Sunday 19 April 2015

SETH KLARMAN: ‘Investors Have Been Seduced Into Feeling Good’

Sun Valley Seth Klarman
Getty / Scott Olson
Seth Klarman.
The market is making Seth Klarman nervous.
On Wednesday night, Zero Hedge posted an excerpt from Klarman’s latest letter to investors. Klarman said, among other things, that we are marching towards a re-creation of the 2007 market.
Klarman writes:
“It’s not hard to reach the conclusion that so many investors feel good not because things are good but because investors have been seduced into feeling good—otherwise known as ‘the wealth effect.’ We really are far along in re-creating the markets of 2007, which felt great but were deeply unstable when shocks started to pile up.”
And Klarman doesn’t think the Fed is doing enough to keep markets in check.
“Even Janet Yellen sees ‘pockets of increasing risk-taking’ in the markets, yet she has made clear that she won’t raise rates to fight incipient bubbles. For all of our sakes, we really wish she would.”
Klarman also notes that in the current low-rate environment, investors have increased risk taking as the need for greater returns requires greater risk-taking with a shrinking potential payoff:
“The pressure to reach for return virtually ensures that many investors will take greater and greater risk for less and less potential reward at market peaks… A recent brokerage report excitedly touted the new HoldCo PIK Toggle notes of a Croatian consumer goods retailer. Nearly every word of that description is a flashing red light to seasoned investors.” 
On Wednesday, Bill Fleckenstein of Fleckenstein Capital got into a shouting match on CNBC while defending his stand against the Fed’s monetary policy.
And recently we’ve seen noted bears, like Gina Martin Adams and Bob Janjuah turn less-bearish, and Klarman says that, “Investors have clearly grown weary of worrying about risky scenarios that never seem to materialize or, when they do, don’t seem to matter to anyone else.” 
On Wednesday the Fed released its latest monetary policy decision, which indicated little change in the Fed’s language.
On Thursday, the S&P 500 and Dow Jones Industrial Average hit new all-time highs


Analyzing One Of Seth Klarman’s Best Quotes. What unsuccessful investors do is exactly what we should avoid..

I was reading Margin of Safety and ran into one of the most shocking quotes I have read in value investing. I have wrote about Seth Klarman(TradesPortfolio) before, and I always highlight his raw comments that are both intelligent and concise. This is the complete quote:

“Unsuccesful investors are dominated by emotion. Rather than responding coolly and rationally to market fluctuations, they respond emotionally with greed and fear. We all know people who act responsibly and deliberately most of the time but go beserk when investing money. It may take them many months, even years, of hard work and disciplined saving to accumulate the money but only a few minutes to invest it. The same people would read several consumer publications and visit numerous stores before purchasing a stereo or a camera yet spend little or no time investigating the stock the just heard about from a friend. Rationality that is applied to the purchase of electronic and photographic equipment is absent when it comes to investing.”

“Many unsuccessful investors regard the stock market as a way to make money without working rather than as a way to invest capital in order to earn a decent return. Anyone would enjoy a quick and easy profit, and the prospect of an effortless gain incites greed in investors. Greed leads many investors to seek shortcuts to investment success. Rather than allowing returns to compound over time, they attempt to turn quick profits by acting on hot tips. They do not stop to consider how the tipster could possibly be in possession of valuable information that is not illegally obtained or why, if it is so valuable, it is being made available to them. Greed also manifests itself as undue optimism or, more subtly, as complacency in the face of bad news. Finally greed can cause investors to shift their focus away from the achievement of long-term investment goals in favor of short-term speculation.”

I loved this quote because as Munger says: Tell me where I am going to die so that I don’t go there. The quote begins by saying what unsuccessful investors do, which is exactly what he would like us to avoid. Overall, we know that the market is going to fluctuate and change, however, not all of us are able to respond in the same way.

The approach that Klarman takes in this quote is similar to Buffett’s, when he provides a daily-life example so that it is clear for us readers. Many times when we shop around, we go online and dig deeply into the characteristics of our potential purchase. Not only that, but we compare across a wide sample of retailers to find the best value for our money. When it comes to investing, however, we become blinded by our greed and fear, causing us to buy (or continue buying) at very high prices, regardless of intrinsic value, or to sell at very low prices, even when we know that we are not getting what we deserve. (Or perhaps that is exactly what we deserve for not applying rationality).

Emotions are part of our nature as human beings, but we are also entitled with the ability to think rationally. While getting a hold of our emotions is difficult, it can be done as shown by many successful value investors such as Klarman, Munger and Buffett. Greed, as Klarman mentions, it reflected in undue optimism, which makes us overpay and dampen our returns, without mentioning putting our capital at risk of permanent loss.

What are your thoughts on this quote?

Saturday 18 April 2015

Investing Lessons of Warren Buffett

Warren Buffett is arguably the greatest investor of all time. But more importantly, he’s also one of the best teachers of investing. In his annual reports and countless interviews, he freely offers priceless wisdom that helped him become a billionaire, and that you can use to invest better and reach your financial goals sooner. Here are some of the lessons I’ve learned from him that have helped me achieve more success in investing, business, and life.

1   Stockpicking isn’t a hobby.
Everyone should be an investor. But not everyone should choose their own investments. To be a successful investor requires thousands of hours of deliberate effortful study to master the necessary skills, and then thousands more (or in Buffett’s case, tens of thousands) to use those skills to find worthwhile investments. Buffett read every investing book in his local library, many of them multiple times… by the time he was eleven years old. If you aren’t willing to put in the time and effort that stockpicking requires, the person on the other side of your trades is likely to know more than you, which is a recipe for underperformance. In that case, you’re better off simply buying a low-fee index fund which passively tracks the market, like VFINX, which tries to match the S&P 500. All of the lessons below are relevant for active investing, but many of them also apply to passive investing, so I encourage you to read on regardless of whether you decide to pick stocks yourself or just buy the entire market.

[Extra for experts: market-weighted index mutual funds like VFINX hold more in stocks that have already risen and less in stocks that have already fallen, which reduces returns because stocks that are up tend to slightly underperform those that are down. As an alternative, consider RSP, the equal-weight S&P ETF from Rydex, which has historically outperformed market-weighted S&P index funds by 1-2% per year.]

2  Invest unemotionally.
It’s human nature to be emotional, and life is richer for it. But it reduces investment returns. Many people make systematic errors in their investment thinking, due to their emotions, egos and innate cognitive biases. They suffer from confirmation bias, tending to seek out and find evidence to support their position rather than evidence that might refute it. They think about risk more when things are already going badly and less when prices are already up. They resist admitting mistakes and hold their losers too long. They think about how they’ll spend the money they’re expecting to make from investing, and this can cloud their judgment and encourage excessive risk-taking. They’re overly optimistic and overly confident about their investment abilities, which is dangerous. By contrast, Buffett is a paragon of rationality. His investment decisions are insulated from such emotionality. He has said he’d never give up a good night’s sleep for a chance at a slightly better return. He thinks long term and so he doesn’t panic when the market falls; instead, he sees drops as buying opportunities. To invest better, become a student of human psychology. Learn how emotions lead to cognitive errors, so that you can avoid those errors and benefit when others make them.

3  Ignore modern financial theory.
Buffett says modern financial theory is fundamentally flawed. His consistent long term success is evidence that the efficient market hypothesis is wrong. He says beta is a silly way to measure risk. He thinks diversification is counterproductive for anyone skilled at investment selection. He says financial models oversimplify things, underestimating the frequency of black swans and assuming that what hasn’t happen can’t happen. Markets are more dependent on behavioral science than physical science, but the models don’t adequately factor in human behavior. Investing is part art and part science, and the models don’t capture the artistic side of the process. Buffett says you’re better off ignoring most of modern financial theory.

4  Invest in what you understand.
Buffett stresses the importance of having a circle of competence, a clearly defined industry, business model, asset class, investment style, or other area that you are an expert at, and investing only within that circle. You should continue to learn and thereby expand your circle of competence, but until you do, you shouldn’t invest where you aren’t yet skilled. Buffett has said that an investor needs to do very few things right as long as he or she avoids big mistakes, and staying within your circle of competence is one of them. This is closely related to Buffett’s suggestion of investing only in what you understand. He has three mailboxes on his desk, labelled “In”, “Out”, and “Too Hard”. Every business has factors which are knowable, unknowable, important, and unimportant; he recommends investing in businesses for which the important factors are knowable. He wants understandable businesses because he intends to hold long-term and wants to be able to predict roughly what the business will look like in five or ten years. He puts most technology companies in the too-hard pile. Tech changes so fast that there are only a handful of people in the world with the expertise to tell which will be spectacular successes and which will be spectacular failures. If you aren’t in that elite group, it’s best to look elsewhere. Buffett has said that investing isn’t like Olympic diving, where you get more points for a difficult dive than a simple one. Or to use another sports analogy, he doesn’t try to jump over seven-foot bars, he looks around for one-foot bars he can step over.

