Tuesday 14 June 2011

Property at ‘upper band’

Tuesday June 14, 2011

Property at ‘upper band’

By Jagdev Singh Sidhu

Local property stocks trading at higher valuations against regional peers
KUALA LUMPUR: Property companies on Bursa Malaysia, which have lagged behind the performance of the broader market in the past month, are trading at valuations that put such counters at the upper band against its regional peers.
Some analysts admit the valuations of the larger property companies are frothy but say there are reasons why such stocks are seeing such valuation differences from property companies in Singapore, Hong Kong or Indonesia.
“They have a premium because of execution, a track record and branding,” said HwangDBS Vickers Research analyst Yee Mei Hui, when comparing SP Setia Bhd, the country's top property company, with companies from other countries.
The regional comparison, which was made by CIMB after SP Setia released its second quarter results, showed the biggest property companies on Bursa Malaysia are generally trading at a slim discount to their share price as compared with the regional peers on a revalued net asset value (RNAV) basis.
The RNAV is what analysts think the market value of land and assets on a company's books amounted to compared with the book value of such land.
The small discount is more pronounced for the country's largest property counter by market-capitalisation terms - UEM Land Holdings Bhd, which has a market capitalisation of US$3.8bil - as the counter is trading at about a 9% discount to the stock's RNAV. SP Setia was trading at about 2% as of last week.
In comparison, the larger property companies, such as CapitaLand in Singapore and China Overseas Land & Investments Ltd, are trading at a much steeper discount to their RNAV.
One analyst thinks the difference in pricing compared with Singapore and Hong Kong is down to the mechanics of the markets there.
“Property prices there are volatile and investors who buy such stocks can overshoot in either way,” said ECM Libra Investment Bank Bhdresearch head Bernard Ching.
He said the land value in Malaysia was not as volatile and tended to rise on a gradual basis.
Concerns over a property bubble in Hong Kong and Singapore has also led to investors taking a much more cautious view of the value of property stocks in those countries in relation to their RNAV.
Some analysts feel the reason why Malaysian property counters have a higher valuation than regional companies was also down to a few factors.
Concentration of Malaysia-based funds seeking investments in Malaysia has seen a lot of money chasing a few quality companies and the bigger the stock, the better their following is.
“Property development is a medium term business and it's not solely about land value,” explained an analyst. He said investors generally want to look at stocks that generate a return on the value of the land the companies own and explained that companies that generally sit on large land reserves with little activity often see bigger discounts to their RNAV.
That argument has been used to explain Mah Sing Group Bhd's share price that is trading close to the company's estimated RNAV.
“Mah Sing works on a fast turnaround model and does not have a lot of landbank,” said an analyst.
Although property stock valuations were high, analysts said the divergence of the property index and that of the FTSE Bursa Malaysia KLCI (FBM KLCI) was down to investors chasing after the more liquid blue chip counters.
“The property index has a big number of mid and small cap stocks,” said an analyst.
“When the market turns south, buying will concentrate on the large, blue chip stocks.”
Property companies on Bursa Malaysia still, on average, attract “buy” calls with analysts saying the prospects of choice developers are still bright.

Sunday 12 June 2011

Do yourself a favour, invest in your financial education before you invest in the markets

"Risk comes from not knowing what you are doing." 

Risk can be alleviated with proper education and experience.  This is the same process that you must commit to undertake when you decide to invest in any market.  First and foremost, you must get yourself educated.

It is strange that most parents would not think twice to pay high school fees to send their kids to university, when there is no real guarantee that they will succeed in life after getting their degree.  However, when it comes to paying for financial education, where there is a chance they can lose all of the kids' education funds, many people shy away because of the price.  Instead, they would rather risk their hard earned money in a market or instrument that they have little knowledge of, or worse, investing based on rumours or tips from various unverified sources.

Most people are attracted by the myth of quick, easy money from investing (or trading) but fail to understand that it takes a lot of hard work to be successful.  Everyone equates being a doctor or lawyer to earning lots of money.  But it is also common understanding that to be a doctor or a lawyer requires one to put in many years of education and practice before one can be successful.  Ask anyone about his or her current job and you would most likely get the same response that hard work is the norm.  How then can it be different for investing (and trading)?

