Saturday 13 March 2010

Nasdaq 10 years on: how the tech sector went from boom to bust

Nasdaq 10 years on: how the tech sector went from boom to bust

A decade after the end of the tech boom, the sector is undergoing a renaissance – and fund managers and investors have sharpened up their stock-picking skills.

Nasdaq 10 years on: how the tech sector went from boom to bust
Nasdaq 10 years on: how the tech sector went from boom to bust Photo: REUTERS
A decade ago the technology bubble was about to burst, having reached a peak on March 10. The golden goose that had been so hyped up by everyone from independent financial advisers to first-time investors crashed and burned.
At the height of the technology boom in the UK there were 35 investment funds in the sector; now there are just 10, with the smallest holding only £3m under management. An outlay of £1,000 in the worst performing fund- Axa Framlington Global Technology, just before the crash a decade ago would now be worth a paltry £244.

At the start of the millennium investors could not get enough of technology. The huge returns that the sector had seen in the previous five years created a buzz that investors found irresistible. If you had invested £1,000 in the sector five years before the crash and cashed in your investment in March 2000 you would have seen your investment grow tenfold – and in the 10 years previously if you had picked your stocks right you could have turned £1,000 into £100,000.
By far the most popular fund at the time was Aberdeen Technology, the fund with the best track record. Ben Rogoff, now manager of Polar Capital's Technology trust, was on Aberdeen team during the technology rush. "Investors and managers alike were clamouring for technology funds," he said. "The attitude was that old investment truism- the only thing worse than losing money is watching someone else make it."
In the first three months of 2000, £567m was poured into tech funds- 10pc of all the money invested in unit trusts over that period. British technology funds totalled £3.4bn – £3bn more than the amount invested at the end of 1998, and with £1bn of the total being invested in February and March alone.
The deregulation of the telecommunications industry in both America and Britain in the mid-Nineties sparked the upturn as new companies were launched to rival BT and AT&T. Roads were dug up to lay cables and demand for technology increased. The launch of the Microsoft's Windows 95 software made the internet accessible to households and not just companies.
Telecoms companies' share prices increased as demand grew and technology funds returned profits. New internet browsers were launched and companies 'piggybacking' on BT lines were set up to cash in on the demand for the web at home.
The 'Y2K' phenomenon – also known as the millennium bug – forced companies to upgrade their computer systems as old systems' date functions were based the last two digits of the year and were said not to have the capability to work after 1999. This also generated cash for the industry, and led to a period of very rapid growth for the technology sector.
Hungry for their piece of the cash cow, 'blue sky' companies were launched, raising capital off the back of nothing more than a business plan and hugely inflated valuations.
Mr Rogoff recalls how in early 2000 Aberdeen saw as much money invested in just three days as half of the fund's total worth when he joined in 1998. "It seems unreal now, looking back. Unless you were there it is difficult to explain," he said. "I do have regrets."
The sector was flooded with capital and companies couldn't deliver their projected earnings. The industry reached saturation point and the market crashed.
"All our contacts were in IT departments," said Stuart O'Gorman, the manager of Henderson's Global Technology fund. "They were saying this and that were the next big thing. People got ahead of themselves and spending and projections were overly optimistic."
It wasn't just the technology funds that suffered in the dotcom crash. Many ordinary funds had high exposure to tech stocks. For example, Dresdner's RCM Europe fund, Invesco's European and Henderson Small Companies funds were among those to have almost three-quarters of their respective portfolios in technology-related stocks.
Of the companies launched during the dotcom boom, the vast majority are no longer around today. Similarly, most of the funds have merged or been closed. But in the past five years the technology sector has slowly been growing in value, outperforming the average unit trust and emerging unscathed from the global market crash of the past couple of years.
The technology sector is debt-free, and finally proving to be a driving force in the economy. When was launched, commentators assumed that it would mean the instant death of the high street bookstore. While that prediction proved to be overstated, Amazon has grown to be a retailing giant.
Mr O'Gorman said: "My mentor Paul Kleiser, former manager of the Henderson fund, always used to say, 'The problem with technology is everything that is predicted happens, but always five years later than promised.' I think that's definitely true."
One example that proves Mr Kleiser's point is 3G mobile technology. Five years ago 3G phones were bricklike, and consumers were being sold the idea that soon we would all be walking along the road video calling one another. This idea never took off but Apple's iPhone, which utilises 3G technology, has revolutionised the mobile phone market.
Consumers can now get home-speed internet on their mobiles, wherever they are, using technology that was developed nearly a decade ago.