5   Stock ownership is business ownership.
When you buy a stock, don’t think of it as a line on a chart that you hope will move up. Think of it as partial ownership in the underlying business. Unlike collectibles or precious metals, stocks have intrinsic value because your ownership gives you a proportional claim on the company’s future earnings, in the form of dividends. If a business does well over time, the stock price eventually follows. Buffett sees himself not as a market analyst, or a macroeconomic analyst, or even a security analyst, but as a business analyst. He likes managers who think like owners, and especially ones who actually are owners. He has said that he’s a better businessman because he’s an investor, and a better investor because he’s a businessman. This leads directly into the next point…

6   Know what a good company looks like.
The list of essential characteristics Buffett looks for in an investment is surprisingly short. He wants a business that’s easy to understand, with a consistent operating history; good long term prospects, possibly due to some durable competitive advantages, or “moats”; a trustworthy, high-quality management team; and solid financials: high margins, high return on equity, and high free cash flow. He does like growth, but less so than investors who are focused on the short term, since it’s the nature of capitalism for growth not to last more than a few years as outsize profits attract fierce competition. When asked what metrics he uses in his investment decisions, his response is that if a computer could do valuation then everyone could do it, and if everyone could do it then the market would be efficient and there would be no bargains. Number geeks want math to provide easy answers, but it doesn’t. Buffett’s style of investing is at least as much art as science.

[Extra for experts: To be precise, rather than free cash flow, Buffett uses what he calls “owner earnings”. This is defined as net income from operations, plus depreciation, depletion, and amortization, minus your best estimate of the average annual capitalized expenditures that the business requires to fully maintain its long-term competitive position and its unit volume. In other words, money the business is generating that doesn’t need to be spent just to avoid falling behind.]

7   Be cheap.
OK, now you know what a good company looks like. But you shouldn’t simply buy every good company you find, because good companies tend to be more expensive. The key to Buffett’s strategy is to find good companies at good prices. Price is what you pay; value is what you get. When value exceeds price, the difference is what Buffett’s mentor Ben Graham called a margin of safety. A large margin of safety enables you to be successful even if your valuation is slightly off or if things play out slightly differently than expected. Early in his career, Buffett preferred good companies at great prices. Later, perhaps because he had too much capital to deploy every year on finding new bargains and he began holding investments much longer, he shifted to preferring great companies at good prices. Both approaches are valid.

8   Be patient.
Above I mentioned the importance of not letting emotions impact your investment decisions. A closely related point is the value of patience. Buffett has said that investing differs from baseball in that there are no called strikes. You can stand at the plate all day and not swing if you don’t see any pitches you like. This can be difficult because the financial system encourages frequent trading, since its revenues grow as transaction volume grows. But great investment opportunities are rare; at most times and for most stocks, the market is pretty good at keeping price roughly in line with value. To resist the temptation to trade in and out of positions, Buffett suggests pretending you can only make twenty trades your whole life. Under this restriction, you’d be much more likely to do detailed research, and only move forward on a trade if you were very confident in it. This would force you to be patient both when buying and while holding. Another dimension of patience relates to time horizon. The right mentality is get rich slow, not get rich fast. Too many investors can’t wait to reach their financial goals, and focus on quarterly performance and keeping up with benchmarks. This encourages them to sell whatever has recently underperformed (at a loss) and buy more of whatever has recently outperformed (after it’s already risen), which usually doesn’t work. Even investment professionals feel short-term pressure, justifiably fearing that one bad quarter or year could cause their clients to pull their assets. It’s dangerous to try to outperform the market in the short term. You don’t need to, and you’re better off not trying. Others feel the need to, and you can use this to your advantage as well.

9   Be loss-averse.
Too many on Wall Street measure performance based solely on return. A better measure is risk-adjusted return. Don’t strive to make every last dollar of potential profit; doing so exposes you to too much risk. Instead, make preservation of capital your top goal. By staying focused on loss avoidance, you’ll naturally gravitate toward investments with more upside potential than downside potential, which will help your returns. And by always looking for a margin of safety, your returns will still be adequate even if events don’t play out quite as expected. It’s not necessary to do extraordinary things to get extraordinary results, it just requires avoiding big mistakes, and letting compounding work its magic over long periods of time. Buffett says it like this: Rule One, do not lose money. Rule Two, see Rule One.

10   Volatility is your friend.
Many investors think volatility is the same thing as risk, but it’s not. Being risk-averse doesn’t mean avoiding volatility. Berkshire Hathaway stock has suffered a quotational loss of 50% or more three times in its history. But remarkably, Buffett has never lost more than 2% of his personal worth on any single position. He achieved this not by diversifying; indeed, he tends to be heavily concentrated, and at one point early in his career, he had 75% of his net worth in Geico. (Kids, don’t try this at home!) He achieved it by buying good companies at good prices, and then buying more shares if prices fell. Don’t fear the market’s gyrations. Volatility is the best friend of the unemotional, patient, debt-free investor. A wildly fluctuating market means that solid businesses will occasionally be available for you to buy at irrationally low prices. Ben Graham said that the market is a voting machine in the short run and a weighing machine in the long run. If you buy good companies at good prices and the prices fall, you can be confident that eventually the market will realize the companies deserve to be priced higher, and in the unlikely event that they don’t, you can wait and collect an ever-growing stream of dividends.

[Extra for experts: To further clarify the difference between risk and volatility… You can have risk without volatility: for example, selling far out of the money options, you’ll have very nice returns until the tail event occurs, and then you’ll get crushed. And you can have volatility without risk: for example, when Kyle Bass bought twenty million nickels, which had a metal value of seven cents each and a floor of (obviously) five cents.]

11   The market is there to serve you, not to inform you.
Ben Graham had a thought experiment that Buffett frequently used. Imagine the stock market as a single person, Mr. Market, who’s willing and able to buy any stock from you or sell any stock to you. Mr. Market is often rational and the prices he sets are often reasonable, but occasionally he gets emotional or irrational and the prices swing wildly in one direction or the other. When he’s rational and offers no great deals, you are free to ignore him. (Hence the importance of patience.) When he’s greedy, you can sell to him at a premium. When he’s fearful, you can buy from him at a discount. Don’t underestimate his intelligence, because he’s usually approximately right, which is why deep research and a solid investment framework are essential. But don’t look to him for guidance about the actual value of things; instead, look to him for opportunities when his prices diverge from underlying value.

12   Think for yourself.
Investment noise is everywhere. Financial news programs are more about speculation than investing, their pundits always ready with a superficial one-minute analysis of whatever stock is in the news that day. Brokerage reports are more about promotion than investing; buy recommendations greatly exceed sell recommendations because buy recommendations generate underwriting business for the brokerages and sell recommendations get them cut out of earnings calls. Wall Street is remarkably innovative. But financial innovation is more about selling than about value creation. If someone is actively trying to sell something to you, you probably shouldn’t buy it. Berkshire Hathaway has not bought an IPO in thirty years; Buffett says it’s exceedingly unlikely that out of all the thousands of stocks on the market, the most attractively priced one will be one being sold by highly knowledgeable insiders who control the timing and price of the sale. Living in Omaha has made it easier for Buffett to ignore the noise; he says that when he lived in New York City he had fifty people whispering in his ear before noon. There are great investment opportunities, but they won’t be featured on CNBC, they won’t be in brokerage reports, and your friend won’t know about them. You’ll need to do your own digging. Optimism and pessimism are both contagious, as are greed and fear, so if you don’t tune out the noise, you’re likely to get swept up in it. In a market bubble, skeptics look like idiots and lemmings look like geniuses, until the bubble bursts. Don’t care if you look like an idiot. Ignore the crowd.

