Tuesday 25 September 2012

Even Lousy Investing Beats Not Investing

By Chuck Saletta September 18, 2012

It wasn't that long ago that we suffered through a period of time in the stockmarket that has come to be known as "The Lost Decade." The 10-year period between the start of January 2000 and the end of December 2009 was one of the worst for stock market performance, ever.
Yet even during those dark times, one very straightforward strategy would have allowed you to just about break even -- or perhaps even make a few bucks along the way. All you would have had to do is dollar-cost average into the low-cost market-tracking SPDR S&P 500 (NYSE: SPY  ) ETF and reinvest the dividends you received. That's one of the simplest ways to invest, and that strategy -- or one essentially equivalent to it -- is very often available in 401(k)s and other retirement accounts.
Although those returns were lousy, both in absolute terms and when compared to the market's long-run average, there's one strategy that it certainly beat: not investing at all.
The act that matters most
When all is said and done, doing what it takes to invest in the first place matters at least as much as the actual returns you get on your invested cash. There are several reasons for this. Perhaps the most obvious is that if you never put any money away at all, no rate of compounding will get that goose egg to ever be anything but a goose egg.
But on another, more subtle level, the act of investing itself matters because making the commitment to do it well requires the rest of your financial house to be in order. You need to be in control of your debts and have enough cash coming in not only to pay your bills, but also to put some away for your future. In essence, investing takes discipline -- the exact same type of discipline that will help you manage whatever sized nest egg you do manage to amass over your investing career.
Your potential $1 million payout from "lousy" investing
A typical working career may last in the neighborhood of 45 years. Having and keeping a consistent investing plan throughout that journey may seem like a daunting task, especially if we suffer through many more of those "Lost Decades." Still, as the table below shows, the reward at the end of the 45-year process may well be over $1 million, even while earning consistently lousy 2% annualized returns:
Monthly Investment
-1% Annual Returns
0% Annual Returns
1% Annual Returns
2% Annual Returns
Source: Author's calculations.
Granted, to reach the bottom line of that table, you'd have to contribute the maximum allowable $17,000 to your 401(k) throughout your career. Still, the $1 million nest egg at the end is an incredibly impressive result for only managing 2% annualized returns. No matter how challenging it may seem to sock away more than $1,400 a month, note what happens on that top line. If you don't invest at all, when it comes time to retire, you won't have anynest egg to tide you through your not-so-golden years.
The joys of lousy investing
Once you realize how important making the commitment to invest is, getting past the fear of investing poorly is much easier. You can much more objectively look at every investment you have made as either a place to earn or a place to learn. For instance, I view my investment in industrial and financial titan General Electric (NYSE: GE  ) as one of the best investments I've ever made. It was a good investment because of what I've learned from it, in spite of the lousy returns I've received along the way.
Indeed, the principles I learned from that GE investment -- looking for a strong balance sheet and a well-covered and rising dividend -- have yielded far more successful investments than failures over the years. When coupled with the third key lesson from that investment -- prudent diversification -- the experience formed the foundation of an investing strategy that looks capable of withstanding the test of time. Not bad for an investment with objectively lousy returns.
Often, investing does work out
Of course, not all investments turn out poorly, and in fact some wind up doing quite well. Over the course of an entire career, the combination of lousy and great investments in the context of an overall solid strategy could very likely exceed that 2% annual return level. But if you're planning for lousy returns and wind up with better ones, you'll end at a much better place. Yet no matter what your ultimate returns, it's having the foundation and the dedication to invest that matters most.

