Sunday 2 October 2016

Insurance Accounting

MARCH 2014

Accounting is a system of recording, analyzing and verifying an organization’s financial status. In the United States, all corporate accounting is governed by a common set of accounting rules, known as generally accepted accounting principles, or GAAP, established by the independent Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB). The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) currently requires publicly owned companies to follow these rules. Over time, both organizations intend to align their standards with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).

Accounting rules have evolved over time and for different users. Before the 1930s corporate accounting focused on management and creditors as the end users. Since then GAAP has increasingly addressed investors’ need to be able to evaluate and compare financial performance from one reporting period to the next and among companies. In addition, GAAP has emphasized “transparency,” meaning that accounting rules must be understandable by knowledgeable people, the information included in financial statements must be reliable and companies must fully disclose all relevant and significant information.

Special accounting rules also evolved for industries with a fiduciary responsibility to the public such as banks and insurance companies. To protect insurance company policyholders, states began to monitor solvency. As they did, a special insurance accounting system, known as statutory accounting principles, or SAP, developed. The term statutory accounting denotes the fact that SAP embodies practices required by state law. SAP provides the same type of information about an insurer’s financial performance as GAAP but, since its primary goal is to enhance solvency, it focuses more on the balance sheet than GAAP. GAAP focuses more on the income statement.

Publicly owned U.S. insurance companies, like companies in any other type of business, report to the SEC using GAAP. They report to insurance regulators and the Internal Revenue Service using SAP. Accounting principles and practices outside the U.S. differ from both GAAP and SAP.

In 2001 the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), an independent international accounting organization based in London, began work on a set of global accounting standards. About the same time, the European Union (EU) started work on Solvency II, a framework directive aimed at streamlining and strengthening solvency requirements across the EU in an effort to create a single market for insurance – see Issues Updates on U.S. Solvency Regulation Solvency II.

Ideally, a set of universal accounting principles would facilitate global capital flows and lower the cost of raising capital. Some 100 countries now require or allow the international standards that the IASB has developed.

Some insurers have been concerned that some of the initially proposed standards for insurance contracts will confuse more than enlighten and introduce a significant level of artificial volatility that could make investing in insurance companies less attractive.


Insurance Contracts: It appears unlikely that the U.S. Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) and the International Accounting Standard Board (IASB) will be able to achieve a convergence of the two systems with regard to property/casualty insurance. In February 2014 Accounting Today reported that FASB decided to focus on improving U.S. GAAP instead of continuing with the convergence project. For short-duration contracts – which includes most property/casualty insurance – FASB will target changes that enhance disclosures. For long-duration contracts like life insurance, the board concluded it should consider IASB’s approach, though the auditing and consulting firm of Deloitte notes that even in this regard convergence is not the primary objective of the changes.

Financial Reporting: An SEC report published in July 2012 made no recommendations about whether the IFRS should be incorporated into the U.S. financial reporting system although it did say that there was little support among major U.S. corporations for adopting the IFRS as authoritative guidance.


Insurance Basics:

Insurers assume and manage risk in return for a premium. The premium for each policy, or contract, is calculated based in part on historical data aggregated from many similar policies and is paid in advance of the delivery of the service. The actual cost of each policy to the insurer is not known until the end of the policy period (or for some insurance products long after the end of the policy period), when the cost of claims can be calculated with finality.

The insurance industry is divided into two major segments: property/casualty, also known as general insurance or nonlife, particularly outside the United States, and life/health. Broadly speaking, property/casualty policies cover homes, autos and businesses; life/health insurers sell life, long-term care and disability insurance, annuities and health insurance. U.S. insurers submit financial statements to state regulators using statutory accounting principles, but there are significant differences between the accounting practices of property/casualty and life insurers due to the nature of their products. These include:

Contract duration:

Property/casualty insurance policies are usually short-term contracts, six-months to a year. Their final cost will usually be known within a year or so after the policy term begins, except for some types of liability contracts. They are known as short-duration contracts. By contrast, life, disability and long-term care insurance and annuity contracts are typically long-duration contracts — in force for decades.

