Wednesday 3 March 2010

7 Steps To Long Term Investing

7 Steps To Long Term Investing

 Looking Into A Company's Financial Health
Posted by lionel319

I've been planning to come up with this post for quite some.
It serves as my personal check list, so that I won't miss out anything when I do my company stock evaluation.
Most of the Long Term Investing approach focus closely on fundamental analysis, and I'm no different here.
Most of the stuff here I believe, you've seen it somewhere. It's definitely not from me. I'm just reiterating it here, so that it reminds me and serves as written guideline to me.

1. Avoid Price Competitive Industry (link)
Do not invest in industries which doesn't have any edge, whereby price is the only sole factor that wins the customers.
2. Economic Moat (link)
Does this company have any sort of business edge compared to its competitors from the same sectors?
3. Growth (link)
Is this company growing consistently for the past 10 years or so?
4. Profitability (link)
Is this company's profitability matrix improving, or at least, staying at good ratio consistently?
5.Financial Health (link)
How's the financial health of the company? Can it pay back it's debt and yearly interest on time?
6.Compare with Competitor (link)
Compare this company with its direct competitors. How does it fare compared to its peers?
7. Calculate Intrinsic Value (link)
Once everything is in place, it does not mean that we'll jump into the stock straight away. We only want to buy it when the stock price is selling at a discounted price to it's intrinsic value.

This 7 steps pretty much sums up the process that I use to go through while doing my evaluation on a company's stock.
In the near future posts, I'll fill in the missing (link)s, and explain more in detail about each of the 7 points mentioned above.

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