Introduction to Page Elements

1 Year Later: Where Are The Value Stocks?

1 Year Later: Where Are The Value Stocks?
By: Zacks Investment Research   Friday, March 12, 2010 3:29 PM

For value investors, this week's one-year anniversary of the "bottom" of the stock market is truly the best of times and the worst of times.
A year ago, stocks were cheap. It was a value investor's dream as P/E ratios fell well below the historic norm. Almost all stocks were suddenly value stocks as panic gripped the Street.
And now, this market appears to be the value investor's worst nightmare.
The mega-rally literally lifted all stocks, which has been great for investor portfolios. When it comes to value investing though, the rally changed the landscape dramatically as even stocks that would normally lag the market surged sharply higher.
But there is hope for the value investor. Value investing isn't dead. Undervalued stocks are still out there. It's just a matter of digging deeper than usual to find them.
Look Beyond the P/E Ratio
Most value investors know to look at the price-to-earnings ratio (or P/E) to find stocks that are undervalued. To find true value: the lower the P/E, the more undervalued the stock.
Many value investors use a P/E under 20. This method to search for value stocks is a great starting point in normal markets, but stocks are more expensive now.
So while you should start with the P/E ratio, don't end there. You're going to need some more tools in your arsenal to find the true value stocks.
3 Tools to Dig Deeper for Value Stocks
1) Use Price-to-Sales
Many value investors neglect the sales component, but sales cannot be easily manipulated. There are no "charges" or "exclusions" or other accounting hocus pocus with sales. They usually are what they are; and they're easy to compare quarter over quarter and year over year. The healthier the sales growth of an organization, the healthier its potential for profit growth. The lower the Price to Sales ratio (P/S), the better. So look for stocks with a P/S ratio of less than 1.
2) Growth is still your friend
Growth? For value investors? Yes, value investors can use the PEG ratio to find growth stocks trading at reasonable prices. As you probably already know, the PEG ratio is simply the price-to-earnings ratio (P/E) divided by earnings growth. The lower the PEG ratio, the more undervalued the stock is. So look for stocks with PEG ratios under 1.
3) Look at the Industry Rank
This is a little known factor that, when used with value metrics, can give you powerful results. Zacks ranks industries according to improving earnings prospects, so value investors can look at the Industry Rank lists to get an idea of which industries have rising earnings estimates. The Zacks Industry Rank is the average of the Zacks Rank for all companies in the industry.
Just like with the Zacks Rank, the lower it is the better. So a Zacks Industry Rank of 1.00 is better than one of 4.35.

Value Is King in Bull and Bear Markets
Numerous studies of various bull and bear markets around the world come to one conclusion: it may not be glamorous, but value investing outperforms growth investing over the long term.
Is it any surprise that one of the greatest investors of all time, Warren Buffett, is a value investor?
Now is the time to stay the course. Rally or no rally, value is still king.
Digging for Value Every Day
I know how frustrating it is to try and find value stocks as the markets continue to climb. I seek out value stocks every trading day with the Zacks Value Trader trading service, and some days there just isn't much to get excited about. But all it takes is finding a hidden gem here or there for a value investor to really profit.
Just a few days ago, for instance, I added a big international oil company to the Value Traderportfolio. It has great "digging deep" value fundamentals, such as a price-to-sales ratio of just 1.08 and a forward P/E of 11. It also has a Zacks Industry Rank of 2.20, placing it 20th out of 264.
The Value Trader dug deep to find great stocks during last year's rally. The portfolio returned 47.5% last year, which is nearly double the S&P 500 over the same time period, proving that value hasn't gone away, you just have to know where to look.
I invite you to see what stocks are in the portfolio and learn the secrets behind the Value Trader's success. You'll want to look into this right away because the remaining spots in the service are quickly being snapped up. There's a special savings that ends at 11:59 pm Saturday, March 13.
About Zacks Value Trader
Tracey Ryniec

The most important determinants of your success in investing

The most important determinants of your success in investing are QVM:

QUALITY - the quality of the company you own,

VALUE - the price you paid for your stock, and,

MANAGEMENT - the integrity of its management.

