Thursday 12 March 2009

Buffett Likes Banks

Buffett Likes Banks
By Alex Dumortier, CFA
March 11, 2009 Comments (3)

When Warren Buffett speaks, the market listens. On Monday, in a three-hour interview on CNBC, Buffett had some good things to say about the banking sector. That was all the fuel that was needed for some of the bank stocks to take off:

Daily Return (03/09/2009)

Bank of America (NYSE: BAC)
Wells Fargo (NYSE: WFC)
US Bancorp (NYSE: USB)
SunTrust Banks (NYSE: STI)

Some of the best gains were naturally reserved for stocks that Buffett owns on behalf of Berkshire Hathaway (NYSE: BRK-A) (NYSE: BRK-B): US Bancorp and Wells Fargo.
"Banking has never been better, in one sense." Spelling out the reasons for his cheery disposition toward the sector in straightforward terms, Buffett said:
The banks are getting their money very cheaply, deposits are coming in, spreads have never been wider, all the new business they're doing is terrific. They will earn their way out of it [in the] overwhelming number of cases.

He went on to give specifics concerning Wells Fargo:
I would expect $40 billion a year pre-provision income. And under normal conditions I would expect maybe 10 to $12 billion a year of losses … So, you know, you get to very interesting figures.
What could Wells earn a few years out? Those numbers are pretty close to the results that Wells put up last year (which don't include Wachovia), so I'm going to assume that Buffett was referring to Wells Fargo's earnings power without Wachovia.
Let's accept those numbers (using the upper bound for loan losses) and make the following assumptions:
Wachovia provides an incremental $3 billion in net income.
The merger achieves the announced $5 billion in cost savings.
Wells Fargo doesn't repay the government's $25 billion preferred share investment.
Under that scenario -- that of a normal operating environment -- I estimate that Wells Fargo could generate approximately $2.50 in earnings per share annually. Based on Monday's closing price of $9.97, that's equivalent to a price-to-earnings ratio of 4 -- pretty attractive!

Let's remember a couple of things, though: First, we aren't in a normal environment yet, and it's not clear how long it will take us to get there. Second, there is a reason that bank shares are trading at such depressed valuations. As Buffett pointed out:
"The only worry in that is the government will force you to sell shares at some terribly low price." He went on to admit that forced dilution isn't an idle concern -- it's something that he himself thinks about. Furthermore, even the Oracle has been bitten by banks in this crisis. In 2008, he purchased $244 million worth of shares in two Irish banks, leaving him with an 89% loss at year's end. He gave himself a stern self-assessment on that situation during the interview: "I did not do my homework sufficiently on that, and I was just dead wrong."

Nonetheless, Berkshire is Wells Fargo's largest shareholder -- the position dates back to the last banking crisis in the early 1990s. In other words, Buffett's been doing his homework on Wells Fargo for a long time, and his degree of confidence should be much higher. I have to go with Buffett on this one: Despite my concerns about the California lender, I think it looks like a good bet right now.

More Foolishness:
Are GE Shares Finally a Buy?
10 Dividend Stocks for the Next Decade and Beyond
The Worst News in 53 Years

Take a hint from Buffett's recent investments in preferred shares with fat yields: In this market, dividends -- those that are sustainable -- will be a big component of future shareholder returns.

Alex Dumortier, CFA has a beneficial interest in Wells Fargo and BB&T, but not in any of the other companies mentioned in this article. BB&T is a Motley Fool Income Investor pick. Berkshire Hathaway is a Motley Fool Inside Value and a Motley Fool Stock Advisor recommendation. The Fool owns shares of Berkshire Hathaway. US Bancorp is a former Motley Fool Income Investor pick.

3 Reasons Why Investors Will Panic Again

3 Reasons Why Investors Will Panic Again
By Dan Caplinger
March 11, 2009 Comments (1)

Few things beat the thrill of owning stocks on a day like Tuesday. Yet just as experienced long-term investors have kept the losses of the past year in perspective, so too should you not draw any major conclusions from yesterday's gains.
Sure, the major market benchmarks gained 5% or more on Tuesday. Those are healthy rises -- but if you look back, you'll see that the last time the S&P 500 closed this high was on Feb. 27, less than two weeks ago.

Unfortunately, there are plenty of reasons why we may not be out of the woods yet. Here are just a few.

1. Even in a rebound, for every two steps forward, there's a step back
Just as few bull markets feature stocks moving straight up without any hiccups along the way, bear markets don't always involve uninterrupted crashes. Most often, you'll see plenty of moves in both directions, with the overall trend only becoming clear after longer periods of time.
For instance, since the last bull market ended in October of 2007, we've had a number of significant bounces in the S&P:
From March to May 2008, the S&P rose from its March lows of slightly less than 1,275 to about 1,425.
After October 2008's lows around 850, the index bounced back to over 1,000 in just over a week.
Then later in November, the index plummeted to 750 before recovering to 935.
To put in that perspective, Tuesday's gains could easily be just the beginning of a more substantial up move -- and yet still constitute only a bounce in the ongoing bear market.

2. More bad news on the earnings front
Most analysts expect another round of terrible earnings reports from the first quarter of this year, which will get announced predominantly in April and May. For instance, look at these projections for some major U.S. companies:

Estimated 1st-Quarter EPS Growth,Year-Over-Year
Reduction in Estimate,Last 90 Days

Intel (Nasdaq: INTC)
Target (NYSE: TGT)
Mosaic (NYSE: MOS)
ConocoPhillips (NYSE: COP)
Wells Fargo (NYSE: WFC)
Deere (NYSE: DE)
J.C. Penney (NYSE: JCP)
Source: Yahoo! Finance. As of March 10.

Even if the economy has started to turn back from recession to recovery, it won't do so overnight. As massive as the amount of economic activity in the U.S. is, turning on a dime isn't a reasonable expectation.

3. Investors have to change their attitude
And expectations are what matters most right now. What the economy will actually do isn't all that important -- because everyone has a pretty good sense that the economy will be lousy for the foreseeable future. However, the sea change in the markets will come when investors start reacting differently to all the bad news.
Recently, uncertainty has dominated the markets.
With government intervention becoming a nearly everyday occurrence, investors haven't had any idea what to expect. The specter of nationalization put fear into shareholders of financial companies -- and since they are at the epicenter of the current crisis, they carry huge symbolic value even beyond the critical role they play in our economic system.
However, if investors start looking for news that supports a glass-half-full theory rather than sticking with the gloom and doom that has dominated over the past six months, the markets have plenty of room to run on the upside -- even before a real recovery takes hold.

