Thursday 4 November 2010

The madness of doing more QE

Mervyn King must turn off the printing press
Quantitative easing will do little to secure the recovery, says Jeremy Warner.

Mervyn King must turn off the printing press; The Bank of England has been edging in the direction of more QE; Christopher Pledger
The Bank of England has been edging in the direction of more QE Photo: Christopher Pledger
With a bit of luck, this week’s relatively strong third-quarter growth figures might give the Bank of England pause for thought as it prepares to sanction another bout of quantitative easing (QE), popularly known as “printing new money”. As Hallowe’en approaches, opinion is turning against this much-deployed but little-understood form of monetary witchcraft, and with good reason.
The Bank’s Monetary Policy Committee has been edging in the direction of more QE for some months now; George Osborne, the Chancellor, has repeatedly suggested that it could provide a useful counterweight to the austerity of his fiscal consolidation plans.
In the United States, more QE is already pretty much a done deal. The Federal Reserve’s Open Markets Committee is next week expected to give the go-ahead to a further $500 billion of asset purchases. That might seem small beer against the $1.7 trillion already spent, but to describe an extra half-trillion of the stuff as “QE-lite”, as some Fed insiders do, still seems something of an understatement.
All in all, policy-makers are becoming worryingly dependent on further QE for salvation. The argument goes that with mountainous public debt excluding the possibility of further stimulus packages or tax cuts to boost the economy, why shouldn’t we just print more money instead?
To understand why this is a policy blunder in the making, it’s best to start with the case for the defence. There is plenty of evidence to suggest that the initial, crisis-provoked burst of QE worked as intended. It’s always impossible to prove the counterfactual – what might have happened if no QE had been applied – but it seems likely that the economic contraction would have been a great deal worse.
By boosting the money supply, QE helped keep interest rates in the real economy low, supporting consumption and allowing many companies to refinance themselves in the face of contracting credit. An otherwise catastrophic collapse in confidence, investment and trade was partially offset.
But you can have too much of a good thing – and as things stand, it’s quite hard to see why more of this monetary hocus-pocus would help things any further. On the other hand, the risks of it are all too obvious.
The case for going further rests on the idea that the private sector is not yet ready to step into the breach left by a shrinking state, and may actually be about to contract even more. In such circumstances, it would become necessary to keep pushing down on interest rates, to encourage both consumers and businesses to spend more.
It’s a funny old therapy that prescribes another dose of the same poison that brought the economy to its knees – too much consumption and not enough saving – but let’s leave this wider paradox aside for the moment. The more immediate problem is that it’s not at all clear that the slight reduction in interest rates that more QE might bring about would cause consumers to save less. Indeed, it could have the opposite effect: those with a surplus of savings might become more conservative still if they saw the outlook for income worsening at a time when their long-term security is being eroded by heightened inflation.
And where is the deflation risk that might justify more QE? It’s hard enough to see it even in the US, where – to my mind – a long-incubating problem of structural unemployment, hidden for years by the credit boom, is being misdiagnosed as one of deflation. It’s harder still in the UK. With inflation still stuck well above target, expectations of future inflation rising, nominal GDP growth back at almost 6 per cent, and the velocity of money – that is, the number of transactions for any given unit of cash – recovering fast, more QE becomes a very hard sell indeed.
Of course, the economy will require plenty of policy support to compensate for a planned fiscal squeeze that amounts to roughly 2 per cent of GDP a year for the next four years. But it is not at all obvious that more QE is the right way of providing it.
The Bank of England has repeatedly told us that recessionary pressures will cause inflation to abate – yet it has remained stubbornly above target. No one will believe the Bank if it cites a deflationary bogeyman that doesn’t yet exist as justification for turning on the printing presses again.
If all that new money actually were to reach the parts of the economy that needed it, I might have some sympathy. But QE has failed either to expand bank credit to small- and medium-sized enterprises or to lower its cost to them. It has, however, provided spectacular money-making opportunities for the City and inflated new bubbles in bond, commodities and emerging markets.
Goodness knows how central banks will unwind the vast positions they already hold in the debt markets, but the fear that they’ll end up taking the easy option and monetising what the Government owes – permanently adding it to the money supply, as happened in the 1970s – will only add to concerns about inflation.
There are plenty of ways to help the recovery, from raising infrastructure spending (which is perfectly compatible with deficit reduction) to boosting business confidence by enhancing the environment for investment and job creation. But please, no more QE.

Fed spends big to fight deflation

Stuart Washington
November 4, 2010 - 9:43AM
    Quantitative easing barely registered on world markets but the message from the US Federal Reserve was heard throughout the world: it would use every measure possible to ward off deflation.
    The move to support US asset prices through printing money served to slightly bolster already-high equity markets and pushed the Australian dollar to trade above parity with the US dollar for most of the morning.
    George Tharenou, an economist with investment bank UBS, said the Fed’s announcement overnight of $US600 billion ($600 billion) in treasury purchases was combined with a commitment to continue buying troubled mortgage securities, bringing the total value of the package close to $US1.1 trillion.
    The second round of quantitative easing, or QEII, adds to $US1.7 billion in unconventional measures it launched after the collapse of Lehman Brothers in September 2008.
    Mr Tharenou said the Fed was continuing action in an environment in which it could not cut already low official interest rates.
    ‘‘Whether or not the Fed can actually stop deflation is a matter of debate (but) I think the Fed is taking the best possible action it can,’’ Mr Tharenou said.
    Andrew Pease, the chief investment strategist for fund manager Russell Investments, said the Federal Reserve had highlighted its commitment to restoring inflation and warding off deflation, with early signs being positive.
    ‘‘It’s a big package,’’ he said. ‘‘The question is what impact is it going to have. Is it going to be pushing on a string or is it going to do something? My guess is its going to reinforce positive price expectations.’’
    Mr Pease said of deflation, which occurred in Japan after its own debt crisis in 1990: ‘‘People don’t spend, businesses can’t make profits ... there’s a whole lot of problems when an economy falls into deflation.’’
    Mark Reade, a director of credit strategy for investment bank Citi, said the lack of market reaction was due to the package being broadly in line with expectations.
    ‘‘The Fed reiterated its commitment to keep rates low for an extended period of time,’’ he said. ‘‘That commitment is going to support asset prices.’’
    He said the willingness to support prices also supported people's willingness to continue to invest in riskier assets - including equity markets and the Australian dollar.
    On the news, the US dollar fell slightly below parity with the Australian dollar and remained there around midday.
    However, Mr Pease warned the Australian dollar was ‘‘overvalued by just about any metric’’.