The story of Madoff and the slightly eccentric Harry Markopolos

Books: How I brought down Madoff

Exclusive excerpt: In his thrilling new memoir, famed whistleblower Harry Markopolos details how he uncovered Madoff's ponzi scheme — and why nobody would listen until it was too late

In early 2000, Harry Markopolos, a math whiz and former career soldier in the U.S. army, was employed as an equity derivatives portfolio manager at the Rampart Investment Management Co. in Boston. Tasked with developing a financial product that might compete with Bernie Madoff’s legendary hedge fund, Markopolos examined Madoff’s numbers backwards and forwards, only to conclude the returns Madoff was claiming to get for his investors were quantifiably impossible. When Markopolos’s employers kept pushing him — the implication being that he wasn’t a strong enough mathematician to replicate Madoff’s model — he grew frustrated and took it upon himself to launch an independent investigation into Madoff’s operation with the help of a crack team of financial sleuths. Over a span of eight years, Markopolos lobbied the U.S. Securities Exchange Commission and major news organizations for an investigation into Madoff, presenting them with a steady stream of damning evidence, only to be ignored. By the time Madoff’s scheme collapsed under its own weight in 2008, it was too late. The former Wall Street bigwig had carried out the largest Ponzi scheme in history, defrauding his investors out of $65 billion. Now, Markopolos works full-time investigating fraud and conflicts of interest in Fortune 500 companies. In his newly published memoir, No One Would Listen: A True Financial Thriller, he details his whirlwind eightyear whistle-blowing campaign, which began with a set of numbers that wouldn’t add up.
Month after month, year after year, no matter how wildly the market performed, Madoff’s returns remained steady. He reported only three down months in more than seven years. His returns were as reliable as the swallows returning to Capistrano. For example, in 1993 when the S&P 500 returned 1.33%, Bernie returned 14.55%; in 1999 the S&P 500 returned 21.04%, and there was Bernie at 16.69%. His returns were always good, but rarely spectacular. For limited periods of time, other funds returned as much, or even more than Madoff’s. So it wasn’t his returns that bothered me so much — his returns each month were possible — it was that he always returned a profit. There was no existing mathematical model that could explain that consistency. Bernie Madoff was among the most powerful and respected men on Wall Street. How could he be perpetrating such a blatant fraud? And if it was so obvious, why hadn’t other people picked it up? I kept looking at these numbers. I had to be missing something.
During the next few weeks, I began modelling his strategy. He claimed that his basket of about 35 securities correlated to the S&P 100. Right from the beginning that made no sense to me, because it meant he had single stock risk. He couldn’t afford for even one of his 35 stocks to go down substantially, because it would kill his returns. While I knew that in reality it was impossible to successfully pick 35 stocks that would not go down, I accepted the dubious assumption that information from his brokerage dealings allowed him to select the strongest 35 stocks. But because this basket represented about a third of the entire index, there still should have been a strong correlation between his returns and those of the underlying index. But that’s not what he was reporting. Whatever the index did, up or down, he returned the same 1% per month.
Modelling his strategy was complex. It had a lot of moving parts—at least 35 different securities moving at different rates of change—so it required making some simplifying assumptions. For this exercise, I assumed he was front-running, using buy and sell information from his brokerage clients to illegally buy and sell securities based on trades he knew he was going to make. That meant that he knew from his order flow what stocks were going to go up, which obviously would have been extremely beneficial when he was picking stocks for his basket. We found out later that several hedge funds believed he was doing this.
I created hypothetical baskets using the best-performing stocks and followed his split-strike strategy, selling the call option to generate income and buying the put option for protection. The following week I’d pick another basket. I expected the correlation coefficient—the relationship between Bernie’s returns and the movement of the entire S&P 100—legitimately to be around 50%, but it could have been anywhere between 30% and 80% and I would have accepted it naively. Instead Madoff was coming in at about 6%. Six per cent! That was impossible. That number was much too low. It meant there was almost no relationship between those stocks and the entire index. I was so startled that the legendary Bernie Madoff was running a hedge fund that supposedly produced these crazy numbers that I didn’t trust my math. Maybe I’m wrong, I figured. I asked my colleague Neil Chelo to check my numbers. Neil went through my math with the precision of a forensic accountant. If I’d made any mistakes, he decided, he couldn’t find them.