"Risk comes from not knowing what you are doing" - a famous quote from Warren Buffett.  
It sounds simplistic, but it epitomises the real meaning of the work "Risk".

Any instrument, be it stocks or forex will be dangerous if you don't know what you are doing.  it is not the instrument but the level of the investor's understanding of the instrument and the market that determines his risk level.  So, do yourself a favour, invest in your financial education before you invest in the markets. 

Here is another quote from Mr. Buffett:  "The most important investment you can make is in yourself.."

The Risk is Not in The Car; It is the Driver Behind The Wheel.

It would be a risky situation if a person decides to drive a car without having undergone any form of training.  It is the person's lack of knowledge and skill that makes the situation risky and not the car.

Similarly, if someone wants to invest (or trade) in a particular instrument but has not undergone any form of training, this person would be assuming a higher risk, and it has nothing to do with the instrument.  It is often the lack of knowledge and skill that makes investing (and trading) risky and not the instrument itself.

What is risk in the context of investing?

Risk is a quantifiable entity.
People associate risk with uncertainty in outcome or expected return.  A fixed deposit gives an expected return that is certain but not stocks.
People associate risk with volatility.  Yes, this too can be risky for those who do not understand volatility and who fall folly to it, rather than taking advantage of it.

Risk in investing is thus generally defined as:  

"The quantifiable likelihood (probability) of loss or less-than-expected returns."  
The keyword here is uncertainty in outcome or expected returns.

How to be a good investor?

To be a good investor (and trader), one must first seek knowledge about the instrument that one is going to invest in (or to trade).  It is similar to taking on a new job.

  • First, you must learn what your new role is all about, what kind of tools are there to help you in your everyday routines, what are the skill sets needed to perform your new job properly, etc.  
  • After that, once you have acquired the knowledge and learnt the skills required, you still need a period of constant practice to apply your newly acquired knowledge and hone your new skills.  
  • It is only after having practised for a sustained period of time before one is able to get the "feel" of the job and perhaps do it with ease and confidence.

Risk comes from NOT knowing what you are doing.
Enter at your own risk.

Saturday 11 June 2011

Different strategies for investing available cash. WHY KEEP CASH?

Absolute and relative performance orientation.

One significant difference between an absolute- and relative performance orientation is evident in the different strategies for investing available cash.

Relative-performance-oriented investors will typically choose to be fully invested at all times, since cash balances would likely cause them to lag behind a rising market.  Since the goal is at least to match and optimally be at the market, any cash that is not promptly spent on specific investments must nevertheless be invested in a market-related index.

Absolute-performance-oriented investors, by contrast, are willing to hold cash reserves when no bargains are available.

1.  Cash is liquid and provides a modest, sometimes attractive nominal return, usually above the rate of inflation.
2.  The liquidity of cash affords flexibility, for it can quickly be channeled into other investment outlets with minimal transaction costs.
3.  Finally, unlike any other holding, cash does not involve any risk of incurring opportunity cost (losses from the inability to take advantage of future bargains) since it does not drop in value during market declines.

Monday 30 May 2011

On Investing: The many hats of great investors

Barry Ritholtz

Barry Ritholtz

On Investing: The many hats of great investors

The crowd becomes an unthinking mob at tops and bottoms. Being able to read the emotional state of the market, as well as keeping your own emotions in check, are hallmarks of great investors.

