns.
      Find out more about shares
    • Bonds are investments that can provide a steady income.
      More about bond investing
    • Property, particularly buy-to-let property, takes time to manage. But the potential rewards include income from rent and capital gains if housing prices rise. 
    • Cash is a safe and familiar asset, but one with very low returns.
      More on cash.


    If you diversify your portfolio by holding a variety of investments, you can prepare yourself for the ups and downs of the market.

    Different shares and assets perform well at different times. If you diversify your portfolio – that is, buy a variety of investments – you can take advantage of these differences in performance and achieve a more balanced return.
    The advantages of diversification are easy to see when you consider what might happen to a non-diversified portfolio.
    If you hold the shares of just one company and it collapses, you could well lose your entire investment. If you were chasing returns in a particular sector that takes a hit – much like the banking sector in 2008 – you would again find yourself with heavy losses.
    With a diversified portfolio, only a small fraction of your money is tied up in any given area. So a single bankruptcy or industry slump cannot have too large an impact on your total return. Remember that the value of well diversified portfolio can fall as well as rise.

    How to diversify

    You can diversify your investments at a number of different levels:
    • across companies
    • across industries
    • geographically
    • across asset classes.
    If you want to diversify while still keeping your portfolio manageable, you should consider pooled investments. These can include ETFsfunds, or unit trusts/OEICs, all of which invest in a basket of shares, bonds or other assets. 

    Relative versus Absolute Valuation

    Dear New Investor,
    Take Andy Warhol’s “200 One Dollar Bills” silkscreen for example. This piece of art, which probably cost right around $200 to create sold for a staggering £26 million in late 2009. How can that price be justified?
    To start, you could attribute much of the value to the Warhol name. Then you’d probably consider the meaning to the buyer, the piece’s importance relative to other works, and what someone else might pay for it down the road.
    Using that same thought process, how would you justify the price tag of, say, £3, £4 or £5 for any particular share? There are many paths to the mountaintop, but all valuation techniques attempt to answer this question.
    At Share Advisor, whether we’re looking at an income producing share or the next great growth story, we don’t want to overpay for a share. Not only does this reduce potential future gains – it increases our chances of losing money. That’s why any time we put money into a company’s shares, valuation will be a key part of the process.
    Relative vs. Absolute
    There are two major schools of thought when it comes to the valuation of shares:
    1. Relative valuation: This is by far the most common type of valuation method in the market, for reasons I’ll discuss in a moment. With relative valuation methods, you’re comparing one company’s metrics (price-to-earnings, price-to-book, etc.) versus another company or the industry at large. For example, if there are two equally good companies, but one trades for ten-times earnings and the other for fifteen-times earnings, you would conclude that the company that trades for ten-times earnings is relatively undervalued.
    2. Absolute valuation: The point of absolute valuation methods like the dividend discount (DDM) and discounted cash flow (DCF) models is to determine the “intrinsic” or fair value of a company, regardless of how its metrics stack up against competitors at a given time.
    While the Share Advisor team may employ some relative valuation methods in our analysis, we’ll largely rely on absolute valuation to make our buy and sell decisions.
    The Case For and Against Relative Valuation
    According to Aswath Damodaran, a professor at New York University’s Stern School of Business, relative valuation is “pervasive”. He reckons that:
    Almost 85% of equity research reports are based on valuation multiples and comparables.
    More than 50% of all acquisition valuations are based on multiples.
    Rules of thumb based on multiples are not only common but are also often the basis for final valuation judgments.
    If this doesn’t scare you, it should.
    Because if most shares are trading at 30 times earnings, relative valuation could make a share trading at 25 times earnings appear undervalued and therefore worth buying.
    But if it turns out that all shares are overpriced and should be trading at just 15 times earnings, you might lose money along with everyone else when the market declines. Your share wasn’t undervalued at all.
    Despite its flaws, it’s easy to see why relative valuation is prevalent among City traders. Using relative numbers, analysts can always find undervalued shares (ever wonder why analysts can rate so many shares a buy?), and portfolio managers can always justify being fully invested at all times.
    Because money managers make their bread by having assets under management, Warren Buffett aside, you won’t find many of them saying, “I can’t find anything to buy, so it’s time to cash out.”
    Finally, when your own performance is judged relative to other analysts and portfolio managers, it’s much safer to ride with the herd and make relative valuations. After all, you only need to be marginally better than your peers to become a star. On the other hand, if you deviate from the herd and are proven wrong, you’re often wrong alone and your time as an analyst will likely be short-lived.
    To borrow a lesson from childhood, remember that what’s right is not always popular, and what’s popular is not always right.
    Sticking to Fundamentals
    The inherent volatility spawned by this irrational behaviour creates opportunities for business-focused investors with longer time horizons.
    At Share Advisor, we stick to the business fundamentals – think profits and cash flows – to estimate a share’s intrinsic value. By taking this approach though, we implicitly assume three things:
    That the market can be irrational in the short term.
    That we have something the market doesn’t have.
    That the market will eventually correct itself.
    I think many people would agree on the first point that the market can be irrational. As for the second point, the individual investor’s greatest advantage over the market is our ability to be patient and remain focused on an investment’s underlying business, regardless of the market’s happy days or temper tantrums.
    This type of patience is uncommon. The average holding period for a FTSE share is just7 months, according to a September 2010 speech given by Andy Haldane of The Bank of England. That’s down from eight years in the 1960s.
    That’s not investing; that’s trading.
    When we buy a share at Share Advisor, we plan to own it for at least three years, or as long as the valuation and business make it worth owning. In fact, the longer our time horizon, the better our chances should be of being proven correct – by giving the market more time to revert to what we regard as the company’s proper value (and meanwhile, a growing, fundamentally strong company should continue to add value).
    So as long as we can stay patient, we should have a distinct advantage over other investors.
    This leads us to our third point, which is the biggest assumption because it requires a catalyst that’s beyond our control. Whether it’s a positive earnings report, a change in management, or an unexpected event, an undervalued stock can’t reach its fair value without something knocking some sense back into the market.
    Admittedly, the longer we need to wait for the market to recognize a company’s fair value, the more trying it becomes to hold onto the position, especially if the share continues to underperform. To resist our human tendencies to follow the herd, we deliberately review our businesses’ fundamentals to determine whether we should keep holding our shares.
    Using Share Advisor Valuations
    In all of our Share Advisor buy reports, we give you our estimate of the fair value for the company and a preferred price at which to buy the share (though if you can get in lower, that’s generally better). The numbers are our best estimates at the time – so they’re not set in stone. Sometimes following good results our forecast will improve later, and we’ll tell you when that happens, whilst other times it will decline.

