Thursday 5 March 2020

Investing: When to bet the farm

Big payoffs often require big risks. 

  • Bet wrong, and you could lose everything. 
  • Do you have what it takes? 
  • And how do you assess whether a dicey investment is worth it?

You want a big return? 
  • How big a risk do you want to take to get it? 
  • Gauging the risks associated with really promising investments, and 
  • handling those risks appropriately, can change your life.

"It's never safe to take a risk, by definition." 
  • Yet successful investors take major risks all the time. 
  • They succeed because they do their research, can afford to lose the money they invest in high-risk schemes and are able to make up any losses they incur with other investments, which frequently involve complementary or counterbalancing risks.
  • Whether considering an investment in a stock, a privately held startup or a hedge fund -- all high-risk propositions -- investors should start by digging through the details of the business case to figure out how the return on investment is likely to be generated. 
  • How big a payoff might the investment produce? 
  • And how likely is success?
  • Successful investors look hard at the downside as well. 
  • What would the price of failure be? 
  • And how likely is that?

Just jump in and take a risk
  • And what about all the outcomes in between?
  • Successful investors tend to have a broad view, taking the downside into account with the upside. 
  • They plan on an outcome somewhere in the middle of the range of possibilities. That is their "expected return."
  • "An expected return is an average. It's the probability of all of the outcomes."

Risk assessment gets pretty sophisticated at risk-oriented hedge funds.

  • These funds combine and counterbalance risks to put together exotic investment strategies that increase an investor's upside while controlling the downside -- all for a price. 
  • But the basics are just common sense.

Our own personalities add complexity to high-risk situations.

  • There are risks associated with overly emotional reactions.
  • "What you don't want to happen is for people to get emotional with the market."
  • The more emotional we get, the more likely it is we will make a mistake.
  • A company's business prospects can be measured and evaluated statistically, but there is no easy measure for mood swings. 
  • Before making any moves, people contemplating high-risk investments should come to grips with their emotional makeup and know how they are likely to react.

Three ways to analyze a company

  • (Quantitative, Qualitative and Technical Analysis)
  • Where risk is high, the investor needs to analyze his or her life situation.

Is financial risk really risky?

  • "There are times in your life when it's appropriate to take different levels of risk."
  • Age is a big factor. Age changes us in a lot of ways. We gain emotional maturity. At the same time, the nature of our financial obligations changes, and the time horizon for risk gets tighter.
  • "Let's say you're young, in your mid-20s,"  "If you take a big risk and something goes wrong, you have time to recover." 
  • On the other hand, the middle-aged homeowner probably needs a bigger safety net, especially if there are kids who need braces or there are college costs to consider.
  • Even a high-risk investment can be a very positive part of a portfolio when it's appropriate to a person's situation and is well-managed."In investing and in life, you have to look at everything on a risk-and-reward basis.  Volatility is not the end of the world."

Risk lesson from owning the business

  • He left the investment firm to start his own firm. 
  • He knew most new businesses fail, but he had a lot of confidence in his own investment skills. If the business went under, he reasoned, he could always get a job with another firm.
  • "Careers are actually the easiest place to take risks, as long as you don't burn your bridges." Younger investors, particularly, should be ready to gamble with their careers. 
  • But in the same breath he cautions as professional investors often do: Risk only as much as you can afford to lose, he says.

How to win in a bear market

The secret is simply to invest when others are selling. To do this requires resisting our instinct (built into our genes over thousands of years) to follow the herd.

Regular savers also win in a bear market because they continue to buy shares or units when prices have fallen. Provided they keep doing this they will benefit when the next bull market comes along.

Patience and perseverance is the key, since the recovery could take several years, but rest assured, a bull market will follow a bear market as sure as night follows day.

Investing in a hedge fund that ""goes short"" is also a way to make money in falling markets. In this case the fund manager does not invest directly in stocks but actually borrows and sells them.
  • He then repurchases and returns them at a later date. If he has judged correctly and the repurchase price is lower than what he paid then the difference, less expenses, is pure profit.
  • Such a fund can be a useful component in a portfolio to soften the impact of a falling market, but much depends on the skill of the manager. It is not something you should try at home!

