Thursday 25 October 2012

Is Dollar-Cost Averaging Overrated?

Question: Every year I add money to my IRA account in a lump sum. Would I be better off using dollar-cost-averaging over the course of the year?
Answer: Dollar-cost-averaging, which is a technical term for buying shares of a stock or mutual fund in equal dollar amounts and at regular intervals, is assumed by many investors and financial pros to be the best way to invest. The advantages are clear: By investing a given amount over time and in equal-sized chunks rather than all at once, the investor ends up buying more shares when prices become cheaper and fewer when they become more expensive.
For example, let's say you get a $1,200 tax refund. Rather than invest all $1,200 at once, you could invest $100 per month for a year. Now let's say the fund you're investing in sells for $10 a share in the first month but drops to $5 a share in the second. Using the dollar-cost averaging method, you would end up buying 10 shares in the first month, before the market drop, but 20 shares in the second, after the drop. Had you invested the entire $1,200 in the first month you would have owned 120 shares, which, in month two, would have declined in value to $600. In this way, dollar-cost averaging helps reduce an investor's exposure to a potential market downturn, a danger inherent in the lump-sum approach.
Dollar-cost averaging also fosters a level of investing discipline. Rather than trying to figure out the best time to invest a lump sum, dollar-cost averaging uses a more systematic approach that helps investors conquer bad habits such as buying shares only when the market is up.
If you have an employer-sponsored retirement account, you may be using dollar-cost-averaging without even knowing it. That biweekly or monthly contribution made to your 401(k) is a form of dollar-cost-averaging.
Putting Dollar-Cost Averaging to the Test
However, despite the conventional wisdom that dollar-cost averaging is usually the best way to invest, there is an opportunity cost to be paid for holding money in cash while it waits to be invested in the market. If the market goes up while you're dollar-cost averaging into it, you've lost out on any gains you would have had by investing the entire amount right away.
In fact, a recent Vanguard study found that, on average, lump-sum investing resulted in higher returns than dollar-cost averaging about two-thirds of the time. The authors looked at historical monthly returns for $1 million invested as a lump sum and through dollar-cost averaging over periods as short as 6 months and as long as 36 months, assuming that funds were kept in cash before being invested. They tested various stock/bond allocations ranging from an all-equities portfolio to an all-bond portfolio. Finally, they tested these variations on the dollar-cost averaging vs. lump-sum question over rolling 10-year periods from 1926-2011.
At the end of each 10-year period, the portfolio value of the lump-sum method was compared with that of the dollar-cost averaging method. The result: The lump-sum method delivered higher returns compared with the 12-month dollar-cost averaging method about 66% of the time regardless of whether an all-equities, all-bond, or 60% equity/40% bond allocation was used. When the authors conducted a similar analysis using historical returns for markets in the U.K. and Australia, a similar pattern emerged, with lump-sum investing consistently outperforming dollar-cost averaging.
The authors note that the longer the dollar-cost averaging time frame, the greater the chance of the lump-sum method outperforming. For example, dollar-cost averaging over 36 months lost out to the lump-sum method 90% of the time (for U.S. markets).
It's also worth noting that while lump-sum investing consistently outperformed dollar-cost averaging, the average rate of outperformance was relatively modest. Using a 60/40 equity-bond allocation in U.S. markets and dollar-cost averaging over a period of 12 months, the authors found that after 10 years the initial $1 million investment would have grown to $2,450,264 on average using the lump-sum method versus $2,395,824 using dollar-cost averaging, a difference of about $54,000 or 2.3%.
DCA Better in Declining Markets 
So the Vanguard study proves it's always best to invest in a lump sum if possible, right? Not so fast. As the authors concede, during market declines, the dollar-cost averaging method often performs better because it helps mitigate the effects of falling share prices, whereas the lump-sum method puts all the capital at risk in the market at once. They examined more than 1,000 rolling 12-month periods in U.S. markets and found that lump-sum investors would have seen their investment decline in value 22.4% of the time vs. 17.6% for dollar-cost averaging.
The Takeway
So what should we make of these findings? There appears to be little doubt that, when investing for the long-term, you'’re more likely to end up ahead using the lump-sum approach than dollar-cost averaging. (Again, assuming you have a choice--with a work-sponsored retirement account, you may not.) However, there are three important points in dollar-cost averaging's favor.
If you expect a market downturn in the near future, dollar-cost averaging is the better choice. By spreading out contributions at regular intervals, you are essentially limiting your exposure by keeping some of your money in cash. 
For some investors, a relatively modest shortfall in return is a small price to pay for piece of mind. If dollar-cost-averaging helps you sleep better at night than you would with an all-in strategy, it may be worth it.
Dollar-cost averaging, especially through an automatic contribution mechanism such as a 401(k) or automatic deduction from a bank account, offers a level of investing discipline that lump-sum investing doesn't. The lump-sum approach, by its nature, involves market timing, and that's a dangerous game to play, especially during times of volatility. Dollar-cost averaging provides a smoother, more consistent entry into the market.One last factor to consider is investing costs, which may provide an advantage for the lump-sum method. For example, if using dollar-cost averaging requires paying multiple brokerage fees to buy shares of a stock in several lots rather than just once, this may further erode your returns as compared with the lump-sum method.
Ultimately, your comfort level with lump-sum investing and your expectations about the market's near-term direction should help you decide if it makes sense for you. If moving a lump sum into the market all at once gives you a queasy feeling in the pit of your stomach, that may be all the answer you need.
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Are Earnings Coming Back to Earth?

