Sunday 8 July 2018

KLSE Market PE 18.84 (6.7.2018)

KLCI 1663.86
Stock  Mkt Cap (b) Last Price PE DY ROE Equity (m)

11.273 3.74 9.96 4.01 6.85% 16517.7
ASTRO 8.499 1.63 11.34 7.67 109.72% 683.0

34.841 3.85 66.61 2.21 2.24% 23348.0
CIMB 49.732 5.31 10.81 4.71 9.65% 47662.2
DIGI 32.5 4.18 21.82 4.5 212.85% 699.8
GENM 28.503 4.8 23.87 3.54 6.02% 19833.3
GENTING 32.022 8.3 23.15 2.59 4.11% 33642.4
HAPSENG 24.15 9.7 21.88 3.61 17.59% 6274.0
HLBANK 39.452          18.2 15.81 2.47 10.09% 24733.4
HLFG 19.944 17.38 11.65 2.3 9.68% 17683.4
IHH 49.385 5.99 88.61 0.5 2.61% 21353.4
IOICORP 27.526 4.38 8.24 3.65 36.66% 9112.5
KLCC 13.757 7.62 15.6 4.74 6.77% 13016.8
KLK 25.876 24.24 29.92 2.06 7.79% 11101.9

40.725 5.21 18.43 3.84 31.41% 7035.0
MAYBANK 98.178 8.97 12.77 6.13 10.46% 73507.6
MISC 26.426 5.92 16.35 5.07 4.89% 33077.1
NESTLE 34.612 147.6 53.53 1.86 74.93% 863.0
PBBANK 87.426 22.52 15.54 2.71 14.88% 37816.0
PCHEM 67.52 8.44 17.11 3.2 14.42% 27360.0
PETDAG 24.638 24.8 16.37 3.91 26.30% 5722.4

33.48 16.92 18.47 3.9 14.33% 12650.0
PMETAL 15.707 4.06 25.96 1.48 19.80% 3056.3
PPB 23.26 19.62 22.44 1.53 5.13% 20225.1
RHBBANK 20.732 5.17 10.16 2.9 9.14% 22336.0
SIME 15.982 2.35 6.87 0.85 16.45% 14145.8
SIMEPLT 35.772 5.26 0.67 0.00% 13941.6
TENAGA 80.971 14.26 4.28 0.00% 57928.9
TM 12.777 3.4 14.92 6.32 11.32% 7564.7
YTL 12.438 1.14 20.14 4.39 4.29% 14401.9
1028.104 597293.1
Market PE 18.84
Market DY 3.41%
ROE 9.13%
P/BV            1.73x

Mkt Cap 1028.104
Earnings 54560.3
Dividends 35007.8
Equity 597293.1

KLCI 1824.81
Market PE 17.76
Market DY 3.04%
ROE 10.27%
P/BV 1.82

Mkt Cap 1,118.64
Earnings 62,980.4
Dividends 34,010.3
Equity 613,166.7

Sunday 1 July 2018

Study the best to become the best. Study and learn from Warren Buffett.

Study the best to become the best.  Study Warren Buffett. and learn from him.

1.   Warren is the Best

Warren is the best at creating wealth by investing in other people's businesses.  No one comes a close second.

Warren studies the best in every field of endeavour.  Wise investors study and understand Warren Buffett.

2.  Wealth is created through owning a business.

Wealth is created through owning a business.  Wealth is also best preserved through owning a business.  These concepts are the essence of capitalism. 

Warren has become the world's foremost capitalist by deploying earnings from various enterprises into the ownership of more businesses in order to generate more earnings to redeploy - a virtual snowball at the top fo an economic mountain with enough time to create a huge, ever-expanding and momentum-increasing capital avalanche.

3.  Stay focus through investing in someone else's businesses

The best athletes become the best at focusing all of their gifts, time and energy on becoming the best in their sport.  Likewise, unless one has the benefit of inheritance or marriage, great fortunes have been created by an entrepreneur who focused all of his or her gifts, time, and energy on one business. 

