Tuesday 26 March 2013

Humbling Lessons from Parties Past by Burton G. Malkiel

The ‘Elec-tronic” boom of 60s, the Nifty 50s boom of 70s, the Biotech boom of 80s and the Technology Bubble of 90s.
BENJAMIN GRAHAM, co-author of "Security Analysis," the 1934 bible of value investing, long ago put his finger on the most dangerous words in an investor's vocabulary: "This time is different."
Pricing in the stock market today suggests that things really are different.
Growth stocks,  especially those associated with the information revolution, have soared to dizzying heights  while the stocks of companies associated with the older economy have tended to languish.
Well over half the stocks on the New York Stock Exchange and Nasdaq are selling at lower prices today than they did on Jan. 1, 1999.
It is not unusual today for new Internet issues to begin trading at substantial multiples of their offering prices.
And after the initial public offerings, day traders rapidly exchange Internet shares as if they were Pokémon cards for adults.
As we enter the new millennium, how can we account for the unusual structure of stock prices?
Does history provide any clues to sensible strategies for today's investors?
To be sure, we are living through an information revolution that is at least as important as the Industrial Revolution of the late 19th century.
And much of the current performance in the stock market can be traced to the optimism associated with "new economy" companies - those that stand to benefit most from the Internet.
The information revolution will profoundly change the way we learn, shop and communicate.
But the rules of valuation have not changed.
Stocks are only worth the present value of the cash flows they are able to generate for the benefit of their shareholders.
It is well to remember that investments in transforming technologies have not always rewarded investors.
Electric power companies, railroads, airlines and television and radio manufacturers transformed our country, but most of the early investors lost their shirts.
Similarly, many early automakers ended up as road kill, even if the future of that industry was brilliant.
Warren E. Buffett, chief executive of Berkshire Hathaway and a disciple of Graham, has sensibly pointed out that the key to investing is not how much an industry will change society, but rather the nature of a company's competitive advantage, "and above all the durability of that advantage."
Yet the Internet must rely for its success on razor-thin margins, and it will continue to be characterized by ease of entry.
A drug company can develop a new medication and be given a 17-year patent that can be exploited to produce above-average profits.
No such sustainable advantage will adhere to the dot-com universe of companies.
Moreover, the "old economy" companies may not be nearly as geriatric as is commonly supposed.
We still need trucks to transport the goods of e-commerce, as well as steel to build the trucks, gasoline to make them run and warehouses to store the goods.
Precedents of recent decades offer many valuable lessons to today's investors.
Consider the "tronics boom" of 1960-61, a so-called new era in which the stocks of electronics companies making products like transistors and optical scanners soared.
It was called the tronics boom because stock offerings often included some garbled version of the word "electronics" in their titles, just as "'dot-com" adorns the names of today's favorites.
More new issues were offered than at any previous time in history.
But the tronics boom came down to earth in 1962, and many of the stocks quickly lost 90 percent of their value.
Another parallel to today's market was seen in the 1970's, when just 50 large-capitalization growth stocks, known as the Nifty 50, drew almost all the attention of individual and institutional investors.
They were called "one decision" stocks because the only decision necessary was whether to buy; like family heirlooms, they were never to be sold.
In the early part of that decade, price-to-earnings multiples of Nifty 50 stocks like I.B.M., Polaroid and Hewlett Packard rose to 65 or more while the overall market's multiple was 17.
The Nifty 50 craze ended like all others; investors eventually made a second decision -- to sell -- and some premier growth stocks fell from favor for the next 20 years.
The biotechnology boom of the early 1980's was an almost perfect replica of the microelectronics boom of the 1960's.
Hungry investors gobbled up new issues to get into the industry on the ground floor.
P/E ratios gave way to price-to-sales ratios, then to ratios of potential sales for products that were only a glint in some scientist's eye.
Stock prices surged.
Again, as sanity returned to the market and more realistic estimates of potential profits were made, many biotechnology companies lost almost all of their value by the early 1990's.
The lessons here are clear. Occasionally, groups of stocks associated with new technologies get caught in a speculative bubble, and it appears that the sky is the limit.
But in each case, the laws of financial gravity prevail and market prices eventually correct.
The same is likely to be true of the dazzling stocks in today's market.
Few of the Internet darlings will ever justify their current valuations, and many investors will find their expectations unfulfilled.
Even supposedly conservative index-fund investors may be surprised to know that very significant shares of their portfolios are invested in information technology companies whose P/E and price-to-sales ratios vastly exceed even the sky-high multiples reached during those past periods of market speculation.
At the very least, investors might well start the year by examining their portfolios, to see if their asset allocations are appropriate for their stage in life and their tolerance for risk.
Burton G. Malkiel is an economics professor at Princeton University and the author of “A Random Walk Down Wall Street" (W.W. Norton).

