Tuesday 19 January 2010

****Strategies of the Great Investors

Deep value - Benjamin Graham 

"An investment operation is one which, upon thorough analysis, promise safety of principal and an adequate return.  Operations not meeting these requirements are speculative."

The Principles of Value Investing
1.  Thorough analysis
2.  Safety of principal
3.  Adequate return

Intrinsic Value
To succeed as an investor, you must be able to estimate a business's true worth, or "intrinsic value."

Mr. Market
"Bascially, price fluctuations have only one significant meaning for the true investor.  They provide him with an opportunity to buy wisely when prices fall sharply and sell wisely when they advance a great deal.  At other times he will do better if he forgets about the stock market."

Margin of Safety
Graham distilled the secret of sound investing into three words, "margin of safety."  Any estimate of intrinsic value is based on numerous assumptions about the future, which are unlikely to be completely accurate.

Think Independently
You are neither right nor wrong because the crowd disagrees with you.  You are right because your data and reasoning are right."  Warren Buffett said the best advice he ever got from Graham was to think independently.

Ben's principles have remained sound- their value often enhanced and better understood in the wake of financial storms that demolished flimsier intellectual structures.  His counsel of soundness brought unfailing rewards to his followers - even to those with natural abilities inferior to more gifted practitioners who stumbled while following counsels of brilliance or fashion. Investing is most intelligent when it is most businesslike, and investors who follow Graham's principles will continue to reap rewards in the market.

Holding Superior Growth - Philip Fisher 

Fisher's Investment Philosophy
"Purchase and hold for the long term a concentrated porfolio of outstanding companies with compelling growth prospects that you understand very well."

Fisher's answer is to purchase the shares of superbly managed growth companies in his book, Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits.

"The young growth stock offers by far the greatest possibility of gain.  Sometimes this can mount up to several thousand per cent in a decade."

"All else equal, investors with the time and inclination should concentrate their efforts on uncovering young companies with outstanding growth prospects."

Fisher's 15 Points - What does a growth stocks look like?
To uncover the business insights described by Fisher's 15 points, investors must do their research footwork, or "scuttlebutt."  You should ask questions of management, competitors, suppliers, customers, and anyone else who might have useful information.
"Go to five companies in the industry, ask each of them intelligent questions about the points of strength and weakness of the other four, and nine times out of ten a surprising detailed and accurate picture of all five will emerge."

1,  Does the company have products or services with sufficient market potential to make possible a sizable increase in sales for at least several years?
2.  Does the management have a determination to continue to develop products or processes that will still further increase total sales potential when the growth potentials of currently attractive product lines have largely been exploited?
3.  How effective are the company's research and development efforts in relation to its size?
4.  Does the company have an above average sales organisation?
5.  Does the company have a worthwhile profit margin?
6.  What is the company doing to maintain or improve profit margins?
7.  Does the company have outstanding labour and personnel relations?
8.  Does the company have outstanding executive relations?
9.  Does the company have depth to its management?
10.  How good are the company's cost analysis and accounting controls?
11.  Are there other aspects of the business, somewhat peculiar to the industry involved, which will give the investor important clues as to how outstanding the company may be in relation to its competition?
12.  Does the company have a short-range or long-range outlook in regard to profits?
13.  In the foreseeable future, will the growth of the company require sufficient equity financing so that the larger number of shares then outstanding will largely cancel the existing stockholders' benefit from this anticipated growth?
14.  Does management talk freely to investors about its affairs when things are going well but "clam up" when troubles and disappointments occur?
15.  Does the company ahve a management of unquestionable integrity?

Important Don'ts for Investors
1.  Don't overstress diversification.
2.  Don't follow the crowd.
3.  Don't quibble over eighths and quarters.

By applying Fisher's methods, you too, can uncover tomorrow's dominant companies.

Great Companies at Reasonable Prices - Warren Buffett

"In our view, though, investment students need only two well-taught courses -  How to Value a Business, and How to Think About Market Prices."  -  Warren Buffett

Buffett's central Principles of his Investment Strategy
"We select our marketable equity securities in much the way we would evaluate a business for acquisition in its entirety.  We want the busines to be one:
  • that we can understand;
  • with favourable long-term prospects;
  • operated by honest and competent people; and
  • available at a very attractive price."
Determining Fair Value
To determine value, he estimates the company's future cash flows and discounts them at an appropriate rate.  This discounted cash-flow valuation is used by countless investment professionals, so Buffett's approach to valuation is not a competitive advantage. 

However, his ability to estimate future cash flows more accurately than other investors is an advantage.

Buffett succeeds largely because he focuses his efforts on companies with durable competitive advantages that fall within his circle of competence.  These are key features of his investing framework.

Understanding Your Circle of Competence
If Buffett cannot understand a company's business, then it lies beyond his circle of competence, and he won't attempt to value it.
Although it might seem obvious that investors should stick to what they know, the temptation to step outside one's circle of competence can be strong.
Buffett has written that he isn't bothered when he misses out on big returns in areas he doesn't understand, because investors can do very well (as he has) by simply avoiding big mistakes.

Buying Companies with Sustainable Competitive Advantages
Even if a business is easy to understand, Buffett won't attempt to value it if its future cash flows are unpredictable.  He wants to own simple, stable businesses that possess sustainable competitive advantages.  Companies with these characteristics are highly likely to generate materially higher cash flows with the passage of time.  Without these characteristics, valuation estimates become very uncertain.