Growth Stocks: Searching for the Sprinters

Growth Stocks: Searching for the Sprinters

by Douglas Gerlach

Investors who focus on growth try to predict which companies will grow faster in the future -- faster than the rest of the stocks in the market, or faster than other stocks in the same industry. If you're successful in buying a company that does grow faster than other companies, then it's likely that the price of that company's stock will increase as well, and you can make a profit.
(My comment: Provided you did not pay too high a price to buy it.)

The stock of a company that grows its earnings and revenues faster than average is known as a growth stock. These companies usually pay few or no dividends, since they prefer to reinvest their profits in their business.

Peter Lynch primarily used a growth stock approach in managing the Magellan mutual fund. Individuals who invest in growth stocks often prefer it because their portfolio will be made up of established, well-managed companies that can be held onto for many years. Companies like Coca-Cola, IBM, and Microsoft have demonstrated great growth over the years, and are the cornerstones of many portfolios. Most investment clubs stick to growth stocks as well.

Investment merit at a given PRICE but not at another

Investment Policies (Based on Benjamin Graham)

PRICE: is frequently an essential element, so that a stock (and even a bond) may have investment merit at one price level but not at another.


Having selected the company to invest based on various parameters, the next consideration will be the price we are willing to pay for owning part of its business.

Price is always an important consideration in investing. At a certain price, the company can be acquired at a bargain, at a fair price or at a high price. Each scenario will impact on our investment returns.

We should ALWAYS buy a good quality company at a BARGAIN PRICE (margin of safety). This allows us to lock in our potential gains at the time of buying at a favourable reward/risk ratio. This maybe when the upside gain: downside loss is at least 3:1.

There maybe FEW exceptional occasions when we may be willing to pay a FAIR PRICE for a good quality company. This is often the case when a good quality company is fancied by many investors and is often quoted in normal time at a high price.

However, we should NEVER (NEVER, NEVER) buy a good quality company at HIGH PRICE, whatever its earnings and growth prospects maybe. To do so will not only diminishes our potential investment returns, but may even results in a loss of our capital due to the unfavourable reward/risk ratio.

Don't time the market, it is difficult. However, there will be time when the market is on sale and the prices of stocks are at a bargain and there will be time when the market is exuberant and the prices of stocks are high or very high.

The market will always be there and we should choose when to buy and when to sell. We should only buy a stock when the PRICE IS RIGHT FOR US and sell a stock when the PRICE IS RIGHT FOR US.

(What is market timing? Timing is a term that refers to investing by buying everything or selling everything on the basis of the (faulty) assumption that one can predict the market's next move. Attempts to time are common, but academicians and practitioners have concluded that success happens through luck only on occasions that are quickly reversed and very costly.)

Absolute Valuation: Calculating the Intrinsic Value of a Business

Absolute Valuation (calculating Intrinsic Value)

In absolute valuation of a stock, the worth of a business is calculated.  This is the Intrinsic Value.

The Intrinsic Value can be estimated from various ways, the two common ones are::

  • from the assets* the company owns, and the other,
  • from its expected future cash flows (also known as the discount cash flow analysis).

Relative Valuation

Some common market ratios for valuations of stock are PE, EV/EBIT, EV/EBITA, P/B and P/S.  The problem is these are all based on price; comparing what an investor is paying for a stock to what he is paying for another stock.

Relative valuation does not tell you the Intrinsic Value (IV) of the stock.  Without knowing the IV, at least an estimated one, the investors do not really know what price should be paid for it. 

Absolute Valuation versus Relative Valuation

Comparing ratios across companies and across time can help us understand whether our valuation estimate is close to or far from the mark, but estimating the IV of a company gives us a better understanding of its value and hence the price we are willing to pay for it.

Having an estimated IV also helps us focus more on the value of the business, rather than the price of the stock which changes every minute on the screen.

It gives us a stronger basis for making investment decisions.

