Sunday 24 January 2010

Looking at the investment world by studying the numbers. (2)

Studying the numbers

That a company makes a popular product doesn't mean you should automatically buy the stock.  There's a lot more you have to know before you invest. 
  • You have to know if the company is spending its cash wisely or frittering it away. 
  • You have to know how much it owes to the bank. 
  • You have to know if the sales are growing, and how fast. 
  • You have to know how much money it earned in past years, and how much it can expect to earn in the future. 
  • You have to know if the stock is selling at a fair price, a bargain price, or too high a price.

You have to know if the company is paying a dividend, and if so,
  • how much of a dividend, and
  • how often it is raised.  
Earnings, sales, debt, dividends, the price of the stock:  These are some of the key numbers stockpickers must follow.

People go to graduate school to learn how to read and interpret these numbers, so this is not a subject that can be covered easily in depth for others.  The best is to give a glimpse at the basic elements of a company's finances, so you can begin to see how the numbers fit together.

Investing is not an exact science, and no matter how hard you study the numbers and how much you learn about a company's past performance, you can never be sure about its future performance.  What will happen tomorrow is always a guess. 
  • Your job as an investor is to make educated guesses and not blind ones. 
  • Your job is to pick stocks and not pay too much for them, then to keep watching for good news or bad news coming out of the companies you won. 
  • You can use your knowledge to keep the risks to a minimum.

Looking at the investment world through a stockpicker's eyes (1)

Keep your eyes opened

You can begin to gather information every time you walk into a McDonald's, a Sunglass Hut International, or any other store that's owned by a publicly traded company.  And if you work in the store, so much the better.

You can see for yourself whether the operation is efficient or sloppy, overstaffed or understaffed, well-organized or chaotic.  You can gauge the morale of your fellow employees.  You get a sense of whether management is reckless or careful with money.

If you're out front with the customers, you can size up the crowd. 
  • Are they lining up at the cash register, or does the place look empty? 
  • Are they happy with the merchandise, or do they complain a lot? 
These little details can tell you a great deal about the quality of the parent company itself. 
  • Have you ever seen a messy Gap or an empty McDonald's? 
The employees at any of the Gap outlets or the McDonald's franchises could have noticed long ago how fantastically successful these operations have been and invested their spare cash accordingly.

A store doesn't have to fall apart to lose customers.  It will lose customers when another store comes along that offers better merchandise and better service, for the same prices or lower prices.  Employees are among the first to know when a competitor is luring the clients away.  There's nothing to stop them from investing in the competitors. 

Even if you don't have a job in a publicly traded company, you can see what's going on from the customer angle. 
  • Every time you shop in a store, eat a hamburger, or buy new sunglasses, you're getting valuable input. 
  • By browsing around, you can see what's selling and what isn't. 
  • By watching your friends, you know which computers they're buying, which brand of soda they're drinking, which movies they're watching, whether Reeboks are in or out. 
These are all important clues that can lead you to the right stocks.

You'd be surprised how many adults fail to follow up on such clues.  Millions of people work in industries where they come in daily contact with potential investments and never take advantage of their front-row seat. 
  • Doctors know which drug companies make the best drugs, but they don't always buy the drug stocks. 
  • Bankiers know which banks are the strongest and have the lowest expenses and make the smartest loans, but they don't necessarily buy the bank stocks. 
  • Store manangers and the people who run malls have access to the monthly sales figures, so they know for sure which retailers are selling the most merchandise.  But how many mall managers have enriched themselves by investing in specialty retail stocks.

Once you start looking at the world through a stockpicker's eyes, where everything is a potential investment, you begin to notice the companies that do business with the companies that got your attention in the first place.
  • If you work in a hospital, you come into contact with companies that make sutures, surgical gowns, sysringes, beds and bed pans, X-ray equipment, EKG machines; companies that help the hospital keep its costs down; companies that write the health insurance; companies that handle the billing. 
  • The grocery store is another hotbed of companies; dozens of them are represented in each aisle.
You also begin to notice when a competitor is doing a better job than the company that hired you. 
  • When people were lining up to buy Chrysler minivans, it wasn't just the Chrysler salesmen who realized Chrysler was on its way to making record profits. 
  • It was also the Buick salesmen down the block, who sat around their empty showroom and realized that a lot of Buick customers must have switched to Chrysler.

