Wednesday 18 September 2013

Peter Lynch Golden Rules of investing

Investing is fun, exciting, and dangerous if you don't do any work.

Your investor's edge is not something you get from Wall Street experts. It's something you already have. You can outperform the experts if you use your edge by investing in companies or industries you already understand.

Over the past three decades, the stock market has come to be dominated by a herd of professional investors. Contrary to popular belief, this makes it easier for the amateur investor. You can beat the market by ignoring the herd.

Behind every stock is a company, find out what it's doing.

Often, there is no correlation between the success of a company's operations and the success of its stock over a few months or even a few years. In the long term, there is a 100 percent correlation between the success of the company and the success of its stock. This disparity is the key to making money; it pays to be patient, and to own successful companies.

You have to know what you own, and why you own it. "This baby is a cinch to go up!" doesn't count.

Long shots almost always miss the mark.

Owning stocks is like having children - don't get involved with more than you can handle. The part-time stock picker probably has time to follow 8-12 companies, and to buy and sell shares as conditions warrant. There don't have to be more than 5 companies in the portfolio at any time.

If you can't find any companies that you think are attractive, put your money into the bank until you discover some.

Never invest in a company without understanding its finances. The biggest losses in stocks come from companies with poor balance sheets. Always look at the balance sheet to see if a company is solvent before you risk your money on it.

Avoid hot stocks in hot industries. Great companies in cold, no growth industries are consistent big winners.

With small companies, your better off to wait until they turn a profit before you invest.

If you're thinking about investing in a troubled industry, buy the companies with staying power. Also, wait for the industry to show signs of revival. Buggy whips and radio tubes were troubled industries that never came back.

If you invest $1,000 in a stock, all you can lose is $1,000, but you stand to gain $10,000 or even $50,000 over time if you're patient. The average person can concentrate on a few good companies, while the fund manager is forced to diversify. By owning too many stocks, you lose this advantage of concentration. It only takes a handful of big winners to make a lifetime of investing worthwhile.

In every industry and every region of the country, the observant amateur can find great growth companies long before the professionals have discovered them.

A stock-market decline is as routine as a January blizzard in Colorado. If you're prepared, it can't hurt you. A decline is a great opportunity to pick up the bargains left behind by investors who are fleeing the storm in panic.

Everyone has the brainpower to make money in stocks. Not everyone has the stomach. If you are susceptible to selling everything in a panic, you ought to avoid stocks and stock mutual funds altogether.

There is always something to worry about. Avoid weekend thinking and ignore the latest dire predictions of the newscasters. Sell a stock because the company's fundamentals deteriorate, not because the sky is falling.

Nobody can predict interest rates, the future direction of the economy, or the stock market. Dismiss all such forecasts and concentrate on what's actually happening to the companies in which you've invested.

If you study 10 companies, you'll find 1 for which the story is better than expected. If you study 50, you'll find 5. There are always pleasant surprises to be found in the stock market - companies whose achievements are being overlooked on Wall Street.

If you don't study any companies, you'll have the same success buying stocks as you do in a poker game if you bet without looking at your cards.

Time is on your side when you own shares of superior companies. You can afford to be patient - even if you missed Wal-Mart in the first five years, it was a great stock to own in the next five years. Time is against you when you own options.

If you have the stomach for stocks, but neither the time nor the inclination to do the homework, invest in equity mutual funds. Here, it's a good idea to diversify. You should own a few different kinds of funds, with managers who pursue different styles of investing: growth, value, small companies, large companies, etc. Investing in six of the same kind of fund is not diversification.

The capital gains tax penalizes investors who do too much switching from one mutual fund to another. If you've invested in one fund or several funds that have done well, don't abandon them capriciously. Stick with them.

Among the major markets of the world, the U.S. market ranks eighth in total return over the past decade. You can take advantage of the faster-growing economies by investing some of your assets in an overseas fund with a good record.

In the long run, a portfolio of well-chosen stocks and/or equity mutual funds will always outperform a portfolio of bonds or a money-market account. In the long run, a portfolio of poorly chosen stocks won't outperform the money left under the mattress. 

Summary of Peter Lynch’s “One up on Wall Street”

Peter Lynch ran the Fidelity Magellan between 1977 and 1990. During this time he created the most enviable US mutual fund track record by averaging returns of 29% per year. To give you an idea of the compounding effect, he would have turned $10,000 into just over $270,000 in 13 years.