By Jeremy Glaser

Morningstar – Sun, Oct 21, 2012

Corporate earnings have long been a bright spot during this recovery. Even when everything else in the economy looked bleak, corporations seem to keep delivering better-than-expected news quarter after quarter. But is that turning around? So far in this third-quarter earnings season, we've seen disappointing top-line numbers that could be a sign that the momentum in corporate earnings might be beginning to slow.
All things considered, most large firms handled the great recession fairly well. Faced with collapsing sales and an uncertain future, most managers became very defensive. They cut staffing to the bone, shut down unprofitable divisions, paid off debt, and raised additional capital if needed. These moves not only helped keep the lights on during the worst of the downturn, but they positioned firms well for the upturn. As the economy slowly began to come back, the leaner and more efficient companies were able to consistently boost their margins and surprise investors, even when revenue growth remained anemic. The charts below show just how high corporate profits have reached, and how profits have hit an all-time high as a percentage of gross domestic product. Shaded areas on these charts represent U.S. recessions.
US Corporate Profits After Tax data by YCharts
US Corporate Profits After Tax as % of GDP data by YCharts
But high levels of profitability can't go on forever. Eventually firms are going to have to hire more workers, invest in equipment, and face new competitors. Many (including GMO and others) have predicted that margins are due for a mean reversion and that regardless of the strength of the recovery, corporations are going to get squeezed. It's hard to extrapolate too much from the earnings we've seen during the last two weeks, but that squeeze could be starting.
Squeeze Play
To be sure, earnings have not been a disaster so far. According to data from FactSet, of the 98 members of the S&P 500 that have reported earnings so far, 70% have exceeded analyst expectations. But of those 98 firms, only 42% have beaten estimates for sales. During the last four years, an average of 59% of firms had beaten revenue estimates at this point in the reporting cycle. Some of those current misses are being driven by unrealistically high expectations and very strong currency headwinds, but some firms are starting to show signs of weakness. Given that most firms have already cut about as much as they can from their organizations, the drop in sales is likely to eventually lead to a drop in profit as it will be harder to cut deeper to keep profit growing.
One of the highest-profile misses this past week was Google(GOOG), which surprised the market not only with a premature earnings release but also with disappointing results. Revenues were below expectations, and operating costs rose quickly as the firm spent money to launch a new tablet and invest elsewhere in the business. Morningstar analyst Rick Summer thinks that as the firm continues to shift its revenue stream away from ads hosted on its sites toward ads on partner sites, content, and hardware it will become even hard to "gain operating leverage from the business" and increase margins at all. Google was hardly the only tech firm that reported a rough quarter. Microsoft(MSFT) and Intel(INTC) are feeling the impact of slowing PC sales ahead of the Windows 8 launch. International Business Machines(IBM) missed expectations as its revenues declined 5% (partially because of currency headwinds) as the firm launched its mainframe refresh.
Beyond tech, earnings misses could be found in plenty of other sectors. Sales at
McDonald's(MCD) and Chipotle Mexican Grill(CMG) both fell short of expectations. Profitability at the oil-services firms took a big hit this quarter, and
pressure pumping remained challenged. Baker Hughes(BHI) reported a North American margin of 10.5%, a nearly 300-basis-point sequential decline. This is more than Schlumberger's(SLB) 230-basis-point decline but less than
Halliburton's(HAL) 660-basis-point decline.
Sluggish global growth is causing some of these misses, and some are idiosyncratic based on product cycles or one-time issues. Certainly, some of the misses are driven by heightened expectations after such a long stretch of good earnings. But part of it is also that corporate earnings have reached very high levels, and firms are beginning to feel the force of mean reversion. The weak sales this quarter could be the canary in the coal mine that earnings are about to be pressured, too. Even if margins don't come all the way down to historical levels, the reduction in profitability could be a major headwind for investors in the coming years.

Wednesday 24 October 2012

iCap Distribution of Shareholdings FYE 31-5-2012


FY ended 31-5-2012
Distribution of Shareholdings

Click to view:

The Top 30 shareholders own 44,633,291 shares.
This is 31.88% of the total number of shares of iCap of 140,000,000 shares.

Top 30 Shareholdings

1    9,028,491
2    5,748,600
3    2,700,000
4    2,500,000
5    2,150,000
6    2,000,000
7    1,737,000
8    1,540,200
9    1,370,000
10    1,316,000
11    1,250,000
12    1,080,000
13    1,000,000
14       845,200
15       800,000
16       722,000
17       719,400
18       705,000
19       701,000
20       689,000
21       688,000
22       658,000
23       640,000
24       637,500
25       610,200
26       600,000
27       594,000
28       554,500
29       525,000
30       524,200
Total 44,633,291

Tuesday 23 October 2012

Very Pessimistic News for the gold "investors" of Genneva Malaysia Sdn Bhd.