B B C factors responsible for recent market volatilities

3 issues dominate the recent volatilities in the stock markets.

  1. Banking regulations in US
  2. Bernacke reappointment issues
  3. China property asset "bubble"

Doing your own research - the highest form of stock-picking

This is the highest form of stock-picking. 

You choose the stock because you like the company, and you like the company because you've studied it inside and out.

The more you learn about investing in companies, the less you have to rely on other people's opinions, and the better you can evaluate other people's tips.  You can decide for yourself what stocks to buy and when to buy them.

You'll need 2 kinds of information:

  1. the kind you get by keeping your eyes peeled, and,
  2. the kind you get by studying the numbers.
The first kind, you can begin to gather every time you walk into a McDonald's, a Sunglass Hut International, or any other store that's owned by a publicly traded company.  And if you work in the store, so much the better.

You can see for yourself whether the operation is efficeint or sloppy, overstaffed or understaffed, well-organized, or chaotic.  You can gauge the morale of your fellow employees.  You get a sense of whether management is reckless or careful with money.

Finding good quality successful companies

Stocks that do well in the long run belong to companies that do well in the long run.  The key to successful investing is finding successful companies. 

To get the most out of your investing, you have to do more than follow the prices of the stocks.  You have to learn as much as possible about the companies you've chosen and what makes them tick.

Here are the 5 basic methods people use to pick a stock (beginning with the most ridiculous and ending with the most enlightened).

1.  Darts (chosen randomly)
2.  Hot tips (from Uncle Harry)
3.  Educated tips (TV, newspapers, magazines)
4.  The broker's buy list
5.  Doing your own research.

How Do I Successfully Research Stocks For Myself?

This young investor wishes to invest in the stock market and he asked for some advice.  The myriad of responses to his request are interesting readings.

How Do I Successfully Research Stocks For Myself?
by Bart Ski on January 23, 2010 · 11 comments

in Business Q & A

I wish to start testing the stock market waters because I know being a young investor can be beneficial.
At this point, I’m only slightly familiar with ‘volume’, the three types of stocks (penny, growth, blue chip), and the two general methods of making money (dividends and stock prices rising).
But everything else — especially detailed researching is extremely foreign to me. I’m tempted to just take internet advice, but I know that is not the most secure way to decide where to place my money.
Yet besides reading opinion articles, I don’t know which pieces of information about the company to search for, and furthermore, I have no idea about how to put these pieces of information together to form a comprehensive opinion about a stock.
Any tips about researching stocks — especially how company history etc– plays into the mix are welcome.

Thank you all in advance!

{ 11 comments… read them below or add one }

1 Mavestyn M January 23, 2010 at 8:29 am
I hate to bring you the bad news but, it is very hard to SUCCESSFULLY research stocks by yourself. Unless you have a degree in finance; like I do. The best thing you can do is to invest your money in a DIVERSIFIED PORTFOLIO. Don’t try to buy one stock because you’ve heard some news of it and it seemed interesting, or if the stock was recently upgraded by big name investment banking firms like Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, or Bear Sterns.
The fact of the matter is that it is VERY RISKY to do that. You can lose a lot of money that way. It’s too risky and not worth it. Imagine how you would feel if you invested $5000 in a stock and then it drops down to $2500 in a week.
Best thing to do is to build a portfolio of stocks (using several industries) which are diversified and carry a very low risk. There should be at least 14 stocks in your portfolio. Ideally, there should be 30, but not many people can have enough money to buy 30 different stocks.
However, if you really want to learn how to research stocks, then I suggest studying applied equity valuation methods such as the EP or the DCF models.

2 Kriss71 January 23, 2010 at 9:45 am
Learn technical analysis. Then you’ll be able to identify the general trends in prices, you need to be able to understand the charts before you start investing. News is just a marketing tool. The price does not lie.
Check out this ugly guy’s blog to get an idea of what i’m talking about.

