Friday 26 October 2012

Leverage and Risk

The most obvious risk of leverage is that it multiplies losses. 
  • A corporation that borrows too much money might face bankruptcy during a business downturn, while a less-levered corporation might survive. 
  • An investor who buys a stock on 50% margin will lose 40% of his money if the stock declines 20%.
There is an important implicit assumption in that account, however, which is that the underlying levered asset is the same as the unlevered one.
  • If a company borrows money to modernize, or add to its product line, or expand internationally, the additional diversification might more than offset the additional risk from leverage.  
  • Or if an investor uses a fraction of his or her portfolio to margin stock index futures and puts the rest in a money market fund, he or she might have the same volatility and expected return as an investor in an unlevered equity index fund, with a limited downside.

So while adding leverage to a given asset always adds risk, it is not the case that a levered company or investment is always riskier than an unlevered one. In fact, many highly-levered hedge funds have less return volatility than unlevered bond funds, and public utilities with lots of debt are usually less risky stocks than unlevered technology companies.

Popular risks

There is a popular prejudice against leverage rooted in the observation that people who borrow a lot of money often end up badly. But the issue here is those people are not leveraging anything, they're borrowing money for consumption.

In finance, the general practice is to borrow money to buy an asset with a higher return than the interest on the debt. That at least might work out. People who consistently spend more than they make have a problem, but it's overspending (or underearning), not leverage. The same point is more controversial for governments.

People sometimes borrow money out of desperation rather than calculation. That also is not leverage. But it is true that leverage sometimes increases involuntarily. When Long-Term Capital Management collapsed with over 100 to 1 leverage, it wasn't that the principals tried to run the firm at 100 to 1 leverage, it was that as equity eroded and they were unable to liquidate positions, the leverage level was beyond their control. One hundred to one leverage was a symptom of their problems, not the cause (although, of course, part of the cause was the 27 to 1 leverage the firm was running before it got into trouble, and the 55 to 1 leverage it had been forced up to by mid-August 1998 before the real troubles started).  But the point is the fact that collapsing entities often have a lot of leverage does not mean that leverage causes collapses.

Involuntary leverage is a risk.  It means that as things get bad, leverage goes up, multiplying losses as things continue to go down. This can lead to rapid ruin, even if the underlying asset value decline is mild or temporary.  The risk can be mitigated by negotiating the terms of leverage, and by leveraging only liquid assets.

Forced position reductions

A common misconception is that levered entities are forced to reduce positions as they lose money. This is only true if the entity is run at maximum leverage.

The point is that it is using maximum leverage that can force position reductions, not simply using leverage. It often surprises people to learn that hedge funds running at 10 to 1 or higher notional leverage ratios hold 80 percent or 90 percent cash.

Model risk

Another risk of leverage is model risk. Economic leverage depends on model assumptions.  If that assumption is incorrect, the fund may have much more economic leverage than it thinks. For example, if refinery capacity is shut down by a hurricane, the price of oil may fall (less demand from refineries) while the price of gasoline might rise (less supply from refineries). A 5% fall in the price of oil and a 5% rise in the price of gasoline could wipe out the fund.

Counterparty risk

Leverage may involve a counterparty, either a creditor or a derivative counterparty. It doesn't always do that, for example a company levering by acquiring a fixed asset has no further reliance on a counterparty.

In the case of a creditor, most of the risk is usually on the creditor's side, but there can be risks to the borrower, such as demand repayment clauses or rights to seize collateral.  If a derivative counterparty fails, unrealized gains on the contract may be jeopardized. These risks can be mitigated by negotiating terms, including mark-to-market collateral.


Using OPM (other people's money) to make money is smart business as long as the company doesn't go over its head in debt.

From the perspective of a shareholder, the more revenue-producing assets a company can put into play without requiring more money from the shareholders, the better.

The downside, of course, is the vulnerability issue and what creditors might do if the income dries up enough to make servicing the debt difficult or impossible.