    What price for good advice?

    Annette Sampson
    October 30, 2010
      Get a grip
      Get a grip
      HOW much should you pay for financial advice? That's the $64 million question raised by recent research that found a huge gap between what consumers think they should pay and what financial planners reckon they need to charge.
      The research by Investment Trends found the average consumer thought about $300 was the appropriate price for both an initial financial plan and ongoing advice. But planners say that's way short of the average $2700 they need to break even for providing full financial advice and the $1200 needed for a simple plan.
      This ''disconnect'', as Investment Trends dubs it, must be worrying news for the financial-planning industry, which is facing government regulation to reform the way it charges its customers. Under the Future of Financial Advice reforms set to apply from 2012, advisers will be banned from receiving commissions and other asset-based fees from financial-product providers. Instead, they will have to clearly spell out their charges to their customers, not just once but every year through an opt-in provision in the legislation.
      The changes will only apply to new investments but who'd want to be an adviser explaining to a loyal, long-term client why new customers are getting an improved transparent deal but he or she is missing out? Whether they like it or not, planners are moving to a system where their income is going to come from fees for service and they're going to have to justify that those fees are worth it.
      On the face of this survey, they're facing an uphill battle. Investment Trends found while consumers were prepared to pay more for some sorts of advice - most notably retirement planning - there was still a gulf between what consumers thought advice was worth and what planners are charging. Interestingly, consumers with an existing financial plan were prepared to pay more than first-timers, which suggests planners are adding value. But an Investment Trends analyst, Recep Peker, says many existing investors still seem to be unaware of just how much they're paying for advice under the current arrangements.
      Part of the problem is that while planners are required to disclose their fees, their true impact is often buried in complex detail and fine print. Commissions and other asset-based fees are charged as a percentage of money invested and come out of your investment, which makes them less in-your-face than fees that require you to physically make the payment. And let's face it, 1 or 2 per cent sounds a whole lot cheaper than $5000 or $10,000 - which is what you might be paying if you have a sizeable investment.
      But perhaps a more significant problem is that the advice offered is often overkill. While some planners manage to provide simple, affordable advice to ordinary consumers, there's a widely-held view that in their zeal to protect investors, the government and Australian Securities and Investments Commission have pushed up both the cost and the level that must be provided.
      It's like selling a Rolls-Royce to someone who wants to nip down to the local shops. In giving advice, planners are required to take your full circumstances into account - which usually involves an in-depth meeting and the production of a Statement of Advice that ticks all the compliance boxes required by the regulator and the planner's lawyers. These statements are expensive, can weigh a tonne and, according to a speech made by a legal specialist and director of Gold Seal, Clare Wivell Plater, at this week's Association of Financial Advisers conference, many of them contain irrelevant information that adds to their preparation costs and bewilders clients.
      The enthusiastic take-up of the limited advice that can now be offered by super funds suggests there is a real market for a simpler form of financial advice that doesn't come with all the hoopla. Many investors, particularly those planning for retirement, can get enormous benefit from a full financial plan. But if you simply want help sorting out your super, starting a share portfolio or drawing up a plan to pay off your debts, you really don't want to be paying big bucks for the Rolls-Royce product.
      The financial-planning industry has been pushing to have limited advice extended so it can be offered by financial planners as well as super funds - and so it should be. It's an obvious way to make advice affordable for a wider range of consumers. While super funds often provide limited advice as part of their member service, planners could mount a good case for selling such advice at a reasonable price. We'd still need protection to ensure the advice is in our best interests but if it is tied in with the Future of Financial Advice reforms, that shouldn't be too difficult.
      The financial-planning industry has grown from a sales culture in which a planner's income was solely dependent on how much money the client had to invest. That thinking is still apparent in the push by many planners to simply replace commissions with asset-based fees of the same amount.
      A full financial plan is worth much more than $300 but if consumers are undervaluing advice, the industry largely has itself to blame. It is time for planners to kick the sales culture and charge appropriate fees for the level and quality of service on offer.

      Asians Gird for Bubble Threat, Criticize Fed Move

      Asians Gird for Bubble Threat, Criticize Fed Move
      November 04, 2010, 6:08 AM EDT

      By Michael Heath

      (Updates with comments from Malaysia central bank starting in second paragraph.)

      Nov. 4 (Bloomberg) -- Asia-Pacific officials are preparing for stronger currencies and asset-price inflation as they blamed the U.S. Federal Reserve’s expanded monetary stimulus for threatening to escalate an inflow of capital into the region.

      Chinese central bank adviser Xia Bin said Fed quantitative easing is “uncontrolled” money printing, and Japan’s Prime Minister Naoto Kan cited the U.S. pursuing a “weak-dollar policy.” The Hong Kong Monetary Authority warned the city’s property prices could surge and Malaysia’s central bank chief said nations are prepared to act jointly on capital flows.

      “Extra liquidity due to quantitative easing will spill into Asian markets,” said Patrick Bennett, a Hong Kong-based strategist at Standard Bank Group Ltd. “It will put increased pressure on all currencies to appreciate, the yuan in particular has been appreciating at a slower rate than others.”