By this time, I had been working in the financial industry for 13 years and had built up a reasonably large network of people I knew and respected. In this situation, I turned to a man named Dan DiBartolomeo, who had been my advanced quant teacher. Dan is the founder of Northfield Information Services, a collection of math whizzes who provide sophisticated analytical and statistical risk management tools to portfolio managers. I told him that I thought we’d discovered a fraud, that Bernie Madoff was either front-running or running a Ponzi scheme. I could almost see his brain cells perk up when I said that. Every mathematician loves the hunt for the sour numbers in an equation. After going through my work, Dan told us that whatever Madoof, as he referred to him, was doing, he was not getting his results from the market. Pointing to the 6% correlation and the 45-degree return line, he said, “That doesn’t look like it came from a finance distribution. We don’t have those kinds of charts in finance.” I was right, he agreed. Bernie Madoff was a fraud. And whatever he was actually doing, it was enough to put him in prison.
That might have been the end of it for me. I might have filed a complaint with the Boston office of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), and it would have made great pub conversation: “I’ll bet you didn’t know Bernie Madoff—you know, Madoff Securities—is running some kind of scam,” and it wouldn’t have gone any further. But this was the financial industry, and there was money to be made following Bernie—potentially hundreds of millions of dollars.
Frank really pushed me to work on the new product. At times, we both got a little testy. He was pretty blunt about it. His deal with Rampart guaranteed him a percentage of the business he brought in, and he had a client who could raise hundreds of millions of dollars if he provided the right product. “C’mon, Harry, I need a product to sell. Rampart needs the product. Let’s just build the frickin’ thing and get it out the door. ”
But each time he asked me if I was making progress, I explained to him that it was impossible to compete with a man who simply made up his numbers. I couldn’t do it. Nobody could. I thought this was a complete waste of my time and did my best to avoid working on it. I had a lot of responsibilities at Rampart. But Dave Fraley kept banging on me hard.
Finally, one afternoon as he walked past my desk I stopped him. “Hey, Dave, you know what? I think I’ve got it figured out. I know how we can duplicate it.” “OK,” Fraley said, sitting down at my desk. “How’s it work?” “Well, actually we have a choice. We can either front-run our order flow or just type in our returns every month. It’s probably a Ponzi scheme, and that’s the only way we can compete with him.” Fraley stood up. “What?” I’d done what they had asked. I’d figured out Madoff’s magic formula, but they didn’t believe me. They thought I was blowing smoke with my accusations.
I was really starting to get pissed off. Neil and I had no doubt that Madoff was running some kind of scam, but at least two of the three principals in the firm and maybe Frank Casey weren’t so sure. My pride was at stake. I knew my math was better than Bernie’s, but even then, even at the very beginning, people just refused to believe me. This was the legendary Bernie Madoff we were talking about. And I was just the slightly eccentric Harry Markopolos.
At that point, I still had no idea how much money Madoff was handling or for how many clients. Nobody did. As we rapidly discovered, that secrecy was key to his success. Because this operation was so secret, everybody thought they were among a select few whose money he had agreed to handle. Madoff had not registered with the SEC as an investment advisory firm or a hedge fund, so he wasn’t regulated. He was simply a guy you gave your money to, to do whatever he wanted to do with it, and in return he handed you a nice profit.
Madoff practically swore his investors to secrecy. He threatened to give them back their money if they talked about him, claiming his success depended on keeping his proprietary strategy secret. Obviously, though, his goal was to keep flying below the radar. Madoff’s clients believed he was exclusive to only a few investors, and that he carefully picked those few for their discretion. When I started speaking with his investors, I discovered that they felt privileged that he had taken their money.

