Friday 23 July 2010

Volatility Play Investing

Volatility Play Investing

A method of trading stocks that myself and my team have developed. It involves buying and selling the same stocks, again and again, as they undergo repetitive fluctuation in price. 



Short selling is the strategy of selling the shares first, then having the commitment to buy them back at a later date. 

Sell Urgently when the Fundamentals Deteriorated

Averaging Down

Buying more shares of a stock you already own, and getting the new shares at a lower price because the stock has been dropping. 

Averaging Down is not advisable in this situation.

Transmile, Nam Fatt, Kenmark, Carotec

Bull Market

trading stocks for dummies

Defenders of the Efficient Market Hypothesis

Portfolio Summary Template

Graphic of banks’ shrinking market caps

Oil Price (Inflation-Adjusted)

Japanese Debt to GDP

Country GDP as US States

Fascinating stuff:  Carl Størmer points us to this amazing map of the United States. Each state's economic output is analogized to another country's GDP.
click for larger chart:State_nation_gdp_2
Notable omissions: U.K., Japan, Germany, China, 
, Italy.
I cannot vouch for the precision of this, but by eyeball, it looks about right.

Global Oil Consumption

Managing Sales Team

Financial Crisis - The Big Picture

Bailouts to Banks

When making decisions, managers should focus on increasing the long term value of the firm

Why investors lose money in the Stock Market

Alternatively, the herd mentality

Insights into Irrational Minds and Markets

Good and Poor Risk-Reward Ratios and their relationships to Expected Return

When the Risk-Reward Ratio is Good:
The Probability of Loss is Lower
The Expected Return is Higher

When the Risk-Reward Ratio is Poor:
The Probability of Loss is Higher
The Expected Return is Lower

Yahoo Finance is the most visited finance site in the US

US Treasury Yield Curve


Excel Maritime

Valuation based on EPS, EPS GR and PE

Enter Your Own Rates

The Stock that dropped to Zero

US Household Net Worth


Intrinsic Value Excel Spreadsheet Template

What is Value Investing? (Graphic)

Thinking in terms of Probabilities of Loss and Expected Returns



Analysing the Quarterly Earnings

Nice way of depicting total shareholder returns

Profit required to Make up for Loss

Key Concepts behind the Analysis of Value Investing

Apple's Growth Explosion

Margin of Safety Principle: Historical Stock Price Vs Intrinsic Value Per Share


*Intrinsic value can be defined as the future cash flow a company will generate, discounted back into today's dollars.

Investment Philosophy

Our investment philosophy is based on the notion that if you want to become successful in a discipline, start off by studying those that have already succeeded in it.

When seeking some of the greats in the investing industry to learn from, you can't go past the likes of Warren Buffett, Benjamin Graham and Phil Fisher. Buffett is the Chairman of Berkshire Hathaway and has devoted his life to investing. He is the second richest person in America, behind Bill Gates, and has made over US$35 billon in the stock market over a fifty year period. When it comes to investing people will tend to listen to their friends at the pub, neighbour, stock broker, or a newspaper columnist who has maybe never made money in the stock market, etc, but for some strange reason they dont tend to listen to those that have successful track records.

After studying these investors you learn of a philosophy containing such terms as 'Intrinsic value'*, 'Mr Market', 'Value investing', 'Look-through earnings' etc.

Based on this philosophy we construct our portfolio from a New Zealand investors perspective. We run a database on the top investors from around the world and use this to pick the top ten investment managers for our equity portfolio.

Invariably the factor that distinguishes the managers we use is their focus on purchasing shares that are priced at a sufficient discount to the companys Intrinsic value*. This then provides what Benjamin Graham termed a 'Margin of safety'. Ben wrote in The Intelligent Investor - "Confronted with a challenge to distill the secret of sound investment into three words, we venture the motto, Margin of Safety."

Preliminary Look at Thong Guan

Thong Guan company website

The nice growth in revenue of this company from 1995 was not transformed into a similar smooth uptrending growth in earnings.  Earnings had been volatile and challenging.  Dividends at a glance had not grown over the years.

However, its share price has been beaten down severely since 2005.

Stock Performance Chart for Thong Guan Industries Berhad

The last exciting news on Thong Guan in its website was its venture with ExxonMobil:

By Keith Boi
Posted 26 September 2008 10:04 am GMT
Malaysian film converter Thong Guan has launched a thin gauge stretch packaging film
based on a formulation that includes the Enable metallocene polyethylene (mPE)
technology introduced by ExxonMobil Chemical earlier this year.
To be commercially marketed by Thong Guan, the MaxStretch film is said to use about
40% less material without compromising on film performance and quality, while
addressing sustainability concerns.

Its share price shot up yesterday. Why?   Unless you have the facts, it is speculative to own this stock.  

Malaysia was well on track to become the fourth deepwater oil and gas hub in the world.

DPM: Malaysia can be come global deepwater oil, gas hub

Published: 2010/07/23

MALAYSIA can become a key deep-water oil and gas (O&G) hub in the world, but this window of opportunity is not perpetual, says Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.

The answer lies in its capacity and capability, he said, stressing that it is paramount for the country to leverage and build on existing O&G assets.

"If done right, Malaysia can become one of the world's key deep-water O&G hubs after Houston, Rio de Janeiro and Aberdeen," he said.

Muhyiddin was speaking to reporters after witnessing a memorandum of understanding signing ceremony between Asian Supply Base Sdn Bhd and Labuan Shipyard and Engineering Sdn Bhd in Labuan yesterday.

Technip Group president and chief executive officer Bernard Di Tullio at the 15th Asia Oil and Gas Conference last month said Malaysia was well on track to become the fourth deepwater oil and gas hub in the world.

Apart from Technip, Di Tullio said other key players in deepwater Malaysia include Malaysian Marine Heavy Engineering, Sapura and Aker Kvaerner.

"Sabah has shown a strong potential in the O&G business," Muhyiddin said, adding that recent deep-water field discoveries there are now being developed and expected to begin production between 2011 and 2015.

"These sizeable ultra deepwater blocks offshore, coupled with the Kebabangan cluster gas fields, the completion of the Sabah Oil and Gas Terminal and the Sabah-Sarawak (Kimanis-Bintulu) gas pipeline project would position Labuan and Sabah as one of the leading O&G hubs in the region.

"Clearly the era of 'easy oil' is over and the exploration and production of O&G will move increasingly into deeper waters, presenting us new challenges as well as opportunities," Muhyiddin said.

However, besides location, a regional hub demands one-stop centres with fully integratedport facilities, warehouses, workshops, ship maintainance and fabrication yards, Muhyiddin said, adding that this is where the partnership between Asian Supply Base and Labuan Shipyard is timely.

Read more: DPM: Malaysia can be come global deepwater oil, gas hub

This news is positive for this company below.  Its CEO expressed optimism and has hinted on these developments in his annual report.

Stock Performance Chart for Coastal Contracts Bhd