Tuesday 22 October 2024

The biggest mistake that investors make

The biggest mistake that investors make is not sticking with the plan when the market goes down.

What you do when the market goes down is more important than what you do as it is rising.  WHY?

Because the worse days are followed by the best days.

Manage your emotions

When it is our own money, we think it is math, but it is actually not.  Just because we learn about money in math class doesn't mean it is math to us.  It is actually very EMOTIONAL. 

One of the things that we need to do is manage the emotion, because we do feel the pain of a loss more than the euphoria of a gain.  

Manage the emotion and just keep plodding along, paddling along in the markets for a long time.

Catherine Keating

Global Head of BNY Wealth

Bloomberg Interview

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