Variability of Claims Outcomes Per Year:

The range of potential outcomes with property/casualty insurance contracts can vary widely, depending on whether claims are made under the policy, and if so, how much each claim ultimately settles for. The cost of investigating a claim can also vary. In some years, natural disasters such as hurricanes and man-made disasters such as terrorist attacks can produce huge numbers of claims. By contrast, claims against life insurance and annuity contracts are typically amounts stated in the contracts and are therefore more predictable. There are few instances of catastrophic losses in the life insurance industry comparable to those in the property/casualty insurance industry.

Financial Statements: 

An insurance company’s annual financial statement is a lengthy and detailed document that shows all aspects of its business. In statutory accounting, the initial section includes a balance sheet, an income statement and a section known as the Capital and Surplus Account, which sets out the major components of policyholders’ surplus and changes in the account during the year. As with GAAP accounting, the balance sheet presents a picture of a company’s financial position at one moment in time—its assets and its liabilities—and the income statement provides a record of the company’s operating results from the previous period. An insurance company’s policyholders’ surplus—its assets minus its liabilities—serves as the company’s financial cushion against catastrophic losses and as a way to fund expansion. Regulators require insurers to have sufficient surplus to support the policies they issue. The greater the risks assumed, and hence the greater the potential for claims against the policy, the higher the amount of policyholders’ surplus required.

Asset Valuation: 

Property/casualty companies need to be able to pay predictable claims promptly and also to raise cash quickly to pay for a large number of claims in case of a hurricane or other disaster. Therefore, most of their assets are high quality, income-paying government and corporate bonds that are generally held to maturity. Under SAP, they are valued at amortized cost rather than their current market cost. This produces a relatively stable bond asset value from year to year (and reflects the expected use of the asset.)

However, when prevailing interest rates are higher than bonds’ coupon rates, amortized cost overstates asset value, producing a higher value than one based on the market. (Under the amortized cost method, the difference between the cost of a bond at the date of purchase and its face value at maturity is accounted for on the balance sheet by gradually changing the bond’s value. This entails increasing its value from the purchase price when the bond was bought at a discount and decreasing it when the bond was bought at a premium.) Under GAAP, bonds may be valued at market price or recorded at amortized cost, depending on whether the insurer plans to hold them to maturity (amortized cost) or make them available for sale or active trading (market value).

The second largest asset category for property/casualty companies, preferred and common stocks, is valued at market price. Life insurance companies generally hold a small percentage of their assets in preferred or common stock.

Some assets are “nonadmitted” under SAP and therefore assigned a zero value but are included under GAAP. Examples are premiums overdue by 90 days and office furniture. Real estate and mortgages make up a small fraction of a property/casualty company’s assets because they are relatively illiquid. Life insurance companies, whose liabilities are longer term commitments, have a greater portion of their investments in commercial mortgages.

The last major asset category is reinsurance recoverables. These are amounts due from the company’s reinsurers. (Reinsurers are insurance companies that insure other insurance companies, thus sharing the risk of loss.) Amounts due from reinsurance companies are categorized according to whether they are overdue and, if so, by how many days. Those recoverables deemed uncollectible are reported as a surplus penalty on the liability side of the balance sheet, thus reducing surplus.

Liabilities and Reserves: 

Liabilities, or claims against assets, are divided into two components: reserves for obligations to policyholders and claims by other creditors. Reserves for an insurer’s obligations to its policyholders are by far the largest liability. Property/casualty insurers have three types of reserve funds: unearned premium reserves, or pre-claims liability; loss and loss adjustment reserves, or post claims liability; and other.

Unearned premiums are the portion of the premium that corresponds to the unexpired part of the policy period. Premiums have not been fully “earned” by the insurance company until the policy expires. In theory, the unearned premium reserve represents the amount that the company would owe all its policyholders for coverage not yet provided if one day the company suddenly went out of business. If a policy is canceled before it expires, part of the original premium payment must be returned to the policyholder.

Loss reserves are obligations that an insurance company has incurred – from claims that have been or will be filed on the exposures the insurer protected. Loss adjustment reserves are funds set aside to pay for claims adjusters, legal assistance, investigators and other expenses associated with settling claims. Property/casualty insurers set up claim reserves only for accidents and other events that have happened.