Discounted Cash Flow Analysis (DCFA)

Discounted Cash Flow Analysis (DCFA) is a method of valuing the intrinsic value of a company.

DCFA tries to work out the value today, based on projections of all the cash it could make available to investors in the future.  

It is descried as "discounted" cash flow because of the principle of "time value of money" - that is, cash in the future is worth less than cash today.

DCFA starts with the premise that a stock's price should be equal to the sum of its current and future cash flows after taking the time value of money (discounted by an appropriate rate) into account. (John Burr Williams).

Stock Price IV 
= Sum of the Present Value of All Future Free Cash Flow (FCF).

Advantages of DCFA

  • It produces the closest thing to an intrinsic value of a stock.
  • DCF method is forward looking and depends more on future expectations than historical results.
  • This method is based on FCF which is less subject to manipulation than some other figures and ratios calculated out of the financial statements.

Weakness of DCFA

  • It is a mechanical valuation tool and is subject to the principle of "garbage in, garbage out."
  • In particular, small changes of inputs in cash flows and discount rate can result in large changes n the value of a company.  
  • Hence, IV obtained is never absolute and infallible, but rather an approximation.


Page 256 to 265  The Complete VALUE INVESTING Guide That Works! by K C Chong

Also  read:

* Warren Buffett Explains Why Book Value Is No Longer Relevant

Wednesday 4 March 2020

Earnings Yield of the Enterprise

EBIT multiple  = EV / EBIT

Earnings Yield of the Enterprise (before tax)  EY = EBIT / EV

For example:
EY of A = 11.3%
EY of B = 15.3%

The EY of B at 15.3% is higher than the 11.3% of A, hence, B is a cheaper buy than A.

The EY computation is pre-tax EY and this is good enough for comparison among companies.  

For determining if you would like to invest in a stock, use after-tax EY so that you can compare with other alternative investments.

EY (after tax) = (EBIT x (1 - tax rate) / EV

For example:
EY (after tax) of A = 8.5%
EY (after tax) of B = 11.5%

Why is the earnings yield so important?

1.  It allows you to see how cheap a stock currently is.  Unlike a DCF analysis, calculating a stock's current earnings yield requires no estimates into the future.

2.  Using earnings yield as your main valuation tool to compare the relative price-value relationship of companies in the same industry, helps you to see which one is a better buy.. For individual cases, the investor should be happy to invest in a company with normal growth rate of 5% with an after-tax earnings yield of 12%.

How to use EV / EBIT?

1)  EV / EBIT as a primary tool to
  • evaluate its earnings power and
  • to compare it to other companies

in addition to the PE ratio.

2)  Joel Greenblatt uses for his Magic Formula the Earnings Yield of the enterprise, in conjunction with the Return on Invested Capital (ROIC).

3)  Buffett uses this when evaluating a business and has said that he will generally be willing to pay 7 x EV / EBIT for a good business that is growing 8% - 10% per year

4)  For cyclical plantation companies which have a lot of debts, it is more appropriate to use EBIT multiple and EV per hectare, rather than basing on PE ratio and market cap per hectare.


EBIT multiples (EV / EBIT) are better market valuation metrics than PE. 

However, both EBIT multiples and PE are all relative and comparative metrics.. 

It would be better if we can determine the absolute value of a stock, the intrinsic value. 

We can then compare the market price with the intrinsic value and determine the margin of safety to give us a better decision making in stock investment.


Pages 251 - 252
The Complete VALUE INVESTING Guide that Works!  by K C Chong

Enterprise Value: Valuation of a company at its firm level

Think of enterprise value as the theoretical takeover price. 

In the event of a buyout, an acquirer would have to take on the company's debt but would pocket its cash.  EV differs significantly from simple market capitalization in several ways, and many consider it to be a more accurate representation of a firm's value.  The value of a firm's debt, for example, would need to be paid by the buyer when taking over a company, thus EV provides a much more accurate takeover valuation because it includes debt in its value calculation. (Investopedia)

Enterprise Value of a Firm

EV of a Firm
= Market Capitalization + Debt + Minority Interest - Cash - Other Non-Operating Assets.

