Tuesday 13 December 2011

UK: No savings account beats inflation

UK:  No savings account beats inflation
Savers will struggle to erode the effects of rising inflation as there as the savings number of products dries up.

A sign warning of inflation
No savings account beats inflation Photo: .Keith Leighton / Alamy
Today's inflation figures show that the Consumer Prices Index (CPI) fell during November from 5pc to 4.8pc.
In order to beat inflation, a basic-rate taxpayer paying 20pc would need to find a savings account paying 6pc per year, while a higher rate taxpayer at 40pc needs to find an account paying at least 8pc.
However, there is not a single savings account on the market that taxpayers can choose to negate the effects of tax and inflation whether it is CPI at 4.8pc or the Retail Prices Index (RPI) at 5.2pc.
The effect of inflation on savings means that £10,000 invested five years ago, allowing for average interest and tax at 20pc, would have the spending power of just £9,210 today.
Sylvia Waycot, spokesperson for Moneyfacts.co.uk, said: "Savers continue to lose out to inflation even though the rate fell today. With returns so low and inflation unsteady, people don't know which way to turn."
A growing number of people are falling into an eroding spending-power trap which has already wiped nearly £800 off the spending power of £10,000 in just five years, said Ms Waycot.
"Over the last year the number of savings accounts that beat inflation for basic rate taxpayers has dropped successively from 57 to absolutely none, which must leave savers wondering why they save at all," she said.


Singapore becoming 'less attractive' for expats

Singapore becoming 'less attractive' for expats
Singapore’s reputation as a destination of choice for expats in Asia has been hit by a triple whammy this month

Expats in Singapore are rejecting apartments in favour of landed properties.
Singapore is now a more expensive destination for expats than Hong Kong Photo: E.J. Baumeister Jr. / Alamy
Two measures by the government last week have made the city less attractive to non-Singaporeans – the biggest being a 10 per cent hike in stamp duty for any foreigner wanting to buy property in the city.
Stamp duty was only three per cent at its highest rate, so this move is seen as a strong curb to discourage foreigners from buying homes in Singapore.
Foreign purchases made up 19 per cent of all private property transactions in the second half of 2011. This compares to just seven per cent for the first half of 2009. Low interest rates, political stability and a strong economy have all led to a surge in property investment from wealthy foreigners.
Ku Swee Yong, chief executive at Singapore-based estate agency International Property Advisor, worries that “we leave foreign investors with a bad taste in their mouths.” He said: “Many foreigners are here to work and settle their families down and they need to own one home for shelter over their heads."
Last week the government also scrapped a scheme that lets graduates of foreign universities stay in Singapore for one year while they look for work.
The Manpower Ministry previously granted an employment pass eligibility certificate (Epec) to foreign university graduates in the hope to encourage high-calibre students to enter the labour force. But it said the scheme was not meeting its targets.
In the third setback for the city state, Singapore has also overtaken Hong Kong as the more expensive city for expats to live in – the first time this has happened in more than 10 years, according to the latest cost of living survey conducted by ECA International.
Within Asia, Singapore is now the sixth most expensive city to live in while Hong Kong has dropped to ninth. Tokyo is still the costliest location for expats.
George Hackford, a British expat who has lived in Singapore for more than five years, said: “From my point of view, I have seen 'real' inflation rise steeply in the past two or three years. This is mostly in the areas of luxury goods, which are often bought by expatriates.
"Rents have obviously increased substantially but so too have items such as alcohol, groceries and taxi fares. In general, prices of imported electrical goods such as computers and cameras have also inflated strongly. It seems to me that published inflation rates seem to be out of kilter with real prices.”

Should investors stick with the winners of 2011?

Should investors stick with the winners of 2011?

The eurozone crisis has plunged many investors into a state of gloom. But some shares and funds have still made money this year. Are these the assets to hold on to, or should we look elsewhere in the new year?