Madoff’s unique structure gave him substantial advantages. As far as we knew at the time, the only entrance to Madoff was through an approved feeder fund. That meant his actual investors couldn’t ask him any questions, and they had to rely completely on their funds—who were being well rewarded—to conduct due diligence. I knew about the world’s biggest hedge funds: George Soros’s Quantum Fund, Julian Robertson’s Tiger Fund, Paul Tudor Jones’s Tudor Fund, Bruce Kovner’s Caxton Associates and Lewis Bacon’s Moore Capital. Everybody did, and we estimated they each managed about $2 billion. So when we started trying to figure out how much money Madoff was running, we were stunned. According to what we were able to piece together, Madoff was running at least $6 billion—or three times the size of the largest known hedge funds. He was the largest hedge fund in the world by far—and most market professionals didn’t even know he existed!
The fortunate thing was that at that point we didn’t know enough to be scared. It never occurred to us that we were going to be stepping on some potentially very dangerous toes. So at the beginning, at least, I didn’t hesitate to ask people I knew throughout the industry about Madoff. I began questioning some of the brokers I worked with on the Chicago Board of Exchange. A lot of these guys were longtime phone friends; I did business with them regularly and had gotten to know them on that level. I began bringing up Bernie Madoff in our conversations. It didn’t surprise me that almost all of them knew about Bernie’s brokerage arm, but knew nothing about his secretive asset management firm. I asked numerous traders if they had ever seen his volume, and they all responded negatively. But a few people who were aware he was running a hedge fund asked us if we could give them his contact information. Everyone wanted to do business with him. But nobody admitted they were doing business with him. He was the ultimate mystery man.
Talking to Wall Street people was extremely informative. Most of these people I was talking with during the normal course of Rampart business, but whenever I had an opportunity I would ask a few questions about Madoff. I spoke with the heads of research, traders on derivatives desks, portfolio managers and investors. Neil was doing the same thing, and both of us were doing it secretly, because if our bosses found out about it they would have demanded that we stop.
Probably what surprised me most was how many people knew Madoff was a fraud. Years later, after his surrender, the question most often asked would be: How could he have fooled the brightest people in the business for so long? The answer, as I found out rather quickly, was that he didn’t. The fact that there was something strange going on with Bernie Madoff’s operation was not a secret on Wall Street. But even those people who had questioned his strategy had accepted his nonsensical explanations—as long as the returns kept rolling in.
The response I heard most often from people at the funds was that his returns were accuratebut he was generating them illegally from front-running. By paying for order flow for his broker-dealer firm, he had unique access to market information. He knew what stocks were going to move up, and that enabled him to fill his basket with them at a low price and then resell them to his brokerage clients at a higher price.
There were at least some people who told Neil and me, confidentially of course, that Madoff was using the hedge fund as a vehicle for borrowing money from investors. According to these people, Madoff was making substantially more on his trading than the 1% to 2% monthly that he was paying in returns, so that payout was simply his cost of obtaining the money.
Some of the explanations I heard bordered on the incredible. These were sophisticated guys who knew they had a great thing going and wanted it to keep going. They were smart enough to see the potholes, so they had to invent some preposterous explanation to fill them. “Here’s what I think it is, Harry,” a portfolio manager told me. “He’s really smart. It’s really important to him that he show his investors low volatility to keep them happy, so what he does when the market is down is he subsidizes them.” In other words, in those months when Madoff’s fund loses money, he absorbs the loss and continues to return a profit to the investors. “He can afford to eat the losses.” But of all the stories I heard those first few weeks, the one that probably shocked Neil and me the most was told to Frank Casey by the representative of a London-based fund of funds. It was handling a substantial amount of Arab oil money, and before investing with Madoff it had asked his permission to hire one of the Big Six accounting firms to verify his performance. Madoff refused, saying that the only person allowed to see the secret sauce, to audit his books, was his brother-in-law’s accounting firm. Actually, we heard this from multiple sources. The fact is that Madoff’s accountant for 17 years, beginning in 1992, was David Friehling, who definitely was not his brother-in-law. Friehling operated out of a small storefront office in the upstate New York town of New City. It seems likely that Madoff claimed he was a relative because it was the only plausible reason he could think of to explain why a sophisticated multibillion-dollar hedge fund would use a two-person storefront operation in a small town as its auditor. Brother-in-law or not, this certainly should have been a major stop sign. Even a marginally competent fund manager should have said, “Thank you very much, Mr. Madoff, but no thanks,” and run as fast as possible in the other direction. But this fund of funds didn’t. Instead, this firm, which had been entrusted by investors with hundreds of millions of dollars, handed Bernie Madoff $200 million.
None of us—Frank, Neil, or myself—was naive. We had been in the business longenough to see the corners cut, the dishonesty and the legal financial scams. But I think even we were surprised at the excuses really smart people made for Bernie. The fact that seemingly sophisticated investors would give Madoff hundreds of millions of dollars after he refused to allow them to conduct ordinary due diligence was a tribute to either greed or stupidity.
The feeder funds—funds that basically raised money for a larger master fund—knew. They knew as much as they wanted to know. They knew they could make money with him; they knew that if they kept their money with him for six years they basically would double their original investment, so they were betting against the clock. And it wasn’t like everybody else in the business was completely honest and he was the only one cheating. This was just another guy cutting some corners. It was a great deal; they were reaping the benefits of this financial theft without having any of the risk. My guess, and this is just a guess, is they assumed that even if Bernie got caught, their ill-gotten profits would end but their money was safe. How could it not be safe? Bernie Madoff was a respected businessman, a respected philanthropist, a respected political donor, a self-proclaimed co-founder of Nasdaq and a great man.
We were beginning to see him as he really was: a monster preying on others; a master con artist. Unfortunately, we were only at the beginning of our investigation. We couldn’t even imagine how much of that we would encounter in the next eight years.