Some claims, like fire losses, are easily estimated and quickly settled. But others, such as products liability and some workers compensation claims, may be settled long after the policy has expired. The most difficult to assess are loss reserves for events that have already happened but have not been reported to the insurance company, known as "incurred but not reported" (IBNR). Examples of IBNR losses are cases where workers inhaled asbestos fibers but did not file a claim until their illness was diagnosed 20 or 30 years later. Actuarial estimates of the amounts that will be paid on outstanding claims must be made so that profit on the business can be calculated. Insurers estimate claims costs, including IBNR claims, based on their experience. Reserves are adjusted, with a corresponding impact on earnings, in subsequent years as each case develops and more details become known.

Revenues, Expenses and Profits:

Profits arise from insurance company operations (underwriting results) and investment results.

Policyholder premiums are an insurer’s main revenue source. Under SAP, when a property/casualty policy is issued, the pre-claim liability or unearned premium is equal to the written premium. (Written premiums are the premiums charged for coverage under policies written regardless of whether they have been collected or “earned.” Each day the policy remains in force, one day of unearned premium is earned, and the unearned premium falls by the amount earned. For example, if a customer pays $365 for a one-year policy starting January 1, the initial unearned premium reserve would be $365, and the earned premium would be $0. After one day, the unearned premium reserve would be $364, and the earned premium would be $1.

Under GAAP, policy acquisition expenses, such as agent commissions, are deferred on a pro-rata basis in line with GAAP’s matching principle. This principle states that in determining income for a given period, expenses must be matched to revenues. As a result, under GAAP (and assuming losses and other expenses are experienced as contemplated in the rate applied to calculate the premium) profit is generated steadily throughout the duration of the contract. In contrast, under SAP, expenses and revenues are deliberately mismatched. Expenses associated with the acquisition of the policy are charged in full as soon as the policy is issued but premiums are earned throughout the policy period.

SAP mismatches the timing of revenues and acquisition expenses so the balance sheet is viewed more conservatively. By recognizing acquisition expenses before the income generated by them is earned, SAP forces an insurance company to finance those expenses from its policyholders’ surplus. This appears to reduce the surplus available to pay unexpected claims. In effect, this accounting treatment requires an insurer to have a larger safety margin to be able to fulfill its obligation to policyholders.

The IASB Proposal for International Insurance Accounting Standards: IASB’s aim in establishing accounting standards for the insurance industry is to facilitate the understanding of insurers’ financial statements. Insurance contracts had been excluded from the scope of international financial reporting standards, in part because accounting practices for insurance often differ substantially from those in other sectors — both non-insurance financial services and nonfinancial businesses, and from country to country.

Reading and Analyzing Insurance Ratios.

Financial institutions such as banks, financial service companies, insurance companies, securities firms and credit unions have very different ways of reporting financial information.

This guide gives you the most pertinent information to analyze an insurance company's financial statements.

Underwriting Ratios

Loss Ratio

USBR calculates the loss ratio by dividing loss adjustments expenses by premiums earned.

The loss ratio shows what percentage of payouts are being settled with recipients.

The lower the loss ratio the better.

Higher loss ratios may indicate that an insurance company may need better risk management policies to guard against future possible insurance payouts.

Loss Ratio = ( Loss Adjustments / Premiums Earned )

Expense Ratio

USBR calculates the expense ratio of an insurance company by dividing underwriting expenses by net premiums earned.

Underwriting expenses are the costs of obtaining new policies from insurance carriers.

The lower the expense ratio the better because it means more profits to the insurance company.

Expense Ratio = ( Underwriting Expenses / Net Premiums Written )

Combined Ratio

This figure just measures claims losses and operating expenses against premiums earned.

The lower the figure the better.

The combined ratio is the total of estimated claims expenses for a period plus overhead expressed as a percentage of earned premiums.

A ratio below 100 percent represents a measure of profitability and the efficiency of an insurance firms underwriting efficiency.

Ratios above 100 percent denote a failure to earn sufficient premiums to cover expected claims.

High ratios can usually occur either because of underpricing and/or because of unexpected high claims.

Combined Ratio = ( Loss Ratio + Expense Ratio )

Ratio of Net Written Premiums to Policyholder Surplus

This ratio measures the level of capital surplus necessary to write premiums.

An insurance company must have an asset heavy balance sheet to pay out claims.

Industry statuary surplus is the amount by which assets exceed liabilities.

For instance: a ratio 0.95 -to 1 means that insurers are writing less than $1.00 worth of premium for every $1.00 of surplus. A ratio of 1.02-to-1 means insures are writing about $1.02 for every $1.00 in premiums.