Wimbledon 2011: Novak Djokovic has finally fulfilled of his his youthful promise, says Boris Becker
Novak Djokovic won his first Wimbledon title this year - but does past success mean future returns for investors? Photo: EDDIE MULHOLLAND
With the euro crisis posing as many questions as Jeremy Paxman in an episode of University Challenge, it is difficult to know what lessons can be drawn from the past year's performance of funds and shares.
Almost all the world's major stock markets are in negative territory this year. Despite this, some funds and individual shares have done exceptionally well over the past 12 months. Is their performance likely to continue, and how are the experts rebalancing their portfolios?
Figures from Morningstar show that almost all the best-performing funds of the year are corporate or government bond funds. These have benefited from investor panic, with prices rising as people sought safe havens.
Baillie Gifford's long-dated gilt fund rose by nearly 22pc in the period – beaten only by Legg Mason's Japan Equity Fund, which has been boosted by a faster-than-expected recovery following the Japanese earthquake. Index-linked gilt funds also did well out of rising inflation.
Are these funds the place to be for the next 12 months? John Chatfeild-Roberts, who runs the Merlin funds of funds for Jupiter, said not. His advice came with a caveat: "If you had asked me a year ago I would have said gilts were too expensive, and I would have been wrong. They are even more expensive now."
He said that if you valued gilts and US Treasury bonds like shares they would look overpriced. "There's no long-term growth, and a price to earnings ratio of about 44."
Instead he urged investors to think carefully about the nature of risk when picking funds and stocks, given the situation in Europe. His Merlin funds hold a number of good performers from the past year, including star fund manager Neil Woodford's Invesco funds. Mr Woodford has seen his High Income fund gain around 11pc in a year. He holds cash-generating stocks including large pharmaceutical companies.
Mr Woodford said he was confident that by picking strong companies with sustainable earnings growth his portfolio would continue to thrive in 2012. "The increasingly tough economic outlook is not a surprise to me – I maintain my view that the developed world faces a prolonged period of low economic growth," he said.
"However, I also continue to believe that there are certain types of company that can thrive, delivering sustainable dividend and earnings growth in this environment."
Nick Raynor, an investment analyst at the Share Centre, is also banging the drum for defensive sectors. His research shows that the top performers this year come from sectors such as food, drinks and pharmaceuticals. "The majority of defensive sectors have held up well and are among the highest performers for the period," he said. "In 2012 we expect this to continue and the markets to remain unpredictable until the uncertainty with the eurozone is resolved."
The top-performing share for the year so far is Arm Holdings, which has risen by 46pc. The chip maker is doing well out of the fact that there is greater demand for mobile phones, and more advanced chips as phones get "smarter". Other top performers include Shire Pharmaceuticals, up by 43pc, which has made advances in market share and has been buoyed by takeover rumours.
Not everyone is confident that even defensive stocks are the answer. Douglas Chadwick of Saltydog Investor, a newsletter for those who control their own Isas and Sipps (self-invested personal pensions), said: "Wait for the market to confirm your opinions before trading. You've plenty of time to capitalise on a recovery."
His portfolio has risen by 7.2pc since its launch on November 23 2010. However, since last week, Saltydog has advised people to put 100pc of their money into cash.
But advisers agree that trying to time the market is an impossible task. Ted Scott, director of global strategy at F & C Investments, believes that those in cash may miss out on recovery.
"With each emergency summit proving to be more disappointing than the last, investors have lost faith in eurozone policymakers to provide a solution that will work," Mr Scott wrote in a research note under the heading "A great opportunity to buy equities will emerge".
"This has contributed to a collapse in investor sentiment with fear the overriding emotion in today's markets." But he added: "If a satisfactory solution for the debt crisis were to be found, the reversal in investor sentiment could contribute to a very strong and sustained rally." Equity fans can only hope that Mr Scott is right.

Five investment hazards

Five investment hazards
After HSBC is fined for mis-selling investment bonds, we look at the products that tempt buyers to take inappropriate risks.

Danger Toxic Hazard sign
Investment hazards to avoid Photo: Alamy
As we draw closer to the ban on commission payments on financial products, which will take effect in 2013, there is growing concern about a rise in the mis-selling of products and fears that some advisers and salesmen are grabbing what they can now.
"I've never seen so many cases of poor advice as I have in the last six months – from advisers 'churning' pension plans to selling unregulated products such as overseas property investments," said Philippa Gee of Philippa Gee Wealth Management. In some cases, she said, advisers were pocketing between 8pc and 10pc of the investment.
"We never see clients who have been mis-sold a National Savings product or a cheap tracker fund," said Ms Gee. "Inevitably, they've been sold a product they don't fully understand and are taking too much risk with their money. But the adviser has received a generous commission fee for it."
Alarm bells should ring if any adviser recommends a product where there is a toxic mix of high charges, commissions and complex terms. This doesn't mean that there aren't certain cases where such products may be appropriate. But evidence suggests that these are few and far between. Despite this, such products are sold to thousands of consumers each year.
With less scrupulous advisers making hay while they can, and the difficult investment environment perhaps tempting consumers to take risks, we look at five products where you should always think twice before signing on the dotted line.