3 L H January 23, 2010 at 12:41 pm
Read, Read, Read. and listen to others. Yahoo finance actually has alot of great articles. Most articles will have to links to companies, from there you can check out their financials which start out greek, but make sense after awhile. You can set up practice portfolios on yahoo and tract stock performance to see if you have what it takes, and it is better than learing the hard way.
In every industry there are winners, so find something you like, and focus on that area. You will probably know more about that industry, and have a better Idea of where the next moves will be.

4 Fallond January 23, 2010 at 2:41 pm
“Ugly” Eh???

Thanks for the reference link – I also have a site which features stocks with listed stop, target prices and annotated charts.
Best wishes,

5 muncie birder January 23, 2010 at 9:13 pm
There are a lot of books that will tell you about investing. You might start at your library or go out to Amazon and check out what they have. If you open an account with Fidelity, they have a lot of research material on companies. A great deal more than TD Ameritrade for example.
There is the option of investing in mutual funds. That way you do not need to do so much research. You just have to determine which mutual funds are good and the universe is much smaller. You can buy mutual funds directly from the fund company or many through a stock broker such as Fidelity or TD Ameritrade. Some you can even buy like stocks.
But first things first. Get a couple of books and begin reading on investing in stocks. There is even a “Investing for Dummies” book and it is highly thought of.

6 A K January 24, 2010 at 1:27 am
new york times

7 The Guru® January 24, 2010 at 6:06 am
First gather some general idea as to what is happening in the markets, the macro economic situation and all other related business info, for all that you must read a good business paper.
Next would be learn more abt what kind of companies and sectors you want to invest in. You can do that by reading the Co’s financial annual reports, its filings with the SEC, etc , then understand the trend of the share, its price, volume and related info.
More imp keep your eyes and ears open, remember in the stock markets, Information is wealth.

8 composer January 24, 2010 at 12:47 pm
Since you are young you don’t need a get rich quick thing, so look for the Blue Chip stocks- big companies that have been around a long time and will be around when you’re old. Dividends are a good thing. There are stock funds that invest in a wide range of companies which minimize your chance of losing money. Then you don’t have to watch your stocks everyday- just sit back knowing that, barring a depression, history is on your side.

9 msbluebe January 24, 2010 at 6:31 pm
There are stock investment clubs which are very good in your local community who study stocks. Also the NAIC has a great magazine and non profit organization that teaches people how to invest. Good luck.

10 wiley22 January 25, 2010 at 12:36 am
go to Yahoo! Finance-lots of great stuff there…

11 kath6814 January 25, 2010 at 6:45 am
I personally use Sharebuilder. Quite a lot of information on that site.
Good luck!

A few triples in your lifetime will overwhelm all the losers you pick along the way

If you own 10 stocks, and 3 of them are big winners, they will more than make up for the 1 or 2 losers and the 6 or 7 stocks that have done just OK.

If you can mange to find a few triples in your lifetime - stocks that have increased threefold over what you paid for them - you'll never lack for spending money, no matter how many losers you pick along the way.

And once you get the hang of how to follow a company's progress, you can put more money into the successful companies and reduce your stake in the flops.

You may not triple your money in a stock very often, but you only need a few triples in a lifetime to build up a sizeable fortune.

Here's the math:

If you start out with $10,000 and

  • manage to triple it 5 times, you've got $2.4 million, and
  • if you triple it 10 times, you've got $500 million, and
  • 13 times, you're the richest person in America.

Picking Your Own Stocks

If you have the time and the inclination, you can embark on a thrilling lifetime adventurepicking your own stocks.

This is a lot more work than investing in a mutual fund, but you can derive a great deal of satisfaction from picking your own stocks.  Over time, perhaps, you'll do better than most of the funds.

Not all your stocks will go up - no stockpicker in history has ever had a 100% success rate. 

Warren Buffett has made mistakes, and Peter Lynch could fill several notebooks with the stories of his.  But a few big winners is all you need.

If you own 10 stocks, and 3 of them are big winners, they will more than make up for the 1 or 2 losers and the 6 or 7 stocks that have done just OK.

If you can mange to find a few triples in your lifetime - stocks that have increased threefold over what you paid for them - you'll never lack for spending money, no matter how many losers you pick along the way. 

And once you get the hang of how to follow a company's progress, you can put more money into the successful companies and reduce your stake in the flops.

You may not triple your money in a stock very often, but you only need a few triples in a lifetime to build up a sizeable fortune.

