Tuesday 4 September 2012

"You can't get rich without working hard, taking risks, investing and reinvesting your profits."

'Drink Less, Work More', Billionaire Tells Non-Rich

 Gina RinehartNow, the Australian mining heiress, worth $19 billion and earlier this year thought to be the world's richest woman, has sparked another controversy in her latest column in Australian Resources and Investment magazine. (Yes, I am a registered reader online.) Rinehart rails against class warfare and says the non-rich should stop attacking the rich and go to work.
"There is no monopoly on becoming a millionaire," she writes. "If you're jealous of those with more money, don't just sit there and complain. Do something to make more money yourself - spend less time drinking, or smoking and socializing and more time working."

Companies in KLSE growing net profit > 15% per year over the last 3 or 4 years.

Net Profit CAGR (as at July 2012)
Company Period CAGR
(Main Board) Years 
MBSB 3 115.37%
GENTING 3 71.42%
AXIATA 3 67.63%
UEMLAND 3 59.62%
LAND & GENERAL  3 57.92%
PESTECH 3 54.36%
HLFG 3 44.98%
KPS 3 36.92%
KLCCP 3 34.55%
BUMI ARMADA 3 33.84%
FRASER & NEAVE 3 31.93%
SUPERMAX 3 31.19%
GENM 3 31.05%
COASTAL 4 28.84%
MAYBANK 3 28.45%
CIMB 3 27.34%
DIALOG 3 26.31%
CBIP 4 23.15%
WEIDA 4 22.66%
AMMB 4 22.60%
TANCHONG 4 21.38%
RHBCAP 4 20.47%
XIDELANG 3 20.45%
PARAMOUNT 3 19.55%
FREIGHT 3 17.45%
AEON 3 17.44%
DRB-HICOM 3 17.43%
KPJ 4 15.42%
HLBANK 3 15.23%

Share Buybacks - What the Board of Directors can choose to do with these?

Upon the purchase by the Company of its own Shares, the Board of Directors of the Company can choose to:-

(i) cancel all or part of the Shares purchased; and/or
(ii) retain all or part of the Purchased Shares as treasury shares; and/or
(iii) distribute the treasury shares as share dividends to the Company’s shareholders for the time being; and/or
(iv) resell the treasury shares on Bursa Securities.

Sunday 2 September 2012

Impossible Magic Trick

Real Property Gains Tax (RPGT) & The Property Owner

The 2012 Budget unveiled on 7 October 2011 included a revision of the Real Property Gains Tax (RPGT)Posted Date: Mar 15, 2012
By: Jennifer Chang
Real Property Gains Tax (RPGT) & The Property Owner
The 2012 Budget unveiled on 7 October 2011 included a revision of the Real Property Gains Tax (RPGT) rate from the 5% to 10% as part of the Government’s efforts to curb property speculation. The increase was recently gazetted and took effect from 1 January 2012 onwards. Jennifer Chang studies the impact of this move on property purchasers.
The rate of 10% applies to gains on properties held and disposed within two years while gains on properties held and disposed between two and five years will be levied a 5% RPGT rate and disposals after five years continue to be exempted from RPGT.
RPGT is a form of capital gains tax that is chargeable on gains arising from the disposal of real property, which is defined as:
• Any land situated in Malaysia and any interest, option or other right in or over such land; or
• Shares in a real property company. Anyone disposing of real property in Malaysia - whether a resident or non-resident - will be charged RPGT on the gains.
Evolution of RPGT
A tax on property was introduced in 1974 under the Land Speculation Tax Act. This was subsequently replaced with the Real Property Gains Tax Act in November 1975. Although in existence since the mid-70s, the Government pro-actively adjusted the rates of the RPGT through the years to cater to the property market conditions.
It’s natural for most people to react to the reintroduction of RPGT, having enjoyed full exemption for a few years previously, however, compared to the original rates of RPGT which range up to 30%, the recent hike of up to 10% is actually quite mild.