How to prepare
So what's the right strategy for your investments now? What you should do hasn't changed since yesterday, or last month, or last year. Many of those who've carried on with their normal investing strategies have taken big losses, but they see those losses as temporary. Meanwhile, with money they've added to the market after its crash, they're picking up shares of the companies they want to own at prices they could never have imagined seeing before all this happened.
So, just as the market's drop didn't mean that the world was going to end, yesterday's rally certainly doesn't mean that we've hit bottom and the bear market is officially over. When it comes to the important investing decisions you need to make, however, none of that really matters -- so enjoy your gains, but don't think of them as anything but a bump in the road.

For more on investing in any market, read about:
Stocks for the next Great Depression.
Why Warren Buffett is buying stocks now.
You should buy the cheapest stocks around.

Fool contributor Dan Caplinger isn't panicking. He doesn't own shares of the companies mentioned in this article. Intel is a Motley Fool Inside Value recommendation. The Fool owns shares and covered calls of Intel.

Wednesday 11 March 2009

HSBC Stock Plunge Prompts Regulator Probe of Trade

HSBC Stock Plunge Prompts Regulator Probe of Trade (Update2)
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By Hanny Wan and Kelvin Wong
March 10 (Bloomberg) -- HSBC Holdings Plc’s 24 percent plunge in Hong Kong yesterday prompted a government probe and the stock exchange to consider bringing forward changes to end- of-day trading processes. The shares rallied 14 percent today.
The Securities and Futures Commission is investigating trades put through at yesterday’s close, Financial Secretary John Tsang told reporters today in comments broadcast by local television. Hong Kong Exchanges & Clearing Ltd. may accelerate the implementation of a 2 percent cap on stock fluctuations during so-called closing auction sessions, a spokesman said.
“Yesterday’s closing auction exposes the flaw in our stock trading system that allows these kinds of trades,” said Chim Pui-chung, a Hong Kong legislator who represents the financial services industry. “The SFC needs to take responsibility for this and to investigate immediately, and release their findings to let investors know what happened.”
The closing auction process, used by the exchange since May last year, has attracted criticism from lawmakers and investors who claim it distorts stock pricing. The session extends trading by 10 minutes from the original 4 p.m. local time close, during which buy and sell orders are matched by an auction trading mechanism.
Four days after the closing auction was introduced, eight stocks moved by more than 10 percent from the last traded price at 4 p.m., which Hong Kong Exchanges said was due to a rebalancing of MSCI Barra indexes.
‘Annoys The Market’
“It annoys the market and especially retail investors,” said Andrew Sullivan, a sales trader at Mainfirst Securities Hong Kong Ltd., referring to the stock fluctuations during the auctions.
The sessions are an international practice aimed at providing a “fair and market-driven method” to determine closing stock prices, the exchange said in October 2007 when it announced the new system.
Hong Kong Exchanges said March 5 that it planned to implement a 2 percent limit on the changes of stock prices within the auctions on June 22.
“Our plan hasn’t changed, but we can’t rule out the possibility of pushing the plan forward,” spokesman Henry Law said in an interview today. “It depends on how soon the market can upgrade its trading systems.”
All brokerages need to finish testing the parameters they set for the closing auction session before the exchange can go ahead with the new volatility cap, he said.
HSBC Shares Rally
The bourse said in November 2008 that the Tokyo Stock Exchange, Korea Exchange, Taiwan Stock Exchange, and Shenzhen Stock Exchange had price controls in their closing auction sessions, whereas the New York Stock Exchange, London Stock Exchange, and Australian Securities Exchange do not.
HSBC’s 24 percent tumble yesterday wasn’t the result of “panic selling, it was technical trades,” Sandy Flockhart, chief executive officer of the bank’s Asian business told reporters in Hong Kong today.
The stock, the second-largest constituent on the benchmark Hang Seng Index, fell more than 10 percent during the closing auction session, dragging the shares to the lowest since May 1995. The shares rallied 14 percent today to HK$37.60.
“HSBC is a very unique stock and it has an intricate relationship with Hong Kong people’s lives,” said legislator Chim. “When it fluctuates like yesterday it has a huge impact on people’s sentiment and wealth.”
To contact the reporters on this story: Hanny Wan in Hong Kong at; Kelvin Wong in Hong Kong at Last Updated: March 10, 2009 05:28 EDT

Australia Retail Sales Growth to Slump on Job Cuts, Access Says

Australia Retail Sales Growth to Slump on Job Cuts, Access Says
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By Jacob Greber

March 11 (Bloomberg) -- Australian retail sales growth will slump from the middle of this year as rising unemployment offsets the positive impact from government cash handouts to workers, research company Access Economics said.
Retail sales growth, adjusted to remove the effect of inflation, will slow to 0.2 percent in the 12 months through June 2010 from 0.8 percent in fiscal 2009, Access Director David Rumbens said in a report released in Canberra today.
Prime Minister Kevin Rudd’s government will this month begin distributing A$11 billion ($7 billion) in cash to families and workers to stoke household spending that accounts for more than half the economy. Gross domestic product unexpectedly shrank in the fourth quarter for the first time in eight years as consumers spent less at retailers including David Jones Ltd.
“Retailers face a tough road ahead,” Rumbens said. “The economic backdrop continues to get uglier, so these measures are only likely to result in real retail spending treading water in the first half of 2009.”
Access estimates the cash handouts will increase total consumer spending by A$500 million in the current quarter, and A$1.6 billion in the three months through June.
“The boost to consumer spending which will result, however, will be against a backdrop of a significant loss of labor income and further asset price falls in 2009,” the report said. “The real pain on profits and on jobs is just around the corner.”
Jobs advertised in newspapers and on the Internet tumbled by a record 10.4 percent in February and 39.8 percent from a year earlier, according to an Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Ltd. report released in Melbourne yesterday.

Jobless Rate
Employers probably cut 20,000 jobs last month and the unemployment rate rose to 5 percent from 4.8 percent in January, according to a Bloomberg survey of economists. Jobs figures will be released on March 12.
Access predicts the jobless rate will peak at around 7.5 percent in mid 2010.
“A retail recovery may have to wait until fiscal 2011,” Rumbens said. “And watch out for housing prices,” which fell 3.3 percent last year. “If they were to take a major tumble, then the outlook for retailers would be notably worse.”
Companies including BHP Billiton Ltd., the world’s biggest miner, and manufacturer Pacific Brands Ltd., are firing workers after the economy shrank 0.5 percent in the fourth quarter from the previous three months as exports slumped.
To boost sales at retailers such as David Jones, Australia’s second-biggest department store chain, the government distributed A$8.7 billion in cash grants to families and pensioners in December. Of that, about 25 percent was spent, Access said.