General Market observations
• The advance versus decline number paint better picture then the performance
of the market than index movements.
• Do not make comparisons between current market trends and other points in
• For five years after July 1st 1994, $100,000 would have turned into $341,722.
If you missed the best 30 days, would have been worth $153,792.
• "The bearish argument always sounds more intelligent"
• Superior companies succeed and mediocre companies will fail. Investors in
each will be rewarded accordingly.
• Investing in stocks is an art not a science.
• If seven out of ten stocks perform, then I am delighted, if six out of ten stocks
perform, I am thankful. Six out of ten stocks is all it takes to create an enviable
record on Wall Street.
• Stand by your stocks as long as the fundamental story of the company has not
• There was a 16 month recession between July 81 and Nov 82. This time was
the scariest in memory. Sensible professionals wondered if they should take
up hunting and fishing, because soon we'd all be living in the woods, gathering
acorns. Unemployment was 14% and inflation was 15 %. A lot people said
they were expecting this but nobody mentioned it before the fact. Then
moment of greatest pessimism, when 8 out of 10 swore we where heading
into the 1930s the stock market rebounded with a vengeance and suddenly all
was right with the world.
• No matter how we arrive at the latest financial conclusions, we always prepare
ourselves for the last thing that happened.
• The day after the market crashed on Oct 19th 1987 people started worrying
that the market was going to crash.
• The great joke is that the next time is never like the last time.
• Not long ago people were worried that oil would drop to $5 and we would have
a depression. Two years later the same people were worried that oil would
rise to $100 and we would have a depression.
• When ten people would rather talk to a dentist about plaque then to a fund
manager about stocks, then it is likely the market is about to go up.
• “The stock market doesn't exist, it is there as a reference to see of anybody is
offering to do anything foolish” - Warren Buffett
• If you rely on the market to drag your stock along, then u might as well go to
Atlantic City and bet on red or black.
• Investing without research is like playing stud poker without looking at the

Categorising stocks
When you buy into stocks you need to understand why you are buying. In doing
this, it helps to categorise the company in determining what sort of returns you
can expect. Catergorising also enforces some discipline into your investment
process and aids effective portfolio construction. Peter Lynch uses the six
categories below
Sluggards (Slow growers) – Usually large companies in mature industries
with earnings growth below or around GDP growth. Such companies are
usually held for dividend rather than significant price appreciation.
Stalwarts (Medium growth) - High quality companies such as Coca-Cola,
P&G and Colgate that can still churn out high single digit/low teens growth.
Earnings patterns are not cyclical meaning that these stocks will protect
you recession.
Fast growers – Companies whose earnings are growing at 20%+ and have
plenty of runway to attack e.g. think Google, Apple in their early days. It
doesn’t have to be a company as “sexy” as those mentioned.
Cyclicals – Companies whose fortunes are closely linked to the economic
cycle e.g. automobiles, financials, airlines.
Turn-arounds – Companies coming out of a depressed phase as a result of
change in management, strategy or corporate restructuring. Successful
turnarounds can deliver stunning returns.
Asset plays – Firm has hidden assets which are undervalued or not
recognized at all on the balance sheet or under appreciated by the market
e.g. cash, land, property, holdings in other company.
General observations about different types of stocks
• Wall Street does not look kindly on fast growers that run out of stamina and
turn into slow growers and when that happens the stock is beaten down

Three phases of growth:
Start-up phase: during which it works out kinks in the business model.
Rapid expansion phase: moves into new locations and markets.
Mature phase: begins to prepare for the fact there's no easy to continue to
• Each of these phases may last several years. The first phase of the riskiest
for the investor, because the success of enterprise isn't yet established.
The second phase in safest, and also where the most money is made,
because the company is going to think about duplicating it's successful
formula. The third phase is when challenges arise, because of company
runs into its limitations. Other ways must be found to increase earnings.
• You can lose more than 50 percent of your investment quickly if you buy
cyclicals in the wrong part of the cycle.
• You just have to be patient, keep up with the news and read it with dispassion.
• After it came out of bankruptcy, Penn Central had a huge tax loss to carry
forward which meant when it had to start earning money it wouldn't have to
pay taxes. It was reborn with a 50% tax advantage.
• It's impossible to say anything about the value of personal experience in
analysing companies and trends.
• Companies don't stay in the same category forever. Things change. Things
are always changing.
• It's simply impossible to find a generic formula that sensibly applies to all the
different kinds of stocks.
• Understand what you are expecting from the stock given its categorisation. Is
it the sort of stock you let run, or do you sell for a 30-50% gain.
• Ask if any idiot can run this joint, because at some point an idiot will run it.
• If you discover an opportunity early enough, you will probably get a few dollars
off its price for its dull name.
• A company that does boring things with a boring name is even better.
• High growth and hot industries attract a very smart crowd that want to get into
the business. That inevitably creates competition which means an exciting
story could quickly change.
• Try summarise the stock story in 2 minutes.
• Ask if the company is able to clone the idea.
• For companies that are meant to be depressed you will find surprises in one
out of ten of these could be a turnaround situation. So it always pays to look
beyond the headlines of depressing companies to find out if there is any thing
potentially good about the stock.

Financial analysis
• When cash is increasing relative to debt that is an improving balance sheet.
The other way around is a deteriorating balance sheet.
• When cash exceeds debt it's very favourable.
• Peter Lynch ignores short-term debt in his calculations. He assumes the
company that other assets can cover short term debt.
• With turnarounds and troubled companies, I pay special attention to debt.
Debt determines which companies survive and which will go bankrupt in a
crisis. Young companies with heavy debts are always a risk.
• Bank debt is the worst kind is due on demand.
• Commercial paper is loaned from one company to another for short periods of
time. It's due very soon and sometimes due on call. Creditors strip the
company and there is nothing left for shareholders.
• Funded debt is the best kind from a shareholders point of view. It can never be
called no matter how bleak the situation is.
• Pay attention to the debt structure as well as amount of debt when looking at
turnarounds. Work if the company has room for maneuver.
• Inventory - The closer you get to a finished product the less predictable the
resale value.
• Overvalued assets on the left of the balance sheet are especially treacherous
when there is a lot of debt on the right. Assets can easily fall in value whilst
debt is fixed.
• Keep a careful eye on inventories and think about what the value of
inventories should be. Finished goods are more likely to be subject to
markdowns then raw materials. In the car industry new cars are not prone to
severe markdowns compared to say the clothes industry.
• Looks for situations where there is high cash flow and low earnings. This may
happen because the company is depreciating a piece of old equipment which
doesn't need to be replaced in the immediate future.