Genneva Malaysia’s liabilities exceeded assets, says Awang Adek

October 23, 2012

File photo shows the Bank Negara headquarters in Kuala Lumpur. The central bank says the liabilities of gold investment firm Genneva Malaysia Sdn Bhd (Genneva Malaysia) exceeded its assets. Early this month, BNM together with the Royal Malaysia Police, Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism Ministry and the Companies Commission of Malaysia carried out joint raids on several of Genneva Malaysia’s premises as well as the residences of its directors.

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 23 – Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) has found the liabilities of gold investment firm Genneva Malaysia Sdn Bhd (Genneva Malaysia) exceeded its assets, said Deputy Finance Minister Datuk Dr Awang Adek Hussin.
He said the situation clearly shows Genneva Malaysia was unable to pay returns to its investors.
Awang Adek, likening Genneva Malaysia’s operations to most illegal get-rich-quick schemes, said BNM’s initial investigations showed the company actually sold gold bars to attract investors, but later changed to just taking deposits.
“There was already an element of deposit taking in Genneva, and the company’s assets were so small compared to the amount invested by the people, so there was a very big gap between assets and liabilities.
“So how could it (Genneva) pay when its liabilities ran into billions of ringgit while its assets were just in the millions (of ringgit),” he said when concluding the Finance Ministry committee-level debate on the 2013 Supply Bill at the Dewan Rakyat here today.
Early this month, BNM together with the Royal Malaysia Police, Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism Ministry and the Companies Commission of Malaysia carried out joint raids on several of Genneva Malaysia’s premises as well as the residences of its directors after several investors who had become victims lodged police reports.
Awang Adek said it is not possible for Bank Negara, which is considering what appropriate action to take on Genneva Malaysia, to pay back the company’s customers the value of their investments.
“At first, some got a return of two per cent a month, but this was wrong. We cannot say the investors were blameless, they invested and there were risks.
“The company was really to be blamed. Where is there a scheme that can give such good returns, if it’s too good to be true, then it’s not true,” he said. – Bernama

iCap Investment Portfolio (12.9.2012) and its distribution of Shareholders

iCap Investment Portfolio as at 12-9-2012

There are 11 stocks in this concentrated portfolio as at 12-9-2012.

The top 5 stocks in the portfolio constitute 80.7% of the portfolio value and they are (in order of their value ranking):

  1. Petdag,
  2. Padini, 
  3. Parkson, 
  4. F&N and 
  5. Boustead.

Sunday 21 October 2012

Maybank quashes Thai bank bid speculation

Maybank quashes Thai bank bid speculation
Published: 2012/10/10

KUALA LUMPUR: Malayan Banking Bhd (Maybank) today clarified that its private placement exercise on Monday was not meant for a possible bid for Bank of Ayudhya, quashing speculation that it may be keen to bid for a stake in the Thai bank.

In an email statement to Bernama today, Maybank reiterated that the private placement exercise was a proactive move to boost its equity capital ahead of the implementation of the Basel III capital framework.

The book-building process was also to support the bank's growth objectives particularly in relation to the rapid expansion of its business in Indonesia, Philippines and other regional markets.

On Monday, the bank embarked on a private placement exercise to raise RM3.66 billion through the issuance of 412 million new Maybank shares at an issue price of RM8.88 per placement share.

The new share issuance represented 4.98 per cent of the enlarged issued and paid-up capital of the bank as at Sept 30, 2012. 

"Maybank also wishes to clarify that Permodalan Nasional Bhd (PNB) did not participate in the private placement. 

"PNB does not fulfill the waiver criteria by Bursa Malaysia Securities that allow major shareholdres of the company to participate in the private placement by virtue of their representation on the board of Maybank," it said. 

Maybank closed unchanged at RM8.96 today. -- BERNAMA 

Read more: Maybank quashes Thai bank bid speculation

Public Bank ranked as strongest bank in M’sia

Public Bank has leapfrogged both CIMB Group Holdings Bhd and Malayan Banking Bhd to the top spot in 2012 as Malaysia’s strongest bank, according to the Asian Banker 500 2012 (AB500) report.

“This was largely due to the cost and risk management as a result of the conservative approach of the bank,” the report said.

Further, the report also said that the Asia Pacific banking sector is expected to remain resilient as economies in the region continue to expand in 2011 albeit at a slower pace than last year.

Singapore-based financial services community strategic business intelligence provider Asian Banker said the Asia-Pacific regional banks saw a significant acceleration in asset growth in 2011 while the largest 500 banks from the US and the European Union did not grow as fast.

“If the momentum holds, Asia-Pacific regional banks are likely to overtake their Western peers by 2014.

“This is primarily due to a combination of resilient economic performance of the region’s economies, increasing private wealth and growth in the number of Asian high net- worth individuals and continual retrenchment of some Western banks from Asia and growing regional expansion by Asia-based banks,” it said in a statement.

Asian Banker said key performance indicators of the banking sector in the Asia-Pacific region such as assets, loans, deposits and net profit grew over 15% last year.

“In particular, net profit growth remains staggering at 43% to US$315.9 billion (RM958.3 billion) albeit slower than 2010’s growth rate of 53%,” it said.

