Sunday 31 January 2010

Reviewing the basics of interest-bearing investments

To have a good understanding of interest-bearing investments, learn and know the followings.

The risks of interest-bearing investments, for example:
  • inflation,
  • interest rate cycles and
  • dubious borrowers with poor credit ratings.

The advantages of investing in this asset class, particularly
  • the interest income on which you can rely.

Some of the main interest-bearing investments in the market.  These include: 
  • cash,
  • money market funds,
  • bonds,
  • participation mortgage bonds and
  • voluntary purchased term annuities.

You have to know about two new market places other than the stock market: 
  • the money market, where short-term interest-bearing secuities are traded, and
  • the bond market, where longer-term interest-bearing securites such as bonds are traded.

Mistakes to avoid when investing in interest-bearing instruments

Interest-bearing investments may be relatively stress-free, but they too have their pitfalls.  Watch out for the following:

  • Do not accept the first interest rate you are offered.  Compare interest rates, negotiate where possible and find out more about fixed versus fluctuating interest rates and the term of fixed-interest investments.
  • Do not think interest-bearing investments are safe, risk-free havens.  Remember the impact of inflation.
  • Do not forget about interest rate risk.  When interest rates increase, bond prices will decrease, resulting in a loss on your investment.  The longer the term of the bonds, the greater the drop in the market price.
  • Do not invest in bonds without understanding the terms of the bonds and the interest rate environment.  Invest in well-known and reputable bonds rather than in unknown corporate bonds.

Other interesting interest-bearing investments: Mortgage Bonds and Term Annuities

Today a myriad of unit trusts invest in interest-bearing investments.  These include:
  • money market funds,
  • income funds, and,
  • bond funds.

Mortgage Bonds

One of the most attractive interest-bearing investments with a fixed capital value is participation mortgage bonds. 
  • Here you invest in units in large mortgage loans that are granted against the security of a first-class physical asset, for example, commercial, industrial or other property. 
  • Your capital is guaranteed and you earn interest at a competitive rate that can be variable or fixed. 
  • A great advantge is that a participation bond becomes quite liquid after the initial five-year period when you can still enjoy the interest income and withdraw on only three months' notice.
  • (These mortgage bonds caused the subprime credit crisis in 2007-2008 in US).

Term Annuity

A voluntary purchased term annuity is another important investment product from which you can earn a regular income.  It is simply the exchange of a cash lump sum for income, which is paid annually, half-yearly, quarterly or in monthly instalments over a specified period (minimum five years). 
  • This basically means that your original capital is refunded by way of regular instalments together with interest earned on the investment. 
  • You will therefore not get back any capital at the end of the period as in the case of fixed deposit. 
  • A voluntary term annuity can be purchased at any life office and is in essence an insurance contract. 
  • The interest or annuity rate is fixed for the term of the contract, but varies from institution to institution. 
  • This investment product also offers a tax benefit, as you pay tax only on the interest part of your annuity.

More about another interest bearing investments: bonds

Bonds are fixed-income securities that governments and companies issue in order to borrow money.  They pay interest to you for that privilege. 

The maturity date is the date on which the full amount that was borrowed is returned to you .

The investment term is normally a fairly long period, say ten years or longer.

The coupon is the interest rate you receive

Bonds are traded on the capital market in the same way that equities are traded on the stock market.

Bonds are medium-risk investments because the interest rate cycle has a definite impact on the value of bonds. 

If you want to understand bonds, this is the most important thing to remember:  when interest rates fall, bond prices rise; when interest rates rise, bond prices fall. 

This is simply because the coupon on the bond is fixed, and the market value of the bond is adjusted to bring the coupon in line with the external interest rate. 

Bonds are a very important part of a well-diversified portfolio.  In difficult stock markets, bonds can provide a cushion to soften the blow.

Money market funds have become very popular alternative to bank deposit

A money market fund is a type of unit trust that invests in interest-bearing instruments issued by banks, government and companies when they want to borrow money.

These short-term instruments are
  • traded on the money market, and
  • have a maturity of less than 12 months.