The final checklist
• P/E ratio. Is it high for this particular company other similar companies in the
same industry?
• The percentage of institutional ownership. The lower the better.
• The record of earnings to date and whether the earnings are sporadic or
consistent. The only category where earnings may not be important is in the
asset play.
• Whether the company has a strong balance sheet or a weak balance sheet
and how it's rated for financial strength

When to Sell
Slow Grower
• I try sell when there's been a 30 to 50% appreciation or when the
fundamentals have deteriorated, even if the stock has declined in price.
• The company has lost market share for two consecutive years and is hiring
another advertising agency.
• No new products are being developed, spending research and development is
curtailed, and the company appears to be resting on its laurels.
• These are the stocks that I frequently replace for others in the category. There
is no point expecting a quick tenbagger in stalwarts and if the stock price get
above the earnings line, or if the P/E strays to far beyond on the normal range,
you might think about selling it and waiting to buy back later at a lower price or
buying something else as I do.
• Extended run in upturn means a downturn could be nearing.
• One of the sell signal is inventories are building up in the company and can't
get rid of them, which means low prices and low profits down the road.
Fast grower
• If the company falls apart and the earnings shrink, and so will the P/E multiple
that investors have bid up on the stock. This is a very expensive double
whammy for the loyal shareholders.
• The main thing to watch for is the end of the second phase of rapid growth.
• The best time to sell a turnaround is after its turned - around. All troubles are
over and everybody knows it. The company has become the old self that was
before it fell apart: growth companies or cyclical or whatever. you have to do
reclassified stock.
Asset Play
• When the stock price has risen to the estimated value of the assets.

Silliest things people say about stocks
• If it's gone down this much already it can't go much lower
• You can always tell when a stocks hit bottom
• If it's gone this high already, how can it possibly go higher?
• It's only three dollars a share: what can I lose?
• Eventually they always come back

Things I have seen and general advice
• Most of the money I make is in the third of fourth-year that I've held the stock.
• In most cases it is better to buy the original good company at the high-priced
than it is to jump on the next “Apple or Microsoft” at a bargain price.
• Trying to predict the direction of the market over one year, or even two years,
is impossible.
• You can make serious money by compounding a series of 20 to 30% gains in
• Just because the price goes up doesn't mean you are right.
• Just because the price goes down doesn't mean you're wrong.
• Stalwarts with heavy institutional ownership and lots of Wall Street covered
that outperform the market are due for arrest or a decline.
• Buying a company with mediocre prospects just because the stock is cheap is
a losing technique.
• Selling an outstanding fast-growing because the stock seems slightly
overpriced is a losing technique.
• Don't become so attached to a winner that complacency sets in and you stop
monitoring the story.
• By careful pruning and rotation based on fundamentals, you can improve your
results. If stocks are out of line with reality and better alternatives exist, sell
and switch into something else
• There is always something to worry about.
• Stick around to see what happens – as long as the original story continues
make sense, or gets better – and you'll be amazed at the result in several
• One of the biggest troubles with stock-market advice is that good or bad it
sticks in your brain. You can't get it out of there, and someday, sometime, you
may find yourself reacting to it.
• I almost didn't buy La Quinta because in important insider had been selling
shares. Not buying because an insider have started selling can be as big a
mistake as selling because an outsider had stopped buying. In La Quinta's
case I ignored the nonsense, and I'm glad I did.
• You don't have to "kiss all the girls". I've missed my share of 10 baggers and
hasn't kept me from beating the market.

The Twelve Silliest (and Most Dangerous) Things People Say About Stock Prices

1.  If it's gone down this much already, it can't go much lower.

2.  You can always tell when a stock's hit bottom.

3.  If it's gone this high already, how can it possibly go higher?

4.  It's only $3 a share:  What can I lose?

5.  Eventually they always come back.

6.  It's always darkest before the dawn.

7.  When it rebounds to $10, I'll sell.

8.  What me worry?  Conservative stocks don't fluctuate much.

9.  It's taking too long for anything to ever happen.

10.  Look at all the money I've lost:  I didn't buy it.

11.  I missed that one, I'll catch the next one.

12.  The stock's gone up, so I must be right, or ... The stock's gone down so I must be wrong.

One Up on Wall Street by Peter Lynch

Buffett Quotes on Emotion and Discipline

"Investing is not a game where the guy with the 160 IQ beats the guy with the 130 IQ. ....  Once you have ordinary intelligence, what you need is the temperament to control the urges that get the other people into trouble in investing."

"To invest successfully does not require a stratospheric IQ, unusual business insights, or inside information.  What's needed is a SOUND INTELLECTUAL FRAMEWORK for making decisions and the ability to KEEP EMOTIONS FROM CORRODING THE FRAMEWORK."