Benjamin Graham's Writings over time

Year 1934 1st Edition Security Analysis

Year 1940 2nd Edition Security Analysis

Year 1949 1st Edition The Intelligent Investor

Year 1951 3rd Edition Security Analysis

Year 1954 2nd Edition The Intelligent Investor

Year 1959 3rd Edition The Intelligent Investor

Year 1962 4th Edition Security Analysis

Year 1973  4th Edition The Intelligent Investor

Benjamin Graham's Intelligent Investor - The Defensive Investor is best served by purchasing common stocks and bonds to protect against inflation.

Fixed income investments fare worse during inflationary periods than do common stocks. 
During inflationary periods, firms can increase prices, profits, and dividends causing their share price to increase and offsetting declines in purchasing power.
In 1970, the most probable average future rate of inflation was 3%. 
The investor can not count on more than a 10% return above the net tangible assets of the DJIA. 
This is consistent with the suggestion that the average investor may earn a dividend return of 3.6% on their market value and 4% on reinvested profits. 
There is no underlying connection between inflation and the movement of common stock earnings and prices. 
Appreciation does not result from inflation, but rather from the re-investment of profits. 
The only way for inflation to increase common stock values is to raise the rate of earnings on capital investment, which it has not done historically.
Economic prosperity usually is accompanied by slight inflation, which does not affect returns. 
Offsetting factors include rising wage rates that exceed productivity gains and additional capital needs that cause interest rates to increase.  
The investor has no reason to believe that he can achieve average annual returns better than 8% on DJIA type investments. 
Graham describes alternatives to common stocks as a hedge against inflation. 
These alternatives range from gold and diamonds to rare paintings, stamps, and coins. 
Gold has performed poorly, far worse than returns from savings in a bank account. 
The latter categories, such as paying thousands of dollars for a rare coin, can not qualify as an “investment operation.” 
Real Estate is still another alternative; however, its value fluctuates widely, and serious errors may be made when purchasing individual locations. 
Again, the defensive investor is best served by purchasing a portfolio of carefully chosen common stocks and bonds.

Benjamin Graham's Intelligent Investor - What stocks to buy for the Defensive Investor

The Defensive Investor and Common Stock
Common Stocks offer protection against inflation and provide a better than average return to investors. 
This higher return results from a combination of the dividend yield and the reinvestment of earnings (undistributed profits), which increases value. 
However, these benefits are lost when the investor pays too high a price. 
One should recall that prices did not recover again to their 1929 highs for another 25 years. 
However, the defensive investor can not do without a common stock component.
4 Rules for the Defensive Investor Accumulating Common Stock
4 Rules for the Defensive Investor Accumulating Common Stock:
1.      There should be adequate, although not excessive, diversification; that is, between 10 and thirty stocks.
2.      Each stock should be large, prominent, and conservatively financed.  Conservatively financed means a debt to capital ratio no greater than 30%.  Large and prominent means that the firm, in 1972 dollars, has at least $50 million in assets and annual sales, and it should at least in the top third of its industry group.  Each of the 30 DJIA firms met this criteria in 1972.
3.      Each firm should have a long record of continuous dividend payments.
4.      Each stock should cost no more than 25 times the average of the last 7 years of earnings, and no more than 20 times the last 12 months earnings.