Profitability Ratios

Return on Revenues

This figure determines the profitability of an insurance company .

It is the profits after all expenses and taxes are paid by the insurance company.

Return on Revenues = ( Net Operating Income / Total Revenues )

Return on Assets

USBR calculates the return on assets by dividing net operating income by Mean average assets.

This figure shows the profitability on existing investment securities and premiums.

The higher the return on assets the better the company is enhancing its returns on existing liquid assets.

Return on Assets ( Net Operating Income / Mean Average Assets )

Return on Equity

This figure shows the net profits that are returned to shareholders.

The higher the return on equity, the more profitable the company has become and the possibility of enhanced dividends to shareholders.

Return on Equity = ( Net Operating Income (less preferred stock Dividends / Average Common Equity )

Investment Yield

This is the return received on an insurance company's assets.

The investment yield is obtained by dividing the average investment assets into the net investment income before income taxes.

Investment Yield = ( Average investment Assets / Net Investment Income )

Understanding An Insurance Company's Revenue Model

The revenue models of insurance companies are based on premiums collected from policyholders.

Premiums are the starting point for revenues earned by all types of.

This includes

  • life insurance companies, 
  • auto insurance companies, 
  • companies that sell homeowner’s insurance and 
  • even companies that sell annuities.

Pricing of Risk by an Insurance Company

The revenue model starts with the pricing of risk and the sale of an insurance policy. 

The insurance policy’s benefit amount represents the amount that the insurance company is willing to pay should a loss occur. 

For life insurance, that loss is death.

With property and casualty insurance such as auto and homeowner’s insurance, the loss is damage, theft or destruction of property, such as a home or auto.

Risk Pooling and Premium Pricing

The willingness to accept this risk comes at a price to the policy owner.

This price is the premium amount and is based on the common occurrence of risk, as distributed among a large class of people.

This process is known as risk pooling and is performed by actuaries hired by the insurance company.

The risk pools determine the likelihood of a loss occurring for a class and the price for that risk, which becomes the premium amount.

Net Premiums

When the premium is paid, the insurance company nets out its expenses associated with keeping the coverage in force.

This includes commissions paid to agents and brokers of the insurance company.

It also includes the administrative and operational costs of the insurer such as overhead, salaries and other business related expenses.

The net amount of the premium represents the revenue amount that the insurer has to invest.

General Account versus Separate Account Assets

For life insurance companies, 2 accounts are maintained in order to address the risks associated with their products.

These accounts are the general account and separate account of the insurance company.

 In the general account, net premiums from fixed products issued by the life insurance company such as fixed annuities, term life, whole life and universal life products are deposited.

 These net premiums are invested in fixed income securities such as municipal and treasury bonds in order to back the insurer’s promise to pay.

Separate Account

The separate account is backed with net premiums from variable insurance products such as variable annuities and variable life insurance.

These product’s premiums must be segregated or maintained in a separate account by law since it is the policy owner that determines how the premiums are invested, not the insurer. 

This investment control means that the policy owner is subject to a greater risk because those premiums are in the stock market and other equity securities.

Interest Earnings and Revenue

The interest earned by the investment of assets in either the general account for life insurance and property and casualty insurance companies or separate account for the life insurer is a component of overall revenue for the insurer. 

Savings realized by lowered expenses and less than expected risk losses (i.e. deaths, illness, disability, auto accidents) leads to higher revenues for an insurance company.

Read more:

Understanding an Insurer's Balance Sheet

Understanding an Insurer's Balance Sheet

Insurance companies are magical creatures that, in the hands of a skilled operator, perform alchemistic feats and literally mint money. However, reading and understanding their financial statements are a little difficult, so let's try to break this task down into bite-sized chunks. First we'll get familiar with the terms and calculations; later on, we'll see how the statements are linked and flow into each other.
Balancing Sheet ActInsurance companies are balance-sheet-driven businesses, so we'll start here with the assets. Let's look at the 2005 balance sheet assets of two auto insurers, Progressive(NYSE: PGR  ) and Mercury General (NYSE: MCY  ) .
2005 Assets (Millions of Dollars)
Fixed Maturity Securities
Preferred Stock
Common Equities
Short-Term Investments
Accrued Investment Income
Premiums Receivable
Premium Notes
Reinsurance Recoverable
Prepaid Reinsurance Premium
Deferred Acquisition Cost
Income Taxes
Property and Equipment
Other Assets
Total Assets