The Truth About Stocks for the Long Run

By Alex Dumortier, CFA September 19, 2012

Don't get me wrong. I'm convinced that equities are an appropriate and important component of a long-term strategy to build wealth. However, there are a certain number of popular myths regarding stocks that have taken hold and that can be potentially dangerous to your financial well-being. In this article, I'm highlighting two of them.
Myth 1: Stocks' expected return is 10% to 11% annually
I have seen financial writers and professional investors cite this range (or a figure contained in this range) for the historical average return for stocks innumerable times. That's fine, in principle; the trouble is that they often imply or even assert openly that this is a sound basis for future expected returns.
As far as I can tell, the source for this range may be Long-Run Stock Returns: Participating in the Real Economy (2003), in which Roger Ibbotson of Yale University and his co-author Peng Chen calculate that stocks produced an average return of 10.70% during the period 1926-2000. That's a historical observation (anomaly?) and investors should absolutely not anchor on it when they think about future returns.
That specific period was atypical in a way that can be dangerously misleading if you don't look beyond the "headline" number. Stocks started out at depressed multiples (a price-to-trailing-earnings multiple of 10.2 for the S&P Composite Index) and finished at inflated ones (26.0 for the S&P 500 Index (INDEX: ^GSPC  ) ). All told, the expansion in the multiple's girth alone fattened stocks' average return by a full 1.25 percentage points annually. Unless you have reason to believe that rising valuations will make the same contribution over your investing horizon, expecting the same average return going forward is wrongheaded.
A more realistic benchmark
Taking a longer observation period (January 1871 to August 2012) over which the change in P/E multiple was less dramatic, I found an average return of 8.61%, with the change in P/E contributing just 25 basis points, and inflation 208 basis points (100 basis points being equal to one percentage point).
8.61% - 0.25% - 2.08% = 6.27%
A reasonable historical benchmark with which to begin thinking about future returns is 6% to 7% after inflation. That range is consistent with the long-run stock return estimates in the 2007 edition of Jeremy Siegel's Stocks for the Long Run.
Incidentally, if you don't think a 1.25 percentage point difference is even worth trifling over, consider the end value of a dollar invested at 6.5% over a 30-year period: $6.61. At 7.75%, you'll have $9.38. If you were counting on the higher return and earned the lower one instead, you're now facing a 30% shortfall.
Myth 2: The longer the time horizon, the safer stocks become
This is an idea that has been heavily marketed based on Jeremy Siegel's observation that, historically, the standard deviation of stocks' average returns has fallen as you extend your time horizon. But Siegel himself is pretty cagey when it comes to the broader implications of that finding. This is what he told an audience of financial advisors in 2004:
One thing I should make very clear: I never said that that means stocks are safer in the long run. We know the standard deviation of [stocks'] average [annual return] goes down when you have more periods ... What I pointed out here is that the standard deviation for stocks goes down twice as fast as random walk theory would predict. In other words, they are relatively safer in the long run than random walk theory would predict. Doesn't mean they're safe. [emphasis added]
In a March 2011 paper, Lubos Pastor and Robert Stambaugh, respectively of the University of Chicago and the University of Pennsylvania, show that stocks are more, not less, volatile over long periods.
Siegel compiled historical return data going back over two centuries, and that is fine as far as describing how stocks behaved in the past (strictly speaking, there are problems with this data, to begin with). Pastor and Stambaugh's argument is that observing historical average returns and extrapolating them into the future leaves investors open to "estimation risk." In short, today's investors don't care what stocks did in the past; the only thing that counts is what stocks do in the future, and even two centuries of data does not allow us to know stocks' expected return with certainty. Once you take that uncertainty into account, Pastor and Stambaugh found that stocks are riskier over longer periods.
4 practical recommendations for long-term investors
Don't cling to investing myths such as the two I have highlighted above. Accepting that they are false means recognizing the seas you must navigate are more uncertain and less hospitable than you once thought. It does not mean that throwing up your hands is all that is left to do. Here are four practical recommendations:
  • Time horizon is not the only relevant variable in figuring out your allocation between stocks and bonds (and other asset classes). Your risk tolerance, current earnings, and career risk are all things you should consider.
  • Use conservative estimates for the equity returns you require in order to achieve your goals to account for "estimation risk."
  • Always remain cognizant of valuations -- particularly when they reach extremes (i.e., bubbles).
  • Always strive to keep your costs as low as possible; this makes an enormous differenceover time. In that regard, products like the Vanguard Total Market ETF (NYSE: VTI  ) , the Vanguard Dividend Appreciation ETF (NYSE: VIG  ) , and the Vanguard MSCI Emerging Markets ETF (NYSE: VWO  ) are all excellent choices.

