Sunday, 19 January 2014

Top 100 Companies of KLSE 3.1.2014 (Sorted by P/E)

Top 100 Companies of KLSE 3.1.2014 (Sorted according to P/E)

Rank Company Price PE DY
68 BJLand 0.82 124.2 1.2
87 Shang 6.78 44.3 1.5
15 SKPetro 4.57 43.6 0
41 Dialog 3.4 42.1 1
13 PetDag 30.4 36.1 3.5
12 IHH 3.91 34.1 0
9 PetGas 23.6 33.2 2.1
28 Nestle 67.96 31.5 3.1
91 TSH 2.92 31.4 0.9
10 DiGi 4.85 31.3 5.4
61 GasMsia 3.95 31.2 3.2
32 Armada 4.08 31 0.7
84 Dayang 5.66 30.5 1.8
97 BJCorp 0.56 29.6 1.8
8 Maxis 7.13 28.9 5.6
96 Kseng 6.73 28.7 1.5
67 Bursa 8.13 28.5 3.3
18 KLK 24.12 28 2.1
69 IGBReit 1.2 26.6 1.5
33 Airport 8.8 26.5 1.5
95 HLCap 10 26.1 0
81 QL 4.1 25.9 1.1
47 F&N 18.4 25.7 3.3
42 GENP 10.98 25.5 1.1
92 Kossan 4.1 25.1 1.4
71 Tchong 5.98 24.7 2
73 KPJ 3.87 24.7 2
85 Dlady 47.3 24.5 5.5
53 MHB 3.61 23.9 2.8
90 IJMPlnt 3.48 23.3 2
75 LPI 17.46 23 3.7
24 BAT 63.88 22.9 4.3
4 Axiata 6.8 22.7 5.1
57 Harta 7.23 22.5 2
63 Aeon 13.64 22.5 1.8
23 PPB 15.92 22.4 1.3
36 UEMS 2.32 22.4 1.3
60 Orient 8.39 22.1 1
62 GAB 15.9 22.1 4.3
70 IGB 2.72 21.8 2.8
88 SOP 6.65 21.5 0.9
46 LAFMSIA 8.41 20.5 4.4
80 Bintulu Port 7.5 20.5 4
86 Pos 5.57 19.7 3.1
49 BIMB 4.38 19.5 2.6
76 Carlsbg 12.24 19.5 5.1
100 Zhulian 4.93 19.4 3.1
43 IJM 5.85 19.2 2.2
35 Gamuda 4.61 18.2 2.6
79 Top Glove 5.73 18.1 2.8
17 GENM 4.38 17.7 2
78 MSM 5.1 17.7 3.7
2 PBBank 18.9 17.1 2.6
39 Bkawan 19.6 16.8 2.8
45 SPSetia 2.95 16.5 3.7
74 IJMLand 2.52 16.4 2
99 CMSB 6.78 16 2.5
26 FGV 4.53 15.9 3.1
55 Utd Plant 26.18 15.9 4.8
7 Pchem 6.84 15.5 3.2
22 TM 5.39 15.3 4.1
6 Sime 9.39 15.2 3.6
30 UMW 12.28 15.1 4.1
50 HapSeng 2.95 15.1 3.6
14 IOICorp 4.58 14.9 3.4
52 Bstead 5.6 13.9 5.8
56 BJToto 4.01 13.8 7
1 Maybank 9.91 13.6 6.6
44 AFG 4.8 13.6 3.5
16 HLBank 14.24 13.5 3.2
89 Media 2.62 13.5 5
20 AMBank 7.29 13.4 3
29 Astro 2.98 13.4 1.3
3 Tenaga 11 13.3 2.3
65 Magnum 3.15 13.3 5.1
5 CIMB 7.51 12.9 3.1
83 Parkson 2.86 12.9 6.3
31 YTLPowr 1.85 12.5 0.5
25 YTL 1.6 12.4 1.6
27 HLFG 15.5 10.9 2.3
21 RHBCap 7.97 10.1 2.8
51 Affin 4.26 10.1 3.5
82 Mah Sing 2.27 9.9 2.7
94 CMMT 1.4 9.9 6
37 MMCCorp 2.85 9.4 1.6
11 Genting 10.08 9.3 0.8
59 DRBHCOM 2.72 9.1 2.2
77 SunReit 1.25 8.9 6.6
64 Sunway 2.75 7.7 1.9
93 UOADev 1.87 7.6 6.4
54 MBSB 2.17 6.8 13.3
72 PavReit 1.32 6.3 5.2
98 WCT 2.14 5.5 1.8
66 Kulim 3.38 5 29.1
48 AirAsia 2.37 3.5 10.1
19 MISC 5.51 0 0
34 KLCC 5.94 0 0
38 WPRTS 2.53 0 0
40 UMWOG 3.91 0 0
58 MAS 0.32 0 0
# Rank is based on market capitalization