Retail Sales
Retail sales jumped 3.8 percent in December, the most in eight years, and advanced 0.2 percent in January, according Bureau of Statistics figures.
Without the government’s December cash boost, retail sales that month would probably have stalled, Rumbens said in today’s report. Households will probably spend around 25 percent of the next round of handouts and use the rest to pay off debt or increase savings, he said.
“The outlook for retail in 2009 will be directly affected by the amount of deleveraging that households decide is prudent, as they attempt to build a buffer against uncertainty,”
Rumbens said.
“This means that consumer caution -- paying down debt and saving more -- will compound the effects of lost labor income as the unemployment rate rises.”
Retailers will respond to weakening sales growth by firing workers, renegotiating property rents, cutting stock and working to maintain cash flow,
today’s report said.
To contact the reporter for this story: Jacob Greber in Sydney at Last Updated: March 10, 2009 09:01 EDT

Australia Dollar Gains to 1-Week High After U.S. Stocks Rally

Australia Dollar Gains to 1-Week High After U.S. Stocks Rally
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By Candice Zachariahs

March 11 (Bloomberg) -- The Australian dollar gained to the highest in a week as U.S. stocks posted their biggest rally this year, raising speculation investors will buy riskier assets. New Zealand’s dollar also advanced.
The currencies traded near the strongest in three days against the yen after Citigroup Inc. said it is having its best quarter since 2007. Gains in the currencies may be limited before a meeting tomorrow where New Zealand’s central bank is forecast to lower interest rates to a record low to boost an economy that’s entered its fifth quarter in recession.
“Lowered risk aversion concerns, driven by equity gains, delivered steady buying demand,” for the South Pacific nations’ currencies, wrote David Croy, a strategist at ANZ Investment Bank in Wellington. New Zealand’s currency was “dragged reluctantly higher off the back of a stronger Australian dollar.”
Australia’s currency rose 0.9 percent to 64.64 U.S. cents as of 8:56 a.m. in Sydney from 64.06 cents late in Asia yesterday. It earlier touched 64.88 cents, the most since March 5. The currency advanced 1.2 percent to 63.82 yen.
New Zealand’s dollar gained 1.2 percent to 50.44 U.S. cents from 49.83 cents in Asia yesterday. It bought 49.80 yen from 49.06 yen.

Stocks Rally
The currencies climbed as the Standard and Poor’s 500 Index jumped 6.4 percent, the most since Nov. 24. Citigroup Chief Executive officer Vikram Pandit said the bank had been profitable through the first two months of 2009.
Technical analysts at Citigroup recommended raising the exit point on their trading recommendation to buy the Australian dollar at 63.50 U.S. cents with an initial target of 68.50 U.S. cents and then 72.70 cents. Investors should place a stop at 63.30 cents to “limit downside exposure,” wrote New York-based Tom Fitzpatrick and London-based Shyam Devani, technical analysts at Citigroup, in a research note yesterday.
Recent “gains for the Australian dollar-U.S. dollar have been rather quick and are likely to be tested by short-term pullbacks in risk sentiment,” they wrote.
Gains in the Australian and New Zealand dollars may also be limited as New Zealand’s central bank will cut the official cash rate to at least 3 percent from 3.5 percent, according to 13 economists surveyed by Bloomberg. Seven analysts estimate Governor Alan Bollard will lower the rate by 50 basis points, three expect a reduction of 75 basis points and three predict a 100 basis-point cut. A basis point is 0.01 percentage point.
The number of people employed in Australia probably fell by 20,000 and the unemployment rate likely climbed to 5 percent in February, the highest since April 2006, according to separate surveys. The government will report the jobless figures tomorrow.
Benchmark interest rates are 3.25 percent in Australia and 3.5 percent in New Zealand, compared with 0.1 percent in Japan and as low as zero in the U.S., attracting investors to the South Pacific nations’ higher-yielding assets. The risk in such trades is that currency market moves will erase profits.
To contact the reporter on this story: Candice Zachariahs in Sydney at Last Updated: March 10, 2009 18:13 EDT

U.K., French Industrial Production Falls, Worsening Recession

U.K., French Industrial Production Falls, Worsening Recession
By Simon Kennedy and Brian Swint

March 10 (Bloomberg) -- Industrial production plunged in the U.K. and France in January, threatening to push Europe into a deeper recession.
U.K. factory output fell 2.9 percent from December and 6.4 percent in the three months through January, the most in at least four decades. French industrial production sank 3.1 percent on the month, five times the pace predicted by economists, and 13.8 percent from a year earlier.
Companies from IMI Plc to Valeo SA are being ravaged by the global economic crisis as demand slumps and credit remains tight. With the worst recession since World War II driving up unemployment, the European Central Bank and Bank of England are under mounting pressure to keep easing monetary policy.
“Manufacturing is being very hard hit and there’s little prospect of a turnaround,” said Collin Ellis, European economist at Daiwa Securities SMBC Europe Ltd. in London. “The data raises fresh questions about the severity of the European downturn.”
British manufacturing has now dropped for 11 months, the worst streak of contraction since 1980, when Margaret Thatcher was prime minister. Factory production accounts for about 15 percent of the economy, compared with about 75 percent for services and 6 percent for construction.
“This is unbelievably grim,” Alan Clarke, a London-based economist at BNP Paribas SA, said in an interview. “There’s no sign of the slowdown abating. The Bank of England will probably need to do more.”
Out of 13 categories of manufacturing, nine fell and four rose on the month, the statistics office said. Transport equipment, electrical, optical goods, and machinery and equipment led the declines. Production of motor vehicles and auto parts drove the slump in the transport category, the data showed.

Car Sales
European car production will probably fall 25 percent and sales are likely to drop 20 percent this year, the European Automobile Manufacturers Association said on March 5.
Separate reports today showed the French trade deficit swelled in January as the value of exports fell to the lowest in almost four years, while German shipments slid for the fourth straight month by declining 4.4 percent on the month.
“The pace of contraction remains extremely strong” in France, said Frederique Cerisier, an economist at BNP Paribas in Paris. The figures may prompt him to further downgrade his forecast that the economy will contract 2.3 percent this year.
To combat the slump, President Nicolas Sarkozy’s government is injecting funds into banks and helping them raise cash to lend to companies and households. In December, he introduced a 26 billion-euro ($33 billion) economic-stimulus package to spur construction.