Common ratios to evaluate leverage are:

1.  Debt to Assets (Total Debt / Total Assets)
2.  Assets to Equity (Total Assets / Shareholder Equity)
3.  Debt to Equity (Total Debt / Shareholder Equity)
4.  Debt to Capital (Long-term Debt / Total Capitalization)

Don't base an investment solely on any of the ratios above.  Their most useful purpose could be to call your attention to possible upcoming changes in your quality criteria and might lead you to be more vigilant about them as you manage your portfolio.

Debt Service

For those companies with high leverage, you should also look at their ability to service their debts.  For this, look at these ratios:

1.  Interest Coverage (EBIT / Interest)
2.  Interest and Principal Coverage  [EBIT / (Interest + Adjusted Principal Repayments)]

Definition of 'Leverage Ratio'

Any ratio used to calculate the financial leverage of a company to get an idea of the company's methods of financing or to measure its ability to meet financial obligations. There are several different ratios, but the main factors looked at include debt, equity, assets and interest expenses.

Investopedia explains 'Leverage Ratio'

The most well known financial leverage ratio is the debt-to-equity ratio. For example, if a company has $10M in debt and $20M in equity, it has a debt-to-equity ratio of 0.5 ($10M/$20M).

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Thursday 25 October 2012

Tesco: A FTSE 100 Dividend-Raising Star

LONDON -- In an outcome that's tough on investors, the FTSE 100 has failed to deliver a rising dividend payout over the last few years.
Just look at the iShares FTSE 100 ETF, for example. This is an exchange-traded fund that tracks the benchmark index, and we can see the aggregate payment from Britain's top 100 companies has yet to regain its pre-recession peak:
Dividend per share (in pence)
But some companies within London's premier index have performed well on dividends, despite these austere times, and this series aims to seek them out. One such name is Tesco(LSE: TSCO.L  ) (NASDAQOTH: TSCDY.PK)
The big question is: Can the company's dividend continue to outperform its index? Let's take a closer look.
Tesco owns the U.K.'s largest supermarket chain and is expanding abroad as well. With the shares at 322 pence, the market cap is 25.8 billion pounds. This table summarizes the firm's recent financial performance:
Trading Year
Revenue (in millions of pounds)
Net cash from operations (in millions of pounds)
Diluted earnings per share (in pence)
Dividend per share (in pence)
So, the dividend has increased by 35% during the last five years -- equivalent to a 7.9%compound annual growth rate.
Tesco describes itself as one of the world's largest retailers with operations in 14 countries and employing more than 500,000 people. In the U.K., it is the country's largest retailer. Britain is important to Tesco as it currently accounts for two thirds of global sales. That's why the shares fell when profits slipped recently, and the directors admitted that the U.K. store portfolio had suffered from under-investment, thanks to the pursuit of international growth. There's evidence to suggest where investment has gone in the statistic that two-thirds of Tesco's selling space is overseas. So the majority of stores are abroad despite foreign sales only contributing one third of revenues.
Right now, the directors have firmly re-focused on the core U.K. market, and a domestic investment program is under way. Tesco has some catching up to do at home, but I'm with those that think it can achieve that and go on to grow international sales and profits. If the company pulls off that double whammy, there's potential cheer for those using the current share price setback to lock in a decent dividend yield, as the progressive dividend policycontinues.
Tesco's dividend growth scoreI analyze four different features of a company to judge whether its dividend can continue to rise:
  1. Dividend cover: the recent dividend was covered around 2.5 times by earnings. 4/5
  2. Net cash or debt: net gearing just over 50% with debt around 2.5 times earnings. 3/5
  3. Cash flow: historically, good cash support for profits. 4/5
  4. Outlook and recent trading: earnings down in recent trading and the outlook is flat.3/5
Overall, I score Tesco 14 out of 20, which encourages me to believe the firm's dividend can continue to out-pace dividends from the FTSE 100.
Foolish summaryCash flow is backing profits, and debt appears to be under control. The short-term outlook may be flat but it's hard to see Tesco's domestic investment failing. To me, the progressive dividend policy looks secure.
Right now, the forecast full-year dividend is 15.26 pence per share, which supports a possible income of 4.7%. That looks attractive to me.
Tesco is one of several dividend out-performers on the London stock exchange

How Long Will It Take Tesco to Recover?