Trial lawyer: Good litigators are always skeptical, but not negative. Is that witness telling the truth? What is motivating him? Is the opposing counsel’s argument logical? Being able to answer these questions makes for a good lawyer – and a good investor.
All CEOs want you to buy their company’s stock; every analyst wants you to follow his equity calls; every fund manager wants to run your money. When it comes to investing, everyone is trying to separate you from your money. Good investing requires good judgment. Being able to recognize valuable intel versus the usual blather is a huge advantage.
Like a good litigator, you must question data, consider alternative explanations, argue against the obvious. You cannot blindly accept everything you hear as truth, nor can you reject everything out of hand. Being able to discern between information that is valuable and that which is not, is crucial.
Mathematician/statistician: Investing is filled with math: compound interest-rates, dividend yields, long-term gains, price-to-earnings ratio, risk-adjusted returns, percentage draw downs, annualized rate of returns.
Don’t worry if you suffer from math anxiety: If you can operate the simplest calculator — even the free one that came with your computer — you have the requisite math skills needed.
If you follow the professional literature there is a plethora of advanced mathematical formulas of dubious utility. Value-at-risk is a complex mathematical formula that was supposed to tell Wall Street banks how much risk they could safely assume. It failed to prevent them from blowing themselves up during the credit crisis. The Sharpe ratio measures the excess return — the “risk premium” — an investment strategy has. Even William Sharpe, its creator, has said it’s been misapplied by Wall Street’s wizards.
Investors can ignore these sorts of mathematical esoterics. But understanding basic math is key.
Accountant: When you buy a stock, you are buying an interest in a company’s future revenue and profit. How much you pay for that future cash flow determines whether you are over or under paying. That means understanding the basics of a company’s books is a key to recognizing value.
An understanding of basic accounting is essential to grasping the fundamental health of a company or business model. It is how you determine whether an existing company is profitable, or when a young firm might become profitable. But it also can help you determine when a formerly profitable company is heading down the wrong path.
You don’t have to be a forensic accountant. These are sleuths in green visors poring over pages and pages of quarterly filings and footnotes, looking for evidence of fraud or accounting shenanigans. Forensic accountants are the guys who discovered the frauds at Enron and Worldcom, and they warned about AIG and Lehman Brothers.
Amazingly, even after these frauds were revealed, many investors refused to believe them. Having a basic knowledge about accounting can help you understand and heed the work of forensic accountants.
You don’t need to have an MBA or doctorate in economics to be a good investor. Indeed, as the spectacular blow up at Long-Term Capital Management has taught us, these can be impediments to good investing.
Instead, you need to develop more general skills. Learn market history, understand crowd psychology, how to think critically, be able to do simple math and understand basic accounting. Do this, and you are on the path to becoming a much better investor.
Ritholtz is chief executive of FusionIQ, a quantitative research firm. He runs a finance blog, The Big Picture.

