Wednesday 8 January 2020

Value Investing Shines in a Declining Market

Who's swimming naked?

When the overall market is strong, the rising tide lifts most ships.

Profitable investments are easy to come by, mistakes are not costly, and high risks seem to pay off, making them seem reasonable in retrospect.

As the saying goes, "You can't tell who's swimming naked till the tide goes out."

Torpedo stocks

A market downturn is the true test of an investment philosophy. 

Securities that have performed well in a strong market are usually those for which investors have had the highest expectations.

When these expectations are not realized, the securities, which typically have no margin of safety, can plummet.

Stocks that fit this description are sometimes referred to as "torpedo stocks," a term that describes the disastrous effect owning them. 

For example, the previous share price of a company had reflected investor expectations of high earnings growth.  When the company subsequently announced a decline in first-quarter earnings, the stock was torpedoed.

Securities owned by value investors are often unheralded or just ignored.

The securities owned by value investors are not buoyed by such high expectations.  To the contrary, they are usually unheralded or just ignored. 

In depressed financial markets, it is said, some securities are so out of favour that you cannot give them away.

Some stocks sell below net working capital per share and a few sell at less than net cash (cash on hand less all debt) per share; many stocks trade at an unusually low multiple of current earnings and cash flow and at a significant discount to book value.

A notable feature of value investing is its strong performance in periods of overall market decline. 

Whenever the financial markets fail to fully incorporate fundamental values into securities prices, an investor's margin of safety is high.

Stock and bond prices may anticipate continued poor business results, yet securities priced to reflect those depressed fundamentals may have little room to fall further. 

Moreover, securities priced as if nothing could go right stand to benefit from a change in perception.  
  • If investors refocused on the strengths rather than on the difficulties, higher security prices would result.  
  • When fundamentals do improve, investors could benefit both from better results and from an increased multiple applied to them. 
  • The higher multiple reflected a change in investor psychology more than any fundamental developments at the company.

What is an appropriate margin of safety?

Even among value investors, there is ongoing disagreement concerning the appropriate margin of safety.

Some highly successful investors increasingly recognize the value of intangible assets.

Some highly successful investors, including Buffett, have come increasingly to recognize the value of intangible assets - broadcast licenses or soft-drink formulas, for example - which have a history of growing in value without any investment being required to maintain them.  Virtually all cash flow generated is free cash flow.

The problem with intangible assets, is that they hold little or no margin of safety. 

The most valuable assets of Dr Pepper/Seven-Up, Inc., by way of example, are the formulas that give those soft drinks their distinctive flavours.  It is these intangible assets that cause Dr Pepper/Seven-Up, Inc., to be valued at a high multiple of tangible book value.  If something goes wrong - tastes change or a competitor makes inroads - the margin of safety is quite low.

Tangible assets, by contrast, are more precisely valued and therefore provide investors with greater protection from loss.  

Tangible assets usually have value in alternate uses, thereby providing a margin of safety.  If a chain of retail stores becomes unprofitable, for example, the inventories can be liquidated, receivables collected, leases transferred, and real estate sold.  If consumers lose their taste for Dr Pepper, by contrast, tangible assets will not meaningfully cushion investors' losses.

The Importance of a Margin of Safety

Benjamin Graham has no interest in paying $1 for $1 of value; only interested in buying at a substantial discount from underlying value.

Benjamin Graham understood that an asset or business worth $1 today could be worth 75 cents or $1.25 in the near future.

He also understood that he might even be wrong about today's value.

Therefore Graham had no interest in paying $1 for $1 of value.  There was no advantage in doing so, and losses could result.

Graham was only interested in buying at a substantial discount from underlying value.

By investing at a discount, he knew that he was unlikely to experience losses.

The discount provided a margin of safety.

Investors need a margin of safety

Because investing is as much an art as a science, investors need a margin of safety.

A margin of safety is achieved when securities are purchased at prices sufficiently below underlying value to allow for 

  • human error, 
  • bad luck, or 
  • extreme volatility 
in a complex, unpredictable, and rapidly changing world. 

According to Graham, "The margin of safety is always dependent on the price paid.  For any security, it will be large at one price, small at some higher price, nonexistent at some still higher price."

Buffett described the margin of safety concept in terms of tolerances:  "When you build a bridge, you insist it can carry 30,000 pounds, but you only drive 10,000-pound trucks across it.  And that same principle works in investing."