Top 100 Companies of KLSE 3.1.2014 (Market P/E is 17.1 and DY is 3.2%)

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Top 100 Companies of KLSE 3.1.2014 (Market P/E is 17.1 and DY is 3.2%)

TOP 100 COMPANIES (Market Price on January 3 (RM)

Rank Company Shares(m) Mkt price  Mkt Cap(m) PE DY PAT(m) Div(m)
1 Maybank 8862.30 9.91 87825.4 13.6 6.6 6457.8 5796.5
2 PBBank 3531.93 18.90 66753.4 17.1 2.6 3903.7 1735.6
3 Tenaga 5643.61 11.00 62079.7 13.3 2.3 4667.6 1427.8
4 Axiata 8540.63 6.80 58076.5 22.7 5.1 2558.4 2961.9
5 CIMB 7729.35 7.51 58047.4 12.9 3.1 4499.8 1799.5
6 Sime 6009.46 9.39 56428.9 15.2 3.6 3712.4 2031.4
7 Pchem 8000.00 6.84 54720.0 15.5 3.2 3530.3 1751.0
8 Maxis 7503.40 7.13 53499.2 28.9 5.6 1851.2 2996.0
9 PetGas 1978.73 23.60 46698.1 33.2 2.1 1406.6 980.7
10 DiGi 7775.00 4.85 37708.8 31.3 5.4 1204.8 2036.3
11 Genting 3719.48 10.08 37492.4 9.3 0.8 4031.4 299.9
12 IHH 8134.97 3.91 31807.7 34.1 0.0 932.8 0.0
13 PetDag 993.45 30.40 30201.0 36.1 3.5 836.6 1057.0
14 IOICorp 6444.29 4.58 29514.8 14.9 3.4 1980.9 1003.5
15 SKPetro 5992.16 4.57 27384.1 43.6 0.0 628.1 0.0
16 HLBank 1879.91 14.24 26769.9 13.5 3.2 1983.0 856.6
17 GENM 5937.48 4.38 26006.2 17.7 2.0 1469.3 520.1
18 KLK 1067.50 24.12 25748.2 28.0 2.1 919.6 540.7
19 MISC 4463.79 5.51 24595.5 0.0 0.0 0.0
20 AMBank 3014.18 7.29 21973.4 13.4 3.0 1639.8 659.2
21 RHBCap 2546.91 7.97 20298.9 10.1 2.8 2009.8 568.4
22 TM 3577.40 5.39 19282.2 15.3 4.1 1260.3 790.6
23 PPB 1185.50 15.92 18873.2 22.4 1.3 842.6 245.4
24 BAT 285.53 63.88 18239.7 22.9 4.3 796.5 784.3
25 YTL 10738.93 1.60 17182.3 12.4 1.6 1385.7 274.9
26 FGV 3648.15 4.53 16526.1 15.9 3.1 1039.4 512.3
27 HLFG 1052.77 15.50 16317.9 10.9 2.3 1497.1 375.3
28 Nestle 234.50 67.96 15936.6 31.5 3.1 505.9 494.0
29 Astro 5198.30 2.98 15490.9 13.4 1.3 1156.0 201.4
30 UMW 1168.29 12.28 14346.6 15.1 4.1 950.1 588.2
31 YTLPowr 7176.08 1.85 13275.7 12.5 0.5 1062.1 66.4
32 Armada 2931.59 4.08 11960.9 31.0 0.7 385.8 83.7
33 Airport 1232.44 8.80 10845.5 26.5 1.5 409.3 162.7
34 KLCC 1805.33 5.94 10723.7 0.0 0.0 0.0
35 Gamuda 2292.32 4.61 10567.6 18.2 2.6 580.6 274.8
36 UEMS 4537.44 2.32 10526.8 22.4 1.3 469.9 136.8
37 MMCCorp 3045.06 2.85 8678.4 9.4 1.6 923.2 138.9
38 WPRTS 3410.00 2.53 8627.3 0.0 0.0 0.0
39 Bkawan 435.95 19.60 8544.6 16.8 2.8 508.6 239.2
40 UMWOG 2162.00 3.91 8453.4 0.0 0.0 0.0
41 Dialog 2451.67 3.40 8335.7 42.1 1.0 198.0 83.4
42 GENP 758.85 10.98 8332.1 25.5 1.1 326.7 91.7
43 IJM 1413.59 5.85 8269.5 19.2 2.2 430.7 181.9
44 AFG 1548.10 4.80 7430.9 13.6 3.5 546.4 260.1
45 SPSetia 2458.71 2.95 7253.2 16.5 3.7 439.6 268.4
46 LAFMSIA 849.70 8.41 7145.9 20.5 4.4 348.6 314.4