Here's the math:

If you start out with $10,000 and
  • manage to triple it 5 times, you've got $2.4 million, and
  • if you triple it 10 times, you've got $500 million, and
  • 13 times, you're the richest person in America.

Before you risk your cash - put yourself through some practice drills first

There is nothing to keep you from investing in mutual funds and buying your own stocks as well. 

Much of the advice here is useful:
  • the advantages of starting early,
  • of having a plan,
  • of sticking to the plan, and,
  • of not worrying about crashes and corrections.

How do I figure out which stocks to pick or which fund to invest? Where do I get the money to buy them?

Since it's dangerous to put money into stocks before you figure out how to pick them, you should put yourself through some practice drills before your risk your cash. 

You'd be surprised how many people lose money by investing in stocks before they know the first thing about them!  It happens all the time. 

A person goes through life with no experience in investing, then suddenly receives a lump-sum retirement benefit and throws it all into the stock market, blind, when he or she can't tell a dividend from a divot.  There ought to be some formal training for this, the way they have drivers' ed in school.  We don't put people on the hghway without giving them a few lessons in the parkng lot and teaching them the rules of  the road.

If nobody else is going to train you, at least you can put yourself through training, trying out various strategies on paper, to begin to get a feel for the way different kinds of stock behave. 

Again, a young person has an advantage. 
  • You have the luxury of experimenting with imaginary investments, at least for a while, because you have many decades ahead of you. 
  • By the time you have the money to invest, you'.ll be fully prepared to do it for real.

The safest and best way for young investors is to have a mentor with a proven track record.

Tips on How Investors Could Build a Large Portfolio

Tips on How Investors Could Build a Large Portfolio

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Owing to the global economic downturn, some investors may have to put aside their aim of wealth accumulation lately.

For now, wealth accumulation seems to be far away given their current low salary level, worsened by lower bonuses received or no salary increment.

As a result of the uncertainty arising from salary reduction or getting retrenched, some may even need to tap into their savings to survive through this period of difficulty.

We can fully understand this situation. However, we believe that we should consider building a portfolio at this time.

We may not want to rush in to buy stocks now in view of the current high prices. However, we need to prepare ourselves to “fish” good quality stocks at reasonable price levels if the market turns down again.

We will regret if we are not investing during this period because usually the best opportunities are discovered during a downturn.

Nevertheless, some investors think that it may not be realistic for them to invest now given that they are already having difficulties making ends meet.

However, we believe that we need to start somewhere. Every big portfolio always starts from a small one. If we never sit down and start thinking about building a portfolio, we will never get a big portfolio. Hence, we should start now and start small.

When our portfolio is about RM10,000 in size, a 10% return means a return of only RM1,000. However, when our portfolio grows to RM1mil, a 10% return means RM100,000!

Some investors may have the intention of building a portfolio but they do not know how to do so. In fact, some may depend on wealth advisers on this issue.

However, even if we get a very good, knowledgeable and responsible wealth adviser, we also need to equip ourselves with some knowledge in this area to make sure we make sound investment decisions; after all, we need to be responsible for our future.

We can gain this knowledge by reading books related to this topic or attending some training courses.

Know what we want to achieve

T. Harv Eker says in his book, Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, that “the number one reason for most people who do not get what they want is that they don’t know what they want.”

For example, if we want to have a good retirement, we will have to know how much we need for our retirement and plan ahead for it. To give you some ideas, there are quite a few websites that can provide free advice on how to determine your retirement needs.

Once we know how much we need for retirement and set it as an objective, we need to focus on growing our net wealth to achieve it.

Sometimes investors are too focused on their current income level and short-term gain that they end up neglecting the long-term growth of their net wealth.

High income does not mean high net wealth if your expenses are higher than your income level. Hence, we need to control and monitor our expenses in order to have a net positive cash inflow instead of outflow.

If possible, we should have a cash budget that will guide us on the expected income to be received as well as the expenses to be incurred in the coming periods. We should try our best to stick to the plan and be committed to build our wealth.

Lately, some investors have been affected by high credit-card debts, which may be due to high expenses that cannot be supported by their current income.

During hard times, we need to plan carefully for big expenses and, if possible, we should delay expenditures which are not critical.