Wednesday 25 May 2011

How stagnant house prices are sapping spending

Leith van Onselen
May 24, 2011 - 1:37PM
High levels of stock are affecting the market.
Your home as an ATM Photo: Glen Hunt GTH
Feedback loops are an important concept in finance and economics. In a nutshell, positive feedback loops are pro-cyclical in that they act to make an economy more volatile by accentuating booms and then busts.
By contrast, negative feedback loops are counter-cyclical in that they act to reduce volatility and make an economy more stable by mitigating boom/bust cycles.
Positive feedback loops come in various forms. With respect to the Australian housing market, there are two positive feedback loops that can dramatically impact the Australian economy via their effect on the level of credit growth, aggregate demand, and employment:
Australian home equity withdrawals
Australian home equity withdrawals
1.mortgage hypothecation – the process whereby increases (decreases) in home values result in decreases (increases) in bank capital adequacy requirements, leading to increases (decreases) in mortgage lending; and
2.wealth effect - the process of rising (falling) asset prices leading to rising (falling) consumer confidence, borrowing, household expenditure and employment.
The topic of mortgage hypothecation has been explained in detail elsewhere on MacroBusiness, and I will not expand on it further in this column.
New Zealand home equity withdrawals
New Zealand home equity withdrawals
Rather, I want to focus on the second point – the link between Australian home values and consumer confidence, borrowing, household expenditure and employment.
As I have argued before throughout the 2000s, when global credit conditions were benign, household debt levels and asset prices rose continually. These conditions made Australians feel richer (the "wealth effect"), spurring consumer confidence, spending and employment growth.
With house prices rising inexorably, Australians began using their homes as ATMs, withdrawing large amounts of their new found home equity…Much of this money was spent on consumption, thus further boosting incomes and employment.
UK home equity withdrawals
UK home equity withdrawals
However, the process of debt feeding asset prices feeding confidence, consumer spending and employment growth appears to have stalled now that house prices have flat-lined. Australians have, instead, begun reducing consumption and repaying debt…
The golden era for retailing that was 2000 to 2008 is now over and the age of frugality has begun.
Wealth effect loops
Recently, a number of reports have explained the "wealth effect" positive feedback loop in greater detail.
First, today's Australian Financial Review contains an interesting article entitled Falling house prices stifle shopping, which draws on research by Citigroup showing that changes in home values are a leading determinant of household consumption expenditure:
Retailers can blame the poor housing market for lacklustre consumer spending and should expect the weakness to continue…
Citigroup…found that changes in personal wealth, together with income and interest rates, play a big role in spending…
The largest determinant of household consumption is income… But changes in the value of household assets are a leading determinant too. Houses comprise about 60% of household assets…
A 10% increase in wealth translates to 1.7% growth in final consumption expenditure in the following quarter.
This means that when house prices go up, people spend more.
The problem for retailers has been that most peoples largest asset is their home, and property values have been falling, or have been at best flat in recent months.
Citigroup's findings are supported by recent experience in Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom (see charts showing home equity withdrawals), where the rapid rise in household net worth up until 2007, most of which was on the back of rising home values, led to households withdrawing large amounts of home equity between 2001 and 2008. Much of this borrowing was spent on consumption, which further boosted incomes and employment.
GFC and consumption
In all three countries, rising home values between 2002 and 2008 created a positive feedback loop whereby households borrowed against their homes to fund consumption expenditure.
However, as soon as the Global Financial Crisis hit, and housing prices corrected, households began reducing consumption and repaying debt, as evident by the increasing home equity injection.
Another recent report by Deutsche Bank also lends weight to the positive feedback loop created by rising (falling) asset values. The report argues that wealth and the terms of trade have been key determinants of household savings over the past 40 years, and sees these factors as being behind the recent rise in the household saving rate.
In regards to the "wealth effect"' discussed above, Deutsche provides data plotting the household savings rate against private sector wealth. Much of the decline in the household saving rate (the flip-side of which is increased borrowing) since the early 1980s can be attributed to a rapid increase in wealth over that period, much of which was due to rising home values. With the negative wealth shock seen during the GFC there's an associated increase in saving.
Once the positive feedback loop caused by rising (falling) home values is understood, it's easy to dismiss the common misconception that unemployment would need to rise before home values would fall. Rather, rising (falling) home prices tends to lead decreases (increases) in unemployment simply because of the wealth effects described above.
Put simply, as long as Australian housing values remain stagnant or falling, consumption expenditure, credit growth and job creation will remain subdued, even with Australia's terms of trade at 140-year highs.
Leith van Onselen writes daily as the Unconventional Economist at MacroBusiness (www.macrobusiness.com.au), Australia's economic superblog. He has held positions at the Australian Treasury, Victorian Treasury and currently works at a leading investment bank. This article was republished with permission.

Read more: http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/business/how-stagnant-house-prices-are-sapping-spending-20110524-1f1uf.html#ixzz1NJRY73vu

Which direction for term deposits?