    There’s no such thing as a precise valuation. Every estimate of fair value is just that – an estimate which attempts to weigh the probabilities of various good and bad scenarios that could befall a company and its shares. Measuring probability accurately is pretty tricky and sticking too tightly to an estimate of value runs the risk of creating a false sense of precision. I would be wary of any analyst that provides you a value estimate down to the pence for a share – it is just unreasonable to expect that level of accuracy from any valuation method.
    The uncertainty around our estimates of value is one of the reasons we require a meaningful margin of safety (usually around 20%) from our estimated fair value before recommending a share.
    Our preferred buy price isn’t the be-all and end-all either. If a share is trading just above our preferred buy price, that shouldn’t stop you from buying it if you want to – remember, we’re giving you our best estimate of fair value and estimates are fuzzy, so applying overly strict buy limits creates another opportunity for false precision.
    By taking a long-term, business-focused approach to valuing shares, we should have a distinct advantage in an irrational market. Over time, we expect it will help us build a diverse portfolio that generates superior income as well as winning returns.

    Motley Fool

    Online resources - it pays to take a sceptical stance about what you read online .

    A quick Internet search can often turn up good information on a particular company or investment. Likewise, visiting investment-related message boards lets you trade advice and tips with other traders. But it pays to take a sceptical stance about what you read online – some unscrupulous companies or investors actively spread false information to try and artificially boost share prices. 


    • Investing is not for everyone, if you are unsure you should seek independent advice.
    • The value of investments can fall as well as rise and you could lose more than you initially invested. 

    Investment lifecycle in the Stock Market

    Before choosing investments, think about the amount of time you can leave your money in the market.

    Shares offer the greatest chance for growth in the long term, but if you only have a few months to invest, their volatility could leave you with losses. That is why you should always estimate when you might need your money again and invest accordingly.

    Always remember that the value of investments can fall as well as rise and you may get back less than you initially invested even in the long term.

    If you are unsure about investing you should seek independent advice.

    Short-term approaches

    If you only have a few years – or a few months – before you will need to pull your money out from the markets, you may want to look for low-risk, low-volatility investments.
    A good short-term portfolio may include high exposure to bonds and gilts, as well as cash or cash-like investments. Some investors may also want to include some holdings in lower-risk shares from well-established companies.

    Looking at the medium term

    With 5 or more years, you can start looking at a more traditional portfolio, with a diverse mix of shares balanced with some holdings in bonds and cash. This is because in a typical economic cycle, 5 years is enough to recover from any significant downturns. Although this is not guaranteed.

    Long-term investing

    Younger investors saving up for retirement may find that that have 10 to 20 years or more before they will need to start drawing down money from their investments.
    With the luxury of time, you may want to consider riskier and more volatile investments. While there are no guarantees, by taking on greater risk, you may earn a higher return. A downturn can hurt your portfolio, but you would be able to afford the wait for the eventual recovery. Then, as you approach retirement, you can slowly transition to safer investments in order to protect your gains.

    How to diversify

    You can diversify your investments at a number of different levels:

    • across companies
    • across industries
    • geographically
    • across asset classes.
    If you want to diversify while still keeping your portfolio manageable, you should consider pooled investments.

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