Tuesday 17 September 2013

Fabulous Life of Filthy Rich - Billionaires

Updated: Wednesday September 18, 2013 MYT 10:03:24 AM

Versace's Former Miami Mansion Sells For $41.5 Million At Auction

This April 22, 2005 file photo shows the former house of the famous late fashion designer Gianni Versace.
This April 22, 2005 file photo shows the former house of the famous late fashion designer Gianni Versace.
MIAMI: One of America's landmark homes, the Miami Beach mansion that once belonged to Italian fashion designer Gianni Versace, was sold at an auction on Tuesday for $41.5 million to a business group that includes the owners of the Jordache jeans brand.
The 1930s-era Mediterranean-style estate, which has 10 bedrooms, 11 bathrooms and a pool inlaid with 24-karat gold, was auctioned off as part of a bankruptcy proceeding by its current owner, telecom magnate Peter Loftin.
Bidding opened at $25.5 million and the winning offer was made by the current mortgage holders of the property, VM South Beach, a company affiliated with New York's Nakash family, which controls Jordache Enterprises.
The group beat out two other bidders, including billionaire Donald Trump and a Florida developer who owns the Palm Beach Polo and Country Club.
Potential buyers participated in a poolside auction at the three-story mansion on Miami's Ocean Drive. The property is now known as Casa Casuarina.
The Nakash family jointly owns a hotel next door to the mansion with the Gindi family, who founded theCentury 21 department store chain. They plan to consolidate the properties to create a hotel that will possibly carry Versace's name.
Joe Nakash told reporters he planned to ask Versace's family for permission to name the new property the Versace Hotel Villa.
"Everything will stay as is," he said. "It's history, every day you see how many people take a picture of this place."
Bidders were required to sign a confidentiality agreement and meet financial requirements that included a $3 million deposit and proof of funds to pay at least $40 million. The sale was a cash transaction.
The 23,000-square-foot (2,137-square-metre) mansion, replete with hand-painted frescoes, Italian marble and a gold-and-marble toilet, has been the subject of a long legal battle.
In 1997, Versace was gunned down at the mansion's entrance gate by serial killer Andrew Cunanan. Three years later, Versace's family sold the property to Loftin, who is now facing bankruptcy and who had been trying to sell the house for more than a year.
The property was initially listed on the market with an asking price of $125 million. The price was later lowered to $75 million before it wound up in bankruptcy proceedings.
In recent years, the mansion had been used as a private club and a boutique hotel.
Versace bought the property in 1992 for $2.9 million. He then purchased a hotel next door and spent $33 million on renovations to add another wing.
Inside, he decorated with an over-the-top style that included paintings of Grecian, nymph-like characters playing lyres under palm trees. The snake-haired Medusa head, Versace's logo, can be seen throughout the house.
When Versace owned the property, he helped usher in a renaissance of Miami's South Beach. His presence attracted models, jet-setters and celebrities including Sylvester Stallone and Madonna, who also bought homes in Miami.
The former Versace mansion was originally built by Standard Oil heir Alden Freeman. It was modeled after the Alcazar de Colon palace built in the Dominican Republic in 1510 by the son of Christopher Columbus- Reuters

Your Guide to Wealth - The Importance of Financial Education (Rich Dad, Poor Dad)

Many look for job security.
However, it is better to aim for Financial security.

Robert Kiyosaki - 3 Types of Income

Monday 16 September 2013

How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie

Discrepancies between price and value

One cannot be taught how to weigh the future.

The analyst is warned not to trust his projections of the future too far, and especially not to lose sight of the price of the security he is analyzing.

No matter how rosy the prospects, the price may still be too high.

Conversely, the shares of companies with unpromising outlooks may sell so low that they offer excellent opportunities to the shrewd buyer.

Also, the wheel of time brings many changes and reversals.

"Many shall be restored that now are fallen, and many shall fall that now are in honor."

I wish I knew this 20 years ago ....

The Millionaire Next Door (audiobook)

The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith (audiobook)

Saturday 14 September 2013

How worried are you when the stock market goes down 50%? Ask Charlie Munger who reveals the secrets to getting rich.

Published on 13 Jul 2012 -- Charlie Munger, the long-time business partner of famed investor Warren Buffett, talks with the BBC. If you know anything about Charlie Munger, he's famous for his quick wit, plain spokeness and absolute genius. He has helped shareholders of Berkshire Hathaway amass untold forunes.

The Winning Investment Habits of Warren Buffett


Warren Buffett Documentary

What was Warren Buffett's First Investment? Interview on Economic Recover, Finance and Stock (2012)

Published on 14 Jun 2013
Buffett was born in 1930 in Omaha, Nebraska, the second of three children and only son of U.S. Representative Howard Buffett, a fierce critic of the interventionist New Deal domestic and foreign policy, and his wife Leila (née Stahl). Buffett began his education at Rose Hill Elementary School in Omaha. In 1942, his father was elected to the first of four terms in the United States Congress, and after moving with his family to Washington, D.C., Warren finished elementary school, attended Alice Deal Junior High School, and graduated from Woodrow Wilson High School in 1947, where his senior yearbook picture reads: "likes math; a future stockbroker".

Even as a child, Buffett displayed an interest in making and saving money. He went door to door selling chewing gum, Coca-Cola, or weekly magazines. For a while, he worked in his grandfather's grocery store. While still in high school he was successful in making money by delivering newspapers, selling golfballs and stamps, and detailing cars, among other means. Filing his first income tax return in 1944, Buffett took a $35 deduction for the use of his bicycle and watch on his paper route. In 1945, in his sophomore year of high school, Buffett and a friend spent $25 to purchase a used pinball machine, which they placed in the local barber shop. Within months, they owned several machines in different barber shops.