U.K. Aid Package
U.K. Trade Minister Ian Pearson will set out how a 2.3 billion-pound ($3.2 billion) aid package for automakers will work and which companies will be eligible when he meets executives tomorrow. The government is considering separate help for General Motors Corp.’s Vauxhall unit.
The European Central Bank last week cut its benchmark to a record low of 1.5 percent, while its U.K. counterpart lowered its to a record 0.5 percent and took the unprecedented step of printing money to buy assets and replenish bank balance sheets.
IMI Plc, the world’s biggest maker of pneumatic controls, said last week it reduced its global workforce by 10 percent and plans further reductions in the coming weeks. Valeo SA, France’s second-largest auto-parts maker, has temporarily shuttered plants.
To contact the reporter on this story: Brian Swint in London at To contact the reporter on this story: Simon Kennedy in Paris at Last Updated: March 10, 2009 08:32 EDT

Pound Falls Against Euro as Housing Sales Slide to Record Low

Pound Falls Against Euro as Housing Sales Slide to Record Low
By Matthew Brown

March 10 (Bloomberg) -- The pound fell to its weakest in more than five weeks against the euro after Britain’s housing sales slipped to the lowest level since at least 1978 and manufacturing shrank the most in four decades.
The U.K. currency dropped for a third day versus the 16- nation currency as the Bank of England prepared to print money to buy assets as part of a quantitative easing policy. The average number of transactions in a survey of real-estate agents and surveyors fell to 9.5 per respondent in the quarter through February, the least since the data began three decades ago, the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors said today.
“Investors are saying we don’t like the banking situation in the U.K., the housing data was bad, and we’re nervous about the economy,” said Jeremy Stretch, a senior currency strategist in London at Rabobank International. “Quantitative easing is about to begin, and all these factors tell us to stand aside and wait until it gets cheaper.”
The pound weakened to 92.33 pence per euro by 5:20 p.m. in London, from 91.53 yesterday. It slipped to 92.48 pence earlier, the lowest level since Jan. 29. Against the dollar, the currency was little changed at $1.3784.
Factory production dropped 2.9 percent in January from December, the Office for National Statistics in London said. Economists in a Bloomberg survey predicted a 1.4 percent decline. Manufacturing shrank 6.4 percent in the three months through January, the most since records began in 1968.

Quantitative Easing
The Bank of England will seek to buy 2 billion pounds of gilts in an operation for its asset-purchase facility on March 11, it said last week. Policy makers said March 5 they will acquire as much as 150 billion pounds of government and corporate assets, the first central bank to adopt quantitative easing since the Bank of Japan in the 1990s.
“With the Bank of England taking far more aggressive steps than any other central bank, bar possibly the Federal Reserve, the pound remains vulnerable to the downside,” Derek Halpenny, the London-based European head of global currency research at Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ Ltd., wrote in a note today.
Policy makers cut the nation’s benchmark interest rate 4.5 percentage points to an all-time low of 0.5 percent since October as the economy headed for its worst recession since World War II. Gross domestic product contracted 1.5 percent in the fourth quarter, the most since 1980, a report on Feb. 25 showed.
The pound may still strengthen to 89 pence per euro in the next three months as the recession in the euro region economy deepens, Stretch said. For Merrill Lynch & Co., the euro’s gain against the pound may have gone to far.

Gilts Rise
“We will probably look to fade the move higher in the euro- pound if and when the short-term interest-rate spread-compression trend resumes,” wrote Steven Pearson, a London-based strategist at Merrill Lynch. “It is worth noting that with the Bank of England bank rate having likely reached its terminal level, pound-euro may now start to trade well during risk aversion.”
U.K. government bonds rose, with the yield on the 10-year gilt falling one basis point to 3.11 percent. The 4.5 percent security due March 2019 advanced 0.09, or 90 pence per 1,000- pound face amount, to 111.82. Two-year gilt yields slipped one basis point to 1.32 percent. Bond yields move inversely to prices.
The U.K. Treasury today sold 3 billion pounds of 4.5 percent bonds maturing in 2019. The sale received bids 2.06 times the amount offered, the Debt Management Office said, compared with an average 1.9 times at the last three auctions of the securities.

‘Carried Away’
“Investors are getting carried away with the euphoria surrounding quantitative easing,” said Ian Williams, chief executive officer of Charteris Portfolio Managers in London. “The Bank of England is a buyer of gilts, but the U.K. government is still a net seller of gilts. The compression in yields when the penny drops is going to be difficult to maintain, and the implications of quantitative easing are inflationary.”
The yield on the 10-year gilt may rise to 3.25 percent by the end of April, said Williams, whose U.K. government-bond fund beat all its competitors in January, according to data from Lipper and given to Bloomberg by Charteris.
Ten-year gilts may keep gaining, according to technical strategists at Barclays Plc.
“Bigger picture, the secular bull trend remains intact, particularly following the recent failure to overcome 3.82 percent-area support,” Barclays Capital analysts including Jordan Kotick in New York wrote in a report. The yield may move toward 2.70 percent “medium term,” they said.
To contact the reporter on this story: Matthew Brown in London at Last Updated: March 10, 2009 13:43 EDT

Dollar defies recipe for currency collapse

Dollar defies recipe for currency collapse
The US Federal Reserve is printing money. The US government is also spending wildly today so there won’t be a depression tomorrow. It sounds like a recipe for currency collapse. Yet the dollar keeps picking up. And the trend seems unlikely to change soon. What’s going on? Well, consider the competition.

By Ian Campbell,
Last Updated: 4:08PM GMT 10 Mar 2009

Start with the dollar’s predecessor as reserve currency – the pound. At $1.38, it is close to setting what would be 20-year lows against the dollar, less than a year after it set quarter-century highs.

Let us count the woes. The banks have big foreign liabilities, the deficit-ridden UK government has taken on most of the risk in the banking sector, and the Bank of England is going to add £75bn in fresh notes to the pool of sterling assets. Who wants them? Not foreign investors.

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The euro, Icarus-like last summer, also looks to be heading fast for the soil. Eurozone growth is bad. Its banks are in trouble. How to avoid an unfortunate roast of Greece, Ireland, Portugal and Spain is the question. But now add Belgium, Italy and Austria, whose banks are among the worst affected by eastern Europe’s implosion.

In Frankfurt, Jean-Claude Trichet, head of the European Central Bank is not in favour of easing. In Berlin, Chancellor Angela Merkel is not keen on bailing. The zone is sinking.

Just like Japanese exports – down by an annual 46pc in January. The yen’s rise last year was in part technical. Hedge funds advocated shorting Japan. Then it became time to drop those risky yen shorts and run for cover. But Japan’s fundamentals are now exposed and none too pretty. Recession is intense.

