Saturday 6 November 2010

The age of the dollar is drawing to a close

The age of the dollar is drawing to a close
Currency competition is the only way to fix the world economy, says Jeremy Warner.

By Jeremy Warner
Published: 7:04AM GMT 05 Nov 2010

Dollar hegemony was itself a major cause of both the imbalances and the crisis Photo: BLOOMBERG

Right from the start of the financial crisis, it was apparent that one of its biggest long-term casualties would be the mighty dollar, and with it, very possibly, American economic hegemony. The process would take time – possibly a decade or more – but the starting gun had been fired.

At next week's meeting in Seoul of the G20's leaders, there will be no last rites – this hopelessly unwieldy exercise in global government wouldn't recognise a corpse if stood before it in a coffin – but it seems clear that this tragedy is already approaching its denouement.

To understand why, you have to go back to the origins of the credit crunch, which lay in the giant trade and capital imbalances that have long ruled the world economy. Over the past 20 years, the globe has become divided in highly dangerous ways into surplus and deficit nations: those that produced a surplus of goods and savings, and those that borrowed the savings to buy the goods.

It's a strange, Alice in Wonderland world that sees one of the planet's richest economies borrowing from one of the poorest to pay for goods way beyond the reach of the people actually producing them. But that process, in effect, came to define the relationship between America and China. The resulting credit-fuelled glut in productive capacity was almost bound to end in a corrective global recession, even without the unsustainable real-estate bubble that the excess of savings also produced. And sure enough, that's exactly what happened.

When politicians see a problem, especially one on this scale, they feel obliged to regulate it. But so far, they've been unable to make headway. This is mainly because the surplus nations are jealous defenders of their essentially mercantilist economic models. Exporting to the deficit nations has served them well, and they are reluctant to change.

Ironically, one effect of the policies adopted to fight the downturn has been to reinforce the imbalances. Fiscal and monetary stimulus in the US is sucking in imports at near-record levels. The fresh dose of quantitative easing announced this week by the Federal Reserve will only turn up the heat further.

What can be done? China won't accept the currency appreciation that might, in time, reduce the imbalances, for that would undermine the competitiveness of its export industries. In any case, it probably wouldn't do the trick: surplus nations have a habit of maintaining competitiveness even in the face of an appreciating currency.
Unable to tackle the problem through currency reform, the US has turned instead to the idea of measures to limit the imbalances directly, through monitoring nations' current accounts. This has already gained some traction with the G20, which has agreed to assess the proposal ahead of the meeting in Seoul. As a way of defusing hot-headed calls in the US for the imposition of import tariffs, the idea is very much to be welcomed, as a trade war would be a disaster for all concerned. China, for one, has embraced the concept with evident relief.

Unfortunately, the limits as proposed would be highly unlikely to solve the underlying problem. Similar rules have failed hopelessly to maintain fiscal discipline in the eurozone. What chance for a global equivalent on trade? With or without sanctions, the limits would be manipulated to death. And even if they weren't, the proposed 4 per cent cap on surpluses and deficits would only marginally affect the worst offenders: for a big economy, a trade gap of 4 per cent of GDP is still a massive number, easily capable of creating unsafe flows of surplus savings.

No, globally imposed regulation, even if it could rise above lowest-common-denominator impotence, is unlikely to solve the problem, although it might possibly stop it getting significantly worse. But what would certainly fix things would be the dollar's demise as the global reserve currency of choice.

As we now know, dollar hegemony was itself a major cause of both the imbalances and the crisis, for it allowed more or less unbounded borrowing by the US from the rest of the world, at very favourable rates. As long as the US remained far and away the world's dominant economy, a global system based on the dollar still made some sense. But America has squandered this advantage on credit-fuelled spending; with the developing world expected to represent more than half of the global economy within five years, dollar hegemony no longer makes any sense.

The rest of the world is now openly questioning the merits of a global currency whose value is governed by America's perceived domestic needs, while the growth that once underpinned confidence in its ability to repay its debts has never looked more fragile.

Already, there are calls for alternatives. Unwilling to wait for one, the world's central banks are beginning to diversify their currency reserves. This, in turn, will eventually exert its own form of market discipline on the US, whose ability to soak the rest of the world by issuing ever more greenbacks will be correspondingly harmed.

These are seismic changes, of a type not seen for a generation or more. I hate to end with a cliché, but we do indeed live in interesting times.