13   Be selectively contrarian.
This is closely related to the prior point. Sometimes it’s best not to merely ignore the crowd, but to see which way they’re going and explore whether it’s worth going the other way. Buffett often buys when the lemmings are selling, and vice versa. It’s hard to buy what’s popular and do well; speculation is most dangerous when it looks easiest, and as Buffett says, the market pays a high price for a cheery consensus. He recommends being fearful when others are greedy, and greedy when others are fearful. The single best-performing mutual fund for the decade of the 2000s was up an average of 18% a year, but the average investor in the fund lost 11%. Incredible, but true. How is this possible? The fund did well, and investors piled in (after it was already up). Then the fund did poorly, and investors stampeded for the exits (after it was already down). So on the balance it’s beneficial to have a contrarian mindset, to buy when others are selling and sell when they’re buying. But don’t be contrarian just to be contrarian. Sometimes the market is right, which is why you need to do your homework. The key is to be both contrarian and correct.

[Extra for experts: A secondary reason for this fund’s underperformance when AUM was high and outperformance when AUM was low is that as with any large fund, when assets balloon, it tends to hurt performance for a variety of reasons: excess cash; style creep; forced diversification; etc. By the way, in case you’re curious, the fund in question is CGM Focus.]

14   Learn from the masters.
Above I suggested tuning out the noise. But if you tune out everything, it will be hard to keep learning, and continued learning is essential to investment success. So find some experts who have a proven record of outstanding risk-adjusted performance in good times and bad, and who openly and honestly share their lessons, and then listen only to them. Buffett is a good place to start, but there are many others. Buffett himself saw the wisdom of this strategy at an early age, and straight out of school he specifically wanted to work for Ben Graham, the one person in the world he thought he could learn the most from. You probably can’t work directly for Buffett, even if you offer to do it for free, as Buffett did to Graham: Berkshire Hathaway is so efficient that although its companies employ over a quarter of a million people, only about two dozen people work in Berkshire headquarters. And you probably can’t get 1-on-1 time with Buffett either; when he auctions off charity lunches they generally cost a couple million dollars. But you can still learn a lot from him, indirectly. This article is just a small fraction of what he has to teach. I recommend starting with his annual reports, which are not just informative, but entertaining as well. And you can learn directly from other great investors. Try to find the next Buffett, and see if he or she is willing to mentor you. This applies not just to investing, but to whatever your career might be. Identify the experts in the field, the ones with the most to teach, the ones you admire most, and start building relationships with them.

15   Avoid taxes.
Like all billionaires, Buffett has always been obsessed with tax efficiency. When he was thirteen he filed his first tax return, claiming a $35 deduction for the bike he used to deliver newspapers. Over the years his assets grew, and the size of potential tax benefits grew, so he became increasingly tax savvy. Know the tax laws and use them to your advantage. Know how an investment will be taxed before you buy it. Avoid highly taxed short-term capital gains, or use short-term losses tactically to offset them. If possible, structure your assets or your business or your career to emphasize capital gains rather than income, which generally has higher tax rates. If you have enough money for it to be worthwhile, get professional tax assistance, because some easily avoidable mistakes are very expensive. Note that I said avoid, not evade. Pay all the taxes you are legally required to, but no more than that.

16   Invest in yourself.
Buffett often speaks to business school students, and when he does he sometimes gives them the following thought experiment. Imagine that you can invest in one of your classmates, and be entitled to 10% of their future earnings. Who would you choose? What are the characteristics that person would possess? He says that most people wouldn’t simply choose the student with the highest IQ. There’s often a big difference between potential and actual. They’d be more likely to choose someone not satisfied with mediocrity, someone who is driven to excel. They would probably also have a lot of other positive characteristics, like generosity, integrity, and sociability. The point of the exercise is to show the students that the skills they’d be looking for aren’t innate for some people and not others, but are skills that anyone cultivate. Everyone has the potential to be the person worth investing in. So consciously choose to develop those positive traits, to realize your full potential, to become the kind of person others would want to invest in. Best of all, when you invest in yourself, you won’t just get 10% of the benefit, you’ll get the full 100%.

17   Do what makes you happy.
Buffett’s lessons extend beyond investing and business. One of his best suggestions is to do what you love. He’s certainly not the first to give this advice, but he definitely practices what he preaches. One of Buffett’s biographies is entitled “Tap Dancing to Work.” Buffett would rather read quarterly earnings reports than chill on the beach or hang out with celebrities. And this is why he’s such a good investor. To invest well requires mastery; to achieve mastery requires tremendous effort; and to be willing to put in the effort requires lifelong passion. He’s living exactly the life he wants to, because investing is his calling. If you don’t love investing, then just dollar cost average into a low-cost index fund and spend as much time as possible on the things in life that you love.

by Thomas Murcko, CEO of

Focus on What is Knowable and Important

It is useful to think about the world in terms of a four-quadrant matrix where the horizontal dimension comprises what is knowable and unknowable and the vertical dimension comprises what is important and unimportant.

                             Knowable    Unknownable



It should be obvious that you should not spend any time on what is unknowable and unimportant.

The trick is steering clear of the Unknowable/Important box and the Knowable/Unimportant box.

The trick is to focus on what is important and knowable. For example, it is very important to try to understand where a prospective business investment will be in ten years, even if it cannot be done with precision. It’s equally important to limit the time you invest thinking about investments to those businesses where this is actually possible. You can’t do this very often, but this is what you should be looking for.

Focus on spending your day in this quadrant. This is where meaningful decisions are made. This is where you can gain an edge over those who are unwittingly wasting time on the unknowable and the unimportant.

Comment:  Peter Lynch - If you spent 13 seconds contemplating the macroeconomic factors affecting your investment prospect, you would have wasted 10 seconds of your time.  This time is better spent learning more of the company.

Want to invest like Warren Buffett?

It's about quality investing

Ask Buffett, who he thinks is the greatest investor in the world, and he will probably tell you his teacher: Benjamin Graham.

Having studied economics at Columbia Business School, Warren Buffett was taught by Benjamin Graham, and if that was not enough of a head start in his investment career, Buffett was fortunate enough to work with Graham, too. Both are seen as value investors – buying companies that trade less than their intrinsic values.

However, there is a school of thought that sees value as a bit of a misnomer. Clyde Rossouw, manager of the Investec Global Franchise Fund, argues that while Graham is known as the father of value investing, in truth he should probably be known as the father of quality investing, as most of the characteristics he speaks about in terms of the companies he looks for references 'quality' attributes, rather than value.

Value investing by definition involves buying bargains.

However, given the choice between buying a good-quality company rated on a higher price, or a lower-quality company attractively priced, Buffett, like Graham will opt for the former. 
That's because investors are more inclined to pay up for quality companies. In turn this offers potential for the share prices of good-quality companies to recover to (and above) their long-term average earnings multiple.

The "challenge" of too much cash

Besides gearing up for 'Investor Woodstock', what is the Sage of Omaha doing now? Sitting on a lot of cash – according to media reports Berkshire currently has around $25 billion in excess cash.

This 'challenge' of too much cash, some argue, is changing Buffett's investment approach.

Rossouw points to Buffett's investment in Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad operator, as an example of the investor trying to shed some of this cash. 'Yes, this investment has a strong 'moat' but it is highly capital intensive – keeping a railway maintained requires you to spend a lot of money consistently over time. It helps Buffett deal with a key problem which is the largess of excess cash generated by his insurance businesses each year.'

Buffett's cash pile could mean many things. 

  • It could be, as some believe, a problem of too much money, and not enough investment opportunities. 
  • It could be a precautionary measure to make sure his company is well positioned to cope in an increasingly uncertain environment. 
  • It could be that Buffett is positioning himself to make another big deal.

Or it could be all of the above. But then we can't know everything about the most glorified and respected investor of our time.

Read more:

Being fearfully greedy: Why I buy in bear markets

To conclude, because we don’t know what will happen to prices in the short-term, we can only buy with a long-term goal in mind and hope we’re not hit by some true wealth destroying phenomena like nuclear war or a return to communism.