Partnering with Admirable Managers
He has written that good managers are unlikely to triumph over a bad business, but given a business with decent economic characteristics - the only type that interests hime - good managers make a significant difference.  He looks for individuals who are more passionate about their work than their compensation and who exhibit energy, intelligence, and integrity.  That last quality is especially important to thim.  He believes that he has never made a good deal with a bad person.

An Approach to Market Prices
Once Buffetthas decided that he is competent to evaluate a company, that the company has sustainable advantages, and that it is run by commendable managers, then he still has to decide whether or not to buy it.  This step is the most crucial part of the process.

The decision process seems simple enough:  If the market price is below the discounted cash-flow calculation of fair value, then the security is a candidate for purchase.  The available securities that offer the greatest discounts to fair value estimates are the ones to buy.

However, what seems simple in theory is difficult in practice.  A company's stock price typically drops when investors shun it because of bad news, so a buyer of cheap securities is constantly swimming against the tide of popular sentiment.  Even investments that generate excellent long-term returns can perform poorly for years.  In fact, Buffett wrote an article in 1979 explaining that stocks were undervalued, yet the undervaluation only worsened for another three years.  Most investors find it difficult to buy when it seems that everyone is selling, and difficult to remain steadfast when returns are poor for several consecutive years.

Buffett credits his late friend and mentor, Benjamin Graham, with teaching him the appropriate attitude toward market prices.  The most important thing to remember about "Mr. Market" is that he offers you the potential to make a profit, but he does not offer useful guidance.  If an investor can't evaluate his business better than Mr. Market, then the investor doesn't belong in that business.  Thus, Buffett invests only in predictable businesses that he understands, and he ignores the judgement of Mr. Market (the daily market price) except to take advantage of Mr. Market's mistakes.

Requiring  a Margin of Safety
Although Buffett believes the market is frequently wrong about the fair value of stocks, he doesn't believe himself to be infallible.  If he estimates a company's fair value at $80 per share, and the company's stock sells for $77, he will refrain from buying despite the apparent undervaluation.  That small discrepancy does not provide an adequate margin of safety, another concept borrowed from Ben Graham.  No one can predict cash flows into the distant future with precision, not even for stable businesses with durable competitive advantges.  Therefore, any estimate of fair value must include substantial room for error.

For instance, if a stock's estimated value is $80 per share, then a purcahse at $60 allows an investor to be wrong by 25% but still achieve a satisfactory result.  The $20 difference between estimated fair value and purchase price is what Graham called the margin of safety.  Buffett considers this margin-of-safety principle to be the cornerstone of investment success.

Concentrating on Your Best Ideas
Buffett has difficulty finding understandable businesses with sustainable competitive advantages and excellent managers that also sell at discounts to their estimated fair values.  Therefore, his investment portfolio has often been concentrated in relatively few companies.  This practice is at odds with the Modern Portfolio Theory taught in business schools, but Buffett rejects the idea that diversification is helpful to informed investors.  On the contrary, he thinks the addition of an investor's 20th favorite holding is likely to lower returns and increase risk compared with simply adding the same amount of money to the investor's top choices.
You can greatly boost your investment returns if you invest like Buffett.  This means
  • staying within your circle of competence,
  • focusing on companies with wide economic moats,
  • paying attention to company valuation and not market prices, and finally,
  • requiring a margin of safety before buying.

Know What You Own - Peter Lynch

Lynch's mantra is that average investors have an edge over Wall Street experts.  The "Street lag" of large institutions gives average investors many advantages because they can find promising investments largely ahead of the professional investors. 

Lynch stated, "If you stay half-alert, you can pick the spectacular performers right from your place of business or out of the neighbourhood shopping mall, and long before Wall Street discovers them." Therefore, individual investors can outperform the experts and the market in general by looking around for investment ideas in their everyday lives.

His book, One Up on Wall Street, articulates his investment philosophy.  The Lynch stock-picking approach has several key principles:
  • First, you should invest only in what you understand.
  • Second, you should do your homework and research an investment thoroughly.
  • Third, you should focus more on a company's fundamentals and not the market as a whole.
  • Last, you should invest only for the long run and discard short-term market gyrations. 
If you adhere to the basic principles of this investment philosophy, Lynch believes that you will be well on your way to "beating the street."

Stick to What You Know
Investing in what you know about and understand is at the core of Lynch's stock-picking approach.  This particular investment principle served Lynch very well in practice.

Lynch has pointed out that you find your best investment ideas close to home.  "An amateur investor can pick tomorrow's big winners by paying attention to new developments at the workplace, the mall, the auto showrooms, the restaurants, or anywhere a promising new enterprise makes its debut."

Things Lynch Looks For, and Avoid
Company Characteristics that Might Attract Lynch:
  • It is boring.
  • The industry is not growing.
  • The business is specialized and entrenched.
  • The business sounds silly.
  • There is a lot of controversy surrounding the business.
  • It has been spun out of a larger company.
  • Wall Street doesn't follow it or care about it.
  • The business supplies something people need to continually buy.
  • Management is buying shares, or the company is repurchasing its stock.
  • It uses technology to cut costs or add value for customers.
Company Characteristics that Might Repel Lynch:
  • Company or its industry is grabbing a lot of headlines.
  • It is the hot topic of conversation at happy hour.
  • It is being touted as a revolutionary company that is the next great investment.
  • It has a cool, futuristic name.
  • It is diversifying too much, diluting its competitive strength.
  • It is a middleman and has a limited number of clients.
Do Your Research and Set Reasonable Expectations
The second key principle in Lynch's investment philosophy is that you should do your homework and research the company thoroughly.  "Investing without research is like playing stud poker and never looking at the cards."  He recommends reading all prospectuses, quarterly reports (Form 10-Q), and annual reports (Form 10-K) that companies are required to file with the Securities and Exchange Commission. 