Millions of UK home owners face restricted lending

Millions of home owners face restricted lending

More than 5m home owners will become “mortgage prisoners” or be forced to move to a cheaper area if new mortgage rules are introduced, lenders have warned.

By Myra Butterworth, Personal Finance Correspondent
Published: 4:37PM GMT 04 Nov 2010

The Council of Mortgage Lenders unveiled new figures yesterday suggesting tough new lending restrictions will lead to 2.2 million existing home owners being refused a new mortgage. These so-called “mortgage prisoners” would be trapped in their homes, unable to remortgage or move.

A further 3.4 million home owners would be able to obtain a new mortgage, but they would be offered less than the amount they would have been able to borrow previously, forcing them to move to a cheaper property.

The strict new rules on how much a person can borrow are expected to be introduced next year by the City regulator, the Financial Services Authority. They evolved after banks were accused of giving large loans to borrowers who could not afford them.

Under then FSA’s proposals, the amount a person could borrow would be restricted by taking into account future rises in interest rates and whether they could afford their monthly payments based on a repayment mortgage rather than an interest-only deal.

But the CML said the FSA had “got it wrong” as the rules would actually end up hurting more borrowers than they helped.

Speaking in London at the publication of the research, Michael Coogan, the director general of the CML, described the new rules as “an overreaction to past problems”.

He said: “The FSA is not prepared to change its basic approach on income verification and affordability. This will have market consequences – we think they are intended, and they would seriously undermine the mortgage market in the future.”

Research released by the CML earlier this week showed 45 per cent of people taking out a mortgage this year would have been hit by the FSA’s new rules if they were already in force.

It comes as economists warned that housing market data had already become “increasingly negative”.

Paul Diggle, a property economist at Capital Economics said: “The stock of unsold properties on the market expanded once again and mortgage market activity remains extremely depressed.

“Most of the house price indices are pointing to a weakening house price trend. With the economic recovery set to lose momentum, we expect housing market activity and house prices to fall further next year.

Falling house prices raise the prospect of increasing numbers of home owners falling into negative equity, where their mortgage is greater than the value of their home.

A separate report by ratings agency Standard & Poor’s disclosed that more than one in 10 mortgages in the North West were in negative equity at the end of June.

The FSA said the new rules were aimed at replacing risky lending and unaffordable borrowing with “common sense standards”.

It said home owners were benefiting from historically low interest rates, and that 46 per cent of households had little or no money left after their mortgage and other bills were deducted from their income.

A spokesman for the FSA said: “Even a modest rise in interest rates could lead to a significant increase in the number of families suffering financial distress. This is why it is imperative that we ensure lenders act responsibly and do not return to irresponsible practices, in order to protect consumers from taking on mortgages they cannot afford and potentially losing their homes.”

UK economy in danger of being sucked into Ben Bernanke's great inflation

UK economy in danger of being sucked into Ben Bernanke's great inflation

Markets were in party mood on Thursday. But traders' hangovers this morning have less to do with celebrating a market discounting strong economic growth and a lot more to do with equities being seen as a refuge.

By Damian Reece, Head of Business
Published: 6:00AM GMT 05 Nov 2010

Ben Bernanke hopes the $600bn cash injection will re-float the sunken American property market.

The great inflation is under way, its source is the US but we are close to being sucked in too.
Investors are fleeing into equities as a hedge against inflation. The US is now being run by experimental economics, a $600bn (£372bn) experiment to be precise as Ben Bernanke, chairman of the US Federal Reserve, hopes to re-float the sunken American property market and punish savers, transferring wealth to debtors through negative real interest rates.

Bernanke's hoped for by-product of reopening the liquidity floodgates is to stimulate every American's favourite past time – spending. The risk that much of the cash that the Fed is pumping into the US economy will simply be hoarded by banks to reduce their own leverage has been dismissed by Bernanke, a decision which could be his biggest mistake.

This is the man that missed the significance of America's deteriorating mortgage scene in 2006, believing firmly that toxicity had been diluted through the credit markets.

Now he wants inflation higher and interest rates lower to provide a massive one-off refinancing for US householders still in negative equity. By reflating property prices, and keeping the heat under equity prices, he is hoping to trigger a "wealth" effect on main street.

The other constituency in deep debt is the government, running an enormous deficit. President Barack Obama, left helpless by the mid-term elections, will also receive a bail-out through quantitative easing because, as with US households, he will inflate his way out of debt as the ratio of deficit to GDP improves. And if the numbers look better then the less pressure there is to cut spending and raise taxes to sort the deficit.