Given that nobody will know when our economy will recover, it is safer to spend less and try to reduce our debts.

In fact, if we have cultivated good spending habits from the start, regardless of economic situation, we will not have the problem of having to trim down unnecessary expenses during bad times. We have seen a lot of successful people living below their means and being very careful in spending money on luxury items. We should learn from these examples.

Don’t look down on low returns

Sometimes, a guarantee of low returns is better than the uncertainties of high returns, depending on the risk tolerance level of individuals. Always remember that risk and return go hand-in-hand. Not every investment product suits our return objective and risk tolerance level.

Therefore, we need to understand the characteristics and nature of investment products that we intend to invest in before we make any investment decisions.

We cannot always think of big returns without considering the potential risks that we need to encounter.

For those who like to play it safe, it will be wiser to go for defensive ways of investing, which means looking for stocks that pay good dividends and have solid businesses.

Remember, we need to be patient, go slow and steady. If we can avoid making losses during this period, we should be able to achieve our financial goals when the economy recovers again.

Ooi Kok Hwa is an investment adviser and managing partner of MRR Consulting.

Source : The Star

Market Timing Strategies

Market Timing Strategies

There are many ways to time the market, but three strategies work for most swing trades.
  • First, enter a breakout or breakdown after it's under way.
  • Second, wait for a pullback and enter near support/resistance.
  • Third, buy or sell within a narrow range before the move begins.

Which is the best entry strategy for your next trade? Unfortunately, the right answer is never the same twice. Don't try to render entry rules into simple repetitive tasks. In truth, you need to plan each trade within the context of the
  • current market environment,
  • reward-to-risk ratio and
  • chosen holding period.


Useful for those hoping to profit from short-term trades.  However,  it is still not a foolproof method that can be consistently employed profitably each time.

For those investing in good quality companies for the long term, price is the most important issue.  Buy these at fair price or bargain prices, never buy them at high prices.

Your main reason for buying stocks in the first place.

To own shares in good companies.

People are always looking around for the secret formula for winning on Wall Street, when all along, it's staring them in the face: Buy shares in solid companies with earning power and don't let go of them without a good reason. The stock price going down is not a good reason.

Crashes, corrections and bear markets cannot be predicted exactly

Nobody can predict exactly when a bear market will arrive (although there's no shortage of Wall Stree types who claim to be skilled fortune tellers in this regard).  But when one does arrive, and the prices of 9 out of 10 stocks drop in unison, many investors naturally get scared.

They hear the TV newscasters using words like "disaster" and "calamity" to describe the situation, and they begin to worry that stock prices will hurtle toward zero and their investment will be wiped out.  They decide to rescue what's left of their money by putting their stocks up for sale, even at a loss.  They tell themselves that getting something back is better than getting nothing back.

It is at this point that large crowds of people suddenly become short-term investors, in spite of their claims about being long-term investors.  
  • They let their emotions get the better of them, and they forget the reason they bought stocks in the first place - to own shares in good companies. 
  • They go into a panic because stock prices are low, and instead of waiting for the prices to come back, they sell at these low prices. 
  • Nobody forces them to do this, but they volunteer to lose money.

Without realising it, they've fallen into the trap of trying to time the market.  If you told them they were "market timers" they'd deny it, but anybody who sells stocks because the market is up or down is a market timer for sure.

A market timer tries to predict the short-term zigs and zags in stock prices, hoping to get out with a quick profit.  Few people can make money at this, and nobody has come up with a foolproof method. 

Anybody who sells stocks because the market is up or down is a market timer for sure.

Anybody who sells stocks because the market is up or down is a market timer for sure.

A market timer tries to predict the short-term zigs and zags in stock prices, hoping to get out with a quick profit. 

Few people can make money at this, and nobody has come up with a foolproof method. 

In fact, if anybody had figured out how to consistently predict the market, his name (or her name) would already appear at the top of the list of riches peole in the world, ahead of Warren Buffett and Bill Gates.

Try to time the market and you invariably find yourself getting out of stocks at the moment they've hit bottom and are turning back up, and into stocks when they've gone up and are turning back down. 

People think this happens to them because they're unlucky.  In fact, it happens to them because they're attempting the impossible.  Nobody can outsmart the market.