47 F&N 365.16 18.40 6718.9 25.7 3.3 261.4 221.7
48 AirAsia 2781.03 2.37 6591.1 3.5 10.1 1883.2 665.7
49 BIMB 1493.51 4.38 6541.6 19.5 2.6 335.5 170.1
50 HapSeng 2205.00 2.95 6504.8 15.1 3.6 430.8 234.2
51 Affin 1494.58 4.26 6366.9 10.1 3.5 630.4 222.8
52 Bstead 1034.18 5.60 5791.4 13.9 5.8 416.6 335.9
53 MHB 1600.00 3.61 5776.0 23.9 2.8 241.7 161.7
54 MBSB 2621.80 2.17 5689.3 6.8 13.3 836.7 756.7
55 Utd Plant 208.13 26.18 5448.9 15.9 4.8 342.7 261.5
56 BJToto 1351.03 4.01 5417.6 13.8 7.0 392.6 379.2
57 Harta 745.64 7.23 5391.0 22.5 2.0 239.6 107.8
58 MAS 16710.78 0.32 5347.4 0.0 0.0 0.0
59 DRBHCOM 1933.24 2.72 5258.4 9.1 2.2 577.8 115.7
60 Orient 620.39 8.39 5205.1 22.1 1.0 235.5 52.1
61 GasMsia 1284.00 3.95 5071.8 31.2 3.2 162.6 162.3
62 GAB 302.10 15.90 4803.4 22.1 4.3 217.3 206.5
63 Aeon 351.00 13.64 4787.6 22.5 1.8 212.8 86.2
64 Sunway 1723.52 2.75 4739.7 7.7 1.9 615.5 90.1
65 Magnum 1437.75 3.15 4528.9 13.3 5.1 340.5 231.0
66 Kulim 1294.05 3.38 4373.9 5.0 29.1 874.8 1272.8
67 Bursa 532.61 8.13 4330.1 28.5 3.3 151.9 142.9
68 BJLand 5024.37 0.82 4120.0 124.2 1.2 33.2 49.4
69 IGBReit 3422.62 1.20 4107.1 26.6 1.5 154.4 61.6
70 IGB 1490.30 2.72 4053.6 21.8 2.8 185.9 113.5
71 Tchong 672.00 5.98 4018.6 24.7 2.0 162.7 80.4
72 PavReit 3009.68 1.32 3972.8 6.3 5.2 630.6 206.6
73 KPJ 1025.59 3.87 3969.0 24.7 2.0 160.7 79.4
74 IJMLand 1558.85 2.52 3928.3 16.4 2.0 239.5 78.6
75 LPI 221.32 17.46 3864.3 23.0 3.7 168.0 143.0
76 Carlsbg 308.08 12.24 3770.9 19.5 5.1 193.4 192.3
77 SunReit 2923.69 1.25 3654.6 8.9 6.6 410.6 241.2
78 MSM 702.98 5.10 3585.2 17.7 3.7 202.6 132.7
79 Top Glove 620.53 5.73 3555.6 18.1 2.8 196.4 99.6
80 Bintulu Port 460.00 7.50 3450.0 20.5 4.0 168.3 138.0
81 QL 832.02 4.10 3411.3 25.9 1.1 131.7 37.5
82 Mah Sing 1413.61 2.27 3208.9 9.9 2.7 324.1 86.6
83 Parkson 1093.90 2.86 3128.6 12.9 6.3 242.5 197.1
84 Dayang 550.00 5.66 3113.0 30.5 1.8 102.1 56.0
85 Dlady 64.00 47.30 3027.2 24.5 5.5 123.6 166.5
86 Pos 537.03 5.57 2991.2 19.7 3.1 151.8 92.7
87 Shang 440.00 6.78 2983.2 44.3 1.5 67.3 44.7
88 SOP 438.20 6.65 2914.1 21.5 0.9 135.5 26.2
89 Media 1100.46 2.62 2883.2 13.5 5.0 213.6 144.2
90 IJMPlnt 802.23 3.48 2791.8 23.3 2.0 119.8 55.8
91 TSH 903.83 2.92 2639.2 31.4 0.9 84.1 23.8
92 Kossan 639.47 4.10 2621.8 25.1 1.4 104.5 36.7
93 UOADev 1339.78 1.87 2505.4 7.6 6.4 329.7 160.3
94 CMMT 1772.82 1.40 2481.9 9.9 6.0 250.7 148.9
95 HLCap 246.90 10.00 2469.0 26.1 0.0 94.6 0.0
96 Kseng 362.09 6.73 2436.9 28.7 1.5 84.9 36.6
97 BJCorp 4299.56 0.56 2407.8 29.6 1.8 81.3 43.3
98 WCT 1092.46 2.14 2337.9 5.5 1.8 425.1 42.1
99 CMSB 339.70 6.78 2303.2 16.0 2.5 144.0 57.6
100 Zhulian 460.00 4.93 2267.8 19.4 3.1 116.9 70.3