      The International Monetary Fund last month urged Asia- Pacific nations to withdraw policy stimulus to head off asset- price pressures, as their world-leading economies draw capital because of low interest rates in the U.S. and other advanced countries. Today’s reactions of regional policy makers reflect the international ramifications of the Fed’s decision yesterday to inject $600 billion into the U.S. economy.

      Stocks Climb

      Most Asian currencies rose against the dollar after the Fed’s move, led by a 0.5 percent climb in the Taiwanese dollar and 0.2 percent gain in the South Korean won. New Zealand’s currency reached a 29-month high, and Australia’s dollar touched its strongest level since 1982. The MSCI Asia Pacific index of stocks advanced to the highest level since July 2008.

      People’s Bank of China adviser Xia said U.S. policy makers have a conflict between making policy for the domestic economy and accepting responsibilities that come with being the issuer of the international reserve currency, writing in the Finance News newspaper today.

      China should counter the U.S. through regional currency alliances, speeding international use of the yuan and seeking stability in exchange rates through the Group of 20, which holds a summit next week, Xia later told reporters in Beijing.

      China Policy

      “We may need to moderately tighten monetary policy and should tighten controls on banks’ lending,” He Fan, an economist at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said in an interview in Beijing. “We are worried about asset bubbles in China and the Fed’s new quantitative easing measures will add to the pressure on prices.”

      China raised interest rates for the first time since 2007 last month, and has limited the yuan to less than a 2 percent gain versus the dollar since June.

      Asian currencies have climbed against the dollar this year as the region’s growth outpaces the rest of the world. Regional central banks from China to India and Australia have raised interest rates to curb inflation pressure, while countries including South Korea and Indonesia have adopted measures to slow the flow of speculative money.

      “Our country will actively consider implementing capital control measures to improve the macro-economy,” Kim Ik Joo, a director general of South Korea’s finance ministry, said in a telephone interview today. “Now that the U.S. has announced its plans on quantitative easing, don’t you think there will be an influx of capital going into emerging markets?”

      Goldman’s Call

      Goldman Sachs Group Inc. this week raised its 12-month target for Hong Kong’s Hang Seng Index of equities, saying the city has the most to gain from extra liquidity released by quantitative easing programs and China’s growth.

      The Fed’s move will “definitely add pressure to the asset markets in emerging-market economies,” HKMA chief Norman Chan said at a press briefing in Hong Kong today. The HKMA will “take measures that are specific to the housing market if necessary.”

      In contrast, the Philippines central bank said global financial markets will be calmer and the decline of the U.S. dollar will ease after the Fed purchase plan came “in line” with forecasts. Funds may continue to flow to emerging markets because of low U.S. yields, Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas Governor Amando Tetangco said in a mobile phone text message.

      Thai Finance Minister Korn Chatikavanij said central banks in the region are in touch and if needed may act jointly against currency speculators, speaking to reporters in Bangkok. Bank Negara Malaysia Governor Zeti Akhtar Aziz said in an e-mailed statement that “central banks in the region also have sufficient range of instruments to manage this challenge and are willing to act collectively if the need arises to ensure stability.”

      Currency Pool

      The Association of Southeast Asian Nations, together with Japan, China, and South Korea, last year signed an agreement to create a $120 billion foreign-currency reserve pool. Member nations are able to tap the pool, set up in a framework of bilateral currency swaps, in times of turmoil to defend their exchange rates.

      Sri Lanka aims to keep rupee gains “controlled” as the Fed’s action generates an “enormous” amount of credit, the nation’s central bank Governor Ajith Nivard Cabraal said in an interview during an Asian Development Bank forum in Manila today.

      Currency policies by Asian central banks have differed in recent months. While Thailand, Japan and South Korea have taken steps to cool an appreciation in their currencies that is threatening exports, Singapore has signaled it will allow faster exchange-rate gains.

      ‘Two Giants’

      New Zealand Finance Minister Bill English said that U.S. and Chinese policies are causing his nation’s currency to soar, endangering export competitiveness.

      “We’re caught between the policies of the two giants, both of which puts some pressure on us, with the U.S. depreciating their currency and China not allowing theirs to appreciate as much as would suit us,” English said in a Bloomberg Television interview in Tokyo.

      Meantime in Japan, whose currency has risen to the highest level in 15 years versus the dollar, Prime Minister Kan said at parliament today that the strong-yen trend is partly related to “the U.S.’s weak-dollar policy, which prompted the rise of the currencies of many emerging nations.”

      U.S. dollar policy is set by the Treasury Department, and Secretary Timothy F. Geithner last month reiterated the long- standing American stance that his nation supports “a strong dollar.”

      --With assistance from Belinda Cao and Eva Woo in Beijing, Frances Yoon in Seoul, Tracy Withers in Wellington, Max Estayo in Manila, Suttinee Yuvejwattana in Bangkok, Takashi Hirokawa and Sachiko Sakamaki in Tokyo and Sonja Cheung, Marco Lui and Stephanie Tong in Hong Kong. Editors: Chris Anstey, Lily Nonomiya

      BNM: Maximum loan-to-value (LTV) ratio of 70% for 3rd home loan

      Written by Joseph Chin
      Wednesday, 03 November 2010 17:33

      KUALA LUMPUR: Bank Negara Malaysia is imposing with immediate effect the maximum loan-to-value (LTV) ratio of 70% for the third house financing facility taken by a borrower as it seeks to curb "excessive investment and speculative activity in the residential property market".

      The central bank said on Wednesday, Nov 3 the move was expected to moderate the excessive investment and speculative activity in the residential property market which has resulted in higher than average price increases in such locations.

      “This has also led to increases in house prices in surrounding locations, thus contributing to the declining overall affordability of homes for genuine house buyers," it said.