Asian Banker said 2011 has been a good year for banks in Malaysia, achieving weighted average asset growth of 21.7% year-on-year (YoY) which was among the top in the Asia-Pacific region.

“The growth was mainly fostered by the strong and resilient gross domestic product growth of the Malaysian economy and Islamic banking growth of 5.1% YoY and 33% YoY in 2011 respectively as Malaysian banks embark on a regional expansion strategy in an attempt to increase their regional presence and to diversify their geographical revenue sources,” it said.

Asia-Pacific regional banks have been shoring up their capital positions as implementation of the new Basel III requirements draws near, it said. “Asset-weighted average Tier 1 and total capital adequacy ratio (CAR) grew much stronger to 14% and 16.5% in 2011 from 9.1% and 12.3% in 2010 respectively.

“For this iteration, Singapore and Philippine banks rank among the highest for Tier 1 and total CAR respectively,” it said. Asian Banker said lack of sovereign debts deter Asia-Pacific regional banks’ compliance to Basel III liquidity requirements.

“Although banks are able to withstand long-term stress to their operations as reflected in their strong capital positions, short-term risks such as liquidity continue to be one of the top issues for Asia-Pacific regional banks,” it said.

AB500 research manager Doron Foo said some regional banks in countries such as Australia, Singapore and Hong Kong are still unable to satisfy Basel III liquidity requirements due to the lack of sovereign debt in their domestic countries.

Shopping spree sends Bursa to all-time high

Saturday October 20, 2012

Shopping spree sends Bursa to all-time high

The FBM KLCI closed at a record 1,666.35. However, the broader market was weaker in line with Asian bourses, with declining stocks on Bursa Malaysia beating advancers 409 to 294 and 338 counters unchanged.
“I think the positive run had been anticipated, backed by the fundamentals. It is still on an evolving rotation with the telecommunication, banking and consumer stocks getting a fair bit of interest,” said Inter-Pacific Securities Sdn Bhd head of research Pong Teng Siew.
He said banking stocks were relatively attractive right now as it had rather been muted recently due to the upcoming Basel III framework that would see banks needing higher capital requirement, driving up the cost of lending.
“With the overall price to earnings ratio at about 11.5 times, it (banking stocks) is attractive when compared with the telco industry which some stocks are trading at about 30 times, except for Axiata, which is still the cheapest among the telco stocks. Funds might be positioning themselves now ahead of the upcoming results season, and shifting their funds to more attractive sectors of the market,” he said.

Asian bank threat to Basel III

11/10/2012 | Elliot Wilson
Asian banks are meeting informally, seeking to decide whether to adjust the Basel III rules
Many of Asia’s leading banks are expected to meet today in Tokyo behind closed doors to decide whether to accept – or potentially reject – controversial financial regulations set to come into effect on the first day of 2013.
The heads of several leading Asian lenders, including Nazir Razak, group chief executive at Kuala Lumpur-based CIMB Group, are set to convene today in an informal closed-door session to discuss the Basel III rules, chaired by Andrew Sheng, president of Hong Kong-based, Asia-focused consultancy, the Fung Global Institute.
Although it is an informal meeting designed to gauge opinion among Asian leaders and regional financial regulators about the new rules, all the major Asian banks will be there, Razak said. “The subject is whether to agree to form a consensus view on Basel III, and whether to draw up recommendations to present to our regulators back home. We have to decide whether to adjust Basel III rules, or just tweak them.”
Razak’s comments mark the first time a senior financial figure has expressed public disquiet over the incoming regulations, drawn up in the wake of the 2008-2009 financial crisis in an effort to create minimum standards of bank liquidity and place a cap on liquidity levels.
He said it was too early to describe the meeting as concrete evidence of a rift between emerging and developed markets, but said all of the lenders meeting today in Tokyo were “growing increasingly and collectively concerned” over the rules, adding: “It makes sense to act collectively rather than individually over this matter.”
Among the banks meeting in Tokyo on Friday are believed to be Sumitomo Mitsui and Mizuho Bank of Japan, CIMB’s Malaysia peer Maybank, KB Kookmin Bank of Korea, and Singapore-based DBS.
Today’s meeting had its roots in an informal chat that took place in Singapore on 23 September during the Formula One motor race. “Lots of bankers got together then and there and decided to do something,” Razak says. “We all agreed to take the matter further in Tokyo this week.”
News of the meeting quietly spread throughout southeast and northeast Asia. Iwan Azis, head of the Office of Regional Economic Integration at the Asian Development Bank, heard about the gossip in Jakarta, where the news gained quiet but firm approval, he says, among smaller Indonesian lenders, along with the country’s financial regulators.
“The smaller Indonesian banks for instance are not happy about [Basel III] at all,” Azis said. “You didn’t hear them complain before, but the time is fast approaching where they have to impose these rules, and they are worried. If you are a bank with a lower rating, somewhere in the ‘Bs’, you are going to have to raise your capital adequacy levels considerably.”
Even the International Monetary Fund in September warned that new regulations were skewed toward the interests of developed-world lenders. The fund noted that big banking groups would be “better able” than smaller banks to absorb the cost of regulations, driving more business in direction of market leaders.