If any pertinent information is unavailable in the annual report, Lynch says that you will be able to find it by asking your broker, calling the company, visiting the company, or doing some grassroots research, also known as "kicking the tires."  After completing the research process, you should be familiar with the company's business and have developed some sense of its future potential.

Once you have done your research on a company, Lynch believes that it is important to set some realistic expectations about each stock's potential.  He usually ranks the companies by size and then places them into one of six categories:
  • Slow Growers
  • Stalwarts
  • Fast Growers
  • Cyclicals
  • Turnarounds
  • Asset Plays
Know the Fundamentals
The third main principle of Lynch's stock-picking approach is to focus only on the company's fundamentals and not the market as a whole.  Lynch doesn't believe in predicting markets, but he believes in buying great companies - especially companies that are undervalued and/or underappreciated.

Lynch advocates looking at companies one at a time using a "bottom up" approach rather trying to make difficult macroeconomic calls using a "top down" approach.

Lynch believes that investors can separate good companies from mediocre ones by sticking to the fundamentals and combing through financial statements.  He suggests looking at some of the following famous numbers:
  • Percent of Sales
  • Year-Over-Year Earnings
  • Earnings Growth
  • The P/E Ratio (Lynch's favorite metric)
  • The Cash Position
  • The Debt Factor
  • Dividends
  • Book Value
  • Cash Flow
  • Inventories
  • Pension Plans 
Ignoring Mr. Market
The last key principle of Lynch's investment philosophy is that you should only invest for the long run and discard short-term market gyrations.  Lynch has said, "Absent a lot of surprises, stocks are relatively predictable over ten to twenty years.  As to whether they're going to be higher or lower int wo or three years, you might as well flip a coin to decide."  Nonetheless, Lynch sticks with his philosophy, adding:  "When it comes to the market, the important skill here is not listening, it's snoring.  The trick is not to learn to trust your gut feelings, but rather to discipline yourself to ignore them.  Stand by your stocks as long as the fundamental story has not changed."

Lynch's investment philosophy is very similar to Buffett's stock picking approach.  Lynch said, "And Warren Buffett, the greatest ivnestor of them all, looks for the same opportunities I do, except that when he finds them [great businesses at bargain prices], he buys the whole company."
Lynch said, "The basic story remains simple and never-ending.  Stocks aren't lottery tickets.  There's a company attached to every share.  Companies do better or they do worse.  If a company does worse than before, its stock will fall.  If a company does better, its stock will rise.  If you own good companies that continue to increase their earnings, you'll do well."

Financial Education - Learning the important topics in valuation

Workshop on Equity Valuation & Financial Modeling

Host: Viftech Solutions (Pvt.) Ltd.
Start Time: Wednesday, 20 January 2010 at 09:00
End Time: Thursday, 21 January 2010 at 17:00
Location: PC Hotel, Karachi
This workshop is designed for people who want to learn equity valuation and financial modeling. Participants will be taught to analyze true economic worth of a business, using various valuation techniques. This workshop is ideal for professionals related to corporate finance, investment analysis, risk management, investment banking, corporate banking, brokerage or asset management industries

Good understanding of financial statements
Learning Objectives
• Have a clear comprehension of what drives the value of a company
• Make more profitable investment decisions to enhance value
• Understand most widely-practiced and robust valuation techniques
• Know how to critically analyze an investment proposal
• Be better equipped to negotiate terms of an investment transaction
• Be able to choose a valuation method appropriate for your company
Course Outline
Day 1
• Background of company valuation
• Uses of company valuation
• Concept of TVM in financial analysis
• Prepare financial models on Microsoft Excel
• Forecast future earnings/balance sheet/cashflow
• Why accrual accounting can be misleading
• Benefits of cashflow based analysis
• Calculate free cash flow forecasts
• Calculate the enterprise and equity value of a business
• Calculate terminal value of a business
• Explain why WACC is used to discount company free cash flows
• Calculate WACC, cost of debt and cost of equity
• Calculate equity risk premium
• Calculate terminal growth rates
Day 2
• Discuss and apply various cash flow valuation techniques, including dividend discount model, free cash flow to firm and free cash flow to equity
• Discuss Relative Valuations Techniques including P/E, P/S, P/B and EV/EBITDA based valuations
• Discuss other valuation methods including CAPM and Arbitrage Pricing Theory
• Determine the optimal capital structure of a company and its dividend policy
• Work through an example on a listed company
The workshop will include a practical example of equity valuation and financial modeling on a listed company.

Trainer Profile: Mr. Ali Reimoo – National Trainer
Ali Reimoo is an Equity Research Analyst at Habib Bank (Global Treasury). Prior to his current position, Ali has worked as an Equity Analst at Foundation Securities Limited (a Fauji Foundation Company and an affiliate of Macquarie Bank in Pakistan) and BMA Capital. He has been involved in investment analysis industry for over three years, during which he has written and published several analytical reports. His major job responsibilities include; analyzing companies from the perspective of their business risk, growth prospects, investment value and financial wellbeing.

Due to his sound analytical skills, Ali has made a decent reputation for himself. He is also a regular on major TV channels like CNBC Pakistan, Business Plus, GeoTv etc, where he is regularly called as a guest to share his views on the country’s investment climate.

Apart from being an investment analyst, Ali is also a trainer and consultant. His unique skills of understanding client needs and helping them overcome their knowledge gap makes him stand apart from other trainers.