Our own quantitative easing habit has been put on hold but an official Bank rate of 0.5pc is keeping the inflationary burners alight. As if the Bank of England's Monetary Policy Committee needed any encouragement, George Osborne yesterday reminded the Treasury Select Committee that his tight fiscal policy allowed "flexibility" in monetary policy.

I doubt flexibility to increase rates to head off inflation is what he had in mind when he said that. Flexible monetary policy is fine, as long is its flexible downwards and consistently inflationary. As if on cue, Simon Ward of Henderson Global Investors yesterday predicted CPI would hit 4pc by early 2011.

Britain's saving grace is Osborne's fiscal consolidation plan and supply side reform to boost employment and new business formation.

But the risk is that increasing inflation will dampen the Chancellor's ardour to pursue his much needed reforms, leaving us without the policies enacted to deliver sustainable growth and with prices out of control.

Homebuyers who rely on a mortgage valuation report commissioned by their lender, often find they have been ‘penny wise but pound foolish’.

A nasty surprise for 'penny wise' homebuyers despite falling house prices

By Ian Cowie Your Money 
Last updated: November 5th, 2010

Homebuyers who rely on a mortgage valuation report commissioned by their lender, rather than paying more for some form of professional survey, often find they have been ‘penny wise but pound foolish’. That is the main conclusion of analysis of more than 1,000 property purchasers where a quarter of those who relied solely on mortgage valuations needed unexpected building work after completion, at an average cost of more than £1,800.

Cynics may say the conclusion is no surprise when you consider that this report was commissioned by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors(RICS). After all, you wouldn’t ask a barber if you needed a haircut, would you? Against that, the sums of money involved in buying a home make the argument for expert advice compelling. When you are about to sign a contractual commitment to spend several years’ gross earnings, why blind yourself to some of the risks involved and strip yourself of valuable insurance for the price of a week or two’s wages?
Many homebuyers have no idea how little they will get when they settle for a valuation report – or how much they might be able to knock off the asking price, particularly in a weak market where house prices are falling, when they are armed with a survey setting out the property’s faults and any work that needs to be done.
For example, RICS found that nearly six in 10 homebuyers wrongly imagined that a valuation report included an assessment of the
building’s condition, including searching for damp and structural movement. One in three mistakenly believed it included advice on legal issues that a solicitor should investigate.
For important information like this, you have to pay for a building survey or – at bare minimum – a homebuyers’ report. Rosemary Rogers, a director of property experts, explained: “As a general rule, a homebuyer’s report is usually sufficient for homes less than 50 years old and in a good state of repair. It uses a standard format and will include a valuation. A building survey, on the other hand, will be a more in-depth examination of a building’s structure and is recommended for older, dilapidated or extensively-altered properties.
“Neither need be expensive. In fact, the average cost of a survey has dropped by almost 25 per cent in the last 10 years, with a homebuyers’ report costing £342 on average or £423 for a building survey.”
That’s a small price to pay for valuable insurance – as Ed Mead, a director of estate agents Douglas & Gordon, points out: “The main
reason to get a survey is that if anything does go wrong, you have a comeback on the surveyor via their professional indemnity. Don’t go with a lender’s recommendation, always stay independent.”
Giles Cook, a director of estate agents Chesterton Humberts, warns against false economies: “Having a property surveyed will help
prospective owners avoid nightmare situations that can rack up enormous costs in future.
“There are rarely instances where a homebuyers report might suffice, as – even if you are buying an apartment above ground floor level and below the top floor – you will be responsible for contributing to repairs to the outer fabric of the building.  It’s essential to check that a sinking fund is in place for any apartment building, especially if the survey highlights repairs are needed
“Expect the worst from a survey, as it will always provide a critical report and find fault wherever possible; that is what surveyors are
paid to do.  Many of the findings will be suggestions and will list repairs that are not necessarily urgent. However, homebuyers should always seek a second opinion where aspects of the report are worrying, one that corresponds with the problem it addresses, for example a damp specialist or electrician.”

Even bad news can be good news for purchasers who are well-informed before completion. RICS reckons three quarters of homebuyers who paid for a building survey were able to negotiate a lower price. Information is power when it comes to property – particularly in a buyers’ market when vendors are increasingly vulnerable to haggling.