John Collett
May 21, 2011
    Illustration: Rocco Fazzari.
    Illustration: Rocco Fazzari.
    Interest rate rises don't automatically translate to better deals on deposits, writes John Collett.
    As everyone knows, the big banks have been the big winners out of the global financial crisis. Not only are they writing nine out of 10 new mortgages but they dominate the term-deposit market as well.
    About 80 per cent of the $600 billion in term deposits is with the major banks. Yet, their term deposits pay between 0.5 percentage points and 0.7 percentage points less than the best rates in the market, says the managing director of term-deposit broker The Term Deposit Shop, Grant Goodier.
    Those wanting to secure good interest rates may have to act soon as term-deposit interest rates have come down slightly over the past couple of months.
    A spokesman for InfoChoice, Dirk Hofman, says the top rates for one-year to five-year term deposits have all dropped this year.
    Growth in lending for houses has dropped to its lowest level in 10 years because of last November's interest-rate increase and the big banks' top-up to their mortgage rates.
    In recent years, the banks have secured other sources of funding and are not as reliant on retail investors.
    Even though financial markets are expecting the official cash rate to rise by 0.25 percentage points once or twice this year, that does not mean the interest rates offered on term deposits will rise, Goodier says.
    ''In fact, the banks may use any increase in the cash rate to reduce the margin they pay for term borrowings from the retail market,'' he says.
    Canstar Cannex's tables of term deposits show Teachers Credit Union, with an ''effective'' interest rate of 6.8 per cent a year, is the best-paying three-year term deposit for $25,000. Interest is paid monthly. The next best is Victoria Teachers Credit Union, which has interest paid annually, and RaboDirect, with interest paid monthly, each with effective rates of 6.75 per cent.
    The effective rate is a better indicator than the nominal rate as the effective rate includes the frequency with which interest is paid. Two term deposits may have the same ''nominal'' rate but the term deposit with the highest frequency of interest payments has the highest actual, or effective, rate.
    Credit unions
    Some of the highest-paying term-deposit rates are offered by credit unions and building societies.
    Yet the share of the term-deposit market held by credit unions and building societies is only about 5 per cent.
    Credit unions and building societies are just as safe as banks. They are regulated to the same standards as the banks and are also covered by the government's retail deposit guarantee.
    The guarantee covers each investor for cash deposits of up to $1 million per institution, provided the institution is an ''authorised deposit-taking institution'' regulated by the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority.
    To help the non-banks compete with the banks, the government has said it will retain the guarantee after it is due to expire on October 12 this year. It is expected, though, that the government will lower the limit from $1 million.
    Those with very large amounts should spread it between institutions in case the limit is lowered, Goodier says. They could also spread the money between term deposits with differing maturity dates.
    ''Put the money into smaller parcels over different terms - some short-term, some medium-term and some long-term - that way, you have a hedge against changes in interest rates paid on term deposits and access to at least some of the money,'' he says.
    DIY term deposits
    Investors do not just have to accept the term offered by financial institutions on their term deposits.
    Banks will generally be flexible and the investor can specify their desired maturity date for term deposits, says a financial analyst at Canstar Cannex, Adam Beu.
    Perhaps an investor wants to settle on a house purchase and the settlement date is in three months and 10 days' time. Investors can ask for a term deposit that matures then.
    ING Direct, for example, has a calendar on its website where investors can put in the date they need to have their money returned - up to one year - and the interest rate is provided.
    ''A lot of the term-deposit market is negotiated,'' Beu says. ''Particularly for amounts of more than $100,000.
    ''Local bank branches also have manager specials from time to time, because the local bank branch has targets to hit.''
    Beware rollover rates — don't let inertia cost you dearly
    Investors may think there is no more simple investment than a term deposit. But in the race to secure the cash of small investors, financial institutions have been engaging in some slick and tricky practices.
    Last year, the Australian Securities and Investments Commission released the results of a survey of term deposits that showed many financial institutions engaged in "dual pricing", where new savers are paid a higher rate to put their money in a term deposit than existing investors, who roll over into a new term deposit of the same term.
    Dual pricing was found mostly in deposit terms of less than one year. The regulator warned investors not to allow themselves to be passively rolled over into lower-paying term deposits but to shop around.

    Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/money/saving/which-direction-for-term-deposits-20110520-1ewlq.html#ixzz1NJR3kxdS

    Sunday 22 May 2011

    Innovation key to Nestlé long-term growth

    Innovation key to Nestlé long-term growth
    Published: 2011/05/22

    Most Malaysians are familiar with MAGGI instant noodle, MILO ice and "NESCAFÉ tarik".

    Their popularity is such that they are available in most Indian Muslim restaurants and on the shelves of sundry shops and hypermarkets.

    It is not easy to maintain this position as the consumers’ tastes change and new products emerge, but MAGGI, MILO and NESCAFÉ are still popular and are the top products of Malaysia's leading food and beverage company, Nestlé.

    The company started in Malaysia in 1912 as the Anglo Swiss Condensed Milk Co in Penang, and over the years has continued to ensure that Malaysians go for its products.

    In an interview with Bernama, Nestlé Malaysia managing director, Peter R. Vogt, attributed this preference for Nestlé products to innovation and the fact that the company always understood what the locals wanted.

    "When you analyse our products, like NESCAFÉ instant coffee, there are about 100 different variants worldwide," he said, pointing out that this was because Nestlé understood that taste was different between one market and another.

    "You cannot sell the same products in different markets.