Impact on the Malaysian Property Owner
The disposal of a property takes place upon the signing and execution of a Sales & Purchase Agreement (SPA). The date of the SPA is significant, being the deadline to file RPGT returns and tax payments are based on SPA date. For example, the acquirer will need a 2% retention of the disposal price to be paid to the Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia (IRB) as part of a withholding mechanism on behalf of the seller of property and such withholding and filing of notification of disposal needs to be submitted to the IRB within 60 days from the date of SPA.
In conditional contracts which require Government consent, the date of disposal can shift to a later date than the SPA. Hence, the date of disposal shall be the date when Government consent has been obtained. Exemptions applicable to property disposals for a Malaysian individual include:
• An amount of RM10,000 or 10% of the chargeable gain (whichever is greater).
• Gain arising on disposal as a result of compulsory acquisition of property under law.
• Gain made by an individual who is a Malaysian citizen or permanent resident on one private residence.
• Gift made to the Government, State Government, local authority or approved charity.
• Gift between family members (e.g. parent and child or husband and wife).
Of importance is the fact that RPGT applies when property ownership is seen to be long-term capital. Where ownership is speculative, the IRB may view the disposal as revenue and seek to levy income tax instead. Income tax is levied at 25% for companies and up to 26% for Malaysian individuals. Of course, compared to income tax, the RPGT is preferable.
However, what is capital and what is revenue can be subjective and may depend on the property ownership and the taxpayer’s profile. For example, the sale of a residence after five years of ownership is more likely a capital transaction. On the other hand, the sale of an empty plot of land just subdivided for a project is likely to be treated as revenue.
What else do I need to know about RPGT?
Innovative property owners who have parcelled their properties in companies also need to be aware that the sale of shares in such companies may trigger RPGT. Remember, the definition of real property includes shares in a real property company, of which a substantial portion of their assets are properties.
The hike in RPGT rate from 5% to 10% is seen to be moderate and it is important to note that regionally, Malaysia is quite competitive. Countries such as the UK, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Korea and India have some form of capital gains tax regime which could later extend to other types of assets as well. However, for some of our neighbours such as Singapore and Hong Kong, there is no capital gains tax regime on properties sold by resident individuals. We do hope that eventually, the RPGT rate in Malaysia will be relaxed, especially for Malaysian individuals.
Article contributed by Jennifer Chang, a Senior Executive Director with PricewaterhouseCoopers Taxation Services. She is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia, the Securities Institute of Australia and International Fiscal Association. Her extensive tax and financial services experience both in Australia and Malaysia enables her to regularly advise clients on various tax matters including income tax, real property gains tax, stamp duty, service tax, applicable tax incentives and double tax treaties. She can be contacted atjennifer.chang@my.pwc.com.

Industries - Telecommunication (1)

Stock Performance Chart for Adept Telecom PLC

Stock Performance Chart for Advanced Info Service Public Company Limited

Stock Performance Chart for Allwin Telecommunication Company Limited

Stock Performance Chart for Alternative Networks PLC

Stock Performance Chart for Amalgamated Electronic Corporation Limited

Stock Performance Chart for Amcom Telecommunications Limited

Stock Performance Chart for American Tower Corporation

Stock Performance Chart for APT Satellite Holdings Limited

Stock Performance Chart for Asahi Net, Inc

Stock Performance Chart for Asia Satellite Telecommunications Holdings Limited

Stock Performance Chart for AT&T Inc.

Stock Performance Chart for Atlantic Tele-Network, Inc.

Stock Performance Chart for Avantel Softech Limited

Stock Performance Chart for Axiata Group Berhad

Friday 31 August 2012

Excellent businesses that can consistently earn high ROE are often bargain buys even at seemingly very high P/E ratios.

The secret that Warren has figured out is that excellent businesses that benefit from a consumer monopoly, that can consistently earn high rates of return on shareholders’ equity, are often bargain buys even at what seem to be very high price-to-earnings ratios.

Top 5 Stocks George Soros and Warren Buffett Both Own

George Soros and Warren Buffett are two of the world’s most successful investors. While Buffett holds stocks for the long term, Soros is more likely to trade in and out of positions with greater frequency.

Both of their viewpoints overlap on eight stocks. The largest positions they hold in common are: Walmart (WMT), Kraft (KFT), DirecTV (DTV), DaVita (DVA) and Johnson & Johnson (JNJ).

Read more here:

Warren Buffett gives 'reverse birthday gift' to children's foundations

Warren Buffett is celebrating his 82nd birthday today by doubling what remains of his original pledge of stock shares to the three foundations run by his children, Susan, Howard and Peter.
That means he will donate about $100 million a year to each foundation, up from an average of $64 million annually. By the time his pledge is fulfilled, the three foundations will receive what, at today's share price, amounts to $2.08 billion.
Over the past six years, the foundations already have received $1.16 billion.