This last rule virtually bans all growth and other “in-favor” stocks. 
Due to the fact that these issues sell at high price, they necessarily possess a speculative element. 
A “growth stock” should at least double its earnings per share every 10 years for a minimum compounded rate of return of 7.1%. 
The best of the growth stocks, IBM, lost 50% of its value during the declines of 1961 and 1962. 
Texas Instruments went from $5 to $256 (a 50x increase) in six years without a dividend payment as its earnings rose from $0.40 to $3.94 (a 10x increase); 2 years later TI’s earnings fell 50% while its stock price fell 80% to $50.
The temptations here are great, as growth stocks chosen at the correct prices provide enormous results. 
However boring, large firms that are unpopular will invariably perform better for the defensive investor.
Dollar Cost Averaging (“DCA”) often is popular during rising markets. 
If DCA is adhered to over many years, then this formula should work. 
The difficulty is that few people are so situated that they can invest the same amount each year. 
Economic downturns often constrain one’s ability to invest just when stocks are trading at their lowest valuations. 
Furthermore, when prosperity for the average investor returns, so too do high valuations.
Most people fall into the “defensive investor” category. 
Graham provides examples such as a widow who cannot afford unnecessary risks, a physician who cannot devote the time for proper analysis, and a young man whose small investment will not return enough gain to justify the extra effort.  
The beginning investor should not try to beat the market
The beginning investor should not try to beat the market.
The investor only realizes a loss in value through the sale of the asset or the significant deterioration of the firm’s underlying value
Careful selection and diversification helps to avoid these risks. 
A more common and difficult problem is overpaying for securities; that is, paying more for a security than its intrinsic value warrants.

Benjamin Graham's Intelligent Investor: The investments the Defensive Investor's should buy and should avoid.

The Defensive Investor’s Portfolio Policy
Those who can not afford to take risks should be content with a relatively low return.  
The rate of return is dependent upon the amount of effort put forth by an investor. 
As previously stated, the defensive investor’s portfolio should consist of no less than 25% high grade bonds and no less than 25% large stocks.
Yet these maxims are difficult to follow, because like the herd of Wall Street, when the market has been advancing, the temptation is strong to bet heavily on stocks.
This is the same facet of human nature that produces bear markets.  
The time to invest in the stock market is after it has suffered a large loss.
A 50% ratio of stocks and bonds was a prudent choice except during periods of excessive increases or decreases in stock value. 
This simple formula guards against the mistakes caused by human nature even if it does not provide for the best returns. 
Again, Safety of Principal is Graham’s chief concern.
The decision between purchasing taxable and tax-free bonds depends mainly on the difference in income to the investor after taxes. 
Those in a higher bracket have a greater incentive to closely examine this issue. 
For example, in 1972, an investor may have lost 30% of his income from investing in municipal issues (“munis”) as opposed to taxable issues. 
Bonds come in many types, a description of which follows.
 US Savings Bonds are a great choice.  In 1972, they came in two series:  E and H.  The Series H Bond paid semi-annual interest.  Series E Bonds did not pay interest, but rather sold at a discount to their coupon rate.  In 1972, Series E bonds provided the right to defer income tax payments until the bond was redeemed, which in some cases increased the value by as much as one-third.  Both E and H Series Bonds are redeemable at any time providing bondholders protection from shrinkage of principal during periods of rising interest rates (or rather, the ability to benefit from rising rates).  Both series paid in or around 5% in 1972.  Federal, but not state, income tax was payable on both series.  Graham recommends US Bonds due to their assurance of transferability, coupon rate, and security. 
Other US Bonds come in many varieties. 
Federal taxes, but not state taxes, are charged on other US Bonds.  Some of these issues are discounted heavily. 
Others bonds are guaranteed, but not issued, by the US government.  As of 1972, the US government had fully honored its commitments under all guarantee obligations.  Federal guarantees, in essence, permit additional spending by various federal agencies outside of their formal budgets.
State and Municipal Bonds are exempt from federal and state tax in the State of their issue. 
However, not all of these bonds possess sufficient protection to be considered worthy of investment.  
To be worthy of investment, a bond should possess a minimum rating of “A”.   
Corporate Bonds are taxable and offer higher yields than all types of government issues bonds. 
Junk Bonds are those that are less than investment grade.  Their title is aptly given.  The investor should steer clear of these issues.  The additional yield that junk bonds provide is rarely worth their risk.
Savings and Money Market Accounts are a viable substitute for US Bonds.  They usually pay interest rates close to rates paid on short-term USbonds
Preferred Stocks should be avoided. 
Not only does the preferred holder lack the legal claim of a bondholder (as a creditor), but also he lacks the profit possibilities of the common stock holder (as a partner).  
The only time to purchase preferred stock, if ever, is when its price is unduly depressed during times of temporary adversity.
Early redemption of bonds by issuers was commonplace before 1970, and resulted in an unfair advantage for the issuer by not allowing the investor to participate in significant upside values if interest rates fell. 
However, this practice largely stopped.  
The investor should sacrifice a small amount of yield to ensure that his bonds are not callable.