    "Customers’ needs continue to change. For this reason, every few years, Nestlé reviews and improves the taste of its products," he said.

    Vogt said innovation was the key strategy for Nestlé to achieve long-term profitable growth.

    He said the company managed to sustain its brand here as it emphasised on sustainable sourcing of raw materials, cleanliness and high quality in production in order to have the winning taste.

    On Nestle's innovation plans, he said: "We have different product categories like NESCAFÉ, MILO, MAGGI, yogurt drink and breakfast cereals and each has its own innovation plan. We have recently launched the new MILO Sejuk and NESTEA Iced Lemon Tea.”

    He said although Nestlé was already looking at the next five years and would continuously work on innovation plans to give its consumers the best.

    "Nestlé has spent a substantial amount on research and development (R&D) via its 29 R&D centres around the world.

    "Innovation is a continuous effort. At the moment, we have around 50 ongoing innovation projects in different areas and categories. For each category, we have different plans. So, it is an on-going process," he said.

    With its continuous innovation effort, Vogt said, the company was confident of sustaining its brand name in the market and remain profitable in the long term.

    Vogt said another important area to maintain its market position was nutrition.

    "People want to have good quality and nutritious food that tastes great," he said.

    He said Nestlé was upbeat on its performance for this year, projecting a positive trend for the company based on strong sales both domestic and overseas.

    It registered a higher pre-tax profit of RM191.1 million for the first quarter ended March 31, 2011, from the RM170.62 million in the same quarter last year. Revenue jumped 16.1 per cent to RM1.2 billion from the RM1.02 billion recorded previously.

    For 2010, Nestlé posted a turnover of RM4 billion, 7.5 per cent higher than the year before, while pre-tax profit stood at RM465.7 million, a 5.8 per cent increase versus the previous year, driven by positive developments in the local and global economies.

    "Based on the first-quarter performance, we are confident of achieving better growth driven by the positive economic development in the country with the spearheading of Economic Transformation Programme," he said.

    This, he said, would support the export activity in the country as well as for the company to achieve better growth. -- Bernama

    Read more: Innovation key to Nestlé long-term growth http://www.btimes.com.my/Current_News/BTIMES/articles/20110522131040/Article/index_html#ixzz1N5aiTukq

    Saturday 21 May 2011

    Dutch Lady eyes record year amid cost pressures

    Dutch Lady eyes record year amid cost pressures

    Written by Nadia S Hassan
    Friday, 20 May 2011 12:44

    KUALA LUMPUR: Dutch Lady Milk Industries Bhd is looking to sustain its current earnings momentum, but warns that the current high prices of raw materials globally will pile on the pressure.

    “For 2011, the outlook for the market is definitely promising. The dairy market as far as we can see has grown by around 10% year-on-year [y-o-y] during the first quarter, and there is a shift... toward more premium products. But we do have to remain cautious,” said managing director Bas van den Berg.

    According to Van den Berg, the company’s actual cost of raw materials such as sugar, oil and milk had increased by 29% since last year.

    “Skim milk powder, an important component for Dutch Lady, for example, was around US$2,000 (RM6,040) per tonne in 2009. Now we are expecting that the price could reach around US$3,500 per tonne this year,” he said.

    Last year, Dutch Lady reported its highest pre-tax profit in its history of RM90.1 million, 9.2% higher y-o-y. Its net profit for the period was RM63.9 million or 99.82 sen a share, 5.7% higher than the previous year when net profit came in at RM60.4 million.

    It should be noted that revenue for the period only grew by 3% to RM710.6 million compared with RM691.8 million for FY09 ended Dec 31.

    “This was achieved due to a mixture of us refocusing our business direction, keeping control of our costs and differentiating our portfolio. We will be keeping to this strategy for the coming year as well,” said Van den Berg.

    Dutch Lady Milk Industries Bhd chairman Datuk Zainal Abidin Putih (left) and Van den Berg show off the company's products at its AGM in Petaling Jaya.
    For the current financial year, he said that due to rising raw material costs, it would be inevitable that the prices of Dutch Lady’s products would go up.

    “We have already started with price increases for some of our growing up milk products and more will follow in June. We are mindful, however, of the impact on our customers so we are working to minimise the impact. The price increases will be around 5% to 6%,” he said.

