Wednesday 5 May 2010

From Buffett, Thought-Out Support for Goldman

Published: May 3, 2010

Why is Warren Buffett sticking his neck out so far in defense of Goldman Sachs?
That was the question so manyBerkshire Hathaway shareholders, some in disbelief, kept asking here over the weekend, after Mr. Buffett offered his full-throated support of Goldman and its chief executive, Lloyd C. Blankfein, as they fight a civil fraud suit brought by regulators.
Yet by the end of Berkshire’s annual meeting, at least some of the 40,000 shareholders in attendance who had been skeptical of Goldman had come to the same conclusion: Mr. Buffett may actually be right.
“I don’t have a problem with the Abacus transaction at all, and I think I understand it better than most,” Mr. Buffett declared with nonchalance late Sunday afternoon, referring to the mortgage derivatives deal at the center of the lawsuit. He had just finished playing Ping-Pong with Ariel Hsing, a top-ranked 14-year-old junior table tennis player. (He lost 2 to 1.)
His comments echoed the strong view he had offered just the day before: “For the life of me, I don’t see whether it makes any difference whether it was John Paulson on the other side of the deal, or whether it was Goldman Sachs on the other side of the deal, or whether it was Berkshire Hathaway on the other side of the deal,” Mr. Buffett said.
Have we all been thinking about this the wrong way?
Mr. Buffett’s view — conventional, perhaps, on Wall Street but contrarian on that mythical place called Main Street that Mr. Buffett usually occupies — is worth considering for at least one reason: No one else of prominence has spoken out so publicly in support of Goldman. In his trademark way, he made a plain-spoken case that makes sense.
Cynics might regard Mr. Buffett’s statements as predictably self-serving. After all, his company owns about $5 billion in preferred stock in Goldman. What’s more, ever since he made a big investment in Goldman during the thick of the financial crisis, his priceless reputation has been hitched to the firm.
But remember that he has been a consistent and unapologetic critic of Wall Street, especially in the wake of the financial crisis. And besides, his stake in Goldman is more a loan than an investment, so he’ll no doubt be paid no matter what happens with the Abacus suit.
But on the facts of the Securities and Exchange Commission’s civil fraud case against Goldman, Mr. Buffett — he was questioned on this topic over the weekend by shareholders and a panel of three journalists, including me — was resolute. (He did not directly address reports that the Justice Department was conducting a criminal inquiry into Goldman’s mortgage deals, but his positive view of the firm is obvious.)
To him, investors should make their investment decisions based on the quality of the securities, not on who helped put them together or who else was betting for or against them. He suggested those factors were irrelevant.
“I don’t care if John Paulson is shorting these bonds. I’m going to have no worries that he has superior knowledge,” he said, adding: “It’s our job to assess the credit.” The assets are the assets. The math either works or it doesn’t.
In its suit, the S.E.C. has accused Goldman of not disclosing that the Abacus instrument was devised in part by a short-seller, John Paulson, who stood to gain by betting against it.
IKB, one of the buyers, and ACA, which acted as the selection agent and insured the transaction, said they didn’t know Mr. Paulson was on the other side of the deal and had influenced which mortgages were chosen. Together, IKB and ACA lost nearly $1 billion in the deal.
Mr. Buffett, who has always approached investing as a dispassionate exercise based on his reading of the numbers, said IKB and ACA had all the relevant facts that any investor would need. They were able to see all the mortgages, which were referenced in full, and yet they made what turned out to be a very bad bet.
“It’s a little hard for me to get terribly sympathetic,” he said. When he makes his investments for Berkshire, he said, “we are in the business of making our own decisions. They do not owe us a divulgence of their position.”
On Sunday, Mr. Buffett said that the case against Goldman seemed to be based only on hindsight.
“It’s very strange to say, at the end of the transaction, that if the other guy is smarter than you, that you have been defrauded,” he said. “It seems to me that that’s what they are saying.”
Indeed, many securities lawyers have said from the start that the case against Goldman might be hard for the S.E.C. to win, for many of the reasons spelled out by Mr. Buffett in his defense of Goldman.
One Berkshire shareholder who has been a regular in Omaha is Bill Ackman, an outspoken hedge fund manager who has made a career of railing against bad corporate practices. He spent years, for example, trying to get people to pay attention to the failures of the rating agencies before the crisis became full-blown.
In recent days, he has gone even further than Mr. Buffett in his defense of Goldman, suggesting it would have been unethical for the firm to disclose Mr. Paulson’s position in the Abacus deal. He says that Goldman, as the market maker, had a duty to protect the identity of both sides of the transaction.
He agrees with Mr. Buffett that as an investor, he would not have considered it necessary to know that Mr. Paulson had helped select the securities.
If that is really the case, it makes you question all of the outrage being directed at Goldman over this transaction. “The country wants to hang somebody,” one Berkshire board member told me.
With so many easy targets of the financial crisis — Fannie MaeFreddie MacA.I.G.Bear StearnsLehman Brothers — it does seem odd that the government, and the public, has chosen to vilify one of only a couple of firms that made fewer mistakes than the rest.
Still, the chorus of Goldman opponents has become so loud that, predictably, some people have called for Mr. Blankfein’s head.
On that subject, Charles Munger, Mr. Buffett’s vocal sidekick and vice chairman, put it bluntly: “There are plenty of C.E.O.’s I’d like to see gone in America. Lloyd Blankfein isn’t one of them.”