Banks unlikely to raise capital

Wednesday October 10, 2012


PETALING JAYA: Banks in Malaysia are already well-capitalised and are unlikely to engage in capital raising activities in the near term unless they are looking at significant outlay in that time frame, said banking analysts.
In the case of Malayan Banking Bhd (Maybank) which recently raised a record RM3.66bil via a private placement exercise, the bank was priming itself to expand its current business in the region, a banking analyst said.
It is understood that via a conference call with analysts yesterday, Maybank said that it was looking to strengthen its current businesses in the region, including those in Singapore and Indonesia and that it was not looking at any merger and acquisition (M&A) activity for now as previously speculated.
“We believe that most banks in Malaysia are unlikely to engage in capital raising activities in the near term given that they are well capitalised to meet the Basel III requirement, unless they foresee that they may need capital for something else.
“We do anticipate that most banks will be in capital conservation mode to preserve their capital in order to meet the capital requirement under Basel III which will kick off next year,” Alliance Research banking analyst Cheah King Yoong said.
The core equity capital ratio, which measures the amount of capital a bank has, is generally above 7% for all banks in Malaysia and this is healthy enough to meet Basel 111 requirements, according to Cheah (see table).
The new Basel III rules require banks to hold top quality capital totalling 7% of their risk-bearing assets, from the current 2%.
Of the 7%, 4.5% comprises core tier-1 capital, which is made of shares and retained earnings, and an additional 2.5% of capital conservation buffer.
In a press release on Monday, Maybank said its private placement exercise was a move to boost its equity capital ahead of the implementation of the Basel III capital framework.
The funds raised would also support its growth objectives, particularly, in relation to the rapid expansion of its business in Indonesia, Philippines and other regional markets, it said.
Apart from the continued strength of the Malaysian domestic economy, Maybank was seeing tremendous opportunities in the economic growth across the Asean region, it added.

Maybank may be able to raise RM2.64bil via shares placement

Saturday October 6, 2012

Maybank may be able to raise RM2.64bil via shares placement

PETALING JAYA: Malayan Banking Bhd (Maybank) could potentially raise about RM2.64bil in a bid to further strengthen the bank's capital base and facilitate to meet more stringent capital requirement under the Basel III framework.
It intends to place out 300 million shares or 3.68% of its capital base at an indicative placement price of RM8.80 per share.
In filings with Bursa Malaysia, the country's largest bank said the assumption of the issue price was based on a 3% discount to the weighted average market price of Maybank shares for the five market days up to Oct 4 of RM9.0757.
Maybank says a possible upsize of the placement will depend on investors’ demand.Maybank says a possible upsize of the placement will depend on investors’ demand.
“The final number of new Maybank shares to be issued and the issue price of the shares will only be determined and announced after the completion of the book-building process, which will commence on Friday,” it said.
It said there is also possible upsize of the placement depending on investors' demand.
“The board is of the view that the proposed private placement is the most expeditious means of strengthening the company's capital base,” it said.
Maybank said the proceeds from the share sale, net of expenses relating to the exercise, would be utilised for working capital and general banking purpose.
The bank ended the day nine sen, or 1%, lower at RM8.99 yesterday.
In line with the world's adoption to Basel III, banks across the world would have to have a common format for disclosing the size and quality of their capital safety buffers from 2013 to help reassure investors they are stable.
It would also force banks to hold more capital and liquidity from 2013 onwards and will require banks to hold at least 7% of core Tier 1 capital in the form of retained earnings or pure equity.
Recently, Maybank had also succeeded in pricing its US$800mil (RM2.4bil) Regulation S Tier 2 Capital Subordinated Notes under its US$5bil multicurrency medium term note programme. The proceeds from the notes were also used for working capital, general banking and other corporate purposes, the bank had said earlier.
The subordinated notes wereexpected to qualify as Lower Tier 2 capital as per the Bank Negara's guidelines and be eligible for Basel III transitional treatment.
It is the largest regulation US dollar lower tier 2 capital issuance by anAsian Bank outside Japan and also marked the largest ever US dollar bond issuance by a Malaysian financial institution.
The said transaction was priced at 5-year US Treasury + 260 bps or a yield of 3.254% and will pay a coupon of 3.25% per annum, to be paid semi-annually in arrears.
The subordinated notes had a tenure of 10 years from the issue date on a 10 non-callable 5 basis, maturing on Sept 20, 2022.

Maybank falls on US$1.2b share offer

Monday, 08 October 2012 16:16

Maybank falls on US$1.2b share offer

Maybank falls on US$1.2b share offer
Shares of Malayan Banking Bhd (Maybank) dropped as much as 0.67 percent after the largest bank by assets in Malaysia said it would raise US$1.2 billion with a new share offer to fund growth in the country and its regional subsidiaries.
“This sounds logical to us as Maybank may be required to bring in capital if it is required to locally incorporate its Singapore subsidiary, which currently holds a qualified full banking licence,” HwangDBS Vickers Research said in a note on Monday.
Maybank said on Monday it completed the bookbuilding exercise for the private placement, the largest so far in Malaysia’s corporate history.
The placement is a proactive move to boost Maybank’s equity capital ahead of the implementation of the stringent new solvency requirements of the Basel III global banking regulations, Maybank said in a statement.
The issue price was fixed at RM8.88 a share, Maybank said, while the total number of shares to be issued represents 4.98 percent of the enlarged issued and paid-up share capital of Maybank as at Sept. 30.
The private placement exercise is expected to be completed no later than the middle of October, added Maybank.
HwangDBS maintained its "buy" rating on Maybank stock with a target price of RM11.10.
“Maybank remains our top pick and we believe our investment thesis of high dividends and strong earnings momentum remains intact despite these developments,” said HwangDBS.
The stock was down 0.56 percent at RM8.94, underperforming the broader index’s 0.15 percent drop.