    However, despite the cost pressures, Van den Berg said Dutch Lady is hoping to at least maintain the same level of dividend payout seen last year.

    Last year, the company paid out RM46.4 million or 72.5 sen a share comprising normal dividends and a special interim dividend. The payout was about 73% of FY10 net profit. For 1QFY11, it declared a gross interim dividend of 30 sen per share. The stock closed at RM17.84 yesterday.

    For 1QFY11, Dutch Lady saw its net profit increase to RM28.3 million from RM20.8 million reported in the previous corresponding period.

    Asked if the company saw any opportunities for mergers and acquisitions in line with what is happening globally among food companies, Van de Berg did not rule out the possibility.

    “Asia in general is an important region for us and one where [we] will continue to focus, so we do not exclude... acquisitions, not only in Malaysia but also in the region. However, there are no plans to do so at this time,” he said.

    It should be noted that Dutch Lady’s parent company, FrieslandCampina is also the result of the merger between Friesland Foods and Campina in 2007.

    Dutch Lady’s main divisions currently are powdered milk, liquid milk, yoghurt products and condensed milk.

    On the possibility that the company may eventually hive off any non-performing unit, Van den Berg offered no comment.

    “We do have a long-term business plan when it comes to our portfolio. However, if a division is not performing it will prompt us to take a look into that segment and maybe invest less,” he said.

    He also would not comment on Dutch Lady’s capital expenditure for the year, simply saying that the company would continue to invest in research for its portfolio and in its facilities.

    This article appeared in The Edge Financial Daily, May 20, 2011

    CIMB positive on proposed Latexx-YTY merger

    Written by Kamarul Azhar
    Friday, 20 May 2011 12:48

    KUALA LUMPUR: The proposed merger of YTY Industry Holdings Sdn Bhd’s wholly-owned subsidiaries with Latexx Partners Bhd is viewed as a positive surprise by analysts. It will create the largest nitrile glove player in the world and the third most profitable rubber glovemaker after Hartalega Corp Bhd and Top Glove Corp Bhd.

    According to a CIMB report yesterday, the merged entity would have a combined capacity of 16.2 billion gloves with an estimated 12.8 billion pieces of nitrile capacity, which is a commanding 36% market share. YTY has been focusing on nitrile gloves that make up almost 90% of its production mix.

    “We take a positive view of the merger as it could create the largest nitrile glove player in the world. The proposal values YTY at a historical price-earnings ratio of 11.3 times. Assuming FY12/13 earnings growth of 15% per year, in line with demand growth for nitrile gloves, YTY could be valued at a CY12 PER of 8.8 times, a slight premium over the sector’s 8.6 times,” said the report.

    Latexx told Bursa Malaysia on Wednesday that it had received a merger proposal from YTY to acquire the latter’s four wholly-owned subsidiaries for RM1.37 billion to be satisfied by RM409.5 million cash from Latexx and 382.2 million new Latexx shares of 50 sen par value at an issue price of RM2.50 per share.

    The offer will remain open for acceptance for 21 days.

    The proposal arrived just two days after the proposed buyout by Navis Asia VI Management Co Ltd for RM852 million fell through.

    CIMB said the proposed Latexx-YTY merger could create an entity that can match Hartalega based on profitability and valuation. Based on CIMB’s pro forma net profit forecast for Latexx of RM162.3 million for the last four quarters, the merged entity could have exceeded Top Glove’s profitability and narrow its valuation as a discount to Hartalega.

    “Both Latexx and YTY’s factories are located in Perak; Latexx in Kamunting and YTY in Sitiawan. Note that our pro forma net profit of RM162.3 million has not adjusted for potential cost and revenue synergies arising from the merger,” CIMB said, adding that cost savings of 10% could raise the merged company’s net profit to circa RM180 million.

    CIMB also expects the proposed merger to result in Latexx’s existing shareholders enjoying a 20.2% rise in the value of their shares, assuming their equity interest in Latexx is valued at 10.7 times forward PER.

    The research house maintained its “neutral” call on Latexx, and recommended a switch to Kossan Rubber Industries Bhd and Hartalega.

    This article appeared in The Edge Financial Daily, May 20, 2011.