Investment Tools
- PE, PEG and EPS Growth rates
- PEG Ratio: Why It’s More Relevant than P/E for Stocks
- Earnings Multiples
- Market Multiple
- 'Cheapness' of stock is relative to its Intrinsic Value
- FBMKLCI Chart 1990 - 2010
- Reviewing the rise in KLCI from March 09
- Corporate Information
- ****Buffett: Growth and Value are joined at the hip
- Peter Lynch's 6 categories of stocks
- Two important things in the capital structure of the business
- The 3 Gs of Warren Buffett
- Which type of Company would you rather own?
- Finding great companies: What you want to see on their financial statements?
- 'A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.'
- The lower the capital used to achieve a certain level of growth, the higher the intrinsic value.
- The true value is determined by the intrinsic value of the company and not the dividends.
- How to Make Money The Buffett Way
- How can the average investor improves his investment returns in stocks?
- Comparative Industry and Company Financial Ratios
- Understanding Leverage
- Debt and Leverage: Financial weapon of mass destruction
- Investor's Checklist: Banks
- Audio-Video: Benjamin Graham The Intelligent Investor 1 of 24
- Bursa Malaysia Stock Information (Calculator)
- CAGR Calculator
- Intrinsic Value Calculator