This is way too complicated, so let's make some simplifications. 
1.   We'll group all investments (bonds, stocks) into "investments" and throw cash in there as well. 
2.   Then we'll make a category called "policyholder money we don't have yet." This refers to:
  • future premiums to be received (premiums receivable)
  • money that the reinsurers owe (reinsurance recoverable)
  • money already paid to reinsurers for future reinsurance policies (prepaid reinsurance premium)
  • money already paid -- but not expensed yet -- such as agent commissions and premium taxes, to acquire policies (deferred acquisition cost).
3.   Everything else we'll call "other assets." (PLEASE -- when investing in an insurer, read the footnotes -- I'm simplifying here for clarification purposes)

Our simplified balance sheet reads:
Policyholder Money We Don't Have Yet
Other Assets
Total Assets

Now that you've got the hang of how I'm simplifying things, we'll reduce liabilities and shareholder's equity. 

1.   First, we see "policyholder money we have" -- made up of:
  • unearned premiums (policyholder money paid for future coverage)
  • loss and loss adjustment expense (policyholder money set aside for already incurred losses, incurred but not reported losses, and the cost of settling claims)
  • other policyholder liabilities
2.   We also have "debt," which is made up of -- you guessed it -- debt.
3.   "Other liabilities," made up of items such as accounts payable and accrued expenses. 
4.   Finally, there is shareholder's equity (assets minus liabilities, similar to liquidation value). 

Our simplified balance sheet looks like this (to make this even more readable, I am reformatting numbers in billions):
Simplified 2005 Balance Sheet (Billions of dollars)
Policyholder Money We Don't Have Yet
Other Assets
Total Assets

Liabilities & Equity
Policyholder Money We Have
Other Liabilities
Shareholders' Equity
Total Liabilities + Equity

The first thing to note here is float. In a nutshell, float refers to the money that policyholders give to insurers in return for insurance. With our simplified balance sheet, calculating float is simple:
Float = Policyholder money we have - Policyholder money we don't have yet
In this case, we can see Progressive has about $6.5 billion in float, and Mercury has roughly $1.5 billion. We can also see "Other Assets" and "Other Liabilities" are about equal, so we'll net and ignore these. Lastly, we have debt and shareholder's equity value.
Thus, we have three main pieces that comprise the balance sheet (ignoring other assets and liabilities, which we've netted out): 
  • float, 
  • debt, and 
  • shareholder's equity.

The reason I simplified to these three points is because each of these represents the different pieces of financing: 
  • float is money provided by policyholders, 
  • debt is provided by creditors, and 
  • shareholder's equity (estimated liquidation value) is provided by equity holders.

Back to basics

An insurer takes money from these three sources of funding (policyholders, creditors, and stock holders) and invests it. If we take Progressive's float ($6.5 billion), debt ($1.3 billion), and shareholder's equity ($6.1 billion) we get $13.9 billion -- notice this is about equal to Progressive's $14.3 billion in investments. In other words, an insurer takes money from policyholders (float) and creditors (debt), and pays out operating expenses, claims and claims expenses, and interest payments. The remainder is left over for the stock holders and taxes -- this money is reinvested into investments and increases shareholder's equity, which increases the value of the insurance company to stock holders. However, if the insurer is taking bad risks it'll end up owing a lot of claims (if the losses fall to the bottom line, this eats into shareholder's equity) -- the money to pay out claims comes out of float and investments, which is bad.
By now it should be clear what drives an insurer's balance sheet value: the more shareholder's equity and float, the better. (Quick note: In the short run, if an insurer under-prices its policies it can grow premiums and float very quickly; in the long run losses will eat up the float and shareholder's equity. Watch out for the fools that rush in.) Progressive's $6.5 billion in float (at the end of 2005) and $6.1 in estimated liquidation value were valued at $21 billion. Mercury General's $1.5 billion in float and $1.6 billion in liquidation value were valued at $3.2 billion at the end of 2005.
Hopefully this provides a simplistic and clear understanding of the different pieces of an insurer's balance sheet. Later on we'll look at the other financial statements and link them together to see how an insurer creates or destroys shareholder value.
For some other insurance commentary, check out:
Fool contributor Emil Lee is an analyst and a disciple of value investing. He doesn't own shares in any of the companies mentioned above and appreciates your comments, concerns, and complaints. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy.