Greed and fear

Say you’re a young-ish investor like me, with 30 years of earnings ahead, yet already holding a reasonable portfolio.
If you’re fearfully greedy, then when markets are rising – as they did since 2003 – you’re glad your money was invested instead of spent on holidays and TVs.
That’s greed taken care of. (Greed is the easy bit!)
However, you should also be fearful of sudden reversals that rob you as quick as a pickpocket.
In the stock market, money disappears like in Tommy Cooper‘s magic tricks: “Just like that!”
Of course nobody is complacent when markets are consistently falling. Instead, the fear often gets overdone.
Yet if you’re young and well-positioned, you should be glad you’ve got the chance to buy the same shares you were buying last month for 10%, 20%, or even 50% less than before.
You’ll be scared, too. Your new ‘bargain’ shares could halve again in a truly vicious bear market.
The greedy bit is thinking about your future long-term gains. The fearful bit is not over-doing it in the short-term.

Seven surprising things you may not know about Warren Buffett


Ihave just finished the The Snowball, the first biography Warren Buffett has cooperated with. It’s full of surprises, such as how Buffett had three leading ladies for two decades, and how his 1960s home was an accidental outpost of the counterculture.
But I’m more interested in how Buffett made his money. And while there’s few new facts about Buffett’s deals in The Snowball, the biographical format does put them into context. You get to see what makes him tick.
Here are seven interesting things I learned about Warren Buffettfrom The Snowball, and some ideas on how they can help your investing:

1. Buffett set goals young. (He really started, really young)

Buffet began obsessing over numbers as a child. He raced marbles with a stopwatch and calculated the lifespan of hymn composers when six-years old. He sold chewing gum at seven and Coca Cola when he was eight: the same year he began wearing a money-changer on his belt.
  • His dad was a stockbroker. This gave him an early view of the markets
  • At ten he was chalking stock prices at a local broker’s office
  • The same year he visited the New York Stock Exchange, and was asked for a tip by senior Goldman Sachs partner Sidney Weinberg – an experience he never forgot
  • His favourite childhood book was One Thousand Ways to Make $1,000
  • At 11 he announced he was going to be a millionaire at 35, a seemingly crazy goal in 1941 (when a million really was a million)
  • He filed his first tax return aged 14, having already made $1,000 (equivalent to around $12,500 in today’s money)
The takeaway: The power of compound interest takes years to work its magic. None of us has a time machine, so the main lesson is not to delay a day when investing for the future.

2. Buffett bought his first stock when he was 12-years old

Warren put everything his schemes had earned him into a stock, Cities Service Preferred, when he was 12. He also enrolled his sister, Doris.
Buffet was already learning how to hold shares through a slump
He paid $114.75 dollars for three shares, and watched the stock price fall from $38.25 to $27 a share. His sister Doris was not happy. When Cities Service went back up to $40, he sold. He made $5 a share profit, and got Doris off his back. After he sold, the stock rose to $202 a share.
Takeaway: We all learn the same lessons. Buffett’s business partner Charlie Munger says that because Warren started thinking about odds, stocks, and goals before he was a teenager, he’s years ahead of the rest of us.
I used to watch share prices rise and fall on the Teletext TV service when I was 11 or 12. At the same age Buffett was learning real-world lessons on holding shares through a slump and selling too soon.
You’ll only discover whether you have the stomach to invest through a bear market or whether you’ll be sucked up by the next property bubble by being an active investor. Start with small sums, sure, but don’t delay that start.

3. Buffet lied, shoplifted, and played truant as a kid

This one was a real surprise. As a teenager Buffett revealed a wild streak. He says:
“We’d steal stuff for which we had no use. We’d steal golf bags and golf clubs. I walked out of the lower level where the sporting goods were, up the stairway to the street, carrying a golf bag and golf clubs, and the club was stolen and so were the bags. I stole hundreds of golf balls.
“I made up this crazy story for my parents – I told them I had this friend, and his father had died. He kept finding more of these golf balls that his father had bought. Who knows what my parents talked about at night.”
Takeaway: Even Buffett had to learn to be Buffett. I don’t know about you, but I found this heartening to read. Together with discovering that Buffett was a shy child who enrolled himself in Dale Carnegie’s public speaking course, it made him seem more human.
It’s easy to feel you haven’t got what it takes to make money. Some are born special, you might conclude. But Buffett’s history shows that even the world’s richest and most admired investor had to iron out his kinks.
Buffett’s history also makes me proud to be an outsider. Many of my college classmates entered the city or became management consultants, and have earned six-figure salaries for a decade. When property prices were booming, I’d sometimes wonder if I’d made the wrong decision by deciding to go it alone – even though I know that working a nine-to-five in an office and answering to some buffoon of a manager would kill me.
Discovering Buffett made being his own boss a top priority puts me in good company. I also suspect the unusual structure of Berkshire Hathaway grew out of Buffett’s non-confirming mentality.

4. Buffett is a businessman first, investor second

You’ll often read that Buffett evaluates stocks as if he’s buying the whole business. What I realised after reading The Snowball was Buffett doesn’t do this because he’s an investor who thinks like a businessman. Buffett is a businessman who is also an investor.
  • Buffett ran multiple businesses while still a student: He sold refurbished golf balls, peddled stamps to collectors, ran a network of pinball machines when he was 17, owned a tenanted farm, and managed a 50-strong paperboy route
  • He dealt hands-on with strikes and turf wars at newspapers from The Washington Post to the Omaha Sun
  • Buffett didn’t just buy, hold and drink Coca-Cola – he engineered the replacement of its CEO
  • With all the new businesses, from See’s Candies to GEICO, he added everything from their stock level reports to weekly sales projections to his endless daily reading
  • Berkshire Hathaway is far from a simple holding pen for Buffett’s investments. He’s used his business acumen to produce an intricate money-making machine which takes cash from its subsidiaries and the float from its insurance businesses and reinvests it at higher rates of return, multiplying his returns
Takeway: Buffett’s success will never boil down to filters or ratios. Investors who try to ape him simply by reducing his methods to dubious cashflow projections or buying any old listed household name when its stock price falls 20 per cent will never replicate Buffett’s success. (Okay, rounding down roughly nobody is ever going to replicate Buffett’s success, but you know what I mean).
Buffett’s record suggests investors should spend as much time reading about business and management as they do calculating P/E ratios. The trouble is, all manner of financial ratios are available at a touch of a button. Buffett’s sense of business value is far harder to emulate.

5. Buffet makes mistakes

He really does! I was even more heartened by Buffett’s stinkers than by his golf ball robbery.
Some classic Buffett cock-ups include:
  • Him and his friends spending $25,000 in 1957 on four-cent Blue Eagle stamps that the US government was about to take out of circulation. By securing and controlling the supply, they destroyed any chance of the stamps becoming valuable. His partners in the caper were still mailing him with postage paid for by sheets of the stamps decades later.
  • He bought The Buffalo Evening News in 1977 and had lost $10 million within three years by becoming embroiled in a price war and a fight with the unions (though it later became very profitable)
  • Buffett’s firm Berkshire Hathaway is living testament to his biggest mistake – spending millions to gain control of a doomed textile manufacturer
  • Buying into Salomon Brothers in 1987 for $700 million eventually plunged him neck-deep into the Wall Street culture he so despised, when its rogue traders and poor management threatened his reputation and fortune
Takeaway: Mistakes happen even to the best of us. Sadly, having read The Snowball cover-to-cover I haven’t found a Buffett blunder to rank with my own worst investment (an iffy company called Homebuy that went bust overnight). But I saw plenty of examples where Buffett dusted himself down after an investment misfired and tried to learn from what went wrong.
Virtually all Buffett’s purchases of major insurance companies seem to have gone awry in the early years, for instance, and yet it’s by reinvesting all the cash thrown off by these companies that Buffett has maintained Berkshire Hathaway’s incredible growth rate.
The moral is to not despair when an investment turns out badly, but try to figure out what you can takeaway from it, as well as what you can salvage the situation.

6. Buffett considered quitting investing in his early 30s

In 1969 Buffett wrote to his investors that he was going to close their partnerships:
“I know I don’t want to be totally occupied with outpacing an investment rabbit all my life. The only way to slow down is to stop. I am not attuned to this market environment, and I don’t want to spoil a decent record by trying to play a game I don’t understand just so I can go out a hero.
“I do know that when I am sixty, I should be attempting to achieve different personals goals than those which had priority at twenty.”
Takeaway: What can anyone learn from this but humility? I already knew before reading The Snowball that Buffett wound down his partnerships in 1970 because he thought the market too over-valued to deliver an adequate return for his investors. That move alone would seal Buffett’s place in history among value investors, even if he had retired.
Of course, Buffett didn’t retire. He is still compounding his investments at an average rate of over 20% a year, nearly four decades later.