The Evolution of Warren Buffett

The Evolution of Warren Buffett

After a very fruitful and successful investment career, Warren Buffett has reached what might be considered an "endgame" position. His original 1956 investment partnership of $105,000 has morphed into Berkshire Hathaway Corporation (BRK.ABRK.B), worth well over $100 billion. Depending on the market values on a given day, Berkshire is now one of the ten or so largest market cap stocks in the United States, having passed up former stalwarts like Citigroup (C) and General Electric (GE). As such, Berkshire can make meaningful investments in only stocks of say, the S&P 100, or outright purchases of stocks in the S&P 500, or their equivalents abroad. It will be difficult for Buffett to continue to beat the market, assuming that he can do so.
There are basically three ways for him to try. The first is to substitute faster-growing foreign stocks for large cap U.S. stocks. That is, he may try to beat Exxon Mobil (XOM) using the stocks of PetroChina (PTR) (owned in the past), or Petrobras of Brazil, to play the emerging markets theme.
The second way to try to beat the market is to try to time purchases near lows. or obtain special terms, as Berkshire did with its large stakes in General Electric and Goldman Sachs (GS).
The third way is to avoid stocks of clearly dying "leading" companies such as International Paper (IP), General Motors, and Eastman Kodak (EK), a quasi-index strategy that, if successful, would still lead to modest outperformance. All in all, Buffett has come a long way from his early days.
Imitating Ben Graham
Buffett's early investments were clearly in the Graham and Dodd mold. The first major one, in 1957, was National Fire American Insurance, operated by the Ahmanson brothers (the older, H.F., also gave his name to a savings and loan). The brothers tried to buy in the stock for $50 a share (just above its annual earnings), but Buffett sent an agent all over to Nebraska with a counteroffer of $100 a share. Even at this higher price, he just about doubled his money.
In 1958, Buffett put 20% of the partners' money in Commonwealth Bank of Union City, at a price of $50 a share, because he estimated its stock value at $125 a share, and the company was growing at 10% a year. This was a more than adequate (60%) "margin of safety." If the gap between price and value closed in 10 years, he would realize some $325, or a return of about 20% annualized. But he sold a year later at $80 a share, earning 60% in a year, while the ten-year return had fallen to "only" an annual 16%.
In 1959, he placed 35% of the partners' money in Sanborn Map, a company that produced detailed city maps of buildings, whose users were insurance companies, fire stations, and the like. This had been a prosperous business in the 1930s and 1940s, before a cheaper substitute rendered it unprofitable in the 1950s. Nevertheless, the stock had fallen from $110 a share to $45 a share in 20 years, even though the company had built up an investment portfolio worth $65 a share during that time using excess cash. In Ben Graham style, Buffett's partners and two allies obtained 46% of the stock and forced management to distribute most of the portfolio to shareholders, at a 50%-ish (pre-tax) gain to the investors who elected this option.
Going into the 1960s, Buffett continued to buy companies at a discount to asset value Graham style. These included Berkshire Hathaway, a struggling textile producer with per-share working capital approximating its $15 share price, Dempster Mills, and Diversified Retailing. Buffett bought all of these companies with the expectation of getting the underlying businesses for "free." This was true only for Dempster, a badly-managed company that was turned around in less than three years for triple the investment. In the case of Berkshire, at least, even "free" was too much to expect.
But Buffett eventually used Berkshire's cash flow to acquire Diversified, and then redeployed the two companies' cash elsewhere. What's more, when he distributed partnership assets pro rata in 1970, he had effectively changed the form of his investment vehicle from a partnership (where capital gains were taxed every year), to a corporation (where gains were taxed only when realized).
There was one investment during this period that signalled Buffett's eventual departure from the Graham style. That was the purchase of the stock of American Express, whose main business was credit cards, but whose stock suffered when the firm's warehousing operation vouched for the value of "salad oil" deposited by a crook. This man,Tino deAngelis, borrowed (and lost) money on the strength of phony collateral, leaving Amex holding the bag. The stock took a hit when Amex paid out $60 million, its entire net worth, to settle the resulting claims.
But Buffett realized that he was really getting the credit card business at a discount. Late in the 1960s, he sold his Amex stock for between three to five times his acquisition cost, three to five years after he had bought it.
Transition to a "GARP" Style