What is the requisite margin of safety for an investor? 

The answer can vary from one investor tot he next.
  • How much bad luck are you willing and able to tolerate?  
  • How much volatility in business values can you absorb?  
  • What is your tolerance for error?  
It comes down to how much you can afford to lose.

Most investors do not seek a margin of safety in their holdings.

Institutional investors who buy stocks as pieces of paper to be traded and who remain fully invested at all times fail to achieve a margin of safety.

Greedy individual investors who follow market trends and fads are in the same boat.

The only margin investors who purchase Wall Street under-writings or financial-market innovations usually experience is a margin of peril.  

Should investors worry about the possibility that business value may decline?

1.  Should investors worry about the possibility that business value may decline? 


2.  Should they do anything about it? 

There are three responses that might be effective.

  • First, since investors cannot predict when values will rise or fall, valuation should always be performed conservatively, giving considerable weight to worst-case liquidation value as well as to other methods.
  • Second, investors fearing deflation could demand a greater than usual discount between price and underlying value in order to make new investments or to hold current positions.  This means that normally selective investors would probably let even more pitches than usual go by.
  • Finally, the prospect of asset deflation places a heightened importance on the time frame of investments and on the presence of a catalyst for the realization of underlying value.  In a deflationary environment, if you cannot tell whether or when you will realize underlying value, you may not want to get involved at all.  If underlying value is realized in the near-term directly for the benefit of shareholders, however, the longer-term forces that could cause value to diminish become moot.

Tuesday 7 January 2020

What is a relative-performance orientation?

Relative performance involves measuring investment results, not against an absolute standard, but against broad stock market indices, such as the Dow Jones Industrial Average or Standard & Poor's 500 Index, or against other investors' results.

Most institutional investors measure their success or failure in terms of relative performance.

Money managers motivated to outperform an index or a peer group of managers may lose sight of whether their investments are attractive or even sensible in an absolute sense.

Who is to blame for this short-term investment focus? 

Is it the fault of managers who believe clients want good short-term performance regardless of the level of risk or the impossibility of the task? 

Or is it the fault of clients who, in fact, do switch money managers with some frequency? 

There is ample blame for both to share.

There are NO winners in the short-term, relative-performance derby. 

Attempting to outperform the market in the short run is futile since near-term stock and bond price fluctuations are random and because an extraordinary amount of energy and talent is already being applied to that objective. 

The effort only distracts a money manager from finding and acting on sound long-term opportunities as he or she channels resources into what is essentially an unwinnable game. 

  • As a result, the clients experience mediocre performance.  
  • The overall economy is also deprived, as funds are allocated to short-term trading rather than long-term investments.  
  • Only brokers benefit from the high level of activity.

Institutional investors should strive to achieve good absolute returns.

Institutional investment process should focus on maximizing returns under reasonable risk constraints.  

If more institutional investors strove to achieve good absolute rather than relative returns, the stock market would be less prone to overvaluation and market fads would less likely be carried to excess.  Investments would only be made when they presented a compelling opportunity and not simply to keep up with the herd.

Investment success requires an appropriate mind-set

Investing is a serious business, not entertainment.

If you participate in the financial markets at all, it is crucial to do so as an investor, not as a speculator, and to be certain that you understand the difference.

Investors must be able to distinguish Pepsico from Picasso, and understand the difference between an investment and a collectible (speculation).

When your hard-earned savings and future financial security are at stake, the cost of not distinguishing is unacceptably high.

Investments and Speculations: Similarities and One critical difference.

Financial-market participants can be divided into two groups,
  • investors and 
  • speculators.

Similarly, assets and securities can often be characterised as either
  • investments or 
  • speculations.

Both typically fluctuate in price and thus appear to generate investment returns.

But there is one critical difference:

Investments throw off cash flow for the benefit of the owners; speculations do not.

The return to the owners of speculations depends EXCLUSIVELY on the vagaries of the RESALE MARKET.


Investments, even very long-term investments, will eventually throw off cash flow:

  • A machine makes widgets
  • A building is occupied by tenants who pay rent
  • Trees on a timber property are eventually harvested and sold.

By contrast, speculations, like collectibles, throw off no cash flow; the only cash they generate is from their eventually sale.  