LONDON -- Top U.K. supermarket Tesco (LSE: TSCO.L  ) shocked the market back in January with its first profit warning in 20 years. The FTSE 100 firm saw almost 5 billion pounds wiped off the value of its shares at a stroke.
Nine months on, and a disappointing set of interim results later -- a double-digit percentage fall in trading profit -- Tesco's shares languish at the same level they dived to immediately following the profit warning.
So, how long will it take Tesco to recover? Let's have a look at three other supermarkets that have issued profit warnings in the past 10 years.
Morrison's meal deal: four years of indigestionIn March 2004, Wm Morrison Supermarkets completed the 3.4 billion pound acquisition of rival chain Safeway. Within six months, it issued a profit warning for its fiscal year 2005 -- the chain's first profit warning in 37 years.
By June 2005, Morrison had issued no less than five profit warnings, extending the fallout from the acquisition into fiscal year 2006. As the table below shows, it would take until 2008 for Morrison's earnings per share to surpass its pre-profit-warning level of 2004.

Revenue (in billions of pounds)4.912.112.112.513.0
EPS (in pence)12.68.1(9.5)9.320.8
Dividend per share (in pence)
Of course, Morrison's bout of severe indigestion from feasting on Safeway is very different to Tesco's current situation.
However, there are perhaps a couple of points worth noting. On the optimistic side, Morrison was able to maintain its dividend despite its difficulties. On the pessimistic side, analysts remained over-optimistic about Morrison's earnings, not only after the first profit warning but also through the following 12 months.
Sainsbury's six years of hurt
J Sainsbury issued three profit warnings for its fiscal year 2005. The company had been chasing higher margins at the expense of the customer experience. Sound familiar?
Sainsbury's directorspeak and actions to remedy the situation in 2004-05 also reverberate in many ways with Tesco's in 2012. Here are some pertinent snippets from Sainsbury:
There is nothing fundamentally wrong with the brand. The problem was that we hadn't delivered it well enough in recent years.
Our number one priority … to make things better for our customers as quickly as possible … to "fix the basics."
Recruitment of 3,000 additional colleagues into stores.
131 stores have not received any investment for a number of years … Customers, representing 20 percent of Sainsbury's sales, are not experiencing the best store environment and these stores will be refurbished over the next two years.
Overall, we think we've made a good start, but there's still much left to be done.
As the table below shows, there was indeed much left to be done.

Revenue (in billions of pounds)18.216.616.117.217.818.920.0
EPS (in pence)20.7-3.03.819.219.116.632.1
Dividend per share (in pence)
Sainsbury had reckoned it would take until fiscal year 2008 to bring about lasting change. As far as earnings performance was concerned, it took until 2010 for EPS to surpass its pre-profit-warning level of 2004. Meanwhile, the dividend, which was slashed in 2005, had yet to regain its former level.
Carrefour on all fours: five years and countingFrench supermarket giant Carrefour has similar revenues to Tesco and, like its U.K. counterpart, is the dominant force in its home territory.
Carrefour issued a profit warning in June 2008 and a second six months later, citing weaker consumer spending, particularly in Europe. An uptick in revenues and earnings in 2010 proved to be a false dawn and the company issued five profit warnings for its fiscal year 2011.
As the table below shows, an improvement is expected in the current year. Nevertheless, the dividend has been cut, and both EPS and dividend per share are forecast to be at around half their pre-profit-warning level of 2007.