Why are passive funds not more popular? The key to successful active investing – it is vital to monitor your portfolio. Yet many individual investors fail to do this.

Keep your investments on track

Funds that passively track the market are less popular than those with active managers, who try to beat the market. But some say they offer more certainty for lower charges. Which should you choose? Niki Chesworth investigates.

Investments advice image
Active approach: whether you choose a tracker or a managed fund, the key is to keep an eye on their performance
Warren Buffett, the investment guru, has said the best way for most investors to own common stocks is through an index fund that charges minimal fees, saying they will "beat the net results delivered by the great majority of investment professionals".
Tracker funds are not only a lower-cost way to invest — because they do not have the expense of paying a team of active fund managers — they offer the certainty of passively tracking a given stock market index. They therefore should not significantly underperform the market, something actively managed funds cannot guarantee.
So it may come as no surprise that the total amount invested in tracker funds managed by UK investment companies soared from £20bn in 2008 to nearly £28bn at the end of last year, according to the Investment Management Association (IMA).
But delve behind these figures and it's apparent this increase was not because these funds were increasingly popular with investors — merely a reaction that tracker funds track the market and the markets bounced back sharply.
Only 5.5pc of all funds under management are held in tracker funds according to the IMA but when it comes to sales, they are attracting just 2.5pc of individual investors' money.
With criticism in the media that investment charges are impacting on the performance of some actively managed funds – as well as reports that some active managers fail to match their benchmark index let alone beat it – why are passive funds not more popular?
"While trackers appeal to institutional investors such as pension funds and charities, which have long-term objectives and are in the main happy to accept market risk but at no more cost than is necessary, individual investors want their fund managers to deliver alpha, they want to beat the market," says Justine Fearns, research manager of independent advisers AWD Chase de Vere.
"Investors believe that if they pick the right active managers, they may be able to get that extra bit of performance."
Fearns also believes the poor sales of trackers is a reaction of the stock markets. She says: "Traditionally, trackers are used in more developed markets where news and information is readily available and it has been more difficult for active fund managers to consistently beat the market.
"In contrast, information is not always as free Ḁowing in underdeveloped markets, which creates more opportunity for active fund managers to beat the market.
"Similarly, in volatile and uncertain markets, like we have seen recently, individual assets can become mispriced, creating investment opportunity. This applies to both developed and underdeveloped markets and lends itself far more to an active stock-picking approach.
"If you know the market is going to perform strongly then you can get a good market return quite cheaply through a tracker. But when the markets start to come down, you will suffer the full effects of market falls with a tracker fund. So investors can tactically look to protect the downside with an actively managed fund."
Bearing the brunt of short-term falls in markets is one reason why those prepared to take a long-term view — institutional investors — may see the attraction of tracker funds better than individual investors.
Tracker funds have to blindly follow their given benchmark index which can cause sharp falls in the fund's value.
"This is the major drawback of tracker funds," says John Kelly of Chelsea Financial Services. "Even if the sector is overbought or likely to fall, the tracker has to buy it because it has to track the whole of the market."
Fearns says that low sales of tracker funds may also react investors' financial objectives.
"With interest rates low, many investors are looking for income from their portfolio and while a tracker will have an element of yield it will not match that paid by the best equity income and bond funds," she says.
The issue of tracker fund performance has also come under the spotlight. Some trackers buy shares in all the companies that make up the index they follow. Others use complex financial instruments to track that index. Although both types aim to track their benchmark, performance can still vary – and once charges are deducted there can be a consistent slight underperformance.
One recent survey found that while the FTSE All Company sector grew 372.50pc over the last 20 years, tracker funds showed just 330.9pc growth. However, much depends on which indices you compare — among the top 20 UK funds over the past five years is a mid-cap tracker which beat most of the 300 funds in the UK All funds sector.
However, the same claims of underperformance can also apply to actively managed funds – but with actively managed funds this can be far greater.
"There are some poorly performing active funds but if you do the research and get the right advice, you should consistently outperform the benchmark," adds Chelsea Financial Services' Kelly.
"However, with actively managed funds you do need to actively review them – ideally at least every quarter – as the funds you need to hold will change."
This is the key to successful active investing – it is vital to monitor your portfolio. Yet many individual investors fail to do this.
And performance also depends on what investors track.
Trackers are not confined to just the UK. It is possible to track global technology stocks, the global health and pharmaceuticals index and the major markets around the world — from Japan to the US and Europe — gaining access to sectors and geographical diversity for less than an actively managed fund and without the risk of buying the "wrong" fund that underperforms the benchmark.
So which is best?
"There is a place for both types of investment style – a tracker could provide long-term capital growth, but active managers may be able to outperform the market," says Fearns. "It's about balance — a balance of investments, risks and management styles."
However, investors who are passive about monitoring and reviewing their active funds may be better off with passive investments. John Kelly sums up the problem: "Inertia is the biggest destroyer of returns."
Written by as part of Smart Investment Month in association with Legal & General Investments