Buffett's interest in the stock market and investing also dated to his childhood, to the days he spent in the customers' lounge of a regional stock brokerage near the office of his father's own brokerage company. On a trip to New York City at the age of ten, he made a point to visit the New York Stock Exchange. At the age of 11, he bought three shares of Cities Service Preferred for himself, and three for his sister. While in high school he invested in a business owned by his father and bought a farm worked by a tenant farmer.

Buffett entered college as a freshman in 1947 at the Wharton Business School of the University of Pennsylvania and studied there for two years during which he also joined the Alpha Sigma Phi fraternity. In the year 1950, when he entered his junior year, he transferred to the University of Nebraska--Lincoln where at the age of nineteen, he graduated with a Bachelor of Science in business administration. After the completion of his undergraduate studies, Buffett enrolled at Columbia Business School after learning that Benjamin Graham (author of "The Intelligent Investor" -- one of his favorite books on investing) and David Dodd, two well-known securities analysts, taught there. He earned a Master of Science in economics from Columbia in 1951. Buffett also attended the New York Institute of Finance. In Buffett's own words:

"I'm 15 percent Fisher and 85 percent Benjamin Graham.
The basic ideas of investing are to look at stocks as business, use the market's fluctuations to your advantage, and seek a margin of safety. That's what Ben Graham taught us. A hundred years from now they will still be the cornerstones of investing."

Security Analysis - Benjamin Graham and David Dodd

Security Analysis by Benjamin Graham and David Dodd 

Security Analysis, the revolutionary book on fundamental analysis and investing, was first published in 1934, following unprecedented losses on Wall Street.

Benjamin Graham and David Dodd chided Wall Street for its myopic focus on a company's reported earnings per share (eps), and were particularly harsh on the favored "earnings trends." They encouraged investors to take an entirely different approach by estimating the rough value of the operating business that lay behind the security. They have given actual examples of the market's tendency to irrationally under-value certain out-of-favor stocks.

The book is must read for any Stock Market Investor, fundamental analyst or equity research professional. 

Investment Policies (Based on Benjamin Graham)

Summary of Investment Policies

US Savings Bonds (FDs)

(1) INVESTMENT FUNDS bought at reasonable price.
(2) Diversified list of primary common stocks (BLUE CHIPS) bought at reasonable price. 

C. INVESTMENT CHIEFLY FOR PROFIT: 4 approaches are open to both the small and the large investors:
(1) Representative common stocks bought when the MARKET level is clearly LOW.
(2) GROWTH STOCKS, when these can be obtained at reasonable prices in relation to actual accomplishment – GROWTH INVESTING.
(3) Purchase of securities selling well BELOW INTRINSIC VALUE – VALUE INVESTING.
(4) Purchase of WELL-SECURED PRIVILEGED SENIOR ISSUES (bonds and preferred shares).
(5) SPECIAL SITUATIONS: Mergers, arbitrages, cash pay-outs.

(1) Buying stock in new or virtually new ventures (IPOs) .(2) TRADING in the market.


(Portfolio A: Cash, FDs, Bonds Portfolio B: Mutual funds, Blue chips)

(Portfolio C: Buy in Low Market, Buy Growth stocks at fair value, Buy value stocks i.e. bargains, High grade bonds and preferred shares, Arbitrages)

For SPECULATORS: Portfolio D
(Should set aside a sum for this separate from their money in investing.)


Types of Investors

Graham felt that individual investors fell into two camps : "defensive" investorsand "aggressive" or "enterprising" investors.

These two groups are distinguished not by the amount of risk they are willing to take, but rather by the amount of "intelligent effort" they are "willing and able to bring to bear on the task."

Thus, for instance, he included in the defensive investor category professionals (his example--a doctor) unable to devote much time to the process and young investors (his example--a sharp young executive interested in finance) who are as-yet unfamiliar and inexperienced with investing.

Graham felt that the defensive investor should confine his holdings to the shares of important companies with a long record of profitable operations and that are in strong financial condition. By "important," he meant one of substantial size and with a leading position in the industry, ranking among the first quarter or first third in size within its industry group.

Aggressive investors, Graham felt, could expand their universe substantially,but purchases should be attractively priced as established by intelligent analysis. He also suggested that aggressive investors avoid new issues.

Click and read also:

Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits by Philip Fisher

Published on 6 Jun 2013
Widely respected and admired, Philip Fisher is among the most influential investors of all time. His investment philosophies, introduced almost forty years ago, are not only studied and applied by today's financiers and investors, but are also regarded by many as gospel. This book is invaluable reading and has been since it was first published in 1958. The updated paperback retains the investment wisdom of the original edition and includes the perspectives of the author's son Ken Fisher, an investment guru in his own right in an expanded preface and introduction
"I sought out Phil Fisher after reading his Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits...A thorough understanding of the business, obtained by using Phil's techniques...enables one to make intelligent investment commitments."
Warren Buffet

The legendary fund manager, Peter Lynch.