      Bank Negara said the financing facilities for purchase of the first and second homes are not affected and borrowers will continue to be able to obtain financing for these purchases at the present prevailing LTV level applied by individual banks based on their internal credit policies.

      “The measure aims to support a stable and sustainable property market, and promote the continued affordability of homes for the general public,” it said.

      Below is the entire statement issued by Bank Negara:

      Measures in Promoting a Stable and Sustainable Property Market and Sound Financial and Debt Management of Households

      Bank Negara Malaysia wishes to announce with immediate effect the implementation of a maximum loan-to-value (LTV) ratio of 70%, which will be applicable to the third house financing facility taken out by a borrower. Financing facilities for purchase of the first and second homes are not affected and borrowers will continue to be able to obtain financing for these purchases at the present prevailing LTV level applied by individual banks based on their internal credit policies. The measure aims to support a stable and sustainable property market, and promote the continued affordability of homes for the general public.

      At the national level, residential property prices have increased steadily in tandem with economic development and the rise in income levels. This aggregate growth trend remains largely manageable and has not deviated from the long term trend in residential property prices. In the more recent period, however, specific locations, particularly in and around urban centres, have experienced faster growth, both in the number of transactions and in house prices. This is further supported by an increase in financing provided for multiple unit purchases by a single borrower, suggesting increasing investment activity that is of a speculative nature.

      The targeted implementation of the LTV ratio is expected to moderate the excessive investment and speculative activity in the residential property market which has resulted in higher than average price increases in such locations. This has also led to increases in house prices in surrounding locations, thus contributing to the declining overall affordability of homes for genuine house buyers. This measure therefore remains supportive of the objective of encouraging home ownership among Malaysians which continues to be an important national agenda.

      Introduction of the Financial Capability Programme

      As part of the continuous efforts to raise the level of financial literacy and to promote sound financial and debt management by Malaysians, Bank Negara Malaysia also wishes to announce the introduction of the Financial Capability Programme. This Programme will be offered by Agensi Kaunseling dan Pengurusan Kredit (AKPK) through its establishments nationwide and will commence from January 2011. The Programme is aimed at equipping individuals with important knowledge for responsible financial decisions by gaining practical understanding and skills in money and debt management. This in turn will contribute towards preserving the sound financial positions of households and ensure that debt accumulation is commensurate with household affordability, including their ability to absorb interest rate adjustments and potential volatility to income and expense levels. Individuals particularly new prospective borrowers and young adults are strongly encouraged to participate in this specially designed programme. The details of the implementation of the Financial Capability Programme will be announced later in December this year.

      Bank Negara Malaysia

      3 November 2010

      HLG Research maintains Buy on Boustead Holdings

      HLG Research maintains Buy on Boustead Holdings

      Written by The Edge Financial Daily
      Wednesday, 03 November 2010 08:30

      KUALA LUMPUR: HLG Research is maintaining its Buy recommendation on BOUSTEAD HOLDINGS BHD [] with a target price of RM5.67 following the latest corporate development.

      The research house said on Wednesday, Nov 3 that at RM5.67, this is a 10% holding company discount to its conservative sum-of-parts of RM6.30.

      The Edge FinancialDaily reported Boustead is issuing up to RM1 billion MTN to build a war chest of over RM500 million to continue its acquisition trail.

      The first tranche of RM620 million will be used to fund the acquisition of Pharmaniaga, its manufacturing and property divisions and repay borrowing. The group is also very positive about the property sector on the back of government’s efforts to revitalise KL and is eyeing some PROPERTIES [] in the Klang Valley that are close to developed areas and targeting to achieve 25% annual property development revenue growth, it reported.

      HLG Research, in its comments, said this fund raising exercise (besides funding its already announced acquisitions) is to position itself for the injection of 60 acres Jalan Cochrane land (deal expected to be finalized by end 2010) and the 245 acres Batu Cantonment army base.

      Given its track record in developing Mutiara Damansara and Mutiara Rini (Johor), the two strategically located landbank would further add value to the group and further consolidate its status as a undervalued stock and attract interest from investors.

      "Maintain Buy with a target price of RM5.67 (10% holding company discount to our conservative SOP of RM6.30). We stressed that our SOP is conservative as we are using flat CPO price assumption of RM2,500 a tonne for FY10-12 vis-à-vis circa RM3,000 a tonne currently.

      “Moreover, we are only using 14.5x FY11 P/E vis-à-vis sector average of 16.5 times currently and yet to include any value from the potential injection of the two abovementioned landbank. By simply raising our CPO assumption to RM2,700 a tonne, our target price would have increased to RM6.22,” it said.

      Hong Kong: Highest since June 2008 & SGX: Stocks end at 29-month high

      Hong Kong: Highest since June 2008
      Published: 2010/11/04

      SHARES surged yesterday to levels not seen since before the 2008 financial crisis, helped by expectations of US economic stimulus and brimming confidence in China.

      The benchmark Hang Seng Index rose 2.00 per cent, or 473.25 points.

      The index is at its highest since June 2008, before the global financial crisis sent markets tumbling.

      But Anthony Lam of Emperor Securities warned: "There is just too much hot money." - AFP

      Read more: Hong Kong: Highest since June 2008

      SGX: Stocks end at 29-month high
      Published: 2010/11/04

      STOCKS was up 0.80 per cent at a 29-month high of 3,230.93 yesterday afternoon. The Straits Times Index closed up 0.61 per cent, or 19.69 points, at 3,224.97.

      Commodity firms Noble Group and Olam International gained over 1.5 per cent as investors turned bullish on the commodity sector, driven by expectations they will benefit from traditionally strong year-end demand. - Agencies

      Read more: SGX: Stocks end at 29-month high

      New milk products to help Dutch Lady achieve its growth and RM1 billion revenue target within three years.