Investment bonds

These made headlines this week when HSBC was fined £10.3m for selling bonds to elderly customers to pay nursing home fees. Regulators ruled that the bonds were mis-sold, given that the customers' average age was 83 and that there were penalties on withdrawals within five years, as well as a degree of investment risk.
These bonds aren't sold just to people needing long-term care. They are routinely offered to those with a sizeable cash sum to invest, whether they're saving for retirement or supplementing a pension. Ms Gee said: "Whenever I see a customer who's been ripped off, they've almost always been sold an investment bond."
These bonds are typically sold by insurers and allow customers to invest in a range of underlying funds. Their main advantage is that investors can withdraw 5pc of their capital each year without incurring a tax charge. But if the investment growth is less than this, capital can quickly deplete.
Most people are investing tens of thousands of pounds in these bonds (the average investment with HSBC was £115,000) and advisers earn commission of 6pc to 8pc. Investors should ask whether a diversified spread of low-cost equity or fixed-interest funds would be better. Ms Gee said: "Undoubtedly these bonds are oversold. I've advised hundreds of clients, but there's only one case I can think of where this was the most suitable product."

Structured products

These purport to offer a simple solution to nervous investors: get exposure to equity returns without putting your money at risk. Sadly, you will get far less than the market return (most investors don't get dividends, for example) and your capital could still be at risk.
Behind this persuasive "sell" are complex products that rely on derivatives and expose you to counterparty risk. Before signing up, make sure you are clear what the risks are and what return you will get. Santander recently sold "guaranteed" bonds which, it later admitted, weren't fully guaranteed, because of counterparty risk.
As with many types of investment, it's a mixed bag, with good, bad and downright ugly versions. Some structured deposits will be covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS), so even if the bank selling it, or the counterparty underwriting the deal, went bust, up to £85,000 of your money would be protected. Others are "structured investments" where money can fall at twice the rate of the stock market in certain conditions. Always ask what the downside risk is, both in terms of market falls and the unlikely event of a bank backing it going bust.
"If you are not happy with stock market risk, I would not advise being in the stock market at all," said Ms Gee. "A well-diversified portfolio can often be a better way of managing such risks."

Multi-manager funds

Here, investors are paying a double layer of charges, often without any significant boost to performance. David Norman, the joint chief executive of TCF Investment, pointed out that the typical TER (total expense ratio) on unit trusts was 1.7pc, but on a multi-manager fund the average was 2.3pc, with many funds charging closer to 3pc.
These figures don't include dealing costs or any upfront fees. Some multi-managers don't include the charges on exchange-traded funds either, meaning the published TER may bear little resemblance to the charges deducted from your fund every year.
"Long-term investors are looking to beat inflation," said Mr Norman. "Historically, equities deliver 4.5pc more than gilts. But if you are paying more than 3pc to get a 4.5pc return, it's like trying to go up the down escalator."
These aren't just niche products, aimed solely at high-net-worth investors. Increasingly, these are the default options offered by a banks, including HSBC, Santander and RBS. Mr Norman added: "The principle of diversification is good, so these funds seem a simple, sensible option. But in a low-return environment it's important to keep an eye on costs. Most of these funds are charging too much."

Inflation-linked bonds

Popular at present are bonds where returns are linked to the retail prices index, rather than the stock market. With RPI now standing at 5.4pc and most banks paying less than 2pc, it's not hard to see why they are selling well. But investors should ensure they understand the more complex terms and conditions. If an account pays RPI plus 1pc, this does not mean you get 6.4pc today. Most are five-year accounts, and the return will be the difference in prices between now and the maturity date. Many people are expecting inflation to fall next year, once the rise in VAT drops out of the year-on-year calculation. As with structured products, there may be counterparty risks as well, although most are "structured deposits" that will be covered by the FSCS.

