Showing posts with label video. Show all posts
Showing posts with label video. Show all posts

Sunday 19 April 2009

****Value Investing Conference (Videos)

Value Investing Conference 2008

"Introduction to Value Investing"

"Developments in the Investments Industry" - Panelists discuss the current financial crisis, its implications for investors, for value investing, and for the future of the hedge fund industry.

"Navigator of the Year" Award

"The Psychology of Human Misjudgement and Our Best Idea

Keynote: Alice Schroeder, author of "The Snowball: Warren Buffett and the Business of Life". Introductory remarks by John Macfarlane.

"How To Get Fired As a Pension Fund Manager" - Prominent money managers discuss where they find value and why these underexplored areas are often less popular with institutional investors.

"A Casual Talk with Two Guys from Richmond" - The interplay and overlap between the worlds of investing in business and managing businesses from the perspective of two areas that have demonstrated ...

"A Funnel of International Value" - From the global mega cap companies to the regional mid cap companies to the national smaller cap companies, these global investors take you on an international q...

"Hidden Values" - From a macro and micro perspective, three industry leaders examine how to capitalize on variant perceptions via portfolio bets.

"Groundhog Day +1" - The subprime crisis has occured, what's next and how that impacts a value portfolio.

Closing Remarks & presentation: "Does the Implosion of the Shadow Banking System Give Classic Investing a Second Wind?"

Saturday 18 April 2009

****Warren Buffett MBA Talk on Investing and Stock Market Wisdom (Videos)

Warren Buffett MBA Talk on Investing and Stock Market Wisdom

Warren Buffett is the richest guy in the whole world and his wisdom on stock market, value investing and corporate governance is priceless. Many people from all over the world come and listen to him. When it comes to value and growth investing methodology, Warren Buffett is the guy.

Warren Buffett talk to MBA students on various topics ranging from business management to investing for growth. Visit this site to see the 10 parts video:

These are also posted below. Enjoy them.

Warren Buffett MBA Talk - Part 1

Warren Buffett MBA Talk - Part 2

Warren Buffett MBA Talk - Part 3

Warren Buffett MBA Talk - Part 4

Warren Buffett MBA Talk - Part 5

Warren Buffett MBA Talk - Part 6

Warren Buffett MBA Talk - Part 7

Warren Buffett MBA Talk - Part 8

Warren Buffett MBA Talk - Part 9

Warren Buffett MBA Talk - Part 10

Monday 10 November 2008

Introduction to the Economy - Videos

E1. Introduction to the Economy
E2. The Economy and Earnings Impact
E3. Inflation
E4. Economic Policy
E5. Introduction to Monetary Policy
E6. Introduction to Fiscal Policy

Saving and Investing - Videos

1. Compounding
2. Providers and Users of Capital
3. Providers and Users of Capital:
4. What is Leverage? -
5. Principles of Leverage -
6. Borrowing Money
7. High Credit Card Interest Rates
8. Debt Consolidation -
9. The Income Statement
10. What is a Balance Sheet
11. The Cash Flow Statement
12. Links between Financial
13. What is a Stock?
14. What is a Bond?
15. The Capital Structure of a Company
16. Private Equity, IPO, Public Equity
17. Who issues Bonds?
18. What is a Stock Market Index? -
19. Why do Financial Markets
20. Mutual Funds 1: What is a Mutual
21. Mutual Funds 2: Types of Mutual
22. Mutual Funds 3: Active and Passive
23. Market Efficiency
24. Index Funds and ETFs
25. Hedge Funds 1: What is a Hedge
26. Hedge Funds 2: What is Short-
27. Hedge Funds 3: Different Strategies
28. Hedge Funds 4: Funds of (Hedge)
29. Hedge Funds 5: Prime Brokers
30. The Impact of Time
31. Timing Investments and
32. Taxes and Compounding -
33. First Principles of Taxation
34. Two Generic Types of Pension
35. Diversification - savingandinvest
36. Following the Crowd and the Role
37. Transaction Costs
38. Getting Started
Introduction to Diversification

Introduction to Valuation - Videos

V1. Introduction to Valuation
V1B. Remarks on Valuation
V2. The P/E Ratio
V2B. One Year of Earnings might not
V2C. The P/E to Growth Ratio
V3. The Price/Sales Ratio
V4. The EV/EBITDA Ratio
V5. The Price to Book (P/Book)
V5B. Return on Equity
V6. Introduction to the Dividend
V7. Introduction to the Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) Model
V7B. Discounting
V7C. The Risk-Free Rate
V8. What is Yield?
V8B. Dividend Yield
V8C. Bond Yields
V8D. Earnings Yield

Saving and Investing are very important topics - Introduction Videos

Saving and investing are very important topics!

How savers and investors (as providers of capital), and users of capital (like companies and governments) interact forms the basis of a very large part of the society that we live in today.

This interaction allows companies to raise capital to build factories, create jobs, and deliver better products.

It is this interaction that allows us to enjoy many of the things that we enjoy today.

And this interaction allows savers to compound and grow their money by earning a return for making it available.

Furthermore - stocks, bonds, interest rates, equity and other financial topics surround us in the press, on TV and in conversation all day long – without knowledge of this subject, a huge part of the world just passes us by!

Perhaps most importantly, without some knowledge of this subject, we are unlikely to achieve our saving and investing dreams!!

Key Reasons to focus on saving and investing include:
  • If done properly, it allows money to grow;
  • Consistent saving allows sums to be amassed that it would never be possible to save with a single action;
  • It can be very lucrative, and be a key element of becoming rich;
  • It creates a financial ‘cushion’;
  • It can mean paying less tax because the government wants us to do it;
  • Without investment our financial system would break down;
  • By allocating some capital actively, it allows us to provide capital where we think it should go, and not in areas where we think it is not deserved, thereby making us a participant in the financial system;
  • It is a key element of companies and governments getting access to funding that allows them to provide services, products and jobs for society;
  • By understanding the subject once, we will have demystified are very large part of the world around us.

The beautiful thing is that it is not hard if we get the complete picture once – furthermore a large part of saving and investing can ultimately even be automated.


Introduction 1 (INT1) - by savingandinvest
Intro 2 (INT2): SavingandInvest
INT3. My Background
INT4. Why the Subject is so Important!
INT5. Starting with the Right Thing - savingandinvest
INT6. 5 Popular Misconceptions Part 1
INT7. 5 Popular Misconceptions Part 2