Monday 25 March 2013

Value Investing Is Back In Style, Baby!

  • Go for cash, not flash
  • Develop your own investing style
  • Never forget that you have the luxury of time
Monday, 25th March 2013
Dear Fellow Fools,
In the past two months, I’ve read articles in the Financial Times and The Economist that proclaimed value investing was staging a comeback after five years of trailing a more growth-oriented approach.
Coming from such august publications, it must be true, right? Does this mean investors should now switch from a growth approach to investing to a more value-oriented one?
Perhaps, or perhaps not. As investors with a decided value focus, my fellow Champion Shares PRO analyst Nathan Parmelee and I are obviously pleased to hear markets are coming around to our view. However, I would caution anyone thinking of scrapping their current portfolio for one that simply follows the latest trend.
Whose side are you on?
Success in investing is all about discipline, not chasing the next hot thing. Brokers and fund managers have incentives to keep you jumping from share to share, or fund to fund. But those incentives typically don’t align with your long-term goals.
In fact, studies have shown that fund investors materially hurt their returns by jumping from one fund to another, either in an attempt to get out of a loser, or to capitalise on something new and sparkly.
I’ve never been too concerned with the latest trends – be they red carpet or runway fashions, or the latest hot share tip.
When I invest my money, I’m not looking for flash. I’m looking for high-quality companies with a strong management team, solid competitive advantages and ample cash flow that I believe will grow my money over the course of several years. And I’m definitely not willing to overpay.
This long-term, disciplined approach to investing may not make me the hippest investor in the room, but it has served me well over the years – including some years nearly all investors would rather forget.
And it is this disciplined approach that Nathan and I bring to Champion Shares PRO – a service here at The Motley Fool where we are building and managing a £50,000 real-money portfolio of shares. We present our thoughts on the opportunities we see, and show our members how to follow along.
Comfortable in your own skin
While I am comfortable being labelled a value investor, I definitely don’t let that label define my investing style. I define that, and so should you.
When you are comfortable with a style of investing – whether it is income, growth, value or some combination – it makes it easier to ignore the screaming headlines, or the proverbial cocktail party conversations that can spark irrational – and unprofitable – reactionary trading.
Nathan and I have been developing our investing styles over the years, and while we think we work well together, we both have our own ways of looking at individual companies and our overall portfolio.
We may take different paths, but we share a view of value investing as more like bargain shopping. We’re less concerned about specific ratios or metrics, than whether we can buy a company for less than we think it is worth.
In order to get these types of bargains, however, you usually have to disagree with most other investors in the market, so it is important to have confidence in your decisions. Fitting in may work in some elements of society, but in investing, it is the outsiders that generally beat the market.
Time is on your side
And importantly, investors must be willing to be patient with their selections. It may take years for the true value of a company to be realised, but as long as there are no fundamental negative changes in the company’s operations or to your investment thesis, you should have the luxury of time.
Indeed, as an individual investor, your biggest advantage is patience. This is why The Motley Fool suggests you only invest money you don’t think you’ll need for at least three years, as there is always risk in investing. If you’ve got at least a three-year horizon, you should be able to wait out most market volatility, and not have to sell at an inopportune time.
At Champion Shares PRO, we can be patient because our Chief Financial Officer – whose money it is we’re investing – shares our long-term view and trusts our decision making. Of course, that trust only goes so far – he does like to check in, and ask us why we’re doing the things we do. Importantly, so can our members – Nathan and I are available to answer questions from them about the Champion Shares PRO portfolio.
If you think you may be interested in investing alongside us, watch your inbox tomorrow – Tuesday, 26th March – for a very special message.
To your investing,
Nathan Weisshaar
Nate Weisshaar,
Senior Analyst — Champion Shares PRO