Minority Interest is the result of the consolidation of the subsidiary company's account and it doesn't belong to the common shareholders of the company.  The market value of MI is obtained by multiplying its book value by an appropriate price-to-book value.

The other non-operating assets such as investment in other companies, listed or non-listed, money market funds, investments in associates, etc.  are treated in a similar way as cash or cash equivalent as they can be sold without impacting its core business.

Debt and cash 

Debt and cash can have an enormous impact on a company's enterprise value. 


Hence, when evaluating the fair price of a company or comparing companies, a better measure of value is the enterprise value divided by the EBIT or the operating income, instead of the too simplistic or flawed PE ratio.

EBIT Multiple = EV/EBIT

For an ordinary firm, an EBIT multiple of less than 8 may be considered as cheap.
For a high growth company, an EBIT multiple of 15 may be considered as fairly valued.

B)  EBITDA Multiple

For HIGHLY INDEBTED businesses, the EBITDA is often used by all capital providers to have an idea of the
  • earnings available at their disposal for investments and interest payment, as well as 
  • comparison among companies in the similar industry.  

This valuation metric resembles cash flows and is also useful for companies with temporary negative earnings.  

It is also a quick and dirty way for a Leverage Buy Out to value a target and to see how much leverage could slap on a company and still service the debt.

An EBITDA multiple of less than 11 for an ordinary company may be considered cheap.

Additional notes:

Valuation of a company at its firm level based on enterprise value.

Enterprise value looks at the value of the entire firm, for capitals both provided by equity shareholders and by the debt holders, and at the same time separating those assets not required or not used for the core operations of the business. 

It is important to understand enterprise value and use it for valuing an investment for potentially better outcome.

For a company

  • without much cash and debt, and 
  • without those non-operating one-time-off items, 
it may be adequate to just use the PE ratio to determine in relative term if the stock is worthwhile to invest in.

However, many companies have 

  • substantial amount of cash or debts in their balance sheets, and 
  • often with some extra-ordinary gain/loss or other one-time-off items, 
the use of the simplistic PE ratio would have missed the forest for the trees.

The simplistic PE ratio is useful as crude screening tool, but it has a serious limitation of ignoring the balance sheet items.  This can materially misrepresent the earnings yield of a business.

The EBITDA figure is not normally listed in the Income Statement, but we can add the depreciation and amortization figures in the cash flows statement to EBIT or operating income.

EBITDA = EBIT + Depreciation and Amortization



The Complete VALUE INVESTING Guide That Works by K C Chong
(Pages 246 - 251)

Warren Buffett Adds to Delta Investment as Airlines Plunge to Value Territory

Coronavirus fears have taken their toll, providing an opportunity for investors

March 03, 2020

As fears of the new coronavirus mount, the share prices of airlines have taken a hit. Taking advantage of this dip into value territory, famous value investor Warren Buffett (Trades, Portfolio) recently disclosed that Berkshire Hathaway (NYSE:BRK.A) (NYSE:BRK.B) has invested an additional $45.3 million in Delta Air Lines Inc. (NYSE:DAL).

According to GuruFocus Real-Time Picks, a Premium feature, Buffett bought 976,507 more shares of the airline on Feb. 27, increasing his stake by 1.38% to a total of 71,886,963 shares. The stock was trading around $46.40 at the time.

DAL 30-Year Financial Data
The intrinsic value of DAL
Peter Lynch Chart of DAL


Buffett added to the Delta position toward the end of a week-long U.S. market selloff, which was brought on by fears that the new coronavirus would slow economic growth worldwide. In a whiplash correction, the S&P 500 dropped 13.9% in one week, and the biggest stock fund in the world, the SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust (SPY), saw over $13 billion in outflows.


The last time Delta traded at such a low price was in early January of 2019. While the stock price is around the same as what it was a year ago, the company’s earnings have increased since then, making it undervalued according to the Peter Lynch chart.