Friday 30 September 2016

Understanding financial statements of an insurance company

Financial Times

This article aims to help investors to understand insurance companies better and thus make the right investment decisions.

An insurance company basically agrees to take the risk of an individual in exchange for a price. 

Insurance companies make profits 
  • by charging the right price for the risk they undertake (Underwriting) and 
  • also by investing the large pool of funds they collect in terms of premiums.

The key metrics in the income statement of an insurance company are:

* Gross Written Premium or Sales (GWP) – 
  • The amount of risk premiums an insurance company has underwritten in the period of the financial statement. 

*Reinsurance and Net written Premium
  • Insurance companies will pass some of their premiums to other insurance companies to reduce risks. 
  • This outflow of premiums is known as ceding reinsurance. 
  • Net Written premium = GWP –Reinsurance Ceded. 

* Net Earned premium
  • All written premiums may not be earned over the period of the financial statement. 
  • This is because customers would pay premiums in advance. 
  • The part of the premiums which are earned over the financial statements duration are known as net earned premiums.

* Investment Income and Other income – 
  • An insurance company will receive significant amounts of cash from policy holders. 
  • It will invest the cash. 
  • Investment income therefore becomes a significant line of income for an insurance company.  
  • Other income would be those which are earned from other insurance related activities. 
  • Often this would comprise various fees which an insurance company may charge policy holders for services provided.

  • This would be the total income earned for a financial statement period. 
  • It would therefore be the sum of 

  1. Earned Premiums, 
  2. Investment income and 
  3. Other income. 

* Benefits – 
  • This is the claims incurred for the period. 
  • Incurred includes both paid claims and reserve movements to Balance Sheet. 
  • In line with accounting prudence an insurance company will have to hold more or less reserves in line with changes in claims patterns and economic conditions.

* Underwriting and Acquisition costs
  • This would be Commissions paid in relation to insurance sales.

* Operating and Administrative expenses
  • These would be costs of operations of the insurance company. 

The following metrics can be used when comparing between insurance companies:

Claims ratio – 
  • Claims (Benefits)/Net Earned Premiums.  
  • Other things being equal; lower the ratio better the performance.

Expense ratio – 
  • Total Underwriting and Operating Expenses/ Revenue. 

Combined Ratio 
  • Measurement of how an insurance company’s revenue when excluding investment income covers its expenses.  
  • Total expenses/( Revenue – Investment Income). 
  •  Ideally the ratio should be less than 100% and this indicates that both are making profits because of investment income and not from insurance business.

The insurance business is technical and complex when compared to other industries. 

By understanding the business model and the method of accounting investors can make better decisions towards shareholder value.

(By Ravi Mahendra.  The writer is an accountant working in the UK).

Monday 19 September 2016

How do you identify an exceptional company with a durable competitive advantage from the CASH FLOW STATEMENTS?

How do you identify an exceptional company with a durable competitive advantage?

Financial statements are where you can search for companies with a durable competitive advantage that is going to make one super rich.


The cash flow statement keeps track of the actual cash that flows in and out of the business.

A company can have a lot of cash coming in, through the sale of shares or bonds and still not be profitable.

A company can be profitable with a lot of sales on credit and not a lot of cash coming in.

The cash flow statement will tell us if the company is bringing in more cash than it is spending (“positive cash flow”) or if it is spending more cash than it is bringing in (“negative cash flow”).

Cash flow statements like income statements cover a set period of time.

The cash flow statement has three sections:
·               Cash flow from operating activities
·              Cash flow from investing activities
·              Cash flow from financing activities

Cash flow from operating activities

Net income + depreciation & amortization = Total Cash from Operating Activities

Depreciation and amortization are real expenses from an accounting point of view.

They don't use up any cash because they represent cash that was spent years ago.

Cash flow from investing activities

This area includes an entry for all capital expenditures made for that accounting period.

Capital expenditure is always a negative number because it is an expenditure which causes a depletion of cash.

Total Other Investing Cash Flow Items adds up all the cash that gets expended and brought in, from the buying and selling of income producing assets.

If more cash is expended than is brought in, it is a negative number.