KLCC Property Holdings Bhd

KLCCP Period (Yrs) 6
Dec-05 Dec-11 Change CAGR
millions millions
Equity 2268.48 6461.07 184.82% 19.06%
LT Assets 5725.37 13203.98 130.62% 14.94%
Current Assets 638.39 775.12 21.42% 3.29%
LT Liabilities 2635.2 3522.2 33.66% 4.95%
Current Liabilities 384.18 305.74 -20.42% -3.73%
Sales 598.02 745.89 24.73% 3.75%
Earnings 114.44 657.7 474.71% 33.84%
Interest expense 165.12 87.58 -46.96% -10.03%
D/E 1.19 0.37
ROA 1.80% 4.70%
ROE  5.04% 10.18%
Number of shares (m) 934.07 934.07 0.00%
Market cap 1882.2 3231.9 71.71% 9.43%
P/E 16.45 4.91
Earnings Yield 6.08% 20.35%
P/BV 0.83 0.50

DPO ratio (historical) 37.64%
Dividend Yield range 4.0%-3.2%
Capital changes  -

Stock Performance Chart for KLCC Property Holdings Bhd

Monday 24 September 2012


CRESCENDO Period (Yrs) 15
Jan-97 Jan-12 Change CAGR
millions millions
Equity 158.19 549.15 247.15% 8.65%
LT Assets 67.05 45.58 -32.02% -2.54%
Current Assets 146.59 731.22 398.82% 11.31%
LT Liabilities 4.84 83.04 1615.70% 20.86%
Current Liabilities 50.41 129.39 156.68% 6.49%
Sales 109.77 290.42 164.57% 6.70%
Earnings 6.87 63.71 827.37% 16.01%
Interest expense 0 0.79 #DIV/0! #DIV/0!
D/E 0.06 0.26
ROE  4.34% 11.60%
Number of shares (m) 108.5 183.48 69.11%
Market cap 117.18 345.23 194.62% 7.47%
P/E 17.06 5.42
Earnings Yield 5.86% 18.45%
P/BV 0.74 0.63
DPO ratio (historical) 39.85%
Dividend Yield range 7.5%-4.7%
Capital changes
2002 2/5 ICULS
2008 1/2 Rts (ICULS)
with 1 free wrt

Stock Performance Chart for Crescendo Corporation Berhad

United Plantation

United Plantation Period (Yrs) 15
Dec-96 Dec-11 Change CAGR
millions millions
Equity 367.65 1996.39 443.01% 11.94%
LT Assets 365.09 1318.23 261.07% 8.94%
C. Assets 130.54 882.15 575.77% 13.58%
LT Liabilities 17.84 88.93 398.49% 11.30%
C. Liabilities 110.13 114.87 4.30% 0.28%
Sales 261.13 1385.47 430.57% 11.77%
Earnings 49.85 373.95 650.15% 14.38%
Interest exp. 0.33 0.03 -90.91% -14.77%
Market cap 803 5124.26 538.14% 13.15%
D/E ratio 0.08 0.08 0.00%
ROE 13.56% 18.73% 38.15%
P/E 16.11 13.70
P/BV 2.18 2.57
DPO ratio 34.50%
DY range 4.3% - 3.1%


GENM Period (Yrs) 15
Dec-96 Dec-11 Change CAGR
millions millions
Equity 2793.9 11926.8 326.89% 10.16%
LT Assets 2451.8 12781.57 421.31% 11.64%
Current Assets 1113.5 3724.95 234.53% 8.38%
LT Liabilities 80.9 1963.77 2327.40% 23.69%
Current Liabilities 689.2 2615.96 279.56% 9.30%
Sales 2105.9 8493.69 303.33% 9.74%
Earnings 569.7 1427.88 150.64% 6.32%
Interest expense 0 32.25 #DIV/0! #DIV/0!
D/E 0 0.15 #DIV/0!
ROE  20.39% 11.97% -41.29%
Number of shares (m) 1091.8 5924.41 442.63%
Market cap 12555.7 22346.5 77.98% 3.92%
P/E 22.04 15.65 -28.99%
Earnings Yield 4.54% 6.39% 40.82%
BV/Share (RM) 2.01 #DIV/0!
DPO ratio (historical) 21.90%
Dividend Yield range 2.3%-1.5%