Published on 16 Oct 2012
In 1977, legendary fund manager Peter Lynch was named head of the then obscure Magellan Fund which had $18 million in assets. By the time Lynch resigned as a fund manager in 1990, the fund had grown to more than $14 billion in assets with more than 1,000 individual stock positions. From 1977 until 1990, the Magellan fund averaged a 29.2% return. This is exceptional considering how large the fund was. This video/audio is courtesy of Fedelity investments "The Stock Shop".

Thursday 12 September 2013

Are you too scared to invest? You might have missed out on huge gains and put your financial futures in jeopardy.

5 Reasons Most Investors Fail

I've been actively investing money into the market now for the past 15 years. Over that time I've morphed through a number of investing styles -- day-trading, trading based on technical analysis, long-term investing, and in the late 1990s even throwing darts. If I've learned anything over these years, it's that investing in businesses and ideas, not a stock ticker, is where the big gains are to be had.
Source: Ryan Lawler, Wikimedia Commons.
So you can imagine how quickly my jaw dropped to the floor when I revisited a study conducted by Prudential Financial in June 2011 that surveyed 1,000 people and asked them two simple questions: Do you still believe in investing, or have you lost faith in the stock market; and when are you likely to put more money into the stock market (within a year, over a year from now, or never). The answers to these questions are an absolute head-banger! 
What is your current perception of the stock market?
There are still benefits to investing
I've lost faith in the market58%
Source: Prudential Financial.
When are you likely to put more money into the stock market?
Within a year
Over a year from now
Source: Prudential Financial.
Now keep in mind that when these respondents were surveyed, the stock market had already rebounded a full 100% from its lows! Based on these figures, a full 44% of respondents would have missed out on an additional 26% rally in the broad-based S&P 500 (SNPINDEX: ^GSPC  ) which is higher than the historical annual average return of the stock market. Based on the exact date of June 1, 2011, to June 1, 2012, the 31% who chose to wait a year and try to time the market would have come out slightly ahead -- but if you moved that date forward or backward by just a few days they, too, would have lost out.
Here are five reasons I've learned throughout my years of investing why most investors fail:
  • They're trying to buy stocks, not businesses.
  • They don't understand the concept of compounding gains.
  • They don't feel they have enough money to begin investing.
  • They're too scared to lose their money.
  • They don't know how to get started.
And here are some of the ways you can overcome these flaws.
Buy businesses, not stocksAt The Motley Fool you'll hear us trumpet Warren Buffett, the CEO of Berkshire Hathaway(NYSE: BRK-A  ) (NYSE: BRK-B  a lot -- but with good reason. Warren Buffett invests with the mentality that he's buying into a company that he thinks would succeed if the stock market shut down for the next 10 years. He believes in the management team of every company he buys and focuses on buying businesses with brand and pricing power. You might refer to them as boring investments, but Buffett just sees these businesses as steady sources of cash flow that will increase shareholder value in almost any economic environment.
Therefore, it shouldn't come as a surprise that his holding company, Berkshire Hathaway, which just recently announced the purchase of its 58th subsidiary in NV Energy in May, has outpaced the S&P 500 in 39 of the past 48 years. That's not luck -- that's what happens when you invest in businesses instead of trading stocks.
Invest for the long term and let compounding gains work in your favorThe most abundant mistake often made is when investors attempt to become traders and time the market. While timing the market may work for a short period, it's been shown time and again that long-term compounding gains achieved through share price appreciation and dividends will outpace the nominal gains achieved through day-trading and short-term holds. According to ABC News, and as I noted last month, of the nominal gains achieved by the S&P 500 between 1910 to 2010, dividend yield and dividend growth comprised 90% of all gains.
The Fool's Brian Stoffel put this story in an even easier-to-understand context in February 2012, when, in his fictitious short story he undertook explaining how short-minded investors would have missed out on big gains in Coca-Cola (NYSE: KO  ) versus long-term investors. Had a short-term investor sold holdings after 10 years in Brian's story, he or she may have netted a 2,500% gain, but were the same investor to hold from 1920 through the present day, that person would be up well over 1,000,000%, inclusive of dividends and share price appreciation!
There is no such thing as a wrong amount to invest withOne of the more superfluous rumors that's been floating around for decades is that it's not worth investing in the stock market if you don't have enough money to get started. This is blatantly wrong! If you have $200,000 or $200, it's always in your best interests to put that money to work for you.
Last week, the Fool's macroeconomic guru, Morgan Housel, demonstrated this point to a "T" when he examined the effect of wealth building over time. According to his calculations, a person in his or her 20s could see each dollar saved and invested turn into $10-$18 in future value. Even if that only means $20 per week, that's possibly $200-$360 in future value based on the standard historical returns of the market! 