He has successfully helped various professionals develop/improve their financial and analytical skills. Some of the beneficiaries whom he has helped include professionals from reputed organizations like, State Bank of Pakistan, Faysal Bank, HSBC Bank Pakistan, National Bank of Pakistan and Johnson and Johnson Company.
His academic qualifications include; MSc in Finance & Investment from University of Edinburgh, Scotland and BBA/MBA from College of Business Management Karachi. currently he is a CFA level 2 candidate.
Workshop Schedule:
Venue: PC Hotel, Karachi.
Date: 20-21 January, 2010 | 9am to 5pm
Workshop Includes:
Training materials, certificates, tea and snacks, lunch and networking opportunities.
Workshop Investment:
Rs. 11,000/- per participant | Before Due Date
Rs. 12,000/- per participant | After Due Date
10% discount on more than 2 participants from the same organization received before due date.
Participant will bring own Laptop will get Rs. 800/- Off. (Should inform and register before due date)
Other Details
• All the cheques are required be made in favor of ‘Viftech Solutions (Pvt.) Ltd.’
• All nominations shall be confirmed on first–come-first-served basis.
• Limited Seats Available
• Due date for registration is 14 January, 2010
Click this link to Download Registration Form:
Further Information & Registrations
Viftech Solutions (Pvt.) Ltd.
Mr. Jahangir Sachwani
Assistant Manager Marketing & Corporate Trainings
Phone: (+92) 332 2109221 | (021) 35055379-80 - 35053480
Email: Jahangir.sachwani@viftech.com.pk


Growth stocks regain favor after value's long run

January 15, 2010
Growth stocks regain favor after value's long run

Mark Jewell
Growth is in, value is out. And it's likely to stay that way this year.

Investors who loaded their portfolios with growth stocks were rewarded in 2009. Those stocks gained an average 37 percent, nearly twice as much as value stocks.

Growth's notable performance was largely fueled by technology stocks, the biggest part of the growth category. Experts say those companies will continue to prosper as customers ramp up tech spending coming out of the recession. But experts caution a tech rally as big as last year's is unlikely.

There's no pat definition for growth stocks, but typically they generate revenue and earnings at an above-average rate. Examples are Apple and Google. Value stocks generally produce steady earnings, often pay out dividends and are considered cheap based on their price-to-earnings ratios. Companies like Bank of America, McDonald's and Wal-Mart fall into this category.

The leadership shift to growth from value marks a break from historical patterns. All told, the annual performance of growth stocks surpassed value stocks just twice in the last decade. Also, value stocks normally do much better coming out of a recession, as more economically sensitive stocks like banks and utilities rebound at the earliest signs that the economy is expanding.

"Typically, the bigger the contraction during a recession, the bigger the snapback when the economy turns," says Stephen Wood, chief market strategist of Russell Investments. "That hasn't happened this time."

This recovery has been tepid. The economy is growing about half as fast as it usually does exiting a recession, says Wood. Though the stock market has climbed 70 percent since last March, unemployment remains at 10 percent.

Still it's clear that growth stocks were hot in 2009. Growth stocks within the Russell 3000, a broad index covering 98 percent of the U.S. stock market, surged 37 percent last year. Value stocks ended with a more modest 20 percent gain.

That big gap was reminiscent of the late 1990s, when growth had its last big run. Of course that fizzled in early 2000 as the dot-com bust pummeled technology companies.

"What happened in 2009 is not what we should expect going forward," says Jim Swanson, chief market strategist at MFS Investment Management, which manages nearly $188 billion. "We need to look at it as an extraordinary year."

The reality is that certain industries play a pivotal role in driving the performance of growth and value stocks.

Tech stocks are the biggest part of growth, accounting for 30 percent of the value of all that category's stocks in the Russell 3000. Last year those tech stocks finished up an average 59 percent — tops among 11 sectors — boosting growth's overall performance. Two of tech's biggest names put up especially strong results: Shares of Apple and Google more than doubled.

On the value side, financial services stocks are the biggest piece, making up one-quarter of the Russell 3000's value component. While many large banks came back from the brink of failure, their stocks haven't returned to pre-plunge levels. In 2009, financials trailed the broader market despite finishing up 17 percent.

Utility stocks, another value staple, also weighed down the overall performance of the category. They gained just 12 percent last year, less than any other segment of the stock market.

Ultimately, investors trying to forecast whether growth or value will lead the market should closely watch the economy.

In each of the past four recessions since 1980, growth stocks fared better than value as the economy shrank, a Russell Investments study found.

That's because growth companies' competitive advantages — think of Google's search engine dominance, for example — tend to hold up even if the economy is lousy. Value stocks tend to fall more sharply because many are in industries that are unusually sensitive to economic cycles — think of banks that see loan losses multiply in a bad economy, or energy companies that see demand from industrial customers shrink.

When the economy began expanding coming out of past recessions, value stocks began rising faster than growth stocks, the study found.

That's not the case now, so the current market is breaking with the norms. Still, after value stocks led the market nearly all the past decade, Wood, of Russell Investments, figures growth stocks could be in favor for a long while.

But even if they are, don't rush in. Individual stocks don't neatly follow the trend of their broader category. And, perhaps more importantly, Wood says the performance advantage for either growth or value is likely to be narrow.

"2010," Wood says, "will probably surprise us in how normal it will be."