Money market funds have major advantages in comparison with other cash investments.  For example:
  • You gain access to money market instruments even though you invest only a small amount.
  • The interest rate is higher than for a bank deposit, as you are part of a group that can bargain for the best wholesale rates.
  • You can withdraw your money at any time, like a call deposit at a bank.
  • Interest rate risk is largely eliminated because money market funds are allowed to invest only in instruments with an average term of not more than 90 days.
Units in a money market fund have a fixed value of $1, and the only changing aspect is the interest income an investor earns on that unit.

This income is capitalised, or reinvested, which means the investor earns interest on interest.

Money market funds are ideal
  • for pensioners who must live on their interest income or
  • for the creation of an emergency fund from which you can withdraw money at any time. 
Money market funds also provide useful parking for investors
  • to limit the risk of an investment portfolio in uncertain times or
  • to phase in their funds.

When you invest in a money market acount, you should know the difference between the nominal and effective rate. 
  • The effective rate is the interest rate you will earn if your money is deposited for the whole year and all the interest is reinvested. 
  • The nominal rate is lower because this is the rate you earn every month before any reinvestment of interest is taken into account.

The 'safe' option of cash

Cash has always been seen as a fairly safe investment, and our forefathers were quite happy to put their money under the mattress and leave it there.

Today we realise that you cannot just put your money away and forget about it, because inflation will erode its value.

If you want a stable income, a bank deposit is still a valuable investment option.

However, money market funds have become a very popular alternative.

Saturday 30 January 2010

The calmer waters of interest-bearing investments: their risks and rewards

The interest-bearing investments include:
  • cash
  • bonds
  • the money market securities.
Compared to the roller-coaster ride of equities, interest-bearing investments are like a sea of tranquillity.

The focus of interest-bearing investments is not on the appreciation (increase) of the capital you have invested, but rather on the provision of a steady interest income - often at a fixed rate.

While shares offer you higher returns at a higher risk, interest-bearing investments offer you lower returns at a lower risk, making them a safe haven for many investors.

But this safe asset class is not safe from inflation. 

Interest-bearing investments often do not generate the kind of return that beats inflation, and it is very important to remember that interest income is taxable.  After taking tax into account, the return on interest-bearing investments often struggles to beat the inflation rate.

The reason for this is simple.  Interest-bearing investments are normally money you lend to a bank, government, company or other institution with the undertaking that this exact amount will be paid back after a period of time. 

In return for this, you earn interest.

Since you only get the same amount back after a couple of months or years, that amount is usually worth less as a result of inflation. 

Your only real benefit is the income that you receive.

Interest-bearing investments also hold other risks. 
  • This asset class is subject to the ups and downs of the interest rate cycle.  As interest rates increase or decrease, your cash flow can be affected - unless you have a fixed interest rate.
  • Furthermore, you should beware of institutions with credit risk.  A high interest rate is not everything:  you must also be sure that your capital will be paid back. 
The so-called junk bond market in America is well known as a market where companies with poor credit ratings offer exceptionally high interest ratesSometimes it is better to earn less interest, but know that your money is safe.

Interest-bearing investments do, however, play an important part in an investment portfolio.  Although inflation will still erode the capital value of your investment, these investments do have advantages, including:
  • offering you a relatively safe and predictable income.
  • offering you less risk and volatility than an investment in equities
  • offering diversification in your portfolio in case stock markets collapse
  • giving you instant access to cash when you need it.

Investment in Property

Property is one of the main asset classes, the first investment most people make, and usually their biggest asset. 

Investment in property offers the promise of
  • an appreciation (or increase) in capital and
  • a regular income in the form of rental payments. 
That means that property, like equities, can beat inflation over time.

But you must also be aware that the capital value of your property can depreciate (or decrease) over time, therefore property is a medium- to high-risk investment.

One of the advantages of investment in property is gearing or leverage.  This is the use of debt in the form of mortgage bond finance to 'leverage' you or help you to acquire an asset you would not otherwise be able to afford.

With a little financial help from your banking friends, you will, it is hoped, make a good capital gain on your investment one day.

There are different ways of investing in property. 
  • On the one hand, you can simply own your own home in which you live. 
  • On the other hand, you can own an investment portfolio of different properites with a view to earning a rental income or capital profit from them. 
  • A third way to invest in property is through the stock market.

Your own home

An own home is often the biggest asset in one's investment portfolio. 