Genting Malaysia Bhd : Income Statement Evolution

Genting Malaysia Bhd : Finances - Leverage

Genting Malaysia Bhd : Balance Sheet Analysis

Genting Malaysia Bhd : Price Earning Ratio

Genting Malaysia Bhd : EPS Dividend

Aeon Credit

Sales Analysis.
AEON Credit Service (M) Berhad reported sales of 344.27 million Malaysian Ringgits (US$112.43 million) for the fiscal year ending February of 2012. This represents an increase of 27.7% versus 2011, when the company's sales were 269.56 million Malaysian Ringgits. Sales at AEON Credit Service (M) Berhad have increased during each of the previous five years (and since 2007, sales have increased a total of 197%).

AEON CREDIT Feb-07 Feb-11 Change CAGR
millions millions
Equity 104.17 282.22 170.92% 28.30%
LT Assets 192.88 25.93 -86.56% -39.45%
Current Assets 378.61 1148.11 203.24% 31.96%
LT Liabilities 270.41 596.55 120.61% 21.87%
Current Liabilities 196.91 295.28 49.96% 10.66%
Sales 116.04 269.61 132.34% 23.46%
Earnings 19.7 63.43 221.98% 33.95%
Interest expense 18.02 32.61 80.97% 15.98%
D/E 4.06 2.95 -27.34%
ROE  18.91% 22.48% 18.88%
Number of shares (m) 120 120 0.00%
Market cap 469.2 1054.8 124.81%
P/E 23.82 16.63 -30.18%
Earnings Yield 4.20% 6.01% 43.22%
BV/Share (RM) 0.87 2.35
DPO ratio (historical) 31.40%
Dividend Yield range 4.8%-3.1%

Stock Performance Chart for AEON Credit Service (M) Berhad

Stock Data:

Current Price (9/14/2012): 10.70 (Figures in Malaysian Ringgits)

Recent Stock Performance:
1 Week -0.6%
4 Weeks 22.3%
13 Weeks 11.5%
52 Weeks 183.4%

Market Cap: 1,540,800,000
 Fiscal Yr Ends: February
 Shares Outstanding: 144,000,000
 Share Type: Ordinary
 Closely Held Shares: 87,446,280

Sunday 23 September 2012

7 Compelling Reasons Why Long Term Investing Is Better Than Short Term Trading

by Silicon Valley Blogger on 2008-05-12
The case against short term trading.
Over the years, I’ve learned to gravitate towards long term investing as I gained more education and experience with investing. This is the strategy that involves building a diversified portfolio and following an asset allocation that is in tune with your risk tolerance. It involves a commitment to keeping a portfolio invested in the markets, regardless of market behavior. Like many finance enthusiasts out there, this is my preferred manner of investing, and here’s why:

7 Reasons To Invest For The Long Term

#1 It’s easy enough for anyone to do.

#2 The power of compounding is your friend.

#3 Passive investments are convenient.

#4 By staying invested, you avoid making costly mistakes.

#5 A long term view lowers your risk.

#6 A long term view gives you time to fix your investment mistakes.

#7 Your rate of return is boosted by stock dividends.