  • The future buyer is likewise dependent on his or her own prospects for resale.
  • The value of collectibles, therefore, fluctuates solely with supply and demand.  
  • Collectibles have not historically been recognized as stores of value, thus their prices depend on the vagaries of taste, which are certainly subject to change.
  • The apparent value of collectibles is based on circular reasoning: people buy because others have recently bought.  This has the effect of bidding up prices, which attracts publicity and creates the illusion of attractive returns.  Such logic can fail at any time.

Tuesday 26 November 2019

Earning Power

It is properly defined as a rate of earnings which is considered as "normal," or reasonably probable, for the company or particular security.

It should be based both upon the past record, and upon a reasonable assurance that the future will not be vastly different from the past. 

Hence companies with highly variable records or especially uncertain futures may not logically be thought of as having a well defined earning power.

However, the term is often loosely used to refer to the average earnings over any given period, or even to the current earnings rate.

Benjamin Graham


Invest for the long term earning power of the company to give you compounded returns over many years.

Total Assets and Total Liabilities

The totals of assets and liabilities appearing on the balance sheet supply only a rough indication of the size of the company.   Balance sheet totals may be readily inflated by excessive values set upon intangibles, and in many cases also the fixed assets are arrived at a highly exaggerated figure.

On the other hand, we find that in the majority of strong companies, the good will which constitutes one of their most important assets either does not appear upon the balance sheet at all or is given but a nominal valuation (usually $1).  There was once a practice of writing down the fixed assets, or plant account, to virtually nothing in order to save depreciation charges.  Hence it is a common occurrence to find that the true value of a company's assets is entirely  different from the balance sheet total. 

The size of a company may be measured in terms either of its assets or of its salesIn both cases, the significance of the figure is entirely relative, and must be judged against the background of the industry.  The assets of a small railroad will exceed those of a good sized department store. 

From the investment standpoint - especially that of a buyer of high-grade bonds or preferred stocks - it may be well to attach considerable importance to large size.  This would be true particularly in the case of industrial companies, for in this field the smaller enterprise is more subject to sudden adversity than is likely in a railroad or public utility. 

Where the purchase is made for speculative profit, or long-term capital gains, it is not so essential to insist upon dominant size, for there are countless examples of smaller companies prospering more than large ones.  After all, the large companies themselves presented the best speculative opportunities while they were still comparatively small.

Benjamin Graham

Balance Sheets in General

A balance sheet shows how a company stands at a given moment.  There is no such thing as a balance sheet covering the year 2018; it can only be for a single date, for example, 31st December, 2018.

A single balance sheet may give some indications as to the company's past, but this may be studied intelligently only in the income accounts and by a comparison of successive balance sheets.

A balance sheet attempts to show how much a corporation has and how much it owes.  What it has is shown on the asset side; what it owes is shown on the liability side.

The assets consist of the physical properties of the company, money it holds or has invested, and money that is owed to the company.  Sometimes, there are also intangible assets, such as good-will, which are frequently given an arbitrary value.  The sum of these items makes up the total assets of the company, shown at the bottom of the balance sheet.

On the liability side are shown not only the debts of the company, but also reserves of various kinds and the equity or ownership interest of the stockholders.  Debts incurred in the ordinary course of business appear as accounts payable.  More formal borrowings are listed as bonds or notes outstanding.  Reserves, may sometimes be equivalent to debt, but frequently they are of a different character.

The stockholders' interest is shown on the liability side as Capital and Surplus.  It is often said that these items appear as liabilities because they stand for money owed by the corporation to its stockholders.  It may be better to consider the stockholders' interest as representing merely the difference between assets and liabilities, and that it is placed on the liability side for convenience to make the two sides balance.

The total assets and the total liabilities are thus, always equal on a balance sheet, because the capital and surplus items are worked out at whatever figure is needed to make the two sides balance.

Also read:

The Reserves of a company is purely a paper entry.

Monday 25 November 2019

Accounting, the language of business.

Whether you are a disciple of Ben Graham, a value investor, or a growth or momentum investor, you can agree that a stock;s price must relate to its financials.

From time to time investors ignore basic numbers like book value, cash flow, interest, and various ratios that fundamentally value common stock.  It is especially common during periods of exuberance or fear that investors depart from the fundamental methods of successful investing.

A sound understanding of how to read the basic financials should keep investors focused and thereby avoid costly mistakes, and also helps to uncover hidden values of the stock market.