For most people, paying off their house takes up most of their earnings.  They are using their mortgage bond to leverage them, possibly with the hope of making a capital gain one day.

Paying off a mortgage on your own home is one of the best investments you can make, and a golden rule to remember is that you should pay off your mortgage bond before you start thinking about investing in other asset classes.

As an own home can be a medium- to high-risk investment,  you should be aware of the following dangers:
  • Property is highly illiquid.  This means you do not have immediate access to the value of your property should you need cash (although you could use your mortgage bond facility), and if you decide to sell your house, there is no guarantee that you will be able to do so quickly.
  • The value of your house is influenced by many factors over which you have no control, such as political factors and economic and interest rate cycles.

An investment portfolio of properties

Buying a property with a view to letting it and using the rental income to cover your mortgage bond payments (with the mortgage interest often tax-deductibe) while you benefit from the capital appreciation of the property sounds like a great investment strategy.  So why do not more people do it?

The reason is perhaps because there are so many pitfalls in propety investment.  Some of these are:
  • Large amounts are required to invest in property.
  • Properties need to be managed.  Difficulties include problems with tenants, payments on time, maintenance, etc.  and these must all be factored into your calculations.
  • There is a high risk of bad timing in property investment.  Certainly, you can make substantial capital gains, but only if you buy and sell the property at the right time.

Property investing on the stock market

Property investing on the stock market gives the small investor the chance to invest in property in a more liquid way.  You can sell your investment without having to sell a physical property, and you gain access to the propety expertise and scale benefits of large projects.  There are three sectors in the stock market property division in which you can invest, namely:
  • property companies,
  • property loan stocks, and
  • property unit trusts or REITS
You can buy shares or units directly in these entities that own a diversified range of properties.  Each of these will have a different risk profile depending on factors such as
  • the age,
  • location and
  • type of property in which it invests.

These entities normally perform well in a falling interest rate environment, but, as with all property investments, are vulnerable to
  • interest rate cycles and
  • economic and political change. 
These investments can therefore be fairly volatile and are recommended only for investors with specialised knowledge. 

Additional notes:

The concept of gearing:  This can be explained by the following example.  Say you have put down a deposit of $200,000 to buy a property of $1 million.  Within two years, the property's value increases by 10% to $1.1 million.  This means you have actually used $200,000 to earn $100,000 (i.e. 50% return) with the help of your bank manager!

Beware of property gains tax:  This can reduce the attractiveness of investment property.  Property gains tax can take a significant chunk of your capital gain when you sell property and will make it more difficult for this investment to beat inflation.

Remember Diversification

Most investment plans should include a combination of the 4 major asset classes because of the benefit of diversification.

Diversification in this context means spreading your investment risk between the various asset classes. In other words, not putting all your eggs in one basket.

Investors who are prepared to hold a combination of equities, bonds and money market instruments stand a greater chance of higher returns over the long term than those who invest only in conservative investments such as cash.

By combining
  • the growth potential of equities with
  • the higher income of bonds and
  • the stability of money market funds,
you are employing a sound strategy to control the balance of risk and reward in your portfolio and to ensure that your investments fit in with your
  • time horizon,
  • risk tolerance profile and
  • investment objectives.

How do asset classes fit in with your profile?

From answering the 10 simple questions (reference below), your total score tells you more about yourself.  Three basic profiles emerged and helped set the necessary guidelines for your investment portfolio.

The three basic profiles and their respective investment objectives are:
  • You cannot afford to make mistakes: Conservative investment objectives
  • You are carefully weighing up your options: Prudent investment objectives
  • You want to grow bigger and better: Aggressive investment objectives

Click here to find out what asset classes these respective investors should include in their portfolios.

Read also:
What money means to you? Answer 10 simple questions.
Understand what money means to you: Answer 10 simple questions : Sheet1

Equities - high risk

An investment in equities (shares or stocks) means that you have obtained part-ownership in the company whose shares you have bought.  Some companies are listed on a stock exchange, which means that your shares can be traded freely on that stock exchange.

Although equities are a high-risk asset class, they have the best chance of beating inflation over the longer term because of the inherent growth potential of the company in whch you have invested.

For that reason you should keep a SIGNIFICANT  portion of your portfolio in equities.  The basic rule is:  the longer the time until you retire, the more you should invest in equities.