Source: Rafael Matsunaga, Flickr.
You have to invest to beat inflationPutting your money under the mattress might preserve your nominal money, but it won't help you over the long run as prices continue to rise and make what money you currently have less valuable. Anyone who hopes to stay ahead of the game needs to invest.
Keep in mind that there are multiple ways of beating inflation and retiring well without risking your entire nest egg. It's perfectly fine to be risk-averse, which is what investment-grade and government-issued bonds are for. However, other ways of investing safely do exist, including buying into basket ETFs that spread your assets, along with the assets of others, among a number of companies. One great idea here would the iShares MSCI USA Minimum Volatility ETF (NYSEMKT: USMV  ) . Composed of 134 large-cap, low-volatility names such as PepsiCo.Johnson & Johnson, and TJ Maxx parent TJX, the iShares Minimum Volatility ETF bears just a 0.15% annual expense, yields slightly better than 2% annually, and is only 78% as volatile as the S&P 500.
Getting started is easier than everOne of the often forgotten reasons investors fail is that many are simply too overwhelmed or worried about their lack of knowledge to even get started. Luckily for you, the Internet has made the ability to learn about the market and individual companies easier than it's ever been.
The Motley Fool's co-founders (and brothers), David and Tom Gardner, developed the 13 Steps to Investing Foolishly specifically with that skittish investor in mind who's always been curious about investing in the stock market but has been terrified of his or her lack of knowledge or been wary of how to get a foot in the door. My suggestion is, if you're one of the 44% who exclaimed they'd never invest in the market again, one of the 58% who's lost faith in the market, or one of the many on the outside looking in, read over and implement these 13 steps.
Obviously you aren't going to be right with every investment, but all it takes is a few big winners and a lot of time for you to be sitting pretty in an early retirement.
Put plainly, if you don't take the time to invest, you could wind up like the millions of Americans that have waited on the sidelines since the market meltdown in 2008 and 2009, too scared to invest, that have missed out on huge gains and put their financial futures in jeopardy. 

Wednesday 11 September 2013

How to approach international stocks?

The examination of these stocks for your international investing are the same.  Follow the QMV approach.

1.  Look at the QUALITY of the company (the existence of competitive advantages)
2.  Its MANAGEMENT must be of integrity and smart (and not suspicious management)
3.  The VALUATION of the company (and not an outrageously high valuation)

However, you need to add other risks to your due diligence process too.

1,  Country risk 
What's the political environment?
Is corruption a problem?
How is the country's debt structured?
What are its plans for economic development?

2.  Political risk
This is a subset of country risk.
Is there a real threat of nationalization?
Is there a real threat of rebellion or military action?

3.  Currency risk
This is a risk unique to foreign investing.
Pay attention to the level of exposure a company has to weak currencies.
Be reminded, Zimbabwe's insane inflation rate hit 66,000% in the early months of 2008.

4.  Investability risk
Are you able to buy shares of a company.
Do you have access to one of the exchanges it trades on?

So, to summarise, look for countries with:
1.  Respect for rule of law, strong rights of appeal, and low levels of corruption.
2.  Political stability and a government that doesn't dominate the local economy.
3.  A stable currency
4   Investability

Also, apply the bottom up search for the best companies with the brightest prospects.  

Be reminded once again.
-  Your top priority is to invest in your best ideas - ignoring country, sector, or number of vowels in the ticker.
-  Your secondary concern should be ensuing that you're not overexposed to any specific geographic region or industry sector.

With the U.S. market moving in lockstep with overseas markets (high correlation) - a trend that certainly doesn't seem to be reversing itself- diversification is no longer the reason to consider foreign equities for your portfolio.  

The reason to look overseas is much simpler:  opportunity.   

There are incredible opportunities in International Investing.

  1. There are 16,000 public companies based in the United States.
  2. There are 49,000 public companies listed outside of the United States.  
  3. The American economy is the largest, most diverse on earth.  
  4. The American legal and regulatory regimes offer the most protection for minority shareholders.  
  5. Also, the U.S. market is less prone to wild swings than most foreign markets.
  6. The refusal to consider international companies makes about as much sense today as investing only in companies with two syllables in their names. 
  7. There are incredible opportunities in international investing.
  8. Many overseas markets, including the growing monsters of China and India, have improved their regulatory oversight by leaps and bounds.
  9. There are also markets with all the legal framework that are out dated, to be sure too.  Those tend to be obvious and better avoided.
  10. Besides, the increasing globalization of markets, and the explosion in individual company cross-listings and exchange-traded funds (ETFs), have made buying foreign shares easier than ever before.
  11. In fact, international investing can be as easy as picking a foreign country and buying an index fund based on the performance of its market.  Indonesia?  Check.  Brazil? Check.  Japanese small caps? Check.  European bonds?  You get the idea.
  12. To buy foreign equities, you have to understand some additional considerations and challenges.
  13. In the six months after October 2007, the Shanghai Composite Index lost nearly 50% of its value, wiping away $2 trillion in wealth for investors.
  14. This wasn't suppose to happen - the ascendancy of China is considered inevitable.  
  15. Only investors extremely familiar with the Chinese economy had a hope of knowing the right answer. 
  16. Point being, an investing thesis constructed on a skin-deep understanding of a country is likely to end with a suboptimal outcome.  And we try to avoid suboptimal outcomes.
  17. Investing overseas is not just a means of diversification.
  18. The one and only purpose to invest in companies overseas is far less complicated:  the opportunities beyond our borders are too good to pass up.
  19. You want your long-term savings tied to the best companies with the best prospects.  
  20. You would miss out on many great stocks by imposing an arbitrary geographical limitation on your investments.
  21. It's unlikely that the best investments are all going to be just in your own country.  
  22. The U.S. has the potential to do quite well.
  23. The U.S. represents 5% of the population of the world and 24% of its gross product.
  24. The U.S. had her days as the greatest growth economy in the world.
  25. In 2007, the U.S. economy grew at a rate of 2.2%.  
  26. But, many other countries outside the U.S. have economies that grew at higher rates, and when these are measured in depreciating dollars, these economies are growing even faster.
  27. Your approach to international investing remains the same:  bottoms-up, business-focused.
  28. The only key difference is not the how, it's the where.
  29. The approach encompasses small caps and fast growers and dividend payers and value stocks.
  30. When we disregard borders in our search, there is almost no difference between international and domestic stocks.  
  31. The scorecard for foreign stocks is still based on their ability to turn profits.  
  32. Economies around the world are growing quickly.
  33. That's why international investing works.
  34. You have an opportunity to examine mature industries domestically and find those same industries in their high-growth phases elsewhere.
  35. Diversification, while important, is not the goal of investing.  
  36. The goal is you want 100% of your money invested in companies that don't suck, and 0% in companies that do - and that's regardless of where the company is located.  
  37. International investing is not about exposure to a particular sector or style.
  38. International investing is about opening up all the doors available for your portfolio: it broadens frontiers.