The euro also tumbled to a one-year low

The euro also tumbled to a one-year low as concerns about the sovereign debt crisis in Europe dominated the markets.

May 3, 2010
In Greek Debt Crisis, a Window to the German Psyche

PARIS — A few weeks after Lehman Brothers went bankrupt and the world plunged into a financial crisis, Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany offered some common-sense advice to reckless bankers, indebted consumers and profligate governments.

“One should simply have asked a Swabian housewife,” Mrs. Merkel said during an address to fellow Christian Democrats in December 2008 in the southwest German region of Swabia, hub of the Protestant work ethic. “She would have told us her worldly wisdom: in the long run, you can’t live beyond your means.”

Now, as Europe struggles to avoid its own Lehman experience — saving Greece and thus the euro — the episode says much about the Germans.

Led by France, European neighbors have been pressing for months for Germany, which has the Continent’s biggest economy, to throw its financial weight behind a bailout package and a new system of economic governance for the euro zone. In the process, a reluctant Berlin has been called irresponsible, selfish and even un-European.

But if France wants Germany to be more European, Germany wants Europe to be more Swabian. To bring Europe to a compromise required a deal between Mrs. Merkel and a Frenchman, Dominique Strauss-Kahn of the International Monetary Fund, who met in Berlin last week to pull Greece and the euro zone back from the brink.

The Greek episode has heated up the long culture clash between the European Union’s traditional drivers: federal Germany with its Prussian attachment to rules and an instinctive frugality rooted in past economic traumas, and republican France with its tradition of state intervention and a more Mediterranean attitude toward public debt.

Paris and Berlin have had many disagreements in the postwar world, but few are as deep-rooted as those on economic governance, said John C. Kornblum, a former United States ambassador to Germany.

“This comes from the gut, it’s emotional,” said Mr. Kornblum, who as assistant secretary of state for Europe in the 1990s watched successive French and German leaders spar over how to govern the future single currency.

If there is no political structure in place to safeguard the euro — a weakness exposed in the current debt crisis — Mr. Kornblum said it was because Germany and France could never agree on one. “There are profound philosophical differences between the two sides,” he said.

These differences are in many ways personified by Mrs. Merkel, daughter of a Lutheran pastor, and two flamboyant Frenchmen: President Nicolas Sarkozy, a conservative, and Mr. Strauss-Kahn, a Socialist.

Mr. Sarkozy and Mr. Strauss-Kahn are rivals and may even run against each other in the 2012 presidential election. But they share a belief in state intervention that unites most of the French political elite.

Mr. Sarkozy, a Gaullist whose millionaire friends and taste for expensive brands have not gone unnoticed across the Rhine, first roused German suspicions as finance minister in 2004 when he prevented a takeover by Siemens of Alstom, the French maker of trains.

As president, he allowed the budget deficit to rise above the 3 percent euro zone limit even before the economic crisis erupted, and he repeatedly criticized the European Central Bank’s interest rate policy.