How do I know how much of my portfolio should be in equities?
  • Try this general rule of thumb:  multiply the number of years until you retire by two to get to the percentage of your assets that you should keep in equities. 
  • For instance, you are 45 years old and have 20 years before retirement.  That means that you should invest 40% of your assets in equity.

Property - moderate to high risk

Property is often the biggest asset in a person's investment portfolio.

Property can keep up with inflation and can be a very effective way of gearing your investment.

This means that by using external financing you can increase the return on your investment.  Debt in the form of a mortgage bond can help you to acquire an asset - and a return on this asset - you would not otherwise be able to afford.

The risk of property, however, is moderate to high. 

Much depends on
  • the location of the property and
  • the political and economic environment.

One big drawback of this asset class is illiquidity:  the fact that you cannot sell property as quickly as investments in other asset classes. 

For that reason the safest option is to own your own home, but to leave property speculation (a potentially risky business) to the experts.

Bonds - moderate risk

Bonds or gilts can be defined as interest-bearing securities issued by governments or companies in order to borrow money.

In essence, it is an IOU, in which they promise to pay you, the lender,
  • interest and
  • to pay back your capital sum on a specific date.

This asset class offers a moderate risk. 
  • The capital sum that you invest can fluctuate, while
  • the interest payments can be higher than on cash.

Cash - low risk

Cash is one investment from which you can never hope to make a fortune, althoug it can safeguard you against losing one.

Cash investments, including bank deposits and money market accounts,
  • offer you the assurance of a regular interest income and
  • knowing your capital will not be subjected to huge external fluctuations.

But cash also carries risk.  There is no guarantee that your capital sum will be protected against inflation, as this investment does not have any inherent growth potential.

The 4 major asset classes: the building blocks of any investment plan

Any serious investor should have a basic knowledge of the 4 major asset classes and the risk inherent in each:
  • Cash - low risk  (For Savings and Protection)
  • Bonds - moderate risk (For Income)
  • Property - moderate to high risk (For Growth and Income)
  • Equities - high risk (For Growth)
Remember this fundamental rule:

The bigger the risk you take, the greater the possible reward or return (growth on capital) you can expect.

The safer your investment and the smaller the risk you take, the smaller the possibility of a great return.

Why do so many people invest themselves into bankruptcy?

Investment is simply the saving of money with the aim of making it grow.

The amount you invest is called your capital.  Investing is therefore the creation of more money through the use of capital.

The trick, of course, is finding the right assets in which to invest.

Why do so many people invest themselves into bankruptcy?

The answer is that they
  • invest in dubious or risky products, or
  • know too little about themselves and the product or asset classes in which they invest.

What money means to you? Answer 10 simple questions.

In order to really make your money work for you, it is important to try and get
  • to know more about yourself and
  • your relationship with money. 
Some "money psychology" should help you to deal with your financial affairs in a smart way.

To find out more about your investment orientation and your relationship with money, answer the 10 simple questions below as honestly as possible.  This will also help set the necessary guidelines for your investment portfolio.

Time horizon
Questions 1 - 5

Risk tolerance
Questions 6 - 8

Investment Objectives
Questions 9 - 10

Your total score tells you more about yourself.

Less than 10:  You cannot afford to make mistakes
Between 10 and 20:  You are carefully weighing up your options.
More than 20:  You want to grow bigger and better.

Investment Objectives

There are four major financial phases in life:
  • a no-strings-attached youth,
  • building a family,
  • working towards retirement, and,
  • retirement itself.

Each depends on how you view
  • your lifestyle,
  • your financial situation and
  • your investment objectives. 

Identify where you are in the cycle and how it affects your financial goals.

Risk Tolerance

Time is not the only factor that affects the risk you take when you invest.

Your own tolerance of risk is an important factor.

Risk is the measurement of your willingness to see your investments shrink in the short-term, even though you know they will increase in the longer term. 

You need to have some idea of your level of risk tolerance.

Time Horizon

What are your major deadlines in life?

 How much time do you have to save and invest before you retire?

Your time horizon is very important when you invest, because compounding works best over a longer period. 

Time and risk are also related. 

If you are young and have many working years ahead of you, you can afford to take bigger risks with your investments than an older person close to retirement.