2012 (forecast)
Revenue (in billions of euros)
EPS (c)267186486456134
Dividend per share (c)10810810810810859
Foolish bottom lineIt took four years for Morrison to get its EPS back to the level before the first profit warning; it took Sainsbury six years; and for Carrefour it's five years and counting.
Tesco may pull a quick-turnaround rabbit out of the hat, but if recent supermarket history is any guide, it could be a longer and rougher ride than I suspect many investors are expecting.
Certainly, Tesco's problems amount to a whole lot more than one period of poor Christmas trading. In the words of the chief executive, the company needs to address "long-standing business issues" in the U.K.
Once on the wrong tack, supermarkets, like supertankers, typically take an age to change course. Tesco's shares may be trading at under 10 times current-year earnings forecasts and offer a prospective yield of 4.8%, but investors need to consider the opportunity cost of a protracted recovery.
One super-investor who is aboard the Tesco supertanker for the long haul is US multi-billionaire Warren Buffett. You can read the full story of Buffet's investment in a free and exclusive Motley Fool report: "The One UK Share Warren Buffett Loves."

KLSE Market PE is 17.7 (20.10.2012)

KLCI 19.10.12
Index Stock M.Cap Earnings Dividends
Stock Name Price (RM m) PE DY NTA (RM m) (RM m)
AMBANK 6.44 19411.3 12.7 3.1 3.70 1528.4 601.8
AXIATA 6.68 56828.1 23.9 2.8 2.28 2377.7 1591.2
BAT 64.00 18273.9 25.4 4.3 1.51 719.4 785.8
CIMB 7.62 56637.7 14.1 2.9 3.49 4016.9 1642.5
DIGI 5.48 42607.0 34.0 3.2 0.18 1253.1 1363.4
GAMUDA 3.43 7139.1 13.0 3.5 1.95 549.2 249.9
GENM 3.59 21315.5 14.2 2.4 2.11 1501.1 511.6
GENTING 8.75 32545.5 11.3 0.9 4.77 2880.1 292.9
HLBANK 14.20 26694.7 14.3 2.7 1.23 1866.8 720.8
HLFG 12.84 13517.5 11.6 1.9 8.07 1165.3 256.8
IOICORP 5.06 32530.5 18.2 3.1 1.73 1787.4 1008.4
KLK 21.42 22865.9 14.5 4.0 6.64 1577.0 914.6
MAXIS 6.87 51528.5 20.4 5.8 1.08 2525.9 2988.7
MAYBANK 9.09 75142.9 13.2 4.0 4.38 5692.6 3005.7
MHB 4.74 7584.0 36.7 2.1 1.52 206.6 159.3
MISC 4.23 18881.8 0.0 0.0 5.00 0.0 0.0
MMCCORP 2.70 8221.7 24.6 1.5 2.04 334.2 123.3
PBBANK 14.88 52555.0 15.0 3.2 4.24 3503.7 1681.8
PCHEM 6.56 52480.0 19.9 2.4 2.51 2637.2 1259.5
PETDAG 22.24 22094.4 33.7 3.6 4.81 655.6 795.4
PETGAS 19.70 38981.0 36.1 2.0 4.48 1079.8 779.6
PPB 12.60 14937.3 15.2 1.8 11.86 982.7 268.9
RHBCAP 7.48 16723.5 10.9 3.4 5.19 1534.3 568.6
SIME 9.79 58832.6 14.2 3.6 4.33 4143.1 2118.0
TENAGA 6.96 38348.4 76.0 0.6 5.53 504.6 230.1
TM 6.05 21643.3 18.2 3.2 1.95 1189.2 692.6
UMW 10.08 11776.4 23.4 3.1 3.65 503.3 365.1
YTL 1.79 19033.9 15.2 1.1 1.25 1252.2 209.4
YTLPOWR 1.63 11956.2 9.6 2.9 1.30 1245.4 346.7
TOTAL 871087.6 49213.0 25532.2

Market PE 17.7
Market DY 2.9%

KLCI  1,666.35

Adopted from the Star Newspaper 20.10.2012