Mr. Strauss-Kahn, a native of Alsace who speaks German, has been called “Mr. Euro” in France and is credited with steering his country into the euro zone as finance minister in 1997. In Germany, he is also remembered for serving under President Jacques Chirac, a staunch advocate of a political counterweight to the European Central Bank.

So when the two men independently revived calls for an “economic government” of the 16 countries that share the euro, resistance in Germany was instinctive.

In a country where many lost their savings twice in the 20th century — once to hyperinflation in 1923 and again to currency reform after World War II — central bank independence and budgetary discipline have become part of the German narrative.

Fear of inflation and broad-based aversion to debt also help to explain a striking divergence in the perception of Germany’s wealth at home and abroad. At 3.3 percent of gross domestic product, Germany’s budget deficit is low by crisis standards and frequently cited as a justification to appeal to Berlin for solidarity with poorer countries.

In contrast, the French budget deficit has widened to 7.5 percent of G.D.P. But Germans, who have absorbed East Germany and face a declining population, do not feel rich.

“Germans fear going bankrupt themselves,” said Mr. Kornblum, now a consultant in Berlin.

Jean-Pierre Jouyet, a former minister of European affairs who now leads the French stock market regulator, said: “The fundamental difference between France and Germany is that, for the French, budgetary, financial and currency stability is a means to an end. For the Germans it is an end in itself.”

Mrs. Merkel, a physicist raised in communist East Germany, has a hard-working, parsimonious lifestyle and an analytical, somewhat bland personality that in many ways reflect the national value system, said Gerd Langguth, author of a 2005 biography of her.

While Mr. Sarkozy resides in the majestic Élysée Palace and has an army of staff members, Mrs. Merkel still lives in the central Berlin apartment she occupied before her election in 2005 and has been seen doing her own shopping.

There are limits to national stereotyping. Mrs. Merkel’s more outgoing predecessor, Gerhard Schröder, made common cause with the French in breaking the euro zone’s budgetary limit.

And no German could have defended the legacy of the Bundesbank more vigorously than the president of the European Central Bank, Jean-Claude Trichet, referred to by some in Paris as “that Frenchman in Frankfurt.”

But understanding the radically different contexts in which German and French positions are honed is crucial as Europe’s two foremost powers grapple with the crisis, said Jean Pisani-Ferry, director of Bruegel, a research institute based in Brussels.

“Ultimately this is about whether Germany is ready to lead,” he said. “And leading means compromising, rather than only insisting on red lines.”

Wall Street Indexes Close Down More Than 2%

Tuesday 4 May 2010

Latexx more than doubles net profit to RM21m in 1Q


KUALA LUMPUR: LATEXX PARTNERS BHD [] more than doubled its net profit to RM20.72 million for the first quarter ended March 31, 2010 (1QFY10) from RM9.14 million a year earlier on the back of capacity expansion, aggressive marketing strategy and overall cost savings.

Revenue surged 79.4% to RM126.17 million from RM70.32 million, while earnings per share rose to 10.52 sen from 4.7 sen. It declared a tax exempt interim dividend of 2.5 sen per share.

In notes accompanying the results on Monday, May 3, Latexx said at pre-tax level, its profit was 37.2% higher at RM23.25 million compared with RM16.95 million recorded in the preceding quarter.

It said despite the increase in raw material prices and the weakening US dollar, the increase in the group’s profit was due principally to increased sales volume and improved overall efficiency achieved giving rise to lower overheads, operational and supervision costs.

Latexx is confident that growth in FY10 will be sustained along with the world’s growing appetite for medical gloves in the health sector.

“The strategy of increasing capacity and switching to a better mix of products coupled with more aggressive marketing efforts by penetrating into new markets will contribute to sustainable profitability,” it said.

The company said an additional plant next to existing facilities had been completed and the commissioning of the remaining production lines was in progress. It expects to boost production capacity to nine billion pieces of gloves per year by 2011.

Latexx said following its joint-venture agreement (JVA) with Netherlands-based Budev BV, its unit Total Glove Company Sdn Bhd had entered into a licensing agreement with Budev for the exclusive right to use their TECHNOLOGY [] for the treatment of latex examination and surgical gloves to lower protein and allergen to non-detectable levels to prevent allergic reactions.