Maybank plans US$1.2b share offer, says IFR

October 05, 2012
HONG KONG, Oct 5 — Malayan Banking Bhd (Maybank), the country’s largest lender, is seeking to raise up to US$1.2 billion (RM3.7 billion) with a new share offer, capital markets news service IFR said today.
Banks in Southeast Asia are beefing up core capital to accommodate the rapid growth in lending in the region and to meet the stringent new solvency requirements of the Basel III global banking regulations.
The fund raising comes just a week after sources told Reuters that Maybank was among the potential bidders approached by US conglomerate General Electric Co to sell its US$1.6 billion stake in Thailand’s Bank of Ayudhya. .
Maybank is offering 300 million new shares, in a range of 8.8-8.9 ringgit each, a discount of up to 3 per cent to the average trading price over the previous five days, said IFR, a Thomson Reuters publication, citing a term sheet for the sale.
Maybank’s shares closed today at 8.99 ringgit, trading on a price-to-earnings ratio of around 12.56, which compares with a median of 12.32 for all Malaysian banks.
The new funds will be used to strengthen the company’s capital base, support its “growth objectives” and meet the Basel III capital requirements, IFR said.
The offer can be expanded by an additional 112 million shares depending on the strength of demand, it added.
Maybank’s offering adds to Malaysia’s flourishing capital market deals this year with the tally for share offers at US$7.3 billion, accounting for nearly one-quarter of all new listings in Asia-Pacific and well up from about US$1.8 billion in Malaysia in the same period last year.
Maybank and UBS are managing the share offer, IFR added. — Reuters

Call for more time to 'tweak' Basel III

By Rupa Damodaran
Published: 2012/10/15

Malaysia's top two banks, Malayan Banking Bhd (Maybank) and CIMB Group Holdings Bhd, say the Basel III package of measures to strengthen the global financial system needs more scrutiny and are calling for more time to "tweak" the new regulations.

One of the deepest concerns is that the banking sector could lose investor appeal, Maybank said at the Institute of International Finance annual meeting here.

The Basel III package of measures will see a gradual phase-in of the standards from next year until 2019.

"The consultative papers have been placed with the central banks," said Maybank president and chief executive officer Datuk Seri Abdul Wahid Omar.

Overall, while there are some elements like trade finance and small and medium enterprises (SMEs) that can be tweaked, the banking sector must be prepared for Basel III.

"We saw it as an eventuality and that was why we raised US$1.2 billion (RM3.66 billion) blanket capital to make sure we are prepared," he said in reference to last week's successful completion of a bookbuilding exercise in relation to its private placement.

He called for a level playing field, arguing that the risk weighted assets of European banks are between 20 per cent and 30 per cent, one third that of Asian banks, which measure at between 50 per cent and 60 per cent.

CIMB Group chief executive Datuk Seri Nazir Razak said there are details that need to be looked into as well as Basel III's implications on the banking landscape.

Basel III, he said, is crafted in the context of problems in the West, which is heavily reliant on a global ratings framework that is biased against developing countries.

Nazir said further scrutiny shows that the new regulations will be disadvantageous to Asian banks.

"It places excessive liquidity requirements on Asian banks when there is so much of liquidity in the region and likewise, there is too much emphasis on government bonds when there is enough in Asia."

Smaller banks also stand to suffer as Basel III means heavy compliance costs.

"The West wants to deleverage but Asia has a huge appetite for funds and we need to intermediate that or, otherwise, it will be counter-productive," said Nazir.

Asian banks will need to boost their cooperation and make sure Basel III does not impact their capacity to give out funds.

Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Ltd CEO Michael Smith suggested providing degrees of flexibility (to adopt Basel III), according to the various nations.

Most Asian banks can meet all the targets under Basel III, unlike their European counterparts, some of which will find it difficult to impose the capital requirement.

A more pragmatic approach is needed, he said, adding that the economic structure of Asia is different.

"The sheer amount of liquidity moving around the world due to the monetary easing of central banks in Europe or the United States creates an issue in Asia as investors chase the yields," said Smith.

The shift from Basel 1 to Basel II took 20 years while the shift from Basel II to Basel III took 18 months.

Wahid said Asean, which has set a target to become the Asean Economic Community by 2015, needs to be served by well-capitalised and well-distributed regional banks.

Apart from Maybank, CIMB and Public Bank of Malaysia, there are the DBS Bank, OCBC Bank and UOB Bank from Singapore and the Bangkok Bank of Thailand.

He is looking to Indonesian banks next to expand their reach to other Asean countries.