Warren Buffett
Howard Buffett
Susie Buffett


82 Reasons We Love Warren Buffett

Today is Warren Buffett's 82nd birthday. Each year, I celebrate the Babe Ruth of Investing's birthday by adding another reason we love our hero.
1. Intricate, occasionally contradictory complexity hides beneath the aw-shucks folksy charm. As a Forbes writer once put it, "Buffett is not a simple person, but he has simple tastes."
2. Many people talk about avoiding the madding crowd, but Buffett actually does it by living 1,250 miles away from Wall Street.
3. He has a fortress-like internal scorecard on all things investing, but a vulnerable, endearing external scorecard on many aspects of his personal life. See his penchant for seeking mother figures.
4. Perspective: "In the 20th century, the United States endured two world wars and other traumatic and expensive military conflicts; the Depression; a dozen or so recessions and financial panics; oil shocks; a flu epidemic; and the resignation of a disgraced president. Yet the Dow rose from 66 to 11,497."
5. He is that guy in school who tells you he may have failed the test ... only to bust the top of the curve.
6. His time frame for the long run consistently exceeds his life span.
7. Him saying it better: "Someone's sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago."
8. He's human. He fears nuclear war and his own mortality. He's frequently more adept at business relationships than personal ones. He can hold a grudge. His hero is his daddy.
9. Classic line: "Rule No.1: Never lose money. Rule No.2: Never forget rule No.1."
10. Once branded a stingy miser (rightly or wrongly), Buffett has evolved (assuming it wasn't his intention from the start) into one of the most effective philanthropists I know. After growing his potential givings at a 20% compounded rate per year, he set a plan to give most of it away.
11. Perhaps as importantly, he put ego aside and outsourced the charitable decision making to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Circle of competence at its finest.
12. "I never attempt to make money on the stock market. I buy on the assumption that they could close the market the next day and not reopen it for five years." Contrast that with computer algorithm-based trading, day trading, and some of the moves you've made in your own account.
13. Buffett's smarter than you and I, but he's kind enough to let us feel otherwise.
14. David Sokol was once an heir apparent and arguably Buffett's most trusted operations guy. But when Sokolgate erupted, Buffett stayed true to his word: "We can afford to lose money -- even a lot of money. But we can't afford to lose reputation -- even a shred of reputation."
15. "Derivatives are financial weapons of mass destruction." He said it early, and we are reminded of it often.
16. In a glimpse of the nuance that some commentators call hypocrisy, Buffett uses derivatives himself. But he does so in a way that doesn't threaten the entire financial system and explains exactly why in his annual shareholder letters.
17. He doomed himself from ever holding public office: "A public-opinion poll is no substitute for thought."
18. I like juxtaposing these two quotes: (1) "It's better to hang out with people better than you. Pick out associates whose behavior is better than yours and you'll drift in that direction." (2) "Wall Street is the only place that people ride to in a Rolls-Royce to get advice from those who take the subway."
19. "You only have to do a very few things right in your life so long as you don't do too many things wrong."
20. He has the ability to resist the allure of the quick fix or quick buck when longer-term dynamics are at play.
21. Not sure if this quote was before or after the Internet: "Let blockheads read what blockheads wrote."
22. For those hoping to become famous and respected, he's a testament that the challenges and doubts keep coming regardless of the length of the track record. He's publicly prevailed so far.
23. An investing truism: "Price is what you pay. Value is what you get."
24. The business side of that investing truism: "Your premium brand had better be delivering something special, or it's not going to get the business."
25. He uses colorful language and analogies when drab jargon could do the trick.
26. Boring example: moat vs. competitive advantage.
27. Not-so-boring example: sex.
28. "Look at market fluctuations as your friend rather than your enemy; profit from folly rather than participate in it."
29. Classic line: "Only when the tide goes out do you discover who's been swimming naked."
30. He backs up his saying, "Our favorite holding period is forever," by keeping past-their-prime subsidiaries others would "spin off to unlock value."
31. His Robin (Charlie Munger) can kick your Batman's butt.
32. He makes loophole-free handshake deals.
33. "Risk comes from not knowing what you're doing."
34. Keep it simple, stupid, quote No. 1: "The business schools reward difficult complex behavior more than simple behavior, but simple behavior is more effective."
35. Keep it simple, stupid, quote No. 2: "There seems to be some perverse human characteristic that likes to make easy things difficult."
36. The Berkshire Hathaway (NYSE: BRK-A  ) (NYSE: BRK-B  annual meeting is an unrivaled spectacle in investing, truly living up to its billing as the Woodstock for Capitalists.
37. One of the most succinct summations of why America is great: "There are 309 million people out there that are trying to improve their lot in life. And we've got a system that allows them to do it."
38. Trash-bin-diving caution No. 1: "It's far better to buy a wonderful company at a fair price than a fair company at a wonderful price."
39. Trash-bin-diving caution No. 2: "Time is the friend of the wonderful company, the enemy of the mediocre."
40. He's an eternal optimist in a sound-bite culture that often rewards pessimists.
41. His shareholder letters reveal an artisan-like craftsmanship only seen when the proprietor cares deeply about his creation.
42. The contrarian credo: "We simply attempt to be fearful when others are greedy and to be greedy only when others are fearful."
43. Genius fails: "When a management with a reputation for brilliance tackles a business with a reputation for bad economics, it is the reputation of the business that remains intact."