      Dutch Lady unlikely to raise prices

      By Zurinna Raja Adam
      Published: 2010/11/04

      DUTCH Lady Milk Industries Bhd (3026) does not expect to raise prices of its products, at least until June next year, although the price of skimmed milk powder, the main dairy raw material, continues to rise.

      As at yesterday, the average whole milk powder price was at US$3,345 (RM10,336) a tonne, while that of skimmed milk powder was at US$3,021 (RM9,335) a tonne. In the fourth quarter of 2009, its price stood at an average of US$2,100 (RM6,489) a tonne.

      Managing director Bas van den Berg said Dutch Lady will cut cost by improving on its assortments and factory efficiency.
      “We have no concrete plan to increase prices of our products. Being a global company, we try to keep the prices down as long as possible,” he said in Kuala Lumpur.

      Dutch Lady’s parent is the FrieslandCampina group, with sales of some e9 billion (RM39 billion). Due to its sheer size and buying power, it is able to leverage and cope better with price fluctuations.

      Friesland-Campina is the dairy cooperative owned by 16,000 farmers across Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands.
      Yesterday, Dutch Lady launched its latest UHT dairy products made specifically for children of various ages.
      The products are Dutch Lady Kid, produced for children aged between one and six years old, and Dutch Lady School milk, formulated with Omega 3 and Omega 6 for children aged six to 12 years old.

      Omega 3 and 6, along with vitamin B3 and B6, in Dutch Lady School milk, can help enhance brain development.

      “The two products are designed to meet the rapid growth in children’s nutritional needs,” said van der Berg.

      Declining to comment on sales contribution target for the new milk products, he said they will help Dutch Lady achieve its growth and RM1 billion revenue target within three years.

      The infant and child nutrition represents 60 per cent of Dutch Lady’s sales, liquid milk (30 per cent) andCompleta condensed milk and juice under the Joy brand (10 per cent).

      In the financial year ended December 31 2009, Dutch Lady posted RM691.85 million in revenue and RM60.4 million in net profit.

      Read more: Dutch Lady unlikely to raise prices

      Comment: A great company.

      Malaysia wants to be Asia's oil field services, equipment hub

      By Kamarul Yunus
      Published: 2010/11/04

      MALAYSIA aims to become an oil field services and equipment (OFSE) hub for Asia, leveraging on its strategic location at the centre of the Asia Pacific region and adjacent to the international shipping lanes.

      Under the Economic Transformation Programme (ETP), three entry point projects (EPPs) have been identified to attain the target.

      As outlined under the National Key Economic Activity (NKEA) for oil, gas and energy sector, the three EPPs are to attract multinational companies (MNCs) to bring a sizeable share of their global operations to Malaysia, the ETP report said.

      The projects are also geared at consolidating domestic fabrications, developing engineering, procurement and installation capabilities and capacity through strategic partnerships and joint ventures.

      The global OFSE market is valued at RM800 billion and has undergone rapid growth of 25 per cent an annum in recent years.

      With a burgeoning domestic oil and gas industry, proximity to oil fields and a cost-competitive workforce, Malaysia is well-placed to become Asia's OFSE hub.

      In addition, by increasing competitive pressures in the domestic market, there is potential for Malaysian companies to first become domestic champions and subsequently regional champions as it captures a larger share of the regional market.

      Under the sector's NKEA, the target is to attract 10 to 20 major international companies in the OFSE industry, bringing about 10 per cent of their business operations to Malaysia.

      "This translates to around 40 per cent of their regional activities and would mean positioning Malaysia as a cost-competitive base for engineering, procurement and construction as well as strategic base for installation activities in the Asia Pacific region," the report noted.

      If the goal is met, the OFSE industry will have considerable impact, creating over 20,000 jobs and almost RM6.1 billion of incremental gross national income (GNI) by 2020.

      A permanent government body to be known as Oil Field Services Unit (OFSU) will be set up. It will be responsible for overseeing the oil field services industry's growth and development.

      Comprising 20 people, with at least 10 of whom will have the oil and gas industry experience, OFSU will be fully operational within the next six months.

      Among others, its responsibilities are to make recommendations on how to restructure the domestic industry to create a more competitive environment and position the industry and its companies for growth, and to promote the Malaysian OFSE industry and companies to overseas firms and investors.

      OFSU will require only minimal funding of RM5 million a year to cover its operating expenses. However, the success of the EPP is contingent on attracting foreign players to set up operations here, which would require estimated funding totalling RM6.8 billion. This comprises of RM6.3 billion in private investment and RM500 million in public investment.

      On the whole, the ETP has identified 12 EPPs and two business opportunities within the NKEA for oil, gas and energy sector.

      "These EPPs will contribute RM47.1 billion to GNI to meet the 2020 targets. An additional RM61.2 billion will come from business opportunities and baseline growth," the report said.

      Thus, the NKEA expects to deliver a RM131.4 billion GNI impact and create an additional 52,300 jobs in this sector.

      A significant proportion of these jobs will be highly-skilled jobs, with an estimated 21,000 or 40 per cent for qualified professionals such as engineers and geologies, with monthly salaries in the range of RM5,000 to RM10,000.

      The incremental GNI includes RM23.1 billion of GNI from the multiplier effect created by EPPs from other sectors.

      The largest sources of the multiplier effect on the oil, gas and energy NKEA are palm oil, tourism and electronics and electrical NKEAs, for example, an increase in usage of energy due to an increase in tourists visiting Malaysia.

      The oil, gas and energy NKEA is targeting a 5 per cent annual growth for the sector from 2010 to 2020. This is an ambitious goal, particularly against a backdrop of the natural 2 per cent decline of oil and gas production.

      Read more: Malaysia wants to be Asia's oil field services, equipment hub

      Comment: This news is positive for the oil and gas sector of Malaysia. It is also good for Coastal.