Growth stocks regain favor after value's long run

Originally published Saturday, January 16, 2010 at 12:01 PM

Growth stocks regain favor after value's long run

Growth stocks within the Russell 3000, a broad index covering 98 percent of the U.S. stock market, surged 37 percent last year. Value stocks ended with a more modest 20 percent gain.

The Associated Press

BOSTON — Growth is in, value is out. And it's likely to stay that way this year.

Investors who loaded their portfolios with growth stocks were rewarded in 2009. Those stocks gained an average 37 percent, nearly twice as much as value stocks.

Growth's notable performance was largely fueled by technology stocks, the biggest part of the growth category. Experts say those companies will continue to prosper as customers ramp up tech spending coming out of the recession. But experts caution a tech rally as big as last year's is unlikely.

Typically growth stocks generate revenue and earnings at an above-average rate. Examples are Apple and Google.

Value stocks generally produce steady earnings, often pay out dividends and are considered cheap based on their price-to-earnings ratios. Companies like Bank of America, McDonald's and Wal-Mart fall into this category.

Historical patterns

The leadership shift to growth from value marks a break from historical patterns. All told, the annual performance of growth stocks surpassed value stocks just twice in the last decade.

Growth stocks within the Russell 3000, a broad index covering 98 percent of the U.S. stock market, surged 37 percent last year. Value stocks ended with a more modest 20 percent gain.

That big gap was reminiscent of the late 1990s, when growth had its last big run. Of course that fizzled in early 2000 as the dot-com bust pummeled technology companies.

"What happened in 2009 is not what we should expect going forward," says Jim Swanson, chief market strategist at MFS Investment Management, which manages nearly $188 billion. "We need to look at it as an extraordinary year."

In each of the past four recessions since 1980, growth stocks fared better than value as the economy shrank, a Russell Investments study found.

Advantage holds up

That's because growth companies' competitive advantages — think of Google's search-engine dominance, for example — tend to hold up even if the economy is lousy. Value stocks tend to fall more sharply because many are in industries that are unusually sensitive to economic cycles — think of banks that see loan losses multiply in a bad economy.

When the economy began to expand coming out of past recessions, value stocks began to rise faster than growth stocks, the study found.

But the market now is breaking with the norms. Still, after value stocks led the market nearly all the past decade, Wood, of Russell Investments, figures growth stocks could be in favor for a long while.

But even if they are, don't rush in. Individual stocks don't neatly follow the trend of their broader category. And, perhaps more importantly, Wood says the performance advantage for either growth or value is likely to be narrow.

"2010," Wood says, "will probably surprise us in how normal it will be."


Interpreting Financial Information

It helps to know your markets, measure growth, and make authoritative decisives.

Sales revenues, profits, number of stores, and customers.


WHAT IS IT?  You weigh the expected costs of launching or running a business against the expected benefits.  The costs involved are variable (diretly involved with the new activity) and fixed (these remain more or less the same, regardless of the new business).

WHAT IS IT?  A method used to measure the benefits of the project over the length of time of a project (when this is time specific).
You divide the net profit expected for the first year by the amount of expenditure and express it as a percentage of the outlay.

WHAT IS IT?  It provides a way of finding out how many sales are necessary to recoup the capital spent on the original investment.  You need to know your contribution margin (the percentage of each sales dollar left over after variable costs are taken aways from overall profits).

WHAT IS IT?   It describes the concept that a dollar received today is worth more than a dollar received at some point in the future because the dollar received today can be invested to earn interest.  The harsh reality is that future benefits may be worth less dollar for dollar than if the capital outlay was put in an investment fund.


HARD NUMBERS.  These are based on existing figures and include equity book value (assets minus liabilities) and fair market value (the value established between a willing buyer and a willing seller).

SOFT NUMBERS.  These are based on estimates of future benefits and therefore contain an element of subjectivity.

INTANGIBLE ASSETS. These include people, knowledge, relationships, intellectual property, brand names, loyal customer base, copyrights or trademarks, mailing lists, long-term contracts, and franchises.

Monday 18 January 2010

Valuing the company

Valuing a business is never an exact sceience with no one right away of determining a company's price.  These are the common ways of appraising a business:

A.  Hard numbers
B.  Soft numbers
C.  Intangible assets
D.  Market competition

These are based on existing financial figures and include:

The simple formula is to subtract a company's liabilities from its assets based on historical records.

This is the same formula but takes into account the fair market value of assets and liabilities, which may produce a more accurate picture as historical records may be very out-of-date.

This is another variation on the balance sheet theme that calculates how much money is left when assets are sold quickly and debts are paid off.

This is simply the value established between a willing buyer and a willing seller.

This applies to a publicly traded company.

Soft numbers are based on estimates of future benefits and therefore contain an element of subjectivity.

This is a measurement of the future benefits such as sales, profits, or cost savings.

This approach brings future anticipated income to present value.

This takes into account the special benefits that a buyer accrues from acquiring the new entity.

Increasingly, prospective buyers are putting a greater onus on a company's intangible assets, which include people, knowledge, relationships, intellectual property, brand names, loyal customer base, copyrights or trademarks, proprietary mailing lists, long-term contracts, and franchises.

Some intangible assets can be priced using traditional approaches such as:

How much would it cost you to duplicate some of these assets today?

What were the sale transactions of brand-named goods in the sector?

What is the value of a loyal customer?  What does the average customer spend per purchase a year?  How long has he been a customer?

Research into the company and its place in its sector are also relevant.  Is your business in a growth industry or a declining one?

Sources of Finance for financing growth


1.  DEBT FINANCING involves a loan that will accumulate future interest.
2.  EQUITY FINANCING involves accepting a lump sum in exchange for selling the future benefits and profits of your business to investors.