US fundamentals are dreadful, too. But policy-making could hardly be more activist. It is in essence a huge gamble on recovery. For now, the world would rather take that gamble and buy the multitude of treasuries the US government is issuing than contemplate anything else. The reserve currency will forge ahead. Unless the world starts to think the big US wager is going to be a losing one.

Tuesday 10 March 2009

Interest rate cut: what do I do with my money now?

Interest rate cut: what do I do with my money now?

With interest rates close to zero, savers could be forgiven for giving up, and putting their cash under the mattress.

By Harry Wallop, Consumer Affairs Editor
Last Updated: 9:23PM GMT 05 Mar 2009

Corporate bonds are becoming increasingly popular. These are a form of IOU issued by large companies. The important thing is not to store it under the bed

What's the point of letting £100,000 languish in an account for it to earn all of £290 in interest in a year. And that's before tax.

But savers really should not despair at the average savings rates cited by the Bank of England. Canny investors need to shop around, hunt for better than average, and think about alternative places for their cash than a standard deposit account.

For starters, there are some cash Individual Savings Accounts, that are offering well over 3 per cent, such as Marks & Spencer's 3.1 per cent, which savers can withdraw their money from at any time. The advantage with ISAs is that they are more or less tax free, though savers can only invest up £3,600 each year.

For those with more cash, and the discipline to deposit money regularly, they can enjoy an astonishingly good rate of 5.84 per cent from Barclays – more than tenfold the new Bank Rate. The down side is that you have to put in at least £20 every month but no more than £250.

Further afield from traditional banks, there are endless possibilities.

Corporate bonds are becoming increasingly popular. These are a form of IOU issued by large companies. (Take a look at Barclays corporate bond.)

They are not risk-free and tend to pay higher returns than deposits to compensate investors for a lower degree of security; for example, British American Tobacco bonds due to be redeemed in 2019 currently yield – or pay out the equivalent of an annual return – about 6.4 per cent, while Tesco bonds pay 5.5 per cent. And Tesco is still likely to still be around in 2019 to pay investors back.

Or you can always turn to the last refuge of the desperate: gold, which is proving a volatile, but impressive, performer during the financial crisis.

You can buy the stuff via gold exchange traded funds, which trade on the stock market like shares, or pop down to a bullion dealer and buy a bar or coin of the hard stuff.

The important thing is not to store your savings under the bed.

The only winner will be the local neighbourhood thief. And as the police have warned, they are on the increase – unlike interest rates.

Dividends: Which are safe and which may fall?

Dividends: Which are safe and which may fall?

The income from shares offers some protection against a bear market – unless it is cut. We asked the experts which companies looked safest.

By Richard Evans
Last Updated: 10:35AM GMT 07 Mar 2009

Share prices have been falling for months now but for many investors there has been one crumb of comfort: dividends.

After all, share prices can recover if you don’t sell – and hanging on can be relatively painless if the income from your investment is maintained or even increased.

But there have been some worrying developments for dividends recently. HSBC, the bank that seemed relatively unscathed by the financial crisis, was forced to cut its payout; now there are rumours that BP may have to freeze its dividend for the first time in years because of the falling oil price.

So we asked the experts which dividends they thought should be safe despite the turmoil – and which ones could be at risk.

Ian Lance, manager of the Schroder Income fund, said: "Despite all the concerns about the sustainability of dividend payments in the face of falling profits, we believe those invested in UK equities are still being well rewarded, particularly as yield is becoming increasingly difficult to find in many other areas of investment.

"The dividend yield on the highest yielding UK equities has risen to its highest point in around 20 years – even if you exclude financials. The dividend yield on non-financial stocks now exceeds the yield on 10-year government bonds."

As for concerns about how resilient these yields will be, Mr Lance said dividend levels were likely to fall across the UK market as a whole over the next couple of years, but he remained confident that a number of companies had sufficient dividend "cover"the degree to which the dividend is exceeded by earnings – to support their current payouts even if earnings fell.

Schroders believes that the most resilient and attractive dividend streams will be among the long-established, well-diversified "mega caps" and companies that declare dividends in US dollars, given that sterling’s weakness pushes up their value. "These include names such as GlaxoSmithKline, AstraZeneca, Royal Dutch Shell and Vodafone, which we bought some time ago when they were out of favour with other investors and consequently undervalued, and which we continue to hold today," said Mr Lance.

Jonathan Jackson, an equity analyst at Killik & Co, the stockbroker, is not convinced that BP's dividend is under threat; he expects it to be safe for at least this year and next. "My reading is that BP will let gearing [borrowing relative to equity] increase," he said. "Holding the dollar-denominated dividend means 23pc growth for British shareholders, resulting in a yield of 10pc."

He also backs Vodafone, which is yielding 6.5pc, pointing to its strong balance sheet and "fairly defensive" qualities. "Tobacco stocks such as BAT and Imperial Tobacco have stable cash flows throughout the cycle," he added.

Hugh Duff, an investment manager at Scottish Investment Trust, said that among his holdings were two companies likely to maintain, or possibly grow, their dividends: Serco and De La Rue.

"Serco is a leading international services company operating in a broad range of sectors, servicing both private and public markets. The long-term nature of Serco’s contracts and the significant order book give us confidence in the company’s defensive and highly visible earnings growth," he said.

"De La Rue is the world’s largest commercial security printer and literally has a licence to print money. The company's main operation is the production of 150 currencies on behalf of central banks. The demand for currency printing is expected to continue to show stable growth, with a key driver being the increasing use of cash machines which require notes to be in mint condition. De La Rue has a very good track record of returning the profits from this business to shareholders through special dividends and dividends."

Turning to companies seen as candidates for cutting their dividends, Mr Jackson singled out BT Group. "There are trading difficulties in the global services division and a pension fund gap," he said. A recent ruling from the pensions regulator that pensions should take priority over dividends made a cut more likely, he added.

"The consensus in the City is that the dividend could be halved but we don’t know the size of the pensions deficit. BT used to put £280m into the fund annually to reduce the gap, now it could need to put in twice that figure. The cost of the dividend is £1.2bn."

Mark Hall, a fund manager at Rensburg Sheppards, voiced concern about life insurers. He said: "The sector I am most concerned about now regarding dividend payments is the life assurers such as Legal & General and Aviva. They have big bond portfolios and are vulnerable to any further dislocation in the financial system putting even greater pressure on their solvency ratios.

"This contrasts with the general insurance companies and Lloyd's specialists such as Royal Sun Alliance and Amlin, where we think the dividend prospects are really quite good."