7. Buffett treats becoming the world’s richest man as a game

I couldn’t even begin to quote examples from The Snowball showing how Warren Buffett is in it for the scorecard, not for the payday: the entire biography is a testament to it.
No sports cars or private islands for Warren Buffett – even when he eventually bought a corporate jet he called it ‘The Indefensible’. For decades he bought suits from the everyman outfitter nearest his office, and his biography frequently mentions (and has photographic evidence of) his favourite threadbare jumper. And famously, his main residence is the first house he bought in 1961.
From setting that goal aged 11 of becoming a millionaire by 35, Buffett seems to treat investing as an intellectual challenge. He probably learned this from his great mentor Benjaman Graham, who seemed more bothered by being right than being rich, and for whom investing was just one of several high-end hobbies.
Buffett’s ‘inner scorecard’ helped him save and reinvest his money early on
Unlike Graham, however, Buffett really cares about every penny. From ‘Buffetting’ a few cents off the price he paid for stocks to demanding his friends sell him shares they’d bought in companies he was interested in, right up to his close personal friendship with his rival for the title of world’s richest man, Bill Gates, Buffett really wants to have the biggest snowball.
If you were to say there’s something rather peculiar about chasing money as a means to an end, I could certainly see your point. But when the recipient chooses to leave virtually all $62 billion of his winnings to charity, it’s hard to complain. I’d rather have Buffett as the world’s richest man than the Salomon traders who almost destroyed his reputation.
Takeaway: Spend less than you earn and reinvest the difference in the stock market. Buffett may have lived a remarkable life, but that central practice is something we can all aspire to.
Beyond that, I don’t want to get too moral. I’m happy to live below my means, but can I honestly say I’d be happy with Cherry Coke and a steak from the local shop if my means were sufficient to buy up The Maldives or launch me into space? Unfortunately I’m not qualified to comment.
I do think my attitude is closer to Buffett’s than to the more visible of the cityboys I’ve seen in London over the past few years, for whom cash is flash. Also, Buffett’s self-containment from materialism – he calls it his ‘inner scorecard’– undoubtedly helped him save and reinvest his money early on, and got his investing career off to a flying start in his 20s. You have to accumulate before you can speculate. Good luck rolling your own snowball.
I can’t recommend The Snowball enough for anyone interested in business and investing. Obviously, anyone interested in Warren Buffett should buy it too, but I imagine you’ve all got two copies already (one for your library and one for your bathroom). The book is seemingly always discounted at Amazon (click through for the latest price at Amazon US or at Amazon UK) so there’s no excuse. Except, perhaps, it weighs a tonne, so you might put your back out while reading it.

Buffett: How inflation swindles the equity investor (Fortune Classics, 1977)

by Warren Buffett

JUNE 12, 2011, 1:15 PM EDT

The central problem in the stock market is that the return on capital hasn’t risen with inflation. It seems to be stuck at 12%.