44. Like so many great thinkers, Buffett is able to ignore noise and whittle a decision down to its core variables. After he explains those variables, the decision sounds elementary.
45. Why banking can be dangerous: "When you combine ignorance and leverage, you get some pretty interesting results."
46. He allows me to see the word "Buffett" without thinking of Jimmy.
47. Buffett maintains a high thought-to-speech ratio.
48. Buffett's librarian fantasy: "If past history was all there was to the game, the richest people would be librarians."
49. He converts a deadly sin into a virtue: "You do things when the opportunities come along. I've had periods in my life when I've had a bundle of ideas come along, and I've had long dry spells. If I get an idea next week, I'll do something. If not, I won't do a damn thing."
50. Averaging 20% returns for almost half a century results in beating the S&P 500 78:1!
51. Even as he has fewer and fewer meaningful investing options because of the size of Berkshire Hathaway, he continues to wow us.
52. On a chili-dog-and-onion-ring-flavored note, Berkshire Hathaway owns Dairy Queen, my favorite fast-food chain.
53. Many of Buffett's managers were wildly successful entrepreneurs before selling out to Berkshire. Convincing successful, often headstrong, boss-less superstars to voluntarily subjugate themselves and to keep those people motivated and happy is a feat.
54. On a related note, Buffett doesn't micromanage. Good thing, with an empire this large.
55. He gets doubted again and again and again and proves the doubters wrong most of the time. Yet, you never hear him say "I told you so."
56. Well, maybe sometimes he gloats. Harvard Business School rejected him, which led him to study under his mentors Benjamin Graham and David Dodd at Columbia. His "how do you like me now?" statement: "Harvard did me a big favor by turning me down," he said. "But I haven't made any contributions to them in thanks for that."
57. He has become America's de facto investing teacher. And he's done so willingly.
58. Perhaps my favorite Buffett line: "We like things that you don't have to carry out to three decimal places. If you have to carry them out to three decimal places, they're not good ideas."
59. Not that he can't be ruthless, but Buffett tends to look for win-win situations where possible. Contrast that with the Wall Street art of "ripping the face off" of clients.
60. He's often described as a "learning machine," extending his natural abilities and allowing him to make behemoth investing decisions over the span of just hours.
61. He added to Ben Graham's teachings with the help of that learning-machine ability and Munger's counsel.
62. Here's a good place to point out that available-to-all company annual reports are the primary fuel in his learning machine. He reads them voraciously to compare and contrast companies and build his business knowledge base. See the next point.
63. When asked what the most important key to his success was, Buffett answered, "focus." His biographer Alice Schroeder elaborates: He has "focus like you have never seen on anybody else." For good or ill, Buffett's entire life has been dedicated to investing. It's much harder than he lets on.
64. Plenty of business fish in the sea: "There are all kinds of businesses that I don't understand, but that doesn't cause me to stay up at night. It just means I go on to the next one, and that's what the individual investor should do."
65. How many people can pull off being a contrarian by buying shares of Coca-Cola?
66. Even with an investing world full of Buffett students and imitators, he manages to surprise.
67. He takes every legal, ethical advantage available in the current system, but lobbies for a better system. For example, he supports higher taxes for the rich, more severe estate taxes, and a level playing field. As he puts it, "I don't like anything where the bottom 20% keep getting a poorer and poorer deal."
68. He is grateful for the advantages he has had in life -- as many of us have, he won the "ovarian lottery."
69. When he talks, E.F. Hutton listens.
70. Like many geniuses, he is frequently the confounding exception to the rule. For example, Berkshire Hathaway has never paid a dividend and only started share repurchases recently. It also doesn't split the chairman and CEO roles. And we shareholders thank him for it.
71. Buffett buys what he knows (and frequently loves), but he doesn't overpay out of affection. He has the discipline to wait decades for the right opportunity.
72. He gives credit to his direct reports.
73. Not only is Buffett a great investor and manager, he's one hell of a writer. My jealousy grows.
74. He once picked up a date in a hearse he co-owned.
75. Before having his money work for him, he worked for his money early on with a series of jobs, schemes, and ventures. These included a paper route, selling chewing gum door-to-door, a pinball business, a sales job at J.C. Penney's, caddying, marking up refurbished golf balls, and founding a horse-racing tip sheet.
76. It's very possible the house you live in is worth more than the house Buffett lives in -- the house in Omaha he bought in 1958.
77. Over the years, he has relied on a similar set of answers to oft-asked questions. That his philosophy has stayed stable throughout that time is remarkable.
78. His wealth has bought him the ultimate trophy: He does whatever he wants to do just about every single day.
79. He's the outsized calming influence a lot of us need. From his biography Snowball: "If a tornado were barreling straight toward Kiewit Plaza [where his office is], Buffett would say that things were 'never better' before mentioning the twister."
80. Anyone who can make the hyper-opinionated Charlie Munger regularly utter "I have nothing to add" must be saying something impressive.
81. When his time to step down finally comes, it will take a village (a CEO, a chairman, and multiple portfolio investors) to perform his current responsibilities.
82. That said, he fully expects this list to one day reach well into the triple digits. And I look forward to adding those lines. Happy birthday, Mr. Buffett!