Monday 9 March 2009

10 ways to get a better return on your money

10 ways to get a better return on your money
Getting a decent return on your money can seem a daunting task. A year ago building society savers were earning 7pc on their money. Today, with the Bank Rate standing at a record low of 0.5pc, most accounts pay less than 1pc.

Last Updated: 10:17AM GMT 07 Mar 2009

10 ways to get a return on your money
Investors have also seen returns plummet, thanks to turbulent stock markets. Last week alone the FTSE100 index reached a six-year low, and most experts are predicting that share prices will remain volatile for the foreseeable future. In such markets investors could be forgiven for thinking they have more chance of making money on the 3.15 at Cheltenham or with a spin of the roulette wheel.

There is no doubt that savers and investors have to face up to a new reality: either accept lower returns on money (which may mean living on less income from savings or putting those early retirement plans on ice) or accept that you will have to take more risk.

As the following points show, whatever your risk profile there are steps all savers and investors can take to boost returns and make more money from your money.

1 Get the best cash deal you can
The best rates are reserved for those who can afford to lock their money up for a year, so invest what you can in a fixed-rate account. Current best deals include a two-year bond from Abbey paying 4.01pc (the minimum deposit is £30,000). Banks also tend to pay higher rates to those with online accounts. Make the most of "bonus" rates, but ensure you switch to a more competitive deal once the introductory rate expires.

2 Make sure all savings are tax-efficient
OK, so cash Isa rates are poor, but for the first time many banks are allowing savers to transfer existing Isas. So if your Isa rate has dropped to a dismal 0.5pc, look at switching providers. The best accounts to accept transfers are from Halifax at 3.3pc and NatWest – its e-Isa pays 3.25pc. For more savings rates click here.

3 Become a lender
Another option is Zopa, which dubs itself the "eBay of the banking world". Those with cash to spare lend to strangers and earn between 9pc and 10pc on their money, depending on the credit rating of borrowers. Rather than lend to one borrower, money is given to a number to reduce the risk of losing your capital. Zopa says default rates are low, but they could rise as the recession bites.

4 Switch to an offset mortgage
Savers might be getting next to nothing on their savings, but an offset mortgage can offer the equivalent of 5pc interest, as home owners are saving on mortgage interest charges. Most mortgages allow borrowers to overpay their mortgage, up to certain limits, so it makes sense to use surplus cash this way. Offset mortgage deals, however, are far more flexible – allowing money in savings and current accounts to offset the mortgage debt, reducing interest charges.

5 Invest in a corporate bond fund
Corporate debt is looking attractive, according to Jason Walker of AWD Chase de Vere, particularly compared with the returns available on government-issued gilts. But in a recession the risk of defaults increases, so tread carefully and avoid "junk" bonds. Most advisers recommend investors to stick with "investment grade" bonds, where income is lower but there is far less chance of the company going under, taking your money with it. Gavin Haynes of Whitechurch Securities said: "Capital appreciation can occur as interest rates fall; however, the reverse is also true: if rates rise then capital losses may well be sustained."

Funds recommended by advisers include M&G Corporate Bond, Invesco Perpetual Corporate Bond and Invesco Perpetual Sterling Bond.

6 Bet on equity markets without putting your capital at risk
Guaranteed Equity Bonds (Gebs) are fixed-term investments that pay a proportion of any stock market gains over the period. Typically they are linked to one or more stock market indices (for example, the FTSE100). If the index falls over the term you get your original investment back in full. The catch? Your money is locked up for this period and in most cases Gebs pay only a proportion of any stock market gain (and do not include dividend returns). There is also a risk that if the bank backing the guarantee goes under you could lose your money.

Nationwide has a six-year bond linked to the FTSE100, DJ EuroSTOXX 50 and S&P500. It will pay up to 70pc of the growth of the indices, subject to a maximum return of 40pc of the original investment.

7 Equity funds
Advisers say investors are looking again at equity income funds to boost returns. These funds aim to deliver a growing income stream and are primarily invested in blue-chip shares that have a record of paying dividends. At the moment it is possible to achieve a net yield of about 5pc to 5.5pc and favoured funds include Invesco Perpetual High Income, Newton Higher Income and Artemis Income. Other equity-based funds that have proven track records include Blackrock UK Absolute Alpha and Cazenove UK Growth & Income.

8 Buy recession-proof shares
Not all companies suffer in a downturn, so pick up those that are likely to profit in the gloom. Rosemary Banyard, who manages Schroders' UK Smaller Companies fund, says businesses such as pawnbroker Albemarle & Bond and Park Group, the Christmas savings scheme operator, are well placed to benefit from economic contraction. Health care companies such as Advanced Medical and Health care Locums are also well placed, as is Dignity, the funeral company.

For investors wanting dividend income, Schroders believes you should consider long-established, well-diversified "mega caps" and companies that declare dividends in US dollars, given sterling's weakness. It likes GlaxoSmithKline, AstraZeneca, Royal Dutch Shell and Vodafone.

9 Boost your pension
Transfer existing investments into a Sipp and the value of these holdings will be boosted by a further 40pc for higher-rate taxpayers. Or get a return of 12pc – here's how. A 75-year-old male who pays £2,880 into an immediate vesting pension will see £720 added by the Government, making a total pension pot of £3,600. The pension is then drawn immediately, at which point he gets £900 back as tax-free cash. An annuity is bought with the remaining £2,700, paying £218.30 a year – of which the first instalment is paid straight away. Based on a net outlay of £1,761.70 he'll get annual income of £218.30 for life, a return of 12pc.

10 Take a punt on markets falling further
If you don't see the stock market recovering in the short term, make money from falling share prices via an exchange traded fund (ETF).

This route is only for those willing to take on substantially more risk. One popular EFT has been the Bank Short ETF. This aims to deliver the exact inverse of the Dow Jones Bank index, which tracks the performance of the leading banking companies in western Europe.

As bank stocks have declined, this ETF has seen positive returns. (If banks' shares rise, the reverse will happen.) According to Deutsche Bank, which launched the ETF, the fund has risen by 184pc over the past year.

Stock market: opportunity of a lifetime or priced for a depression?

Stock market: opportunity of a lifetime or priced for a depression?
These are the two messages investors are hearing simultaneously these days: the first is: "Watch out! The recession is getting to look more like a depression. Safety first. Avoid shares and anything with the slightest risk."

By James Bartholomew
Last Updated: 1:27PM GMT 09 Mar 2009

The second is: "Shares are ridiculously cheap. This is the opportunity of a lifetime. Do you want to look back at this time and reflect that you funked it? Buy now!"