Read more: Call for more time to 'tweak' Basel III

The Sources of Risk in Stock Investing

Total Risk = Unsystematic Risk + Systematic Risk

Unsystematic Risk (diversifiable)
Business Risk
Financial Risk

Systematic Risk (nondiversifiable)
Market Risk
Interest Rate Risk
Reinvestment Rate Risk
Purchasing Power Risk
Exchange Rate Risk

Basel III to spur secondary loan activity

Thursday October 18, 2012

KUALA LUMPUR: The implementation of Basel III next year will encourage secondary loan market activity, said CIMB Group deputy executive officer of corporate banking Datuk Lee Kok Kwan at the Asia Pacific Loan Market Association’s Malaysia conference.

Basel III, a global regulatory standard imposed by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, which includes representatives from 20 major world economies, requires banks to hold an increased 4.5% of common equity and 6% of Tier-1 capital of risk-weighted assets, according to the Bank for International Settlements.

Lee explained that under the proposed guidelines on Single Counterparty Exposure Limit in the region, banks will be required to observe prudential limits including a maximum 25% exposure to a single counterpart from a bank’s capital base, and a total exposure (set at 10% of a bank’s capital base) not exceeding six times the capital base.

Also, credit concentration risk will be re-examined by national regulators.

Basel III would result in higher capital requirements for longer tenor loan and bonds, in addition to more punitive liquidity requirements, he said.

“Under Basel III, banks will need to distribute and sell down loans in order to free up capital and liquidity to pursue new lending opportunities, thus leading to increased secondary loan market activity,” Lee said. — Reuters

Friday 19 October 2012

Getting into Harvard Business School

Buffett avoids companies in need of major overhauls.

It is not Buffett's intention to first purchase a company and then seek major changes.

On the contrary, he avoids companies in need of major overhauls.

Furthermore, because he will only purchase companies that possess shareholder-oriented managers, the idea of confronting management to improve shareholder returns is unthinkable.

Maybank IB keeps 'buy' on Public Bank on 'solid fundamentals'

Maybank IB keeps 'buy' on Public Bank on 'solid fundamentals'

Written by Ho Ching-Ling
Friday, 19 October 2012 11:48

KUALA LUMPUR (Oct 19): Maybank Investment Bank (IB) has maintained its “buy” call for PUBLIC BANK BHD [] and raised its target price by 70 sen to RM16.70 based on the group’s stable growth and
solid fundamentals.

Public Bank's net profit for the third quarter ended Sept 30, 2012 rose to RM983.29 million versus RM931.95 million a year ago.

Revenue for the quarter rose to RM3.58 billion from RM3.27 billion a year earlier. Earnings per share was 28.08 sen while net asset per share was RM4.83.

In a research report on Friday, Maybank IB said Public Bank continues to perform within guidance with a domestic loan growth of 13% in line with management’s 12% to 13% target for the year.

“At the heart of the loan growth domestically is residential and commercial property lending, which rose at an annualised rate of 17% and 22% respectively. Hire purchase growth trailed at 9%,” it said.

According to Maybank IB, the banking group still maintains a dominant position with market shares of 18.8%, 33.4% and 26.3% in residential property, commercial property and passenger vehicle financing

However, the research house highlighted that the group’s overall loan growth lagged at 11%, mainly due to a contraction in its Hong Kong loan book.

“Competition remains stiff for Public Bank (Hong Kong), which has 32 branches in Hong Kong, three in China and is involved primarily in commercial loan disbursements, as well as Public Finance (42 branches), which mainly provides personal financing to maids,” said Maybank IB.

Having said that, Maybank IB does not expect a large earnings impact from Public Bank’s Hong Kong operations since its overseas operations only accounts for just 6% of its profit before tax.

Buy and Hold is safe and rewarding for selected stocks

Have a look at this portfolio.
Note that dividend gains are not included in the calculations.

Thursday 18 October 2012

Buffett believes it is foolish to use short-term prices to judge a company's success. What happens to the stock price in the short run is inconsequential.

If adapting Buffett's investment strategy required only a change in perspective, then probably more investors would become proponents.  Unfortunately, applying Buffett's approach requires changing not only perspective but also changing how performance is evaluated and communicated.

The traditional yardstick for measuring performance is price change:  the difference between the purchase price of the stock and the market price of the stock.  In the long run, the price of a stock should approximate the change in value of the business.  However, in the short run, prices can gyrate widely above and below a company's value, dependent on factors other than the progress of the business.  The problem remains that most investors use short-term changes to gauge the success or failure of their investment approach.  However, these short-term price changes often have little to do with the changing economic value of the business and much to do with anticipating the behaviour of other investors.

Buffett believes it is foolish to use short-term prices to judge a company's success.  Instead, he lets his companies report their value to him, by their economic progress.  Once a year, he checks several variables:

  • Return on beginning shareholder's equity
  • Change in operating margins, debt levels, and capital expenditure needs.
  • The company's cash generating ability.

If these economic measurements are improving, he knows the share price, over the long term, should reflect this.  What happens to the stock price in the short run is inconsequential.

The difficulty of using economic measurements as yardsticks for success is that communicating performance in this manner is not customary.  Clients and investment professionals alike are programmed to follow prices.  The stock market reports price change daily.  The client's account statement reflects price change monthly and the investment professional, using price change, is measured quarterly. 