Beginning in January, the U.S. posed travel restrictions on entry from China, which mainly consisted of rerouting airline passengers to certain airports to be screened for the virus. In February, additional travel restrictions were implemented on passengers travelling to the U.S. from Italy, South Korea and Iran, which have also seen significant coronavirus outbreaks.

Aside from government-imposed travel restrictions, there has also been a general drop in demand for international flights as people seek to reduce their exposure to foreign countries and crowded spaces. On Saturday, American Airlines (NASDAQ:AAL) announced it would be suspending flights to and from Milan, Italy from some of its airports, a decision that is due purely to lack of consumer demand.

Decline in demand for luxury services such as airline flights are nothing new during a market downturn. While it’s true that in this particular case, the problem is greatly exacerbated by the fact the recession is the result of an epidemic, demand will pick back up again at some point. Once panic over the new coronavirus recedes, the profits and stock prices of airline companies will rise again.

At a price-earnings ratio of 6.48 as of March 3, Delta is trading at a three-year low point in its valuation. Even if its revenue falls over the next few quarters, the current price is still more attractive than it was a few months ago in regard to the company’s future prospects.

Year to date, Delta shares are down 18.67%, while American Airlines shares are down 33.86%, Southwest Airlines (NYSE:LUV) shares are down 13.02% and United Airlines (NASDAQ:UAL) shares are down 30.46%. However, Buffett also owns shares of all four airlines, indicating a confident long-term bet in the profitability of the industry.

Margaret Moran

What is the Ideal Long Term Investment Strategy for a 21 year old?

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[–]molten_dragon 1 point  
What are you investing for? Retirement or something else?
[–]leapgoose[S] 2 points  
I want to build a retirement fund early on to reap as much compound interest as possible. But, I would also like the option to withdraw from this account 20 years down the line if need be for a down payment on a mortgage for my family or if I want to invest in a real estate property. I also plan to create some medium / short range savings accounts as well.
[–]EvertonFury19 1 point  
  1. Yes, smart to invest in index funds. Up to you what funds those are but you're better off for long-term investments in passive index funds.
  2. Yes, set up Roth IRA and put as much as you can and/or a traditional IRA
  3. Dividend Appreciation ETF is a way to diversify but for a 20-30+ year window, you can go for more aggressive ETFs.
[–]leapgoose[S] 1 point  
Can you recommend some more aggressive ETFs to look into please? and maybe any quick tips you have on analyzing different ETFs? Thanks!!
[–]EvertonFury19 1 point  
Take a look at the rest of Vanguard's ETF. You might want one of the ETFs that tracks the S&P 500 (VTI is much broader but compare VTI to S&P500 performance)
Of course there's no guarantee that any will do better so go with the ETFs that you feel most comfortable and knowledgeable.
[–]leapgoose[S] 1 point  
I see that there is a marginal difference in performance over the last 10 years and a marginal difference in fees -- correct me if I am wrong. I went with VTI for more exposure.
[–]EvertonFury19 1 point  
don't worry about the fees, vanguard is as close to zero as you're going to get compared to most ETFs.
VTI will give you more exposure in the US stock market but everyone compares to the S&P 500 and if you had picked VTI over S&P 500 exclusively would have missed on better returns over the past few years.
[–]penguinise [score hidden]  
My question for you guys is, would it just be smarted to invest $5,000 into VTI and VIG each instead of also having some focused individual stock picking?
It would be smartest to just put all $10,000 into VTI since it is by far the most broadly diversified among those options.
If you desperately need to scratch a stock-picking itch, $4,000 into single names in your position is probably the best time to do it, but what you'll learn sooner or later is that it's quite risky and more importantly in the long run you're not going to beat VTI.
Furthermore, should I setup my Roth IRA (since I haven't yet) first and then include these investments within my Roth IRA? Or should I just put them in any ordinary taxable investment account?
You should contribute the maximum each year to your Roth IRA before doing any taxable-account investing. Worst comes to worst you can always withdraw your original contributions from the Roth IRA without penalty - this is a really bad thing to do, but still much better than never contributing in the first place. Putting money in a Roth IRA is roughly equivalent to a ~17% one-time boost at your age from the taxes you will never pay on the growth.