I told you so: why shares beat bonds and deposits

I told you so: why shares beat bonds and deposits

By Ian Cowie Your Money
Last updated: November 5th, 2010

Perennial pessimism is the easiest way to simulate wisdom about stock markets – but it ain’t necessarily the way to make money. As the FTSE 100 hits a two-and-a-half-year high, this might be a good time to remind the smart Alecs that you have to be in it to win it.

Sulphurous cynicism is the usual response whenever anyone points out that shares yielding more than bonds or deposits might represent reasonable value – as you can see from the responses to my most recent blog on this theme. But, as regular readers will know, despite a dismal decade for the Footsie, I have long held the view that shares and share-based funds should make up the majority of any medium to long term investment strategy.

For example, here’s what I wrote in this space in August, 2009: “After all the worldly-wise men’s warnings of a double-dip recession, it should be no surprise to see the FTSE 100 soar by 40pc above its low-point this year.

“If anything, the continued consensus among most market observers that this remarkable rally has “gone too far, too fast” should boost our hopes the index will breach 5,000 soon.

“One reason all this may come as a surprise to many is that most TV coverage of the market is based on the principle that bad news is good news and good news is no news at all. “Bong! Billions wiped on shares!” Doesn’t sound familiar, does it?

“But the fact remains that investors in blue-chip shares have enjoyed the best summer in a quarter of a century. Some smaller companies shares and emerging markets did even better. That’s another fact you won’t hear from the doom and gloom crew.

“This should remind us that the reason shares provided higher returns than bonds or deposits over three quarters of all the five-year periods during the last century is that economies tend to grow over time and shareholders own the companies that create this wealth.

“So, medium- to long-term savers – like those of us saving toward paying off the mortgage or funding retirement – need not worry too much if share prices fall next month. That might be a problem for fund managers, who must answer to a board of directors every few weeks, and an opportunity for the rest of us.

“Finally, it is worth considering the personal anxiety of many professionals who are now “short of the market” or holding cash rather than shares. They can only afford to sit and watch prices rise for so long before they feel compelled to join the fun and keep their jobs.”

Shares are not as cheap as they were when I wrote those words but returns on bonds and deposits remain dismal. The agony of the worldly-wisemen and perennial pessimists sitting in cash or fixed interest, earning next to nothing, may only be just beginning.

Buffett built Berkshire through four decades of stock picks and takeovers.

Buffett built Berkshire into a $US200 billion company through four decades of stock picks and takeovers. The billionaire, also Berkshire's chairman and biggest investor, oversees the CEOs of more than 70 units including car insurer Geico, power producer MidAmerican Energy Holdings and Dairy Queen. In February, Buffett bought Burlington Northern Santa Fe, the second-biggest US railroad by 2009 revenue, for $US27 billion.

Berkshire hired hedge-fund manager Todd Combs last month to help with investments as Buffett, the company's chief executive officer, prepares the firm for his eventual departure. Buffett, who manages stock and bond holdings as well as derivatives, hired Combs ``to handle a significant portion'' of Berkshire's investments, the company said on Oct. 25.