Only one person has created billions in wealth by not only investing in someone else's businesses and managers in which to invest.  Others can do this - simple in theory and practice, but not easy.

Buffett announced that if he were managing money in the millions instead of billions, he could compound money at an even faster rate - probably twice as fast - which has always been and will always be the average-investor advantage.

Take home messages:

Warren Buffett hasn't invented anything new and doesn't own any patents.  He has never started a business an has never taken on the day-to-day management of one.  The Oracle of Omaha is so good that he doesn't even need to talk with management, access inside information, or even visit company headquarters of the businesses in which he invests. 

Assuming, however, that you study, understand, and employ the same Buffett principles, you too can achieve outstanding market-beating results.  Knowledge counts more than experience and business contacts.

Buffett's life is one of extraordinary wealth built on exemplary character traits.

The true measure of a successful investor

The true measure of a successful investor is not a comparison of performance against a stated index, but rather how well a portfolio performs during down markets.

Warren Buffett is unique in measuring himself annually against changes in book value (the simple calculation of assets minus liabilities).  He then compares this annual percentage against the S&P 500 with dividends to determine if he has added value or not. 

Buffett has not only added value.  He has done the remarkable.  Buyiing earnings of companies at attractive prices with outstanding management and with remarkable competitive advantages have all led to mind-blogging increases in book value.

A metric that Warren Buffett never reports or comments on is the actual market price of his stock.  He reports the value of his business because he can control purchases, ongoing management, asset purchases and sales, liabilities, and other things that affect changes in book value.  Conversely, he ignores the share price because often it has nothing to do with what is going on inside the business.

Value is inside.  Price is outside.

Monday 25 June 2018

Two reasons to buy insurance

Buy insurance for protection.

There are 2 reasons for buying insurance:

1.  To protect against loss which you are unable or unwilling to bear.

2.  The insurance company is selling you a policy that is too cheap.

Choose an insurance company with the ability to pay out, even in the most extreme situation.

Thursday 21 June 2018

How to measure investor sentiment and how you can profit from this?

Closed-end funds

Individual investors are the primary owners of these funds as opposed to institutions.

Institutions such as mutual funds don't buy shares of closed-end funds or other mutual funds because their customers don't like the idea of paying two sets of fees,.

We can postulate that individual investors would be more flighty than professional investors, such as pension funds and endowments, and thus, they would be subject to shifting moods of optimism or pessimism ("investor sentiment").

When individual investors are feeling perky, discount on closed-end funds shrink and when they get depressed or scared, the discounts get bigger.

Small companies

Individual investors are also more likely than institutional investors to own shares of small companies.

Institutions shy away from the shares of small companies because these shares do not trade enough to provide liquidity a big investor needs.

How to measure individual investor sentiment?

So, if the investor sentiment of individuals varies,  it would show up both in the discounts on closed-end funds and on the relative performance of small companies versus big companies.

That is exactly what was found.  The average discount on closed-end funds was correlated with the difference in returns between small and large company stocks; the greater the discount, the larger the difference in returns between those two types of stocks.

How to profit from this investor sentiment variability?

The strategy of buying the closed-end funds with the biggest discounts earned superior returns (a strategy also advocated by Benjamin Graham).  Burton Malkiel, author of A Random Walk Down Wall Street, has also advocated such a strategy.

Wednesday 20 June 2018

Genuine News and Noises

Intrinsic value cannot be determined with precision, which makes it hard to prove that stock prices deviate from intrinsic value.

An important principle at the heart of the Efficient Market Hypothesis is the law of one price.  The law asserts that in an efficient market, the same asset cannot simultaneously sell for two different prices.  If that happened, there would be an immediate arbitrage opportunity, meaning a way to make a series of trades that are guaranteed to generate a profit at no risk.

News and Noises

The only thing that makes an investor  change his mind about an investment is genuine news.

But humans might react to something that does not qualify as news, such as seeing an ad for the company behind the investment that makes them laugh.  In other words, there are many who make decisions based on noises rather than actual news.  These are called "noise traders".  They trade on noise as if it were information.  "THERE ARE IDIOTS.  Look around."