People also think it's dangerous to be invested in stocks during crashes and corrections, but it's only dangerous if they sell.

They forget the other kind of danger - not being invested in stocks on those few magical days when prices take a flying leap. 

It is amazing how a few key days can make or break your entire investment plan. 

Here is a typical example:  During a prosperous five-year stretch in teh 1980s, stock prices gained 26.3% a year.  Disciplined investors who stuck to the plan doubled their money and then some.  But most of these gains occurred on 40 days out of the 1,276 days the stock markets were open for business during those 5 years.  If you were out of stocks on those 40 key days, attempting to avoid the next correction, your 26.3% annual gain was reduced to 4.3%.  A CD in a bank would have returned more than 4.3%, and at less risk.

So to get the most out of stocks, especially if you're young and time is on your side, your best bet is to invest money you can afford to set aside forever, then leave that money in stocks through thick and thin. 

  • You'll suffer through the bad times, but if you don't sell any shares, you'll never take a real loss. 
  • By being fully invested, you'll get the full benefit of those magical and unpredictable stretches when stocks make most of their gains.

Secret formula for winning was always staring in your face

People are always looking around for the secret formula for winning on Wall Street, when all along, it's staring them in the face: Buy shares in solid companies with earning power and don't let go of them without a good reason. The stock price going down is not a good reason.

To get that 11%, you have to pledge your loyalty to stocks for better or for the worse - this is a marriage we're talking about, a marriage between your money and your investments. You can be a genius at analysing which companies to buy, but unless you have the patience and the courage to hold on to the shares, you're an odds-on favorite to become a mediocre investor.

It is not always brainpower that separates good investors from bad; often, it's discipline.

Invest for the Long Term - Twenty years or longer is the right time frame.

If you can read and do fifth-grade arithmetic, you have the basic skills to be a successful investor in stocks.  The next thing you need is a plan.

The stock market is one place where being young gives you a big advantage over the old folks.  You've got the most valuable asset of all - time.

The old expression "Time is money" ought to be revised to "Time makes money."  It is a winning combination.  Let time and money do the work, while you sit back and await the results. 

If you have decided to invest in stocks above all else, avoiding bonds, you have eliminated a major source of confusion, plus you've made the intelligent choice.  This assumes, you are a long-term investor who is determined to stick with stocks no matter what. 

People who need to pull their money out in one year, two year, or five years shouldn't invest in stocks in the first place.  There's simply no telling what stock prices will do from one year to the next.  When the stock market has one of its "corrections" and stocks lose money, the people who have to get their money out may be going home with a lot less than they put in.

Twenty years or longer is the right time frame. That's long enough for stocks to rebound from the nastiest corrections on record, and it's long enought for the profits to pile up.  11% a year in total return is what stocks have produced in the past.  Nobody can predict the future, but after 20 years at 11%, an investment of $10,000 is magically transformed into $80,623.

To get that 11%, you have to pledge your loyalty to stocks for better or for the worse - this is a marriage we're talking about, a marriage between your money and your investments.  You can be a genius at analysing which companies to buy, but unless you have the patience and the courage to hold on to the shares, you're an odds-on favorite to become a mediocre investor.  It is not always brainpower that separates good investors from bad; often, it's discipline.

Stick with your stocks no matter what, ignore all the "smart advice" that tells you to do otherwise, and "act like a dumb mule."  That was the advice given 50 years ago by a former stockbroker, Fred Schwed, in his classic book Where are the Customers' Yachts? and it still applies today.

People are always looking around for the secret formula for winning on Wall Street, when all along, it's staring them in the face:  Buy shares in solid companies with earning power and don't let go of them without a good reason.  The stock price going down is not a good reason.

It's easy enough to stand in front of a mirror and swear that you[re a long-term investor who will have no trouble staying true to your stocks.  The real test comes when stocks take a dive.  Nobody can predict exactly when a bear market will arrive (although there's no shortage of Wall Street types who claim to be skilled fortune tellers in this regard).  But when one does arrive, and the prices of 9 out of 10 stocks drop in unison, many investors naturally get scared.

Consistently losing money in stocks - don't blame the stocks, it is not the fault of the stocks. You need a plan.