The JVA and licensing agreement would enable Latexx to embark on a new phase of technology and enhance its product range, and would also allow the group to reinforce its competitive edge in the global market through innovative production methods to produce high quality gloves for its customers, it said.

Comment:  Will Latexx be able to achieve MR 100 million net profit for this financial year????

LPI Capital at record high after Kenanga initiates coverage with buy call

KUALA LUMPUR: LPI CAPITAL BHD [] surged Monday, May 3 after Kenanga Research initiated coverage on the stock with a buy recommendation at RM15.04 and target price RM16.80.

A quick look at Hing Yiap (4.5.2010)

The principal activities of the Company are those of property and investment holding, textile knitting and the manufacture of garments. The principal activities of the subsidiaries are Retailing and Distribution of the ANTIONI, B.U.M. EQUIPMENT, BONTTON, DIESEL and VANITY FAIR brand of ready-made sports and casual wear and related accessories; Operator of speciality stores known as BUMCITY; and Wholesaling of ready-made garments and fabrics.

Hing Yiap Group Berhad Company

Business Description:
Hing Yiap Group Berhad Formerly known as Hing Yiap Knitting Industries Berhad. The Group's principal activities are wholesaling, retailing and distributing ready-made sports and casual wear, women intimate apparel and related accessories. Other activities include textile knitting and manufacturing garments. It also operates as a property and an investment holding company. Operations are carried out in Malaysia.

Wright Quality Rating: LBC1 Rating Explanations
Stock Performance Chart for Hing Yiap Group Berhad

A quick look at Hing Yiap (4.5.2010)

Will need to examine its past performances in depth.  During the recent global financial crisis, its earnings went down to almost nil in Q3 and Q4 of last financial year.  However, the earnings for the latest 2 quarters had been good.

Since this stock is outside my area of competence, will avoid being entangled with it.  However, will keep track of it.  There are other stocks with better quality and durable competitive advantage to invest in.

A quick look at KNM (4.5.2010)

A quick look at KNM (4.5.2010)

KNM Group expects to perform better this year


PROCESS equipment manufacturer KNM Group Bhd (7164)expects to perform better this year on lower tax rates and higher exploration and production activities.

"We recently spoke to the management of KNM following the breakdown of its proposed takeover offer. We believe that investors have overlooked the business aspect in the last few months after the takeover news first broke off back in February 2010," wrote HWANGDBS Vickers Research Sdn Bhd (HDBSVR) analyst Lee Wee Keat in a note to clients yesterday.

KNM's substantial shareholder and group managing director Lee Swee Eng had recently aborted his proposed offer via Bluefire Capital Group to buy KNM's entire business at RM0.90 per share.

Last year was a bad year for KNM as oil majors held back spending in view of low and volatile oil prices.

"We understand that KNM managed to secure only RM1.5 billion worth of jobs last year, and capacity utilisation was only 65 per cent compared with 80 per cent in 2008.

"(Profit) margins for the jobs secured were also slimmer as intense competition over the modest number of jobs available led competitors to cut prices," he said.

Lee expects margins for the next few quarters to remain sluggish as the company completes jobs secured last year. He estimated that the average completion ranges from 15 to 18 months per project.

"We gather that margins have improved since, but have yet to recover to previous levels."

Lee also said concerns over KNM's orderbook replenishment persists.

"KNM has a RM2.4 billion orderbook, with RM400 million of new contracts secured thus far. This is slow, but we foresee a rise in exploration and production activities in the second half of this year to trigger contract flows."

The group currently has a RM11 billion tender book comprising jobs mostly in the Middle East and Europe.

However, Lee has cut his new wins assumption for KNM to RM1.7 billion from RM1.8 billion previously for the financial year ended December 31 2010 (FY10), based on current tender book and historical hit rate of 15 per cent.

KNM's FY09 audited net profit stood at RM260.6 million after adjusting for the tax incentive, which was granted by the Finance Ministry on April 7 2010 to its subsidiary KNM Process Systems Sdn Bhd for the acquisition of Borsig.