      Malaysia glove makers may raise prices

      Published: 2010/11/04

      Malaysian manufacturers are likely to raise latex glove prices as floods inundate rubber plantations in Thailand, the world’s No.1 exporter of the commodity, and cut off supplies.

      Malaysia’s glove making industry, the largest in the world, meets most of its rubber requirements from Thailand. Trucks cross the border to Malaysia from southern Thailand almost daily, carrying 1,000-1,500 tonnes on average.

      “We have revised the latex glove price twice for the past one month, and will continue to monitor the situation and adjust if necessary,” said Lim Cheong Guan, executive director of Top Glove, the world’s largest glove maker.

      Regional traders said deliveries of rubber had slowed thanks to the chest-high floods in main growing areas in southern Thailand, pushing the Thai RSS3 grade to a record high again on Thursday. - Reuters

      Read more: Malaysia glove makers may raise prices


      Date announced 23/08/2010
      Quarter 30/06/2010 Qtr 2
      FYE 31/12/2010

      C0DE  2771 

      Price $ 5.87 Curr. PE (ttm-Eps) 10.86 Curr. DY 2.49%
      LFY Div 14.64 DPO ratio 36%
      ROE 12.5% PBT Margin 13.0% PAT Margin 10.3%

      Rec. qRev 1425000 q-q % chg -8% y-y% chq 12%
      Rec qPbt 185900 q-q % chg 38% y-y% chq 127%
      Rec. qEps 15.68 q-q % chg 61% y-y% chq 204%
      ttm-Eps 54.04 q-q % chg 24% y-y% chq 28%

      EPS GR 5% Avg.H PE 9.00 Avg. L PE 6.00
      Forecast High Pr 6.21 Forecast Low Pr 3.38 Recent Severe Low Pr 3.38
      Current price is at Upper 1/3 of valuation zone.

      RISK: Upside 12% Downside 88%
      One Year Appreciation Potential 1% Avg. yield 4%
      Avg. Total Annual Potential Return (over next 5 years) 5%

      CPE/SPE 1.45 P/NTA 1.35 NTA 4.34 SPE 7.50 Rational Pr 4.05

      Already Owned: Buy Hold Sell Filed; Review (future acq): Filed; Discard: Filed
      Guide: Valuation zones Lower 1/3 Buy Mid. 1/3 Maybe Upper 1/3 Sell

      To Buy a bargain: Buy at Lower 1/3 of Valuation Zone
      To Minimise risk of Loss: Buy when risk is low i.e UPSIDE GAIN > 75% OR DOWNSIDE RISK <25%
      To Double every 5 years: Seek for POTENTIAL RETURN of > 15%/yr.
      To Prevent Loss: Sell immediately when fundamentals deteriorate
      To Maximise Gain & Reduce Loss: Sell when CPE/SPE > 1.5, when in Upper 1/3 of Valuation Zone & Returns < 15%/yr


      Date announced 3-Nov-10
      Quarter 31/09/2010 Qtr 2
      FYE 31/03/2011

      C0DE 6491

      Price $ 1.3 Curr. PE (ttm-Eps) 5.46 Curr. DY 0.00%
      LFY Div 0.00 DPO ratio 0%
      ROE 14.6% PBT Margin 28.4% PAT Margin 13.9%

      Rec. qRev 106645 q-q % chg -4% y-y% chq 12%
      Rec qPbt 30336 q-q % chg -22% y-y% chq 45%
      Rec. qEps 5.63 q-q % chg -15% y-y% chq 50%
      ttm-Eps 23.79 q-q % chg 9% y-y% chq 14%

      EPS GR 5% Avg.H PE 5.00 Avg. L PE 4.00
      Forecast High Pr 1.52 Forecast Low Pr 0.85 Recent Severe Low Pr 0.85
      Current price is at Middle 1/3 of valuation zone.

      RISK: Upside 33% Downside 67%
      One Year Appreciation Potential 3% Avg. yield 0%
      Avg. Total Annual Potential Return (over next 5 years) 3%

      CPE/SPE 1.21 P/NTA 0.80 NTA 1.63 SPE 4.50 Rational Pr 1.07

      Already Owned: Buy Hold Sell Filed Review (future acq): Filed Discard: Filed
      Guide: Valuation zones Lower 1/3 Buy Mid. 1/3 Maybe Upper 1/3 Sell

      To Buy a bargain: Buy at Lower 1/3 of Valuation Zone
      To Minimise risk of Loss: Buy when risk is low i.e UPSIDE GAIN > 75% OR DOWNSIDE RISK <25%
      To Double every 5 years: Seek for POTENTIAL RETURN of > 15%/yr.
      To Prevent Loss: Sell immediately when fundamentals deteriorate
      To Maximise Gain & Reduce Loss: Sell when CPE/SPE > 1.5, when in Upper 1/3 of Valuation Zone & Returns < 15%/yr

      Comment:  Probably worth having an in-depth look to understand more of this company's underlying business.

      M’sian capital market need more informed investors

      by Chin Kee Leong. Posted on November 1, 2010, Monday

      MIRI: The Malaysian capital market need more informed investors who are encouraged to trade online.

      Q&A SESSION: (From left) Shin, Mo and Tan on stage fielding questions from the floor during the roadshow.