Warren Buffett then evolved into what we would call a "GARP" (growth at a reasonable price) investor, albeit one with a strong value bent. This transition occurred during the early years of his "new" (post Buffett partnership) incarnation, after he had hooked up with Charlie Munger, who believed that it was better to buy a great company at a good price, rather than a good company at a great price..
What happened in the early 1970s was that certifiable growth companies got not only into value, but deep value territory (great companies at great prices). One of them was Washington Post That company had publishing and broadcasting assets worth perhaps $400 million in 1970, but which sold in the market for $80-$100 million. Buffett bought some 12% of the company, which not only closed the gap between market value and asset value, but also grew earnings per share in excess of 15% over the next decade.
GEICO, a low cost insurer, had represented one of Buffett's first investments as a boy. Started with $100,000 in seed capital in 1936, it was worth about $3 million when Ben Graham bought a controlling stake in 1948. From there, it advanced in spectacular fashion to a peak of over $500 million, over 100 times, in two and half decades, before falling onto hard times in the early 1970s.
By 1976, it was near bankruptcy when Buffett had Salomon Brothers organize a rescue via a $76 million capital infusion. Berkshire provided $19 million of it, and basically co-underwrote the convertible preferred offering with Salomon. Adding this to an earlier $4 million investment in common gave Buffett a 33% stake in a company that would grow per-share earnings at about 15% a year over the next two decades.
Other, less celebrated, long term holdings from the period include Affiliated Publications, the Interpublic Group (IPG), Media General, and Ogilvy and Mather.
Buffett also experimented with cheaply priced leaders of their respective industries: Safeco for insurance, General Foods (GIS) in food, and the former Exxon in energy. There was a group of inflation hedges in the form of Alcoa (AA), Cleveland Cliffs Iron (CLFQM.PK), GATX, Handy and Harman, and later Reyolds Aluminum. Finally, there were arbitrage operations in Arcata Corporation and Beatrice Foods.
Buffett also dabbled in larger media companies such as ABC (DIS), Capital Cities, and Time Inc (TWX). He made a proposal to the management of the latter company that he take a large blocking position, to prevent a takeover, which Time rejected, to its later regret. (A takeover attempt by Paramount forced it into an ill-advised merger with Warner Communications.)
Both ABC and Capital Cities came back onto Buffett's radar screen when the chairman of the former retired, and the chairman of the latter, Buffett's good friend Tom Murphy, wanted to acquire the former, a move that had the blessing of the outgoing chairman. On its own, Capital Cities had no chance to acquire ABC, but an over $500 million investment from Berkshire provided the "equity" slice that made the leveraged deal possible. It also had the effect of making Berkshire a nearly 20% shareholder in the combined company, discouraging a takeover. At 16 times earnings, it was not a Graham investment, and had no margin of safety on the balance sheet.
But Tom Murphy reduced the combined companies' debt by over $1 billion (nearly half) within a year, while growing earnings at a mid-teens rate. (The stock grew at nearly 20% a year for a decade, because of multiple expansion, before the company was taken over by Disney.
Buffett's next moves were among the most controversial of his career (and foreshadowed his recent purchases of General Electric and Goldman Sachs preferred). Not finding any cheap common stocks around the run-up to Black Monday (1987), Buffett bought converitble preferred stocks in Champion International, Gillette, Salomon Brothers and US Airways (UAUA) issued specifically to him.
Champion was a mediocre investment and U.S. Air was a money-losing one. Salomon fell onto hard times and had to be personally rescued by Buffett. Gillette was a fundamentally strong company that paid out essentially all of its net worth in a special dividend to avoid a takeover (before Buffett's investment recapitalized it). In this regard, it was much like American Express (AXP) of the 1960s. Buffett returned to American Express in the mid 1990s with a similar $300 million investment in convertible preferred.
During this time, Buffett completed his transformation as a GARP investment by buying Coke (KO). With a mid-teens P/E ratio, this was not a classic Graham and Dodd investment, but the company was selling at "only" 1.25 times the market multiple, a ratio that expanded to 3 times in a decade, tripling the absolute multiple. Earnings more than tripled during this time, making Coke a huge winner for Berkshire.
In recent years, Buffett has added "international" to his repertoire, investing in Guinness (drinks) and Tesco (TSCDY.PK) (retail) of Britain, Posco (PKX), the South Korean steel company, PetroChina and the Brazilian real.