Thursday 30 August 2012

KAF - Return on Retained Earnings

Year DPS EPS Retained EPS
2002 4.5 5.4 a 0.9
2003 5.4 7.9 2.5
2004 6.3 12.6 6.3
2005 5.4 13.7 8.3
2006 5.4 9.9 4.5
2007 30.1 15.8 -14.3
2008 5.6 12.5 6.9
2009 5.6 -2.5 -8.1
2010 5.6 17.3 11.7
2011 11.3 16.2 b 4.9
Total 85.2 c 108.8 d 23.6 e
From 2002 to 2011
EPS increase (sen) b-a 10.8
DPO c/d 78%
Return on retained earnings  (b-a)/e 46%
(Figures are in sens)

CIMB - Return on Retained Earnings

Year DPS EPS Retained EPS
2002 1.1 10.8 a 9.7
2003 1.9 14.9 13
2004 3.6 14 10.4
2005 7.2 15 7.8
2006 5.4 23.6 18.2
2007 14.6 30.9 16.3
2008 9.3 27.7 18.4
2009 9.9 38.3 28.4
2010 27.3 47 19.7
2011 20 50.9 b(P) 30.9
Total 100.3 c 273.1 d 172.8 e
From 2002 to 2011
EPS increase (sen) b-a 40.1
DPO c/d 37%
Return on retained earnings  (b-a)/e 23%
(Figures are in sens)

PIE - Return on Retained Earnings

Year DPS EPS Retained EPS
2002 10 12.4 a 2.4
2003 10 12.2 2.2
2004 12 18.1 6.1
2005 12 27.2 15.2
2006 14.6 41.4 26.8
2007 22 55.6 33.6
2008 28.7 53 24.3
2009 26.3 39.5 13.2
2010 26.3 40.1 13.8
2011 26.3 59.5 b(P) 33.2
Total 188.2 c 359 d 170.8 e
From 2002 to 2011
EPS increase (sen) b-a 47.1
DPO c/d 52%
Return on retained earnings  (b-a)/e 28%
(Figures are in sens)

Sime Darby - Return on Retained Earnings

Sime Darby
Year DPS EPS Retained EPS
2007 0 31.4 a 31.4
2008 38.2 56.6 18.4
2009 19.1 39.1 20
2010 10 14.4 4.4
2011 30 61.9 b 31.9
Total 97.3 c 203.4 d 106.1 e
From 2007 to 2011
EPS increase (sen) b-a 30.5
DPO c/d 48%
Return on retained earnings  (b-a)/e 29%
(Figures are in sens)