If more cash is brought in than is expended, it is a positive number.

Capital Expenditure + Other Investing Cash Flow Items = Total Cash from Investing Activities

Cash flow from financing activities

This measures the cash that flows in and out of a company because of financing activities.

This includes all outflows of cash for the payment of dividends.

It also includes the selling and buying of the company’s stock.

When the company sells shares to finance a new plant, cash flows into the company.

When the company buys back its shares, cash flows out of the company.

The same thing happens with bonds.

Sell a bond and cash flows in; buy back a bond and cash flows out.

Cash Dividends Paid + Issuance (Retirement) of Stock, Net + Issuance (Retirement) of Debt, Net  = Total Cash from Financing Activities

Net Change in Cash

Total Cash from Operating Activities + Total Cash from Investing Activities + Total Cash from Financing Activities = Net Change in Cash

Some of the information found on a company’s cash flow statement can be very useful in helping us determine whether or not the company in question is benefiting from having a durable competitive advantage.

Capital Expenditures

Capital expenditures are outlays of cash or the equivalent in assets that are more permanent in nature – held longer than a year – such as property, plant and equipment.

They also include expenditures for such intangibles as patents.

They are assets that are expensed over a period of time greater than a year through depreciation and amortization.

Capital expenditures are recorded on the cash flow statement under investment operations.

When it comes to making capital expenditures, not all companies are created equal.

Many companies must make huge capital expenditures just to stay in business.

If the capital expenditures remain high over a number of years, they can start to have deep impact on earnings.

As a rule, a company with durable competitive advantage uses a smaller portion of its earnings for capital expenditures for continuing operations than do those without a competitive advantage.

Coca Cola spent 19% of its last ten years total earnings for capital expenditure.  Moody spent 5% of its total earnings for the last ten years for capital expenditure.

GM used 444% more for capital expenditure than it earned over the last ten years.  Goodyear (tire maker) used 950% more for capital expenditure than it earned over the last ten years.

For GM and Goodyear, where did all that extra money come from?

It came from bank loans and from selling tons of new debt to the public.

Such actions add more debt to these companies’ balance sheets, which increases the amount of money they spend on interest payments and this is never a good thing.

Both Coke and Moody’s, however, have enough excess income to have stock buyback programs that reduce the number of shares outstanding, while at the same time either reducing long-term debt or keeping it low. 

Both these activities helped to identify the businesses with a durable competitive advantage working in their favour.

When looking at capital expenditures in relation to net earnings, add up a company’s total capital expenditures for a ten year period and compare the figure with the company’s total net earnings for the same ten year period.

The reason we look at a ten year period is that it gives us a really good long term perspective as to what is going on with the business.

Historically, durable competitive advantage companies used a far smaller percentage of their net income for capital expenditures.

If a company is historically using 50% of less of its annual net earnings for capital expenditures, it is a good place to look for a durable competitive advantage.

If it is consistently using less than 25% of its net earnings for capital expenditures, that scenario occurs more than likely because the company has a durable competitive advantage working in its favour.

Stock Buybacks

Companies that have a durable competitive advantage working in their favour make a ton of money.

The companies can sit on this cash, or they can reinvest it in the existing business or find a new business to invest in. 

If they don’t require the cash for the above, they can also either pay it out as dividends to their shareholders or use it to buy back shares.

Shareholders have to pay income tax on the dividends.  This doesn’t make anyone happy.

A neater trick is to use some of the excess money that the company is throwing off to buy back the company’s shares.

This reduces the number of outstanding shares – which increases the remaining shareholders’ interest in the company – and increases the per share earnings of the company, which eventually makes the stock price go up.

If the company buys back its own shares it can increase its per share earnings figure even though actual net earnings don’t increase.

The best part is that there is an increase in the shareholders’ wealth that they don’t have to pay taxes on until they sell their stock.

To find out if a company is buying back its shares, go to the cash flow statement and look under Cash from Investing Activities, under a heading titled “Issuance (Retirement) of Stock, Net”.

This entry nets out the selling and buying of the company’s shares.

If the company is buying back its shares year after year, it is a good bet that it is a durable competitive advantage that is generating all the extra cash that allows it to do so.

One of the indicators of the presence of a durable competitive advantage is a “history” of the company repurchasing or retiring its shares.