Totalling RM1.4 billion, the tax incentive will apply for a period of four years from 2009.

"We expect a lower tax rate going forward as local operations will be spared from paying taxes. Also, there was no impairment charge for Borsig. Borsig contributed about 45 per cent of total FY09 earnings," said Lee.

The research firms has upgraded KNM to "hold" from "fully valued", but lowered its target price to RM0.60 from RM0.65.

"We expect some overhang in the share price given the EPF's recent heavy selling, but at the current price level, we believe that most of the negatives have been priced in. KNM has also started to buy back its shares.

"We believe KNM's strong RM571.7 million cash balance should support more buyback on share price weakness," said Lee.

Read more: KNM Group expects to perform better this year

A quick look at Integrax (4.5.2010)

Integrax Berhad Company

Business Description:
Integrax Berhad. The Group's principal activities are owning and operating 2 port facilities, Lumut Maritime Terminal (port facility for dry and liquid bulk, break bulk and containers) and Lekir Bulk Terminal (port facility for dry and liquid bulk) comprising Lumut Port. Other activities include providing tuggage services, and extracting and smelting mineral ore. Operations are carried out in Malaysia.

Wright Quality Rating: LAD0 Rating Explanations
Stock Performance Chart for Integrax Berhad

A quick look at Integrax (4.5.2010)

The Board of Directors of Integrax is pleased to recommend a final dividend of 3% less Malaysian income tax for the financial year ended 31 December 2009, subject to the approval of the Company's shareholders at the forthcoming Twenty-Fourth Annual General Meeting to be convened.

Monday 3 May 2010

A quick look at Genting Berhad (3.5.2010)

Genting Berhad Company

Business Description:
Genting Berhad. The Group's principal activities are operating hotel, gaming and entertainment, tours and travel related services. Other activities include generation and supply of electric power, oil palm plantations, palm oil milling, construction, property development and management, oil and gas exploration, sale of crude oil and investment holding. Operations of the Group are carried out in Malaysia, Asia Pacific, Europe and other countries.

Wright Quality Rating: ACD0 Rating Explanations
Stock Performance Chart for Genting Berhad

A quick look at Genting Berhad (3.5.2010)

Warren Buffett's Investment Secret

Asked whether he has an investment secret, he says simply: "Pragmatism."

Warren Buffett's wonderful world of investing

A quick look at Daibochi (3.5.2010)

Daibochi Plastic and Packaging Industry Berhad

Business Description:
Daibochi Plastic and Packaging Industry Berhad. The Group's principal activity is manufacturing and printing flexible packaging materials. Other activity includes developing land into residential and commercial buildings. The Group principally operates in Malaysia.

Wright Quality Rating: LBC1 Rating Explanations
Stock Performance Chart for Daibochi Plastic and Packaging Industry Berhad

A quick look at Daibochi (3.5.2010)

Not a great stock.
A gruesome stock.

A quick look at Latexx (3.5.2010)

Stock Performance Chart for Latexx Partners Berhad

A quick look at Latexx (3.5.2010)

Kenanga Research initiates coverage on LPI Capital with buy call

Kenanga Research initiates coverage on LPI Capital with buy call

Written by Kenanga Research
Monday, 03 May 2010 08:56

KUALA LUMPUR: Kenanga Research has initiated coverage on LPI CAPITAL BHD [] with a buy recommendation at RM15.04 and target price RM16.80, and said it favours LPI the most among general insurers in Malaysia due to its well-diversified business portfolio enabling the company to minimise its operating risks and generates the highest return on equity (RoE) to reward shareholders.

The research house said the auto insurance segment is expected to turn around in 2010-11 with the proposed increase in premium rates and the change of motor tariff structure, which is a re-rating catalyst.

"We have not factored in the potential tariff hike in this report, however, we estimate every 5% increase in net premium, could increase LPI's earning by 9%," it said.

The research house said LPI has multiple distribution channels including its own agency network and tapping into Public Bank's 250 branch networks.

"We believe its faster-than industry's organic gross premium growth rate of 15%-16% is achievable," it said.

Kenanga Research said historically, LPI's premium has grown at a CAGR of 15% for the last 10 years.