Tuesday 10 September 2013

Intrinsic value of Great Businesses: What's the business actually worth? Think long-term.

Company OPX

52 week high:  $52.99  (April 2010)  Market cap $960 million
52 week low:  $33.33 (July 2010)  Market cap $ 625 million
Variance:  35.2%

1.  Is the market really suggesting that this business was worth $960 million in April 2010, but only $625 million the following July?

2.  Yes, this is exactly what the market is suggesting.

3.  What's the business actually worth?

4.  Because it ought to be obvious that a fast-growing company cannot be worth $625 million and $960 million at roughly the same time.  

5.  Our goal as investor is to buy $960 million businesses when the market's charging $625 million.
6.  If you think these things don't happen, be assured:  They happen all the time.

7.  It is even better when we can buy a $500 million business for $300 million and watch the company grow into a $3 billion business.  

8.  It is this effect - the fact that great businesses make themselves more valuable over time - that keeps us from selling a $500 million business when its market cap increases to $600 million.

9.  After all, the $500 million valuation is based on our own analysis, and mathematically speaking, it's our single point of highest confidence in a range of values we believe the company could be worth.

10.  It might be substantially more.  

11.  If you're disciplined enough to only buy companies when they are priced at the low end of your range of potential values, your returns over time are almost guaranteed to satisfy.

12.  Holding a company when it's in the higher end of your range of values leaves you somewhat susceptible to a stock drop, given the lower margin of safety.  

13.  But if you have properly identified the company as a superior generator of wealth, the biggest mistake you might ever make is selling it because its shares are a few dollars too high.

14.  If you bough company OPX back in December 1987, for example, your shares rose 75%, from $23 to $40 in about two months.

15.  That's great return - but over the next 20 years, the stock has risen another seven times in value - tax free.

16.  Ultimately, it is nearly impossible to manage superior long-term results by focusing on short-term aims.

17.  Company OPX has evolved from a regional small cap into one of the most important retailers in the world, generating spectacular returns for shareholders in the process.

The excitement of blue chip value investing

The excitement behind blue-chip value investing doesn't reside in life-changing tales of a stock that moved up 800% in a year or two.

Those stories were common during the late 1990s with Internet stocks, but as we saw in 2001 and 2002, what rises dramatically and rapidly often falls with equal fury.

The excitement of blue-chip value investing comes from looking at long-term charts of what value stocks do as a group over a period of decades - or what they have done for Warren Buffett.

That extra 2 % or 3% a year in returns, multiplied over a lifetime of investing, makes for some heart-pounding piles of cash down the line.  It will give you your million-dollar portfolio - and much more.

Why are there not more investors using the value investing approach?

The approach using value investing should be appealing, yet this strategy just doesn't take hold for some investors.

Warren Buffett put it this way:  "It is extraordinary to me that the idea of buying dollar bills for 40 cents takes immediately with people or it doesn't take at all.  It's like an inoculation.  If it doesn't grab a person right away, I find that you can talk to him for years and show him records, and it doesn't make any difference.  They just don't seem able to grasp the concept, simple as it is."

What Buffett means is that not everybody "gets" the concept of investing in companies at a deep discount if it means they have to wait a while, maybe even years, for the market to agree with their assessment.  Many people like the daily action the market provides, and enjoy guessing the next move - even though frequent trading has been shown to deliver very poor returns.  

More than anything else, the value approach demands patience and a willingness to stay disciplined without an upward move in share price to confirm your thinking.  You have to be willing to wait for as long as it takes for the market to recognize the value of your dollar, even as it stubbornly remains at "40 cents."

Monday 9 September 2013

Simple business models are easier to comprehend. "Great stocks don't make you think."

Simple business models:  They're not necessarily better at making money than complicated business models. The reason to love them:  they're much easier to understand.

One exercise one can do is to try to describe a company in one sentence.  If you can - and can do so compellingly - then it has passed the test.

Can you describe Google and Wal-mart each in a sentence?  Google makes most of its money by selling targeted advertisements alongside its top-notch Internet search results.  Wal-Mart makes money by being the low-cost retailer of an incredible variety of goods.

Both sentences clearly explain how these companies make money and what their competitive advantage is in the space.  Google has the best technology; Wal-Mart has the best prices.

Those are simple business models, and you will know very quickly if either is faltering (Google ceases to have the best search capabilities or Wal-Mart ceases to have the best prices).

On the other hand, if the business is complicated and unclear, you likely won't enjoy following it.