Read more here: http://www.thedigeratilife.com/blog/index.php/2008/05/12/7-compelling-reasons-why-long-term-investing-is-better-than-short-term-trading/

Range of S&P 500 returns, 1926-2005
range of stock returns

Saturday 22 September 2012

Wireless carriers hope to temper iPhone 5 margin pain

 By Sinead Carew and Jeremy Wagstaff
NEW YORK/SINGAPORE (Reuters) - For mobile service providers like AT&T Inc, it's not enough that consumers came out in droves to buy the newest iPhone from Apple Inc.
They need people to dig more deeply into their wallets each month to pay for data services, such as mobile video, to cushion the impact of the iPhone's steep price tag on the carriers' bottom lines.
Wireless service operators typically subsidize the cost of smartphones, offering discounts to consumers to lock them into two-year service contracts. But the iPhone subsidy is as much as 60 percent higher than subsidies for Android smartphones, according to Barclays analyst James Ratcliffe.
He estimates the iPhone subsidy at about $400, compared with $250 to $300 for other smartphones. That means iPhone customers only start to become profitable for carriers about nine months after they buy the device, compared with a five- to six-month timeframe for other smartphones.
As a result, mobile operators' profit margins usually suffer in the months after an iPhone launch, when sales volumes are highest.
"We always say an Apple a day keeps the profits away," Neil Montefiore, chief executive of Starhub, said during the Singapore wireless service provider's August earnings conference call.
Be that as it may, mobile operators around the world still want to sell the iPhone because it helps retain subscribers and attract new ones. Apple is the only phone maker whose product launches are a cultural phenomenon -- on Friday, fans from all over the world queued around city blocks to get their hands on the new iPhone 5.
In Australia, service providers are trying to minimize the financial hit by varying the iPhone's price so that customers who pay more for data services get a bigger subsidy.
In the United States, carriers have changed their policies to make customers wait longer for a subsidized upgrade and levied new fees, after Verizon Wireless, AT&T and Sprint Nextel Corp suffered dramatic declines in profit margins based on earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) as a percentage of service revenue in the fourth quarter of 2012, when the iPhone 4S was launched.
Analysts expect the changes to help the operators, but they still forecast a drop in EBITDA margins. AT&T's margin is expected to fall from 45 percent in the second quarter to 40.8 percent in the third quarter and 35.7 percent in the fourth quarter, according to four analysts contacted by Reuters.
Verizon's margin is expected to fall from 49 percent in the second quarter to 47.4 percent in the third quarter and 43.6 percent in the fourth quarter, according to the same analysts.
Service providers have high hopes that consumers will spend more on mobile data with the iPhone 5, saying services like video should work better on the new phone, which can support data speeds about 10 times faster than the previous model.
"That's the hope," said Guggenheim analyst Shing Yin. But he said "it's unproven" and there is no reason to assume iPhone 5 customers will use any more data than people using cheaper rival devices that support the same high-speed technology.
Singapore's biggest mobile operator, SingTel, said that its iPhone 5 orders were already exceeding previous iPhones because of the new gadget's higher speeds.
"From a financial standpoint, people who use this device tend to use more of it," said SingTel digital executive Allen Lew.
China Telecom is also banking on iPhone users spending more money on their telecom services. China's third-largest mobile service provider had to raise its subsidies by 50 percent when it started selling an older iPhone in February. As a result, its EBITDA profit margin fell 4 percentage points in the first half of the year to 38.5 percent compared to the same period the year before.
While Apple has not yet announced its China launch plans for the iPhone 5, China Telecom expects continued pressure on its bottom line from the iPhone but hopes the devices will help boost revenue per user in the long run, a executive for the operator said.
"Our subsidies level will remain pretty high at least for this year," said the executive, who did not have permission to speak to the media and declined to be identified. "We know we'll have to invest more initially."
Many operators feel they have no choice but to offer the iPhone because of its popularity.
"It's kind of like dancing with the devil. It's a blessing and a curse," said Wells Fargo analyst Jennifer Fritzsche.
(Additional reporting by Tarmo Virki in Helsinki, Harro Ten Wolde in Frankfurt, Leila Abboud in Paris, Jane Wardell in Sydney, Kevin Lim in Singapore, Maki Shiraki, Reiji Murai and Tim Kelly in Tokyo and Lee Chyenyee in Hong Kong; Editing by Bob Burgdorfer)