      OSK Investment Bank Bhd (OSK) organised Market Chat 2010 roadshow in Grand Palace Hotel here recently that provided insights on stock market investment to educate and create awareness on the securities market as well as to encourage online trading amongst retail investors.
      “A good investor is an informed investor – creating more informed investors is one of the goals of our Market Chat roadshows,” said Bursa Malaysia Bhd (Bursa Malaysia) head of surveillance research and development (R&D) and market surveillance, Arshad Azizi Kamaruddin in his opening speech.
      Arshad welcomed some 150 participants who turned up at the fourth season of Market Chat roadshow.
      “Retail investors have always been a crucial investor segment of our Malaysian capital market.
      “We have been steadfast in working hand-in-hand with our stakeholders and broker partners to stimulate interest amongst Malaysians to invest in our stock market,” said Arshad who explained the main aim in boosting the retail stock market with Market Chat started in 2006.
      According to him, Bursa partnered with nine selected brokers which included OSK, and has since conducted 117 roadshows and reaching nearly 18,000 investors in the past three years.
      “We were able to generate nearly 3,600 new CDS accounts over the period.Naturally, we intend to make Market Chat bigger and better each year,” he said.
      He hoped to see expansion to more cities and non-urban areas, and eventually reach out to all segments of society.
      “Our government is committed to make Malaysia more business-friendly to investors.
      “The call for the divestment of government stakes in public listed companies are examples of measures to promote vibrancy, free float and liquidity in our market to enhance the attractiveness of the Malaysian capital market.
      “These developments hold opportunities for all investors like you,” he said.
      In order to achieve greater efficiency and offering convenience to the public, Bursa has introduced the eDividend to enhance payment efficiency.
      “We would like to see the younger generations take keener interest in the stock market. It is very important for stakeholders to collaborate in enhancing the pool of retail investors,” he said.
      He urged participants to spread the word and encourage others to participate in future roadshows.
      “I believe that there are always opportunities if we know what we’re looking for. And yes, there are hidden gems in our capital market,” he added.
      During the Q&A session, he replied to a participant that he will bring up the matter with Bursa of introducing similar e-payment systems for the Warrants and Futures trade, which involve larger sums of money.
      The main speakers were Shin Kao Jack of OSK Research Sdn Bhd, Kuala Lumpur (KL) who presented ‘Market sOutlook’, Eric Tan of OSK Investment Bank (Derivatives and Structured Products), KL with ‘Understand Call Warrants and ETF’, and Grace Mo of OSK Investment Bank, Sibu with ‘How to trade KLCI Futures and CPO Futures’.
      The guest speakers were Sarawak Plantation Bhd (SPB) corporate finance manager Koay Bee Eng, and Naim Cendera Holdings Bhd senior director Ricky Kho who enlightened participants with the portfolios of their respective companies listed on the stock exchange.

      What have happened to these companies since December 2009?

      On 28th December 2009, I posted the charts of a few companies that had gone up continuously from the lows of March 2009.

      Click here to see what have happened to these companies since Dec. 2009.

      Adventa, Latexx, Latexx WA and HaiO have corrected significantly since the end of 2009.  Their prices now are at levels of the end of 2009.  The prices of these companies have corrected due to deteriorating fundamentals in their businesses, which maybe temporary but for a prolonged period (as per the glove companies) or permanent (as per the MLM company).

      Sime Darby shares dropped precipitously in May 2010 due to reported losses in their business.  However, it has since rebounded, almost back to its previous price levels.

      As for the other companies, Petdag, PBB, LPI, GAB, HLBank, QL, KPJ, JobSt, KLK, & IOICorp,, their prices reached new highs in the present bull market. 

      Lessons derived from the above:

      1.  Sell when the fundamentals of the companies deteriorate.  Often this is evident from one or two quarters of "bad" results, especially in those companies with businesses having no durable competitive advantage.

      2.  A good company that hits a temporary setback and where its price is sold down may presents a good opportunity to invest.  A large established good company is resilient and has the resources to recover.  

      3.  Buying high quality companies at fair or bargain prices, but not overpaying for them, will often turn out to be profitable investments long term.

      Wednesday 3 November 2010


      Date announced 3-Nov-10
      Quarter 30/09/2010 Qtr 1
      FYE 30/06/2011

      C0DE  3255 

      Price $ 8.83 Curr. PE (ttm-Eps) 16.20 Curr. DY 5.10%
      LFY Div 45.00 DPO ratio 89%
      ROE 32.2% PBT Margin 14.1% PAT Margin 10.6%

      Rec. qRev 366631 q-q % chg 19% y-y% chq 22%
      Rec qPbt 51638 q-q % chg 8% y-y% chq 44%
      Rec. qEps 12.81 q-q % chg 8% y-y% chq 45%
      ttm-Eps 54.50 q-q % chg 8% y-y% chq 36%

      EPS GR 5% Avg.H PE 14.00 Avg. L PE 12.00
      Forecast High Pr 9.74 Forecast Low Pr 6.80 Recent Severe Low Pr 6.80
      Current price is at Upper 1/3 of valuation zone.

      RISK: Upside 31% Downside 69%
      One Year Appreciation Potential 2% Avg. yield 7%
      Avg. Total Annual Potential Return (over next 5 years) 9%

      CPE/SPE 1.25 P/NTA 5.22 NTA 1.69 SPE 13.00 Rational Pr 7.09

      Already Owned: Buy Hold Sell Filed Review (future acq): Filed Discard: Filed
      Guide: Valuation zones Lower 1/3 Buy Mid. 1/3 Maybe Upper 1/3 Sell

      To Buy a bargain: Buy at Lower 1/3 of Valuation Zone
      To Minimise risk of Loss: Buy when risk is low i.e UPSIDE GAIN > 75% OR DOWNSIDE RISK <25%
      To Double every 5 years: Seek for POTENTIAL RETURN of > 15%/yr.
      To Prevent Loss: Sell immediately when fundamentals deteriorate
      To Maximise Gain & Reduce Loss: Sell when CPE/SPE > 1.5, when in Upper 1/3 of Valuation Zone & Returns < 15%/yr


      Date announced 26/08/2010
      Quarter 30/06/2010 Qtr 2
      FYE 31/12/2010

      STOCK Integra
      C0DE  9555

      Price $ 1.33 Curr. PE (ttm-Eps) 9.42 Curr. DY 2.26%
      LFY Div 3.00 DPO ratio 21%
      ROE 8.1% PBT Margin 77.1% PAT Margin 58.4%

      Rec. qRev 23483 q-q % chg 2% y-y% chq 17%
      Rec qPbt 18094 q-q % chg 38% y-y% chq 33%
      Rec. qEps 4.56 q-q % chg 54% y-y% chq 50%
      ttm-Eps 14.12 q-q % chg 12% y-y% chq 14%

      EPS GR 3% Avg.H PE 8.00 Avg. L PE 4.00
      Forecast High Pr 1.31 Forecast Low Pr 0.88 Recent Severe Low Pr 0.88
      Current price is at Upper 1/3 of valuation zone.