Warning! Gold Could Drop Below $500

By Alex Dumortier | More Articles 

Gold has performed very strongly over the past decade, trouncing equities and bonds in the process and handing investors who own the SPDR Gold Shares (NYSE: GLD) or the iShares Gold Trust (NYSE: IAU) handsome gains. Amid a heated debate about whether gold is in a bubble, it's worth taking a historical view to examine the risk investors are taking by paying more than $1,300 for an ounce of gold.
Gold's real return: zeroIn fact, gold appears to have eked out a small positive real return over time. Using data from the World Gold Council and precious metal dealer Kitco, I was able to construct a series of inflation-adjusted gold prices going back to 1851, according to which gold generated a historical average return of 0.7% per annum. However, even that small positive real return is a bit of a mirage resulting from the powerful gold rally we've witnessed. Indeed, as recently as 2005, gold's average real return over 154 years was zero, period.
That shouldn't be surprising: There is no reason to expect that an inert asset that produces no cash flows and has few industrial applications to accrete value. By stating that gold has returned nothing, I'm not disparaging the yellow metal; rather, it shows that the precious metalhas acted as a store of value -- over the very long term (for practical purposes, however, gold's price volatility makes it unsuitable as a store of value). That's consistent with the notion that it is an alternative currency that no government can debase.
Still, this alternative currency could be in for a big devaluation. To see why, look at the following graph of 10-year trailing real returns for gold since 1861 (based on average annual gold prices):

Sources: World Gold Council, Kitco.
Recent gains could reverseThere are two important observations to make:
  1. Gold returns are mean-reverting: The alternating peaks and valleys in the graph illustrate the fact that periods of higher-than-average returns tend to usher in periods of lower-than-average returns, and vice-versa. That's not surprising since this property shows up across different asset classes, including stocks.
  2. Investors who have owned gold over the past 10 years have earned a real return that is far in excess of the historical average. In fact, there is only prior period that witnessed higher returns: the bull market in gold that culminated in January 1980. Judging by gold's performance over the next two decades, that top capped off an enormous bubble.
Putting one and two together suggests gold returns going forward will be lower than the ones we have become accustomed to during the past decade. Just how severe could a reversal be? Let's take a look at the current price of gold in context. The following chart shows the average annual price of gold expressed in constant 2010 dollars (i.e., inflation-adjusted):

Sources: World Gold Council, Kitco.
Gold could fall by two-thirds!Gold is galloping ahead of its historical average (the red line)! In fact, the price of gold would need to fall by almost two-thirds to get back to its long-term average of $456/ ounce, not to mention that markets typically overshoot. That's a sobering thought if you have a significant position in gold.
Don't let the gold hucksters fool youGold is inherently a speculative asset. Despite what I wrote above, I do believe that it represents an attractive, but high-risk, speculation, as the current supply demand dynamicslook compelling. However, I can't rule out that things will turn out differently than I expect them to. If the economic recovery stabilizes and high inflation doesn't materialize, gold could decline significantly from its current level.
Let me emphasize that point: At these prices gold is no safe haven; it's an active bet on a specific scenario for the U.S. economy. Super-investor John Paulson owns gold because he believes the U.S. will experience double-digit inflation, but if that doesn't pan out, the bet could prove costly. Major gold miners that have closed out their hedges, including AngloGold Ashanti (NYSE: AU)Barrick Gold (NYSE: ABX) and Gold Fields (NYSE: GFI) would share in the pain.
Gold is now a bubbleI have been bullish on gold ever since I began looking at this market in February 2009, and I have argued against the idea that this is a bubble. As I review my thesis, I now believe it's likely that we are in bubble territory; nevertheless, I remain bullish because the conditions are in place for this bubble to continue expanding. Investors who wish to speculate on this can do so via the two ETFs I mentioned in the opening paragraph or through the following vehicles:Sprott Physical Gold Trust (NYSE: PHYS), the Central Gold Trust or the Central Fund of Canada (AMEX: CEF).

Why You Shouldn't Invest in American Stocks

By Tim Hanson and Brian Richards
November 5, 2010

Before you get any ideas, let it be known that we love the NCAA tournament, Oreo cookies, and Saving Private Ryan. But when flipping through an issue of Fortune, an astoundingly hammy ad made me (Brian) stop cold.

In big, bold letters, it read: "When you invest in America, you're really just investing in yourself."

The ad is for the SPDR Dow Jones Industrial Average ETF (NYSE: DIA), and we have nothing against that exchange-traded fund per se -- it has low expenses and does what it says it will, tracking the 30 stocks in the Dow.

The ad, though, sells an investment in a way that undermines the investor -- by pandering to patriotic emotions. Here's more of the text:

There's an unspoken agreement in America that each generation should leave this country in better shape than they found it. Maybe that's why the U.S. economy has been growing since the Industrial Revolution. Everyone tries to do their part. If you believe this covenant still exists today, consider the SPDR Dow Jones Industrial Average ETF. [emphasis ours]
A touch melodramatic, eh?

We'll cut straight to why you shouldn't invest in American stocks: Because you are patriotic and sentimental about America. Kudos if you are those things -- just don't invest for those reasons.