Editor’s Note: Every Sunday, Fortune publishes a favorite story from our archive. As controversy swirls around whether Fed Chair Ben Bernanke is downplaying inflation predictions, we turn back to May 1977 for timely advice from Warren Buffett. The Oracle of Omaha has clashed with Bernanke over inflation time and time again, and here Buffett warns how rising prices can hamper growth “not because the market falls, but in spite of the fact that the market rises.”
It is no longer a secret that stocks, like bonds, do poorly in an inflationary environment. We have been in such an environment for most of the past decade, and it has indeed been a time of troubles for stocks. But the reasons for the stock market’s problems in this period are still imperfectly understood.
There is no mystery at all about the problems of bondholders in an era of inflation. When the value of the dollar deteriorates month after month, a security with income and principal payments denominated in those dollars isn’t going to be a big winner. You hardly need a Ph.D. in economics to figure that one out.
It was long assumed that stocks were something else. For many years, the conventional wisdom insisted that stocks were a hedge against inflation. The proposition was rooted in the fact that stocks are not claims against dollars, as bonds are, but represent ownership of companies with productive facilities. These, investors believed, would retain their value in real terms, let the politicians print money as they might.
And why didn’t it turn out that way? The main reason, I believe, is that stocks, in economic substance, are really very similar to bonds.
I know that this belief will seem eccentric to many investors. They will immediately observe that the return on a bond (the coupon) is fixed, while the return on an equity investment (the company’s earnings) can vary substantially from one year to another. True enough. But anyone who examines the aggregate returns that have been earned by companies during the postwar years will discover something extraordinary: the returns on equity have in fact not varied much at all.
The coupon is sticky
In the first 10 years after the war — the decade ending in 1955 — the Dow Jones industrials had an average annual return on year-end equity of 12.8%. In the second decade, the figure was 10.1%. In the third decade it was 10.9%. Data for a larger universe, theFortune 500 (whose history goes back only to the mid-1950s), indicate somewhat similar results: 11.2% in the decade ending in 1965, 11.8% in the decade through 1975. The figures for a few exceptional years have been substantially higher (the high for the 500 was 14.1% in 1974) or lower (9.5% in 1958 and 1970), but over the years, and in the aggregate, the return in book value tends to keep coming back to a level around 12%. It shows no signs of exceeding that level significantly in inflationary years (or in years of stable prices, for that matter).
For the moment, let’s think of those companies, not as listed stocks, but as productive enterprises. Let’s also assume that the owners of those enterprises had acquired them at book value. In that case, their own return would have been around 12% too. And because the return has been so consistent, it seems reasonable to think of it as an “equity coupon.”
In the real world, of course, investors in stocks don’t just buy and hold. Instead, many try to outwit their fellow investors in order to maximize their own proportions of corporate earnings. This thrashing about, obviously fruitless in aggregate, has no impact on the equity coupon but reduces the investor’s portion of it, because he incurs substantial frictional costs, such as advisory fees and brokerage charges. Throw in an active options market, which adds nothing to the productivity of American enterprise but requires a cast of thousands to man the casino, and frictional costs rise further.
Stocks are perpetual
It is also true that in the real world investors in stocks don’t usually get to buy at book value. Sometimes they have been able to buy in below book; usually, however, they’ve had to pay more than book, and when that happens there is further pressure on that 12%. I’ll talk more about these relationships later. Meanwhile, let’s focus on the main point: as inflation has increased, the return on equity capital has not. Essentially, those who buy equities receive securities with an underlying fixed return just like those who buy bonds.
Of course, there are some important differences between the bond and stock forms. For openers, bonds eventually come due. It may require a long wait, but eventually the bond investor gets to renegotiate the terms of his contract. If current and prospective rates of inflation make his old coupon look inadequate, he can refuse to play further unless coupons currently being offered rekindle his interest. Something of this sort has been going on in recent years.
Stocks, on the other hand, are perpetual. They have a maturity date of infinity. Investors in stocks are stuck with whatever return corporate America happens to earn. If corporate America is destined to earn 12%, then that is the level investors must learn to live with. As a group, stock investors can neither opt out nor renegotiate. In the aggregate, their commitment is actually increasing. Individual companies can be sold or liquidated and corporations can repurchase their own shares; on balance, however, new equity flotations and retained earnings guarantee that the equity capital locked up in the corporate system will increase. So, score one for the bond form. Bond coupons eventually will be renegotiated; equity “coupons” won’t. It is true, of course, that for a long time a 12% coupon did not appear in need of a whole lot of correction.
The bondholder gets it in cash
There is another major difference between the garden variety of bond and our new exotic 12% “equity bond” that comes to the Wall Street costume ball dressed in a stock certificate. In the usual case, a bond investor receives his entire coupon in cash and is left to reinvest it as best he can. Our stock investor’s equity coupon, in contrast, is partially retained by the company and is reinvested at whatever rates the company happens to be earning. In other words, going back to our corporate universe, part of the 12% earned annually is paid out in dividends and the balance is put right back into the universe to earn 12% also.
The good old days
This characteristic of stocks — the reinvestment of part of the coupon — can be good or bad news, depending on the relative attractiveness of that 12%. The news was very good indeed in the 1950s and early 1960s. With bonds yielding only 3 or 4%, the right to reinvest automatically a portion of the equity coupon at 12% was of enormous value. Note that investors could not just invest their own money and get that 12% return. Stock prices in this period ranged far above book value, and investors were prevented by the premium prices they had to pay from directly extracting out of the underlying corporate universe whatever rate that universe was earning. You can’t pay far above par for a 12% bond and earn 12% for yourself.
But on their retained earnings, investors could earn 12%. In effect, earnings retention allowed investors to buy at book value part of an enterprise that, in the economic environment then existing, was worth a great deal more than book value.
It was a situation that left very little to be said for cash dividends and a lot to be said for earnings retention. Indeed, the more money that investors thought likely to be reinvested at the 12% rate, the more valuable they considered their reinvestment privilege, and the more they were willing to pay for it. In the early 19601s, investors eagerly paid top-scale prices for electric utilities situated in growth areas, knowing that these companies had the ability to re-invest very large proportions of their earnings. Utilities whose operating environment dictated a larger cash payout rated lower prices.
If, during this period, a high-grade, noncallable, long-term bond with a 12% coupon had existed, it would have sold far above par. And if it were a bond with a further unusual characteristic — which was that most of the coupon payments could be automatically reinvested at par in similar bonds — the issue would have commanded an even greater premium. In essence, growth stocks retaining most of their earnings represented just such a security. When their reinvestment rate on the added equity capital was 12% while interest rates generally were around 4%, investors became very happy — and, of course, they paid happy prices.
Heading for the exits
Looking back, stock investors can think of themselves in the 1946-66 period as having been ladled a truly bountiful triple dip. First, they were the beneficiaries of an underlying corporate return on equity that was far above prevailing interest rates. Second, a significant portion of that return was reinvested for them at rates that were otherwise unattainable. And third, they were afforded an escalating appraisal of underlying equity capital as the first two benefits became widely recognized. This third dip meant that, on top of the basic 12% or so earned by corporations on their equity capital, investors were receiving a bonus as the Dow Jones industrials increased in price from 133% of book value in 1946 to 220% in 1966. Such a marking-up process temporarily allowed investors to achieve a return that exceeded the inherent earning power of the enterprises in which they had invested.
This heaven-on-earth situation finally was “discovered” in the mid-1960s by many major investing institutions. But just as these financial elephants began trampling on one another in their rush to equities, we entered an era of accelerating inflation and higher interest rates. Quite logically, the marking-up process began to reverse itself. Rising interest rates ruthlessly reduced the value of all existing fixed-coupon investments. And as long-term corporate bond rates began moving up (eventually reaching the 10% area), both the equity return of 12% and the reinvestment “privilege” began to look different.
Stocks are quite properly thought of as riskier than bonds. While that equity coupon is more or less fixed over periods of time, it does fluctuate somewhat from year to year. Investors’ attitudes about the future can be affected substantially, although frequently erroneously, by those yearly changes. Stocks are also riskier because they come equipped with infinite maturities. (Even your friendly broker wouldn’t have the nerve to peddle a 100-year bond, if he had any available, as “safe.”) Because of the additional risk, the natural reaction of investors is to expect an equity return that is comfortably above the bond return — and 12% on equity versus, say, 10% on bonds issued by the same corporate universe does not seem to qualify as comfortable. As the spread narrows, equity investors start looking for the exits.
But, of course, as a group they can’t get out. All they can achieve is a lot of movement, substantial frictional costs, and a new, much lower level of valuation, reflecting the lessened attractiveness of the 12% equity coupon under inflationary conditions. Bond investors have had a succession of shocks over the past decade in the course of discovering that there is no magic attached to any given coupon level: at 6%, or 8%, or 10%, bonds can still collapse in price. Stock investors, who are in general not aware that they too have a “coupon,” are still receiving their education on this point.
Five ways to improve earnings
Must we really view that 12% equity coupon as immutable? Is there any law that says the corporate return on equity capital cannot adjust itself upward in response to a permanently higher average rate of inflation? There is no such law, of course. On the other hand, corporate America cannot increase earnings by desire or decree. To raise that return on equity, corporations would need at least one of the following: (1) an increase in turnover, i.e., in the ratio between sales and total assets employed in the business; (2) cheaper leverage; (3) more leverage; (4) lower income taxes; (5) wider operating margins on sales.
And that’s it. There simply are no other ways to increase returns on common equity. Let’s see what can be done with these.
We’ll begin with turnover. The three major categories of assets we have to think about for this exercise are accounts receivable, inventories, and fixed assets such as plants and machinery.
Accounts receivable go up proportionally as sales go up, whether the increase in dollar sales is produced by more physical volume or by inflation. No room for improvement here.
With inventories, the situation is not quite so simple. Over the long term, the trend in unit inventories may be expected to follow the trend in unit sales. Over the short term, however, the physical turnover rate may bob around because of special influences — e.g., cost expectations, or bottlenecks.