"We estimate LPI now trades at 12.7 times FY11 PER, offers 6.2% net dividend yield and we forecast RoE of 17.2%; which is better than most of the banking stocks.

"We believe its business model of growing revenues at the calculated risk should sustain its earning growth of 12%-14% over next two years and efficient capital structure do offer a solid dividend yield story to investors," it said.

The research house said LPI deserved a valuation premium given stronger growth, higher margin, low investment risk, better market position; whilst the downside is well cushioned by its 6.2% net dividend yield.


A quick look at LPI

A quick look at Genting Malaysia GENM (2.5.2010)

Genting Malaysia Berhad Company

Business Description:
Genting Malaysia Berhad Formerly known as Resorts World Berhad. The Group's principal activities are leisure and hospitality business which comprises hotel, gaming, cruise and cruise related operations, entertainment businesses, golf resorts, tours and travel related services and other support services. Other activities include property development and management provision of training, offshore financing, utilities and cable car management services, proprietary timeshare ownership scheme, selling and letting of apartment and investment holding. The Group operates in Malaysia and Asia Pacific.

Wright Quality Rating: AAA1 Rating Explanations
Stock Performance Chart for Genting Malaysia Berhad

A quick look at GENM (2.5.2010)

GENM is a great company by my criteria.  GENM earned MR 1.32 billion and paid 'miserable' dividend of MR 300 million last year.  It carries cash equivalent to MR 5.25 billion.  To date the management has not proven itself to be able to employ this cash productively in the new ventures they had undertaken in recent years.  Why not return this cash to the shareholders?  Let's look at what Buffett wrote on GREAT companies.

The Three Gs of Buffett: Great, Good and Gruesome

Here are some golden words from Buffett.

1.  On 'Great' businesses, Buffett says, "Long-term competitive advantage in a stable industry is what we seek in a business.

  • If that comes with rapid organic growth, great. 
  • But even without organic growth, such a business is rewarding. 
  • We will simply take the lush earnings of the business and use them to buy similar businesses elsewhere. 
  • There's no rule that you have to invest money where you've earned it. 
  • Indeed, it's often a mistake to do so: Truly great businesses, earning huge returns on tangible assets, can't for any extended period reinvest a large portion of their earnings internally at high rates of return."
OSK Research: Genting Malaysia to trade sideways
Written by OSK Research
Friday, 30 April 2010 10:07

KUALA LUMPUR: OSK Research says Genting Malaysia’s shares, which were actively traded on Thursday, April 29, could continue trending sideways.

The research house said on Friday, April 30 that the stock has been trending sideways for many months and a trading range has been detected. It is ranging from the RM2.68 level to the RM3.00 level.

"That means the stock is expected to until one of these two levels is violated. In other words, yesterday’s active trading in the stock’s shares does not signal anything significant," it said.

OSK Research said the stock’s longer-term outlook will remain a sideways bias until it has violated one of these two critical levels.

Within the trading band, look for an immediate support at the RM2.75 level and an initial resistance at the RM2.88 level

From: The Edge Malaysia

Sunday 2 May 2010

A quick look at Proton (2.5.2010)

Proton Holdings Berhad Company

Business Description:
Proton Holdings Berhad. The Group's principal activities are manufacturing, assembling, trading and providing engineering and other services in respect of motor vehicles and related products. Its models include Waja, Gen.2, Perdana V6, Arena (Jumbuck), Saga range, Savvy, Satria Neo, Persona and Exora. It also offers Lotus sports cars models, such as Elise, Esprit, Exige, Europa and Evora. It is also involved in financial services and property management, as well as operating as an investment holding company. Operations are carried out in Malaysia and other countries, including Asean, China, Indian Subcontinent, the Middle East - North Africa, the United Kingdom/Western Europe, Australia and South Africa.

Wright Quality Rating: CANN Rating Explanations
Stock Performance Chart for Proton Holdings Berhad

A quick look at Proton (2.5.2010)

A quick look at F & N (2.5.2010)

Fraser & Neave Holdings Berhad Company

Business Description:
Fraser & Neave Holdings Berhad. The Group's principal activities are manufacturing and distributing soft drinks. Other activities include distributing dairy products, manufacturing and selling glass containers, property investment holding, property development and investment and investment holding. The Group operates in Malaysia, Vietnam, China, Singapore, Philippines, Middle East, Thailand and other countries.