Ben Graham's principle of always returning to the financial statements will keep an investor from making huge mistakes, and without huge mistakes the power of compounding can take over.

Concept of Interest Coverage is akin to Concept of Margin of Safety


Interest Coverage:  This is the number of times that interest charges are earned, found by dividing the (total) fixed charges into the earnings available for such charges (either before or after deducting income taxes).

Interest Coverage
=  Earnings (before or after income tax) / total interest charges


Margin of Safety, in general, is the same as "interest coverage."

Formerly used in a special sense, to mean the ratio of the balance after interest, to the earnings available for interest.

Margin of Safety
= Balance of earnings after interest / Earnings available for interest.

For example:

Interest  $100
Earnings  $175

Interest cover $175/$100 = 1.75x
Balance after interest = $175 - $100 = $75

The margin of safety (in this special sense) becomes
= $75 / $175
= 42.86%

Understand the Intrinsic Value

Intrinsic Value is the "real value" behind a security issues, as contrasted with its market price. 

Generally a rather indefinite concept; but sometimes the balance sheet and earnings record supply dependable evidence that the intrinsic value is substantially higher or lower than the market price.

Benjamin Graham

Saturday 26 October 2019

iCapital.Biz Berhad price chart since listing performance over the last 14 years was listed at the end of 2005 with a NAV of around RM 1.00.

On 24th October, 2019, its NAV was RM 3.21 and its share price on 25th October, 2019 was 2.42 per share.

Over the last 14 years, it gave 1 dividend of 9 sen per share.

Over the course of the last 14 years your investment in grew from $1.00 to $3.30, its compound annual growth rate, or its overall return, is 8.90%.

Share price fluctuations of over the last 14 years traded at a premium to its NAV in its early years of listing. It was trading at high price of RM 2.48 in the early days of January 2008.

Its price crashed with the Global Financial Crisis. The premium to its NAV disappeared and it was trading at a huge discount to its NAV when its share price crashed to 1.06 in October 2009.

Since then, its share price has climbed upwards steadily over the years and always trading at a discount to its NAV.

On 25.10.2019, is priced at RM 2.42 per share.

So, who are the winners or losers in this stock?

The initial shareholders who hold onto to their shares until today from listing are obvious winners.

The buyers of this stock in and around January 2008 were obvious losers. They would have bought at very high prices and at huge premium to its NAV too.

However, for those who held onto this stock even when bought in January 2008 for the long term and who continued with a dollar cost averaging strategy over the years, they might still be winners overall.  This requires discipline and a firm investing philosophy.

Those who bought into from October 2008 when its price was the lowest and at any time subsequently and held till today are also winners, provided they bought below 2.42 per share.

Yes, there are obvious winners in this stock but they have to be in this stock long term and have done continuous buying of the stock over time (dollar cost averaging) when the price was obviously not too high.

Are there more winners or losers in this stock?

I believe the majority of players in the stock market are short-term traders. As traders, they are in at the time when the stock enjoys some popularity and they are out when the stock appears disfavoured. 

Thus, they are likely to be in the stock at the time when the prices were high and out when the prices dropped; they bought high and sold low.

I think is no different from other stocks in the Bursa. Though over the long term, has delivered positive returns, for those who have bought and sold stocks over the years, on an aggregate, there were more losers than winners.

The risk in investing is not the stock.  It is the person staring back at you in the mirror:  YOURSELF.

Suggested further reading:
No One is Immune from The Party Effect or Recency Bias

Friday 27 September 2019

Some Ideas on Managing Portfolios

Portfolio management is more than the sum of the purchase of attractive stocks.

Here is a view on the overall lines of action on managing portfolio:

  • The first step (optional) involves trying to acquire some idea about where we are in the cycle.
  • Diversification
  • Stock selection should be bottom-up.
  • Pay particular attention to the weight of stocks in the portfolio.
  • Changing weights.
  • Sectoral efforts.

1. Where are we in the cycle? (Optional)

This involves trying to acquire some idea about where we are in the cycle.

Should we be moving towards defensive stocks, or - on the contrary - starting to be more aggressive, if we judge the declines to have been sufficient?

It is helpful to analyse the message coming from the types of stocks that interest us, so as to draw the right conclusions about what is going on. If some stocks in a sector have taken a particular hammering, it is likely we will be at the bottom of the cycle in that sector.