So investors are pulled one way and then the other. Let us not pretend it is easy. If possible, one wants to have one's cake and eat it – to finesse the problem by having exposure to shares but, at the same time, owning ones that might hold up even if things worsen.

The trouble is, lots of people are trying to do the same, so anything that looks pretty safe gets a much higher rating than companies that could get into trouble.

The safest ones are often in sectors where it will take a lot to destroy demand. People are always going to want to eat, and will probably want to drink, too. We are going for "the bare necessities of life".

Fortunately, the stock market is so low that, even among such safer companies, shares are clearly good value for the long term. It would be easy to make a little portfolio of relatively reliable companies with modest, but perhaps sustainable, dividend yields. It could include Associated British Foods at 622p on a prospective yield of 3.3pc, British Sky Broadcasting at 452p on a yield of 3.9pc and, say, Tesco at 310p on a yield of 3.7pc.

I prefer to go for smaller companies where I believe share prices are cheaper and potential gains bigger. I have been buying back into REA Holdings, which has a palm oil plantation. Palm oil is used, among other things, as a basic foodstuff.

I have also held onto my stake in Staffline, which provides "blue-collar" labour for a variety of industries, but especially food processing. Staffline produced its annual results this week and they were a perfect illustration of how results announcements have changed.

Press releases of results often start with "Highlights". Twelve months ago, companies shone light on their growth and expansion. "Highlights" were full of bold ambition. Now, the greatest boast a company can make is that it is safe and won't be closed. On Tuesday, Staffline announced its "gearing" – borrowing as a proportion of the shareholders' net assets – had fallen from 28pc to 24pc.

In the old days, companies were criticised if they borrowed so little. They were accused of "failing to make full use of their capital base". Now, low borrowing is absolutely the fashion (except for the Government).

Staffline went on to trill about how the cost of its interest payments had tumbled by a quarter and that these payments were covered a wonderful 10 times by profits. The message was "we have been prudent, we are safe and our bankers are happy". The shares rose 15pc.

Many people feel big companies are safer than such small ones and I don't blame anyone wanting to feel safe. But small companies, as a generality, are much cheaper than large ones at the moment. They also have greater scope for growth. And, after Royal Bank of Scotland, surely no one is confident that size guarantees safety.

I don't hold any particular torch for Staffline, but it is a good example of what I see among plenty of small companies. Its share price, as I write, is 27p, a mere 2.5 times the earnings per share last year. That is seriously cheap. Over the long term, a rating of at least four times that would be normal.

A broker forecasts that its profits will fall this year but only by a little. The historic dividend yield is terrific at just over 10pc. Yes, the dividend could be reduced next year but probably not by much.

It does seem like the opportunity of a lifetime and one might be tempted to fill one's boots with the shares of companies like this.

The only thing that holds me back is the echo of the other message: that the economy is sliding down so fast and unpredictably that one should keep at least some cash in reserve.

Saturday 7 March 2009

Why should printing money succeed here when it failed in Japan?

Why should printing money succeed here when it failed in Japan?
Posted By: Edmund Conway at Mar 5, 2009 at 20:13:00 [General]

Posted in: Business
Bank of England, Interest rates, Japan, quantitative easing

Why on earth will Britain succeed where Japan failed?

It is the big question which no-one in the Bank of England - or for that matter the Federal Reserve, or other central banks around the world that have pledged to embark on policies of overt money creation - is particularly comfortable answering.

There is nothing new about what the Bank has announced it will do. Japan tried very similar tactics around a decade ago after most of its other deflation-aversion tactics failed. As we all know, it failed to pull Japan out of the rut it still lies in (though the hyperinflationists among you may be reassured that neither did it spark a Weimar Germany style rise in prices).

So what have we got on our side that Japan hasn't?

Here are the big differences.
1. Time. Japanese policymakers took a good few years to get round to Quantitative Easing (let's call it QE from hereon). The old adage in monetary policy is that the sooner you act the more effect it will have, and the Bank definitely has this on its side, having reduced interest rates all the way down from 5pc to 0.5pc in barely more than a year, and now getting on with QE pretty much instantly. On the other hand, the size and immediacy of the economic slowdown we're facing is far greater.
2. Size. The Japanese (and for that matter the Americans) spent around 5pc of their GDP on QE, printing money to buy up assets. The Bank of England, on the other hand, has committed to spending just over 10pc of GDP. This is a hell of a lot of money. A terrifying amount. To put it into context, the total size of the 5 year to 25 year government bond market in the UK is around £250bn; the amount the Bank is proposing to spend on these government bonds through magicked-up money is around £100bn (the remaining £50bn will go on corporate bonds, the market for which is even smaller). Anyway, with QE, the bigger, so they say, is better.
3. Savings culture. Quantitative easing is designed to encourage people to save less and spend more. The Japanese, however, had a 15pc or more (I forget) savings ratio at the start of their recession. As a result they had a massive bed of savings to eat into (rather than borrowing) over the years. We have little or no savings ratio and a culture of high borrowing and spending. In the long run that needs to change, but it may mean the switch to frugality may be slightly less fast and aggressive than it was there.
4. Application. This is important but mildly technical. The Japanese may have pumped this newly-created money into the wrong bit of the financial system. They did a very similar thing to what the Bank is planning, printing money (electronically) and using it to buy up government debt. This will certainly mechanically increase the amount of cash floating around the system. It will also push down the yields on government debt, which should in turn reduce the cost of borrowing throughout the economy. However, this is only one half of the objective for QE. The other is to try to encourage companies and investors to get out there and spend more.

The Japanese tended to buy most of these assets off banks. Unfortunately, the banks then hoarded the cash, because their balance sheets had been so damaged by the financial crisis. The Bank, on the other hand, intends to buy most of the gilts off institutional investors - pension funds, insurers and the like. The theory - or hope - is that they will be less keen to hoard the cash and will spend it elsewhere.

This will, so the theory goes, set off a snowball effect whereby they buy extra stuff, which in turn encourages other sellers to go out and buy, and which eventually causes the economy to start growing again. So the £150bn that is poured into the economy eventually generates two or three or four times that in economic output and in money growth. We hope.

The problem, as you'll have guessed, is that although all of these arguments seem very rational, we have no idea whether they will work in practice. Sure, the Japanese made mistakes, but there could easily by another mistake we'll make. Likewise, even if we fulfil all the preconditions necessary, will this actually have the desired effect of bringing economic growth back up to trend? And if it does, how will we ensure we don't then generate a tidal wave of inflation which creates another dangerous bubble five years hence?