Losing money is not patriotic
Consider, for example, Ford (NYSE: F) and Toyota (NYSE: TM). Are you more patriotic if you owned Ford over the past decade? No, you're just poorer (though both have lost money for investors, given how difficult it is to compete in the cyclical auto industry).

And while you might have thought it would help Ford out to purchase its stock when it was imploding in 2009, the fact is, when you buy a stock in the stock market, that money does not go to the company. Instead, it goes to a person who bought the stock from some other person.

So rather than bail out Ford, you were actually bailing out the person who bought Ford before you. That said, Ford has turned out to be a great investment since 2009, thanks to its return to profitability under Alan Mulally -- for reasons that have nothing to with patriotism.

The point is, companies only raise money during offerings. If you're buying or selling stock on the open market during a regular trading day, it generally will have no effect on the operations of the underlying company.

And even when it comes to offerings, you shouldn't buy shares of a company because you think it needs help, or because it might be patriotic to do so -- as the marketing surrounding the inevitable GM IPO will almost certainly imply. Most companies, when push comes to shove, won't return that thoughtfulness to their shareholders.

There's a larger lesson here
Patriotism, however, is only one of the ways that you might get suckered into making a poor investment decision. Others include buying into a rising stock for fear of missing out on gains (as so many did during the tech bubble), or selling a stock that's dropping solely because you're afraid it might go lower. Or as The Wall Street Journal explained recently:

Everyone develops attachments that can be irrational sometimes, whether to a house, a car, even a person. People can also get overly attached to a particular investment, believing it will reach -- or return to -- a certain price. Or they may place too much importance on one piece of information when making an investment decision. These are examples of anchoring bias, which causes the investor to hold on to the asset for longer than they should.

So there's a large lesson here, and it's this: An emotional investment is bad investment.

Don't believe us? Thankfully, there's now an entire field -- behavioral finance -- devoted to studying the ways in which our investing hearts get the best of our investing minds (actually most emotion happens in the brain as well, but stay with us).

Rather than rehash it all, we'll quote a Stanford study sums it up unequivocally: "Emotions can get in the way of making prudent financial decisions." We also recommend you read the fabulous Jason Zweig book, Your Money & Your Brain.

But back to America
Frankly, we think it's irresponsible for an ad agency to pull your patriotic heartstrings to make you want to buy an investment product that tracks the Dow 30. Not only is it intellectually strange -- assuming your dollars do go to support the business you buy, wouldn't it be more patriotic to buy shares of a collection of American small business, rather than 30 massive multinationals? -- it's just flat-out inane. A sense of civic duty is no reason to buy a stock or ETF, period.

Yet none other than investing icon Warren Buffett went to the exact same well when, during the peak of the financial crisis, he published his now-famous New York Times op/ed titled "Buy American. I Am."

To be fair, editorial page editors often pick the titles of editorial page editorials, so Buffett may not have been responsible for that slightly over-the-top headline (though who are we to criticize for an over-the-top headline?). Furthermore, the headline isn't even consistent with what Buffett's actually been buying at his investment vehicle, Berkshire Hathaway.

The holding company now owns stakes in China's BYD, the U.K.'s GlaxoSmithKline (NYSE: GSK), Switzerland's Nestle, and France's -- yes, France's -- Sanofi-Aventis (NYSE: SNY). What's more, Berkshire owns sizable stakes in ostensibly American companies such as Coca-Cola (NYSE: KO) and Wal-Mart (NYSE: WMT) that have investment and growth abroad -- key parts of their business strategies going forward.

No, Buffett is not a hypocrite
This is all very smart -- both for the companies and for Buffett. Emerging markets are growing faster than the U.S. and have less ominous debt profiles. The dollar is weakening relative to those currencies. It makes sense to have a healthy dose of foreign exposure today! In fact, we'll go so far as to predict that if you buy foreign stocks, you'll earn better investment returns and end up paying more in capital gains taxes -- money that will actually go to prop up America (if that's the sort of thing you're looking to do).

All told, the takeaway from Buffett's editorial was not "Buy American," but rather found farther down in the copy: "A simple rule dictates my buying: Be fearful when others are greedy, and be greedy when others are fearful. And most certainly, fear is now widespread, gripping even seasoned investors." Sometimes, that means Buy American, and other times it means Buy Abroad. But all the time, it means that you should make smart, unemotional decisions with your investment capital.