Overall market developments will also give us some insights. If there have been lots of very strong rises, we will be heading towards the end of a cyclical expansion, while after a series of large losses, we will doubtless be close to the bottom.

However, there is no guarantee that our analysis of the cycle will be successful.

If we are able to have some degree of clarity on the overall or sectoral cycle, then the next step is to consider which types of stocks will us in this context.

We need to buy the most aggressive stocks during low points in the cycle, even if it can be challenging to overcome the mental barriers to do so in such a negative environment. And vice-versa at the top of the cycle.

Designing the appropriate strategy for the general or sector cycle can be what adds most value to a portfolio.

2 Diversification

Our portfolio should be prepared to withstand any situation, be it a market collapse or a boom, inflation or deflation, for all possibilities. It must be agile and resilient against any eventuality.

We also have to insulate the portfolio from our own errors, whether they be our view of the cycle or our choice of companies. We have to envisage how our portfolio would be affected by the opposite scenario to what we are expecting; how it would survive.

Diversification is the clearest way to prepare the portfolio for any eventuality. Having at least 10 stocks gives us a reasonable amount of diversification. If we are managing on behalf o others, it can be helpful to hold a few more, creating a portfolio of some 20 - 30 stocks. After that, there need to be strong arguments for increasing the number of stocks.

3. Stock selection should be bottom-up.

Stock selection is the first step in managing portfolios. Avoid wasting time on companies which do not stand up to greater scrutiny. It is also important to be very flexible: avoiding slipping into generic asset allocation, both for sectors and regions. If we don't understand a certain business or new technologies, it is best to avoid them.

4. Pay particular attention to the weight of stocks in the portfolio.

Over the years, we got it wrong on a number of stocks. We must be very sure of our investment if we are going to assign it a high weight in our fund, never doing so if the company is indebted.

It is extremely difficult to discern and accept investment errors: we always end up giving the benefit of the doubt to the company, since after investing so much time studying it, we find it deeply unsatisfying to sell and think that we are throwing it away. One of the ways to get around this problem is by only having small exposures to the more dubious stocks.

5. Changing weights.

One of the ways to add value in asset management is by changing the size of positions in stocks. The argument for continually adjusting is one of simple probabilities: if a stock in a portfolio rises by 10% and another falls by 10%, then there has been a relative movement of 20% which we can capitalize on. The logical thing to do, once we have studied the movements, is to lower our position in the stock that has gained value and increase it in the one that has fallen.

Some investors prefer to wait until the stock has reached the target price before offloading the entire position, or take other approaches. However, it is highly likely that our simple approach increases the potential of the fund, since it is unlikely the valuations of the particular shares have moved in the same proportion.

6. Sectoral effort.

We should focus on attractive sectors. it is impossible to be on top of every sector. As unspecialised generalists we should discriminate between sectors that are worth following - which form the focus of our efforts - while leaving the rest to one side. Not all sectors are equally attractive all the time, and it take years for the level of interest to shift.

We should devote the bulk of our resources, especially time, to the most attractive sectors. We should keep an eye on other sectors, being aware of their existence, but they should not eat up our time for the moment. By moving from less attractive to more attractive sectors we avoid wasting time, which is an extremely scarce resource in investment analysis. There will be time in the future to return to sectors left to one side.


We should steer clear of businesses that are highly indebted, since they can negate our estimates of future earnings.

Debt improves the return on capital, but the increased volatility from interest payments can become impossible to bear.

The limit for acceptable levels of debt depends on the stability of the business; the more stable - with an easy to predict outlook (toll road, electricity networks, etc.) - the more manageable the debt.

The undeniable advantage of working without debt or other liabilities is that we can withstand any situation with the necessary peace of mind.

Debt requires us to be more precise with our predictions that is desirable, especially given the near impossibility of correctly forecasting what will happen and the inevitability of devastating surprises.

Although indebtedness doesn't directly impact on the valuation, it is important to be very aware of a company's debt levels, analysing its capacity to pay back debt: size, term, restrictions, etc.

Tuesday 24 September 2019

How bonds with negative yields work and why this growing phenomenon is so bad for the economy



About a quarter of the global bond market, or about $15 trillion worth of bonds, offer negative interest rates.

U.S. bonds are still paying something, but could go negative if there’s a recession.

Negative interest rates encourage government borrowing.