1 billion = 1000m

Total Market
Cap (RM m)
1,404.5  billion

Total Market Earnings (m)
81.9 billion

Total Market Dividends (m)
44.6 billion

Market PE 17.1
Market DY 3.2%
Market Earnings Yield 5.8%

My thanks to Amy for the hard work.

Monday, 13 January 2014

Asking the ONE most important question: How much cash can be generated from the business?

Asking the ONE most important question: How much cash can be generated from the business?

If a businessperson is asked about what goes into consideration when purchasing a business, the number one answer should be:

How much cash can be generated from the business?

Other answers, though important, are of secondary importance, such as:

What is the business worth?
Who is the biggest competitor?
What is motivating the seller of the business?

Therefore, the businessperson when purchasing a business should examine the business aspects of his investments.  This involves looking at:

1.  the income statements
2.  the capital reinvestment requirements, and
3.  the cash generating capabilities of the business or investments.

The only 2 classes that an investment student needs to take

Buffett believes that investment students need only two well-taught classes:

1.  How to Value a Business?

2.  How to Think about Market Prices?

Return on Equity (ROE) - the financial metric that investors should use to judge a company's annual performance

Buffett considers earning per share a smoke screen.

Most companies will retain a portion of their previous year's earnings as a way to increase their equity base.

Warren Buffett believes there is nothing spectacular about a company that increases earning per share by 10% if, at the same time, the company is growing its equity base by 10%.

He says this is no different than putting money in a savings account and letting the interest accumulate and compound.

Buffett prefers return on equity to earnings per share when analyzing a company.

He will make appropriate adjustments to the reported earnings to give a clear picture of how returns were generated as a return on business operations.

Buffett believes a business should achieve good return on equity while employing little or no debt.

Most investors judge annual performance by focusing on earnings per share.

According to Buffett, the proper way to judge a company's performance is though focusing on return on equity.

Return on equity is a better measure of annual performance because it takes into consideration a company's growing capital base.

Buffett uses ROE as his preferred financial metric to judge a company's annual performance; investors should do likewise.

Sunday, 12 January 2014

The question of how to allocate profits is linked to where a company is in its life cycle

One of the most important decisions management makes is how to allocate profits.

The decision of what to do with earnings is linked to where a company is in its life cycle.

The question of how to allocate profits is linked to where a company is in its life cycle.

1.  Development Stage

In the development stage, a company loses money as it develops products and establishes markets.

2.  Rapid Growth Stage.

The next stage would be rapid growth, in which a company is profitable but growing so fast that it may need to retain all earnings and also borrow funds or issue equity to finance this growth.

3.  Maturity and Decline

In later stages, maturity and decline, a company will continue to generate excess cash, and the best use of this cash may be allocating it to shareholders.

My equity bond (Nestle)

Nestle Malaysia

Latest after-tax ttm-EPS is $2.39 per share

Nestle's underlying earnings are so consistent.

And Nestle is growing its earnings at about 8% per year.

A company with a durable competitive advantage, over time, the stock market will price the company's equity bonds or shares at a level that reflects the value of its earnings relative to the yield on long-term risk free interest rate.

Capitalized at the risk free interest rate of 3.5%, Nestle's after-tax earning of $2.39 per share is worth approximately $68.30 per equity bond/share.  ($2.39/3.5% = $68.30).

Here is a difference worth noting. 

Nestle is worth $68.30 per share  and it is trading today at around $68.00.  Therefore, for the Graham-based value investors, who wants to buy only at $40 per share, Nestle is not "undervalued"

But for those who are willing to apply their reasoning or thinking cap, just take a look at this scenario.

1.  You are being offered a relatively risk-free initial after-tax rate of return of 3.5% today when you buy at $68.30 sen per share.

2.  This after-tax rate of return is expected to increase over the next 20 years at an annual rate of approximately 8% per year.

3.  Then ask this question:  Is this an attractive investment given the rate of risk and return on other investments?

4.  What other attractive investment give the rate of risk and return of this nature?

I bought a long time ago at $10.20 per share

Thus, Nestle is my equity bond or share that is currently giving an after-tax yield of 23.4% ($2.39 / $10.20 = 23.4%) that is relatively risk-free and which is expected to increase over the next 20 years at an annual rate of approximately 8%.