WHAT IS IT?  When your business is just a thought or an idea
  • Family and friends
  • Private savings
  • Credit cards:  usually much quicker than waiting for a loan approval.

WHAT IS IT?  When the company has officially launched.
  • Banking, typically the first option of small business owners.
  • Small, community banks.
  • Leasing:  paying a monthly payment for renting assets like equipment or office space.
  • Factoring:  paying an advance rate to a third party (factor) in exchange for cash.
  • Trade credit:  when a supplier allows the buyer to delay payment.

WHAT IS IT?  When a business has successfully traded for a period.
  • Angel investor: a wealthy individual who hands over capital in return for ownership equity.
  • Venture capital funds: large institutions seeking to invest considerable amounts of capital into growing businesses through a series of investment vehicles.
  • Initial public offering (IPO):  the sale of equity in a company, generally in the form of shares of common stock, through an investment banking firm.

WHAT IS IT?  When its business has an established place in the market.
  • Capital market securities such as common stock, dividends, voting rights.
  • Bonds - loans that take the form of a debt security where the borrower (known as the issuer) owes the holder (the lender) a debt and is obliged to repay the principal and interest (the coupon).
  • Commercial paper -  a money market security issued by large banks and corporations for short-term investments (maximum nine months) such as purchases of inventory

Key terms

Angel investor:  a wealthy individual, often a retired business owner or executive, who hands over capital to a new business in return for ownership equity.

Venture capitalists:  commonly large institutions seeking to invest considerable amounts of capital into growing businesses through a series of invesmtent vehicles that include state and private pension funds, university endowments, and insurance companies.

Commercial paper:  a money market secuirty issued by large banks and corporations for short term investments (maximum nine months) such as purchases of inventory.  These unsecured IOUs are consideed safe, but returns are small.

Factoring:  describes a loan by a third party (factor) given in the form of cash (often within 24 hours) for accounts receivable.  The borrower pays a percentage of the invoice.

External Form of Growth: Could your business benefit from these?

Business can grow by:
  • Internal growth:  By paying attention to the internal affairs of the company, and diversifying into new products and new markets. 
  • Go-it-alone option
  • External growth:  Through mergers and acquisitions.


Could your business benefit from an acquisition or a merger?

Again, you need to take a good look at the business to understand just where it is at the present time. 
  • What are the strengths that you can build on? 
  • What do you have that would make your company attractive to other companies? 
  • Are there areas of weakness in the business? 
  • Could these be strengthened by acquiring another company or merging your business with another?

  1. Should we obtain more quality staff with different skils?
  2. What do we know about our sector of the industry or service?  Could we improve our business intelligence to our advantage?
  3. Is our business underperforming and, if so, in which area(s)?
  4. Can we access funds for further development without endangering the normal business cash flow?
  5. Could we access a wider customer base and increase our market share without outside help?  How much would it cost in extra resources?
  6. Could we diversify into other products or service areas?  What would be the long-term effects?
  7. Can we reduce our cost and overhead structure without damaging our product, service, or customer base? Would there be an adverse effect on performance and quality?
  8. What would be the effect if we could reduce the competition?
  9. Would "organic growth" take too long?
The answers to the above questions will be a good guide to future planning of the business.  But a lot depends on how the management team sees the future of the company.


So what would be the reasons for considering growth either through a merger or by an acquisition?
  1. Bigger is better?
  2. Image enhancement?
  3. Market expansion?
  4. Product range expansion?
  5. Diversification? 

Among the forms of external growth are:
  1. Mergers
  2. Acquisitions
  3. Joint ventures
  4. Partnerships
  5. Collaborations

Mergers and Acquisitions: When not to?

When not to merge or acquire?

  1. When a review of the business shows that internal processes can be improved and that growth can be achieved internally.
  2. When the costs of either option would not be commensurate with the increased turnover and profits.
  3. When the cost of raising finance for an acquisition would not be covered by the sale of unwanted assets.
  4. When there is a danger of losing the identity of your company in either option.
  5. When there would be no chance of creating a working management structure for the enlarged business.
  6. When the market would not be able to support the planned increase in production.
  7. When the merger or acquisition would lead to the danger of a loss of intellectual property.

Successful Mergers and Acquisitions

  1. Do a company "health check."  Examine every possible facet of the business.
  2. Discover if there any areas for improvement and prune out any waste.
  3. Complete an up-to-date SWOT analysis.
  4. Ensure that your strengths and opportunities support an external growth strategy.
  5. Weigh up the likely contenders for a merger/acquisition.
  6. Decide which strategy will be best for the company, bearing in mind that an acquisition can be a costly and sometimes bitter affair.
  7. Try to prevnet plans for either form of growth being made public too soon; this could build resistance.
  8. Decide on the future direction of the enlarged organisation and management strategies before any move is made.
  9. On acquiring another company, there may be parts that do not fit into future plans; have a policy for disposal.
  10. Decide in advance the financial limits.

Merger and Acquisitions - What can go wrong?

What can go wrong?

The extent and the quality of planning and research done before the merger or acquisition deal is done will largely determine the outcome.  Thee are occasions when situations will arise that are outside your control.  It is worthwhile to consider the following situations and to prepare for them.


1.  Agreement cannot be reached on who should run the business in the case of a merger or, in the case of an acquisition, how long the previous management team will continue to remain involved.

2.  Word gets out in the press that you are interested in merging or acquiring a particular business and a "bidding war" breaks out in which other determined parties are interested in buying into the business.