Imagine if I came to you with a deal.  Give me $10 today and I’ll return $9 to you in a decade or so.
No way right?  This is happening all around the world and on increasing basis.

Maybe you didn’t go to Harvard Business School, but perhaps you recall an early lesson from your Junior Achievement class that tells you this is not how it’s supposed to work.

You are supposed to put your money in the bank and be rewarded with interest. This is supposed to be wiser than trading your precious allowance at the candy store for an awesome, yet fleeting sugar rush.

Nicholas Colas, co-founder of DataTrek, put it plainly enough: “Bonds are supposed to pay the owner of capital something to pry the money out of their hands.”

Nevertheless, some really smart investors around the world now have invested about $15 trillion in government bonds that offer negative interest rates, according to Deutsche Bank. That represents about a quarter of the global bond market.

This financial insanity is overtaking the world because bond prices are skyrocketing as stock prices are tanking. As more money flows into bonds, their yields go down — even below zero in some cases.

The good news is that U.S. Treasurys, while hovering near all-time lows, still pay at least something. The 10-year was yielding 1.62 percent on Wednesday. Still, that’s low enough to stymie financial educators as they try to convince children that they should put off instant gratification and save at least some of their allowances.

Some market observers are now warning that the U.S. could be paying negative bond rates, too, if there’s another recession. Currently, our central bank, the Federal Reserve, has set its benchmark rate at 2.25%. When the economy turns south, the Fed typically lowers rates by as much as 5 percentage points to reignite borrowing and spending.

But where else can it go after it hits zero?

Paying any government to take your money is as irresponsible as feeding children nothing but candy bars. It’s what you might call a “moral hazard,” but this term seems to have been eliminated from the economics texts following the bailouts of reckless financial institutions in the 2008 financial crisis.

Negative interest rates, and even super-low interest rates, are only going to encourage more government borrowing. This in turn allows politicians to make all kinds of grandstanding promises — until one day when the debt pile gets too big, interest rates return to historically normal levels, and taxes go up to pay for it all.

So why does this happen?

Institutional money have investing guidelines they have to follow while shepherding all their billions. Those guidelines often require them to buy bonds. The demand for these bonds is rising sharply — so they take the deal of the day.

In the end, it’s not a good sign for the economy.

Sunday 22 September 2019

Capital Allocation by the Managers: Study their track record and their decision-making processes.

So you have bought a good company at a decent price.  You have completed the essential part of choosing your favourite stocks.

By definition, this company generates a lot of earnings and the managers have significant flexibility in terms of how they allocate this money, with a wide range off options available to them.  

It is important that the capacity to generate value through competitive advantages is also matched by an appropriate allocation of earned profit

Appropriate allocation of earned profit by the managers include:

1.  Shares buyback and cancellation of shares. #
2.  Dividends
3.  Investments in assets for growth.
4.  Acquisition of other companies to increase the company's competitive advantage.

The board should decide between these options based on the highest executed return and consequent value creation for the shareholder.

The only way you can get a fix on capital allocation is by studying the managers track record and the company's decision-making processes.  It comes down to both a quantitative and a qualitative analysis based on criteria, with experience being assigned a very high weight.

The greater the extent to which managers have shareholding interests, the more likely it is that their interest will be aligned with minority shareholders, but this step shouldn't be overlooked in any case.

# (The shareholders should ask of the management board that they give consideration to repurchasing and cancelling shares.  When you invested into the shares, you obviously believe the shares to be undervalued and this means that a cancellation would create value.  The management need not have to do it but this should be on their list.)

Companies to avoid

Avoid these companies described below.  That is not to say there are no good investments to be found, but the chances of this happening are much lower, increasing the risk of us running into a dud.

Some examples are as follows

1,  Companies with an excessive growth focus.

Growth is good and beneficial if it is the result of a job well done, which generates resources over time which are reinvested increasing the strength of the company, but this tends to be more the exception than the rule.  The obsession with high growth targets is extremely dangerous.   Once again there is an agency problem:  who are the company's management working for - themselves or the shareholders?  Growth is only a good thing if it is healthy.

2.  Companies which are constantly acquiring other companies.

If the acquisition is not focused on increasing the competitive advantage of the main business, it can end up becoming a rueful folly, or what Peter Lynch calls 'diworsification', diversifying to deteriorate.
Growth ca also ring with it two other problems:  first, more complex accounting can more easily conceal problems; and second, each acquisition eds up becoming bigger than the last, increasing the price and therefore the level of risk.