World's Richest Man: The Evolution of Mexico's Carlos Slim

According to Forbes Magazine, Mexico's Carlos Slim Helu has edged out Warren Buffett, and yes, even Bill Gates, to become the richest man in the world. Slim is his father's surname, and Helu is his mother's (maiden name), and thus he is distinguished from his own son, Carlos Slim Domit. So who is this relative unknown from a developing country?
Unlike Buffett and Gates who started from scratch, Slim was more like America's John Paul Getty, someone who inherited a small fortune and made it larger. He was the son and grandson of two prosperous Lebanese-Mexican retailers, who learned his trade well from his ancestors, working in their stores in the capital, Mexico City, then dealing for his own account. He also made money trading in Mexican stocks. By 1965, at the age of 25, he was worth some $40 million (Wikipedia), about the same as the partnership managed by the ten-years older Buffett.
In 1966, he married Soumaya Domit, and shortly after, established a vehicle named Grupo Carso (CARlos SOumaya). One by one, they assembled a "grabbag" of "aspirational" companies for Mexicans; Sears of Mexico, the local arm of the American retailer (SHLD); Grupo Sanborn (and Denny's of Mexico), American-style restaurant chains; Cigatam, the distributor of Philip Morris (PM) cigarettes that eventually put its main competitor, Empresas La Moderna out of business; and Condumex, an auto parts company.
By buying cheap assets that were turned around, Slim created an industrial conglomerate that could grow earnings 15% a year or so for four decades. His signature management style was the very "American" one of reducing layers of bureaucracy to cut costs and speed up decision making. Slim also created Grupo Financiero Imbursa, a source of vendor financiing that was much smaller, but much better run, than larger banks such as Banamex (bought by America's Citibank (C)), and Bancomer (now a subsidiary of Spain's Santander (STD). This was in the manner of Buffett's purchase of Wells Fargo (WFC).
In 1990, along with France Telecom (FTE) and other partners, Slim participated in the "privatization" of Mexico's Telefonos de Mexico (Telmex) (TMX). This was a cheap, and pretty good business in and of itself. Slim eventually became the largest shareholder of the company and its chairman.
But what made the deal really interesting, was that it served as a springboard for cellular and wireless operations. In 2001, Telmex spun off America Movil (AMX), a (Latin) American wireless business that operated not only in Mexico, but also Brazil, Latin America's other large market. The stock skyrocketed more than ten-fold after the spin-off. Slim's nearly one-third stake in this company is worth some $23 billion.
Slim was less successful north of the Rio Grande, and the setbacks he received in the U.S. may have delayed his emergence as the world's richest man. In A Modern Approach to Graham and Dodd Investing, we recounted how, in 1999, we started accumulating a position in CompUSA at around $6 a share, only to be taken out by Slim for $10.10, "versus [our] back of the envelope calculation of $15 to $20 a share...But CompUSA proved to be a disappointment for Mr. Slim [who shut it down]. We also went in with Slim on a U.S. office equipment company, Office Max." Slim is also the 6.4% owner of The New York Times, a sometimes struggling newspaper that nevertheless has great "strategic" and prestige value. Finally, as the owner of the Mexican arm of Philip Morris International (PM), it makes sense for him to have a large holding in the parent company.