Exchange-traded funds (ETFs)

ETFs don't pay commission and have very low charges. So how can consumers go wrong? Sadly, they are far from simple products. There are physical ETFs, where the manager holds the shares or commodities of the index being tracked. But there are also synthetic versions, where there can be tracking errors and problems with liquidity if too many holders try to sell quickly. Many of these rely on complex derivatives. Worse, some offer "geared exposure", where the fund borrows to boost returns – but this can magnify losses if the market is against you.
Richard Saunders, the chief executive of the Investment Management Association, warned customers to make sure they knew what type of ETF they were buying. The term ETF is often used to describe their riskier cousins, known as exchange-traded products (ETPs), which don't offer the same level of investor protection. Investors should also ensure they look at all charges. The iShares FTSE 100 ETF has an expense ratio of only 0.4pc but annual platform charges make it more expensive than the Fidelity Moneybuilder UK Index fund or the Vanguard FTSE UK Equity Index fund.
Gary Shaughnessy of Fidelity said: "Fees reduce the value of your investments, so everyone should be clear about what they are paying. It's like deciding to fly with a flagship airline or its no-frills rival. There's more to the comparison than the eye-catching price in the advert. If you've been stung by extra charges for baggage, checking in and so on, you know that what matters is the total cost."


What's your business really worth?

What's your business really worth?
Max Newnham
December 12, 2011 - 2:16PM

There's no foolproof rule for working out the value of a business.
One of the sad truths is that people who buy small businesses often don't get advice until after they have made the purchase. This can lead to too much being paid for a business or it being owned by the wrong legal entity.

People selling businesses justify their selling price by the profit produced. When this profit does not include a salary that should have been paid to the owner, the purchaser can pay a lot for what in reality is a job rather than a business. If the plan is to own and operate a business and then sell it for a profit a company is the worst structure to use, followed closely by a unit trust.

Q. My sister and I have run a small cattery for a bit over 10 years on our property of 10 acres. I am over 65, and we are thinking of selling because I want to cut back my workload. The business turns over almost $100,000 a year and after all costs, including wages, we make a net profit of $15,000 a year. We have been told the real estate is worth about $650,000 and are not sure what to ask for the business. Can you tell us how to value the business and what tax will we pay on the sale?

A. There is no hard and fast rule for working out the value of a business. Some industries base the value on the turnover, such as professional practices like accountants, while others have established valuation methods that are peculiar to their industry, such as newsagents.

Using accounting principles the goodwill value of a business is calculated by multiplying the sustainable net profit by a factor that relates to the risks associated with the business. Sustainable net profit is calculated by increasing the profit of a business for ownership costs, such as interest on borrowings, and decreasing it to allow for wages that have not been taken by owners that work in the business.

If your profit includes wages paid to you for the hours you have both worked, and there has been no interest deducted, your business could be worth between $45,000 and $90,000. The lower a purchaser perceives the risk, or the more they are attracted to the lifestyle of your business, the more they will be prepared to pay.

Because you live on the property, the profit on the real estate will need to be split between your residence and the business. No tax will be payable on the gain you make on the sale of the portion relating to your home.

As you own the business through a partnership, the profit on the sale of the rest of the property, and what you get for the goodwill of the business, will be decreased by the general 50 per cent discount and the 50 per cent active asset discount. The remaining profit will not be taxable if you claim the small business retirement exemption.

Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/small-business/finance/whats-your-business-really-worth-20111212-1oqs7.html#ixzz1gMrsAwXK

QUICKIES: Seven investment myths you should not fall for

Text: Prerna Katiyar | ET Bureau

Pick this stock, it's trading at 52-week low.' 'That stock is a multi-bagger, trading at such a low PE.' 'Penny stocks make fortunes while stocks trading below book value are a sure pick for making quick bucks.'

Haven't we all heard such statements at some point in our lives? If you are one of those who believe in such assertions, read on. For, these are among the many myths in investing.

Here we list seven of them

Myth No 1: Stocks trading below book value are cheap

Book value (BV) is the actual worth of a stock as in a company's books/balance sheet, or the cost of an asset minus accumulated depreciation.

BV depends more on historical cost and depreciation and often has little correlation to the current share price.

Shares of industries that are capital intensive trade at lower price/ book ratios, as they generate lower earnings. On the other hand, those business models that have more human capital will fetch higher earnings and will trade at higher price/book ratios.

"Price/book (ratio) of below 1 may be cheap but one should see other aspects such as earnings forecast, guidance, management and debt on the books of the company ," says Angel Broking's equity derivatives head Siddarth Bhamre.

Myth No 2: Stocks trading at low P/E are under-valued

Price to earning ratio (P/E) is one of the most talked about ratios in the market. This is based on the theory that stocks with low P/Es are cheap.