3.  Your own business performance suffers because you have to spend too long on the deal and the transition stages.

4.  Key people in either organization leave because of uncertainty.

5.  The expected savings in costs do not materialize.


In 1999, the management group KPMG studied 700 mergers and acquisitions. Their conclusions found that:

  • 53% reduced the value of the companies.
  • 17% produced no added value.
  • Most "mergers" were acquisitions in disguise.

In 2003, a report issued by another group, Towers Perrin, indicated that there was a considerable increase in merger and acquisition activity, but surveys of companies concerned "still admit to a high failure rate."

  • 57% of "doomed deals" were caused by incompatible cultures in the companies involved.
  • In 42% of cases, a clash of management styles or egos was responsible for the failure.

External growth - Acquisition

What is an acquisition?

Meaning "to gain possession of," the acquisition of all parts of another business is an alternative method to develop or expand your own business.

1.  An acquisition is the most apposite option where you need specialist skills and knowledge or facilities for your own future development.

2.  This is a way of filling "holes" in a company's current or future straegy; it can be very successful as long as there is a good understanding of what the knowledge gaps are and how they cna be filled effectively.

3.  As is the case with mergers, the relevant questions should be asked and answered, and the correct business fit must be achieved.

Most acquisition involve businesses of unequal size with, usually, the larger or more powerful company purchasing or acquiring the smaller.  In recent times, this has not always been the case, and examples can be found of relatively small companies buying out much larger ones, either to obtain resources or to gain additional assets to supplement those currently owned.

Such deals are usually financed quite heavily with loasn and other deals and are often followed by a very vigorous pruning of parts of the acquisition to repay the financing involved.  This is known as asset stripping and is rarely intended to achieve growth of an established business, but rather functions as a financial dealing that will generate cash for further enlargement.


Many acquisitions are known as "hostile takeovers" where the management of the company being purchased actively resists the unwanted overtures of the predator company.

When talking about mergers, such phrases as: "teamwork," "sharing," and "mutual benefit" are appropriate; some expressions used when considering hostile takeovers might be:
  • "We have bought you."
  • "Do as you are told."
  • "Our way is best."
One of the keys to success is not to keep the newly purchased company at "arm's length" but to actively create value from the new relationship.   The underlying idea of growth through acquisition is to utilize the resources you targeted at the investigation stage as quickly as possible to enable your own business to grow and flourish. 

Before any acquisition (or merger) it is essential to establish that what you think you are acquiring is real and worthwhile and to use a process such as due diligence.  This includes complete studies of the business you seek to acquire, which should be carried out by specialist, univolved, third parties, who look at every part of the business and report on its viability to meet the requirements you have set before you take irrevocable action.

Using the due diligence procedure to arrive at incisive answers to the many questions needed, to making the decision to acquire, represents the exemplary use of due diligence.


There are several valuation methods that can be used, and it is always best to seek professional expert advice before making the final decision.  You will need to consider many relevant factors to obtain an overview of how healthy the business might be, these include:
  • The history of the business
  • The current performance
  • The financial situation
  • The condition of the premises
  • Intangible assets
  • Employees
Once you have considered all of these factors, you can then decide
  • how much you think the business is worth, and
  • how much you are prepared to offer, if you decide to proceed.


Company "C" shares ----> ----> ----> Company "A" shares ---->> Larger company "A" shares

External growth - Merger

What is a merger?

The dictionary definition of a merger in the business or commercial context is "the combination of two or more companies, either by the creation of a new organization or by absorption by one of the others." 

The underlying logic of mergers is that the resulting enterprise will be stronger than the combined resources of the individual companies.  This is described as synergy, and it offers more business possibilities.  It also has the advantage that there will be less competition as a result of the merger, although this depend on the guidelines of a monopoly commission.




Company "A" Shares ----->  COMPANY "C" SHARES

Company "B" Shares ----->  COMPANY "C" SHARES


Ascertaining whether the time is right for a merger depends on the state of your business relative to the market and to the competition.

Come and have a drink with me!

Don't Trust Anyone Who Doesn't Drink
John Carney | Jan. 14, 2010,

Why do so many social and business functions involve drinking?

Because it's one of the easiest ways to properly evaluate who is trustworthy. In vino veritas and all that.

But don't take our word for it. Here's a new economics paper making the argument.

In Vino Veritas: The Economics of Drinking:

It is argued that drug consumption, most commonly alcohol drinking, can be a technology to give up some control over one's actions and words. It can be employed by trustworthy players to reveal their type. Similarly alcohol can function as a "social lubricant" and faciliate type revelation in conversations. It is shown that both separating and pooling equilibria can exist; as opposed to the classic results in the literature, a pooling equilibrium is still informative. Drugs which allow a gradual loss of control by appropriate doses and for which moderate consumption is not addictive are particularly suitable because the consumption can be easily observed and reciprocated and is unlikely to occur out of the social context. There is a trade-off between the efficiency gains due to the signaling effect and the loss of productivity associated with intoxication. Long run evolutionary equilibria of the type distribution are considered. If coordination on an exclusive technology is efficient, social norms or laws can raise efficiency by legalizing only one drug.

(Hat tip: Larry Ribstein.)


China Responds To Google: Go To Hell

China Responds To Google: Go To Hell

Henry Blodget |
Jan. 14, 2010,

China's initial public response to Google's threat is in, and it's what one would have expected: Go to hell.

Now the two can start negotiating quietly behind the scenes.

We still expect this war to be resolved in a compromise in which both parties declare victory and reserve the right to kill each other later. There's a substantial chance, however, that Google will be forced to actually follow through on its threat and leave the country. (Backing down at this point would be a disaster).