The use of last-in, first-out (LIFO) inventory-valuation methods serves to increase the reported turnover rate during inflationary times. When dollar sales are rising because of inflation, inventory valuations of a LIFO company either will remain level (if unit sales are not rising) or will trail the rise in dollar sales (if unit sales are rising). In either case, dollar turnover will increase.
During the early 1970s, there was a pronounced swing by corporations toward LIFO accounting (which has the effect of lowering a company’s reported earnings and tax bills). The trend now seems to have slowed. Still, the existence of a lot of LIFO companies, plus the likelihood that some others will join the crowd, ensures some further increase in the reported turnover of inventory.
The gains are apt to be modest
In the case of fixed assets, any rise in the inflation rate, assuming it affects all products equally, will initially have the effect of increasing turnover. That is true because sales will immediately reflect the new price level, while the fixed asset account will reflect the change only gradually, i.e., as existing assets are retired and replaced at the new prices. Obviously, the more slowly a company goes about this replacement process, the more the turnover ratio will rise. The action stops, however, when a replacement cycle is completed. Assuming a constant rate of inflation, sales and fixed assets will then begin to rise in concert at the rate of inflation.
To sum up, inflation will produce some gains in turnover ratios. Some improvement would be certain because of LIFO and some would be possible (if inflation accelerates) because of sales rising more rapidly than fixed assets. But the gains are apt to be modest and not of a magnitude to produce substantial improvement in returns on equity capital. During the decade ending in 1975, despite generally accelerating inflation and the extensive use of LIFO accounting, the turnover ratio of the Fortune 500 went only from 1.18/1 to 1.29/1.
Cheaper leverage? Not likely. High rates of inflation generally cause borrowing to become dearer, not cheaper. Galloping rates of inflation create galloping capital needs; and lenders, as they become increasingly distrustful of long-term contracts, become more demanding. But even if there is no further rise in interest rates, leverage will be getting more expensive because the average cost of the debt now on corporate books is less than would be the cost of replacing it. And replacement will be required as the existing debt matures. Overall, then, future changes in the cost of leverage seem likely to have a mildly depressing effect on the return on equity.
More leverage? American business already has fired many, if not most, of the more-leverage bullets once available to it. Proof of that proposition can be seen in some other Fortune 500 statistics: in the 20 years ending in 1975, stockholders’ equity as a percentage of total assets declined for the 500 from 63% to just under 50%. In other words, each dollar of equity capital now is leveraged much more heavily than it used to be.
What the lenders learned
An irony of inflation-induced financial requirements is that the highly profitable companies — generally the best credits — require relatively little debt capital. But the laggards in profitability never can get enough. Lenders understand this problem much better than they did a decade ago — and are correspondingly less willing to let capital-hungry, low-profitability enterprises leverage themselves to the sky.
Nevertheless, given inflationary conditions, many corporations seem sure in the future to turn to still more leverage as a means of shoring up equity returns. Their managements will make that move because they will need enormous amounts of capital — often merely to do the same physical volume of business — and will wish to get it without cutting dividends or making equity offerings that, because of inflation, are not apt to shape up as attractive. Their natural response will be to heap on debt, almost regardless of cost. They will tend to behave like those utility companies that argued over an eighth of a point in the 1960s and were grateful to find 12% debt financing in 1974.
Added debt at present interest rates, however, will do less for equity returns than did added debt at 4% rates in the early 1960s. There is also the problem that higher debt ratios cause credit ratings to be lowered, creating a further rise in interest costs.
So that is another way, to be added to those already discussed, in which the cost of leverage will be rising. In total, the higher costs of leverage are likely to offset the benefits of greater leverage.
Besides, there is already far more debt in corporate America than is conveyed by conventional balance sheets. Many companies have massive pension obligations geared to whatever pay levels will be in effect when present workers retire. At the low inflation rates of 1955-65, the liabilities arising from such plans were reasonably predictable. Today, nobody can really know the company’s ultimate obligation. But if the inflation rate averages 7% in the future, a 25-year-old employee who is now earning $12,000, and whose raises do no more than match increases in living costs, will be making $180,000 when he retires at 65.
Of course, there is a marvelously precise figure in many annual reports each year, purporting to be the unfunded pension liability. If that figure were really believable, a corporation could simply ante up that sum, add to it the existing pension-fund assets, turn the total amount over to an insurance company, and have it assume all the corporation’s present pension liabilities. In the real world, alas, it is impossible to find an insurance company willing even to listen to such a deal.
Virtually every corporate treasurer in America would recoil at the idea of issuing a “cost-of-living” bond — a noncallable obligation with coupons tied to a price index. But through the private pension system, corporate America has in fact taken on a fantastic amount of debt that is the equivalent of such a bond.
More leverage, whether through conventional debt or unhooked and indexed “pension debt,” should be viewed with skepticism by shareholders. A 12% return from an enterprise that is debt-free is far superior to the same return achieved by a business hocked to its eyeballs. Which means that today’s 12% equity returns may well be less valuable than the 12% returns of 20 years ago.
More fun in New York
Lower corporate income taxes seem unlikely. Investors in American corporations already own what might be thought of as a Class D stock. The Class A, B, and C stocks are represented by the income-tax claims of the federal, state, and municipal governments. It is true that these “investors” have no claim on the corporation’s assets; however, they get a major share of the earnings, including earnings generated by the equity buildup resulting from retention of part of the earnings owned by the Class D shareholders.
A further charming characteristic of these wonderful Class A, B, and C stocks is that their share of the corporation’s earnings can be increased immediately, abundantly, and without payment by the unilateral vote of any one of the “stockholder” classes, e.g., by congressional action in the case of the Class A. To add to the fun, one of the classes will sometimes vote to increase its ownership share in the business retroactively — as companies operating in New York discovered to their dismay in 1975. Whenever the Class A, B, or C “stockholders” vote themselves a larger share of the business, the portion remaining for Class D — that’s the one held by the ordinary investor — declines.
Looking ahead, it seems unwise to assume that those who control the A, B, and C shares will vote to reduce their own take over the long run. The Class D shares probably will have to struggle to hold their own.
Bad news from the FTC
The last of our five possible sources of increased returns on equity is wider operating margins on sales. Here is where some optimists would hope to achieve major gains. There is no proof that they are wrong. But there are only 100 cents in the sales dollar and a lot of demands on that dollar before we get down to the residual, pretax profits. The major claimants are labor, raw materials, energy, and various non-income taxes. The relative importance of these costs hardly seems likely to decline during an age of inflation.
Recent statistical evidence, furthermore, does not inspire confidence in the proposition that margins will widen in a period of inflation. In the decade ending in 1965, a period of relatively low inflation, the universe of manufacturing companies reported on quarterly by the Federal Trade Commission had an average annual pretax margin on sales of 8.6%. In the decade ending in 1975, the average margin was 8%. Margins were down, in other words, despite a very considerable increase in the inflation rate.
If business was able to base its prices on replacement costs, margins would widen in inflationary periods. But the simple fact is that most large businesses, despite a widespread belief in their market power, just don’t manage to pull it off. Replacement cost accounting almost always shows that corporate earnings have declined significantly in the past decade. If such major industries as oil, steel, and aluminum really have the oligopolistic muscle imputed to them, one can only conclude that their pricing policies have been remarkably restrained.
There you have the complete lineup: five factors that can improve returns on common equity, none of which, by my analysis, are likely to take us very far in that direction in periods of high inflation. You may have emerged from this exercise more optimistic than I am. But remember, returns in the 12% area have been with us a long time.
The investor’s equation
Even if you agree that the 12% equity coupon is more or less immutable, you still may hope to do well with it in the years ahead. It’s conceivable that you will. After all, a lot of investors did well with it for a long time. But your future results will be governed by three variables: the relationship between book value and market value, the tax rate, and the inflation rate.
Let’s wade through a little arithmetic about book and market value. When stocks consistently sell at book value, it’s all very simple. If a stock has a book value of $100 and also an average market value of $100, 12% earnings by business will produce a 12% return for the investor (less those frictional costs, which we’ll ignore for the moment). If the payout ratio is 50%, our investor will get $6 via dividends and a further $6 from the increase in the book value of the business, which will, of course, be reflected in the market value of his holdings.
If the stock sold at 150% of book value, the picture would change. The investor would receive the same $6 cash dividend, but it would now represent only a 4% return on his $150 cost. The book value of the business would still increase by 6% (to $106) and the market value of the investor’s holdings, valued consistently at 150% of book value, would similarly increase by 6% (to $159). But the investor’s total return, i.e., from appreciation plus dividends, would be only 10% versus the underlying 12% earned by the business.
When the investor buys in below book value, the process is reversed. For example, if the stock sells at 80% of book value, the same earnings and payout assumptions would yield 7.5% from dividends ($6 on an $80 price) and 6% from appreciation — a total return of 13.5%. In other words, you do better by buying at a discount rather than a premium, just as common sense would suggest.
During the postwar years, the market value of the Dow Jones industrials has been as low as 84% of book value (in 1974) and as high as 232% (in 1965); most of the time the ratio has been well over 100%. (Early this spring, it was around 110%.) Let’s assume that in the future the ratio will be something close to 100%, meaning that investors in stocks could earn the full 12%. At least, they could earn that figure before taxes and before inflation.
7% after taxes
How large a bite might taxes take out of the 12%? For individual investors, it seems reasonable to assume that federal, state, and local income taxes will average perhaps 50% on dividends and 30% on capital gains. A majority of investors may have marginal rates somewhat below these, but many with larger holdings will experience substantially higher rates. Under the new tax law, as Fortune observed last month, a high-income investor in a heavily taxed city could have a marginal rate on capital gains as high as 56%.
So let’s use 50% and 30% as representative for individual investors. Let’s also assume, in line with recent experience, that corporations earning 12% on equity pay out 5% in cash dividends (2.5% after tax) and retain 7%, with those retained earnings producing a corresponding market-value growth (4.9% after the 30% tax). The after-tax return, then, would be 7.4%. Probably this should be rounded down to about 7% to allow for frictional costs. To push our stocks-as-disguised-bonds thesis one notch further, then, stocks might be regarded as the equivalent, for individuals, of 7% tax-exempt perpetual bonds.
The number nobody knows