No-one knows, of course. All of which is why this new topsy-turvy world is so terrifying. However, the one counterfactual I am pretty sure about is this: for all that it is disturbing for savers now to see interest rates down at absolute zero, the economy would be in a far, far worse state if interest rates had been any higher over the past year. Then we truly would have been staring economic armageddon in the face.

In the meantime, we must try to get to grips with the remoulded economic and monetary landscape thrown up by quantitative easing. Many thanks for all your comments and questions in my last blog. Please keep them coming (either at the bottom here or by twitter) and I'll try to address them tomorrow and thereafter. I'm going home now to watch trashy television and briefly expunge words like quantitative easing from my brain.

Is This the Market Bottom?

Is This the Market Bottom?
By Ilan Moscovitz March 6, 2009 Comments (19)

The news isn't pretty: Earlier this week, the S&P 500 closed below 700 -- its lowest level since October 1996. Many former stalwarts are faring even worse: General Electric (NYSE: GE) hit an 18-year low yesterday. Bank of America (NYSE: BAC) hasn't traded at these levels in 25 years. Citigroup (NYSE: C) hit an all-time low of $0.97 at one point Thursday.

This hurts, there’s no doubt. And as we watch stocks fall to new lows day after day, it seems as if the market's slide will never end.

But while these sorts of apocalyptic figures make for exciting minute-by-minute updates on CNBC, they're not much use to you. They don't say anything about how stocks will behave in the future, which is what actually matters when you're deciding how to invest today. That's one reason investors always ask, "Is this the market bottom?"

Well, is it? Opinions vary. Nouriel Roubini, one of the few economists who predicted this crisis, wrote a January piece masterfully titled "The Latest Bear Market Sucker's Rally Is Losing Its Steam as an Onslaught of Awful Macro and Earnings News Takes Its Toll," in which he predicted the S&P could fall as low as 500 -- more than 25% below where it stands right now.

But last fall, in a New York Times op-ed piece, superinvestor Warren Buffett compared today's overwhelming pessimism to 1932, 1942, and the 1980s -- all fantastic times to buy stocks. Lately he's been adding shares of Burlington Northern (NYSE: BNI) and Ingersoll-Rand (NYSE: IR). Although Buffett doesn't try to time market bottoms, his urge to "be fearful when others are greedy, and be greedy when others are fearful" has helped him to make eerily prescient moves in the past.

When he says it's time to buy, it pays to listen.

One approach to answering the question My colleague Morgan Housel wrote an excellent piece examining historical market valuations. The one-sentence summary is as follows: When things get scary, investors frantically sell stocks down to incredibly low multiples.

Using historical data from Standard & Poor's, my research shows that the average of the lowest quarter-end price-to-earnings ratio (P/E) during all recessions since 1937 is 11.7. With the S&P trading at 11.9 times 2009 earnings, we've about hit that point.

However, looking at some of the lowest recession P/Es since 1937 also shows that if corporate earnings stay depressed, stocks could fall even further:

Lowest End-of-Quarter P/E

January 1980 - July 1980
November 1973 - March 1975
November 1948 - October 1949
Sources: National Bureau of Economic Research, Standard & Poor's, and Birinyi Associates. *Based on 2009 earnings estimates.

Applying these multiples to the S&P today means that the bottom could be anywhere between here and another 50% decline.

But what if the economy gets really bad?

Another Great Depression? With comparisons between the Great Depression and the Great Wipeout of 2008 growing ever louder, a simple worst-case approach is to look at how Depression investors fared.

According to the National Bureau of Economic Research, we're 14 months into this recession, and thus far, the S&P 500 index has lost 52%. Fourteen months into the Great Depression (January 1931), investors were down only 46%.

But while the stock market was hit harder in 2008, economic conditions were far uglier in 1930. Back then GDP had fallen 8.6%, unemployment reached 8.9%, and deflation was running 6%. Our 6.2% GDP decline, 8.1% unemployment rate, and likely deflation almost appear mild compared to 1930.

So relative to 1931, if stocks today have been hit harder on less-dire economic news, does that mean we've already seen the bottom?

Not necessarily.

Even though stocks had already fallen dramatically since the October 1929 market crash, investors who bought in January 1931 were down another 71% by May 1932. This goes to show how difficult it is to time market bottoms, and it demonstrates that even though stocks have fallen considerably, they could still fall even more.

That's actually not so bad … The good news is that it doesn't much matter whether you accurately time the bottom.

See, conventional wisdom holds that the Depression was a bad time to be an investor. Excitable market commentators like to cite the statistic that it took until 1954 -- 25 years! -- for the market to return to its 1929 levels.

That figure is true, but misleading. It assumes that investors put all of their money into stocks just before the market crash, stopped purchasing stocks thereafter, and never collected dividends.

Remember, we're now 14 months into this recession -- not at its starting point. So for the sake of symmetry, let's ask how long it actually took new money invested 14 months into the Depression (January 1931) to break even. According to number-crunching I've done using rare Ibbotson Associates data, the answer is less than five years. And an investor who continued to purchase stocks on a monthly basis would have broken even in little more than two years.

Take a look at how investors who bought stocks in 1931 fared after completely missing the bottom during the worst economic period of the 20th century:

T-Bill Investment
Stock Investment

Through Depression (June 1938)
Through October 1954
Sources: Ibbotson Associates, National Bureau of Economic Research, and author's calculations.
According to NBER, the second 1930s recession ended in June 1938. Assumes reinvested dividends.

The Foolish bottom line So, then, how can we use this data? There are three applications for investing today:
1. It's very difficult to time the market bottom. Just because stocks have fallen and valuations are low, does not mean they can't fall further. So if you're going to need the money in the next five years, there are safer places for it than stocks.
2. Market timing isn't necessary to achieve great returns. The Depression was a terrible time to be a speculator. But long-term investors who continued buying stocks did just fine.
3. Stick to a proven stock-buying strategy. As I mentioned before, Warren Buffett built his more than $50 billion fortune in large part by purchasing stable businesses in strong competitive positions -- at discount prices. That's what led him to American Express (NYSE: AXP) in the 1960s, Washington Post in the early 1970s, and Coca-Cola (NYSE: KO) soon after the Black Monday 1987 crash. He didn't try to time markets; he just bought stocks when they were cheap.
And he says they're cheap again today.

If Buffett's investing approach makes sense to you, now's a great time to begin bargain-hunting.

Ilan Moscovitz is greedy with chocolate cake and fearful of heights. He doesn't own shares of any companies mentioned in this article. The Motley Fool owns shares of American Express. Coca-Cola and American Express are Inside Value recommendations. The Fool's disclosure policy is overly aphoristic.
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