When people consistently lose money in stocks, it's not the fault of the stocks.

Stocks in general go up in value over time.

In 99 out of 100 cases where investors are chronic losers, it's because they don't have a plan.

They buy at a high price, then they get impatient or they panic, and they sell at a lower price during one of those inevitable periods when stocks are taking a dive.

Their motto is "Buy high and sell low," but you don't have to follow it.

Instead, you need a plan.

Groundwork for a lifetime of investing in Stocks

The Pros and Cons of some basic investments.


Stocks are likely to be the best investment you will ever make, outside of a house. 

When you buy a bond, you're only making a loan, but when you invest in a stock, you're buying a piece of a company.  If the company prospers, you share in the prosperity.  If it pays a dividend, you'll receive it, and if it raises the dividend, you'll reap the benefit.  Hundreds of successful companies have a habit of raising their dividends year after year.   This is a bonus for owning stocks that makes them all the more valuable.  They never raise the interest rate on a bond!

Stocks have outdone other investments going back as far as anybody can remember.  Maybe they won't prove themselves in a week or a year, but they've always come through for the people who own them.

More than 50 million American have discovered the fun and profit in owning stocks.  That's one in five.

These aren't all whizbangs who drive Rolls-Royces.  Most of these shareholders are regular folks with regular jobs:  teachers, bus drivers, doctors, carpenters, students, your friends and relatives, the neighbours in the next apartment or down the block.

You don't have to be a millionaire, or even a thousandaire, to get started investing in stocks.  Even if you have no money to invest, because you're out of a job or you're too young to have a job, or there's nothing left over after you pay the bills, you can make a game out of picking stocks.  This can be excellent training at no risk.

People who train to be pilots are put into flight simulators, where they can learn from their mistakes without crashing a real plane.  You can create your own investment simulator and learn from your mistakes without losing real money.  A lot of investors who might have benefited from this sort of training had to learn the hard way, instead.

Friends or relatives may have warned you to stay away from stocks.  They may have told you that if you buy a stock you're throwing your money away, because the stock market is no more reliable than a casino.  They may even have the losses to prove it.  Looking at the annual rates of returns of selected investments, stocks been the best performers, averaging 11% annualy over decades If stocks are such a gamble, why have they paid off so handsomely over so many decades?

When people consistently lose money in stocks, it's not the fault of the stocks.  Stocks in general go up in value over time.  In 99 out of 100 cases where investors are chronic losers, it's because they don't have a plan.  They buy at a high price, then they get impatient or they panic, and they sell at a lower price during one of those inevitable periods when stocks are taking a dive.  Their motto is "Buy high and sell low," but you don't have to follow it.  Instead, you need a plan.

This introductory material hopefully will lay the groundwork for a lifetime of investing.

Saturday 23 January 2010


The Pros and Cons of some Basic Investments


A bond is a glorified IOU. 

When you buy a bond, you're simply making a loan. 

The seller of the bond, also called the issuer, is borrowing your money, and the bond itself is proof that the issuer, is borrowing.

The biggest seller of bonds in the world is Uncle Sam.  Whenever the US government needs extra cash (which these days is all the time), it prints up a new batch.

The government owes so much to so many that more than 15% of all the federal taxes goes to paying the interest.

The type of bond that young people are most likely to get involved in is the US Savings Bond.  Grandparents are famous for giving savings bonds as gifts to their grandchildren.  Over the years, the government pays back the money, plus interest - not to the grandparents, but to the grandchildren.

State and local governments also sell bonds to raise cash. So do hospitals, and airports, school districts and sports stadiums, public agencies of all kinds, and thousands of companies.  Bonds are in abundant supply. 

The main difference between bonds and CDs or Treasury bills is that with CDs and Treasuries, you get paid back sooner (the period varies from a few months to a couple of years), and with bonds you get paid back later (you might have to wait five years, ten years, or as long as thirty years).

The longer it takes for bonds to pay off, the greater the risk that inflation will eat up the value of your money before you get it back.  That's why bonds pay a higher rate of interest than the short-term alternatives, such as CDs, savings accounts, or the money market.  Investors demand to be rewarded for taking the greater risk.