It is worth reiterating ow detrimental it can be when some mangers feel the pressure or the desire - after selling a substantial part of the company - to buy another of a similar size, instead of returning the money to the shareholders.

3.  Initial public offerings

According to a study, companies who float on the stock market via an IPO post 3% lower returns than similar companies after 5 years. 

There is a simple reason for this:  there are clear asymmetries in the information available to the seller and what we know as purchasers.  The seller has been involved with the company for years and abruptly decides to sell at a time and price of their choosing.  The transaction is so one[sided that there can only be one winner.

4.  Businesses which are still in their infancy.

Old age is an asset: the longer the company has been going, the longer it will last in the future.  A recent study shows that there is a positive correlation between the age of a company and its stock market returns.  It takes a  certain amount of time for a business to get on to a stable footing, depending on the level of demand and competition.  Until this happens, we are exposed to the high volatility inherent in any new business, with an uncertain final outcome.

5.  Businesses with opaque accounting.

Whenever there's significant potential for flexible accounting, being ale to trust in the honesty of the managers and/or owners is essential.

Long-term contractors in the construction sector, or in infrastructure or engineering projects, are examples where there is scope for flexible accounting, with latitude to delay accounting for payments or being forward income.

We can include banks and insurance companies in this category, where the margin for accounting flexibility is very significant and it is relatively simple to cover up a problem for a while, compounded by having highly leveraged balance sheets.

Prior to investing in these types of businesses, it is absolutely imperative to be certain we can trust the mangers or shareholders.  No one forces us to invest in them, so the burden of proof is on the company.

6.  Companies with key employees.

These are companies where the employees effectively control the business, but without being shareholders (the latter could even be positive).  For example,, many service companies reportedly have very high returns on capital, ut only because capital isn't necessary:  investment banks, law firms, some fund managers, consultancy companies, head-hunters, etc.

The creation of value in these businesses benefits these key employees, while the opportunities for external shareholders to earn attractive returns are limited, despite supposedly high returns on capital employed.

7.  Highly indebted companies.

"First give me back the capital, then return something on it."

Buffett also remarks that the first rule of investing is not losing money and the second and the third ..

Excess debt is one of the main reasons why investments lose value.  We do not need to flee from debt at every opportunity, when it is well used it can be very helpful, but it should not have much weight in a diversified portfolio. 

By contrast, markets don;t particularly like companies to hold cash rightly fearing that such financial well-being might lead to bad investment decisions. 

{To sleep well and to make the most of incorrect market valuation, ensure that over half of the companies in the portfolio have ample cash.  Do not be worried about excess cash, provided that capital is reliably allocated.}

8.  Sectors which are stagnant or experiencing falling sales.  

While it is not worth paying over the top for growth, on the flipside, falling sales can be very negative.  Quite often these companies can cross our radar because of the low prices at which they are trading but over the long term, time is not on our side with them..  Sometimes sales will recover but mostly the opportunity cost is to high, given that the situation can persist for sometime.

9.  Expensive stocks.

It is obvious but worth spelling out.  In reality, expensive companies have historically obtained the worst results, because good expectations are already priced in and because it is less likely that the price will jump from - say- a P.E ratio of 16 to 21 than from 9 to 14.

That is not to say that good results cannot be obtained from buying the above types of stocks, but it is an additional hurdle which some may preferred to avoid.

The above are not the only examples of companies to avoid,, but they are a good starting point.

Saturday 21 September 2019

The Possibility of Reinvesting More Capital in companies with High Returns on Capital

Bear in mind that the potential for companies with high returns on capital to reinvest a lot of capital are limited, since they tend not be be very capital intensive (e.g. Nestle Malaysia and Dutch Lady).

Furthermore, the market will probably be correctly pricing such gems which are capable of obtaining high returns over time, meaning we must wait for the right moment to acquire them at a reasonable price, because they are rarely gong to come cheap.

If some of these companies with high returns on capital in attractive sectors also offer a certain amount of growth, facilitating reinvestment of capital, then we are looking at a gem, with the added benefit of being coherent with our long term investment philosophy.

If a company can reinvest with a 20% return on investment over the next 20 years and we are able to buy the stock at a reasonable price, then the return on our investment will be close to this annual 20% over 20 years.