Which brings us to the crucial question — the inflation rate. No one knows the answer on this one — including the politicians, economists, and Establishment pundits, who felt, a few years back, that with slight nudges here and there unemployment and inflation rates would respond like trained seals.
But many signs seem negative for stable prices: the fact that inflation is now worldwide; the propensity of major groups in our society to utilize their electoral muscle to shift, rather than solve, economic problems; the demonstrated unwillingness to tackle even the most vital problems (e.g., energy and nuclear proliferation) if they can be postponed; and a political system that rewards legislators with reelection if their actions appear to produce short-term benefits even though their ultimate imprint will be to compound long-term pain.
Most of those in political office, quite understandably, are firmly against inflation and firmly in favor of policies producing it. (This schizophrenia hasn’t caused them to lose touch with reality, however; Congressmen have made sure that their pensions — unlike practically all granted in the private sector — are indexed to cost-of-living changes after retirement.)
Discussions regarding future inflation rates usually probe the subtleties of monetary and fiscal policies. These are important variables in determining the outcome of any specific inflationary equation. But, at the source, peacetime inflation is a political problem, not an economic problem. Human, behavior, not monetary behavior, is the key. And when very human politicians choose between the next election and the next generation, it’s clear what usually happens.
Such broad generalizations do not produce precise numbers. However, it seems quite possible to me that inflation rates will average 7% in future years. I hope this forecast proves to be wrong. And it may well be. Forecasts usually tell us more of the forecaster than of the future. You are free to factor your own inflation rate into the investor’s equation. But if you foresee a rate averaging 2% or 3%, you are wearing different glasses than I am.
So there we are: 12% before taxes and inflation; 7% after taxes and before inflation; and maybe zero percent after taxes and inflation. It hardly sounds like a formula that will keep all those cattle stampeding on TV.
As a common stockholder you will have more dollars, but you may have no more purchasing power. Out with Ben Franklin (“a penny saved is a penny earned”) and in with Milton Friedman (“a man might as well consume his capital as invest it”).
What widows don’t notice
The arithmetic makes it plain that inflation is a far more devastating tax than anything that has been enacted by our legislatures. The inflation tax has a fantastic ability to simply consume capital. It makes no difference to a widow with her savings in a 5% passbook account whether she pays 100% income tax on her interest income during a period of zero inflation, or pays no income taxes during years of 5% inflation. Either way, she is “taxed” in a manner that leaves her no real income whatsoever. Any money she spends comes right out of capital. She would find outrageous a 120% income tax, but doesn’t seem to notice that 6% inflation is the economic equivalent.
If my inflation assumption is close to correct, disappointing results will occur not because the market falls, but in spite of the fact that the market rises. At around 920 early last month, the Dow was up 55 points from where it was 10 years ago. But adjusted for inflation, the Dow is down almost 345 points — from 865 to 520. And about half of the earnings of the Dow had to be withheld from their owners and reinvested in order to achieve even that result.
In the next 10 years, the Dow would be doubled just by a combination of the 12% equity coupon, a 40% payout ratio, and the present 110% ratio of market to book value. And with 7% inflation, investors who sold at 1800 would still be considerably worse off than they are today after paying their capital-gains taxes.
I can almost hear the reaction of some investors to these downbeat thoughts. It will be to assume that, whatever the difficulties presented by the new investment era, they will somehow contrive to turn in superior results for themselves. Their success is most unlikely. And, in aggregate, of course, impossible. If you feel you can dance in and out of securities in a way that defeats the inflation tax, I would like to be your broker — but not your partner.
Even the so-called tax-exempt investors, such as pension funds and college endowment funds, do not escape the inflation tax. If my assumption of a 7% inflation rate is correct, a college treasurer should regard the first 7% earned each year merely as a replenishment of purchasing power. Endowment funds are earning nothing until they have outpaced the inflation treadmill. At 7% inflation and, say, overall investment returns of 8%, these institutions, which believe they are tax-exempt, are in fact paying “income taxes” of 87.5%.
The social equation
Unfortunately, the major problems from high inflation rates flow not to investors but to society as a whole. Investment income is a small portion of national income, and if per capita real income could grow at a healthy rate alongside zero real investment returns, social justice might well be advanced.
A market economy creates some lopsided payoffs to participants. The right endowment of vocal chords, anatomical structure, physical strength, or mental powers can produce enormous piles of claim checks (stocks, bonds, and other forms of capital) on future national output. Proper selection of ancestors similarly can result in lifetime supplies of such tickets upon birth. If zero real investment returns diverted a bit greater portion of the national output from such stockholders to equally worthy and hardworking citizens lacking jackpot-producing talents, it would seem unlikely to pose such an insult to an equitable world as to risk Divine Intervention.
But the potential for real improvement in the welfare of workers at the expense of affluent stockholders is not significant. Employee compensation already totals 28 times the amount paid out in dividends, and a lot of those dividends now go to pension funds, nonprofit institutions such as universities, and individual stockholders who are not affluent. Under these circumstances, if we now shifted all dividends of wealthy stockholders into wages — something we could do only once, like killing a cow (or, if you prefer, a pig) — we would increase real wages by less than we used to obtain from one year’s growth of the economy.
The Russians understand it too
Therefore, diminishment of the affluent, through the impact of inflation on their investments, will not even provide material short-term aid to those who are not affluent. Their economic well-being will rise or fall with the general effects of inflation on the economy. And those effects are not likely to be good.
Large gains in real capital, invested in modern production facilities, are required to produce large gains in economic well-being. Great labor availability, great consumer wants, and great government promises will lead to nothing but great frustration without continuous creation and employment of expensive new capital assets throughout industry. That’s an equation understood by Russians as well as Rockefellers. And it’s one that has been applied with stunning success in West Germany and Japan. High capital-accumulation rates have enabled those countries to achieve gains in living standards at rates far exceeding ours, even though we have enjoyed much the superior position in energy.
To understand the impact of inflation upon real capital accumulation, a little math is required. Come back for a moment to that 12% return on equity capital. Such earnings are stated after depreciation, which presumably will allow replacement of present productive capacity — if that plant and equipment can be purchased in the future at prices similar to their original cost.
The way it was
Let’s assume that about half of earnings are paid out in dividends, leaving 6% of equity capital available to finance future growth. If inflation is low — say, 2% — a large portion of that growth can be real growth in physical output. For under these conditions, 2% more will have to be invested in receivables, inventories, and fixed assets next year just to duplicate this year’s physical output — leaving 4% for investment in assets to produce more physical goods. The 2% finances illusory dollar growth reflecting inflation and the remaining 4% finances real growth. If population growth is 1%, the 4% gain in real output translates into a 3% gain in real per capita net income. That, very roughly, is what used to happen in our economy.
Now move the inflation rate to 7% and compute what is left for real growth after the financing of the mandatory inflation component. The answer is nothing — if dividend policies and leverage ratios remain unchanged. After half of the 12% earnings are paid out, the same 6% is left, but it is all conscripted to provide the added dollars needed to transact last year’s physical volume of business.
Many companies, faced with no real retained earnings with which to finance physical expansion after normal dividend payments, will improvise. How, they will ask themselves, can we stop or reduce dividends without risking stockholder wrath? I have good news for them: a ready-made set of blueprints is available.
In recent years the electric-utility industry has had little or no dividend-paying capacity. Or, rather, it has had the power to pay dividends if investors agree to buy stock from them. In 1975 electric utilities paid common dividends of $3.3 billion and asked investors to return $3.4 billion. Of course, they mixed in a little solicit-Peter-to-pay-Paul technique so as not to acquire a Con Ed  ED 0.05%  reputation. Con Ed, you will remember, was unwise enough in 1974 to simply tell its shareholders it didn’t have the money to pay the dividend. Candor was rewarded with calamity in the marketplace.
The more sophisticated utility maintains — perhaps increases — the quarterly dividend and then ask shareholders (either old or new) to mail back the money. In other words, the company issues new stock. This procedure diverts massive amounts of capital to the tax collector and substantial sums to underwriters. Everyone, however, seems to remain in good spirits (particularly the underwriters).
More joy at AT&T
Encouraged by such success, some utilities have devised a further shortcut. In this case, the company declares the dividend, the shareholder pays the tax, and — presto — more shares are issued. No cash changes hands, although the IRS, spoilsport as always, persists in treating the transaction as if it had.
AT&T  T -0.76% , for example, instituted a dividend-reinvestment program in 1973. This company, in fairness, must be described as very stockholder-minded, and its adoption of this program, considering the folkways of finance, must be regarded as totally understandable. But the substance of the program is out of Alice in Wonderland.
In 1976, AT&T paid $2.3 billion in cash dividends to about 2.9 million owners of its common stock. At the end of the year, 648,000 holders (up from 601,000 the previous year) reinvested $432 million (up from $327 million) in additional shares supplied directly by the company.
Just for fun, let’s assume that all AT&T shareholders ultimately sign up for this program. In that case, no cash at all would be mailed to shareholders — just as when Con Ed passed a dividend. However, each of the 2.9 million owners would be notified that he should pay income taxes on his share of the retained earnings that had that year been called a “dividend.” Assuming that “dividends” totaled $2.3 billion, as in 1976, and that shareholders paid an average tax of 30% on these, they would end up, courtesy of this marvelous plan, paying nearly $700 million to the IRS. Imagine the joy of shareholders, in such circumstances, if the directors were then to double the dividend.
The government will try to do it
We can expect to see more use of disguised payout reductions as business struggles with the problem of real capital accumulation. But throttling back shareholders somewhat will not entirely solve the problem. A combination of 7% inflation and 12% returns will reduce the stream of corporate capital available to finance real growth.
And so, as conventional private capital-accumulation methods falter under inflation, our government will increasingly attempt to influence capital flows to industry, either unsuccessfully as in England or successfully as in Japan. The necessary cultural and historical underpinning for a Japanese-style enthusiastic partnership of government, business, and labor seems lacking here. If we are lucky, we will avoid following the English path, where all segments fight over division of the pie rather than pool their energies to enlarge it.
On balance, however, it seems likely that we will hear a great deal more as the years unfold about under investment, stagflation, and the failures of the private sector to fulfill needs