All else being equal, a 30-year bond pays more interest than a 10-year bond, which in turn pays more interest than a 5-year bond, and so on.  The buyers of bonds have to decide how far out they want to go, and whether the extra money they make in interest, on say, a 30-year bond is worth the risk of having their money tied up for that long.  These are difficult decisons.

Stocks are riskier than bonds, and potentially far more rewarding. 

The good thing about a bond is that even though you miss the gain when the stock goes up, you also miss the loss when the stock goes down. 

That's why a bond is less risky than a stock.  There's a guarantee attached to it.  When you buy a bond, you know in advance exactly how much you will be getting in interest payments, and you won't lie awake nights worrying where the stock price is headed.  Your investment is protected, at least more protected than when you buy a stock.

Still, there are 3 ways you can get hurt by a bond.

1.  The first danger occurs if you sell the bond before the due date, when the issuer of the bond must repay you in full.  By selling early, you take your chances in the bond market, where the prices of bonds go up and down daily, the same as stocks.  So, if you get out of a bond prematurely, you might get less than you paid for it.

2.  The second danger occurs when the issuer of the bond goes bankrupt and can't pay you back.  The chances of this happening depend on who is doing the issuing.  The US government, for example, will never go bankrupt - it can print more money whenever it wants.  Other issuers can't always offer such a guarantee.  If they go bankrupt, the owners of the bonds can lose a lot of money.  Usually, they get something back, but not the entire investment.  And sometimes, they lose the whole amount.

When an issuer of a bond fails to make the required payments, it's called a default.  To avoid getting caught in one, smart bond buyers review the financial condition of the issuer fo a bond before they consider buying it.  Some bonds are insured, which is another way the payments can be guaranteed.  Also, there are agencies that give safety ratings to bonds, so potential buyers know in advance which ones are risky and which aren't.  A strong company gets a high safety rating - the chance of defauting on a bond are close to zero.  A weaker company that has trouble paying its bills will get a low rating.  You've heard of junk bonds?  These are the bonds that get the lowest ratings of all.

When you buy a junk bond, you're taking a bigger risk that you won't get your money back.  That's why junk bonds pay a higher rate of interest than other bonds - the investors are rewarded for taking the extra risk.

Except with the junkiest of junk bonds, defaults are few and far between.

3.  The third and biggest risk in owning a bond is:  INFLATION.  With stocks, over the very long term, you can keep up with inflation and make a decent profit to boot.  With bonds, you can't.

Houses or Apartments

The Pros and Cons of some Basic Investments

Houses or Apartments

Buying a house or an apartment is the most profitable purchase most people ever made. 

A house has 2 big advantages over other types of investments:
  • You can live in it while you wait for the price to go up, and
  • You buy it on borrowed money.
Houses have a habit of increasing in value at the same rate as inflation.  On that score, you're breaking even.

But you don't pay for the house all at once.  Typically, you pay 20% up front (the down payment), and a bank lends you the other 80% (the mortgage).  You pay interest on this mortgage for as long as it takes you to pay back the loan.  That could be as long as 15 or 30 years, depending on the deal you make with the bank.

Meanwhile, you're living in a house, and you won't get scared out of it by a bad housing market, the way you might get scared out of stocks when the stock market has a crash or a correction. 

As long as you stay there, the house increses in value, but you aren't paying any taxes on the gains.  And once in your lifetime, the government gives you a tax break when you do sell the house.

Some mathematics

If you buy a $100,000 house that increases in value by 3% a year, after the first year it will be worth $3,000 more than what you paid for it.

At first glance, you'd say that's a 3% return, the same as you might get from a savings account. 

But here is the secret, that makes the house such a great investment.  Of the $100,000 it takes to buy the house, only $20,000 comes out of your pocket.  So, at the end of year one, you've got a $3,000 profit on an investment of $20,000.  Instead, of a 3% return, the house is giving you a 15% return.

Along the way, of course, you have to pay the interest on the mortgage, but you get a tax break for that, and as you pay off the mortgage, you're increasing your investment in the house.  This is a form of savings that people often don't think about.

Fifteen years up the road, if you've got a fifteen-year mortgage and you stay in the house that long, the mortgage is paid off, and the house you bought for $100,000 is worth $155,797, thanks to the annual 3% increase in price.