The answer to this dilemma may lie in employing Buffett's concept of "look-through" earnings.  If investor use look-through earnings to evaluate their portfolio's performance, perhaps the irrational behaviour of solely chasing price might be tempered.

The more appropriate question is not how did Buffett do it but why did not other investors apply his approach?

How did Buffett do it?

Given the documented success of Buffett's performance coupled with the simplicity of his methodology, the more appropriate question is not how did he do it but why did not other investors apply his approach?  The answer may lie in how individuals perceive investing.

When Buffett invests, he sees a business.  Most investors see only a stock price.  They spend far too much time and effort watching, predicting, and anticipating price changes and far too little time understanding the business they partly own.  Elementary as this may be, it is the root that distinguishes Buffett.

His hands-on experience owning and managing a wide a variety of businesses while simultaneously investing in common stocks separates Buffett from all other professional investors.

Owning and operating businesses has given Buffett a distinct advantage.  He has experienced both success and failure in his business ventures and has applied to the stock market the lessons he learned. The professional investor has not been given the same beneficial education.

While other professional investors were busy studying capital asset pricing models, beta, and modern portfolio theory, Buffett studied income statements, capital reinvestment requirements, and the cash-generating capabilities of his companies.

"Can you really explain to a fish what it's like to walk on land?"  Buffett asks.  "One day on land is worth a thousand years of talking about it and one day running a business has exactly the same kind of value."

According to Buffett, the investor and the businessperson should look at the company in the same way because they both want essentially the same thing.  If you ask a businessperson what he thinks about when purchasing a company, the answer most often given is:  "How much cash can be generated from the business?"

Buffett: His investment performance, widely documented, has been consistently superior.

Program trading, leveraged buyouts, junk bonds, derivative securities, and index futures have frightened many investors.  The grind of fundamental research has been replaced by the whirl of computers.

Throughout the last few decades, investors have flirted with many different investment approaches.  Periodically, small capitalization, large capitalization, growth, value, momentum, thematic and sector rotation have proven financially rewarding.  At other times, these approaches have stranded their followers in periods of mediocrity.

Buffet, the exception, has not suffered period of mediocrity.  His investment performance, widely documented, has been consistently superior.  As investors and speculators alike have been distracted by esoteric approaches to investing, Buffett has quietly amassed a multi-million-dollar fortune.  Throughout, businesses have been his tools, common sense his philosophy.

Ultimately, the best investment ideas will come from doing your own homework. You should not feel intimidated.

Investment success is not synonymous with infallibility.  Rather, it comes about by doing more things right than wrong.

The success in your investment approach is as much a result of eliminating those things you can get wrong, which are many and perplexing (predicting markets, economies, and stock prices), as requiring you to get things right, which are few and simple (valuing a business).

When purchasing stocks, you should focus on two simple variables:  the price of the business and its value.  The price of the business can be found by looking up its quote.  Determining value requires some calculation, but it is not beyond the ability of those willing to do some homework.

The wonderful thing is because you are no longer worry about the stock market, the economy, or predicting stock prices, you are now free to spend more time understanding your businesses.

More productive time can be spent reading annual reports and business and industry articles that will improve your knowledge as an owner.  The degree to which you are willing to investigate your own business lessens your dependency on  others who make a living advising people to take irrational action.

Ultimately, the best investment ideas will come from doing your own homework.  You should not feel intimidated.

Determining how to allocate your savings is the most important decision you, as an investor, will make.

Public Bank records higher Q3 pre-tax profit of RM1.31b

October 18, 2012

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 18 – Public Bank Bhd posted a higher pre-tax profit of RM1.313 billion for the third quarter ended Sept 30, 2012, compared with RM1.231 billion registered in the previous corresponding quarter.

In a filing to Bursa Malaysia, the bank said revenue for the period also increased to RM3.589 billion from last year’s RM3.272 billion.

Founder and Chairman of Public Bank, Tan Sri Dr Teh Hong Piow said the group’s gross loans grew at an annualised rate of 11.3 per cent to RM193 billion as at the end of September this year, with domestic loans up 12.8 per cent on an annualised basis.

“Over the same period, we also recorded a steady growth of customer deposits at an annualised rate of 13.2 per cent, with domestic customer deposits increasing by 14 per cent.

“As a result, the group’s loan-to-deposit ratio remained stable at 86.8 per cent,” he was quoted saying in the statement.

Teh said Public Bank continued to be in the forefront amongst its banking peers in Malaysia in terms of recording the highest net return on equity of 24.2 per cent and maintaining the lowest gross impaired loan ratio of 0.7 per cent.

The group’s lending to small and medium enterprises also recorded commendable growth with an annualised growth rate of 23.6 per cent in the first nine months of this year.

“Our funding position remained robust, supported by the strong retail franchise and large domestic depositor base of over 4.8 million customers.

“Domestic customer deposits grew at an annualised rate of 14 per cent compared with the domestic banking industry’s annualised growth of 8.8 per cent.”

The group expects to maintain its earnings momentum and record satisfactory performance for the fourth quarter of this year. – Bernama