Cash-rich Dutch Lady can sustain high dividends

Cash-rich Dutch Lady can sustain high dividends

Written by Insider Asia
Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Stocks that pay steady dividends are always attractive to investors. For
those who are more risk averse, high dividend payout levels and yields
often provide good support to share prices amid short-term market
volatility. For others, consistent dividends are a dependable source of

In the long run, companies that maintain high payouts are usually those
operating in mature industries with lower capital expansion requirements.
While expected to grow at a modest pace, they are also more resilient
during economic downturns.

Generous dividends that are supported by strong earnings growth over
the past few years are among the key driving forces behind the
handsome share price gains for DUTCH LADY MILK INDUSTRIES BHD
[] (RM47.28).

The company’s net profit more than doubled over the past three years, to
RM123.4 million in 2012 from RM60.4 million in 2009. The outsized
earnings growth relative to sales — which increased by some 28% over
the same period — was attributed to a combination of factors, including
focusing on key growth products, having a more favourable sales mix
(exiting from the low margin creamer business), and enjoying economies of
scale as well as cost management.

The company’s range of powdered and liquid milk as well as yoghurt
products is estimated to account for some 20% of the local dairy market.
With the stronger cash flow from operations and minimal need for capital
expenditure, Dutch Lady’s cash has been piling up fast. Net cash grew
to RM204.8 million at the end of last year from RM41.7 million at end-

This, in turn, has allowed the company to raise its dividend payments.
Net dividends jumped to RM2.60 per share last year from 73.8 sen
per share for 2009.

Its strong balance sheet implies sustainability of dividends at a high level.
Capital expenditure (capex) is expected to rise in the
current year, by a reported RM15 million to expand capacity for the
company’s liquid milk production, .....


CIMB Research maintains Outperform on Maybank, target price RM10.80

CIMB Research maintains Outperform on Maybank, target price RM10.80

Written by theedgemalaysia.com
Wednesday, 20 March 2013

KUALA LUMPUR (March 20): CIMB Research has maintained its
Outperform rating on MALAYAN BANKING BHD [] at RM9.07 with a
target price of RM10.80 and said despite being one of the largest Islamic
banking players, Maybank Islamic still saw ample opportunities for
growth locally and abroad.

In a note March 19, the research house said Indonesia was still
underpenetrated and there were opportunities to expand into South Asia
or even HK/China.

“We see the regional expansion of its Islamic banking (IB) business as a
long-term catalyst for Maybank as it takes time to penetrate emerging

“The near-term challenges include the lack of infrastructure and legal
framework for IB. Maybank's DDM-based target price (11.8% COE; 5%
LT growth) is intact. Maintain Outperform given the positive growth
prospects in the region,” it said.