However, P/E alone doesn't tell much about the stock price. P/E multiples may be a quick way to value a stock but one should look at this in correlation with expected growth earnings, the risk factors involved, company's performance and growth potential .

"This is surely a myth. It is also an indication of uncertain future earning of the stock concerned," says Birla Sunlife Mutual Fund CEO A Balasubramanian.

The idea behind dividing price with earnings is to create a levelplaying field where some kind of comparison can be made between high- and low-priced stocks.

Since P/E ratios vary across sectors, with growth stocks consistently trading at higher P/E, one can only compare the P/E ratio of a stock to the average P/E ratio of stocks in that sector.

Myth No. 3: Penny stocks make good fortunes

Penny stocks by nature are lowpriced , speculative and risky because of their limited liquidity, following and disclosure.

If it's easy to invest in penny stocks - as here you shell out much less money per share than you would require for a blue-chip firm - it's also easy to lose.

Says Bhamre, "Fortune can be made by high-denomination stocks also. Denomination has nothing to do with the rationale for picking a stock. Generally , retail investors are fond of stocks that are at sub- Rs 100 levels. But there may be stocks that may be trading in Rs 1,000-plus price but may well be cheap. Clarity on earnings is more important here. Anytime, I would be more comfortable buying an ICICI Bank (currently trading at Rs 1,038) than an IFCI at Rs 45. One should look at earnings visibility."

Myth No. 4: The worst is over in the stock market

Timing the market, a common strategy among investors, means forecasting and that should best be left to astrologers and tarot readers.

If one has done one's valuation studies, one shouldn't worry about timing the market. No one had predicted the bull run would take the Sensex from a level of 10,000 in February 2006 to over 21,000 in January 2008 - just as no one had any idea of the following crash, which saw the same index plummeting to 9,000 in March 2009.

"Timing the market is more of a gut feeling. It's more on the basis of perception, as there is no such thing (that the worst is over) when the future is uncertain. One can never surely time the market. The worst is over is more of a probability than a certainty. Timing the market is very difficult as market is driven not just by earnings but also by sentiments ," says Balasubramanian.

Myth No 5: Stocks that give high dividends are the best bet

This comes from the notion that regular dividends are extra income in the shareholder's hand. This may not always be true.

While a company may be making decent payouts every year, the share price appreciation may not be comparatively high. Before investing in companies paying high dividends, it's important to analyse if the company is reinvesting enough profit to grow its earnings consistently.

Says Brics Securities' research VP Sonam Udasi: "It's not dividend that matters but the yield. For eg, a company may pay a 100% or even a 300% dividend on a stock with face value of Rs 10.

So, the investor may receive Rs 10 or Rs 30 per share when the stock may be currently trading at Rs 800 or Rs 1000. This would translate into an yield of 1% or 3% only. Also, such companies may not necessarily be reinvesting their earnings in the business to generate future earnings and so there may be no stock movement. The dividend may be high but the EPS and growth per se may be constant."

Myth N0 6: Index stocks are the best stocks

If this was true, most investors would safely park their money in such stocks in anticipation of maximum profit without looking out for other value stocks.

Most indices are a collection of stocks with the highest market cap. Take, for eg, the Sensex.

Companies that make up the index are some of the largest, with stocks that are highly traded based on their free-float.

"Index stocks may not necessarily be the best stocks as they are mostly based on market-cap or free-float of the company and not earnings. This doesn't mean that all stocks of the Sensex are highearning stocks. One must take a stock-by-stock call," says Balasubramanian of Birla Sun Life Mutual Fund.

The stock price of a company depends on its earnings. One can find high-earning stocks outside the key indices as well, he says. The risk is certainly less with index stocks as they are well researched and leaders in their respective sectors, but, again, the margins may not be very high. So it's better to keep your eyes open to other stocks, too.

Myth No 7: Stocks trading at 52-week low are cheap

Says Udasi: "There may be a time in the economic cycle when a blue-chip stock may hit a 52-week low.

But the first thing that should come to one's mind is why did the stock hit the 52-week low.

There must be something fundamentally wrong with the stock if it has hit a 52-week low, and chances are they may hit a new 52-week low.

52-week low in itself guarantees nothing. If at all one is picking stocks at 52-week lows, they should have a long-term horizon so that when the economic cycle turns, the stock is able to recover."

Needless to say, quality matters most while buying any stock.


Outlook 2012: Markets to remain volatile, uncertain