      RISK: Upside -5% Downside 105%
      One Year Appreciation Potential 0% Avg. yield 3%
      Avg. Total Annual Potential Return (over next 5 years) 2%

      CPE/SPE 1.57 P/NTA 0.76 NTA 1.75 SPE 6.00 Rational Pr 0.85

      Already Owned: Buy Hold Sell Filed; Review (future acq): Filed; Discard: Filed
      Guide: Valuation zones Lower 1/3 Buy; Mid. 1/3 Maybe; Upper 1/3 Sell

      To Buy a bargain: Buy at Lower 1/3 of Valuation Zone
      To Minimise risk of Loss: Buy when risk is low i.e UPSIDE GAIN > 75% OR DOWNSIDE RISK <25%
      To Double every 5 years: Seek for POTENTIAL RETURN of > 15%/yr.
      To Prevent Loss: Sell immediately when fundamentals deteriorate
      To Maximise Gain & Reduce Loss: Sell when CPE/SPE > 1.5, when in Upper 1/3 of Valuation Zone & Returns < 15%/yr


      Date announced 26/08/2010
      Quarter 30/06/2010 Qtr 4
      FYE 30/06/2010

      C0DE  7052 

      Price $ 5.2 Curr. PE (ttm-Eps) 11.27 Curr. DY 4.33%
      LFY Div 22.50 DPO ratio 49%
      ROE 24.9% PBT Margin 16.3% PAT Margin 10.3%

      Rec. qRev 114389 q-q % chg -18% y-y% chq 16%
      Rec qPbt 18654 q-q % chg -22% y-y% chq 182%
      Rec. qEps 8.97 q-q % chg -32% y-y% chq 320%
      ttm-Eps 46.15 q-q % chg 17% y-y% chq 145%

      EPS GR 5% Avg.H PE 9.00 Avg. L PE 7.00
      Forecast High Pr 5.30 Forecast Low Pr 3.10 Recent Severe Low Pr 3.10
      Current price is at Middle 1/3 of valuation zone.

      RISK: Upside 5% Downside 95%
      One Year Appreciation Potential 0% Avg. yield 6%
      Avg. Total Annual Potential Return (over next 5 years) 6%

      CPE/SPE 1.41 P/NTA 2.81 NTA 1.85 SPE 8.00 Rational Pr 3.69

      Decision: Already Owned: Buy Hold Sell Filed; Review (future acq): Filed; Discard: Filed
      Guide: Valuation zones Lower 1/3 Buy; Mid. 1/3 Maybe; Upper 1/3 Sell

      To Buy a bargain: Buy at Lower 1/3 of Valuation Zone
      To Minimise risk of Loss: Buy when risk is low i.e UPSIDE GAIN > 75% OR DOWNSIDE RISK <25%
      To Double every 5 years: Seek for POTENTIAL RETURN of > 15%/yr.
      To Prevent Loss: Sell immediately when fundamentals deteriorate
      To Maximise Gain & Reduce Loss: Sell when CPE/SPE > 1.5, when in Upper 1/3 of Valuation Zone & Returns < 15%/yr


      Date announced 24/08/2010
      Quarter 30/06/2010 Qtr 4
      FYE 30/06/2010

      STOCK Parkson
      C0DE  5657 

      Price $ 5.95 Curr. PE (ttm-Eps) 21.33 Curr. DY 1.01%
      LFY Div 6.00 DPO ratio 22%
      ROE 15.2% PBT Margin 24.2% PAT Margin 9.0%

      Rec. qRev 620370 q-q % chg -18% y-y% chq 8%
      Rec qPbt 150129 q-q % chg -27% y-y% chq -2%
      Rec. qEps 5.46 q-q % chg -33% y-y% chq -1%
      ttm-Eps 27.89 q-q % chg 0% y-y% chq -4%

      EPS GR 5% Avg.H PE 20.00 Avg. L PE 17.00
      Forecast High Pr 7.12 Forecast Low Pr 4.74 Recent Severe Low Pr 4.74
      Current price is at Middle 1/3 of valuation zone.

      RISK: Upside 49% Downside 51%
      One Year Appreciation Potential 4% Avg. yield 1%
      Avg. Total Annual Potential Return (over next 5 years) 5%

      CPE/SPE 1.15 P/NTA 3.25 NTA 1.83 SPE 18.50 Rational Pr 5.16

      Decision: Already Owned: Buy Hold Sell Filed; Review (future acq): Filed; Discard: Filed
      Guide: Valuation zones Lower 1/3 Buy; Mid. 1/3 Maybe; Upper 1/3 Sell

      To Buy a bargain: Buy at Lower 1/3 of Valuation Zone
      To Minimise risk of Loss: Buy when risk is low i.e UPSIDE GAIN > 75% OR DOWNSIDE RISK <25%
      To Double every 5 years: Seek for POTENTIAL RETURN of > 15%/yr.
      To Prevent Loss: Sell immediately when fundamentals deteriorate
      To Maximise Gain & Reduce Loss: Sell when CPE/SPE > 1.5, when in Upper 1/3 of Valuation Zone & Returns < 15%/yr