There's no chance, meanwhile, that the Chinese government will allow itself to appear to be pushed around by a pissant Internet company. So Google had to have expected this.

FT: One of China’s top censors on Thursday reaffirmed the state’s commitment to monitoring the internet, showing no signs of compromising in the face of Google’s threat to quit the country.

Wang Chen, head of the State Council Information Office and deputy head of the Communist party’s propaganda department, said internet media “must live up to their responsibility of maintaining internet security”, including censoring content.

“We must do our best to intensify self-discipline among internet media to guarantee internet security... Online media must treat the creation of a positive mainstream opinion environment as an important duty,” he said.

"A positive mainstream opinion environment." And we thought our media was bad.


Jim Chanos: China Is Headed For A Huge Crash

Nov. 11, 2009,

The China bears could be dismissed as a bunch of cranks and grumps except for one member of the group: hedge fund investor Jim Chanos. Read the whole thing >

Chanos is reportedly attempting to short the entire Chinese economy. What's fueling the short case against China?

  • The $4.3 trillion Chinese economy is under-performing despite a $900 billion stimulus program.
  • China seems to be cooking its books. For instance, it reports that car sales are surging while gasoline consumption is flat. Is that realistic? Or are state run Chinese companies just stock-piling cars?
  • China may have too much capacity. The central planners built out productive capacity for a booming economy but China is stalling. In nearly every sector of the economy, China is in danger of producing huge quantities of goods with no buyers.
  • China's economic and political posturing signals that its leaders have no idea what is in store for them. The result may be a surprising economic collapse, akin to what happened when the housing bubble popped in the US.


The practicalities of growth in your business

There are many resources that need to be considered when deciding to grow the business.  Among these are:

It is unlikely that the business will have generated large reserves of cash that will enable expansion to be paid for from internal sources.

Do you have sufficient staff to undertake the extra work, or will you need to employ more people?

Do you have sufficient rooms for the new production facilities and increased stock levels of both materials and finished parts?

Can your current marketing arrangements cope with increased sales and the new product or service?

Having posed some questions regarding the availability of finance, staff, and premises, it is necessary to know where to look for sources of supply of these.

The "go-it-alone" option for growth

One option for growth that falls between internal and external growth is the go-it-alone option.

  1. The major benefit of this option is that the business retains full control with all profits (or losses) retained in-house, as are all designs, manufacturing and marketing knowledge.
  2. It presupposes the business is in good financial and operational "health": and that it can supply all of the necessary resources to launch and supply into the market.
  3. Although the title of the option suggests that all the work is carried out in-house, this will depend on the manufacturing strategy that is operating within the company.
  4. Even though most businesses would like to keep control of all the processes involved in manufacturing their products or the services they offer, economics and common sense decree that some processes are best performed by outside contractors.  This is referred to as a "make or buy policy" and will determine where work is performed.
  5. The work of the contractors is controlled to advantage through agreements and contracts.

Internal Growth through Diversification into other related products or services

Many small businesses can grow by diversifying into other related products or services.  For example, an office stationery supplier might decide to add a range of computer consumables to its portfolio.  This could result in existing customers now buying these items as well.

Diversification can occur in different forms, such as:

  1. Selling similar or related new products to exisitng customers.
  2. Selling existing products into new markets, even overseas.
  3. Selling new products to new markets.

Before deciding on diversification, take the following actions:

  1. Thoroughly research both markets and customers for the new product or service.
  2. Decide on a clear development strategy.
  3. Do a trial run with a limited output of prototypes to test the market before committing to the new product or service.
  4. Ensure that the internal departments and outside suppliers can maintain a steady throughput to provide continuity.

It would be damaging if the customer orders are plentiful but the supply of the product or service is intermittent. 

In early stages, diversification will rate highly in your risk assessment program, and in order to mitigate some of the risk, it is advisable to try to secure customer orders or commitments in advance of stepping up production.

Business strategy for growth

Business strategy is ... "....the determination of the basic long-term goals and objectives of an enterprise, and the adoption of courses of action and the allocation of resources necessary for carrying out these goals."

This necessitates a thorough evaluation of a business to get a clear picture of its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT).  This will provide important insights into the type of growth strategy that best suits the business for the immediate and long-term future.


  1. Are there ways in which you can improve the efficiency of the business? 
  2. The use of a system of statistical process control will show if your processes are working correctly.
  3. Could the quality of the product or service be improved?
  4. Adopting a system of Total Quality Management (TQM) may effect a change to your end product.
  5. Are costs as competitive as they can be?
  6. If these checks are carried out successfully, then it is reasonable to expect that the business will grow by its organic growth.  This will make the business more competitive.

The first thing to establish is whether you can increase your share of the market.  To do this, you would have to take customers from your competitors or attract new customers.  You have to understand your customer base and that of your competitors.


Who are your existing customers?
Are there any that you ahve not yet targeted?
Are there any that no longer do business with you?   Why?
Do any of them buy from your competitors?  Why?
Do they have instant, alternative choices?


What are their strengths?  Can you match them?
Have you lost customers to them?
What do they do better than you do?


What is our sustainable competitive advantage?
What do we do that is better than our competitors?
What is our unique selling point?
How will growth affect our pricing, marketing and service levels?

Before increasing output by increasing the capacity of your processes, you need to ensure that there will be a market for your proposed additional producsts.  Many companies have increased output in the anticipation that the market will follow, only to find that there is a downturn or that a competitor has already improved performance.