Wright Quality Rating: DBB1 Rating Explanations
Stock Performance Chart for Fraser & Neave Holdings Berhad

A quick look at F & N (2.5.2010)

A quick look at UMW (2.5.2010)

UMW Holdings Berhad Company

Business Description:
UMW Holdings Berhad. The Group's principal activities are the importing, assembling and marketing passenger and commercial vehicles and related spares and manufacturing original and replacement of automotive parts. Other activities include manufacturing and trading oil pipes and providing various oil and gas services including drilling and pipe coating, trading wide range of light and heavy equipment ,marketing of established agency lines, rebuilding and repair of heavy equipment and diesel engines, manufacturing engine, treading of tubings and casings and manufacturing of couplings for oil and gas industry, vehicle exhaust systems, kangaroo bars, filters and seats, manufacture and assembly of power steering pumps and shock absorbers, blending, packaging, marketing and distribution of lubricants and provision of support services, provision of information technology services, property development and investment holding. Operations of the Group are carried out in Malaysia and Overseas.

Wright Quality Rating: BBB1 Rating Explanations
Stock Performance Chart for UMW Holdings Berhad

A quick look at UMW (2.5.2010)

External auditors raise red flags at 6 companies

Several accounting firms have raised red flags at six companies yesterday, indicating they could not complete their audits properly.

The companies are Nam Fatt Corp Bhd, Patimas Computers Bhd, Mangotone Group Bhd, Wawasan TKH Holdings Bhd, Luster Industries Bhd and KBB Resources Bhd, based on their announcements to Bursa Malaysia.

Five of them had their accounts qualified, which means that auditors had incomplete information for their work or they may disagree with the company's management on certain assumptions.

However, Luster's auditors, which is Grant Thornton, did not qualify its opinion but pointed out to shareholders that the company's fate rests on an approval by Bursa Malaysia Bhd.

Financially-troubled Luster, a precision plastic parts maker, had submitted its revamp plan on September 18 2009, which was rejected by Bursa on February 11 2010. It appealed on March 4 but Bursa has yet to decide.

Construction group Nam Fatt is also in trouble after it defaulted on some loans and made an operational loss of some RM560 million in the year to December 31 2009.

It has to submit a revamp plan a year from March 15 2010 and it has yet to finalise such a plan.

Accountants from Deloitte & Touche could not find enough audit evidence for doubtful debt provisions while audited accounts of certain subsidiaries were not available.

In this instance, Deloitte said this is in breach of the Companies Act.

In the case of Wawasan TKH, a disposable food packaging maker, its auditors BDO did not agree with the assumptions of its management.

Management thinks that certain assets worth RM83 million should not be impaired, or that the value should not fall, because of assumptions on sales growth of up to 19 per cent and gross profit margins of up to 18 per cent.

"These assumptions by their very nature, are difficult to substantiate given past actual outcomes and are regarded as significant areas of uncertainties," BDO said.

As for Patimas, its auditors do not share the management's optimism that it could recover money from a former subsidiary.

Auditors of Mangotone, which is undergoing a restructuring, could not find enough evidence to support their work while those of KBB were not present during the counting of finished goods at warehouses.

The vermicelli maker did not arrange for the presence of its external auditors during the counting of products worth some RM27 million.


8 Signs Of A Doomed Stock

Saturday 1 May 2010

A quick look at Padini (1.5.2010)

Padini Holdings Berhad Company

Business Description:
Padini Holdings Berhad. The Group's principal activity is acting as dealers of garments, ladies' shoes and accessories. Its products are distributed under the brand names of Padini, Padini Authentics, PDI, P & Co, Seed, and Miki. Operations are carried out in Malaysia and Hong Kong. The Group distributes its products within the domestic market and to overseas markets, including the Middle East countries, other Asia Pacific countries and other countries.

Wright Quality Rating: DAA2 Rating Explanations
Stock Performance Chart for Padini Holdings Berhad

A quick look at Padini (1.5.2010)